Camille Moss - 2021 Mentor Verification Form 1
Camille Moss - 2021 Mentor Verification Form 1
Camille Moss - 2021 Mentor Verification Form 1
Mentored Project __Is there a connection between music and the mind?
As a Senior Project mentor, your final responsibility is to verify completion of your student’s work and to pass
his/her project. This is due by Tuesday May 8, 2018. Mentors may write additional comments on the back of this
Comments: __________________________________________________________________________________
We discussed how she struggled with anxiety and depression, so I found it to be quite impressive of the quality and
detail of her work. Her project is excellent and tear-jerking in my opinion.
4. Please verify that your student spent at least 20 hours on the project: Yes _X____ No _____
Qualifications as mentor ___Music Therapist___________________________________________
Date __5/20/21_________ Telephone Number __510-654-5882________________Mentor’s Email
[email protected]________________________