Ahs 6 Pre Oprative and Instrument For Viva
Ahs 6 Pre Oprative and Instrument For Viva
Ahs 6 Pre Oprative and Instrument For Viva
Q no What is embolisation?
Ans The blood supply to your tumor is cutt of this can control the bleeding from tumor
Q no The most common cause of total thyrodectomy ?
Ans Malagnancy
Q no After how much time suture are renoved in thyroidectomy ?
Ans 5th post operatuive days
Q no Time of wound infection ?
Ans After 48 hours of surgery
Q no Which position is form during tonsillectomy explain it?
Ans Rose,s position in which the patient lie in supine position head extended placing under the
soulder ,a ruber ring keep under head
Q no Hypertropy is of lingual tonsil is the early or late complication of toslictomy ?
Ans Late complication
Q no Most common site of pressure ulcer is?
Ans Mostly occure over the bony promenance wher combind the friction and sharing forcese
resuit in skin breakdown and cause pressure
Q no If loss motion not caues after given manitole than what should you do to prepare bowell for
21 surgery?
Ans 8 tablets of sodium bisacodyle tan clean enema at mprning and repeated at evening
Q no What is the single most impartent factore in making diagnosis ?
Ans It diarect the cliniation to search for physical abnormility
Q no What is regurgitation ?
Ans It is the effortless return of gastric contents into the mouth
Q no What is acid brash?
Ans The sudden filling of mouth with the acid filling fluid
Q no What is the the post operative complication which cause death ?
Ans Acute pulmonary problem,cardiovescular problem ,fluid dranagment
Q no How much time take to check the vital sign of surgical patient ?
Ans About every 15 to 30
Q no What is the puposes of lab investigation postoperative ?
Bashir Para Medical Institute Islamabad
Terminal AHS 6th Exam Viva
SUBJECT Pre-oprative care and instrument for Elective
Ans To detect or exclude post operative complication
Q no What is the most common method of tonsillectomy ?
Ans Snar and diasectomy methode
Q no The most common hernia ?
Ans Inguinal hernia
Q no What is the anorectal fistula?
Ans The formation of abnormal tract throu rctum instead of anal camnal