Draft: Urban Flood Modelling Using Computational Fluid Dynamics
Draft: Urban Flood Modelling Using Computational Fluid Dynamics
Draft: Urban Flood Modelling Using Computational Fluid Dynamics
Civil Engineers
Water & Maritime Engineering 156
??? 2003 Issue ?
Pages 1^8
Paper 12879
Received ??/??/2002
Accepted ??/??/2002
Sajjad Haider Andre¤ Paquier Robert Morel Jean-Yves Champagne
floods & floodworks/hydraulics &
Cemagref, Hydrology^ Cemagref, Hydrology^ Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Mechanics and
Hydraulics Research Unit, Lyon, Hydraulics Research Unit, Acoustics Laboratory, INSA, Acoustics Laboratory, INSA,
France; Pakistan Water and Lyon, France Lyon, France Lyon, France
Power Development Authority
size of the cells varies considerably. First, building the model is much easier in 2D than in 1D for
representing an essentially 2D situation. Typical examples are
NOTATION widening of a street (for instance, in a square) or a crossroads.
g gravitational acceleration In these situations, the use of a 1D model leads to the
h water depth introduction of certain approximations not wholly consistent
i index of cells with the physical reality: horizontal water level and homo-
n index of time geneous velocity inside one cross-section as shown, for
u velocity along x-axis instance, in experiments on junctions or bifurcations of three
v velocity along y-axis rectangular channels.5–8 The results of some of these experi-
K viscosity coefficient ments9,10 have shown that, although the flow is essentially 3D
Ks Manning–Strickler coefficient near the crossings, 2D shallow water equations provide very
S second member of equations accurate results for water levels and velocities. Similar results
W variable (h, hu, hv) on a four-channel crossing have been obtained for subcritical
Z bottom level flow in experiments recently performed in the Fluid Mechanics
Dt time space (¼ tnþ1 þ 1 tn ) Laboratory of INSA (National Institute of Applied Sciences) in
Lyon (France).11
The application of computational fluid dynamic methods to the The second principal advantage stems from the fact that a 2D
propagation of a flood wave through an urban zone dates back model is equally efficient regardless of the structure of the
to the pioneering work of Gallati and Braschi.1 A simplified urban zone: that is, whether it is a city centre characterised by
form of the 2D depth-averaged equation and a rather coarse a dense street network, or a suburban zone with low-density
discretisation (grid size being of the order of hundreds of housing.
metres) were used to simulate the flood advance through the
city centre of Florence (Italy). The third improvement that can be brought to the flood
simulation computations by opting for a 2D code with a
Other methods have also been used (e.g. see references 2–4 for detailed topographical basis concerns the representation of the
the more recent and complete ones). All these results have water storage and the obstacles. A 2D model can be effectively
shown the promise that the emerging discipline of CFD holds in used to model large water storage areas, such as hospitals and
helping in the efforts to combat floods. A new computational lawns. Similarly, it is difficult to imagine a town centre without
tool was thus made available to urban planners to evaluate the the presence of obstacles (vehicles) that hinder the flow and
impact of an urban development measure on future flood lead to slowing down. An accurate simulation of the effects
Water & Maritime Engineering 156 Issue ? Urban flood modelling Haider et al. 1
Saint Venant equations: conveniently modelled.16 Consequently, in the examples
selected here below, the initial conditions were simply con-
qh qhu qhv stituted from a completely dry model.
1 þ þ ¼0
qt qx qy
2 Water & Maritime Engineering 156 Issue ? Urban flood modelling Haider et al.
were also supplied. two cases, namely with and without houses.18
3.2. Representation of the houses in the model The inclusion of the houses led to an increase of water depth
The Toce model contained 173 houses, spread over the model only at those measuring stations that were situated close to a
area. These are concrete blocks of varying height designed to large group of houses. In fact, only three groups of houses (G1,
represent the real houses in the valley. Some blocks are G2 and G3 in Fig. 1) exercised any influence on the results at
grouped (interval between them smaller than their own the stations in their vicinity. One explanation is the strong
dimension) whereas other ones are isolated and scattered. supercritical flow in the model, which precluded any transmis-
sion of waves carrying information upstream from the
When ‘houses’ are grouped, it was decided to merge the obstacles. Fig. 2 shows that the representation of the houses by
individual houses into a large
house, of which the perimeter
is the periphery of the group.
Starting from 173 houses, 17
groups of houses were
Water & Maritime Engineering 156 Issue ? Urban flood modelling Haider et al. 3
At gauge P21, situated about 50 cm from a large group of The primary building block for the database was the street
houses (Fig. 1), various computations yielded intersecting cross-sectional profiles (about 200). As no other topographical
results. The relative proximity of this measurement point or geometrical information was available concerning the street
allowed us to assess the effect of various changes in the mesh intersections, they were interpolated from the street profiles. A
on the results. Fig. 3 shows that one clear tendency witnessed simplified typical street profile contained seven points (coordi-
with both types of mesh after the introduction of the houses in nates x, y, z for each point) and corresponded to two sidewalls
the model was the rise in the water level, which is under- (four points), the two gutters (two points), and the mid point of
standable as such a change leads to a reduction of the section the road section. Each sidewall was slightly inclined so that the
available for the flow. The refined mesh computation with coordinates of the top and bottom of a wall had different
houses overestimates the water level, whereas the coarse mesh coordinates in the horizontal plan. This operation is necessary
with houses agrees quite closely with the measurements. It in the case of Rubar 20 to distinguish two points located on the
seems that, whereas the introduction of the houses led to same vertical that, otherwise, will be projected as the same
improved results, the refinement contributes to no further point on the horizontal plane. This configuration divided the
improvement except the capability to simulate the slight width of the street into four computation cells if walls were
decrease of water level just after the initial quick rise. One excluded (Fig. 4).
reason might be that even the refined mesh is not sufficiently
refined to describe every house individually, and consequently From the seven-point profiles, a mesh was created by linear
the flow between the houses is not taken into account: the interpolation along the streets. The mesh at the intersections
higher water level with the refined mesh is then only a (Fig. 4) followed from the selected street profile, and repre-
consequence of the narrowing of the valley because, in that sented the intersection points of the two sets of curves
precise place, refining the mesh had the consequence of emanating from the crossing streets. The minimum space step
increasing the area of houses slightly. Further tests were in the crossroads is 0·2 m, whereas the average space step along
performed locally including cells of average size 5 cm by 5 cm, the streets is about 50 m. Such a mesh includes 9093 cells, but
which makes possible the description of the topography of only about half of them are flooded.
individual blocks;18 the conclusion was similar at gauge P21.
Thus, by using this mesh, the representation of the city is
Nevertheless, generally, the introduction of the houses provided simplified to a network of streets. By contrast, the Toce
water levels closer to the experimental measurements. Simi- example shows the case of isolated obstacles. It can be hoped
larly, the wave arrival time for certain stations increased after that, by joining the two methods, the complexity of the flow
the introduction of the house data, resulting nearer from through the city could be modelled.
measurements. Although it is difficult to generalise, the tests
show that the effect of an obstacle or a group of obstacles One of the difficulties of modelling part of the flooded area
depends on its location in the flow, and thus even a detailed only is the definition of suitable boundary conditions. In the
topographical description is not enough to model local vari- present case, upstream inputs were perfectly located because a
ations of hydraulic variables. railway embankment closes the two upstream valleys and thus
4 Water & Maritime Engineering 156 Issue ? Urban flood modelling Haider et al.
The computations performed showed that the presence of the
obstacle caused a rise in the water level in the street section in
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
Time: min question but had nearly no effect elsewhere, which is consistant
with the hydraulics of the problem as the obstacle created is of
Fig. 5. Upstream discharge hydrographs quite small proportions. A curve of water depth against time at
point P1 situated in the Bons Enfants street compared the cases
before and after raising the z coordinate: it shows an increase
the flow enters the modelled area only by the two structures of peak of about 10 cm and a faster water rise (Fig. 7). Thus,
(located on Fig. 8) crossing the embankment that constitutes the because of the balancing of the water levels, even locally, the
northern border of the area; the estimated peak discharges are
influence is limited.
respectively 43 m3/s and 50 m3/s (Fig. 5). Definition of the
downstream conditions was not so clear, because the down-
stream adjacent areas were also flooded. It was admitted that 4.3. Introduction of a water storage area
the direction of the flow follows the bottom slope, and thus that The flooding in an urban environment is a complex phenom-
no exchange of water occurs between adjacent areas that are enon owing to the availability of storage areas for the invading
separated from the modelled area along the steeper gradients. waters. Therefore any modelling of the flood propagation
should be able to simulate this behaviour with a reasonable
A constant Strickler coefficient of 40 m1/3/s (Manning coeffi- degree of ease and accuracy. This effect was modelled for the
cient 0·025 m–1/3s) was applied to model the bottom friction, case of flooding in Nı̂mes.
and a constant diffusion coefficient of 0·01 m2/s was used to
model the exchanges between cells of various velocities. This The storage area is situated in the upper reaches of the
last value was the one calibrated from laboratory experiments modelled zone at the site of the hospital (Fig. 8). It is
that modelled the flow around an obstacle.19 The influence of surrounded on the eastern, western and northern sides by
changes in this parameter was relatively weak, possibly because streets that are bordered by walls: thus the water previously did
the highly varying space step (0·2–50 metres) creates numerical not flood this part. As several doors exist to enter the hospital,
diffusion. Similarly, the variation of bottom friction coefficient three openings were created, one for each street, in order to
changed the mean maximum water level without changing allow water to enter this area. Whereas the previous situation
main features of the flow: thus the selected value resulted from with no opening at all was unrealistic, this hypothesis certainly
a calibration based on this mean maximum water level without increases the exchanges between the streets and the storage
any local calibration, as no difference between the surfaces of area by too much.
the various streets can be noticed. With these assumptions, on
the 82 observation points, the mean maximum water level was
different by 0·03 m from measurements, although the standard
deviation reaches 0·93 m.18 This relatively high value seems to
be caused mainly by the insufficient discretisation and by the
errors or uncertainties in the bottom elevation; the possible
influence of local singularities is discussed below.
Water & Maritime Engineering 156 Issue ? Urban flood modelling Haider et al. 5
tions although they did not result in measurements as the water
depths were low). However, it seems that the reduction of the
flood downstream of this storage area improved the results in
some places, particularly, as it resulted in a larger proportion of
the water going to the western part of the southern flooded
area. This point is well observed by the standard deviation of
maximum water depths, which reduced from 0·93 m to 0·79 m.
So, although the global result of the introduction of the storage
area is a higher deviation, it proves that consideration of some
local or complementary flow may improve the results, or at
Fig. 8. Peak water depths with storage area least improve our knowledge of the uncertainty about these
Two situations of floods in
urbanised milieu have been
analysed: one with low-den-
sity housing, the other one
Water depth: m
6 Water & Maritime Engineering 156 Issue ? Urban flood modelling Haider et al.
82 4 11 7 31 6 16 4 3
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8 Water & Maritime Engineering 156 Issue ? Urban flood modelling Haider et al.