Section/Objectives Standards Lab and Demo Planning: Chapter Opener

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Section/Objectives Standards Lab and Demo Planning

See page 14T for a key to the

Chapter Opener standards.
National State/Local
Section 2.1 UCP.2, A.1, A.2, Student Lab:
1. Draw motion diagrams to describe motion. B.4 Launch Lab, p. 30: two self-propelling toy cars,
2. Develop a particle model to represent a moving stopwatch, meterstick
object. Teacher Demonstration:
Quick Demo, p. 32: video camera, VCR with
frame advance, TV, plastic wrap or acetate sheet,
transparency pen, overhead projector

Section 2.2 UCP.2, UCP.3, B.4 Student Lab:

3. Define coordinate systems for motion problems. Additional Mini Lab, p. 35: several small lumps
4. Recognize that the chosen coordinate system of clay, ruler, construction toys
affects the signs of the objects’ positions.
5. Define displacement.
6. Determine a time interval.
7. Use a motion diagram to answer questions about
an object’s position or displacement.

Section 2.3 UCP.2, UCP.3, B.4

8. Develop position-time graphs for moving objects.
9. Use a position-time graph to interpret an object’s
position or displacement.
10. Make motion diagrams, pictorial representations,
and position-time graphs that are equivalent
representations describing an object’s motion.

Section 2.4 UCP.2, UCP.3, Student Lab:

11. Define velocity. A.1, A.2, B.4 Mini Lab, p. 46: 1-m-long piece of string, a
hooked 100-g or 200-g mass
12. Differentiate between speed and velocity.
Physics Lab, pp. 48–49: video camera, two toy
13. Create pictorial, physical, and mathematical
windup cars, meterstick, foam board
models of motion problems.
Teacher Demonstration:
Quick Demo, p. 44: two toy cars with constant
speeds, metersticks, stopwatch

Differentiated Instruction
Level 1 activities should be Level 2 activities should Level 3 activities are
appropriate for students be within the ability range designed for above-
with learning difficulties. of all students. average students.
Legend — Transparency CD-ROM MP3 Videocassette DVD WEB

Reproducible Resources and Transparencies Technology

™ includes: Interactive Teacher Edition ■ Lesson Planner

with Calendar ■ Access to all Blacklines ■ Correlation to Standards ■ Web links

FAST FILE Chapters 1–5 Resources, Chapter 2 Interactive Chalkboard CD-ROM:

Transparency 2-1 Master, p. 59 Section 2.1 Presentation
Study Guide, pp. 45–50
TeacherWorks™ CD-ROM
Section 2-1 Quiz, p. 51
Teaching Transparency 2-1
Connecting Math to Physics

FAST FILE Chapters 1–5 Resources, Chapter 2 Interactive Chalkboard CD-ROM:

Transparency 2-2 Master, p. 61 Section 2.2 Presentation
Study Guide, pp. 45–50 TeacherWorks™ CD-ROM
Section 2-2 Quiz, p. 52
Teaching Transparency 2-2
Connecting Math to Physics

FAST FILE Chapters 1–5 Resources, Chapter 2 Interactive Chalkboard CD-ROM:

Transparency 2-3 Master, p. 63 Section 2.3 Presentation
Study Guide, pp. 45–50 TeacherWorks™ CD-ROM
Section 2-3 Quiz, p. 53
Teaching Transparency 2-3
Connecting Math to Physics

FAST FILE Chapters 1–5 Resources, Chapter 2 Interactive Chalkboard CD-ROM:

Transparency 2-4 Master, p. 65 Section 2.4 Presentation
Study Guide, pp. 45–50
TeacherWorks™ CD-ROM
Reinforcement, p. 55–56
Problem of the Week at
Enrichment, pp. 57–58
Section 2-4 Quiz, p. 54
Mini Lab Worksheet, p. 39
Physics Lab Worksheet, pp. 41–44
Teaching Transparency 2-4
Connecting Math to Physics
Laboratory Manual, pp. 5–8
Probeware Laboratory Manual, pp. 1–4

Assessment Resources
FAST FILE Chapters 1–5 Resources, Technology
Chapter 2 Interactive Chalkboard CD-ROM:
Chapter Assessment, pp. 67–72 Chapter 2 Assessment
ExamView ® Pro Testmaker CD-ROM
Additional Challenge Problems, p. 2
Physics Test Prep, pp. 3–4 Vocabulary PuzzleMaker
Pre-AP Critical Thinking, pp. 3–4 TeacherWorks™ CD-ROM
Supplemental Problems, pp. 3–4
Chapter Overview
This chapter introduces students What You’ll Learn
to the idea of formally describing • You will represent motion
through the use of words,
and analyzing motion. Students motion diagrams, and
learn how to construct and ana- graphs.
lyze motion diagrams. Students • You will use the terms
position, distance,
then work with measurements of displacement, and time
position, displacement, and time interval in a scientific
interval. Position-time graphs are manner to describe
introduced, along with some
qualitative analysis of these
Why It’s Important
graphs. Finally, students are intro-
Without ways to describe
duced to velocity as the slope of and analyze motion,
the position-time graph and learn travel by plane, train, or
bus would be chaotic at
to distinguish between speed and best. Times and speeds
velocity. determine the winners
of races as well as
transportation schedules.
Think About This Running a Marathon As
In a motion diagram, images of a one runner passes another,
runner are placed against a single the speed of the overtaking
runner is greater than the
image of the motionless back- speed of the other runner.
ground. In a particle model, the
images are replaced by a single
dot and the background image is
left out. Two different runners
might be represented with the Think About This 䉴
How can you represent the
particle model if two different
motion of two runners?
colored dots were used for the
different runners.

 Key Terms
motion diagram, p. 33
particle model, p. 33
coordinate system, p. 34
origin, p. 34
position, p. 34
distance, p. 34
magnitude, p. 35
vector, p. 35 30
scalar, p. 35
resultant, p. 35
time interval, p. 36
displacement, p. 36
position-time graph, p. 38
Purpose to learn that distance and time deter- • When students have finished the experiment,
instantaneous position, p. 40 mine an object’s average speed begin a discussion about which quantity was
average velocity, p. 44 Materials two self-propelling toy cars, stopwatch, measured. Example: Was distance or time bet-
average speed, p. 44 meterstick ter for finding which car was faster?
instantaneous velocity, p. 46 Teaching Strategies Expected Results The faster car is either the one
• Make sure students measure only one quan- that traveled the greater distance in an equal
tity when taking their data. This should be period of time or the one that took less time to
either distance or time. travel an equal distance.
Section 2.1

Which car is faster? Bellringer Activity
Motion Categorization Show
In a race between two toy cars, can you explain which car is faster?
students a variety of toys and
Procedure Analysis
objects that exhibit different kinds
of motion. Some should move
1. Obtain two toy cars, either friction cars or What data did you collect to show which car was
windup cars. Place the cars on your lab moving faster? What other data could you collect with a relatively constant velocity,
table or other surface recommended by to determine which car is faster? others should accelerate (either
your teacher. Critical Thinking Write an operational definition slowing down or speeding up),
2. Decide on a starting line for the race. of average speed. swing back and forth, vibrate, or
3. Release both cars from the same starting
line at the same time. Note that if you are move in circles. Ask the students
using windup cars, you will need to wind to place the toys in categories
them up before you release them. Be sure according to the way they move.
to pull the cars back before release if they Kinesthetic
are friction cars.
4. Observe Watch the two cars closely as
they move and determine which car is
moving faster.
Tie to Prior Knowledge
5. Repeat steps 1–3, but this time collect one Motion Students will be familiar
type of data to support your conclusion with different kinds of motion
about which car is faster. just from their own experiences.
Through the Bellringer Activity or
some other type of activity involv-
ing objects that move, the stu-
dents should be able describe
motion. You might want to ask
them how they know something
is moving, or what evidence it
2.1 Picturing Motion would take to convince them that
something is moving.

n the previous chapter, you learned about the scientific processes that 䉴 Objectives
will be useful in your study of physics. In this chapter, you will begin • Draw motion diagrams to
to use these tools to analyze motion. In subsequent chapters, you will describe motion.
apply them to all kinds of movement using sketches, diagrams, graphs, • Develop a particle model
and equations. These concepts will help you to determine how fast and to represent a moving
how far an object will move, whether the object is speeding up or slowing object.
down, and whether it is standing still or moving at a constant speed. 䉴 Vocabulary
Perceiving motion is instinctive—your eyes naturally pay more attention to motion diagram
moving objects than to stationary ones. Movement is all around you— particle model
from fast trains and speedy skiers to slow breezes and lazy clouds.
Movements travel in many directions, such as the straight-line path of a
bowling ball in a lane’s gutter, the curved path of a tether ball, the spiral of This CD-ROM is an editable
a falling kite, and the swirls of water circling a drain. Microsoft ® PowerPoint®
presentation that includes:
Section 2.1 Picturing Motion 31
Horizons Companies
■ Section presentations
■ Interactive graphics
■ Image bank
Analysis Students should have collected either Sample Data In 1s, the yellow car traveled 82 cm,
distance data or time data. The average speed of while the red car traveled 76 cm. ■ All transparencies
an object is equal to the distance it travels divided ■ Audio reinforcement
by the time it takes to travel that distance. ■ All new Section and Chapter
An object has a higher speed if, for the same The yellow car took 1.14 s to travel 1 m, while
the red car took 1.33 s to travel the same Assessment questions
distance traveled, the travel time is smaller, or if
distance. ■ Links to
over the same time interval, it travels a larger
distance. Critical Thinking Average speed is the total dis-
tance traveled divided by the time it takes to
travel that distance.

All Kinds of Motion
2 TEACH What comes to your mind when you hear the word motion? A speeding
automobile? A spinning ride at an amusement park? A baseball soaring
over a fence for a home run? Or a child swinging back and forth in a
regular rhythm? When an object is in motion, as shown in Figure 2-1,
its position changes. Its position can change along the path of a straight
Generating Motion line, a circle, an arc, or a back-and-forth vibration.
Diagrams Some of the types of motion described above appear to be more com-
Estimated Time 10 minutes plicated than others. When beginning a new area of study, it is generally a
good idea to begin with what appears to be the least complicated situation,
Materials video camera, VCR
learn as much as possible about it, and then gradually add more complex-
with frame advance, television, ity to that simple model. In the case of motion, you will begin your study
plastic wrap or acetate sheet, with movement along a straight line.
transparency pen, overhead
projector Movement along a straight line Suppose that you are reading this text-
book at home. At the beginning of Chapter 2, you glance over at your pet
Procedure Using the video ■ Figure 2-1 An object in motion hamster and see that he is sitting in a corner of his cage. Sometime later,
camera, tape a few seconds of a changes its position as it moves.
you look over again, and you see that he now is sitting by the food dish in
moving object. For a good con- In this photo, the camera was
focused on the rider, so the blurry
the opposite corner of the cage. You can infer that he has moved from one
nection to the content, choose an background indicates that the place to another in the time in between your observations. Thus, a descrip-
object with a relatively constant rider’s position has changed. tion of motion relates to place and time. You must be able to answer the
velocity. Play the tape for the stu- questions of where and when an object is positioned to describe its
dents, then rewind it, freeze it on motion. Next, you will look at some tools that are useful in determining
the first frame, and place the when an object is at a particular place.
plastic wrap or acetate on the TV
screen. Choose a central spot on Motion Diagrams
the object to which to apply the Consider an example of straight-line motion: a runner is jogging along
particle model and indicate that a straight path. One way of representing the motion of the runner is to
point with the transparency pen create a series of images showing the positions of the runner at equal time
on the acetate. Advance the film intervals. This can be done by photographing the runner in motion to
obtain a series of images.
a few frames (three to six is usu-
Suppose you point a camera in a direction perpendicular to the direction
ally adequate, but this depends
of motion, and hold it still while the motion is occurring. Then you take a
on the speed of the motion).
series of photographs of the runner at equal time intervals. Figure 2-2
Indicate the object’s position shows what a series of consecutive images for a runner might look like.
again. Repeat this procedure until Notice that the runner is in a different position in each image, but every-
you have gone through the thing in the background remains in the same position. This indicates that,
object’s entire motion. By placing relative to the ground, only the runner is in motion. What is another way
the acetate sheet on the over- of representing the runner’s motion?
head, you can show the motion
diagram to the class easily. If you
■ Figure 2-2 If you relate the position of the runner to the background in each image
do not have access to a video over equal time intervals, you will conclude that she is in motion.
camera, you can use a spark
timer to generate a motion dia-
gram. Attach the spark-timer tape
to an object, let the object move,
and use the dots made by the
timer as the motion diagram.

32 Chapter 2 Representing Motion

(t)Getty Images, (others)Hutchings Photography

Concept Development
Motion Diagram Demo It may
help students to think of motion
2.1 Resource MANAGER
diagrams as strobe photos. You FAST FILE Chapters 1–5 Resources Technology
may want to include a demonstra- Transparency 2-1 Master, p. 59 TeacherWorks™ CD-ROM
tion with a strobe bulb and a Study Guide, pp. 45-50 Interactive Chalkboard CD-ROM
Section 2-1 Quiz, p. 51 ExamView ® Pro Testmaker CD-ROM
constant-velocity vehicle. The Teaching Transparency 2-1
focus should be on the equal time Connecting Math to Physics
intervals between flashes of the
bulb and the intermittent images
Suppose that you stacked the images from
Figure 2-2, one on top of the other. Figure 2-3 ■ Using Figure 2-3
shows what such a stacked image might look
You probably will need to go over
like. You will see more than one image of
particle-model motion diagrams
the moving runner, but only a single image of
with your class to make sure that
the motionless objects in the background. A they understand the major features.
series of images showing the positions of a Remind them that the time intervals
moving object at equal time intervals is called between any two adjacent dots are
a motion diagram. the same. Motion diagrams give a
quick picture of an object’s motion
The Particle Model without the use of mathematics.
Keeping track of the motion of the runner
is easier if you disregard the movement of
the arms and legs, and instead concentrate on Reinforcement
a single point at the center of her body. In Particle Model Activity Ask stu-
effect, you can disregard the fact that she has dents to explain the particle model
some size and imagine that she is a very small and to give an example of when it
object located precisely at that central point. A
■ Figure 2-3 Stacking a series
does not apply. A simplified model
particle model is a simplified version of a motion diagram in which the
of images taken at regular time is not useful when the motions of
object in motion is replaced by a series of single points. To use the particle
model, the size of the object must be much less than the distance it
intervals and combining them irregularly shaped objects are mea-
into one image creates a motion sured over short distances, espe-
moves. The internal motions of the object, such as the waving of the run- diagram for the runner for one
ner’s arms are ignored in the particle model. In the photographic motion portion of her run. Reducing the
cially when objects are being
diagram, you could identify one central point on the runner, such as a dot runner’s motion to a series of compared. One such example is a
centered at her waistline, and take measurements of the position of the single points results in a particle racehorse winning by a nose.
model of her motion.
dot. The bottom part of Figure 2-3 shows the particle model for the Students can do this on paper or
runner’s motion. You can see that applying the particle model produces a by talking to each other in small
simplified version of the motion diagram. In the next section, you will groups before sharing with the
learn how to create and use a motion diagram that shows how far an object class. The location of the dots on a
moved and how much time it took to move that far.
particle model represents the loca-
tion of the object at different times.
2.1 Section Review
Critical Thinking
1. Motion Diagram of a Runner Use the particle 3. Motion Diagram of a Car Use the particle model Motion Diagrams Ask students
model to draw a motion diagram for a bike rider to draw a simplified motion diagram corresponding
riding at a constant pace. to the motion diagram in Figure 2-5 for a car com- what Figure 2-3 would look like if
ing to a stop at a stop sign. What point on the car did the runner had moved faster. The
2. Motion Diagram of a Bird Use the particle model you use to represent it? spaces between the images of the
to draw a simplified motion diagram corresponding to runner (and between the dots)
the motion diagram in Figure 2-4 for a flying bird.
What point on the bird did you choose to represent it? would be larger.

■ Figure 2-5
Check for Understanding
4. Critical Thinking Use the particle model to draw Motion Diagram Show a constant-
motion diagrams for two runners in a race, when the velocity motion diagram with
first runner crosses the finish line as the other runner seven dots and tell students that it
■ Figure 2-4 is three-fourths of the way to the finish line.
represents 12 s. Ask how much
time passed between adjacent Section 2.1 Picturing Motion 33
Hutchings Photography dots. 2 s

2.1 Section Review Motion Diagram Tell students to
imagine running down the street
1. See Solutions Manual. the center of the bird’s body, i.e. not part of with a wet paintbrush. Every 10 s
2. See Solutions Manual. There are several pos- its beak, wings, legs, or tail. they touch the brush to the
sible valid points to choose to represent the 3. See Solutions Manual. ground. The series of paint marks
bird, but it should be one relatively close to 4. See Solutions Manual. is the motion diagram.

Section 2.2
2.2 Where and When?

Bellringer Activity
䉴 Objectives
• Define coordinate systems
for motion problems.
W ould it be possible to take measurements of distance and time
from a motion diagram, such as the motion diagram of the runner?
Before taking the photographs, you could place a meterstick or a measur-
• Recognize that the chosen ing tape on the ground along the path of the runner. The measuring
Where? Ask students how they coordinate system affects the tape would tell you where the runner was in each image. A stopwatch or
know where something is. Then sign of objects’ positions. clock within the view of the camera could tell the time. But where should
ask them about the location of a • Define displacement. you place the end of the measuring tape? When should you start the
specific place, such as the cafeteria. • Determine a time interval. stopwatch?
In order for the students to • Use a motion diagram to
describe the location of the cafete- answer questions about Coordinate Systems
an object’s position or
ria accurately, they will have to give displacement. When you decide where to place the measuring tape and when to start
a reference point. This is a useful 䉴 Vocabulary the stopwatch, you are defining a coordinate system, which tells you the
springboard from which to begin coordinate system
location of the zero point of the variable you are studying and the direc-
talking about coordinate systems origin tion in which the values of the variable increase. The origin is the point at
and origins. Visual-Spatial position which both variables have the value zero. In the example of the runner, the
distance origin, represented by the zero end of the measuring tape, could be placed
magnitude 6 m to the left of the tree. The motion is in a straight line; thus, your meas-
Tie to Prior Knowledge vectors
uring tape should lie along that straight line. The straight line is an axis of
Distance and Time Intervals resultant
the coordinate system. You probably would place the tape so that the
Students are familiar with the time interval meter scale increases to the right of the zero, but putting it in the opposite
concepts of distance and time displacement direction is equally correct. In Figure 2-6a, the origin of the coordinate
system is on the left.
interval, but their knowledge is
You can indicate how far away the runner is from the origin at a partic-
probably not scientifically precise.
ular time on the simplified motion diagram by drawing an arrow from the
The introduction of coordinate origin to the point representing the runner, as shown in Figure 2-6b. This
systems will help to formalize arrow represents the runner’s position, the separation between an object
their knowledge. Students should and the origin. The length of the arrow indicates how far the object is
be familiar with origins and axes from the origin, or the object’s distance from the origin. The arrow points
from their math courses. from the origin to the location of the moving object at a particular time.

■ Figure 2-6 In these motion

diagrams, the origin is at the left
(a), and the positive values of
2 TEACH distance extend horizontally to the
right. The two arrows, drawn from
Discussion the origin to points representing
Question Show the students a the runner, locate his position at
two different times (b). 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
constant-velocity particle model meters
motion diagram without the
beginning or end point indicated b
and ask them what information
might be useful to know that is
not given by that representation.
Answer It does not reveal in which d
direction the object was moving, 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
where it started, where it ended, how
much time had elapsed between the 34 Chapter 2 Representing Motion
dots, or the distance between the
dots. Visual-Spatial

Concept Development 2.2 Resource MANAGER

Coordinate Systems Why are FAST FILE Chapters 1–5 Resources Technology
coordinate systems important? Ask Transparency 2-2 Master, p. 61 TeacherWorks™ CD-ROM
Study Guide, pp. 45–50 Interactive Chalkboard CD-ROM
students to explain how to find
Section 2-2 Quiz, p. 52 ExamView ® Pro Testmaker CD-ROM
their homes to someone from out Teaching Transparency 2-2
of town. When students finish, ask Connecting Math to Physics
them what their reference point or
points were.

Is there such a thing as a negative position? Suppose you chose the coor-
dinate system just described, placing the origin 4 m left of the tree with the Critical Thinking
d-axis extending in a positive direction to the right. A position 9 m to the Position and Distance Ask stu-
left of the tree, 5 m left of the origin, would be a negative position, as dents the difference between the
shown in Figure 2-7. In the same way, you could discuss a time before the
position of an object and the dis-
stopwatch was started.
tance of an object from the origin.
The position of an object tells exactly
where the object is located. For
example, when we say New York is
4800 km east of California, we are
giving its position. When we say New
■ Figure 2-7 The arrow drawn
York is 4800 km from California, we
on this motion diagram indicates
d are giving its distance.
⫺5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 a negative position.
Vectors and scalars Quantities that have both size, also called magni- To emphasize the distinction
tude, and direction, are called vectors, and can be represented by arrows. between scalar and vector quanti-
Quantities that are just numbers without any direction, such as distance, ties, list one-by-one for the class
time, or temperature, are called scalars. This textbook will use boldface
everyday words or examples that
letters to represent vector quantities and regular letters to represent scalars.
are either scalars or vectors. Ask
You already know how to add scalars; for example, 0.6 ⫹ 0.2 ⫽ 0.8.
How do you add vectors? Think about how you would solve the following individual students to describe
problem. Your aunt asks you to get her some cold medicine at the the scalar or vector nature of
store nearby. You walk 0.5 km east from your house to the store, buy the quantities such as 98.6°F, a ten-
cold medicine, and then walk another 0.2 km east to your aunt’s house. yard penalty, a kilogram of flour,
How far from the origin are you at the end of your trip? The answer, of and winds east at 10 to 25 knots.
course, is 0.5 km east ⫹ 0.2 km east ⫽ 0.7 km east. You also could solve Linguistic
this problem graphically, using the following method.
Using a ruler, measure and draw each vector. The length of a vector should
be proportional to the magnitude of the quantity being represented, so you
must decide on a scale for your drawing. For example, you might let 1 cm
on paper represent 0.1 km. The important thing is to choose a scale that
produces a diagram of reasonable size with a vector that is about 5–10 cm
long. The vectors representing the two segments that made up your trip to
your aunt’s house are shown in Figure 2-8, drawn to a scale of Tinkering with
1 cm, which represents 0.1 km. The vector that represents the total of these Vectors
two, shown here with a dotted line, is 7 cm long. According to the estab-
Purpose to assist students in visual-
lished scale, you were 0.7 km from the origin at the end of your trip.
izing the direction of vectors, adding
The vector that represents the sum of the other two vectors is called the
vectors, generating resultant vectors,
resultant. The resultant always points from the tail of the first vector to the and understanding displacement
tip of the last vector.
Materials For each student, sev-
eral small lumps of clay, a ruler, and
Your Aunt s ■ Figure 2-8 Add two vectors a number of construction toys con-
house house by placing them tip to tail. The sisting of wood or plastic sticks of
resultant points from the tail of different lengths and connector
the first vector to the tip of the parts, including those with arrow tips
last vector.
5 cm 2 cm Procedure Have each student cre-
7 cm ate a number of vectors by sticking
the sticks in the lump of clay in all
Section 2.2 Where and When? three dimensions. Have them add
35 vectors by placing additional clay or
connector pieces and sticks at the
ends of some of the initial vectors.
Have them measure and add the
vectors to generate resultant vectors
and calculate displacement.
Physically Challenged If students have physical impairments that make it difficult to use a Assessment Discuss with stu-
ruler and pencil to draw vectors, have students work in small cooperative groups with straws cut dents the magnitudes and
directions of the vectors they have
to different lengths. Cut each straw in half lengthwise to prevent it from rolling, cut a point in
created. Have them recalculate
one end, and mark the length on the straw. Set this up as a challenge by mixing together sets of resultants and displacements if the
straws that add in one dimension and others that add at right angles (lengths in a ratio 3:4:5 or second vectors reversed direction.
5:12:13). This activity will help all students get a feel for vector addition and can easily be
adapted to vector subtraction. Kinesthetic
■ Figure 2-9 You can see that it

Identifying took the runner 4.0 s to run from

ti tf
the tree to the lamppost. The
Misconceptions initial position of the runner is
Distance and Displacement used as a reference point. The
Students may think that distance vector from position 1 to position
2 indicates both the direction and
and displacement are interchange- amount of displacement during
able. The distance an object this time interval.

moves is a scalar quantity because
it has no direction. The displace- d
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
ment of an object is the change of meters
its position. The displacement has
both magnitude and direction. If
an object moves 5 m to the right, Time Intervals and Displacements
it has a different displacement When analyzing the runner’s motion, you might want to know how
long it took the runner to travel from the tree to the lamppost. This value
than if it moves 5 m to the left.
is obtained by finding the difference in the stopwatch readings at each
Using an Analogy position. Assign the symbol ti to the time when the runner was at the tree
and the symbol tf to the time when he was at the lamppost. The difference
Vector Subtraction Activity Ask between two times is called a time interval. A common symbol for a time
• Displacement vectors are
each student to express, in writ- shown in green. interval is t, where the Greek letter delta, , is used to represent a change
ing, step-by-step instructions for in a quantity. The time interval is defined mathematically as follows.
vector subtraction. Then ask them
to illustrate their written instruc- Time Interval t  tf  ti
tions with an example—or, alter- The time interval is equal to the final time minus the initial time.
natively, you might then ask the
students to trade instructions with Although i and f are used to represent the initial and final times, they can
another student and to follow be the initial and final times of any time interval you choose. In the example
them to see if they are accurate. of the runner, the time it takes for him to go from the tree to the lamppost
For example, a hiker walks 5 km is tf  ti  5.0 s  1.0 s  4.0 s. How did the runner’s position change
in a straight line away from camp when he ran from the tree to the lamppost, as shown in Figure 2-9? The
and rests. The hiker then walks an symbol d may be used to represent position. In common speech, a posi-
additional 2 km away from camp tion refers to a place; but in physics, a position is a vector with its tail at
along the same direction and rests ■ Figure 2-10 Start with two the origin of a coordinate system and its tip at the place.
vectors, A and B (a). To subtract Figure 2-9 shows d, an arrow drawn from the runner’s position at the
again. The hiker’s displacement vector B from vector A, first reverse tree to his position at the lamppost. This vector represents his change
between the two resting places is a vector B , then add them together
in position, or displacement, during the time interval between ti and tf.
vector pointed away from the to obtain the resultant, R (b).
The length of the arrow represents the distance the runner moved, while
camp with a magnitude of 2 km. the direction the arrow points indicates the direction of the displacement.
The hiker’s displacement from the A Displacement is mathematically defined as follows.
beginning of the trip to the sec- B
ond rest is a vector pointing away Displacement d  df  di
Vectors A and B
from the camp with a magnitude
Displacement is equal to the final position minus the initial position.
of 7 km. Linguistic
A Again, the initial and final positions are the beginning and end of any
ⴚB interval you choose. Also, while position can be considered a vector, it is
Page 59, FAST FILE common practice when doing calculations to drop the boldface, and use
Chapters 1–5 Resources A ⴙ (ⴚB) signs and magnitudes. This is because position usually is measured from
Resultant of A and (ⴚB) the origin, and direction typically is included with the position indication.

2 Transparency 2-1
36 Chapter 2 Representing Motion
Motion Diagrams

Copyright © by Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.


6 5 4
9 0 1


Olympic Timing Timing the races at the Olympic Games and at other major sporting contests is


a very important aspect of the games. The times runners take to finish the race are recorded to

the hundredth of a second and are used to determine world records. Wind speed is also meas-


ured and must be below a certain limit for a world record to be broken. When the company sup-

plying the timing devices was contracted for the 2002 Winter Olympics, it was estimated that they
6 5 4
9 0 1


would need to measure somewhere between 90,000 and 95,000 time intervals.

Physics: Principles and Problems Teaching Transparencies

■ Figure 2-11 The displacement

of the runner during the 4.0-s time ■ Using Figure 2-11
d ⫺di interval is found by subtracting df
from di. In (a) the origin is at the Ask students to prove mathemati-

left, and in (b) it is at the right. cally that d is equal in both cases.
df d Regardless of your choice of They can use a ruler to measure
coordinate system, d is the same. each vector and substitute their
⫺ di
measurements into the formula
d  df  di.
How do you subtract vectors? Reverse the subtracted vector and add.
This is because A  B  A  (B). Figure 2-10a shows two vectors, A,
4 cm long pointing east, and B, 1 cm long also pointing east. Figure 2-10b
shows B, which is 1 cm long pointing west. Figure 2-10b shows the
resultant of A and B. It is 3 cm long pointing east.
To determine the length and direction of the displacement vector,
d  df  di, draw di , which is di reversed. Then draw df and copy di Check for Understanding
with its tail at df’s tip. Add df and di. In the example of the runner, his Vectors and Scalars Ask stu-
displacement is df  di  25.0 m  5.0 m  20.0 m. He moved to the dents to give examples of vector
right of the tree. To completely describe an object’s displacement, and scalar quantities, along with
you must indicate the distance it traveled and the direction it moved. Thus,
explanations of why those exam-
displacement, a vector, is not identical to distance, a scalar; it is distance
ples are appropriate. The mass of
and direction.
What would happen if you chose a different coordinate system; that is,
an object is a scalar quantity—it
if you measured the position of the runner from another location? Look at makes no sense to ask what direc-
Figure 2-9, and suppose you change the right side of the d-axis to be zero. tion the mass is in grams. Velocity,
While the vectors drawn to represent each position change, the length and on the other hand, is a vector—
direction of the displacement vector does not, as shown in Figures 2-11a when an object is moving, it
and b. The displacement, d, in the time interval from 1.0 s to 5.0 s does makes sense to ask in what direc-
not change. Because displacement is the same in any coordinate system, tion the object is moving.
you frequently will use displacement when studying the motion of an
object. The displacement vector is always drawn with its flat end, or tail, at
the earlier position, and its point, or tip, at the later position. Extension
Time Intervals Ask students to
think of three real-world instances
in which there is a need to meas-
2.2 Section Review ure precise time intervals. For
example, a competitive runner
5. Displacement The particle model for a car traveling 7. Position Two students compared the position vec-
on an interstate highway is shown below. The start- tors they each had drawn on a motion diagram to will want to know how long it
ing point is shown. show the position of a moving object at the same takes her to run 400 m.
time. They found that their vectors did not point in Logical-Mathematical
Here There
the same direction. Explain.
Make a copy of the particle model, and draw a vec-
tor to represent the displacement of the car from the 8. Critical Thinking A car travels straight along the
starting time to the end of the third time interval. street from the grocery store to the post office. To
represent its motion you use a coordinate system
6. Displacement The particle model for a boy walking with its origin at the grocery store and the direction
to school is shown below. the car is moving in as the positive direction. Your Page 63, FAST FILE
Home School friend uses a coordinate system with its origin at the
post office and the opposite direction as the positive Chapters 1–5 Resources
Make a copy of the particle model, and draw direction. Would the two of you agree on the car’s CHAPTER

vectors to represent the displacement between each position? Displacement? Distance? The time interval 2 Transparency 2-4
pair of dots. the trip took? Explain.
Time (s) Position (m)


Position v. Time

5.0 Section 2.2 Where and When? 37

Position v. Time

Time (s)
Constant Acceleration

Position v. Time

Graph B
Copyright © by Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

2.2 Section Review







Position (m)
Constant Velocity

5. See Solutions Manual. 8. The two students should agree on the dis-
Position v. Time


6. See Solutions Manual.

Time (s)

placement, distance, and time interval for the


7. A position vector goes from the origin to the trip because these three quantities are inde-
Time (s) Position (m)
Position v. Time






object. When the origins are different, the pendent of where the origin of the coordinate
Graph A







position vectors are different. On the other system is placed. The two students would not Position (m)

hand, a displacement vector has nothing to agree on the car’s position, because the posi- Physics: Principles and Problems Teaching Transparencies

do with the origin. tion is measured from the origin of the coor-
dinate system to the location of the car.
Section 2.3
2.3 Position-Time Graphs

Bellringer Activity
䉴 Objectives
• Develop position-time
graphs for moving objects.
W hen analyzing motion, particularly when it is more complex than
the examples considered so far, it often is useful to represent the
motion of an object in a variety of ways. As you have seen, a motion
• Use a position-time graph to diagram contains useful information about an object’s position at various
Position-Time Data Show the interpret an object’s position times and can be helpful in determining the displacement of an object
students a toy car moving at a or displacement. during time intervals. Graphs of the object’s position and time also contain
constant velocity. As a class, col- • Make motion diagrams, this information.
lect data about its position and pictorial representations, and
Review Figure 2-9, the motion diagram for the runner with a location to
position-time graphs that are
time. Use these data to plot a equivalent representations the left of the tree chosen as the origin. From this motion diagram, you can
position-time graph. This graph describing an object’s organize the times and corresponding positions of the runner, as in Table
can then be referred to through- motion. 2-1.
out the section. Visual- 䉴 Vocabulary
Spatial position-time graph Using a Graph to Find Out Where and When
instantaneous position
The data from Table 2-1 can be presented by plotting the time data on
a horizontal axis and the position data on a vertical axis, which is called a
Tie to Prior Knowledge position-time graph. The graph of the runner’s motion is shown in
Graphs and Word Problems Figure 2-12. To draw this graph, first plot the runner’s recorded positions.
Students will be familiar with Then, draw a line that best fits the recorded points. Notice that this graph
graphs from their math classes, is not a picture of the path taken by the runner as he was moving—the
but this graphing may not have graphed line is sloped, but the path that he ran was flat. The line represents
had much context associated with the most likely positions of the runner at the times between the recorded
data points. (Recall from Chapter 1 that this line often is referred to as a
it. In Section 1.3, students
best-fit line.) This means that even though there is no data point to tell you
reviewed the basic parameters of
exactly when the runner was 30.0 m beyond his starting point or where he
graphs and graphing. Therefore, was at t ⫽ 4.5 s, you can use the graph to estimate his position. The follow-
they should be familiar with inde- ing example problem shows how. Note that before estimating the runner’s
pendent and dependent variables, position, the questions first are restated in the language of physics in terms
plotting points, line of best fit, of positions and times.
and so on. Students also will be
familiar with solving word prob-
■ Figure 2-12 A position-time graph for the runner can be created by plotting his
lems, but probably not with a for-
known position at each of several times. After these points are plotted, the line that best
mal strategy for approaching fits them is drawn. The best-fit line indicates the runner’s most likely positions at the
them. times between the data points.
Table 2-1
Position v. Time
Position v. Time
Time Position
2 TEACH t (s) d (m)
Position (m)

Concept Development 0.0 0.0 20.0

Position-Time Graphs To help 1.0 5.0
students fully understand the 2.0 10.0
graphing process and to connect it 3.0 15.0
to data, take students through the 4.0 20.0
process of constructing a position- 5.0 25.0 0.0
1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0
time graph using either the data 6.0 30.0
Time (s)
from the Bellringer Activity or
data generated from equations of 38 Chapter 2 Representing Motion
motion and prepared before class.

Critical Thinking 2.3 Resource MANAGER

Position-Time Graph Ask stu- FAST FILE Chapters 1–5 Resources Technology
dents what Figure 2-12 would Transparency 2-3 Master, p. 63 TeacherWorks™ CD-ROM
look like if the runner started Study Guide, pp. 45–50 Interactive Chalkboard CD-ROM
Section 2-3 Quiz, p. 53 ExamView ® Pro Testmaker CD-ROM
from the same place but moved in Teaching Transparency 2-3
the opposite direction. It would be Connecting Math to Physics
a graph in the fourth quadrant, with
each subsequent point being farther
away from the origin.
When did the runner whose motion is described in Figure 2-12 reach 30.0 m beyond the Misconceptions
starting point? Where was he after 4.5 s? Position-Time Graphs Some
1 Analyze the Problem Position v. Time students may confuse a position-
• Restate the questions. time graph with a particle model
Question 1: At what time was the position 30.0 of a motion diagram. Ask students
of the object equal to 30.0 m? 25.0 what information is in the

Position (m)
Question 2: What was the position of the
object at 4.5 s? 20.0 position-time graph that is not in
15.0 the motion diagram. Elicit from
2 Solve for the Unknown students that the position-time
Question 1 graph is a pictorial representation
Examine the graph to find the intersection of 5.0
of a table of data. Lead students
the best-fit line with a horizontal line at the 0.0
30.0-m mark. Next, find where a vertical line 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 to understand that a table of data
from that point crosses the time axis. The value Time (s) contains more information than a
of t there is 6.0 s. motion diagram because the dis-
Question 2 tances are actually measured and
Find the intersection of the graph with a vertical line at 4.5 s Math Handbook
(halfway between 4.0 s and 5.0 s on this graph). Next, find Interpolating and
where a horizontal line from that point crosses the position axis. Extrapolating
The value of d is approximately 22.5 m. page 849

The two intersections are shown on the graph above.

Question Where
was the runner
whose motion is
represented in
For problems 9–11, refer to Figure 2-13. ■ Figure 2-13 Figure 2-12 after 2.0 s?
9. Describe the motion of the car shown by the graph.
Answer 10.0 m
10. Draw a motion diagram that corresponds to the graph. 100.0
Position (m)

11. Answer the following questions about the car’s motion.

Assume that the positive d-direction is east and the
negative d-direction is west.
a. When was the car 25.0 m east of the origin? 1.0 3.0 5.0 7.0
b. Where was the car at 1.0 s? ⫺50.0 Time (s)

12. Describe, in words, the motion of the two pedestrians 9. The car begins at a position
shown by the lines in Figure 2-14. Assume that the Broad St. ■ Figure 2-14 of 125.0 m and moves
positive direction is east on Broad Street and the origin toward the origin, arriving
is the intersection of Broad and High Streets. East
at the origin 5.0 s after it
13. Odina walked down the hall at school from the cafeteria to
Position (m)

begins moving. The car

the band room, a distance of 100.0 m. A class of physics A
students recorded and graphed her position every 2.0 s,
continues beyond the origin.
noting that she moved 2.6 m every 2.0 s. When was Odina 10. See Solutions Manual.
in the following positions? High St.

a. 25.0 m from the cafeteria B 11. a. at 4.0 s

b. 25.0 m from the band room b. 100.0 m
West Time (s)
c. Create a graph showing Odina’s motion. 12. Pedestrian A starts west of
High Street and walks east
(the positive direction).
Section 2.3 Position-Time Graphs 39
Pedestrian B begins east of
High Street and walks west
(the negative direction).
Sometime after B crosses
High Street, A and B pass
each other. Sometime after
Scientific Method The graph of a runner’s motion can be thought of as the result of a scientific they pass, pedestrian A
investigation. The hypothesis might be that the distance the runner covers increases as the time crosses High Street.
increases. The mass of the runner and the velocity of the runner are called the controlled vari- 13. a. 19 s
ables because they do not change. If the measurements of position are made at equal intervals
of time, time is called the independent variable since the experimenter determined the interval. b. 58 s
The distance is called the dependent variable. It is customary to plot the independent variable on c. See Solutions Manual.
the horizontal axis and the dependent variable on the vertical axis.
a Table 2-1 b Position v. Time
■ Using Figure 2-15
Position v. Time 30.0
Students should understand the dif-

Position (m)
Time Position 25.0
ferent ways of representing motion. t (s) d (m) 20.0
Have the students look at each of 15.0
the representations in Figure 2-15 0.0 0.0 10.0
and discuss how each one shows 1.0 5.0 5.0
how the object is moving. The table 2.0 10.0 0.0
1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0
gives exactly the same information 3.0 15.0
Time (s)
as the graph, but the particle model 4.0 20.0
gives much less information than 5.0 25.0 c Begin End
the other two representations. You
6.0 30.0
may want to revisit this again in
Section 2.4, after the concept of ■ Figure 2-15 The data table (a), How long did the runner spend at any location? Each position has been
velocity has been formalized. position-time graph (b), and linked to a time, but how long did that time last? You could say “an
particle model (c) all represent
instant,” but how long is that? If an instant lasts for any finite amount of
the same moving object.
time, then the runner would have stayed at the same position during that
time, and he would not have been moving. However, as he was moving, an
Concept Development instant is not a finite period of time. This means that an instant of time
Representations A student’s lasts zero seconds. The symbol d represents the instantaneous position
house is on the same street as his of the runner—the position at a particular instant.
school 10 blocks away. After Equivalent representations As shown in Figure 2-15, you now have sev-
1 min the student has walked eral different ways to describe motion: words, pictures (or pictorial repre-
1 block; after 2 min the student sentations), motion diagrams, data tables, and position-time graphs. All of
has walked 2 blocks; after 3 min, these representations are equivalent. That is, they can all contain the same
4 blocks; after 4 min, 7 blocks; information about the runner’s motion. However, depending on what you
want to find out about an object’s motion, some of the representations
after 5 min, 9 blocks; and after
will be more useful than others. In the pages that follow, you will get some
6 min reaches the school. Ask stu-
practice constructing these equivalent representations and learning which
dents to represent the motion in ones are the easiest to use in solving different kinds of problems.
three different ways. Students may
Considering the motion of multiple objects A position-time graph for two
draw motion diagrams, position-
different runners in a race is shown in Example Problem 2. When and where
time graphs, and data tables to
does one runner pass the other? First, you need to restate this question in
represent motion. physics terms: At what time do the two objects have the same position? You
can evaluate this question by identifying the point on the position-time
Using Models graph at which the lines representing the two objects intersect.

Position-Time Representations
at Rest Data tables and position-
time graphs are models to
Niram, Oliver, and Phil all enjoy exercising and often go to a path along the
describe motion. Have students river for this purpose. Niram bicycles at a very consistent 40.25 km/h, Oliver
create these equivalent representa- runs south at a constant speed of 16.0 km/h, and Phil walks south at a brisk
tions of motion for a migrating 6.5 km/h. Niram starts biking north at noon from the waterfalls. Oliver and
Phil both start at 11:30 A.M. at the canoe dock, 20.0 km north of the falls.
bird starting from rest and travel-
1. Draw position-time graphs for each person.
ing at 10 km/h for 4 h, then rest-
2. At what time will the three exercise enthusiasts be within the smallest distance
ing for 1 hour, getting underway interval?
at the same speed for another 2 h, 3. What is the length of that distance interval?
then resting again for 1 h. Explain
that when an object is standing
still, its slope on a position-time 40 Chapter 2 Representing Motion

graph is a horizontal line.

1. 2. The three will be in the smallest distance

Position along path (km)

interval when Niram and Oliver pass each
other. The gap between Oliver and Phil is
Oliver Niram
constantly widening, and Niram will pass
Oliver before he passes Phil. Niram passes
Oliver at 12:13 PM.
0.5 1.0
3. Phil is roughly 6.8 km north of Niram’s and
Time (h) Oliver’s positions.
When and where does runner B pass runner A?
1 Analyze the Problem Question When
• Restate the question. and where does Tai
At what time do A and B have the
same position? 150 pass Luis?
2 Solve for the Unknown 100 Luis

Position (m)
In the figure at right, examine the graph to find A 40.0
the intersection of the line representing the 50 B 35.0
motion of A with the line representing

Position (m)
the motion of B. 30.0
These lines intersect at 45 s and at about 15 25 35 45 55
190 m. ⫺50 Time (s)
15.0 Tai
B passes A about 190 m beyond the origin, 10.0
45 s after A has passed the origin. ⫺100
Math Handbook 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0
Interpolating and Time (s)
page 849
Answer The point at which the
two graphed lines intersect is at
20.0 s and 40.0 m.

For problems 14–17, refer to the figure in Example Problem 2.

14. What event occurred at t  0.0 s?
15. Which runner was ahead at t  48.0 s?
16. When runner A was at 0.0 m, where was runner B? 14. Runner A passed the origin.
17. How far apart were runners A and B at t  20.0 s?
15. runner B
18. Juanita goes for a walk. Sometime later, her friend Heather starts to
walk after her. Their motions are represented by the position-time 16. at 50.0 m
graphs in Figure 2-16.
a. How long had Juanita been walking when Heather started
17. approximately 30 m
her walk? 18. a. 6.0 min
b. Will Heather catch up to Juanita? How can you tell?
b. No. The lines repre-
6.0 senting Juanita’s and
5.0 Heather’s motions get
Position (km)


4.0 farther apart as time


3.0 he
r increases. The lines
He will not intersect.

0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
Time (h)
■ Figure 2-16 Reinforcement
Objects Passing Ask students
how you can use the same coordi-
Section 2.3 Position-Time Graphs 41
nate system to describe the
motion of two different cars, A
and B, on the same road. Ask stu-
dents what the graph looks like if
car A passes car B, or if car B
passes car A. Linguistic
Coordinate Systems Refer students to Figure 2-9 on page 36 and ask students what the coor-
dinate system is. The coordinate system places the tree at 5 m. Ask students what would happen to
the positions and displacements of the runner if the coordinate system were changed. The posi-
tions would change, but the displacements would remain the same.

As you have seen, you can represent the motion of more than one object
Discussion on a position-time graph. The intersection of two lines tells you when the
Question In looking at Example two objects have the same position. Does this mean that they will collide?
Problem 2, which runner started Not necessarily. For example, if the two objects are runners and if they are
in different lanes, they will not collide. Later in this textbook, you will
ahead of the other, runner A or
learn to represent motion in two dimensions.
runner B? What does ahead mean?
Is there anything else that you can learn from a position-time graph? Do
If the slopes depicting runners A you know what the slope of a line means? In the next section, you will use
and B started at the same points the slope of a line on a position-time graph to determine the velocity of an
and were rotated downward object. What about the area under a plotted line? In Chapter 3, you will
below the time axis, which runner draw other graphs and learn to interpret the areas under the plotted lines.
would be considered starting In later chapters you will continue to refine your skills with creating and
ahead, and what would ahead interpreting graphs.
mean in this case?
Answer In the first case, Runner A
started ahead of runner B. Runner A
started out at the origin, runner B 2.3 Section Review
started out from behind the origin,
and they both were running away 19. Position-Time Graph From the particle model in 22. Distance Use the position-time graph of the
Figure 2-17 of a baby crawling across a kitchen hockey puck to determine how far it moved
from the origin. The downward graph floor, plot a position-time graph to represent his between 0.0 s and 5.0 s.
shows that both runners were run- motion. The time interval between successive dots
ning away from the origin in the is 1 s. 23. Time Interval Use the position-time graph for the
hockey puck to determine how much time it took
direction opposite from the first situa-
for the puck to go from 40 m beyond the origin to
tion. Runner B would have started 80 m beyond the origin.
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
ahead in this case because he started
Position (cm) 24. Critical Thinking Look at the particle model and
out at 50 m in front of runner A, while
■ Figure 2-17 position-time graph shown in Figure 2-19. Do
runner A started at the origin. they describe the same motion? How do you
Logical-Mathematical 20. Motion Diagram Create a particle model from the know? Do not confuse the position coordinate
position-time graph of a hockey puck gliding across system in the partical model with the horizontal
a frozen pond in Figure 2-18. axis in the position-time graph. The time intervals
in the partical model are 2 s.
3 ASSESS 120
100 0 10
Position (m)

Check for Understanding

80 Position (m)
Graphs and Motion Diagrams 60
Present the students with a graph 40
of an object moving away from 20 12
the origin with a constant speed.
Ask the students to draw a motion 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0
Position (m)

Time (s) 8
diagram that corresponds to it.
Make sure that they specifically ■ Figure 2-18
indicate their coordinate system 4
and the object’s starting point. The
For problems 21–23, refer to Figure 2-18.
motion diagram will be a series of
0 1 2 3 4 5
dots evenly spaced. The first dot 21. Time Use the position-time graph of the hockey
puck to determine when it was 10.0 m beyond Time (s)
should be labeled origin.
the origin. ■ Figure 2-19
42 Chapter 2 Representing Motion
Position-Time Graphs Have stu-
dents look at Figure 2-18. Ask
them to determine the position of 2.3 Section Review
the hockey puck at 10 s. 200 m 19. See Solutions Manual. 24. No, they don’t describe the same motion.
Logical-Mathematical 20. See Solutions Manual. Although both objects are traveling in the
21. 0.5 s positive direction, one is moving more
22. 100 m quickly. Students can cite a number of dif-
23. 2.0 s ferent specific examples from the graph and
particle model to back this up.

2.4 How Fast? Section 2.4

Y ou have learned how to use a motion diagram to show an object’s

movement. How can you measure how fast it is moving? With devices
such as a meterstick and a stopwatch, you can measure position and time.
䉴 Objectives
• Define velocity.
• Differentiate between speed
Bellringer Activity
Can this information be used to describe the rate of motion? and velocity.
Speed Ask a student to walk
• Create pictorial, physical, and
Velocity mathematical models of
across the room two times, first
motion problems. slowly, then more quickly. Ask the
Suppose you recorded two joggers on one motion diagram, as shown in
Figure 2-20a. From one frame to the next you can see that the position 䉴 Vocabulary other students if the first student
of the jogger in red shorts changes more than that of the one wearing blue. average velocity did what you asked. Ask them
In other words, for a fixed time interval, the displacement, ⌬d, is greater average speed how they know. Specifically, what
instantaneous velocity evidence did they use to make
for the jogger in red because she is moving faster. She covers a larger dis-
tance than the jogger in blue does in the same amount of time. Now, sup- their decision? Have the students
pose that each jogger travels 100.0 m. The time interval, ⌬t, would be generate a list of what physical
smaller for the jogger in red than for the one in blue. quantities need to be known to
Average velocity From the example of the joggers, you can see that both determine how fast an object is
the displacement, ⌬d, and time interval, ⌬t, might be needed to create the going. The quantities are the initial
quantity that tells how fast an object is moving. How might they be com- position, the final position, and the
bined? Compare the lines representing the red and blue joggers in the time it took the student to go from
position-time graphs in Figure 2-20b. The slope of the red jogger’s line is the initial position to the final
steeper than the slope of the blue jogger’s line. A steeper slope indicates a position. Visual-Spatial
greater change in displacement during each time interval.
Recall from Chapter 1 that to find the slope, you first choose two points
on the line. Next, you subtract the vertical coordinate (d in this case) of the Tie to Prior Knowledge
first point from the vertical coordinate of the second point to obtain the Speed Students will be familiar
rise of the line. After that, you subtract the horizontal coordinate (t in this with the concept of speed.
case) of the first point from the horizontal coordinate of the second point However, they may not know the
to obtain the run. Finally, you divide the rise by the run to obtain the slope. ■ Figure 2-20 The red jogger’s difference between speed and
The slopes of the two lines shown in Figure 2-20b are found as follows: displacement is greater than the velocity, and many will use these
d ⫺d d ⫺d displacement of the blue jogger
Red slope ⫽ ᎏ
ᎏi Blue slope ⫽ ᎏ
ᎏi in each time interval because
two terms interchangeably. If the
tf ⫺ ti tf ⫺ ti
the jogger in red is moving faster students introduce the term veloc-
6.0 m ⫺ 2.0 m
⫽ ᎏᎏ
3.0 m ⫺ 2.0 m
⫽ ᎏᎏ
than the jogger in blue (a). The ity into the discussion before you
3.0 s ⫺ 1.0 s 3.0 s ⫺ 2.0 s position-time graph represents the
are ready to develop it, ask them
motion of the red and blue joggers.
what they mean.
⫽ 2.0 m/s ⫽ 1.0 m/s The points used to calculate the
slope of each line are shown (b).

a b 6.0

Concept Development
Position (m)



Average Velocity Demo The



example of the two joggers can be

2.0 r
ge modeled in class by two toys that
e jog
Blu move with different constant
0.0 speeds. This could be done as an
1.0 2.0 3.0
interactive demonstration or as a
small group activity. You may
Section 2.4 How Fast? 43
Hutchings Photography even choose to have the students
take data and calculate the speeds
of the toys. Kinesthetic

2.4 Resource MANAGER

Critical Thinking
FAST FILE Chapters 1–5 Resources Technology
Transparency 2-4 Master, p. 65 TeacherWorks™ CD-ROM Interpreting Ask students if it is
Study Guide, pp. 45–50 Interactive Chalkboard CD-ROM possible to have an accurate p-t
Reinforcement, pp. 55–56 ExamView ® Pro Testmaker CD-ROM graph that is a vertical line. No,
Enrichment, pp. 57–58 because that would mean that the
Section 2-4 Quiz, p. 54
object would be in more than one
Teaching Transparency 2-4
Connecting Math to Physics place at a time, or that it would have
an infinite velocity.

There are some important things to notice about this comparison. First,
the slope of the faster runner is a greater number, so it is reasonable to
 Speed Records The world assume that this number might be connected with the runner’s speed.
record for the men’s 100-m dash Second, look at the units of the slope, meters per second. In other words,
 According to the theory of rel- is 9.78 s, established in 2002 by the slope tells how many meters the runner moved in 1 s. These units are
Tim Montgomery. The world similar to miles per hour, which also measure speed. Looking at how
ativity, elaborated in 1905 by
record for the women’s 100-m the slope is calculated, you can see that slope is the change in position,
Albert Einstein (1879–1955), the dash is 10.65 s, established in
divided by the time interval during which that change took place, or
fastest possible speed anything 1998 by Marion Jones. These
sprinters often are referred to (df  di) / (tf  ti), or d/t. When d gets larger, the slope gets larger;
can have is the speed of light.
as the world’s fastest man and when t gets larger, the slope gets smaller. This agrees with the interpreta-
The first scientist to attempt to woman.  tion above of the movements of the red and blue joggers. The slope of
measure the speed of light was a position-time graph for an object is the object’s average velocity and
Galileo Galilei (1594–1642). His is represented by the ratio of the change of position to the time interval
method was to place two men on during which the change occurred.
mountaintops that were a known
distance apart. Each man had a d d d
苶v ⬅  f
Average Velocity i
t tf  ti
lantern with a shutter, and one of
Average velocity is defined as the change in position, divided by the time
the men had an assistant with a
during which the change occurred.
device to measure time. However,
over such a short distance Galileo The symbol ⬅ means that the left-hand side of the equation is defined by
was not able to make an accurate the right-hand side.
measurement. He could conclude • Velocity vectors are red. It is a common misconception to say that the slope of a position-time
only that light moves faster than • Displacement vectors are graph gives the speed of the object. Consider the slope of the position-time
green. graph shown in Figure 2-21. The slope of this position-time graph is
sound. The speed of light was
first successfully measured by Ole 5.0 m/s. As you can see the slope indicates both the magnitude and
direction. Recall that average velocity is a quantity that has both magnitude
Roemer (1644–1710). This mea-
and direction. The slope of a position-time graph indicates the average
surement was based on the
velocity of the object and not its speed. Take another look at Figure 2-21.
observations of the moonrise of
The slope of the graph is 5.0 m/s and thus, the object has a velocity of
one of Jupiter’s moons.  5.0 m/s. The object starts out at a positive position and moves toward the
origin. It moves in the negative direction at a rate of 5.0 m/s.
Average speed The absolute value of the slope of a position-time graph
■ Figure 2-21 The object whose
tells you the average speed of the object; that is, how fast the object is mov-
motion is represented here is ing. The sign of the slope tells you in what direction the object is moving.
moving in the negative direction The combination of an object’s average speed, 苶v, and the direction in which
Collision Experiment at a rate of 5.0 m/s. it is moving is the average velocity, v苶. Thus, for the object represented in
Problem Figure 2-21, the average velocity is 5.0 m/s, or 5.0 m/s
Estimated Time 10–15 minutes 20 in the negative direction. Its average speed is 5.0 m/s.
Remember that if an object moves in the negative direc-
Materials two slow-moving toy 15
tion, then its displacement is negative. This means that
cars or toy tractors, metersticks, 10 the object’s velocity always will have the same sign as
stopwatch or clock with a second the object’s displacement.
Position (m)

hand As you consider other types of motion to analyze in
Procedure Have students deter- 0 future chapters, sometimes the velocity will be the
1 2 3 4 5
mine the speed of each toy car by ⫺5 important quantity to consider, while at other times,
Time (s)
using the meterstick and the the speed will be the important quantity. Therefore, it
⫺10 is a good idea to make sure that you understand the
stopwatch. Have students write
the speeds on the chalkboard. Set ⫺15 differences between velocity and speed so that you will
be sure to use the right one later.
up the cars pointing toward each
other and ask the students to
44 Chapter 2 Representing Motion
predict where the two cars will
collide. Run the demonstration to
see if the predictions are true.
Lead students to understand that
if the speeds of the toy cars are
equal they will collide in the mid-
dle whereas if one car is faster Units Often the units m/s are tough to interpret properly and to understand, particularly the
than the other, the cars will meet idea that an object’s speed tells you how many meters it travels in 1 s. To clarify this, ask stu-
at a point farther from the faster dents to consider a car starting at the origin and traveling at 20 m/s. Ask them where the car is
car. at 1 s, 2 s, 3 s, and so on; then ask them how far the car traveled during the first second, during
the second second, and so on. Help the students to use this information to interpret speed prop-
erly. Logical-Mathematical

The graph at the right describes the motion of a 12.0
student riding his skateboard along a smooth,
pedestrian-free sidewalk. What is his average Question What is
velocity? What is his average speed? the average velocity

Position (m)
1 Analyze and Sketch the Problem of the object whose
• Identify the coordinate system of the graph. 6.0
motion is repre-
sented in this graph? What is its
2 Solve for the Unknown
average speed?
Unknown: 3.0
v苶  ? v苶  ? 50.0
Find the average velocity using two points 45.0
on the line. 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 40.0
d Use magnitudes with signs Time (s) 35.0

Position (m)
t indicating directions. 30.0
d2  d1 25.0
t2  t1 20.0
12.0 m  6.0 m 15.0
  Substitute d2 ⫽ 12.0 m, d1 ⫽ 6.0 m, t2 ⫽ 8.0 s, t1 ⫽ 4.0 s.
8.0 s  4.0 s Math Handbook

v  1.5 m/s in the positive direction Slope
page 850
The average speed, v苶, is the absolute value of the average velocity, or 1.5 m/s. 0.0
10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0
Time (s)
3 Evaluate the Answer
• Are the units correct? m/s are the units for both velocity and speed.
50.0 m  0.0 m
• Do the signs make sense? The positive sign for the velocity agrees Answer v  
with the coordinate system. No direction is associated with speed. 25.0 s  0.0 s
2.00 m/s, 2.00 m/s

25. The graph in Figure 2-22 describes the motion of a Time (s)
cruise ship during its voyage through calm waters.
1 2 3 4
The positive d-direction is defined to be south. 0
Position (m)

a. What is the ship’s average speed?

25. a. 0.33 m/s
b. What is its average velocity? ⫺1 b. 0.33 m/s, or 0.33 m/s
26. Describe, in words, the motion of the cruise ship
in the previous problem. ⫺2 26. The ship is moving to the
27. The graph in Figure 2-23 represents the motion
north at a speed of 0.33
■ Figure 2-22
of a bicycle. Determine the bicycle’s average speed m/s.
and average velocity, and describe its motion 20
in words.
27. Because the bicycle is
Position (km)

15 moving in the positive

28. When Marilyn takes her pet dog for a walk, the dog direction, the average
walks at a very consistent pace of 0.55 m/s. Draw a
motion diagram and position-time graph to speed and average velocity
represent Marilyn’s dog walking the 19.8-m are the same: 0.67 km/min.
distance from in front of her house to the 0 The bicycle is moving in
nearest fire hydrant. 5 10 15 20 25 30
■ Figure 2-23 Time (min)
the positive direction at a
speed of 0.67 km/min.
28. See Solutions Manual.
Section 2.4 How Fast? 45

Motion in a Straight Line Have students go around the school and record examples of differ-
ent moving objects. Three examples should be of objects whose motion can be described using
the physics in this chapter. There also should be three examples of objects whose motion they
cannot yet describe accurately. Students should specifically tell why the current model does not
apply to these objects. For example, a ball rolling on a horizontal floor is consistent with this
chapter. A ball bouncing down stairs is not. Kinesthetic

Instantaneous Velocity
Why is the quantity ⌬d/⌬t called average velocity? Why isn’t it called
velocity? Think about how a motion diagram is constructed. A motion
diagram shows the position of a moving object at the beginning and end
Instantaneous of a time interval. It does not, however, indicate what happened within
Velocity Vectors ■ Figure 2-24 Average velocity
that time interval. During the time interval, the speed of the object could
vectors have the same direction as have remained the same, increased, or decreased. The object may have
See page 39 of FAST FILE
their corresponding displacement stopped or even changed direction. All that can be determined from the
Chapters 1–5 Resources for the vectors. Their lengths are different, motion diagram is an average velocity, which is found by dividing the total
accompanying Mini Lab Worksheet. but proportional, and they have displacement by the time interval in which it took place. The speed and
Purpose to have students observe different units because they direction of an object at a particular instant is called the instantaneous
are obtained by dividing the
and describe the motion of an object velocity. In this textbook, the term velocity will refer to instantaneous
displacement by the time interval.
Materials a piece of string 1 m velocity, represented by the symbol v.
long, a hooked 100-g or 200-g mass
Average Velocity on Motion Diagrams
Expected Results Students should How can you show average velocity on a motion diagram? Although the
show the motion represented by vec- average velocity is in the same direction as displacement, the two quantities
tors of different lengths. are not measured using the same units. Nevertheless, they are propor-
tional—when displacement is greater during a given time interval, so is
average velocity. A motion diagram is not a precise graph of average velocity,
but you can indicate the direction and magnitude of the average velocity on
it. Imagine two cars driving down the road at different speeds. A video
camera records their motions at the rate of one frame every second.
Analyze and Conclude Imagine that each car has a paintbrush attached to it that automatically
descends and paints a line on the ground for half a second every second.
7. at the bottom of the swing
The faster car would paint a longer line on the ground. The vectors
8. The velocity at the top is zero. you draw on a motion diagram to represent the velocity are like the lines
9. The magnitude of the speed is made by the paintbrushes on the ground below the cars. Red is used
Instantaneous to indicate velocity vectors on motion diagrams. Figure 2-24 shows the
equal to the magnitude of the veloc-
ity vectors halfway between the Velocity Vectors particle models, complete with velocity vectors, for two cars: one moving
1. Attach a 1-m-long string to
highest and lowest points. Students your hooked mass. to the right and the other moving more slowly to the left.
may suggest adding the magnitudes 2. Hold the string in one hand Using equations Any time you graph a straight line, you can find an equa-
of the fastest and slowest speeds with the mass suspended.
tion to describe it. There will be many cases for which it will be more
and dividing the sum in half. 3. Carefully pull the mass to one
efficient to use such an equation instead of a graph to solve problems. Take
side and release it.
4. Observe the motion, the speed,
another look at the graph in Figure 2-21 on page 44 for the object moving
and direction of the mass for with a constant velocity of ⫺5.0 m/s. Recall from Chapter 1 that any
several swings. straight line can be represented by the formula: y ⫽ mx ⫹ b where y is the
5. Stop the mass from swinging. quantity plotted on the vertical axis, m is the slope of the line, x is the
■ Using Figure 2-24 6. Draw a diagram showing quantity plotted on the horizontal axis, and b is the y-intercept of the line.
instantaneous velocity vectors at
For the graph in Figure 2-21, the quantity plotted on the vertical axis is
Ask students how they know which the following points: top of the
swing, midpoint between top and position, and the variable used to represent position is d. The slope of
car has the greater average velocity.
bottom, bottom of the swing, the line is ⫺5.0 m/s, which is the object’s average velocity, v苶. The quantity
The distance between intervals for midpoint between bottom and top, plotted on the horizontal axis is time, t. The y-intercept is 20.0 m. What
the car traveling to the right is and back to the top of the swing.
does this 20.0 m represent? By inspecting the graph and thinking about
greater than those for the car trav- Analyze and Conclude
how the object moves, you can figure out that the object was at a position
eling to the left. Also, the vector for 7. Where was the velocity greatest?
of 20.0 m when t ⫽ 0.0 s. This is called the initial position of the object,
the car traveling to the right is 8. Where was the velocity least?
and is designated di. Table 2-2 summarizes how the general variables in
longer than the vector for the car 9. Explain how the average speed
can be determined using your the straight-line formula are changed to the specific variables you have
traveling to the left. Logical-
vector diagram. been using to describe motion. It also shows the numerical values for the
two constants in this equation.

Identifying 46 Chapter 2 Representing Motion

Passing Clarify the difference
between instantaneous velocity
and average velocity. Ask students
how they know how fast they are
going when they are traveling in a Races Give to students or have them find the speeds of several kinds of animals of different sizes.
car. The speedometer tells the These speeds will be in different units. Ask students to predict the order of finish for a 100-m race
instantaneous velocity. Ask students between the animals. You also can ask them to figure out the times of each contestant. Then have
what the average speed of a car is them both represent, visually, and explain, mathematically, how they arrived at their answers.
in stop-and-go traffic if the car Logical-Mathematical
travels 8 km in 2 h. km/h

Based on the information shown in Table 2-2, the equation y  mx  b
becomes d  v苶t  di, or, by inserting the values of the constants,
d  (5.0 m/s)t  20.0 m. This equation describes the motion that is Table 2-2
represented in Figure 2-21. You can check this by plugging a value of t into Comparison of
■ Instantaneous Velocity Place
the equation and seeing that you obtain the same value of d as when you Straight Lines with
Position-Time Graphs a ball at the top of a long ramp
read it directly from the graph. To conduct an extra check to be sure the
General Specific Value in and release it. Ask students to
equation makes sense, take a look at the units. You cannot set two items Variable Motion Figure
Variable 2-21 describe the instantaneous veloc-
with different units equal to each other in an equation. In this equation,
the left-hand side is a position, so its units are meters. The first term on the y d ity of the ball as it rolls down the
right-hand side multiplies meters per second times seconds, so its units are m v苶 5.0 m/s ramp. Explain that the velocity is
also meters. The last term is in meters, too, so the units on this equation x t zero at the top and increases until
are valid. b di 20.0 m the ball reaches the bottom. Using
a ruler and a stopwatch or clock,
Equation of Motion for Average Velocity d  苶vt  di ask students to determine the
An object’s position is equal to the average velocity multiplied by time plus average velocity of the ball as it
the initial position. moves from the top of the ramp to
the bottom. Visual-Spatial
This equation gives you another way to represent the motion of an object.
Note that once a coordinate system is chosen, the direction of d is
specified by positive and negative values, and the boldface notation can be
dispensed with, as in “d-axis.” However, the boldface notation for velocity
will be retained to avoid confusing it with speed.
Your toolbox of representations now includes words, motion diagrams, Reinforcement
pictures, data tables, position-time graphs, and an equation. You should be Position Have students form
able to use any one of these representations to generate at least the char- pairs. Ask students to explain to
acteristics of the others. You will get more practice with this in the rest of each other what the four methods
this chapter and also in Chapter 3 as you apply these representations to of representing the motion of an
help you solve problems. object moving at constant speed
are. Each student should explain
two of the methods. If a student
does not understand the method
2.4 Section Review explained, the student should ask
For problems 29–31, refer to Figure 2-25. 30. Average Velocity Rank the graphs according to
questions. Interpersonal
29. Average Speed Rank the position-time graphs average velocity, from greatest average velocity
according to the average speed of the object, from to least average velocity. Specifically indicate
greatest average speed to least average speed. any ties.
Specifically indicate any ties.
31. Initial Position Rank the graphs according to the
object’s initial position, from most positive position
B D to most negative position. Specifically indicate any Check for Understanding
ties. Would your ranking be different if you had
been asked to do the ranking according to initial Average Speed and Velocity Ask
distance from the origin? students the following: You walk
Position (m)

down to the store 0.5 km away

32. Average Speed and Average Velocity Explain and then walk straight back. If the
how average speed and average velocity are
related to each other. whole trip took 20 min, what was
your average velocity? Your aver-
33. Critical Thinking In solving a physics problem, age speed? average velocity  0;
why is it important to create pictorial and physical average speed  3 km/h.
■ Figure 2-25 Time (s) models before trying to solve an equation? Section 2.4 How Fast? 47 Extension

Constant Velocity Divide the
class into small groups, and ask
each group to design a quick
2.4 Section Review experiment to determine whether
a person is walking with a con-
29. A, B, C  D to get the problem situation organized in
stant velocity or not. Collect the
30. B, D, C, A your head. It’s difficult to write down the
experimental designs, then set up
31. A, C, B, D. Yes, the ranking from greatest to proper equation if you don’t have a clear pic-
some of the most common sug-
least distance would be A, C, D, B. ture of how things are situated and/or mov-
gestions at the beginning of the
32. Average speed is the absolute value of the ing. Also, you choose the coordinate system
next class to have the class evalu-
average velocity. in this step, and this is essential in making
ate and test. Interpersonal
33. Answers will vary. Drawing the models sure you use the proper signs on the quanti-
before writing down the equation helps you ties you will substitute into the equation later.
Horizons Companies
Creating Motion Diagrams
Alternate CBL instructions
In this activity you will construct motion diagrams for two toy cars. A motion dia-
Time Allotment can be found on the
gram consists of a series of images showing the positions of a moving object at
Web site.
one laboratory period equal time intervals. Motion diagrams help describe the motion of an object.
By looking at a motion diagram you can determine whether an object is speeding
Process Skills describe, measure in up, slowing down, or moving at constant speed.
SI, collect and organize data, recognize
spatial relationships, summarize and QUESTION
hypothesize How do the motion diagrams of a fast toy car and a slow toy car differ?

Alternative Materials A variety of

windup toys can be used. Also, a video Objectives Procedure
of a student walking and a student ■ Measure in SI the location of a moving object. 1. Mark a starting line on the lab table or the
running can work just as well. You may ■ Recognize spatial relationships of moving surface recommended by your teacher.
use a CBL to record the position of the objects. 2. Place both toy cars at the starting line and
■ Describe the motion of a fast and slow object. release them at the same time. Be sure to wind
car (using 0.1-s intervals), or a stop-
watch with 1-s intervals and the naked them up before releasing them.

eye. Safety Precautions 3. Observe both toy cars and determine which
one is faster.
4. Place the slower toy car at the starting line.
Teaching Strategies 5. Place a meterstick parallel to the path the toy
• You may wish to use an over- car will take.
head pen to trace the position of Materials 6. Have one of the members of your group get
the car every 0.1 s on a televi- video camera ready to operate the video camera.
sion screen as you replay the two toy windup cars 7. Release the slower toy car from the starting
video. This may be done either as meterstick line. Be sure to wind up the toy car before
foam board releasing it.
a class demonstration or as you
8. Use the video camera to record the slower toy
sum up the lab.
car’s motion parallel to the meterstick.
• This lab is a great opportunity to 9. Set the recorder to play the tape frame by
review precision and significant frame. Replay the video tape for 0.5 s, pressing
digits. Because of the motion the pause button every 0.1 s (3 frames).
blur associated with the car, it is 10. Determine the toy car’s position for each time
often only possible to measure interval by reading the meterstick on the video
tape and record it in the data table.
the car’s position to the nearest
11. Repeat steps 5–10 with the faster car.
centimeter, rather than to the
12. Place a piece of foam board at an angle of
nearest millimeter or tenth of a
approximately 30° to form a ramp.
13. Place the meterstick on the ramp so that it is
parallel to the path the toy car will take.
14. Place the slower toy car at the top of the ramp
and repeat steps 6–10.


Sample Data
Car #1 Car #2
Time (s) Location (cm) Location (cm)
0.0 11 16
0.1 13 19
0.2 14 23
0.3 16 26
0.4 18 30
0.5 19 34

Data Table 1
Time (s) Position of the Slower Toy Car (cm)
0.3 Conclude and Apply
0.4 A fast car has arrows that are farther
0.5 apart, while a slow car has arrows that
are closer together.
Data Table 2 Data Table 3
Time (s) Position of the Faster Toy Car (cm) Time (s) Position of the Slower Toy Car on the Ramp (cm) Going Further
0.0 0.0 1.
0.1 0.1 2. In the motion diagram of a car
0.2 0.2 moving at constant speed, the dis-
0.3 0.3 tances between points are equal.
0.4 0.4 3.
0.5 0.5 4. In the motion diagram of a car that
is slowing down, the distances
4. What happens to the distance between points
between the points become shorter
Analyze as the car slows, i.e., the points are
in the motion diagram in the previous question
1. Draw a motion diagram for the slower toy car as the car slows down? closer together.
using the data you collected. 5. Draw a motion diagram for a car that starts 5.
2. Draw a motion diagram for the faster toy car moving slowly and then begins to speed up.
using the data you collected.
6. In the motion diagram of a car that
6. What happens to the distance between points
in the motion diagram in the previous question is speeding up, the distances
3. Using the data you collected, draw a motion
diagram for the slower toy car rolling down as the car speeds up? between the points become longer
the ramp. as the car goes faster, i.e., the
Real-World Physics
points are farther apart.
Conclude and Apply
Suppose a car screeches to a halt to avoid an Real-World Physics
How is the motion diagram of the faster toy car accident. If that car has antilock brakes that pump The tread marks should appear to be
different from the motion diagram of the slower on and off automatically every fraction of a second,
shorter as the driver of the car applies
toy car? what might the tread marks on the road look like?
Include a drawing along with your explanation the brakes.
of what the pattern of tread marks on the road
Going Further might look like.

1. Draw a motion diagram for a car moving at a

constant speed.
2. What appears to be the relationship between
the distances between points in the motion
diagram of a car moving at a constant speed?
To find out more about representing motion,
3. Draw a motion diagram for a car that starts visit the Web site:
moving fast and then begins to slow down.


To Make this Lab an Inquiry Lab: Have students observe and measure several objects of their own
choosing in motion. If possible, allow them to explore the school and surrounding neighborhood for
these experiments. Ask students to describe their observations in detail and create a motion diagram
for each object.

Background aligned, the cesium atom is in one energy state.
The basic unit of time is the sec- If they are oppositely aligned, the atom is in
ond. The duration of minutes, another energy state. A microwave with a par-
Accurate Time ticular frequency can strike a cesium atom and
hours, days, months, years, and
What time is it really? You might use a cause the outside spinning electron to switch
even centuries is based on the clock to find out what time it is at any its magnetic pole orientation and change the
duration of the second. Time inter- moment. A clock is a device that counts regu- atom’s energy state. As a result, the atom emits
vals of less than a second are mea- larly recurring events in order to measure time. light. This occurs at cesium’s natural frequency
Suppose the clock in your classroom reads of 9,192,631,770 cycles/s. This principle was
sured from tenths all the way down 9:00. Your watch, however, reads 8:55, and your used to design the cesium clock.
to billionths of a second. Thus, friend’s watch reads 9:02. So
having a standard for the one- what time is it, really? Which
second interval is very important. clock or watch is accurate?
Many automated processes
The National Institute of are controlled by clocks. For
Standards and Technology (NIST) example, an automated bell
is the body in the United States that signals the end of a class
that is responsible for maintain- period is controlled by a clock.
Thus, if you wanted to be on
ing standard units. NIST provides time for a class you would have
the references for calibration of to synchronize your watch to
the many weights and measures the one controlling the bell.
needed for checking scales at the Other processes, such as GPS
navigation, space travel, internet
supermarket, the purity of gold, synchronization, transportation,
the metering of electric power, and communication, rely on
and countless other functions of clocks with extreme precision The cesium clock, NIST-F1, located at the NIST
and accuracy. A reliable standard clock that laboratories in Boulder, Colorado is among the most
our everyday lives.
can measure when exactly one second has accurate clocks in the world.
elapsed is needed.
Teaching Strategies How Does the Cesium Clock Work? The
The Standard Cesium Clock Atomic cesium clock consists of cesium atoms and
■ Discuss the technology and a quartz crystal oscillator, which produces
clocks, such as cesium clocks, address this
advantages and disadvantages need. Atomic clocks measure the number of microwaves. When the oscillator’s microwave
of the various clock designs. times the atom used in the clock switches signal precisely equals cesium’s natural fre-
its energy state. Such oscillations in an atom’s quency, a large number of cesium atoms will
■ Have students do further energy occur very quickly and regularly. change their energy state. Cesium’s natural
research on the activities of The National Institute of Standards and frequency is equal to 9,192,631,770 microwave
NIST. They can learn about the Technology (NIST) currently uses the oscilla- cycles. Thus, there are 9,192,631,770 cesium
tions of the cesium atom to determine the energy level changes in 1 s. Cesium clocks are
history of timekeeping, and standard 1-s interval. One second is defined so accurate that a modern cesium clock is off
they will pick up consumer as the duration of 9,192,631,770 oscillations by less than 1 s in 20 million years.
information as well as scientific of the cesium atom.
understanding. The cesium atom has a single electron in its
outermost energy level. This outer electron
spins and behaves like a miniature magnet.
Going Further
Discussion The cesium nucleus also spins and acts like a 1. Research What processes require the
miniature magnet. The nucleus and electron precise measurement of time?
Elusive Nature Time is harder to may spin in such a manner that their north 2. Analyze and Conclude Why is the
define and to standardize than magnetic poles are aligned. The nucleus and precise measurement of time essential
length, mass, and temperature for electron also may spin in a way that causes to space navigation?
several reasons. Ask students the opposite poles to be aligned. If the poles are
following questions. Is it possible
to experience time through any of 50 Extreme Physics
National Institute of Standards and Technology
our senses? No. We only “see” time
through its effects. Though differ-
ent points in time exist––past and
future––why are they not as real Going Further
in the same sense that “now” is
real? Events can occur only in the 1. Successful high-speed communication 2. Precise time measurements are essential
“now.” How is a clock different
systems need precise time measurements to maintaining accurate navigation in
from a meterstick or balance for the synchronization of television feeds, space. Interplanetary space travel
scale? A clock must be set in motion the calculation of bank transfers, and the depends upon accurate time measure-
in order to make mea-surements.
transmission of e-mail messages. Power- ments. Even a slight imprecision in the
system grids are regulated by precise time timing of its flight can drastically affect
in order to minimize power losses. the position of a spacecraft.

Key Concepts
Summary statements can be
2.1 Picturing Motion
used by students to review the
Vocabulary Key Concepts major concepts of the chapter.
• motion diagram (p. 33) • A motion diagram shows the position of an object at successive times.
• particle model (p. 33) • In the particle model, the object in the motion diagram is replaced by a
series of single points.

2.2 Where and When?

Vocabulary Key Concepts
• You can define any coordinate system you wish in describing motion, but Visit
• coordinate system (p. 34)
• origin (p. 34) some are more useful than others. /self_check_quiz
• position (p. 34) • A time interval is the difference between two times. /vocabulary_puzzlemaker
• distance (p. 34) /chapter_test
⌬t ⫽ tf ⫺ ti
• magnitude (p. 35) /standardized_test
• vectors (p. 35) • A vector drawn from the origin of the coordinate system to the object
• scalars (p. 35) indicates the object’s position.
• resultant (p. 35) • Change in position is displacement, which has both magnitude and
• time interval (p. 36) direction.
• displacement (p. 36)
⌬d ⫽ df ⫺ di

• The length of the displacement vector represents how far the object was
displaced, and the vector points in the direction of the displacement.
For additional help
with vocabulary, have
2.3 Position-Time Graphs
students access the
Vocabulary Key Concepts Vocabulary PuzzleMaker
• position-time graph (p. 38) • Position-time graphs can be used to find the velocity and position of an online.
• instantaneous position object, as well as where and when two objects meet.
(p. 40) • Any motion can be described using words, motion diagrams, data tables,
and graphs. vocabulary_puzzlemaker

2.4 How Fast?

Vocabulary Key Concepts
• average velocity (p. 44) • The slope of an object’s position-time graph is the average velocity of the
• average speed (p. 44) object’s motion.
• instantaneous velocity d ⫺d
(p. 46) v苶 ⫽ ᎏᎏ ⫽ ᎏf
∆t t ⫺t
f i

• The average speed is the absolute value of the average velocity.

• An object’s velocity is how fast it is moving and in what direction it is moving.
• An object’s initial position, di, its constant average velocity, v苶, its position, d,
and the time, t, since the object was at its initial position are related by a
simple equation.
d ⫽ v苶t ⫹ di 51

Concept Mapping
Concept Mapping
34. See Solutions Manual. 34. Complete the concept map below using the 46. Figure 2-26 is a graph of two people running.
following terms: words, equivalent representations, a. Describe the position of runner A relative to
Mastering Concepts position-time graph. runner B at the y-intercept.
b. Which runner is faster?
35. A motion diagram gives you a c. What occurs at point P and beyond?
picture of motion that helps you
visualize displacement and
velocity. rB

Position (m)
Ru A
36. An object can be treated as a data motion Run
point particle if internal motions table diagram
are not important and if the
object is small in comparison to
the distance it moves.
Mastering Concepts
35. What is the purpose of drawing a motion diagram? Time (s)
(2.1) ■ Figure 2-26
37. Position and displacement are
different from distance because 36. Under what circumstances is it legitimate to treat an 47. The position-time graph in Figure 2-27 shows the
object as a point particle? (2.1) motion of four cows walking from the pasture back
position and displacement both
37. The following quantities describe location or its to the barn. Rank the cows according to their
contain information about the average velocity, from slowest to fastest.
direction in which an object has change: position, distance, and displacement.
Briefly describe the differences among them. (2.2)
moved, while distance does not.
Distance and displacement are 38. How can you use a clock to find a time interval?



different from position because

Position (m)
they describe how an object’s 39. In-line Skating How can you use the position-time da
graphs for two in-line skaters to determine if and Mo
location has changed during a
when one in-line skater will pass the other one? (2.3) lly
time interval, where position Do
tells exactly where an object is 40. Walking Versus Running A walker and a runner
leave your front door at the same time. They move
located at a precise time. in the same direction at different constant velocities.
Describe the position-time graphs of each. (2.4)
38. Read the clock at the beginning Time (s)
41. What does the slope of a position-time graph ■ Figure 2-27
and end of the interval and sub- measure? (2.4)
tract the beginning time from 48. Figure 2-28 is a position-time graph for a rabbit
42. If you know the positions of a moving object at two
the ending time. points along its path, and you also know the time running away from a dog.
it took for the object to get from one point to the a. Describe how this graph would be different if the
39. Draw the two graphs on the other, can you determine the particle’s instantaneous rabbit ran twice as fast.
velocity? Its average velocity? Explain. (2.4) b. Describe how this graph would be different if the
same set of axes. One in-line rabbit ran in the opposite direction.
skater will pass the other if the
lines representing each of their Applying Concepts 3
motions intersect. The position 43. Test the following combinations and explain why
Position (m)

coordinate of the point where each does not have the properties needed to 2
the lines intersect is the position describe the concept of velocity: d  t, d  t,
d  t, t/d. 1
where the passing occurs.
44. Football When can a football be considered a point
40. Both are straight lines that start particle? 0 1 2 3
at the same position, but the 45. When can a football player be treated as a point Time (s)
particle? ■ Figure 2-28
slope of the runner’s line is
52 Chapter 2 Representing Motion For more problems, go to Additional Problems, Appendix B.

41. velocity

42. It is possible to calculate the

average velocity from the infor- relative sizes of d and t. d  t 45. A football player can be treated as a point
mation given, but it is not possi- increases when either increases. t/d particle if his or her internal motions are not
decreases with increasing displacement and important and if he or she is small in com-
ble to find the instantaneous
increases with increasing time interval, parison to the distance he or she moves—
which is backwards from velocity. for distances of several yards or more.
Applying Concepts 44. A football can be treated as a point particle 46. a. Runner A has a head start by four units.
43. d  t increases when either if its rotations are not important and if it is b. Runner B is faster, as shown by the
term increases. The sign of small in comparison to the distance it steeper slope.
d  t depends upon the moves—for distances of 1 yard or more. c. Runner B passes runner A at point P.

47. Moolinda, Dolly, Bessie, Elsie
Mastering Problems 56. Figure 2-30 shows position-time graphs for Joszi
and Heike paddling canoes in a local river.
2.4 How Fast? a. At what time(s) are Joszi and Heike in the same 48. a. The only difference is that
49. A bike travels at a constant speed of 4.0 m/s for place? the slope of the graph would be
5.0 s. How far does it go? b. How much time does Joszi spend on the river twice as steep.
before he passes Heike?
c. Where on the river does it appear that there
b. The magnitude of the slope
50. Astronomy Light from the Sun reaches Earth in
8.3 min. The speed of light is 3.00108 m/s. How might be a swift current? would be the same, but it would
far is Earth from the Sun? be negative.
51. A car is moving down a street at 55 km/h. A child Mastering Problems
suddenly runs into the street. If it takes the driver 16
0.75 s to react and apply the brakes, how many 14 2.4 How fast?

Position (km)
meters will the car have moved before it begins to 12
slow down? Level 1
49. 20 m
52. Nora jogs several times a week and always keeps
track of how much time she runs each time she goes 6
out. One day she forgets to take her stopwatch with 50. 1.51011 m
her and wonders if there’s a way she can still have
some idea of her time. As she passes a particular Level 2
bank, she remembers that it is 4.3 km from her 0
house. She knows from her previous training that
0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 51. 11 m
she has a consistent pace of 4.0 m/s. How long has Time (h)
Nora been jogging when she reaches the bank? ■ Figure 2-30 52. 18 minutes
53. Driving You and a friend each drive 50.0 km. You 57. Driving Both car A and car B leave school when
travel at 90.0 km/h; your friend travels at 95.0 km/h. a stopwatch reads zero. Car A travels at a constant Level 3
How long will your friend have to wait for you at 75 km/h, and car B travels at a constant 85 km/h. 53. 1.8 min
the end of the trip? a. Draw a position-time graph showing the motion
of both cars. How far are the two cars from
school when the stopwatch reads 2.0 h? Calculate
Mixed Review
Mixed Review the distances and show them on your graph. Level 1
54. Cycling A cyclist maintains a constant velocity of b. Both cars passed a gas station 120 km from the
school. When did each car pass the gas station? 54. a. See Solutions Manual.
5.0 m/s. At time t  0.0 s, the cyclist is 250 m
from point A. Calculate the times and show them on your graph. b. 550 m
58. Draw a position-time graph for two cars traveling c. 3.0102 m
a. Plot a position-time graph of the cyclist’s location
from point A at 10.0-s intervals for 60.0 s. to the beach, which is 50 km from school. At noon,
b. What is the cyclist’s position from point A at Car A leaves a store that is 10 km closer to the beach 55. See Solutions Manual. Equation
60.0 s? than the school is and moves at 40 km/h. Car B is d  vt
starts from school at 12:30 P.M. and moves at
c. What is the displacement from the starting 100 km/h. When does each car get to the beach?
position at 60.0 s? 56. a. 1.0 h
59. Two cars travel along a straight road. When a b. 45 min
55. Figure 2-29 is a particle model for a chicken stopwatch reads t  0.00 h, car A is at dA  48.0 km
moving at a constant 36.0 km/h. Later, when the
c. from 6.0 to 9.0 km from the
casually walking across the road. Time intervals
are every 0.1 s. Draw the corresponding position- watch reads t  0.50 h, car B is at dB  0.00 km origin
time graph and equation to describe the chicken’s moving at 48.0 km/h. Answer the following
motion. questions, first, graphically by creating a position- Level 2
time graph, and second, algebraically by writing
This side The other side equations for the positions dA and dB as a function
57. a. See Solutions Manual.
of the stopwatch time, t. b. Car A: 150 km
a. What will the watch read when car B passes car A? Car B: 170 km
Time intervals are 0.1 s. b. At what position will car B pass car A? c. Car A: 1.6 h
c. When the cars pass, how long will it have been Car B: 1.4 h
■ Figure 2-29 since car A was at the reference point?

58. See Solutions Manual. Chapter 2 Assessment 53

Level 3
59. a. 6.0 h
Thinking Critically consistent distance. When the motorcycle b. 2.6102 km
61. See Solutions Manual. The slope of the line, passes, have each person record the time c. 7.3 h
and speed of the car, is 19.7 m/s. (in seconds) that the motorcycle crossed in
front of them. Use the distances and times 60. a. Answers will vary.
62. 720 km/h, or 700 km/h to one significant to plot a position-time graph. Compute the b. from 8.0 to 18.0 s, 53.0 to
digit; No slope of the best-fit line for the points. If the 56.0 s, and at 43.0 s
value of the slope is greater than 25 mph c. 33.0 s; 1.00 m/s
63. Answers will vary. One possible solution is (40 km/h), the motorcycle is speeding.
to get several people together and give
everyone a watch. Synchronize the watches
and stand along the street separated by a
64. It is possible to have a horizon-
60. Figure 2-31 shows the position-time graph depicting 62. Apply Concepts You plan a car trip for which you
tal line as a position-time graph; Jim’s movement up and down the aisle at a store. want to average 90 km/h. You cover the first half of
this would indicate that the The origin is at one end of the aisle. the distance at an average speed of only 48 km/h.
object’s position is not chang- a. Write a story describing Jim’s movements at the What must your average speed be in the second half
ing, or in other words, that it is store that would correspond to the motion of the trip to meet your goal? Is this reasonable?
represented by the graph. Note that the velocities are based on half the
not moving. It is not possible to b. When does Jim have a position of 6.0 m? distance, not half the time.
have a position-time graph that c. How much time passes between when Jim enters
is a vertical line, because this the aisle and when he gets to a position of 63. Design an Experiment Every time a particular
red motorcycle is driven past your friend’s home,
would mean the object is mov- 12.0 m? What is Jim’s average velocity between
37.0 s and 46.0 s? his father becomes angry because he thinks the
ing at an infinite speed. motorcycle is going too fast for the posted 25 mph
(40 km/h) speed limit. Describe a simple experiment
Writing in Physics 12.0 you could do to determine whether or not the
motorcycle is speeding the next time it is driven
65. Galileo attempted to determine 10.0 past your friend’s house.
the speed of light but was unsuc-
Position (m)
8.0 64. Interpret Graphs Is it possible for an object’s
cessful. Danish astronomer Olaus position-time graph to be a horizontal line? A
Roemer successfully measured 6.0 vertical line? If you answer yes to either situation,
the speed of light in 1676 by 4.0 describe the associated motion in words.
observing the eclipses of the
moons of Jupiter. His estimate 2.0
Writing in Physics
was 140,000 miles/second
0.00 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 65. Physicists have determined that the speed of light is
(225,308 km/s). Many others 3.00108 m/s. How did they arrive at this number?
since have tried to mea-sure it Time (s)
■ Figure 2-31 Read about some of the series of experiments that
more accurately using rotating were done to determine light’s speed. Describe how
toothed wheels, rotating mirrors, the experimental techniques improved to make the
Thinking Critically results of the experiments more accurate.
and the Kerr cell shutter. 61. Apply Calculators Members of a physics class stood
25 m apart and used stopwatches to measure the time 66. Some species of animals have good endurance,
66. Examples of animals with high at which a car traveling on the highway passed each while others have the ability to move very quickly,
person. Their data are shown in Table 2-3. but for only a short amount of time. Use reference
endurance to outlast predators
sources to find two examples of each quality and
or prey include mules, bears, describe how it is helpful to that animal.
Table 2-3
and coyotes. Animals with the
Position v. Time
speed to quickly escape preda-
tors or capture prey include Time Position (m) Cumulative Review
cheetahs, antelopes, and deer. 0.0 0.0 67. Convert each of the following time measurements
to its equivalent in seconds. (Chapter 1)
1.3 25.0
a. 58 ns c. 9270 ms
Cumulative Review 2.7 50.0
b. 0.046 Gs d. 12.3 ks
3.6 75.0
67. a. 5.8108 s 5.1 100.0 68. State the number of significant digits in the
b. 4.6107 s 5.9 125.0 following measurements. (Chapter 1)
c. 9.27 s 7.0 150.0 a. 3218 kg c. 801 kg
d. 1.23104 s 8.6 175.0 b. 60.080 kg d. 0.000534 kg
10.3 200.0 69. Using a calculator, Chris obtained the following
68. a. 4 results. Rewrite the answer to each operation using
b. 5 Use a graphing calculator to fit a line to a position- the correct number of significant digits. (Chapter 1)
c. 3 time graph of the data and to plot this line. Be sure
a. 5.32 mm  2.1 mm  7.4200000 mm
to set the display range of the graph so that all the
d. 3 data fit on it. Find the slope of the line. What was b. 13.597 m  3.65 m  49.62905 m2
the speed of the car? c. 83.2 kg  12.804 kg  70.3960000 kg
69. a. 7.4 mm
b. 49.6 m2 54 Chapter 2 Representing Motion For more problems, go to Additional Problems, Appendix B.
c. 70.4 kg

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Multiple Choice Rubric
1. Which of the following statements would be 4. When is the person on the bicycle farthest away The following rubric is a sample
true about the particle model motion diagram from the starting point?
scoring device for extended
for an airplane taking off from an airport? point A point C response questions.
The dots would form an evenly spaced point B point D
pattern. Extended Response
The dots would be far apart at the 5. Over what interval does the person on the
beginning, but get closer together as the bicycle travel the greatest distance? Points Description
plane accelerated. section I section III 4 The student demonstrates a
The dots would be close together to start section II point IV thorough understanding of
with, and get farther apart as the plane the physics involved. The
accelerated. 6. A squirrel descends an 8-m tree at a constant response may contain minor
The dots would be close together to start, speed in 1.5 min. It remains still at the base of flaws that do not detract from
get farther apart, and become close the tree for 2.3 min, and then walks toward an the demonstration of a thor-
together again as the airplane leveled off acorn on the ground for 0.7 min. A loud noise
ough understanding.
at cruising speed. causes the squirrel to scamper back up the tree
in 0.1 min to the exact position on the branch 3 The student demonstrates
from which it started. Which of the following an understanding of the
2. Which of the following statements about graphs would accurately represent the squirrel’s physics involved. The re-
drawing vectors is false? vertical displacement from the base of the tree? sponse is essentially correct
A vector diagram is needed to solve all and demonstrates an essential
physics problems properly. but less than thorough under-

Position (m)
Position (m)

The length of the vector should be standing of the physics.

proportional to the data.
2 The student demonstrates
Vectors can be added by measuring the only a partial understanding
length of each vector and then adding
of the physics involved.
them together.
Time (min) Time (min) Although the student may
Vectors can be added in straight lines or
have used the correct
in triangle formations.
approach to a solution or
may have provided a correct
Position (m)
Position (m)

Use this graph for problems 3–5.

solution, the work lacks an
essential understanding of
the underlying physical
C concepts.

D Time (min) Time (min) 1 The student demonstrates a
II very limited understanding of
I A Extended Answer the physics involved. The
7. Find a rat’s total displacement at the exit if it response is incomplete and
takes the following path in a maze: start, 1.0 m exhibits many flaws.
north, 0.3 m east, 0.8 m south, 0.4 m east, finish.
0 The student provides a
completely incorrect solution
3. The graph shows the motion of a person on a
bicycle. When does the person have the greatest or no response at all.
Stock up on Supplies
Bring all your test-taking tools: number two pencils,
section I point D black and blue pens, erasers, correction fluid, a
sharpener, a ruler, a calculator, and a protractor.
section III point B Chapter 2 Standardized Test Practice 55

Multiple Choice
1. C 2. A 3. B
4. C 5. A 6. A

Extended Answer
7. The rat is 0.2 m north and 0.7 m east of its
starting point. This is 0.73 m (significant
digits  0.7 m) away at an angle of 16° north
of east.

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