College of Human Kinetics: Cagayan State University
College of Human Kinetics: Cagayan State University
College of Human Kinetics: Cagayan State University
Behaviour that differs from the norms/values of a sport
Usually driven by a ‘win at all costs’ attitude = typically seen in high
level sport
Physical force with the intention of harming an individual, group or
Gambling in sport:
(match fixing and illegal betting)
Fixture or competition played to a pre-determined result
Drugs and doping:
Substances used to improve/change human performance
1| P r e p a r e d b y : P r o f . J a y - R B . B a y a n i & P r o f . D a n i e l T .
Fa c u l t y , College of Human Kinetics, CSU-Carig
Republic of the Philippines
Cagayan State University
2| P r e p a r e d b y : P r o f . J a y - R B . B a y a n i & P r o f . D a n i e l T .
Fa c u l t y , College of Human Kinetics, CSU-Carig
Republic of the Philippines
Cagayan State University
Using the case studies, What are the reasons for Illegal Drug
Use in Sport?
Physiological reasons
- Improve performance by altering the body physically
i.e. anabolic steroids for increased strength.
Psychological reasons
- Improve performance through altering brain function
i.e. anabolic steroids for increased aggression etc.
Social reasons
- Pressure to win from coaches, peers, country, politics and media
- Belief everyone else is doing it
- Belief they will not get caught (ahead of drug testing)
- Win at all costs attitude; particularly for fame and fortune/keep
- State sponsored programmes
Consequences of Drug Use on
Consequences on Performer?
• Improved performance: therefore increases the chance of
winning, and gives them an unfair advantage
• Physiological Health: health problems, addiction and lowered life
expectancy/death i.e. liver disorders, heart problems, sexual
problems etc.
• Psychological Health: mental health issues i.e. Mood swings,
behaviour problems, increased aggression, depression
• Punishment: Law breaking of the legal system and/or sport, and
consequently athlete may be banned, fined, loose medals/titles
• Reputation: ruined career and reputation
Consequences on Sport?
3| P r e p a r e d b y : P r o f . J a y - R B . B a y a n i & P r o f . D a n i e l T .
Fa c u l t y , College of Human Kinetics, CSU-Carig
Republic of the Philippines
Cagayan State University
Consequences on Society?
4| P r e p a r e d b y : P r o f . J a y - R B . B a y a n i & P r o f . D a n i e l T .
Fa c u l t y , College of Human Kinetics, CSU-Carig
Republic of the Philippines
Cagayan State University
4. Legalisation of drugs.
Enrichment activities
Name:______________________________________________Date: _____________
Year and section: _______________________________ Score: ______________
Identification/enumeration: provide what is asked.
5| P r e p a r e d b y : P r o f . J a y - R B . B a y a n i & P r o f . D a n i e l T .
Fa c u l t y , College of Human Kinetics, CSU-Carig
Republic of the Philippines
Cagayan State University
11. __________
12. __________
13. __________
14. __________
15. __________
16. __________
Self-Assessment Question
a. Enumerate the different drugs under category
6| P r e p a r e d b y : P r o f . J a y - R B . B a y a n i & P r o f . D a n i e l T .
Fa c u l t y , College of Human Kinetics, CSU-Carig
Republic of the Philippines
Cagayan State University
7| P r e p a r e d b y : P r o f . J a y - R B . B a y a n i & P r o f . D a n i e l T .
Fa c u l t y , College of Human Kinetics, CSU-Carig
Republic of the Philippines
Cagayan State University
8| P r e p a r e d b y : P r o f . J a y - R B . B a y a n i & P r o f . D a n i e l T .
Fa c u l t y , College of Human Kinetics, CSU-Carig