Classic Keto Hamburger With Bacon - Recipe - Diet Doctor

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6 g  15 + 55 m Medium

Classic keto hamburger

5 15 ratings
Have it your way — keto and delicious! Throw together
homemade keto buns and enjoy a classic hamburger,
complete with all the fixings! Don't forget the bacon...

4 servings Instructions

Keto hamburger buns
Keto buns
1¼ cups (5 oz.) super 1 Preheat the oven to 350°F (175°C).
fine almond flour
5 tbsp ground psyllium 2 Start by making the hamburger buns. Mix together the
husk powder dry ingredients in a bowl.
2 tsp baking powder
1 tsp sea salt 3 Bring water to a boil. Add the water, the vinegar and the
egg whites to the bowl while beating with a hand mixer
1¼ cups water
for about 30 seconds. Don't overmix the dough; the
2 tsp white wine vinegar consistency should resemble Play-Doh.
or cider vinegar
3 egg whites With moist hands, form the dough into individual pieces
1 tbsp sesame seeds of bread, one for each serving. Sprinkle sesame seeds
on top. Be sure to leave enough room on the baking
sheet for the buns to double in size.
1¾ lbs ground beef or
5 Bake on lower rack in oven for 50-60 minutes. They're
ground turkey
done when you hear a hollow sound when tapping the
2 tbsp butter or olive oil, bottom of the buns.
for frying
salt and pepper
2 oz. (1½ cups) lettuce, Hamburger
1 Fry the bacon slices over medium heat.
1 (4 oz.) tomato, thinly
2 Form the ground beef into individual hamburgers and
1 (4 oz.) red onion, thinly
either grill or fry. Season with salt and pepper when the
hamburgers are almost done.
½ cup mayonnaise or
vegan mayonnaise
3 Split each roll in half and spread a generous amount of
5 oz. bacon mayonnaise on each half.
4 Build your hamburger to your taste.
Making low carb simple 5 Pair with a side of coleslaw for added crunch!

What do you do with the three egg yolks left from the bread?
Béarnaise sauce, of course! Check out our recipes for
béarnaise sauce and chili-flavored béarnaise sauce.

If you need to store the bread you can do so in the freezer.

Thaw at room temperature or in a warm oven.

The bread recipe is adapted from an earlier bread recipe by
Maria Emmerich.

Video of how to make the bread

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