Pre Observation Form
Pre Observation Form
Pre Observation Form
Name of Teacher : __ _______________________________________
Subject and Grade Level : _________________________________________ _
Date of Observation : __________________________________________
A. 1. What are the general characteristics of this class?
____: Fast ___: Average ____: Below Average ____: Slow Group
2. What should I know about the students as a group?
____: Grade ______: Section ____: Heterogeneous ____: Homogeneous
3. What academic progress has the class made?
4. In a range score of 1-10, where is the class in relation to your goals for the year?
B. 1. Subject area of the observation
2. What are the objective/s of your lesson?
3. What method or procedure do you intend to use?
4. What are the materials to be used?
5. What means of evaluation do you intend to use to access effectiveness of the
6. To what aspect of your teaching would you like me to give particular attention?
_____Presentation _____: Classroom management _____: Question technique
_____Working with individual_____: Lesson Pace ____: Pupil involvement
_____Use of instructional aid_____: Motivational technique ____: Arrow of recitation
____Teacher deliver _____: Lesson sequence _____: others _____
7. Additional non-curriculum matter to be observed:
____Use of learning resource _____ Material selection and placement
____Behavior of the class _____ Classroom management
_____Students’ self-direction _____Other ______
__________________________________ ___________________________
Teacher’s Signature over Printed Name Observer’s Signature Over
Name of Teacher : _____ ___________________________________
Subject and Grade Level : __________ ______________________________
Date of Observation : _________________________________________
8. What would you like to focus on the next observation? How can I help you obtain
your next goal?
Teacher’s Signature over Printed Name Observer’s Signature Over Printed