Assignment - 2 (CE 286 Survey II) Spring 2020

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CE 286 Survey II (Spring 2021) Assignment - 2

Triangulation and Trigonometric Levelling

R,No & Name

Instructions: Use A-4 size papers & prepare this assignment individually.
To be submitted by 6 Apr 2021.

A Triangulation scheme is indicated by the figure below. Can you identify the following?
(Draw neat figure and show detailed calculations as it has exclusive marks.

a. Correction in observed angles if any,

b. Apply the correction to the observed angles,
c. Corrected Bearings and back bearings,
d. Compute length of Base line between two triangulation stations whose coordinates
are given,
e. Length of other sides,
f. Coordinates of triangulation station C.
g. Draw corrected figure

C (Figure is not to the scale)

150 40’ 45’’

BN = 10517755.20 ft
BE = 3448679.37 ft

AN = 10516362.65 ft 1050 49’ 05’’

AE = 3448359.91 ft 580 29’ 49’’

Following observations were taken during Trigonometric Levelling operation. Identify
differences in heights and elevation of points of unknown elevation. Apply corrections for effect
of Curvature and Refraction by assuming effect of curvature as 0.15ft per 1000ft of horizontal
distance. Draw sketches, show all calculations and present final outcome in tabular summary.
Point C is 2300ft above MSL. Draw neat figures and show detailed calculations as it
has exclusive marks.

Serial From To Observed From To Observed Distance Station H.I H.T

No Angles Angles ft ft
1 A B - 0° 49”20” B A 0° 55” 50” - A 4.70 10.16
2 A C -1° 04” 27” C A 1° 11” 09” 5086.17ft B 4.80 10.65
3 B C -0° 59” 36” C B 1° 23” 19” 1428.72ft C 4.75 10.50

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