The Reporting Officer shall in the beganning of the year set quantitative/physical/financial
targets in consultation with each of the ofiicers with respect to who he is required to
report upon. Performance appraisal should be a joint exercise between the officer
reported upon and the Reporting officer. The targets/goals shall be set at the
commencement of the reporting year i.e. April, in the case of All lndia service ofiicers. ln
the case of an oficer taking up a new assignment in the course of the reporting year,
such targets/goals shall be set at the time of assumption of the new assignment.
7 aeq vq-rfl(-f+{frd frr src 6 ff fi"ifto 3lelolfr Fqsdqr €Tfl qlc fu aeq ffia
o-rd q-qq, ord b e), d2n fr-s d i
effi nrd g, erclo qe o\ 3T.T'r-3{-dT HQIB-ffir ff
qrq f,erT srQr S qR fus 3remft ff Rdd ftd # t, srrh od fr m 3i{ dr A oH
Etrsrdr dt, dr(n& fre)s-drcit o s*e fiqT utq I
The targets should be clearly known and understood by both the officer concerned. while
fixing the targets, priority should be assinged item-wise, taking into considertion the
nature and the area of work and any special features that may be specific to the nalure
of the area of the work of the officer to be reported upon.
8 fi t
anifu, qmq qjq{qr E-orc b Td sltr{ EE oId-FEqRq mT q{ b sra {
Tqlfi fut
qnr t, mr q, Rdie,r 3TEmrt 3fu fuT GiBtoffi fi R*C ftrd qffi t, +ii, o\ fr q{ fi
dqq ffid Fq fr s-<T-@r c6 ({t t ffi
rrqr qR, *6 *6-fiqm fr gcser ff w
qb 3lk {s qR ii s{rsa{dn gernleffi scrq fr{ qr wh t
Although performance appraisal is a year-end exercise, in order that it may be a tool for
human resource development, the Reporting officer and lhe offlcer reported upon should
meet during the course of the year at regular intervals to review the performance and
lake necessary corrective stePS.
q-flt6 ffiiET-a e-.d-o 3{EmTt 6I qd cilffi G ft qs 3lemre h od-Fqrq, slTfltrl,
tiaen 3ilq errdr b qrt { qer dqq rr& adq rrga of r
It Should be the endeavour of each appraiser to present the truest, possible picture of the
appraisee in regard to his/her performance, conduct, behaviour and potential.
10 orq-nqEc fir Taiffi iE-d Rdd erqfr ao fr qfifro ssr qrc t
Assessment should be coniined to the appraises's performance during lhe period of
report only.
11. qo fr 4uft h gs cE 3l=q qei 6 ga-+ E 3lftf, ,trNITEzI EI sd
d r frffi qq Tidfua t
R'qffiii oilq il{q ti c{qq-srq qr eias .fi 3il *rffiI I Xqifi dG scq {r deal dl qtl
{ nil srg 6pr tscgffi drr {c} sR q s-ds fui qrg r
Some posts of the same rank may be more exacling than others. The degree of stress
and strain in any post may also vary from time totime. These facts should be bome in
mind during appraisal and should be commented upon appropriately.