English Syllabus

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Core Course I


Code Contact Hrs/week Credit Semester
AFEN1B01T 6 4 1
 To develop confidence to respond in English during situation where the use of
English is imperative
 To develop fluency in actual conversation in the English language.
 To develop the speech skills necessary for confident and intelligent participation in
group discussion and to make formal, perhaps extempore speeches in English.
 To develop the skills related to teamwork and to take up team leader roles in society
as well as in future workplace.
On completion of the course:
The students should have better speaking and listening skills. They shall be intelligible in
their own
speech and shall have acquired the listening skills to comprehend and adequately respond to
English spoken in different parts of the world.
Course Outline
Module I: Communication- theory
Communication- Brief History of Human Communication-Meaning- Importance and
ProcessCharacteristics of Communication-Objectives –Types of Communication-Verbal &
Communication- Models of Communication and Modelling: Linear Model & Transactional
ModelCommunication Competence.
Books for reference
Thomson, Neil. Communication and Language: A Handbook of Theory and Practice.
Macmillan, 2003 (PP 1-34)
Steinberg‘s. Introduction to Communication Course book I. New Delhi: Juta
Module II: Situational Conversation Practice
(Written Assignments should be given from this module)
Core Texts
Taylor,Grant. Situational Conversational Practise. New Delhi: Tata Macgraw Hill, 1975.
K.S, Annie Pothan & Sumitha Joy. Communication Skills English Conversation Practice: A
Guide to Improve Conversation Skills. New Delhi: Sterling Publishers 2006.
 Organizing Activities in the Class as a planned programme involving students in
anchoring, event management etc. Team leaders and teams to be allotted specific duties in
each activity as a full fledged programme with proper compering, a welcome speech, vote of
Module III: Communication for Specific Purposes (Formal)
Specific Activities
1. Seminar
a) Pair presentation.
b) Single presentation.
c) Question answer sessions- feed back after each seminar. (Duration- 5 minutes)
2. Read aloud sessions
a) Mock TV news Reading.
b) Recitation of a poem/ Introducing a writer/ Reading a story or article with expression.
c) Enacting of different scenes from any of the Shakespearean Plays
d) Preparing and presenting short skits of social relevance.
3. Delivery of Formal prepared Speech
a) Extempore
b) Debates
Module IV: Developing Discussion Skills
Specific Activities
1. Peer Teaching
2. Mock Press Conference (Mock Interview with one student as a famous personality, being
interviewed by the whole class as members of the press
3. Group Discussion- Theory and Practice (Controlled, guided, free)
4. Cookery Demonstration/ Sports Commentary
(The reports and feedback on each activity and duty performed in module III & IV,

Writing Skills
a) Business Letters and Resumes: Importance- Elements- Lay out- Elements of
Style-Types of Business Letters- Resume Preparation
b) Business Reports: Definition-Salient features- Significance- Types- Preparation
and Planning- Data Collection- Analyzing and organizing the data- Preparing an
outline-Structure of Formal Reports- Style of Reports- Preparing a checklistsample reports
c) Technical Proposal: Purpose- Importance- Types- Structure Code Contact
Hrs/week Credit Semester
d) E-mail writing: Introduction- Reasons for popularity- Common pitfalls- Guiding
principles for Composition- maintaining Common Etiquette
e) Maintaining diary – using memmery aids – using and asking for testimonials and
Module IV
Other Business writings: Itinerary writing- Inter-office Memorandum(Memo)-
Circulars- notice, Agenda and Minutes- Advertising ii) Editing and proofreading:
significance- Advantages- Steps involved in the Editing process- Proof reading a
documentStandard proofreading symbols iii) Art of condensation: Precis, summary
4. Reading List
Core Text
1. Kumar, Sanjay & Latha, Pushpa. Communication S
2. 4. Reading List
3. Core Text
4. 1. Kumar, Sanjay & Latha, Pushpa. Communication Skills. New Delhi: OUP, 2011
5. 2. Blundel, C.A & Middle Miss. NMG. Career: English for Business and Commercial
6. World. New York: OUP, 2009
7. 3. RC, Bhatia. Business Communication. New Delhi: ANE Books, 2008
8. 4. KK, Lakshmi & KK, Ramachandran. Business Communcation. New Delhi: Mac
Millian, 2007
9. 5. Robins MH & Vidya S. Communicative Competence in Business English. New
Delhi: Orient
10. Longman, 2007
11. 6. Kitty O Locker & Stephen Kyo. Business Communication- Building Critical Skills.
New York:
12. McGraw Hill, 2001
13. 7. Sweeny, Simon. Communicating in Business. New Delhi: CUP, 2004

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