Iso 9001-2015
Iso 9001-2015
Iso 9001-2015
tr$q e-Fnqr TqTUFT trflq +d, Tt ffi anr rd{rFm ' '
1.rrrrftq rir;r+; a1i srfdfrq-rr, i986(1986 Tl"63) aar vrm fi.rf ,rFdi h qrzm qr, atn *rg
s-ffiS rlBfi Rft>s, rrtE - Eirrqy(, q{\.q -vt, frFc - .i-W q1-ft, f*-{r - Fssi, ft+ - zr 13g2, q'f*-q.
:irTrd *r (ft+ snt apq a-rsqqffi 6Er rrqT t)r e-g+ rnq q.ft 3m{"fr q faerc sq q sF,to
3TtqTr i-sr"-i,i qr irf,riih +i"ia q-6ti.r h
Wrm v;ia qafii y:nnT;r h qrgi'{rmttqi *.j}r-.ar1iiy t;rft
ri,arr i tt'iaa fr mr 3rDr,r' -rirr qrr+q. {{rdt+,rq.r,-or t, qi grr qrgqq'fi tr eq r-rrr h :.rr<
.irlqr qarq a1 q6,rr ;rrgi;+ar1'i il?r, lS/lSO 9001:2015 h irg..v Inr4nr y'*er,r-A1? h argrr +,+a
tr-r- qiln1 rq [{ 1qiiil,tr flffd/r.di rsrf.t-{ ftq qlirT r
By virtue of the power conferred on it by, the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, '1986 (63 of
1986), the Bureau hereby renews to M/s.lIrkarsh India Limitcd, vill - )angalpur, NII-vI,
Post - Andul Mouri, Dist * IIowrah, I'in - 711302, West Ilengal (hereinafter called the
Licensee) the right and licence to be listed in the Bureau's register(s) of Licensees of
Quality Management Systems Certification in respect of the products or processes
Particularly described in the schedule hereto, bearing the same number as this licence.
Such products shall be manufactured by the Licensee at only the address (es) given
above, and under the Quality Management Systems in accordance wlth lS/lSO 9001:20'15
2.ri arrin y{ irrsx-+T E;r fafiq-q"+-+',ill} 3rii+rr ,te>Fq-q sir sq* c1fra aanq ,rq fillur efr.r
faRqqi ?, rira rre-amii; aimfa n41* ft,,,'r qq-f i qt' .ilE+ozrr{} qo< arr a{<i q.,| 3qiiqd t}qrii
qt Gttcnii r,r fifdsir qrrq a,r+;61aaa |6 fil
The licence is renewed subject to the relevant provisions of the above Act and the rules and
regulations made there under governing the licences referred to above, and the Licensee
hereby covenants with the Bureau duly to observe with the said Rules and Regulations.
3.16 arrt+r 05 Xq 2018 O+ * qr
2021 ;rE, ?a 6-,n flfffi
h :r;fqr. ;r-dlqryr G,-rr sr
'l'his liccnce shall bc valid from 05 2O2l
fune Lo 04 fune and may be rencwcd as prescribed
in thc Ilcgulations.
2018 * qr m1h ftr 6r.mefr.r qq {-{rrB,a
Signed, Sealed and Dated this lune, two llfiou.san[ an[lEightent
Deputy Director General
an-o aqii
i]. . .,_-
,rnd'.ir '- ., r
rilqi1r v
+Tr5Tifi/qfl - SO0O 426.5 f, q-{q*
Schedule to ticence No. eSC /L-5000426.5
d Fq]d ffi nma ffi d"iqr ,t .6*d o) Swaar q"i\r q-cfa rfirrEr dr{Sq" rdrt-d frr-{17
qsT t
Products/processes with respect to which the firm hos been granted
licence for Quolity Monogement systems certif icotion:
E f t g! lMasts, cPo\gonaf/conica[pofes, Steef tu|ttfar pofes, lb.wers
{, otlier
1:a6ricatedsLructure'sforlbfecontmunicaLion, Q,o-werlransmis.sion, Q)isLribttLion,
l:fecLnfication and figliting appfication as per IS/ISO g001 : 201.1',
It t\Tf-'t/l,'/itkge - Jangafpur, q)ost
- ttnfu[:Mouri, ]fo.curafr - 211302, west
lMarfoting aL Jlrraja w square,, r:kot 'Rpad, 41fr r,[oor, I{otQqta * 100016
MSC-F6.4-13 Page I