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Bamboo: Eco-Friendly Building Material KEYWORDS: amboo, building material,
techniques, bamboo products
in Indian Context
Rushabh A. Shah Student of final year M.E. in Construction Engineering & Management, B.V.M. Engineering
College, Vallabh Vidyanagar-Gujarat-India
Hitesh D. Bambhava Student of final year M.E. in Construction Engineering & Management, B.V.M. Engineering
College, Vallabh Vidyanagar-Gujarat-India
Jayeshkumar Pitroda Assistant Professor and Research Scholar, Civil Engineering Department, B.V.M. Engineering
College, Vallabh Vidyanagar-Gujarat-India
ABSTRACT The diminishing wood resource and reduction in natural forests, particularly in the tropics, have focused
world attention on the need to identify a substitute building material that should be renewable, environment
friendly and widely available. In view of its rapid growth, a ready adaptability to most climatic conditions and properties, superior
to most new fast growing wood, bamboo emerges as a very suitable alternative. This paper deals with some of the main properties
and the major uses of bamboo and its culms. It also recommends on the various preservation techniques to be adopted in order to
enhance the durability and various Indian Standard codes (IS codes) for bamboo and bamboo products.
Modulus of rupture 610 to 1600kg/cm2 as forms for concrete mouldings. They are also used for floor-
ing, roofing, partitions, doors and window frames. Bamboo
Average weight 0.625kg/m
panels have some advantages over wooden board due to their
Source: - www.bmtpc.org rigidity and durability. Various types of bamboo veneers, panels
and boards can be broadly classified as follows: veneers, strip
USES OF BAMBOO IN CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY boards, mat boards, fibreboards, particle boards, medium den-
Through research it has been found that some species of bam- sity boards, combinations of these, and combinations of these
boo have ultimate tensile strength same as that of mild steel at with wood and other ligno-cellulose materials and inorganic
yield point and this coupled with other merits boosts the usage substances. Composites of bamboo and jute are also possible to
of bamboo as construction material. Bamboo is a versatile mate- make panels.
rial because of its high strength-to-weight ratio, easy workabil-
ity and availability. Bamboo needs to be chemically treated due Bamboo Flooring
to their low natural durability. It can be used in different ways Bamboo flooring is a quality product that can be used widely
for roof structure as purlins, rafters and reapers, for flooring, and has a large, global consumer market. It has certain advan-
doors and windows, walling, ceiling, man-hole covers etc. tages over wooden floors due to its smoothness, brightness, sta-
bility, high resistance, insulation qualities and flexibility. Bam-
Bamboo Trusses boo flooring has a soft natural luster and maintains the natural
The bamboo has strength comparable to that of teak and SAL. gloss and elegance of bamboo fibre. This flooring is attractive
An experiment with the construction and testing of a 4m span to the demanding markets in Europe, Japan and North America.
truss made of round bamboo and different jointing techniques The estimated annual production of bamboo flooring in China
for web-chord connections gave results that were matching was 17.5 million square meters in 2004, with about 65% being
with the strength of timber. exported (Customs General Administration of China, 2004).
Bamboo Roofs Skeleton Bamboo Sticks for Blinds and Incense Industry
It consists of bamboo truss or rafters over which solid bamboo The art of making screens and blinds from bamboo is not new
purlins are laid and lashed to the rafter by means of G.I.wire. A to India. For centuries, people have woven elegant screens from
mesh of halved bamboo is made and is lashed to the purlins to bamboo that have provided privacy, protection from the sun and
cover the roof. added aesthetic appeal to living spaces. Mechanized blind mak-
ing units can be economically viable enterprises. Again, bamboo
Bamboo walling/ceiling sticks making units can substitute the wood that is used in the
As the bamboo material is light in weight it is more advanta- incense stick, and that industry in India is estimated to be worth
geous in earthquake prone areas as its chances of falling are US$400 million. It can also be used in match sticks.
very less and even if it falls it can be re-erected easily with less
human and property loss with least efforts and minimum cost. Bamboo Furniture
Bamboo walls can be constructed in different modes like Whole Traditional bamboo furniture uses natural round or split bam-
stem, halved or strips of bamboo can nailed to one or both the boo. A new type of ‘pack-flat,’ ‘knockdown’ furniture uses glue-
sides of the bamboo frame Split bamboo mats can be fastened laminated bamboo panels. Unlike the traditional design, this
to the bamboo posts or mats can be woven, mud can also be furniture may be shipped in compact flat packs, to be assembled
applied to both sides of such mats Bamboo strips nailed to bam- on the spot. The new design overcomes many of the problems
boo frame or posts for interior walling Cement or lime plaster- of traditional bamboo furniture, such as high labour and trans-
ing can be done on the mud covering for better appearance and portation costs, low productivity, instability, varying quality and
hygiene. It has been found that the bamboo in the vertical posi- susceptibility to insects and fungi. At the same time, it retains
tion is more durable than in horizontal direction. For partition the distinct physical, mechanical, chemical, environmental and
walls only single layer of bamboo strips are used. aesthetic features of bamboo. Export of laminated bamboo fur-
niture is growing rapidly. However, trade statistics currently do
Bamboo Doors and Windows not capture the value, owing to the absence of a special code for
Bamboo frames can replace timber frames appropriate to func- bamboo furniture. It is usually classified as wooden furniture.
tion. Bamboo mat shutters fixed to bamboo frame or a panel of
bamboo board fixed to the frame which is hinged to the wall can INDIAN SPECIFICATIONS (IS CODE) FOR BAMBOO & BAM-
be used as door. Small framed openings hinged to the top in the BOO PRODUCTS
wall can serve as windows.
Bamboo can be used as flooring material due to its better wear BOO PRODUCTS
and tear resistance and its resilience properties. Whole culms
act as frame work and the floor covering is done using split BAMBOO PRODUCTS
bamboo, bamboo boards, mats etc by means of wire lashing
these to the frame. IS 14588: 1999 Specification for Bamboo Mat Veneer
Composite for General Purposes
Reed Boards IS 13958: 1994 Specification for Bamboo Mat Board for
General Purposes
Reed boards are made by flat pressing the reed at high tem-
peratures. These reed boards are used in elements like flooring, Code of Practice for Preservation of
IS 1902: 1993 Bamboo and Cane for non-structural
walls, ceiling and roofing. They can also be used for partitions, purposes
doors, windows etc.
IS 10145: 1982 Specification for Bamboo Supports for
Camouflaging Equipment
Bamboo poles lashed together have been used as scaffolding Code of Practice for Preservation
IS 9096: 1979 of Bamboo and Cane for Structural
in high rise structures due to their strength and resilience. The purposes
timber planks can be replaced with bamboo culms and these
can be lashed to the vertical culms. IS 8242:1976 Method of Tests for Split Bamboo
IS 8295:1976 Specification for Bamboo Chicks ; Part 1
Bamboo Based Panels Fine, Part 2 Coarse
China started producing bamboo panels in the early 19th cen- IS 7344: 1974 Specification for Bamboo Tent Pole
tury. At present more than 20 different types of panels are pro- IS 6874: 1973 Method of Tests for Round Bamboo
duced in Asia. Bamboo fibre is longer than wood fibre, which
gives bamboo some technological advantages. The panels are IS 15476: 2004 Specification for Bamboo Mat Corrugated
widely used in modern construction as structural elements or
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