Performance Testing and Analysis of Vertical Ambient Air Vaporizers

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IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 171 (2017) 012094 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/171/1/012094

International Conference on Recent Trends in Physics 2016 (ICRTP2016) IOP Publishing

Journal of Physics: Conference Series 755 (2016) 011001 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/755/1/011001

Performance testing and analysis of vertical ambient air


A S Pandey 1, V N Singh 1, M I Shah 1 and D V Acharya 2

1Mechanical Engineering Department, A. D. Patel Institute of Technology, India
2 INOXCVA, Kalol, Panchmahal, Gujarat, India

[email protected]

Abstract. Ambient air vaporizers are used to regasify cryogenic liquids at extremely low
temperature (below -153°C). Frost formation occurs on it due to large temperature
difference between ambient air and cryogenic fluid. Frosting induces additional load on
equipment and reduces its heat transfer effectiveness. Hence, mechanical and thermal
design of vaporizers account for frosting. An experimental set-up has been designed and
effects of flow rate and ground clearance on the performance of ambient air vaporizers are
evaluated. The flow rate is increased from the rated capacity of 500 Nm 3/h to 640 Nm3/h
and ground clearance is reduced from 500 mm to 175 mm. The above variations reduce the
time duration for which gaseous nitrogen is delivered at temperature higher than 10.1 °C
(desired). Hence duty cycle reduces from eight hours to five hours. The other factors
affecting performance such as fin configuration, fluid type, fluid pressure, intermittent flow
nature and climatic conditions are assumed to be constant over the test duration. The
decrement in outlet gas temperature (from 38 °C to 10.1°C) with corresponding increment
in frost thickness leads to deterioration of performance of ambient air vaporizers.

1. Introduction
Ambient air vaporizers are vertically oriented, downdraft heat exchangers using ambient air as the
source of energy to regasify cryogenic liquids. A schematic of downward draft generation is shown
in ‘figure 1’. As shown in ‘figure 1’, the initial rows of fin surface exhibits higher frost

Figure 1. Schematic of downdraft generation in ambient air vaporizer.

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IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 171 (2017) 012094 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/171/1/012094

accumulation than the final rows. This is due to fact that initial rows exhibit comparatively low
surface temperature unlike final rows of vaporizer.
The vertical orientation of vaporizer creates a natural downdraft due to the warmer, less dense
air at the top being lighter than the cold denser air at the bottom. The extremely lower surface
temperature exhibited due to large temperature difference between ambient air and cryogenic liquid
causes frosting on heat exchanger surface. Frosting induces additional load on equipment and
reduces its heat transfer effectiveness thereby rendering them inefficient. This necessitates use of
different defrosting mechanisms e.g. mechanical scrubbers, hot water spray on the surface,
switching off the supply of liquid nitrogen to vaporizer. In present work switching off defrosting
mechanism is used. The equipments are therefore rated for a specified duty cycle and require some
defrosting time after each frosting cycle. But these heat exchangers are widely used due to inherent
benefits that they offer in terms of ease of design, lower operating and constructional cost and
lesser environmental impact in comparison to other vaporization systems.
The performance of ambient air vaporizers is a function of cumulative effect of different factors
like fin configuration, fluid type and pressure, intermittent / steady flow nature, climatic conditions
like temperature and humidity and ground clearance. Alteration of any parameter shall change the
performance of equipment in terms of reduced flow rate being vaporized or in terms of reduced
duty cycle for the rated flow rate. Hence, optimum selection of operating parameters is essential for
efficient operation of vaporizers. Sizing ambient vaporizers for particular applications is generally
done on thumb rule interpretations which involve multiplication or division of factors to the rated
capacity. The factors used are mostly based on past experiences. For example, in northern parts of
the USA and most of Canada, some companies use the quarter rule of thumb; divide the vaporizers
rated capacity by four to obtain the actual mid-winter capacity. Others divide by 5, while in the
southern states the rated capacity is multiplied by 1.5 for intermittent use and divided by 2 for
continuous applications. While this rule of thumb method is generally satisfactory for different
locations, applications and climates, it can be misleading for other locations because the
multiplication or division of factors to the rated capacity is specific only to that user. Furthermore,
it is based on the vaporizer manufacturers rated capacity, which is subject to question as
configuration and safety factors may vary. Hence, it is better to adjudge performance by
conducting experimental investigation on vaporizers.
Present research focuses on experimental set-up design and investigating effects of flow rate
and ground clearance on the performance of ambient air vaporizers. Different parameters like
pressure, temperature, flow rate and frost thickness are noted and analysed to assess the varying
performance of ambient air vaporizers. Frost thickness is measured at different locations from start
to end of vaporizer by using linear measuring tape strips. Its value at the end of duty cycle is found
to be varying from 12 mm on the initial three rows, 5 to 7 mm on successive two rows and 0 mm
on the end three rows. The frost accumulation results in cold gas outflow from the vaporizer.

2. Design of Experimental set-up

2.1. Vaporizer specification

A vaporizer to vaporize 500 Nm3/h of liquid nitrogen at 10 bar operating pressure and temperature
greater than 10°C is to be designed. Table 1 exhibits the configuration and dimensions of the fin are
provided as input data for the sizing calculations. The fin material used is aluminium alloy.
Table 1. Given data or available data.
Tube inside diameter (m) 0.02505
Tube outside diameter (m) 0.03050
Liquid fins (m2/m) 0.647
Gaseous fins (m2/m) 1.345
Thickness of metal tube (m) 0.005

IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 171 (2017) 012094 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/171/1/012094

2.1.1. Estimation of sizing parameters for vaporizer. An average value of overall heat transfer
coefficient U is to be determined for preliminary sizing. This is determined by theoretically accounting
variation of inside heat transfer coefficient with varying vapour quality ‘x’ [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] and then
taking a conservative value of inside heat transfer coefficient along with calculation of outside heat
transfer coefficient by suitable correlation. The average value of overall heat transfer coefficient
comes out to be 9.95 W/m2K [6]. Applying basic heat balance equation as in equation (1), area
required by vaporizer to deliver desired flow rate is determined. The mass flow rate 𝑚̇ to be vaporized
is 0.17 kg/s. This is calculated by converting volumetric flow rate to mass flow rate.
Q = ṁ × ∆H (1)
ṁ = mass flow rate, kg/s
ΔH=enthalpy difference between entering and leaving fluid, kJ/kg
Enthalpy difference is calculated by taking properties at operating pressure of 10 bar (a) and stated
temperature conditions as shown in equation (2).
∆H = Houtlet − Hinlet , kJ/kg (2)
The mean temperature difference is calculated by using equation (3). This is done by evaluating
temperature differences at inlet and outlet by using equations (4 and 5) respectively.
∆Ti − ∆To (3)
LMTD = ∆Ti
ln ( )
∆Ti = Tai − Ti (4)
Tai = air temperature at inlet
Ti = fluid temperature at inlet
∆To = Tao − To (5)
Tao = air temperature at outlet
To = fluid temperature at outlet
Now, area required to vaporize specified flow rate is calculated by using heat balance equation (6).
Q (6)
Ar =
Taking the star fin configuration’s surface area (as specified by manufacturer) into account, length and
number of finned tubes required to vaporize the rated flow rate of liquid nitrogen is estimated. The
representative sketches of liquid and gaseous fin configurations are shown in ‘figure 2a’ and ‘figure
2b’. The pressure is assumed to be remaining constant and this is validated by mathematical model [5].

Figure 2a. Liquid fin configuration. Figure 2b. Gaseous fin configuration.

As per the sound engineering industrial practice, 10% to 20% of the required area for vaporizer
is provided with fins having less heat transfer surface area (i.e liquid fins) to accommodate
frosting. The frosting occurs more at the initial length of the tubes due to high temperature
difference available at the initial portion of the vaporizer. Also heat transfer rate is higher in the
initial portion and hence it would be uneconomical to go for higher surface area fin in the initial
portion of vaporizer. The symmetry of vaporizer also needs to be taken into account before
finalizing the percentage of surface area to be occupied by each of liquid as well as gaseous fin
type. Here, the initial 15% of the total area required i.e 100.31 m2.for vaporizer is provided with
liquid fins. Hence, area covered by liquid fins is Arlf = 0.15 × 100.31 = 15.04 m2 . The initial fins
taken are having a surface area of 0.647 m2 per meter length of tube. Hence, total length of such
fins is 23.25 m. The remaining area Argf = 0.85 × 100.31 = 85.26 m2 is provided with gaseous fins

IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 171 (2017) 012094 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/171/1/012094

having larger heat transfer surface area. These fins provide 1.345 m2 surface areas per meter length.
Hence, total length of gaseous fins is 75.91 m. Considering 15% safety margin for tolerance
purpose, the lengths of liquid fins comes out to be Llf = 1.15 × 23.25 = 26.73 m and, length of
gaseous fin Lgf = 1.15 × 63.39 = 72.89 m .Each fin is having a length of 2.275 m prepared by
extrusion process. Hence, Nflf = 11.75 and Nfgf = 32.04 number of liquid and gaseous fins
respectively are required. The designed vaporizer is provided with 12 liquid fins and 36 gaseous fins.
Thus, the symmetry of the vaporizer is also maintained. The symmetry does have an impact on
mechanical calculation. The vaporizer tubes are connected to each other by U-bends.
For velocity of flow inside the tubes, sound engineering practices recommends liquid flow
velocity to be between 2 to 5 m/s and gaseous flow velocity to be between 10 to 30 m/s. Hence,
sizing of headers should be done such that the velocities are within allowable limits. Based on mass
flow rate of cryogen passing through the tube and availability of standard header tubes, inlet header
tube of diameter 19 mm and outlet header tube of diameter 40 mm is selected, as the diameter
serves the criterion of velocity limits. The length of the inlet header tube is 1.11 m and outlet
header tube is 1.15 m to accommodate six sub branches from the main inlet and outlet header lines.

2.1.2. Experimental set-up description. Experimentation is carried out to test the performance of
Ambient Air Vaporizer in actual working environment. This is to ensure that the sizing method
employed for the equipment satisfies the requirement or not and hence can be checked for its
The liquid is withdrawn from the storage source having pressure higher than operating pressure
of the vaporizer. The operating pressure for the vaporizer is kept constant at 10 bar (a) or 8.98 bar
(g) with the help of pressure regulator installed on tank. As shown in ‘figure 3’ at the inlet of the
test section AVC-500, a temperature gauge TE1 and a pressure gauge PG1 are installed. Various
temperature sensors are installed at various intervals of length on finned tube surfaces to give
surface temperature at various locations. Thereby average of all temperature readings determines
the surface temperature. At the outlet of test section, a temperature gauge TE2 and a pressure
gauge PG2 are installed. The difference of pressure gives pressure drop across the test section. A
variable area flow meter is used to indicate the flow rate. Meanwhile we will also measure the frost
growth on the finned surface at various intervals of time and at various locations on the finned
surface and then take average of the thicknesses at various locations to indicate frost thickness.

2.1.3. Experimentation set-up process and instrumentation diagram.

Figure 3. Process and instrumentation diagram of experimental set-up.

IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 171 (2017) 012094 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/171/1/012094

2.1.4. Technical specifications of flow components.

Table 2. Details of instrumentation used.
Tag No. Size Description
M1 25 NB Long stem globe valve
M2, M3 40 NB Long stem globe valve
SV1, SV2 ½” NPT male Safety valve
FM1 3” connections Flow meter
B1, PV1, PV2, PV3 ¼” NPT male Isolation needle valve
PG1, PG2, PG3 ¼” NPT ,100 mm Dial Pressure gauge
TE3 to TE8 RTD PT-100 Plate type surface temperature element
TE1 RTD PT100, for 25 NB line Temperature element with thermowell
TE2 RTD PT100, for 40 NB line Temperature element with thermowell
Data logger 8 channel Temperature Scanner

3. Experimentation procedure for performance evaluation

3.1. Brief outline of experimentation procedure for validation of sizing procedure and duty cycle

3.1.1. Experimentation procedure.

i. Fill required quantity of liquid in the tank keeping it undisturbed for test duration.
ii. Keep the PBU inlet and outlet valve OPEN. PBU is another vaporizer that
vaporizes liquid nitrogen in required quantity thereby maintaining the desired
constant pressure in the tank by setting the regulator on the PBU circuit.
iii. Select the test section on which experiment need to be carried out.
iv. Connect the liquid delivery line from the tank to the inlet of the vaporizer and
connect the flow components as shown in the attached drawing for the
experimentation set-up. The flow components shall be connected at least 1.5 m
away from the outlet flange of the vaporizer. Keep all valves on the vaporizer
circuit open and allow the gas vaporization to begin.
v. In the gas flow condition adjust the control valve in the outlet line of the vaporizer
to get the desired vaporizer operating pressure in the gauge. Wait for pressure
stabilization for 5 minutes, if required make fine adjustments.
vi. Record flow rate, pressures at inlet and outlet, inlet temperature of liquid nitrogen,
outlet gas temperature, ambient temperature and surface temperature.
vii. Calculate the actual measured flow rate by applying correction factors for flow
meter and conversion factors of temperature to arrive at flow rate of gas in Nm 3/h.
Check the theoretical value of flow rate with the corrected value of flow rate.

3.1.2. Benchmark for flow rate and duty cycle validation.

i. The measured flow rate should be higher than the calculated flow rate.
ii. The temperature of the outlet gas should be at least 10 degree Celsius.

3.1.3. Factors whose effects are to be analysed during experimentation process. The vaporizer
model on which testing is carried out are well endorsed for the performance under rated condition.
The vaporizer gives rated flow of 500 Nm3/h of gaseous nitrogen at desired outlet gas temperature
of 10°C for rated duty cycle of eight hours. This is when vaporizer is mounted on the foundation
having 500 mm height to ensure proper cold air flow and dense air mitigation from the bottom. To
analyse the effect of above factors, vaporizer will be allowed to vaporize higher flow rate than its
rated capacity with reduced ground clearance of 175 mm and then duty cycle shall be determined

IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 171 (2017) 012094 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/171/1/012094

based on criteria mentioned above in section 3.1.2.

3.1.4. Observation table

Table 3. Temperatures of fluid inlet and outlet, ambient air, flow meter and fin surface reading.
Time Liquid inlet Outlet gas Ambient Temperature differences, (℃) Flow rate at outlet FM1, Average fin
intervals temperature, temperature, temperature, Nm3/h surface
min. TE1 (℃) TE2 (℃) Ta (℃) Inner fluid ΔT 2 = Indicated Actual temperature,
ΔT1 = TE2-TE1 Ta-TE2 Ts ,avg ℃
0 -168.92 38 34 209.82 Absurd 500 599.22 24.686
30 -168.92 33.3 34 202.22 0.7 520 628 -11.13
60 -168.92 27.2 35 196.12 7.8 520 634.5 -38.36
90 -168.92 25.7 36 194.62 10.3 520 635.95 -48.93
120 -168.92 22.3 37 191.22 14.7 520 640 -60.47
150 -168.92 20.2 37 189.12 16.8 520 642 -66.01
180 -168.92 18.9 38 187.82 19.1 520 643 -68.73
210 -168.92 18.8 39 187.72 20.2 520 643 -69.325
240 -168.92 16.7 39 185.62 22.3 520 645.3 -72.59
270 -168.92 15.4 39 184.32 23.6 520 647.32 -72.74
300 -168.92 10.1 39 179.02 28.9 520 653.5 -75.75
330 -168.92 5.9 40 174.82 34.1 520 658 -78.41
350 -168.92 0 39 168.92 39 520 665.2 -80.81

4. Results and discussion

During theoretical analysis it was observed, the value of overall heat transfer coefficient does not
change much with the change in vapor quality, although the change in vapor quality has a marked
effect on the value of inside heat transfer coefficient of liquid nitrogen boiling inside the vaporizer
tubes as shown in ‘figure 4’. This clearly indicates that the variation in value of overall heat transfer
coefficient used in the above calculation depends primarily on variation in value of outside heat
transfer coefficient and not on the inside heat transfer coefficient value. Hence, assuming a
conservative value of inside heat transfer coefficent, the variation of outside heat transfer is analysed.
During analysis it is observed that an increase or decrease in the value of outside heat transfer
coefficient has a marked effect on the overall heat transfer coefficient value. The value of heat duty
offered and outside heat transfer coefficient reduces during ambient air vaporizer operation owing to
decrement observed in outlet gas temperature. This in turn reduces value of overall heat transfer
coefficient as shown in the ‘table 4’ below.
With reduced ground clearance of 175 mm, the time duration for which gaseous nitrogen is
delivered at temperature higher than 10.1°C (desired) reduces from eight hours to five hours. The
reduced ground clearance doesnot allow proper air flow from the bottom of vaporizer. This causes
frost formation rate to increase as cold air gets accumulated at the bottom of vaporizer. Hence duty
cycle reduces from eight hours to five hours. The value of frost accumulation at the end of duty
cycle is found to be varying from 12 mm on the initial three rows, 5 to 7 mm on successive two
rows and 0 mm on the end three rows. The row distribution is as mentioned in ‘figure 5’. Even
similar values of frost formation were found for 500 mm ground clearance case but the rate of frost
accumulation was lower. The above values of frost formation were attained after a duty cycle of
eight hours for 500 mm ground clearance case.

IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 171 (2017) 012094 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/171/1/012094

20000 convective
heat transfer coefficients h, W/m2K

18000 coefficient
16000 nucleate
15000 coefficient
13000 internal
12000 coefficient
0 x

Figure 4. Variation of inside heat transfer Figure 5. Configuration of test section with frost
coefficients with vapour quality. growth information.

Table 4. Variation of heat duty, LMTD, outside and overall heat transfer coefficient with time.
Time Heat Heat duty, LMTD Heat transfer Overall heat Overall heat transfer
intervals transfer Q (W) coefficients, transfer coefficient U (By
surface (W/m2 K) coefficient, theoretical equation)
min. area, (m2) U=Q/(A*LM
ho hi inner
TD) (W/m2
0 127.82 66927.42 - - - - -
30 127.82 66060.68 35.66 11.45 2194.8 14.48 18.78
60 127.82 64949.04 60.09 6.92 2194.8 8.45 11.38
90 127.82 64671.13 65.07 5.95 2194.8 7.77 9.79
120 127.82 63976.35 72.44 5.13 2194.8 6.90 8.45
150 127.82 63628.96 75.46 4.83 2194.8 6.59 7.95
180 127.82 63437.9 78.82 4.65 2194.8 6.29 7.65
210 127.82 63403.16 80.51 4.57 2194.8 6.16 7.54
240 127.82 63021.03 83.14 4.41 2194.8 5.93 7.27
270 127.82 62800.4 84.70 4.39 2194.8 5.80 7.24
300 127.82 61791.27 90.72 4.21 2194.8 5.32 6.94
330 127.82 61023.55 96.44 4.03 2194.8 4.95 6.64
350 127.82 59951 100.93 3.91 2194.8 4.64 6.45
The decrement in outlet gas temperature is observed due to vaporizer becoming inefficient. This is
due to increased frost growth with the passage of time which acts like an insulation in the heat transfer
path thereby reducing heat transfer efficiency. Hence, ambient air vaporizers are rated for specified
duty cycle and require defrosting after every cycle of operation.

IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 171 (2017) 012094 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/171/1/012094

5. Conclusion
From the performance test conducted on ambient air vaporizer effect of flow rate and ground clearance
were analysed. Increasing flow rate from the rated capacity of 500 Nm3/h to 640 Nm3/h and reducing
ground clearance from 500 mm to 175 mm reduced the time duration for which gaseous nitrogen is
delivered at temperature higher than 10.1°C (desired outlet gas temperature). The increased flow
rate causes frost formation rate to increase and reduced ground clearance causes cold air
accumulation at the bottom of vaporizer. The cold air accumulation further contributes to increased
rate of frost formation. Hence the duty cycle reduces from eight hours to five hours. This implies that,
as the flow rate is increased beyond the rated capacity and the ground clearance is reduced the frost
growth tends to increase more rapidly than at the rated flow and higher ground clearance. The
indicated flow was observed to be constant during the entire operation of the vaporizer, but the outlet
gas temperature was observed to fall down rapidly over a period of time due to frost growth on the
vaporizer fin surface. The sizing method was found to be sufficient for the rated capacity of flow and
operating conditions. Hence, the method can be adopted for sizing of ambient air vaporizer models.

I am extremely thankful and express my sincerest gratitude to INOXCVA, Kalol, Gujarat for
providing me all sort of experimentation facilities and guidance to design and fabricate the set up
without which this would never have been possible. I am also thankful to Head of Mechanical
Engineering Department and my guides, AD Patel Institute of Technology, New Vallabh Vidyanagar
for providing me untiring support and guidance throughout this project, and the Management of
College and Charutar Vidya Mandal for providing me financial support to attend ICEC 26-ICMC 2016

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