Garre 2018 IOP Conf. Ser. Mater. Sci. Eng. 455 012012

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ICAAMM IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 455 (2018) 012012 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/455/1/012012

Numerical simulation of gas turbine blade cooling

Parthas arathy Garre* and Chikateri Susmitha¹

*Assoc. Professor, Dept. of Aeronautical Engineering, MLR Institute of
Technology, Hyderabad-500043. India, 9396965153, [email protected]

¹ M.Tech Scholor, Aerospace Engineering, Dept. of Aeronautical

Engineering, MLR Institute of Technology, Hyderabad-500043. India

Abstrac t. One of the most important co mponents in gas turbine power-plant are turbine
blades, which flow of h igh pressure gases takes place and produce work. A Blade can be
defined as the med iu m of transfer of energy fro m the gases to the turbine rotor. There exist a
great drive in turbine industry to increase the turbine blade and vane cooling. In typical gas
turbine engines nozzle guide vane (NGV) endure the highest operating temperature. Due to
high operating temperatures and speeds, failure of the turbine blades is inevitable. Hence there
is a pressing need for cooling of turbine blades. External and Internal cooling methods are the
common techniques to reduce overall surface temperature distribution over the NGV. The
design, analysis and modification of the gas turbine blade design have to be made, on wh ich
CATIA V5 and Turbo grid is used for design of solid model of the turbine. ANS YS 15
Software is used to analysis of model generated by meshing of the blade by applying boundary
conditions. A heat transfer analysis has to be carried out to investigate the surface temperature
of the blade by using some internal cooling techniques .

Keywords: NGV, CATIA, ANSYS, Blade, CFX

1. Introduction
The turbine blades are the limiting component of gas turbines. The Power developed in gas turbine by the
internal combustion, which is used to drive the turbine. Losses occur in compressor and turbine stages due
to the power absorbed by the compressor, caused to decrease the power output of the turbine. A certain fuel
is added to the fluid will be required before one component can drive the other. This fuel produces addition
energy to overcome the losses and will result in a useful power output. The fuel-air ratio used is governed
by the working temperature of turbine blades. Fuel to air ratio will affect the material of turbine blade and
increase the life. The two main factors which affect the performance of gas turbines are efficiencies of
various components and turbine working temperature.
Material having low efficiencies and poor working temperature which caused the failure. In a gas turbine
engine turbine blades are one of the most important components. This turbine blade component will
converts the high pressure gases into work. Turbine blade acts as a medium to transfer energy from the
gases to the turbine rotor. The blade as an entity is subjected to a large number of forces, some are
inevitable and some are caused by the rotation of blade. Generally turbine blade is possessed forces in all
directions in radial direction by rotor driving force, in axial direction by the gas flow and force normal to
the turbine shaft (by centrifugal). Compression, combustion and expansions of air takes place in different
stages in gas turbine. These stages of gas turbines are designed, developed, tested and manufactured
individually. In compression and expansions stages of turbine engine are rotating machines and the
combustion stage is heat addition. Auxiliary devices such as heat

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ICAAMM IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 455 (2018) 012012 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/455/1/012012

exchanger, intercooler and re-heater are the additional complex systems in engine. Heat transfer
analysis of gas turbine blades of different models, with and without holes on it and blades with varying
number of holes. This heat transfer analysis takes place between two different blade materials
(Chromium steel and Inconel-718). Finally by comparing the results, chromium steel having better
properties [1]. This paper explains design of turbine blades in detail and various angles of air flow
along the turbine blade [2]. This paper provides the various failure methods of turbine blades like
fatigue, erosion wear, creep; environmental effects [3].For an N155 first stage rotor blade of turbine
engine, thermal and structural analysis is done by ANSYS 9.0 [4]. Fatigue failure of turbine blades in
turbine engine are investigated in this paper. This fatigue failure is investigated by finite element
modeling method [5].
2. Methodology
To investigate the total temperature difference of turbine blade, we have to simulate the method by
the use of few computer aided software. In this method we follow a list of steps to complete the
analysis. In our project, there is a need to compare the temperature difference between the blade
with cooling and blade without cooling. It implies to generate the two models of a turbine blade,
one with internal channels and other without channels. Blade without internal channels is created
by using the CatiaV5 and ANSYS Turbogrid 15. Here blade curve is designed in Catia and Flow
path for domain is created in ANSYS Turbo grid. But in case of blade with cooling channels, we
use Catia only. Further the model generated is exported to ANSYS ICEM 15.0 software, where
geometry cleanup and meshing has to be done. Then we use ANSYS CFX to solve the design.
From the geometry survey made, we obtained the geometry specifications of the required model
of blade with and without cooling channels as shown in the figure 1 shows the front, top and
isometric views of our blade model without cooling channels. First of all we create the model of
NGV blade without cooling channels in the ANSYS as shown in figure 2. In parallel we
developed in catia NGV blade with cooling channels as shown in figure 3.

Figure 1: Blade Geometry Figure 2: Blade along with flow path

Figure.3. Blade with channel cooling designed in Catia

ICAAMM IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 455 (2018) 012012 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/455/1/012012

3. Results
ANSYS CFX is chosen for next process, to create the domains, interfaces and boundary conditions the
following information is given to the software, there are two domains, namely, air and solid. Air represents
the fluid domain section that is flow path where hot air flows and solid represents the blade section. The
specifications given to air domain are molar mass, density, specific heat capacity and thermal conductivity.
In basic settings includes location of solid, domain of solid, material as inconel, heat transfer. In blade with
cooling channels, there are three domains. They are hot air, solid and cold air. Hot air and solid domains are
same as the air and solid domains in above model respectively. Cold air is that we have provided channels
in the blade to pass the cold air into it. So that we have to assign the specifications for cold air parameters as
follows. Last step in CFX-pre is to run the program to solve the governing equations. For that, go to define
run save the file in new folder created earlier. Automatically open solver manager. Now start run. It runs the
program using those predefined inputs with specified iterations. While running the solver program the
colored graphs have observed which denotes solving the program up to convergence limit as follows.
Finally .res file is created which is nothing but result file. The following results were included for blades
with cooling and without cooling channels as shown in figures 4 to 7.

Figure 4: Continuity and Momentum Equation (Blade without channels)

ICAAMM IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 455 (2018) 012012 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/455/1/012012

Figure 5: Velocity vector plot on blade surface without and with channels

Figure 6: Pressure Contour on blade surface without and with cooling channels

Figure 7: Temperature Contour on blade surface without and with cooling channels

4. Conclusion
Heat transfer analysis has been carried out on gas turbine stator blade that is Nozzle Guide Vanes (NGV)
using ANSYS15 has a same effect in the overall turbine blades. One turbine blade without cooling channels
showed that overall surface temperature as 1361.89k. Other blade with three cooling channels showed that
overall surface temperature as 1213.04k. Hence by redesigning the blade with three cooling channels we
have reduced the temperature over the surface of the blade up to 148.85K.

ICAAMM IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 455 (2018) 012012 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/455/1/012012

[1] K HariBrahmaiah, M. Lava Kumar, 2014, International journal of computational engineering
research, 4.
[2] Yoshio Samaizu Perez Zuniga, 2011, Thermodynamic analysis and testing of K03 turbocharger.
[3] Cyrus B.Meher-Homji, George Gabriles, “Gas Turbine Failures- Cause, Avoidance And
[4] G Narendranath, S. Suresh, 2012, International journal of engineering research and applications, 2.
[5] Jianfuhou, Bryon J. Wicks, Ross A. Antoniou, 2002, An Investigation On Fatigue Failures Of
Turbine Blades In A Gas Turbine Engine By Mechanical Analysis, Engineering Failure Analysis.

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