Questions-Class Activity 3
Questions-Class Activity 3
Questions-Class Activity 3
Names of Students:
Learning Objectives
Answer: T tubules or transverse tubules are projection of sarcolemma that runs transverse to the muscle
fibers. They have extended nerve supply, ion channels and attachment with Sarcoplasmic Reticulum to
transmit and spread nerve action potential efficiently .
2. Please also describe how actin-binding sites are made available for cross-bridging with myosin heads
during contraction.
Answer: Ca++ ions released from Sarcoplasmic Reticulum gets attached with the troponin-tropomyosin
complex and remove it from the actin binding site After that the actin binding site become available for
cross-bridging with myosin heads.
3. How would muscle contractions be affected if skeletal muscle fibers did not have T-tubules?
Answer: T-Tubules cause the spread of action potential through out the muscle fiber if they are not
resent action potential would not spread that efficiently
Answers: Alternate thick and thin filaments of actin and myosin fibers in the sarcoplasm gives the
muscle tissues striated appearance.
5. How would muscle contractions be affected if ATP was completely depleted in a muscle fiber?
Answers: ATP is required for the entry of Ca++ in sarcoplasm as well as the attachment of actin and
myosin and movement of actin filament on myosin head If the cells lack ATP the actin and myosin
filaments do not get detached and muscles become rigid like in case of rigor mortis after death.
Review Questions
A. titin
B. troponin
C. myoglobin
D. tropomyosin
2. According to the sliding filament model, binding sites on actin open when ________.
A. myofibril
B. sarcolemma
C. sarcoplasm
D. myofilament
6. Thin and thick filaments are organized into functional units called ________.
A. myofibrils
B. myofilaments
C. T-tubules
D. sarcomeres