YEAR 11 Ethical and Sociocultural Influences
YEAR 11 Ethical and Sociocultural Influences
YEAR 11 Ethical and Sociocultural Influences
of the Cardiorespiratory
Unit 1, Area of Study 2, Outcome 2
Study Design Key Knowledge and Key
Key Knowledge:
actual and perceived benefits and potential harms to the athlete of legal and illegal
substances and methods that enhance performance of the cardiorespiratory system,
such as altitude training, erythropoietin (EPO), beta-blockers and blood doping
ethical and sociocultural considerations associated with the use of illegal practices
associated with improving the function of the cardiorespiratory system.
Key Skills:
critically analyse the physiological effects of legal and illegal strategies that enhance
the performance of the cardiorespiratory system on the individual
discuss the ethical, social and cultural considerations associated with the use of legal
and illegal practices associated with improving the function of the cardiorespiratory
What is Performance Enhancement of
the Cardiorespiratory System?
Performance enhancement includes methods, devices, or substances that
enhance athletic expenditure.
of the CRS
Legal methods harms, and Illegal methods
and substances influences of and substances
Ethical considerations are the rules and regulations put in place to protect an
athletes health and the integrity of sport.
Illegal substances and methods are banned for number of reasons. They are banned
for their ability to generate significant improvements in an athletes performance,
but they also have the ability to cause some damaging health impacts.
For some athletes, the chances of winning is worth more than the potential risk of
blood clotting and an increased risk of stroke or heart attack. Therefore, WADA
puts restrictions in place to protect athletes health and fairness to sport.
Some professionals in the sporting world have suggested the legalised use of
performance enhancing substances such as EPO, but monitoring its use to a small
amount in order to keep athletes safe.
Ethical Considerations and Influences
Another thing to consider is the access athletes have to the legal methods of
performance enhancement.
The practice of altitude training requires a very specific environment and can
be extremely expensive to live and train in. Similarly, if access to a high
altitude environment is limited, hypoxic chambers are even more difficult to
find, and also have a high cost.
This can result in athletes who do not have the financial support to be
disadvantaged compared to other athletes.
Ethical and Sociocultural
Considerations & Influences
Social Considerations & Influences
Sociocultural Considerations and
As well as wanting to better their performance, there are often many other
factors that may influence an athlete to use illegal performance enhancing
Influence of self, family, peers
Influence of coaches and sporting organisations
Cultural norms in society or the particular sporting culture
National and political ideology
Lets brainstorm some ideas as to how you think these factors could influence
someone to use illegal performance enhancing methods.
Cultural and Sporting Norms
The ‘culture of the sport’ can have great impacts on the way the sport is
consumed, as well as the athletes that compete in it.
Cycling has a substantial history of drug use from the 1960’s-2020’s and has
now reached the point where there is little faith in cyclists to be drug-free.
Why do you think so many more cyclists came forward after Lance?
National and Political Ideology
For many countries, sport is a huge part of their culture and identity.
Particularly on a world stage such as the Olympics or world championships,
many countries feel the need to protect their status.
Ask yourself: did these athletes have the opportunity to not use illegal
methods, or was it the teams/country’s expectations to do so?
Pick a Side: