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Sunlight Detector Charger: A Solar Panel Model for

Powering Low-End Gadgets

A Research Paper Presented to the

Faculty of the Senior High School

STI College Munoz-EDSA

Quezon City

In the Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the

Completion in Senior High School


Morales, John Nino Ysita

Parado, Felisiano Cuesta

Torres, Anthony Claire Alvarez

Untalan, John Daniel Quigao

Second Semester, 2020

Table of the Contents

1. Chapter 1: The Problem and its Settings

1.1 Introduction ,…………………………………………………………………………..4

1.2 Statement of the Problem ,…………………………………………………………….6

1.3 Assumption and Hypothesis ,…………………………………………………………7

1.4 Conceptual Framework ,………………………………………………………………8

1.5 Significance of the Study ,…………………………………………………………...10

1.6 Scope and Limitation of the Study ,………………………………………………….11

1.7 Definition of Terms ,…………………………………………………………………12

2. Chapter 2: Review Related Literature

2.1 Foreign Literature ,…………………………………………………………………..15

2.2 Foreign Study ,………………………………………………………………………18

2.3 Local Literature ,………………………………………………………………….....27

2.4 Local Study ,………………………………………………………………………...30

2.5 Synthesis of the Review of Literature and Studies ,………………………………...34

3. Chapter 3: Research Methodology

3.1 Research Design ,……………………………………………………………………36

3.2 Source of the Data ,………………………………………………………………….36

3.3 Data/Gathering Procedure ,……………………………………………………….....37

3.4 Statistical Treatment of Data ,…………………………………………………….....38

4. Chapter 4 Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data

4.1 The Number of Conducting Data ,…………………………………………………..40

4.2 The Presentation of the Data ,……………………………………………………….42

4.3 Interpretation of the Data ,…………………………………………………………..49

5. Chapter 5: Summary of Findings, Conclusion and Recommendations

5.1 Summary of Findings ,………………………………………………………………51

5.2 Conclusion ,………………………………………………………………………….51

5.3 Recommendations ,……………………………………………………………….....52

Chapter 1


This chapter presents the Introduction, Statement of the Problem, Assumptions and

Hypothesis, Conceptual Framework, Significance of the Study, Scope and Limitations of the

Study and the Definitions of Terms


Technology nowadays always evolves and upgrade from time to time, and almost every

subsequent person invents and discovers brand new series of technologies like the ones that will

help people’s daily lives much more efficient like making a simple gadget with a different level

of functions at much lower cost than the one's gadgets that we're introduced to, and also when

the solar panel units, its feature is receiving the energy of the light sources by the use of heat and

it can be used as a portable charger.

Previously use back in the old day people having a hard time producing electrical energy

is very expensive because it is one of every day, for example, machinery to power up a

computer, in the road’s stoplights, need electricity to power up the signs for people to in order to

warn them. Solar charging makes the energy renewable and recyclable, instead of using

electricity source, it can charge through the light source in a much efficient way and can reduce

the consumption of the general usage of electricity. It employs the energy to transfer from the

light or heat source through the batteries, gadgets or devices capable of receiving the energy, and

also, they are generally portable.

The technology needs a producer that makes energy and power for charging a device that

needs the power to activate or use it in an emergency. This provides power to charge devices

using generated from solar energy, this project will further efforts to reduce the dependence on

fossil fuels as a means to generate electricity. If the system can charge several devices without

having external power from the national grid, it will be able to reduce some of the demand for

energy resulting in less fuel used to generate electricity over time. Solar energy continues to be

researched and improved as an alternative source of energy.

It can supply excessive voltage in bright sunlight. In less bright light, although there is

electrical output it may be too low to support charging, it will not just charge slower. So, by

using the solar charger, it can start and lead the community to a better and innovative way, but

also to a greener environment. This experiment will show the world for everyday life can be easy

now for charging all devices that can be charged and improve people's lives of saving the

collected electricity that can be used in emergency situations like natural disasters.

This experiment will improve the technology around us that has been continuing to consume

electricity, this will help to use less electricity and save more when needed it. This will provide

for researchers and other people to use this project that will definitely help in producing and

saving electricity using this project that way it can reduce raw fossil fuels, and waste burning

power plants for the natural environment. It can use less fuel to power up this project but it will

be good for the next generations that way it can protect the Planet’s ozone layer and much more

for a healthy environment for us.

In the Philippines experiencing a source of electricity problem due to few or almost lack of

source of power plants and higher cost demand. So that the Philippines striving and finding new

ideas to save money when it comes to electricity demand. The energy given by the energy of the

sun has different intensity so that the higher intensity of light and temperature the higher voltage

to get energy electricity. This way it will be easier to conserve electricity and use less of using

raw materials that can produce electricity but will harm the environment. But in some cases the

prototype is troubleshoot, malfunction the system, to maintain its functionality must be preserved

with the proper care and maintenance.

The {Sunlight Detector Charger: A Solar Panel Model for powering Low-end Gadgets} can

be put in a wet or water place. Always check the wires if placed properly to prevent

entanglement problems and also check each and every component and parts of the Sun Light

Detector: Charger Model of Solar Panel to know if the prototype is working properly.

Never put in a hard pressure or the device will malfunction and will not work properly.

When using the device always keep in mind that the Sun Light Detector Charger: Model of Solar

Panel has its own limits and capacity and can’t hold some huge expectations. So that they have to

take care of hard these materials to make this prototype.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the functions of a Sunlight Detector Charger: A Solar Panel

Model for powering Low-end Gadgets.

Specifically, it seeks to answer the following:

1. How long does the intensity (Heat/Temperature and Light Energy) can fulfill the capacity of

{Sunlight Detector Charger: A Solar Panel Model for powering Low-end Gadgets};

2. How much the voltage and mAh (Milliamp Hour) can supply the {Sunlight Detector Charger:

A Solar Panel Model for powering Low-end Gadgets};

3. How fast the charging time and to increase the percentage of the devices that are plugged into

{Sunlight Detector Charger: A Solar Panel Model for powering Low-end Gadgets};

Assumption and Hypothesis

As stated in the study, the researchers have two facts in mind which shows as follows:

1. The researchers assume and determine that the functions of the {Sunlight Detector

Charger: A Solar Panel Model for powering Low-end Gadgets are capable to use. The

energy given by the sun is the main source of energy that can be used to charge

electronic equipment or gadgets.

2. The researcher’s hypothesis needs to prove that the {Sunlight Detector Charger: A Solar

Panel Model for powering Low-end Gadgets} is functional, and if this device has solar

energy to gather it will be on its full capability.

Conceptual Framework

This study of “Sunlight Detector Charger: A Solar Panel Model for powering Low-end

Gadgets” to determine input, process, and output of this invention. Below is how the process of

the conceptual framework:

Input Process Output

Figure 1. Sunlight Detector Charger: A Solar Panel Model for powering Low-end Gadgets

This paradigm of the study was derived from the data gathered to the research that serves the

number of inputs. The manipulation on how data gathering which developed and the arrived

outcome expected by the researchers after conducted data/gathering procedure.

1. The energy where the sun is the source to

collect into miniature satellite solar charger.

2. The voltage of solar panel will transfer into

electricity to electronic gadgets.

3. The energy will turn into power to charge

devices that can be chargeable.

1. The energy is collecting the sun's ray that will

turn into power to miniature satellite solar charger.

2. The voltage of solar panel that collected in sun's

energy will collect to charge electronic gadgets.

3. The energy that turn power can now charge

devices that can be chargeable.

1. The energy that has been collected that turn into

power can be use.

2. The voltage of solar panel can be used for

charging electronic gadgets.

3. The energy charged the devices that can be


Figure 2. The Input-Process-Output

The energy where the sun is the source to collect into the Sunlight Detector Charger, the

voltage of solar panel will transfer into electricity to electronic gadgets, then energy will turn into

power to charge devices that can be chargeable. The process of this is the energy is collected if

the sub’s ray that will turn into power to miniature solar detector charger, the voltage of solar

panel that collected in sun’s energy will collect to charge electronic gadgets, the energy that turns

power can now charge devices that can be chargeable. The energies that have been collected that

turn into power can be used to supply voltage into plugged in devices, the voltage of solar panel

can be used for charging electronic gadgets, the energy-charged the devices that can be

chargeable. This product can only be use and charge when daylight but can’t use it too in the

night because of the chargeable battery, that’s the limitation of this project. This project can be

used in charging and deduct your electricity usage and cost especially.

Significance of the Study

This study of providing and utilizing the functions of the Sunlight Detector Charger: A Solar

Panel Model for powering Low-end Gadgets aims to benefits the following:

Students: This study is all about making much more efficient charging and proving a good a

good quality of Sunlight Detector Charger: A Solar Panel Model for powering Low-end Gadgets

and to use to charge electronic gadgets.

Teachers: This study is significant to teachers. It can give them much more ideas and help to

provide and free energy to the sun that converts to Sunlight Detector Charger: A Solar Panel

Model for powering Low-end Gadgets to charge electronic gadgets.

Future Researchers: This study is for future researchers. The researchers will serve as a guide to

future research. The researchers will have an idea and will make a new version of Sunlight

Detector Charger: A Solar Panel Model for powering Low-end Gadgets that gives a new format

of technology and gives new features and specs.

Industrial Company: This study is for the industrial Company. The researchers will helps to

conserve a much higher power that consume to their machineries to work functional and being a

helpful environment. They bought our product, it can help the company power when a blackout

happen this will be very useful when the company is working.

Farmers: This study is for the Farmers. The researchers will helps the farmers to get power to

have electricity especially when it's night time, so there will lights to see their surroundings.

Different farmers has a problem in electricity, no power so that they have solution to fix this

problem. Once they bought our product, it can help their lives because after farming in day while

using the product, they save electricity to use in night time.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

The strength of this study is to charge a device with the use of light source from the sun

without consuming electricity. The solar panel is the main source of energy to give and to

support electronic gadgets that are plugged into this device. It can save more usage from

electricity and provide free energy from the sun and save the cost of using Sunlight Detector


A Solar Panel Model for Powering Low-End Gadgets because they have energy that the heat

of the sun absorbs by the solar panel and convert to energy to charge the medium of electronic

gadgets. The sun’s energy can be saved and useful. The device can rotate 180 degrees vertically

and 180 degrees horizontally. They have also used in the outside of the house so that can fully

get much more efficient energy to the sun.

The weaknesses of this device if is there is no such sunlight to acquire so then it cannot be

charged because this device only relies on sunlight intensity. The source of the light from the sun

is not enough to charge to support energy to electronic gadgets. The energy from the sun will not

convert to electricity. The researchers is not used in inside of the house because they have no

energy to get a much efficient energy to the sun.

Definition of Terms

Solar Panel- a panel designed to absorb the sun's rays as a source of energy for generating

electricity or heating.

Technology- the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially in


Charge - Supplying electricity or power to a single device.

Electricity- is the physical flow of electrons, referred to as electrical current.

Arduino Uno - the Arduino Uno is an open-source microcontroller board based on the

Microchip ATmega328P microcontroller and developed by The board is equipped

with sets of digital and analog input/output pins that may be interfaced with various expansion

boards and other circuits.

L293D Motor Driver - This L293D motor driver is a 4-channel driver with an Arduino shield

form factor. This is a dual full-bridge driver designed to drive inductive loads such as relays,

solenoids, DC and stepper motors. It lets you drive 2 Stepper motor or 4 DC motor with an

Arduino, controlling the speed and direction of each independently.

L293D is a typical motor that allows DC motor to drive in either direction. L293D is a 16-pin IC

that can control a set of two DC motors simultaneously in any motor with single L293D IC. Dual

H-bridge Motor Driver integrated circuit (IC). The L293D can drive small and quiet big motor as

well, check the Voltage Specification at the end of this page for more info.

Arduino Mega 2560 - is designed for a more complex project. With 54 digital 1/0 pins, 16

analog inputs and a large space for your sketch, it is the recommended board for 3D printers and

robotics projects. This gives your project plenty of room and opportunities.

The Arduino Mega 2560 is a microcontroller board based on the ATmega2560. It has 54

digital input/output pins (of which 15 can use as PWM output), 16 analog inputs, 4 UARTs

(hardware serial ports), a 16 MHz crystal oscillator, a USB connection, a power jack, an ICSP

header, and a reset button, It contains everything needed to support the microcontroller; simply

connect it to a computer with a USB cable or power it with AC-to-DC adapter or battery to get

started, The Mega 2560 board is compatible with most shields design for the Uno and the former

boards Duemilanove or Diecimila.

Jumper wires – are simply wires that have connector pins at each end, allowing them to be used

to connect two points to each other without soldering. Jumper wires are typically used with

breadboards and other prototyping tools in order to make it easy to change a circuit as needed.

Fairly simple. In fact, it doesn’t get much more basic than jumper wires.

Though jumper wires come in a variety of colors, the color doesn’t mean anything. This means

that the red jumper wire is technically the same as a black one. But the colors can be used to your

advantage in order to differentiate between types of connections such as ground or power.

Chapter 2


This chapter will represent Review Related Literature. This chapter discusses the

Foreign Study, Foreign Literature, Local Study and Local Literature and Synthesis of the

Reviewed Literature and Studies. The researchers believe that these researchers are helpful for

a better understanding of the study.

Foreign Literature

As stated by Shu Ting Goh, in Space Technologies (2015), as one of the suggestions

and as an outlook in the field of energy generation, it is collecting solar power in space for use on

earth within the concept of solar power satellite. Today, solar power satellite is known as a new

stronger renewable energy resource. Because of interest in alternative energy sources, in this

paper, an economic evaluation comparison has been innovated between solar power satellites

and other renewable resources by means of net present value. Framework for calculation of net

present value is described and the results are shown as two statements of present and future.

Conforming to Combes in Spacecraft Launching (1982) the construction, launch,

components, and operations of satellite solar power systems (SSPS) for direct beaming

of solar energy converted to electricity to earth stations are outlined. The reference designs of

either Si or concentrator GaAs solar cell assemblies large enough to project 5 GW of power are

described. The beam will be furnished by klystrons or amplitrons for reception by rectennas on

Earth. Conforming to the law of amplitude and the equiphasic law will permit high efficiencies,

pointing accuracy, and low power deposition/sq cm, thus avoiding environmental problems,

although some telecommunications systems may suffer interference.

According to Flournoy, (2012) in his study presents communication satellites are a

$144 billion industry. 'Solar Power Satellites' shows why and how the space satellite industry

will soon begin expanding its market from relaying signals to Earth to generating energy in space

and delivering it to the ground as electricity. In all industrialized nations, energy demand is

growing exponentially. In the developing world, the need for energy is as basic as food and

water. The Sun's energy is available everywhere, and it is non-polluting. As business plans

demonstrate its technical feasibility, commercial potential, and environmental acceptability,

every country on Earth will look to space for the power it needs. Orbiting satellites can be

exposed to a consistently high degree of solar radiation, generally for 24 hours per day, whereas

earth surface solar panels currently collect power for an average of 29% of the day.

According to Chandrakanth, in Presidency University (2018) in his study presents

space-based solar power (SBSP), an emerging technology that is under a heavy research phase.

Here geosynchronous satellites are used for collecting sunlight, domesticate it to produce solar

power and transmitting the generated power back to Earth using wireless power transmission

(WPT), safely and reliably. The advantage of using solar cells in space is the 24-hour availability

of sunlight. Also, the urgency of finding an alternative energy source due to the depleting energy

resources on earth calls for SBSP. Here to study the concept of solar power satellites (SPS),

investigate the feasibility of implementation, the overall architecture & the underlying

components. The results highlight the performance of this system as an environment-friendly,

low-loss and large-scale method of energy transfer.

In the opinion of Almeida, in Universidade de Lisboa (2015) charging stations are an

attractive solution to provide access to electricity to low-income populations with low energy

consumption in remote and off-grid areas. This paper reviews the state of the art of charging

stations, with a special focus on the technical options. Results show that most stations are run in

Sub Saharan Africa and South Asia, are powered by solar energy and although there are many

different energy services targeted, the most popular services are charging batteries, mobile

phones, and lamps. The first charging station was installed in 1992 but most activities happen

after 2005. This recent growth has been enabled by the falling cost of photovoltaic modules,

learning effect, economies of scale, financial innovation, private sector involvement and

worldwide dissemination of mobile phones. While in the first system the only purpose was to

charge solar photovoltaic lanterns, the first multi-purpose station appeared in 2008. As expected,

the technical challenges are mostly related to the use of batteries not only because they represent

the component with the shortest lifetime but also because if the battery is not for individual use,

social questions arise due to poor definition of rights and duties of the customers. Furthermore,

the development of a sustainable business model is also a challenge since this requires technical

skills and system monitoring that are not usually available locally. Finally, it is also suggested

that the minimum technical quality standards for charging stations should be defined and


These foreign literature theories can help the researchers to get new ideas and

information as it will improve into a better version of the researcher’s prototype.

Foreign Study

According to Yi Shen, in International Journal of Photo Energy (2015) as the

renewable and clean energy, solar energy will not cause environmental pollution that is produced

by traditional energy like coal, oil, and other fossil fuels during the using process. Development

and utilization of green energy are one of the most important energy-saving measures. During

the past 30 years, many developed industrial countries and some developing countries have

attached great importance to the development of solar technology and solar technology has been

widely promoted and used in residential areas. The pace of research and application of solar

energy in Europe is also very fast and the use of solar heat is more extensive, involving power

generation, domestic hot water, heating, local heating water, and so forth. More than 90% of

solar heat is used for residential areas in Europe (EU). China began to use solar energy early in

the 1970s, achieving good results in the beacon lights. In the 1990s, solar photovoltaic

technology began to be used in road lighting and signals and solar water heating system entered

the rural residential areas under the support of China government by the late 20th century. In the

21st century, solar photovoltaic technology has been greatly promoted by the growing attention

of government and the improvement of solar cell production technology, meanwhile, the solar

energy applications field also expanded gradually.

For the time being, solar technology is gradually extended to the highway traffic field

with the introduction of new traffic lighting devices like solar traffic lights, solar orientation

lights, solar street lamps, and so forth. However, few solar energy technologies have been used

in the highway service area in China. As the basic infrastructure serving vehicles and passengers,

the overall function of the highway service area determines the quality and efficiency and the

economic benefits of the service. Because of the far location away from urban areas, generally,

highway service areas have few external energy sources to use, while also consuming more

energy. It is a relatively closed and independent system. The closeness and independence of the

highway service area determine its dependence and pressure on resources and the environment.

The application of solar technology in the construction of highway service area could not only

alleviate the scarcity of resources, reduce energy consumption, and improve the efficiency of

resource and energy, but also reduce environmental pollution, maintain ecological balance,

improve highway operational efficiency, and optimize the service quality.

The extensive researches on highway service area began aboard in the early 1990s.

American Association of State Highway and Transportation (AASHTO) published the third

edition of the “expressway service construction guide” in 2001, which stressed the application of

green building technology from the aspects of domestic sewage, garbage, and so forth. The

studies in the field of highway service facilities in Japan defined the planning layout,

architectural forms, design principles, and so on comprehensively, clearly, and in detail.

According to the “Japan Highway Design Manual” of the 1980 version, the design essentials of

service rest facilities were defined. The technical standards and design methods of highway new

rest facilities are made in “Japanese highway design essentials” in 1991 from more

comprehensive aspects.

The researcher’s works have been made related to the two fields of the highway service

area and solar technology and acquired great achievement. However, unfortunately, few works

were made combining the two topics together of highway services and solar energy saving to

make a systemic research on solar technology in green highway service area due to the design

and construction of the service mainly undertaken by the transport authorities, coupled with the

faraway location of the service and its subordinate position in the highway system. In this

context, it is quite necessary and urgent for launching the research on solar technology and the

economic effects of highway service areas to promote low-carbon highway service area

development and guide solar engineering practice. A lot of research works have been made

concerning highway service area or solar technology and acquired great achievements. However,

unfortunately, few works have been made combining the two topics together of highway service

areas and solar energy saving to make systemic research on solar technology applications for the

highway service area. In this paper, taking West Lushan highway low-carbon service area in

Jiangxi Province of China as the case study, the advantages, technical principles, and application

methods of solar energy technology for highway service area including solar photoelectric

technology and solar water heating technology were discussed based on the analysis of

characteristics of highway low-carbon service area; the system types, operation mode, and

installing tilt angle of the two kinds of solar systems suitable for highway service areas were

confirmed. It was proved that the reduction of the cost by electricity savings of the solar system

was huge. Taking the investment of the solar systems into account, the payback period of solar

photoelectric systems and solar water heating systems was calculated. The economic effect of the

solar systems in the West Lushan highway service area during the effective operation periods

was also calculated and proved very considerable.

As reported by Timilsina, in the University of Delaware, (2011) solar energy has

experienced an impressive technological shift. While early solar technologies consisted of small-

scale photovoltaic (PV) cells, recent technologies are represented by solar concentrated power

(CSP) and also by large-scale PV systems that feed into electricity grids. The costs of solar

energy technologies have dropped substantially over the last 30 years. The rapid expansion of the

solar energy market can be attributed to a number of supportive policy instruments, the increased

volatility of fossil fuel prices and the environmental externalities of fossil fuels, particularly

greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Theoretically, solar energy has resource potential that far

exceeds the entire global energy demand (Kurokawa 2007; Progress in Artificial

Intelligence [EPIA], 2007). Despite this technical potential and the recent growth of the market,

the contribution of solar energy to the global energy supply mix is still negligible Association for

the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA, 2009). This study attempts to address why the

role of solar energy in meeting the global energy supply mix continues to be so small. What are

the key barriers that prevented the large-scale deployment of solar energy in the national energy

systems? What types of policy instruments have been introduced to boost the solar energy

markets? Have these policies produced the desired results? If not, what type of new policy

instruments would be needed? A number of studies, including Arvizu, in National Physical

Laboratory (2011), have addressed various issues related to solar energy. This study presents a

synthesis review of existing literature as well as presents economic analysis to examine

competitiveness solar energy with fossil energy counterparts. Our study shows that despite a

large drop in capital costs and an increase in fossil fuel prices, solar energy technologies are not

yet competitive with conventional technologies for electricity production. The economic

competitiveness of these technologies does not improve much even when the environmental

externalities of fossil fuels are taken into consideration. Besides the economic disadvantage,

solar energy technologies face a number of technological, financial and institutional barriers that

further constrain their large-scale deployment. Policy instruments introduced to address these

barriers include feed-in tariffs (FIT), tax credits, capital subsidies and grants, renewable energy

portfolio standards (RPS) with specified standards for solar energy, public investments and other

financial incentives. While FIT played an instrumental role in Germany and Spain, a mix of

policy portfolios that includes federal tax credits, subsidies and rebates, RPS, net metering and

renewable energy certificates (REC) facilitated solar energy market growth in the United States.

Although the clean development mechanism (CDM) of the Kyoto Protocol has helped the

implementation of some solar energy projects, its role in promoting solar energy is very small as

compared to that for other renewable energy technologies because of cost competitiveness.

Existing studies reviewed indicate that the share of solar energy in the global energy supply mix

could exceed 10% by 2050. This would still be a small share of total energy supply and a small

share of renewable supply if the carbon intensity of the global energy system were reduced by

something on the order of 75%, as many have argued is necessary to stem the threat of global

warming. The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 presents the current status of solar energy

technologies, resource potential and market development. This is followed by the economic

analysis of solar energy technologies, including sensitivities on capital cost reductions and

environmental benefits in Section 3. Section 4 identifies the technical, economic, and

institutional barriers to the development and utilization of solar energy technologies, followed by

a review of existing fiscal and regulatory policy approaches to increase solar energy

development in Sections 5 and 6, including potential impacts of greenhouse gas mitigation

policies on the deployment of solar energy technologies. This citation connects the electricity

cost in the Philippines. According to the Philippines Department of Energy (DOE), the

Philippines consumed 75,266 gigawatt-hours (GWh) of electricity. Electricity cost from 2011 to

2015 the electricity rate is increased by 6.1% kWh per year. The researchers find a possible way

to lessen or to decrease the consumption rate and at the same time save a lot of money when it

comes to electricity demand. Although the solar panel can also do what the normal electricity

wage does, it has own limits and can’t give its full potential as the electricity does. The energy

given by the energy of the sun has different intensity so that the higher intensity of light and

temperature the higher voltage to get energy electricity. This way it will be easier to conserve

electricity and useless of using raw materials that can produce electricity but will harm the


In 2019 Lovich, in United States Geological Survey (USGS) in their literature

review, they have found that out of all the scientific papers they examined, going back well

before the 1980s, only one peer-reviewed study addressed the direct impacts of large-scale solar

energy development and operations on any kind of wildlife. Peer-reviewed studies are those that

have been reviewed by experts in the same field of study and are then published in scientific

journals. One reason why there are few peer-reviewed studies is that the interest in developing

alternative energy has grown exponentially in recent years and science has to "catch up."

Opportunities for hypothesis-driven research on solar energy facilities of this scale, particularly

research looking at baseline conditions before development, impacts of operation, or conditions

after development, have been limited. The authors pointed out that a great deal of information

exists in environmental compliance documents and other unpublished, non-peer-reviewed

literature sources, but that more peer-reviewed studies are greatly needed. "The dearth of peer-

reviewed studies, as shown by the USGS review, can happen whenever society rapidly embarks

on major undertakings, such as developing large-scale solar projects," explained USGS director

Marcia McNutt. "Our goal is to raise the visibility and accessibility of information on the

impacts of solar energy impacts on wildlife as these important projects move forward.

“According to Lovich and Ennen, these studies are particularly important in sensitive habitats

such as the desert Southwest with its wildlife diversity and fragile arid desert lands. "For

example," said Lovich, "the desert tortoise is an ecological engineer whose burrows provide

much-needed shelter for many other desert species. Yet large areas of habitat occupied by

Agassiz's desert tortoise and some other at-risk species have the potential for large-scale solar-

energy developments. “The review paper findings can help the Bureau of Land Management and

other agencies charged with solar siting, development, and operational responsibilities to

identify, prioritize, and resolve information gaps relative to development and operational impacts

to wildlife, and direct monitoring efforts. The paper does not contain any new scientific findings;

rather, it examined peer-reviewed, already published articles. This is a common way to assess the

state of published knowledge on a topic, identify information and research gaps, and focus future

projects. Nowadays, all of the countries are using this device to give free energy from the sun.

The researcher will experiment with the other device that connected to the solar panel and this

kind of this invention the Sun Light Detector Charger: Model of Solar Panel for Low-end


In accordance with Natividad in (2013) as the word’s resources are

diminishing government agencies and non-government organization is pushing a greener

solution through the use of renewable energy sources. It was forecasted by some scientists such

as Thomas Alva Edison that solar energy will be the future energy source. However, it is still

being studied on how to improve the technologies used for utilizing solar energy. The solar

panel, for example, laboratories throughout the world are chasing to develop the most efficient

solar panel. At present, the German-French research team holds the record for creating the 44.7%

efficient solar panel. This means their solar panel made of nitrogen and boron can convert the

44.7% of the sunlight it receives into energy. The portable solar phone charger is one of the

devices that use light to charge a phone. It is really portable that people on the road or on

camping can carry it into their pocket and charge their phone where ever they want. However, it

all boils down on how fast the solar charger could transmit its charge and how efficient the

charger is. A solar charger can change a phone anywhere but it should also be considered if it

was as efficient as a wall charger. This problem was conducted to check if a solar charger is as

efficient as the wall charger. The efficiency test was conducted with the solar charger and the

wall charger with the result obtained from the experiment. The solar charger that has 69.33%

efficiency is close to the wall charger. Also, the time for a 1220 mAh battery to be fully charged

using both chargers was calculated. The result indicated that it takes 2 hours and 40 minutes to

charge the battery much longer compared with a 2-hour time recorded for the wall charger. It

depends that the energy of the sun and the capacity of the battery of electronic gadgets. From the

solar panel its converts to the electric power that gives energy to the electronic gadgets. It good

to use this invention but some electronic gadgets used a high electric voltage to charge and to use

this invention. High energy from the sun high the energy-giving to charge and the low energy

from the sun low energy giving to charge electronic devices.

According to (2017) in this article, they have discussed and explained

the advantages and potential business opportunities for solar energy in the Philippines. There has

been a general expansion in solar power generation in Asia as opposed to Europe and the rest of

the world, and ASEAN countries, including the Philippines, have greater growth potential.

Current electricity costs in the Philippines are the highest in Asia, including Japan. This makes

solar power a much cheaper and economically more advantageous option in the Philippines. The

Philippines is a country of 102 million people and is a relatively fast-growing Asian economy,

and it is anticipated that 7000MW of power generation will be added over the next five years. An

estimated 16 million people are off the grid with regards to the current electricity supply, and this

includes approximately 6000 schools. This demonstrates the potential for supplying solar power

to the Philippines. Residents in off-grid areas are beginning to arrange the finance to purchase

solar panels, batteries, etc. A friend recently mentioned to me that his golf caddie, who lives in a

local off-grid village, near the golf course, had invested in two solar panels with batteries, at a

cost of about P5000 (US$100), and this has supplied her house with electricity for lights, fans, a

small refrigerator, and a TV. The Philippine Government has also committed to a 70% reduction

in carbon emissions by 2030 and has a 15.3GW renewable energy target, thus encouraging a

large increase in solar power as an energy source.

The Philippines has strong potential in harnessing solar energy, both for consumer use

and power production, given the continued drop in prices and further innovation in the field. In

addition, the country is prepared to join the solar power revolution, mainly due to its

geographical location within the two Tropical Zones. It is well known that the archipelagic

geology of the Philippines poses unique challenges in the distribution of solar power energy, and

it is acknowledged that the Philippines should be very able to adapt to a solar energy system for

the country. However, the Philippines needs to improve the existing infrastructure, maintenance

and connected technologies to ensure that this will work. It is also acknowledged that it will be

important to develop the correct energy management technology along with a solar power

system that is built and developed in the Philippines, and has the potential to become a basis for

other tropical island nations, should they wish to adopt this solar power system. At the same

time, the private sector should also look into developing renewable energy projects, and

developers should consider the opportunities as the Philippines integrates renewable energy

development into its government regulations. Another important aspect for the future of this

industry, and the need for future investments in the solar field, is in the development of battery

energy storage which will integrate renewable energy projects into the grid. It has been pointed

out that the Philippines must be innovative in creating a market for ancillary services – i.e.

battery energy storage. It is also recognized that there must be a move from the majority of lead-

based battery storage systems, to the higher storage and more efficient Lithium battery storage

system. A recent Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC) Circular, has classified battery energy

storage as a new source of ancillary services or reserve power. Under the Circular, the ERC

adopted the Grid Management Committee’s recommendations classifying the Battery Energy

Storage System (BESS) as a new source of frequency control ancillary services, particularly

contingency reserve and secondary reserve. One of the prominent foreign investors is AES

Philippines, the local unit of US energy giant AES Corp, and the company is currently

developing the first 40MW battery storage facility in Negros Occidental province. It is also

offering its energy storage batteries as a possible long-term solution to the power situation in the

country. Additionally, and from a consumer viewpoint, global prices of Solar Photo Voltaic (PV)

panels have already dropped 52% from 2008 to 2015. It is acknowledged that this reduction in

costs for an energy source, will impact globally and not just the Philippines. Along with this

trend, a study by the International Energy Agency has demonstrated that solar energy could

surpass fossil fuels, biomass, and wind, hydro and nuclear to become the largest source of

electricity globally by 2050.

Local Literature

According to Greenpeace in Australia (2013), solar radiation reaching the earth's surface

in one year provides more than 10,000 times the world's yearly energy needs. One reason why

there are few peer-reviewed studies is that the interest in developing alternative energy has

grown exponentially in recent years and science has to "catch up." Opportunities for hypothesis-

driven research on solar energy facilities of this scale, particularly research looking at baseline

conditions before development, impacts of operation, or conditions after development, have been

limited (United States Geological Survey). Based on the first citation, it is been said that solar-

powered is much more efficient because the world provides the energy that the people need, and

science must develop alternative energy that has to do with the energy in the surroundings.

As stated by Ganapathy, in DST Inspire Faculty (2015) based on the second citation

solar energy makes the usage of electricity decreases in making use with solar energy while still

the device functions just like when using electricity-based energy. Nowadays, sensor node

networks are designed and increasingly used in various fields and sectors, such as in military

(examples Battlefield surveillance, nuclear, biological and chemical attack detection and

reconnaissance), in health (examples Tele-monitoring of human physiological data, monitoring

patients and doctors inside a hospital), in environment (examples Forest fire detection, flood

detection) and in other various applications. However, the power sources and supply of the nodes

remains a challenge. Therefore, energy conservation plays an important role in this network.

Usually, battery-powered is used as power sources for sensor nodes, but energy harvesting offers

an alternative, although it is not able to avoid the problem. In this paper, an analysis is performed

to compares the use of batteries powered against solar cells powered. The basic parameter and

characteristics for both power supplies are studied in terms of capacity or volume, low self-

discharge, shorter recharge time, energy density and power efficiency to generate power for the

sensor nodes, the lower cost and also in terms of characteristics such as size and weight. This

will help the military to use solar energy to convert into electricity when they need to charge

their military equipment such as radio, transmitter, etc.

As reported by Kabir, in International Renewable Energy Agency (2017), the

development of novel solar power technologies is one of many key solutions toward fulfilling a

worldwide increasing demand for energy. Rapid growth within the field of solar technologies is

nonetheless facing various technical barriers, such as low solar cell efficiencies, low performing

balance-of-systems (BOS). Economic hindrances (e.g., high upfront costs and a lack of financing

mechanisms), and institutional obstacles (e.g., inadequate infrastructure and a shortage of skilled

manpower). The merits and demerits of solar energy technologies are both discussed in this

article. A number of technical problems affecting renewable energy research are also

highlighted, along with beneficial interactions between regulation policy frameworks and their

future prospects. In order to help open novel routes with regard to solar energy research and

practices, a future roadmap for the field of solar research is discussed. This helps to improve the

model of solar panel charger into a better version of it and can make it simple to use for people.

As explained by Boado, (2008) a universal charger was designed to charge the

battery of an electronic gadget by using a renewable source, solar energy. The device harnesses

the ever-present solar energy by using solar panels and converts that energy into a direct current

and then stores it in battery storage. The storage battery supplies 12 V, 2.4 amperes which are

sufficient to operate the cigarette jack charger. The cigarette jack charger regulates the voltages

coming from the battery storage and then charges the battery of the electronic gadget. After

testing the prototype, and based on the interviews conducted with professionals, the researchers

arrived at the following findings. First, the amount of energy that a solar panel can generate

depends on the intensity of the light present and the size of the solar panel. Hence, the larger the

size, the larger the power it can generate. Second, by using battery storage, it is possible to

regulate the energy used in charging electronic devices. Finally, the universal solar power

charger (USPC) is more convenient to use than the hand crank and handgrip portable charger

because the user can cage USPC for much longer use by simply exposing it to the sun. This

USPC or Universal Solar Power Charger can charge devices in 12 V maximum also it is a

handgrip device that can hold and easy to expose to the sun and charge your device.

As believed by Taguibao, in the Philippines (2010), this study investigates the

interaction and dynamics between regulatory agencies and businesses in the context of

developing the Philippine renewable energy sector using the perspectives and experiences of the

selected industry managers. Primary data was gathered through in-depth interviews with seven

industry managers - three project developers of hydroelectric and geothermal plants, a managing

director of a supply firm for renewable energy sources, and three executive secretaries from

various renewable energy developers. The study analyzes the institutional arrangements for

renewable energy development, particularly the pertinent legislation that were enacted since the

restructuring of the electric power industry in 2001. Furthermore, using the interview data, the

author probes into the interaction and dynamics between regulators and businesses, as well as

issues, obstructions, and constraints that were identified by the interviewees in developing the

Philippine renewable energy sector. The study concludes, focusing on the effects of transaction

costs and political connections on the future of the renewable energy sector in the Philippines

this one talked about the Philippine's Renewable Energy Sector that planning to have an energy

renewable here in the Philippines and they talked about the Hydroelectric and Geothermal plants.

These two are what they build here in the Philippines.

Local Study

As explained by Solar Energy System (2015), the transformation of energy from the sun

into electricity is called solar power. Through the use of solar panels, radiation from the sun is

converted into power that can sustain your home. Solar energy Systems, Inc. is one of the

leading companies that are utilizing the use of solar power in the Philippines. Through them,

millions of Filipino households, corporate buildings, and public establishments can now make

use of renewable energy to power their electric appliances. Solar panels will use to make

charging easier and more relevant to others. (Popularity of Solar Panel in the Philippines, Solar

energy System, Inc. Due to a high temperature that tropical country has from sunlight to

electricity called solar power. Using the solar panels that convert the direct sunlight to consume

the power to your home. Many corporations, households are using this solar panel to power their

electrical appliances and other use by electricity. The researcher uses the solar panel to make the

charging easier and more relevant to others and more ecofriendly.

As reported by Widell, in Solaric Corporation (2013), one of the perks of having a

power bank is being able to charge anywhere. You can charge your phone or tablet wherever you

are, whether you’re in a car, boat, plane, or even while walking. Depending on the model, some

power banks can offer hours of charging, which can help your phone last a whole day. While a

normal power bank requires you to plug it in once it’s empty, a solar power bank can be charged

through the power of sunlight. In a tropical country like the Philippines, this can be no problem

as there is hardly any shortage of sunlight for us. That’s the reason why the researcher wants to

innovate a power bank that can charge by sunlight power bank can also charge by sunlight. The

researcher knows how easy to charge your power bank wherever you go. If our study is success

power banks may easier to use and longer the lifespan. This power bank is more than normal

because this one can charge your phone the whole day. Using only power panels there no

problem with sunlight. In tropical countries like here in Philippine, they can charge power banks

with no reason to fill your phone battery. That’s the reason why the researcher wants to innovate

a power bank that can charge by sunlight.

As stated by 2019 Princeton University, recent scientific and technological development

has advanced the capability of harnessing and utilizing solar energy especially with the recent

solar panel Philippines can use. Even simple homeowners can do their respective parts to harvest

the sun’s limitless power through solar panels and other solar power harvesting gadgets. Lighter

and more efficient panels are now available in the market that is still fitted with special PV cells

that are proven effective in generating varying amounts of electricity from the sun. The

Philippines has different kinds of solar panels and the producers utilizing and optimizing it so

that the users will have a very convenient way of harnessing these kinds of devices, and keep

providing an upgraded and much more efficient but advance equipment.

As stated in the 2016 Department of Energy, Solar Home Systems (SHS) are easy to

deploy in the island and in remote communities where the grid connection is costly. However,

issues related to the maintenance of these systems emerge after they are deployed because of the

remoteness and inaccessibility of the communities. This study looked into community-based

programs in the Philippines and investigated the following: (1) social preparation; (2) role of the

community in the project; and (3) sustainability of the program; In this paper, three communities

under two government programs offering SHS are presented. These programs are the Solar

Power Technology Support (SPOTS) program of the Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR)

and the Household Electrification Program (HEP) of the Department of Energy (DOE). A

focused group discussion and key informant interviews were conducted in two communities in

Bukidnon province and in a community in Kalinga to obtain information from the project

beneficiaries and SHS users on the preparation, implementation, and maintenance of the projects.

The results revealed that emphasis on the economic value of the technology, proper training of

the locals on the technical and management aspects of the project, as well as the establishment of

a supply chain for replacement parts are crucial factors for the sustainability of the programs.

And as stated, the researchers made a device that is suitable of using the suns solar energy like

Solar Home Systems (SHS) and deploying it to the houses in remote communities to use as an

alternative source in using electricity much more efficient

Based on the 2017 Department of Energy, the energy is a solar energy project developer

headquartered in Germany with offices in the Philippines, located in Alabang Metro Manila. The

company is specialized in building rooftop and ground-mounted solar systems. The company

plans, builds, finances and operates solar plants on open spaces as well as on roofs of

commercial, industrial, agricultural or public buildings. PV² Energy is one of the most

experienced solar companies in the Philippines and also has significant knowledge of the wind

and biomass energy sector. In 2005 the two shareholding associates Chris Hannen and Phillip

Küpper initiated project planning and execution of projects in the area of renewable energy.

Thus, by the end of 2010 numerous solar and wind power stations had been erected. In March

2011 the two entrepreneurs founded PV² Energy GmbH. It was the vehicle for incorporating the

growing business activities – both domestic and foreign – within the framework of a limited

company (GmbH). Due to the huge potential of renewable energy (RE) in the Philippines, PV²

Energy opened its subsidiary in Manila to bring German expertise into the country and cater to

the growing local solar energy market. Since early 2014 PV² Energy started operating in the

Philippines and has since developed solar energy projects for Philippine companies. With the

opening of the Philippine subsidiary, Brenda Baylon joined the management team as a

shareholder and general manager of PV² Energy Philippines Inc. Given the company’s

cumulative experience gained in many solar, wind and biomass projects, PV² Energy is the right

partner for your renewable energy project. Energy is a solar energy developer that provides

technologies using solar-powered equipment that mostly relies on solar energy, Energy produces

these kinds of technology systems to help the users such as agricultural or industrial community

here in the Philippines.

Synthesis of the Review of Literature and Studies

This related literature and studies provided the researcher's insights into the present study. In

line with this, the researchers highlighted the most relevant study and literature to their present


Researchers present that using solar panels gives energy free and renewable source of

electricity. Nowadays technology is power, a high tech, and much easy to use. But it simply that

the energy to consume to the gadgets that affect the source of electricity. Will used solar panels

to contribute the energy that given by the sun and to save energy, to save money and to save our

environment. The researcher on related literature knows that the solar power satellite is known as

a new stronger renewable energy resource. Because of interest in alternative energy sources.

Unlike the hydroelectric and geothermal plants, this one is different because it can produce

energy in an instant. The researchers on related literature know that satellite solar power systems

{SSPS} are using the rocker to lunch this satellite from the outer spaced and get the direct

sunlight. The Si or concentrator GaAs solar cell assemblies large enough to project 5 GW

of power that converts energy to their station here on Earth.

The Researcher on Related literature knows that Space-Based Solar Power (SBSP), an

emerging technology that is under a heavy research phase. Here geosynchronous satellites are

used for collecting sunlight, the same as the {SSPS} domesticate it to produce solar power and

transmitting the generated power back to Earth using Wireless power transmission (WPT),

safely and reliably. In Sub Saharan Africa and South Asia, have a charging station and they make

it for the low-income population and low electric consumption for them to make it eco-friendlier

this is powered by solar energy and although there are many different energy services targeted,

the most popular services are charging batteries, mobile phones, and lamps. The first charging

station was installed in 1992 but most activities happen after 2005. The researcher on related

study knows that the International Journal of Photo energy Volume 2015 they study about

renewable energy is not damaging the environment unlike the traditional using the coal, oil and

fossil fuels that can damage the environment. The pace of research and application of solar

energy in Europe is also very fast and the use of solar heat is more extensive, involving power

generation, domestic hot water, heating, local heating water, and so forth. More than 90% of

solar heat is used for residential areas in the EU.

Chapter 3


This chapter will present the Research Design, Source of Data, Data

Generation/Gathering Procedure and lastly the Statistical Treatment of Data

Research Design

This research will use an experimental design. This Experimental Design is a device that is

capable of harnessing solar energy and converting it to solar energy to electrical energy in a way

that much more efficient. This device can help not only users but also the other researchers when

it comes to this study in this research design.

The experimental design is the collection, computation of conduct data, and the final

result/outcome of data. This design will appropriate to this research because they have known the

connection between the (Temperature and Light Meter), (Voltage and Percentage) and Time in

terms of the Sunlight Detector Charger: A Solar Panel Model for powering Low-end Gadgets

Source of the Data

The study of Miniature Satellite Solar Charger will determine the material used. Solar Panel

is the main source gatherer of this prototype and then the Arduino Mega 2560 is the main

processor because it can process the whole system and make it more functional. The L293d

Motor Driver Shield is placed at the top of the Arduino Mega 2560 and it is connected between

Servo SG90 and the Light Dependent Resistor to make functions properly. While the Servo

SG90 makes the prototype to be movements of vertically and the Servo MG996 Metal Gear

makes the prototype to be movements of horizontally. It all connected by the use of Jumper Wire

and it has two parts: the male and female jumper wire. The USB Cable functions are to connect

and to project the code to move or rotate in this invention. And lastly, the Light Dependent

Resistor helps to detect the light source and move 180 degrees right and left.

The Arduino Uno, LCD 1602, Switch, DHT 11 Humidity and Temperature Sensor, IIC

Serial I2C LCD Adaptor, and 9 volts battery, and lastly the USB Current Voltage Capacity

Tester are the component that show the intensity of light and heat temperature, the flow of the

voltage-current and the time that they can charge for the low-end gadgets. The researchers show

that the different used components in Sun Light Detect Charger: Model of Solar Panel for Low-

end Gadgets are effective and the quality has good and much more efficient to use.

Data/Gathering Procedure

There is the step-by-step procedure on how to make the Sunlight Detector Charger: A Solar

Panel Model for powering Low-end Gadgets. The purpose is to determine the procedure to build

the Sun Light Detect Charger: Model of Solar Panel for Low-end Gadgets and how it works


The procedure of the Sunlight Detector Charger: A Solar Panel Model for powering Low-

end Gadgets,

Step 1: first comes from the arrangement of the power circuits of Arduino to generate and

the capability of different materials to use.

Step 2: Second is the organizing the material (Arduino Mega, Motor Driver, Servo, Resistor,

Light Detector Resistor, Jumper Wire, Solar Panel) until it became a Sunlight Detector Charger:

A Solar Panel Model for powering Low-end Gadgets form.

Step 3: The third is the formatting of the code of the system of Arduino, check if the code is

capable in the system of Sun Light Detector Charger, sometimes they have troubleshoot like an

error of the system and will fix them and until it becomes functional, to work in a good


Step 4: And lastly the finalizing and testing the subject into its complex field and determine

the other object and the system to form a good and successful invention and it works properly.

Statistical Treatment of Data

This study Sunlight Detector Charger: A Solar Panel Model for powering Low-end Gadgets

will use Test Statistical. The variables used are a movement's heat source, Voltage, and charging

time. This variable used to determine the functions and capabilities of Sunlight Detector Charger:

A Solar Panel Model for powering Low-end Gadgets.

The researcher will use the Pearson Correlation Coefficient Formula to compute the total

data of the Intensity (Temperature and Light Meter), (Voltage and Percentage) and Time. This

formula will determine the connection or relationship between the Intensity (Heat/Temperature

and Lux/Light) Energy, (Voltage and mAh) and the Percentage and Charging Time in terms of a

high or low data.

The Formula of the Pearson Correlation Coefficient

r =n ∑ xy−¿ ¿ ¿


N = number of pairs of scores

∑xy= sum of the products of paired scores

∑x = sum of x scores

∑y = sum of y scores

∑ x 2= sum of squared x scores

∑ y 2= sum of squared y scores

Chapter 4

Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data

This chapter will present the results, findings analysis and interpretation of data gathered

to determine the Miniature Intensity Detector Solar Charger.

The Number of Conducting Data

The conducting data of our prototype Sunlight Detector Charger: A Solar Panel Model for

powering Low-end Gadgets is a fill of the Intensity (Heat and Light), the Voltage and mAh, and

the percentage and time. The list of conducting data in the following:

Test 1 Intensity Intensity Voltage mAh Percentage Charging

Heat/Temperature Light/Lux (Milliamp-Hour) Time
3% 10 Minutes
High 43.1 124,000 4.85 V 15 mAh
Low 36.5 10,980 4.44 V 9 mAh
Table 1. Shows the Test 1 of the Conduct Data.

Test 2 Intensity Intensity Voltage mAh Percentage Charging

Heat/Temperature Light/Lux (Milliamp-Hour) Time
6% 20 Minutes
High 41.4 105,000 4.82 V 34 mAh
Low 37.1 17,700 4.61 V 16 mAh
Table 2. Shows the Test 2 of the Conduct Data.
Test 3 Intensity Intensity Voltage mAh Percentage Charging
Heat/Temperature Light/Lux (Milliamp-Hour) Time
10 % 30 Minutes
High 40.8 115,100 4.80 V 65 mAh
Low 36.9 18,410 4.50 V 47 mAh
Table 3. Shows the Test 3 of the Conduct Data.

Test 4 Intensity Intensity Voltage mAh Percentage Charging

Heat/Temperature Light/Lux (Milliamp-Hour) Time
13 % 40 Minutes
High 42.4 98,140 4.73 V 90 mAh
Low 39.4 13,400 4.48 V 52 mAh

Table 4. Shows the Test 4 of the Conduct Data.

Test 5 Intensity Intensity Voltage mAh Percentage Charging

Heat/Temperature Light/Lux (Milliamp-Hour) Time
17 % 50 Minutes
High 43.4 112,800 4.79 V 110 mAh
Low 38.2 15,510 4.50 V 59 mAh
Table 5. Shows the Test 5 of the Conduct Data.

Test 6 Intensity Intensity Voltage mAh Percentage Charging

Heat/Temperature Light/Lux (Milliamp-Hour) Time
22 % 60 Minutes
High 44.7 134,700 5.05 V 160 mAh
Low 35.6 10,090 4.59 V 64 mAh
Table 6. Shows the Test 6 of the Conduct Data.

The Presentation of the Data

List X (Temp) Y (Lux) xy x2 y2

Test 1 43.1 124,000 5,344,400 1,857.61 15,376,000,000
Test 2 41.4 105,000 4,347,000 1,713.96 11,025,000,000
Test 3 40.8 115,100 4,696,080 1,664.64 13,248,010,000
Test 4 42.4 98,140 4,161,136 1,797.76 9,631,459,600
Test 5 43.4 112,800 4,895,520 1,883.56 12,723,840,000
Test 6 44.7 134,700 6,021,090 1,998.09 18,144,090,000

Total 255.8 689,740 29,465,226 10,915.62 80,148,399,600

Table 1. Shows the list of Intensity (Heat/Temperature and Light/Lux) in terms of a High

conduct data


r =n ∑ xy−¿ ¿ ¿


r ¿
( 6 ) ( 29,465,226 )−( 255.8)(689,740)

r = √28,416,153,820,208

r = 0.067

Moderately Positive Correlation

Table 1 indicates the presentation of the data. This study shows the high percentage of the

temperature and lux and the overall performance. There is 6 test that identifies the possible

outcomes of this study shown below. The Final answer is moderately positive correlation so that

the data is under the positive or in a high data. Therefore the test 1 is have their relationship

between the Intensity (Heat/Temperature and Lux/Light) Energy, the Voltage and mAh, and last

the Percentage and charging time in terms of a High Conduct Data. The Temperature and Lux is

high the output of the prototype is high.

List X (Temp) Y (Lux) xy x2 y2

Test 1 36.5 10,980 400,770 1,332.25 120,560,400
Test 2 37.1 17,700 656,670 1,376.41 313,290,000
Test 3 36.9 18,410 679,329 1,361.61 338,928,100
Test 4 39.4 13,400 527,960 1,552.36 179,560,000
Test 5 38.2 15,510 592,482 1,459.24 240,560,100
Test 6 35.6 10,090 359,204 1,267.36 101,808,100

Total 223.7 86,090 3,216,415 8,349.23 1,294,706,700

Table 2. Shows the list of Intensity (Heat/Temperature and Light/Lux) in terms of Low

conduct data.


r =n ∑ xy−¿ ¿ ¿


( 6 )( 3,216,415 )−(223.7)(86,090)
√¿ ¿ ¿

r = √19,154,020,249

r = 0.290 or r =0.3

Negligible Positive Correlation

Table 2 indicates the presentation of the data. This study shows the low percentage temperature

and lux and the overall performance. It is the last result of the test. There is 6 test that identifies

the possible outcomes of this study shown below. The Final answer is negligible positive

correlation so that the data is under the negative or low of data. Therefore the test 1 is have their

relationship between the Intensity (Heat/Temperature and Lux/Light) Energy, the Voltage and

mAh, and last the Percentage and charging time in terms of a High Conduct Data. The

Temperature and Lux is low the output of the prototype is low.

List X (Voltage) Y (mAh) xy x2 y2

Test 1 4.85 15 72.75 23.5225 225
Test 2 4.82 34 163.88 23.2324 1,156
Test 3 4.80 65 312 23.04 4,225
Test 4 4.73 90 425.7 22.3729 8,100
Test 5 4.79 110 526.9 22.9441 12,100
Test 6 5.05 160 808 25.5025 25,600

Total 29.04 474 2,309.23 140.6144 51,406

Table 3. Shows the list of voltage and the mAh (Milliamp Hour) in terms of a High

conduct data.


r =n ∑ xy−¿ ¿ ¿


( 6 ) ( 2,309.23 )−(29.04)( 474)

√ [ ( 6 )( 140.6144 )−( 29.04 ) ] ¿ ¿ ¿

r = √30,555.648

r = 0.517

Moderately Positive Correlation

Table 3 represents data of voltage and mAh (Milliamp Hour) of high data conducted by the

researchers. The data conducted are used to measure the voltage electromotive force that has

caused that current to flow that produce by sun using a solar panel to convert it into electricity,

and mAh current that has flowed if the current flow is steady used to measure energy charge of

the battery that stores up the voltage that has been converted by the solar panel. The data shows

the conducted data is a positive correlation because of the sun’s intensity and the result is 0.517

(high data). It helps the research to have an idea to determine the intensity of the sun that the

researchers have been conducted for. This provides the research of the data is high voltage

meaning the correlation is positive.

List X (Voltage) Y (mAh) xy x2 y2

Test 1 4.44 9 39.96 19.7136 81
Test 2 4.61 16 73.76 21.2521 256
Test 3 4.50 47 211.5 20.25 2,209
Test 4 4.48 52 232.96 20.0704 2,704
Test 5 4.50 59 265.5 20.25 3,481
Test 6 4.59 64 293.76 21.0681 4,096

Total 27.12 247 1,117.44 122.6042 12,827

Table 4. Shows the list of voltage and the mAh (Milliamp Hour) in terms of a Low conduct



r =n ∑ xy−¿ ¿ ¿


( 6 )( 1,117.44 )−(27.12)(247)
√¿ ¿ ¿

r = √2,086.6524

r = 0.131

Negligible Positive Correlation

Table 4 represents data of voltage and mAh (Milliamp Hour) of low data conducted by the

researchers. The data conducted are used to measure the voltage and mAh to get the final data of

it. The data shows the conducted data is a negative correlation because the sun’s intensity is low

and the result is 0.131 (low data). It helps the research to have an idea to determine the intensity

of the sun is the weak temperature that the researchers find the conducted for. This provides the

research of the data is low voltage meaning the correlation is negative.

List X (Percentage) Y (Charging Time) xy x2 y2

Test 1 3 10 30 9 100
Test 2 6 20 120 36 400
Test 3 10 30 300 100 900
Test 4 13 40 520 169 1,600
Test 5 17 50 850 289 2,500
Test 6 22 60 1,320 484 3,600

Total 71 210 3,140 1,087 9,100

Table 5. Shows the Percentage and Charging Time that conducts in our prototype.


r =n ∑ xy−¿ ¿ ¿


( 6 )( 3,140 ) −(71)(210)
√¿ ¿ ¿

r = √15,550,500

r = 0.996 or r = 1.0

Perfect Positive Correlation

Table 5 shows the data of Percentage and Charging Time is positive from test 1 to 6. The

data is defending on voltage and mAh that show in table 4(high data). Also in Table 1 show the

result of temperature and light that's in (high data). From this result, the researcher determines

that having low data on temperature, light, voltage, and mAh means negative.

The researcher provides to use high data that show on Table 3 that high data on voltage and

mAh and on Table 1 have a high data on temperature and light meaning if the data is low the

researcher has a negative correlation that they have a higher temperature, light and etc. also

having positive correlation.

The Final answer is moderately positive correlation so that the data is under the positive.

Therefore the overall test is have their relationship between the Intensity (Heat/Temperature and

Lux/Light) Energy, the Voltage and mAh, and last the Percentage and charging time in terms of

the energy of the sun.

Interpretation of Data

The data that have been gathered by the researcher is difficult but manages to do the job.

Conducting this research needs time to get the data needed to complete, lots of money, time and

efforts are used and sacrifices to get the data of the researcher’s need to complete the study

research data.

This study knows the voltage, the researcher’s use the voltage USB tester, this tester uses for

computing time for charging, mAh and the voltage. For the light, we use lux meter and it takes

some minutes to take the exact data because it’s changing every time. Then for temperature use

the simple temperature meter. And lastly, components that are used to completely and functional

the Sunlight Detector Charger: A Solar Panel Model for powering Low-end Gadgets is the

voltage regulator, the voltage regulator is to regulate a voltage and stays at the original number

the voltage in low-end gadgets like power bank and doesn’t change the voltage if the sun not

stable, the voltage is stable as well and regulate in much power electricity.

This is all item are used to conduct our data and to answer the problem that the Intensity

(Heat/Temperature, the Light/Lux), the Voltage and mAh and the percentage and the Charging

time of the Sunlight Detector Charger: A Solar Panel Model for powering Low-end Gadgets.

This data will assume that the Intensity (Heat/Temperature, the Light/Lux), the Voltage and mAh

and the percentage and the Charging time is have a connection when the Intensity

(Heat/Temperature, the Light/Lux), the Voltage and mAh and the percentage and the Charging

time is in a high current the giving energy of the Solar Panel is much better to supply and to

charge the low-end gadgets.

But the Intensity (Heat/Temperature, the Light/Lux), the Voltage and mAh and the

percentage and the Charging time is in low current the giving energy of the Solar Panel is light

and the low-end gadgets will slow to charge. Therefore their relationship between the Intensity

(Heat/Temperature and Lux/Light) Energy, the Voltage and mAh, and last the Percentage and

charging time in terms to conduct the data.

Chapter 5

Summary of Findings, Conclusion, and Recommendation

The intent of this chapter is to recapitulate the Finding and Conclusion of the study and

also to give generalization and to show the Recommendation made for the study.

Summary of Findings

In this generation, the technology is improving and the developers are inventing a wide

variety of gadgets, so then when the battery of the specific gadget drains, people often charge

and the consumption of the electricity increases so why rely on the electricity when the users can

consume the energy of the sun, solar can also be the source of energy and can turn into electricity

instead of being reliant into common ways of charging into plugs, sockets, etc.


Nowadays, many Filipino constantly need electricity in different places that have no

electricity, and many Filipino is struggling to pay the bill for electricity. The researchers develop

a solar panel charger miniature that has an intensity detector that includes heat and light from the

Sun’s heat, instead of being reliant on common electricity energy, it conserves more electricity

than before. This study was conducted to determine how fast the charging time of electronic

devices or gadgets of a miniature intensity detector solar charger.


The Researchers know that it is too hard to be an eco-friendly, although they have known

that many Filipinos have problems paying their electricity bills, this project will able to reduce

the consumption of electricity and fossil fuel use to produce electricity. Solar energy continues

the research for an alternative for the source of electricity. It can be an ease for us to charge our

device every day and lead the community to be a better one, also having a greener environment.


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