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College of Human Kinetics: Cagayan State University

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Republic of the Philippines

Cagayan State University



Lesson 6- Ethics and deviance in sport
Sport and physical activity can be affected by poor sportsmanship and
ethics. Unethical behaviour includes the use of performance enhancing
Learning objectives
At the end of the lesson the student must be able to:

1. To understand the methods of doping in sport and why

athletes use performance enhancing drugs.

2. To evaluate the consequences and implications for drug


3. To assess the use of legal and illegal substances in sport.

4. To describe strategies that may prevent the use of illegal


5. To understand the causes, implications and strategies to

prevent violence and gambling in sport.

Behaviour that differs from the norms/values of a sport
Usually driven by a ‘win at all costs’ attitude = typically seen in high
level sport
Physical force with the intention of harming an individual, group or
Gambling in sport:
(match fixing and illegal betting)
Fixture or competition played to a pre-determined result
Drugs and doping:
Substances used to improve/change human performance

1| P r e p a r e d b y : P r o f . J a y - R B . B a y a n i & P r o f . D a n i e l T .
Fa c u l t y , College of Human Kinetics, CSU-Carig
Republic of the Philippines
Cagayan State University


Drugs and doping…
Banned list (illegal drugs in sport) is decided by WADA
(World Anti-doping Agency)
Not all drugs on the banned list in sport, are illegal drugs
PEDs/banned substances in sport
• hGH (human growth hormone) -
increases bone, muscle and cartilage growth. Occurs naturally in the
body. Improved power and strength.
• Anabolic steroids -
forms of testosterone, which stimulates muscle growth and increased
aggression. Therefore, alongside training, it can increase muscle mass.
Also increases recovery and repair. Generally used for power, but can
be used by any athlete to aid recovery.
• Beta Blockers -
control the heart rate, and therefore act to calm nerves and steady the
heart beat. Used in sports where fine motor skills are required, an in
particular a steady hand for successful performance.
• EPO (erythropoietin) -
occurs naturally in the body and is the hormone controlling red blood
cell production. Therefore, taking a synthetic version of this hormone
stimulates production of new red blood cells and therefore O2 carrying
capacity. Improved endurance.
• Blood Doping - removing blood from the body temporarily which is
held in storage to stimulate new blood cell creation. This is then re-
transfused before the sporting event which will increase red blood
cell count = increased O2 carrying capacity. Improved endurance.
• Diuretics - rapid weight loss by increasing the amount of water
expelled from the body through urine. Also can be used as a
masking agent to help either flush illegal drugs out the system or
dilute them before drug testing.

Legal supplements in sport?

• Creatine - improves recovery of ATP/PC energy system
• Caffeine - help athletes train harder and longer. Clearer thinking
and greater concentration

2| P r e p a r e d b y : P r o f . J a y - R B . B a y a n i & P r o f . D a n i e l T .
Fa c u l t y , College of Human Kinetics, CSU-Carig
Republic of the Philippines
Cagayan State University


• Bicarbonate (soda loading) - may help to buffer the effects of
lactic acid
• Carbohydrate replenishment - aid energy replenishment
(powders/gels, sports drinks energy bars, carb loading)
• Glucosamine - maintaining cartilage
• Recovery formulas i.e. protein shakes - speeds up recovery and/or
make it more effective i.e. muscle growth

Using the case studies, What are the reasons for Illegal Drug
Use in Sport?

Physiological reasons
- Improve performance by altering the body physically
i.e. anabolic steroids for increased strength.
Psychological reasons
- Improve performance through altering brain function
i.e. anabolic steroids for increased aggression etc.
Social reasons
- Pressure to win from coaches, peers, country, politics and media
- Belief everyone else is doing it
- Belief they will not get caught (ahead of drug testing)
- Win at all costs attitude; particularly for fame and fortune/keep
- State sponsored programmes
Consequences of Drug Use on
Consequences on Performer?
• Improved performance: therefore increases the chance of
winning, and gives them an unfair advantage
• Physiological Health: health problems, addiction and lowered life
expectancy/death i.e. liver disorders, heart problems, sexual
problems etc.
• Psychological Health: mental health issues i.e. Mood swings,
behaviour problems, increased aggression, depression
• Punishment: Law breaking of the legal system and/or sport, and
consequently athlete may be banned, fined, loose medals/titles
• Reputation: ruined career and reputation

Consequences on Sport?

• Values: challenges the concept of fair play in sport

3| P r e p a r e d b y : P r o f . J a y - R B . B a y a n i & P r o f . D a n i e l T .
Fa c u l t y , College of Human Kinetics, CSU-Carig
Republic of the Philippines
Cagayan State University


• Sponsors: loss of sponsors for ‘tainted’ sport because of the bad

• Lowered participation: because of the negative image

surrounding the sport, people choose not to participate/ not let
children participate in it

• Lowered public support: because of the negative image

surrounding the sport, people choose not to spectate and put their
money into that sport

• False Records/Results: because the drugs give an unfair

advantage to a performer, and are not always caught.

Consequences on Society?

• Negative role models: negative effect on society, particularly the

value of healthy lifestyles

• Reflection of society: shows society as ‘win at all costs’ or that

sport is a reflection of a corrupt society with unethical citizens

• Implement ban: society may have to make rules to ban all

athletes using drugs

• Legalise/accept drugs: or, society may possibly accept their

athletes as drug takers and make it legal

• Drug Testing: enable more effective drug testing processes to be

developed in response to new drugs being created

Strategies to stop illegal drug use in sport?

1. Stricter punishments: life bans, loss of prize money/sponsorship,

loss of medals.

2. Improved testing: stricter, random, more regular testing, out of

season testing.

4| P r e p a r e d b y : P r o f . J a y - R B . B a y a n i & P r o f . D a n i e l T .
Fa c u l t y , College of Human Kinetics, CSU-Carig
Republic of the Philippines
Cagayan State University


3. Education: of coaches and performers, particularly on the health
dangers and legal issues.

4. Legalisation of drugs.

5. Research and increased funding: on newer drug detection


6. Use of role models: to encourage drugs free sport, ‘name and

shame’ cheats.

Enrichment activities
Name:______________________________________________Date: _____________
Year and section: _______________________________ Score: ______________
Identification/enumeration: provide what is asked.

1. __________ improves recovery of ATP/PC energy system

2. __________ help athletes train harder and longer. Clearer thinking

and greater concentration

3. __________ may help to buffer the effects of lactic acid

4. __________ aid energy replenishment (powders/gels, sports drinks

energy bars, carb loading)

5. __________ maintaining cartilage

6. __________ i.e. protein shakes - speeds up recovery and/or make it

more effective i.e. muscle growth

7. __________ removing blood from the body temporarily which is held

in storage to stimulate new blood cell creation.

8. __________ rapid weight loss by increasing the amount of water

expelled from the body through urine.

9. __________ forms of testosterone, which stimulates muscle growth

and increased aggression.

5| P r e p a r e d b y : P r o f . J a y - R B . B a y a n i & P r o f . D a n i e l T .
Fa c u l t y , College of Human Kinetics, CSU-Carig
Republic of the Philippines
Cagayan State University


10. __________ control the heart rate, and therefore act to calm
nerves and steady the heart beat.

Strategies to stop illegal drug use in sport?

11. __________

12. __________

13. __________

14. __________

15. __________

16. __________

Self-Assessment Question
a. Enumerate the different drugs under category

 hGH (human growth hormone)

 Anabolic steroids
 Beta Blockers
 EPO (erythropoietin)
 Blood Doping
 Diuretics
b. Provide the toxic dose of the different drugs involve in category.

c. Why WADA prohibited the use of this drugs?


6| P r e p a r e d b y : P r o f . J a y - R B . B a y a n i & P r o f . D a n i e l T .
Fa c u l t y , College of Human Kinetics, CSU-Carig
Republic of the Philippines
Cagayan State University



d. Define and explain LD50. Why is it important in taking a drug?


Note: Enrichment activity and self assessment question, Follow this

outline write the questions and answer in a short bond paper write
eligibly deduction in score if not. Take a clear photo of it and submit it
to me!


Zbigniew Dziubiński,(2009). Deviant Behaviour in Competitive Sport,

Jozef Pilsudski University of Physical Education in Warsaw, Poland.


7| P r e p a r e d b y : P r o f . J a y - R B . B a y a n i & P r o f . D a n i e l T .
Fa c u l t y , College of Human Kinetics, CSU-Carig
Republic of the Philippines
Cagayan State University


8| P r e p a r e d b y : P r o f . J a y - R B . B a y a n i & P r o f . D a n i e l T .
Fa c u l t y , College of Human Kinetics, CSU-Carig

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