College of Human Kinetics: Cagayan State University
College of Human Kinetics: Cagayan State University
College of Human Kinetics: Cagayan State University
In addition to the proven principles of training there are a number
of popular misconceptions concerning training. These oft-quoted
sayings are not true and have no basis in medical or scientific research
Learning objectives
At the end of the lesson the student must be able to:
1. Understand causes of soreness
2. Learn the CO2 and O2 relevant
3. Discomfort in atletes
1. No pain no gain
The phrase “go for burn” is often heard among bodybuilders who
do numerous repetitions and sets to build, shape, and define
muscles. The burn they describe is likely due to the increased
acidity associated with elevated levels of lactic acid in the muscle.
While the sensation isn’t dangerous. It isn’t a necessary part of
strength program designed to improve performance in sport
2| P r e p a r e d b y : P r o f . J a y - R B . B a y a n i & P r o f . D a n i e l T .
Fa c u l t y , College of Human Kinetics, CSU-Carig
Republic of the Philippines
Cagayan State University
This fallacy has been around for years, even though it lacks any basis in
fact. Although it is true that lactic acid id often produced in contractions
that result in soreness, the lactic acid isn’t the direct cause of the
soreness, why not? lactic acid is cleared from muscle and blood within an
hour of the cessation of exercise, while soreness peaks 24 to 48 hours
after the effort-long after the lactic acid is removed or metabolized.
3| P r e p a r e d b y : P r o f . J a y - R B . B a y a n i & P r o f . D a n i e l T .
Fa c u l t y , College of Human Kinetics, CSU-Carig
Republic of the Philippines
Cagayan State University
Does muscle tirn to fat when an atlete stops training? Muscle and fat are
highly specialized tissues, and each has a specific function. Muscle fibers
are composed of long, thin strands of contractile protein that are
designed to exert force. Training increases the size of muscle fibers
(hypertrophy), and detraining reduces their size. Whne training is halted
some fat can be deposited among fibers id energy intake exceeds energy
expenditure; but long thin muscle fibers do not change into fat cells. Fat
cells are spherical blobs designed to store fat. They grow in size when
you store fat cells could never take on the contractile duties of muscle
Intramuscular fat
Run too fast for your level of training and you will experience the
sensation of running out of wind, or air. The sensation comes from lungs
4| P r e p a r e d b y : P r o f . J a y - R B . B a y a n i & P r o f . D a n i e l T .
Fa c u l t y , College of Human Kinetics, CSU-Carig
Republic of the Philippines
Cagayan State University
Become familiar with the sensation and what it means; ignore it during a
race and you will soon become exhausted. We will tell you how to use
respiratory and other sensations to gauge your effort and avoid
Enrichment activities
Name: ______________________________________________ Date: _______________
1. Readiness
2. Potential
3. Individual response
4. Adaptation
5. Overload
6. Progression
7. Periodization
8. Variation
9. Specificity
10. Regression
11. Moderation
a. Measurable changes taking place over time when
one follows a sensible training program.
5| P r e p a r e d b y : P r o f . J a y - R B . B a y a n i & P r o f . D a n i e l T .
Fa c u l t y , College of Human Kinetics, CSU-Carig
Republic of the Philippines
Cagayan State University
Determine if the following statements are true or false and circle the
correct answer.
12. T/F If you are not feeling pain during training, then you
are not making any physiological gains
13. T/F You must break down muscle in order to improve
14. T/F Muscle can turn into fat when you stop working out,
and fat can turn into muscle when you start.
15. T/F Lactic acid is not the direct cause of muscle
16. T/F The legendary tale of Milo of Crete is probably true.
6| P r e p a r e d b y : P r o f . J a y - R B . B a y a n i & P r o f . D a n i e l T .
Fa c u l t y , College of Human Kinetics, CSU-Carig
Republic of the Philippines
Cagayan State University
Self-Assessment Question
Essay: read the questions and put the answer in space provided
1. Describe how you would include the concept of taper into planning
for a team sport, such as soccer or basketball.
7| P r e p a r e d b y : P r o f . J a y - R B . B a y a n i & P r o f . D a n i e l T .
Fa c u l t y , College of Human Kinetics, CSU-Carig
Republic of the Philippines
Cagayan State University
9| P r e p a r e d b y : P r o f . J a y - R B . B a y a n i & P r o f . D a n i e l T .
Fa c u l t y , College of Human Kinetics, CSU-Carig