Lte - 8
Lte - 8
Lte - 8
CHED Center of Development in Teacher Education
DHVSU Main Campus, Villa de Bacolor, Pampanga EMail Address: [email protected]
Name: _________________________Course/Section:
Judy Ann Y. Palingcod BEED 4-C Date: ____________
____________ 4/28/22
Mr. John Paul Gania
Cooperating Teacher: ______________________________ Internship
Subject: __________________
8.2 PARTICIPATION: Observing the implementation strategy of the Mentor Teacher in each
lesson segment
Use the Lesson Observation Form below to describe the activities your Mentor Teacher
has carried in each lesson segment.
Table 8.1
Lesson Observation Form
Subject Area Observed: ______________________Grade/Yr:
Work Ethics _________
BSIT 3-K Room No.:
1:30 pm 3:00 pm Mr. John Paul Gania
Time starts: _________Time ends: ___________Name of Teacher: _____________________
1:30 pm
Time starts: __________
1. How did the Mentor Teacher begin the lesson? Describe
the activities done.
3:00 pm -My Mentor Teacher begins the lesson by showing images that is
Time ends: ___________ ________________________________________________________
related in our topic and then asking his students what is their
opinion in that example. And his learning activity is a form of
1 ½ hr quiz. And it is done by answering questions after the lesson was
Time spent: ______ ________________________________________________________
2. What instructional purposes did she want to achieve in
doing such activities?
1 ½ hr
Time spent: ________
2. What objectives did the Mentor Teacher want to
-Students will independently consider a moral dilemma and make
independent initial judgements on the situation.
Exit slips. Tried-and-true exit slips work wonderfully for a quick
wrap-up activity. Perhaps students will write two sentences about
what they learned today, or have them respond to a specific thought-
provoking question about my mentor teacher have taught.
8.3 IDENTIFICATION: Describing the lesson segment contribution to achieving the objectives
1. Which among the preliminary activities have prepared the learners for the new lesson? Are
there other activities you would do in this phase?
-The Think and Share. Yes, like Quick write, the students write down three questions or
points that have been raised by the lesson so far. Ask students to identify three things they
already know about the subject and jot them down as bullet points.
2. Did you notice some challenges the teacher met in motivating the learners? What else may
be done to overcome them?
-Other demands on students' time and attention must be balanced. Individual students may be
dealing with physical, mental, or other personal issues that are interfering with their
motivation. You can overcome it by showing support as their teacher.
2. What have you realized as contributing factors to successful teaching? What can assure
effective execution of the lesson?
haveobjectives, the the
realized that, sequence
at theactivities,
center ofthethesupplies
learningrequired, theeffective
process in
______________________________________________________________________________ length of each
Active and how
student students
speech, should be arranged.
self-reflection, Allows us
and small-group to differentiate
______________________________________________________________________________ and provide
engagement, and more
options to meet
motivation our students'
are more unique
visible than learning
teacher requirements.
discussion and teacher-directed conduct. Gives
pupils the structure and direction they need to receive a relevant and engaging education. It
allows teachers to debate over their lesson objectives, the types of activities that will fulfill
I. Lesson Objectives:
Students will independently consider a moral dilemma and make
independent initial judgements on the situation.
a. Preliminary phase
- He asked the students to choose between two options. And after that, the students will
be going to explain why they chose it. 65
b. Lesson Proper
- After letting his students to choose between two options, he introduced the new lesson,
and it is all about Moral Dilemma. And he explained what is moral dilemma, and also
the connection of their activity in their discussion. And giving sample situations, and
letting his students share their opinions in the class.
c. Closing phase
- After discussing the lesson, he asked his students what did they learn and how can they
applied it in their field of work. And giving them formative assessment like quizzes
after the lesson was discussed.