Research Paper
h i g h l i g h t s
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: With the development of active Thermal Protection System (TPS) of hypersonic vehicles, optimizing
Received 7 February 2017 active TPS design and reducing weight including the system and coolant loaded are the critical issues
Revised 28 July 2017 to be considered. This paper presents an optimization method of local transpiration cooling effectiveness
Accepted 4 August 2017
under supersonic condition with a freestream total temperature of 2310 K, and a freestream Mach num-
Available online 5 August 2017
ber of 4.2. The numerical investigations of transpiration cooling are conducted by performing two strate-
gies of coolant allocation over a nose cone surface, (1) constant coolant velocity allocation; (2) step
coolant velocity allocation. The aerodynamic and aerothermal performances including Mach number
Transpiration cooling
Cooling effectiveness
and pressure distributions, cooling performances and coolant demand are analyzed by the two strategies.
Porous matrix The analysis indicates that the step strategy can effectively improve the local cooling effectiveness in the
Non-uniform porosity stagnation region and reduce the coolant demand. To accomplish the optimization strategy, a non-
uniform porosity strategy of the nose cone is analyzed, and the coolant flow characteristics in the porous
matrix at different coolant injection conditions are studied. The study indicates that the non-uniform
porosity can improve the efficiency of coolant transportation, and increase coolant mass flow rate in stag-
nation region.
Ó 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1359-4311/Ó 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
L. Shen, J. Wang / Applied Thermal Engineering 127 (2017) 58–69 59
Table 1
Stagnation temperature in three mesh strategies.
Fig. 5. Heat flux and required coolant mass flux along the nose cone surface.
heat flux is higher than or equal to 15% of the stagnation heat flux. stream region. It is noted that in the extreme ‘‘step3” case, the
And based on the calculated mass flow rate, an optimization strat- transpiration region is limited in the stagnation region and no cool-
egy of the coolant allocations are discussed as followings. ant penetrates the downstream region. The coolant mass flux along
the specimen surface is shown in Fig. 6(b) which is quite consistent
2.4. Optimization strategy with the distribution of the calculated mass flux shown in Figs. 4a
and 4b. In all the cooling cases, in order to eliminate the influence
According to the aforementioned studies of the thermal envi- of total coolant mass flow on the cooling effects, there is an
ronment, two strategies of coolant allocation i.e. constant method indicator that the total coolant mass flow is the same so that the
and step method are performed in the nose-cone outside surface comparison of cooling effects between different cases of coolant
and their influences on the outflow field distribution and cooling allocation is much more convincing. The total coolant mass flow
performance are investigated. As Fig. 6(a) shows, for the constant is calculated by integrating the mass flux over the x-axis, as shown
method, the coolant velocity is the same both in the stagnation in Table 2. In all cases, the mass flow is almost the same with quite
region and downstream region of the nose-cone surface. But for small relative errors. Besides, an uncooled case is simulated to be
the step method, which includes three cases, the coolant velocity compared, in which the specimen surface is set as an adiabatic
is higher in the stagnation region but it is reduced in the down- and no-slip wall.
62 L. Shen, J. Wang / Applied Thermal Engineering 127 (2017) 58–69
Fig. 6. (a) Velocity and (b) mass flux distribution along specimen surface in different coolant allocation.
Table 2
Total coolant mass flow in different coolant allocation.
3. Analysis of numerical results pushing pressure increases so that the high pressure area
increases. But the pressure along the centerline of the nose-cone
3.1. Outflow field distribution surface is almost the same in all cases as Fig. 7(b) shows.
According to the Mach number contours shown in Fig. 8(a), one
The pressure and Mach number distribution of flow field are can find that with the increase of the coolant mass flow in stagna-
simulated as shown in Figs. 7 and 8. One can find that the high tion region, the low Mach number area increases. The shock wave
pressure area in the front of the stagnation region enlarges gradu- is gradually pushed away from the leading edge of the specimen. In
ally. It is because that the high pressure of driving force pushes the order to investigate the shock wave location in different cases, the
coolants out of the stagnation region. And the pushing pressure position with Ma = 1 is defined as the indicator to represent the
and the aerodynamic pressure jointly form the high pressure area. shock wave location. It is noted that the stagnation point of the
With the increase of coolant mass flow in stagnation region, the specimen is the ‘‘x = 0.003” point. According the distribution of
L. Shen, J. Wang / Applied Thermal Engineering 127 (2017) 58–69 63
Fig. 7. Pressure contours and distribution along specimen surface at all cases.
Mach number along the symmetric line in front of the stagnation 3.2. Cooling performance
point, as shown in Fig. 8(b), one can find that with the increase
of mass flow in stagnation region, the location of shock wave In this section, the cooling performance with different coolant
become further away from the stagnation point. It is indicated that allocations is investigated. Fig. 9(a) presents the temperature con-
the increase of inversely jetting coolants in the stagnation region tours in different cases. In the uncooled case, the highest tempera-
has a positive effect on pushing the bow shock wave away from ture area occurs in the front of the specimen’s stagnation region.
the specimen surface. With the increase of coolants mass flow in the stagnation region,
Synthetically considering the pressure and Mach number distri- the high temperature area is gradually away from stagnation
bution, one can find that the penetrating coolant makes the high region. In the step3 case, there is an apparently low temperature
pressure area and low Mach number area in the front of the stag- layer covering on the surface of the specimen. It is formed by the
nation region become larger but it makes little influence on the gaseous coolants penetrating from the specimen and can effec-
surface pressure. Besides, the coolants penetrating from the speci- tively protect the specimen from the high enthalpy freestream.
men can effectively push the shock wave away from the specimen In order to conduct the quantitative comparison of surface tem-
surface. And with the increase of the coolant mass flow in stagna- perature in different cases, the temperature distribution along the
tion region, the standoff distance of shock wave from specimen centerline of the specimen surface is calculated as shown in Fig. 9
stagnation point becomes further. (b). By comparing the temperature distribution in different cases of
64 L. Shen, J. Wang / Applied Thermal Engineering 127 (2017) 58–69
4 uncooled
constant method
step method 1
step method 2
step method 3
Mach number
constant and step allocation, it can be found that with the increase protection area is predictably limited based on the temperature
of coolants mass flow in the stagnation region, the temperature distribution tendency along the freestream flow direction.
here decreases gradually. Besides, even though the coolants mass According to the heat flux distribution shown in Fig. 10, one can
flow in the downstream region is reduced, the temperature here find that in the stagnation region, the ‘‘step” allocation enhances
still decreases gradually. In the ‘‘step3” case, the temperature in the heat transfer of the coolants and porous matrix, and with the
stagnation region is even lower than that in some parts of the increase of coolant mass flow here, the heat flux here increases,
downstream region. Synthetically considering all the above phe- therefore. However, in the downstream region, due to the decrease
nomena, one can find that at the same total coolants mass flow, of coolant mass flow, the heat transfer here is reduced. But even
the increase of coolants mass flow in stagnation region can effec- though the heat transfer in the downstream region is reduced,
tively decrease the surface temperature both in the stagnation the temperature here is still lower as Fig. 9(b) shows. It is reason-
region and downstream region even though the coolants mass flow able that the gaseous layer block the heat transfer in the down-
in the downstream region is reduced. It is reasonable that the stream region.
inverse jetting coolants forms an effective protecting film on The cooling effectiveness with different coolant allocations is
the specimen surface, and the gaseous film can protect not only the calculated. An adiabatic case without cooling is simulated and
stagnation region but also the downstream region. However, the the numerical cooling effectiveness is defined as:
L. Shen, J. Wang / Applied Thermal Engineering 127 (2017) 58–69 65
Fig. 9. Temperature (a) contours and (b) distribution around the specimen surface.
Fig. 10. Heat flux distribution along the centerline of the nose cone surface.
Fig. 11. Cooling effectiveness distribution along the centerline of the nose cone surface.
Table 3 ant flow characteristics in the porous media. Most studies are focus
Coolant allocation in different regions. on the structure optimization, such as an un-equal thickness con-
figuration, a multi-channel design in the coolant chamber. How-
Stagnation region Downstream region Total mass flow
velocity (m/s) velocity (m/s) (g/m * s) ever, a structure optimization is usually limited by the leading
edge scales and chamber circuit designs. So, the following feasibil-
Step method 2 15.895 2.5973 12.431
Step method 4 20 0 8.986 ity analysis is focus on the porous material property. In the case,
the most important parameters influencing the coolant flow per-
formance in a porous material include the porous material proper-
ties and coolant inlet conditions. Permeability K is a direct
parameter that represents the transport capacity of a porous mate-
effectiveness in stagnation region can be controlled in a relatively rial. According to the study of Ergun [23], the permeability K is a
high level and the total coolant demand can be effectively reduced, function of pore diameter dp and porosity e.
dp e3
K¼ ð3Þ
150ð1 eÞ2
4. Feasibility analysis
And in practical machining process, the material porosity is a
In order to accomplish the coolant optimized allocations, the direct and controllable parameter. So, in the following simulations,
TPS optimization design should be conducted to influence the cool- the porosity is the variable of the porous material property, and
L. Shen, J. Wang / Applied Thermal Engineering 127 (2017) 58–69 67
Fig. 12. Temperature and cooling effectiveness distribution along specimen surface.
with a constant pore diameter, a high porosity means a high per- the required driving force to inject a constant quality of coolants is
meability or a high transport capacity. Based on the aforemen- low. But the coolant is mostly concentrated in the downstream
tioned optimized coolant allocation, a non-uniform porosity region as shown in Fig. 14(b). So, in order to increase the coolant
strategy of the porous specimen is performed that in the stagnation mass flow in the stagnation region, the total coolant injection flow
region, the porosity is kept the same value of 0.33 but in the down- must be increased, but this is an un-economic method. In a non-
stream region, the porosity is decreased to 0.2 and 0.1, respec- uniform porosity strategy, the DP is relatively high, which means
tively. Besides, a uniform porosity of 0.33 is simulated to be the driving pressure to inject coolants is high. With the increase
compared. of the differential porosity between the stagnation and down-
Basically, for the coolant chamber inlet, there are two coolant stream region, the DP of the overall specimen surface increases.
injection methods that are constant flow injection and constant For the stagnation region, the increase of the driving pressure leads
pressure injection. The numerical simulations were conducted to to more coolants penetrate here. But in the downstream region, the
analyze the feasibility of the optimized coolant allocation by apply- increase of the driving pressure is caused by the decrease of mate-
ing different coolant injection conditions and porous material rial porosity, which directly influences the transport capacity of
porosity. The surface temperature, pressure and heat flux calcu- porous material. Hence, the downstream region, which has a
lated in the ‘‘step2” case are applied as a boundary condition into relatively low porosity, will sustain high pressure. But it is favor-
the external surface of the porous nose cone. The local thermal able that a lower porosity means a higher pressure resistance. By
equilibrium (LTE) model, which assumes that the fluid and solid applying a non-uniform porosity in the porous specimen, the
temperature in the porous media are equal, has been proven to coolant flow in the stagnation region has been effectively
be an effective method for numerical simulations of transpiration increased. The distribution tendency of the mass flux is quite con-
cooling [22], so it is used in the following simulations. sistent with the aforementioned optimized strategy of the coolant
4.1. Constant flow injection According to the cooling effectiveness analysis of different cool-
ant allocations, the increase of coolant flow in the stagnation
At a constant coolant injection flow of 5 g/s and 10 g/s, respec- region is favorable for the overall cooling performance. In order
tively, the differential pressure DP between the internal and exter- to evaluate the efficiency to increase the coolant flow of the stag-
nal surface of the porous specimen and the mass flux along the nation region by applying the non-uniform porosity strategy, a
external surface are investigated as shown in Fig. 14. It is noted parameter gm is suggested and defined as the coolant mass flow
that the differential pressure between the internal and external ratio of the stagnation region and total region.
surface is calculated along the porous thickness direction ‘‘h” as
shown in Fig. 13. One can find that at a same coolant injection flow, gm ¼ _ s 100% ð4Þ
with a uniform porosity, the DP is relatively low, which means that mt
68 L. Shen, J. Wang / Applied Thermal Engineering 127 (2017) 58–69
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