Fdocuments - in Tratat de Ultrasonografie Clinica Vol 3
Fdocuments - in Tratat de Ultrasonografie Clinica Vol 3
Fdocuments - in Tratat de Ultrasonografie Clinica Vol 3
Ultrasonography is complex and technically challeng- culoskeletal system and of smooth superficial structures
ing. It requires knowledge of physics, instrumentation, (skin and subcutaneous tissue). Part two refers to pedi-
ultrasound anatomy, pathology, and, most importantly, atric ultrasound and emphasizes the value of this tech-
scanning technique. Small handheld scanners make the nique in health and disease in the pediatric population.
concept of ultrasonography as an extension of the physi- Part three is dedicated to interventional ultrasound, from
cal examination a real possibility. Its utility has expanded techniques, materials, indications, limitations and ben-
to almost all organs and systems of the human body, for efits of such procedures to different approaches used for
diagnostic and/or therapeutic purposes. The authors, diagnosis and/or treatment of specific pathologies. Part
some of them pioneers of this technique, have made a four presents the future of ultrasonography as technique
successful attempt to present this method, in all its com- and utilization, in the view of current knowledge.
plex aspects, in Romanian, as well as the standards that The book offers a complex and complete view of ul-
ultrasonography has reached at the beginning of the XX- trasonography today and of its perspective. The text is
Ist century. accompanied by a generous offer of illustrations of al-
The structure of the book comprises three volumes. most all pathology discussed. It is an essential book for
Volume one (edited in 2000, editors: RI Badea, SM Du- the information of all doctors and for the formation of
dea, PA Mircea, F Stamatian) was dedicated to the basic specialists in the expanding field of utrasonography.
principles of diagnostic ultrasound, the ultrasound exam-
ination of the abdomen and the ultrasound examination
and its utility in obstetrics and gynecology. Volume two
(edited in 2006, editors: RI Badea, SM Dudea, PA Mir-
cea, D Zdrenghea) was dedicated to the ultrasonographic Simona Vălean
examination of the head, neck, thorax, and cardiovascu- Medical Clinic no. 1,
lar system. “Iuliu Hatieganu” University of Medicine and
Volume three comprises four parts. Part one is dedi- Pharmacy
cated to the ultrasonographic examination of the mus- Cluj-Napoca, Romania