6 Krok Git
6 Krok Git
6 Krok Git
A 46-year-old patient suffering from the diffuse toxic goiter underwent resection of the thyroid
gland. After the surgery the patient presents with appetite loss, dyspepsia, increased
neuromuscular excitement. The body weight remained unchanged. Body temperature is
normal. Which of the following has caused such a condition in this patient?
a. *Reduced production of parathormone
b. Increased production of thyroxin
c. Increased production of calcitonin
d. Increased production of thyroliberin
e. Reduced production of thyroxin
2. A coprological survey revealed light colored feces containing drops of neutral fat. The most
likely reason for this condition is the disorder of:
a. *Bile inflow into the bowel
b. Gastric juice acidity
c. Pancreatic juice secretion
d. Intestinal juice secretion
e. Intestinal absorption
3. The secretion of which hypophysial hormones will be inhibited after taking the oral
contraceptives containing sex hormones?
a. *Gonadotropic hormone
b. Vasopressin
c. Thyrotrophic hormone
d. Somatotropic hormone
e. Oxytocin
4. As a result of continuous starvation the glomerular filtration rate has increased by 20%. The
most probable cause of the glomerular filtration alteratio nunder the mentioned conditions is:
a. *Decrease in the oncotic pressure of-blood plasma
b. Increase in the systemic arterial pressure
c. Increase in the permeability of the renal filter
d. Increase of the filtartion quotient
e. Increase of the renal blood flow
5. Blood analysis of a patient with jaundice reveals conjugated bilirubinemia, increased
concentration of bile acids.There is no stercobilinogen in urine.What type of jaundice is it?
a. *Obstructive jaundice
b. Hepatocellular jaundice
c. Parenchymatous jaundice
d. Hemolytic jaundice
e. Cythemolytic jaundice
6. According to the results of glucose tolerance test a patient has no disorder of carbohydrate
tolerance. Despite that glucose is detected in the patients’s urine (5 mmol/l). The patient has
been diagnosed with renal diabetes. What renal changes cause glucosuria in this case?
a. *Decreased activity of glucose reabsorption enzymes
b. Increased activity of glucose reabsorption enzymes
c. Exceeded glucose reabsorption threshold
d. Increased glucose secretion
e. Increased glucose filtration
7. A concentrated solution of sodium chloride was intravenously injected to ananimal. This
caused decreased reabsorption of sodium ions in the renal tubules. It is the result of the
following changes of hormonal secretion:
a. *Aldosterone reduction
b. Aldosterone increase
c. Vasopressin reduction
d. Vasopressin increase
e. Reduction of atrial natriuretic factor
8. Diabetic nephropathy with uremia has developed in a patient with pancreatic diabetes. The
velocity of glomerular filtration is 9 ml/min. What mechanism of a decrease in glomerular
filtration velocity and chronic renal failure development is most likely in the case of this
a. *Reduction of active nephron mass
b. Decrease in systemic arterial pressure
c. Obstruction of nephron tubules with hyaline casts
d. Tissue acidosis
e. Arteriolar spasm
9. A 49-year old female patient has limitation of left limbs arbitrary movements. Muscular tonus
of left hand and leg is overstrained and spasmodic, local tendon reflexes are strong,
pathological reflexes are presented. What is the most likely development mechanism of
hypertension and hyperreflexia?
a. *Reduction of descending inhibitory influence
b. Motoneuron activation induced bystroke
c. Activation of excitatory influence fromthe focus of stroke
d. Activation of synaptic transmission
e. Ihibition of cerebral cortex
10. The patient with complaints about permanent thirst applied to the doctor. Hyperglycemia,
polyuria and increased concentration of 17-ketosteroids in the urine were revealed. What
disease is the most likely?
a. *Steroid diabetes
b. Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
c. Myxedema
d. Type I glycogenosis
e. Addison’s disease
11. A 32-year-old patient consulted a doctor about the absence of lactation after parturition. Such
disorder might be explained by the deficit of the following hormone:
a. *Prolactin
b. Somatotropin
c. Vasopressin
d. Thyrocalcitonin
e. Glucagon
12. A 41-year-old man has a history of recurrent attacks of heartbeats (paroxysms), profuse
sweating, headaches. Examination revealed hypertension, hyperglycemia, increased basal
metabolic rate, and tachycardia. These clinical presentations are typical for the following
adrenal pathology:
a. *Hyperfunction of the medulla
b. Hypofunction of the medulla
c. Hyperfunction of the adrenal cortex
d. Hypofunction of the adrenal cortex
e. Primary aldosteronism
13. A patient complains of hydruria (7 liters per day) and polydipsia. Examination reveals no
disorders of carbohydrate metabolism. These abnormalities might be caused by the
dysfunction of the following endocrine gland:
a. *Neurohypophysis
b. Adenohypophysis
c. Islets of Langerhans (pancreatic islets)
d. Adrenal cortex
e. Adrenal medulla
14. A patient presents with icteritiousness of skin, scleras and mucous membranes. Blood plasma
the total bilirubin is increased, stercobilin is increased in feces, urobilin is increased in
urine.What type of jaundice is it?
a. *Haemolytic
b. Gilbert’s disease
c. Parenchymatous
d. Obturational
e. Cholestatic
15. A patient with massive burns developed acute renal insufficiency characterized by a
significant and rapid deceleration of glomerular filtration. What is the mechanism of its
a. *Reduction of renal blood flow
b. Damage of glomerular filter
c. Reduction of functioning nephron number
d. Rise of pressure of tubular fluid
e. Renal artery embolism
16. A 15-year-old boy has been diagnosed with acute viral hepatitis. What blood value should be
determined to confirm acute affection of hepatic cells?
a. *Aminotransferase activity (AST, ALT)
b. Erythrocytes sedimentation rate (ESR)
c. Protein fraction content
d. Cholesterol content
e. Unconjugated and conjugated bilirubin content
17. 2018 Encephalopathy has developed in a child with hemolytic disease of the newborn. What
substance had increased in the child’s blood resulting in damage to CNS?
a. *Unconjugated bilirubin
b. Bilirubin glucuronide
c. Verdohemoglobin
d. Bilirubin-albumin complex
e. Bile acids
18. A newborn develops dyspepsia after the milk feeding. When the milk is substituted by the
glucose solution the dyspepsia symptoms disappear. The newborn has the subnormal activity
of the following enzyme:
a. *Lactase
b. Invertase
c. Maltase
d. Amylase
e. Isomaltase
19. A child has abnormal formation of tooth enamel and dentin as a result of low concentration of
calcium ions in blood. Such abnormalities might be caused by deficiency of the following
a. *Parathormone
b. Thyrocalcitonin
c. Thyroxin
d. Somatotropic hormone
e. Triiodothyronine
20. A man has a considerable decrease in diuresis as a result of 1,5 l blood loss. The primary
cause of such diuresis disorder is the hypersecretion of the following hormone:
a. *Vasopressin
b. Corticotropin
c. Natriuretic
d. Cortisol
e. Parathormone
21. A patient with a history of chronic glomerulonephritis presents with azotemia, oliguria, hypo-
and isosthenuria, proteinuria. What is the leading factor in the pathogenesis of these
symptoms development under chronic renal failure?
a. *Mass decrease of active nephrons
b. Intensification of glomerular filtration
c. Tubular hyposecretion
d. Disturbed permeability of glomerular membranes
e. Intensification of sodium reabsorption
22. A 20 year old patient complains of morbid thirst and huperdiuresis (up to 10 l daily). Glucose
concentration in blood is normal but it is absent in urine. The patient has been diagnosed with
diabetes insipidus. What hormonal drug is the most appropriate for management of this
a. *Vasopressin
b. Cortisol
c. Thyroxin
d. Oxytocin
e. Insulin
23. A 42 year old patient complains of pain in the epigastral area, vomiting; vomit masses have
the colour of "coffee-grounds", the patient has also melena. Anamnesis records gastric ulcer.
Blood formula: erythrocytes - 2, 8 · 10#12/L, leukocytes - 8 · 10#9/L, Hb- 90 g/L. What
complication is it?
a. *Haemorrhage
b. Penetration
c. Perforation
d. Canceration
e. Pyloric stenosis
24. Blood analysis of a patient with jaundice reveals conjugated bilirubinemia, increased
concentration of bile acids. There is no stercobilinogen in urine. What type of jaundice is it?
a. *Obstructive jaundice
b. Hepatocellular jaundice
c. Parenchymatous jaundice
d. Hemolytic jaundice
e. Cythemolytic jaundice
25. A 5-month-old boy was hospitalized for tonic convulsions. He has a lifetime history of this
disease. Examination revealed coarse hair, thinned and fragile nails, pale and dry skin. In
blood: calcium - 1,5millimole/L, phosphor - 1,9 millimol/L. These changes are associated with:
a. *Hypoparathyroidism
b. Hyperparathyroidism
c. Hyperaldosteronism
d. Hypoaldosteronism
e. Hypothyroidism
26. Examination of a 42 year old patient revealed a tumour of adenohypophysis. Objectively: the
patient’s weight is 117 kg, he has moon-like hyperemic face, red-blue striae of skin distension
on his belly. Osteoporosis and muscle dystrophy are present. AP is 210/140 mm Hg. What is
the most probable diagnosis?
a. *Cushing’s disease
b. Cushing’s syndrome
c. Conn’s disease
d. Diabetes mellitus
e. Essential hypertension
27. A 38-year-old female patient complains of general weakness, cardiac pain, increased
appetite, no menstruation. Objectively: the height is 166 cm, weight 108 kg, the patient has
moon-shaped face, subcutaneous fat is deposited mainly in the upper body, torso and hips.
There are also blood-red streaks. Ps- 62/min, AP- 160/105 mm Hg. Which of the following
diseases is the described pattern of obesity most typical for?
a. *Cushing pituitary basophilism
b. Alimentary obesity
c. Myxedema
d. Insulinoma
e. Babinski-Frohlich syndrome
28. A female patient with bronchial asthma had taken prednisolone tablets (1 tablet 3 times a day)
for 2 months. Due to a significant improvement of her conditionthe patient suddenly stopped
taking it. What complication is likely to develop in this case?
a. *Withdrawal syndrome
b. Cushing’s syndrome
c. Gastrorrhagia
d. Upper body obesity
e. Hypotension
29. A patient with jaundice has high total bilirubin that is mainly indirect (unconjugated), high
concentration of stercobilin in the stool and urine. The level of direct (conjugated) bilirubin in
the blood plasma is normal. What kind of jaundice can you think of?
a. *Hemolytic
b. Parenchymal (hepatic)
c. Mechanical
d. Neonatal jaundice
e. Gilbert’s disease
30. 14 days after quinsy a 15-year-old child presented with morning facial swelling, high blood
pressure, "meat slops"urine. Immunohistological study of a renal biopsy sample revealed
deposition of immune complexes on the basement membranes of the capillaries and in the
glomerular mesangium. What disease developed in the patient?
a. *Acute glomerulonephritis
b. Acute interstitial nephritis
c. Lipoid nephrosis
d. Acute pyelonephritis
e. Necrotizing nephrosis
31. Due to the use of poor-quality measles vaccine for preventive vaccination, a 1-year-old child
developed an autoimmune renal injury. The urine was found to contain macromolecular
proteins. What process of urine formation was disturbed?
a. *Filtration
b. Reabsorption
c. Secretion
d. Reabsorption and secretion
e. Secretion and filtration
32. A patient with signs of osteoporosis and urolithiasis has been admitted to the endocrinology
department. Blood test revealed hypercalcemia and hypophosphatemia. These changes are
associated with abnormal synthesis of the following hormone:
a. *Parathyroid hormone
b. Calcitonin
c. Cortisol
d. Aldosterone
e. Calcitriol
33. A patient has been admitted to the contagious isolation ward with signs of jaundice caused by
hepatitis virus. Which of the symptoms given below is strictly specific for hepatocellular
a. *Increase of ALT, AST level
b. Hyperbilirubinemia
c. Bilirubinuria
d. Cholemia
e. Urobilinuria
34. An unconscious patient was delivered by ambulance to the hospital. On objective examination
the patient was found to present no reflexes, periodical convulsions, irregular breathing. After
laboratory examination the patient was diagnosed with hepatic coma. Disorders of the central
nervous system develop due to accumulation of the following metabolite:
a. *Ammonia
b. Urea
c. Glutamine
d. Bilirubin
e. Histamine
35. A 50-year-old man, who has been suffering from chronic hepatic failure for several years, has
developed ascites. What is the main mechanism of this disorder development?
a. *Increased pressure in portal vein system
b. Decrease of albumin and globulin synthesis in liver
c. Increased content of low-density and very low-density lipoproteins in blood
d. Neurotoxins appearing in blood
e. Increase of blood oncotic pressure
36. A 43-year-old patient suffers from acute pancreatitis with disrupted common bile duct
patency. What condition can develop in this case?
a. *Mechanical jaundice
b. Hemolytic jaundice
c. Hepatocellular jaundice
d. Hepatic coma
e. Portal hypertension
37. Administration of doxycycline hydrochloride has caused an imbalance of the symbiotic
intestinal microflora. Specify the kind of imbalance caused by the antibiotic therapy:
a. *Dysbacteriosis
b. Sensibilization
c. Idiosyncrasy
d. Superimposed infection
e. Bacteriosis
38. Cholesterol content in blood serum of a 12-year-old boy is 25 mmol/L. Anamnesis states
hereditary familial hypercholesterolemia caused by synthesis disruption of receptor-related
proteins for:
a. *Low-density lipoproteins
b. High-density lipoproteins
c. Chylomicrons
d. Very low-density lipoproteins
e. Middle-density lipoproteins
39. A patient presents with steatorrhea. This disorder can be linked to disturbed supply of the
intestine with the following substances:
a. *Bile acids
b. Amylase
c. Carbohydrates
d. Tripsin
e. Chymotrypsyn
40. A patient with jaundice has high total bilirubin that is mainly indirect (unconjugated), high
concentration of stercobilin in the feces and urine. The level of direct (conjugated) bilirubin in
the blood plasma is normal. What kind of jaundice can be suspected?
a. *Hemolytic
b. Parenchymal (hepatic)
c. Mechanical
d. Neonatal jaundice
e. Gilbert’s disease
41. 2017 Poisoning caused by mercury (II) chloride (corrosive sublimate) occurred in the result of
safety rules violation. In 2 days the patient’s diurnal diuresis became 620 ml. The patient
developed headache, vomiting, convulsions, dyspnea; moist crackles are observed in the
lungs. Name this pathology:
a. *Acute renal failure
b. Chronic renal failure
c. Uremic coma
d. Glomerulonephritis
e. Pyelonephritis
42. 2018 A lab rat has subcutaneously received mercury (II) chloride in the amount of 5 mg/kg. 24
hours later the plasma creatinine concentration increased several times. What mechanism of
retention azotemia is observed in this case?
a. *Decreased glomerular filtration
b. Increased creatinine production in the renal tubules
c. Increased glomerular filtration
d. Increased creatinine production in the muscles
e. Increased creatinine reabsorption
43. A 30-year-old woman exhibits signs of virilism (growth of body hair, balding temples,
disturbed menstrual cycle). This condition can be caused by overproduction of the following
a. *Testosterone
b. Prolactin
c. Relaxin
d. Oestriol
e. Oxytocin
44. After a severe stress a patient was found to have eosinopenia. In this case the decreased
number of eosinophils can explain changes in the level of the following hormones:
a. *Glucocorticoids
b. Adrenaline
c. Insulin
d. Mineralocorticoids
e. Vasopressin
45. 2018 A 19-year-old male was examined in the nephrology clinic. High potassium level was
found in his secondary urine. What hormone is likely to cause such change if it is produced in
a. *Aldosterone
b. Oxytocin
c. Adrenaline
d. Glucagon
e. Testosterone
46. 2018 After a case of sepsis a 27-year-old woman developed “bronzed” skin discoloration,
characteristic of Addison’s disease. Hyperpigmentation mechanism in this case is based on
increased secretion of:
a. *Melanocyte –stimulating hormone
b. Beta-lipotropin
c. Gonadotropin
d. Thyroid stimulating hormone
e. Somatotropin
2017 2018
47. During removal of the hyperplastic thyroid gland of a 47-year-old woman, the parathyroid
gland was damaged. One month after the surgery the patient developed signs of
hypoparathyroidism: frequent convulsions, hyperreflexia, laryngospasm. What is the most
likely cause of the patient’s condition?
a. *Hypocalcemia
b. Hyponatremia
c. Hyperchlorhydria
d. Hypophosphatemia
e. Hyperkalemia
48. A 46-year old woman suffering from cholelithiasis developed jaundice. Her urine became dark
yellow, while feces are light colored. What substance will be the most increased in
concentration in the blood serum in this case?
a. *Conjugated bilirubin
b. Biliverdine
c. Urobilinogen
d. Mesobilirubin
e. Unconjugated bilirubin
49. 2007, 2018 A 40-year-old woman with Cushing’s disease presents with steroid diabetes. On
biochemical examination she has hyperglycemia and hypochloremia. What process activates
in the first place to such patient?
a. *Gluconeogenesis
b. Glycogenolysis
c. Glucose reabsorption
d. Glucose transport to the cell
e. Glycolysis
50. 2018 On examination the patient presents with hirsutism, moon-shaped face, stretch marks
on the abdomen. BP is 190/100 mm Hg, blood glucose is 17,6 mmol/L. What pathology is
such clinical presentation characteristic of/
a. *Adrenocortical hyperfunction
b. Hypothyroidism
c. Gonadal hypofunction
d. Hyperthyroidism
e. Hyperfunction of the insular apparatus
51. A 50-year-old inpatient during examination presents with glucosuria and blood glucose of 3,0
mmol/L, which are the most likely to be caused by:
a. *Renal disorder
b. Diabetes insipidus
c. Pellagra
d. Myxedema
e. Essential hypertension
52. Exophthalmus observed during thyrotoxicosis is caused by accumulation of highly water-
binding substances within the retrobulbar tissues. Name these substances:
a. *Glycosaminoglycans
b. Phospholipids
c. ATP
d. Cholesterol
e. Kreatine
53. 2018 The right leg of a 40-year-old woman measured at the shin level is by 2 cm smaller in
the diameter than the left leg. Ankle-jerk (Achilles) and knee-jerk reflexes are absent on the
right. What is the most likely mechanism of hyporeflexia development during peripheral
a. *Disturbed conduction of stimulation
b. Inhibition of pyramidal motoneutron
c. Disturbed synaptic impulse transmission
d. Activation of excitatory impulses from CNS
e. Disturbed perception of stimulation
54. 2018 In human organism significant blood loss leads to decreased blood pressure,
tachycardia and weakness. Eventually the sensation of thirst appears. What hormone
participates in the development of this sensation?
a. *Angiotensin 2
b. Serotonin
c. Adrenalin
d. Cortisol
e. Dopamine
55. 2018 A 16-year-old girl presents with no hair on the pubis and in the armpits, her mammary
glands are underdeveloped, no menstruations. What hormone imbalance can it be indicative
a. *Ovarian failure
b. Pancreatic islet failure
c. Hyperthyroidism
d. Hypothyroidism
e. Adrenal medulla hyperfunction
56. A patient complaining of pain in the left shoulder-blade region has been diagnosed with
myocardial infarction. What kind of pain does the patient have?
a. *Radiating
b. Visceral
c. Phantom
d. Protopathic
e. Epicritic
57. A patient got a gunshot wound of hip which damaged the sciatic nerve. Any impact on the
affected limb causes severe, excruciating pain. What mechanism of pain is most likely in this
a. *Causalgic
b. Reflex
c. Phantom
d. Endorphin hypofunction
e. Enkephalin hypofunction
58. As a result of a trauma a patient has developed traumatic shock that led to the following
disorders: AP is 140/90 mm Hg, Ps is 120 bpm. The patient is fussy, talkative, pale. Such
state relates to the following shock phase:
a. *Erectile
b. Latent period
c. Terminal
d. Torpid
59. 2014 2015 2016 As a result of a road accident a 26-year-old man is in the torpid phase of
shock. Blood count: leukocytes - 3, 2 · 109/L. What is the leading mechanism of leukopenia
a. *Leukocyte redistribution in the bloodstream
b. Leukopoiesis inhibition
c. Faulty release of mature leukocytes from the bone marrow into the blood
d. Leukocyte destruction in the hematopoietic organs
e. Increased excretion of the leukocytes from the organism
60. 2014 2015 2016 After a road accident a victim has tachycardia, arterial blood pressure 130/90
mm Hg, tachypnoe, the skin is pale and dry, excitation of central nervous system is observed.
What shock stage is the patient most likely in?
a. *Erectile
b. Terminal
c. Torpid
d. Preshock (compensation stage)
e. Agony
61. A 27-year-old patient with injury to the neck has lost approximately 30% of the blood volume.
The patient’s condition is severe: blood pressure is 60/40 mm Hg, heart rate is 140/min.,
respiratory rate is 30/min.,conscious. Characterize the condition of the patient’s circulatory
a. *Hypovolemic shock
b. Cardiogenic shock
c. Collapse
d. Coma
e. Arterial hypertension
62. 2016 A 62-year-old patient has been hospitalized due to massive cerebral hemorrhage. Blood
pressure is 70/30 mm Hg, heart rate is 120/min., respiratory rate is 4/min., unconscious, no
response to external stimuli. Such condition can be determined as:
a. *Coma
b. Shock
c. Collapse
d. Stress
e. Agony
63. 2018 A victim of a traffic accident was taken to the intensive care unit. The patient is in a
grave condition that can be characterized as a severe pathologic process that leads to
exhaustion of vital functions and puts the patient into the marginal state between life and
death due to critical reduction of capillary circulation in the affected organs. The patient is in
the state of:
a. *Shock
b. Coma
c. Collapse
d. Preagony
e. Agony
64. A woman aged 67, who suffered from cholecystitis for a long time, after a meal suddenly has
acute pain in the upper abdomen, nausea, vomiting. Diagnosis - acute pancreatitis. What is
the main link of the pathogenesis of this disease?
a. *Premature activation of pancreatic enzymes
b. Reduced secretion of pancreatic polypeptide
c. Enhancement of enzymes in the duodenum
d. Increased cholecystokinin level
e. Decreased enzymes in pancreatic juice
65. The patient complains of heartburn, frequent constipation. During titration of gastric juice, the
following data were obtained: total acidity - 88 t.u., total HCl - 83 t.u., free HCl - 50 t.u., bound
HCl - 33 t.u., acidic phosphates and organic acids - 5 t.u. Evaluate the condition of acidity of
gastric juice
a. *Hyperaсidity
b. Hypoacidity
c. Achylia
d. Normal
e. Hypersecretion
66. A patient with Zollinger-Ellison syndrome [pancreatic tumor] has an increased secretion,
peristalsis of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as diarrhea and peptic ulcer. Which of the
following substances, which is secreted by the specified tumor, causes this complex of
a. *Gastrin
b. Vasoactive intestinal peptide
c. Pepsin
d. Trypsin
e. Secretin
67. The gastrointestinal department got a 57-year-old patient suspected of having a Zolinger-
Ellison syndrome, as evidenced by a acute increase in gastrin levels in serum. What is a
disturbance of the secretory function of the stomach most likely?
a. *Hypersecretory hyperacidic
b. Hyporsecretory hyperacidic
c. Achylia
d. Hyposecretion hypoacidic
e. Hypersecretory hypoacidic
68. The patient, who has increased acidity of gastric juice, was recommended to eat boiled, not
fried meat. This is due to the fact that the mechanism of action of extractives substances
consists of:
a. *Stimulation of gastrin production by G cells
b. Irritation of taste receptors
c. Irritation of the mechanoreceptors of the oral cavity
d. Irritation of the mechanoreceptors of the stomach
e. Stimulation of secretin production in 12-type intestine
69. After the poisoning with mushrooms, the patient has a yellow coloration of the skin and sclera,
a dark color of urine appeared. What kind of pigment causes coloring urine in a hemolytic
a. *Stercobilin
b. Monoglycuronide of bilirubin
c. Unconjugated bilirubin
d. Verdoglobin
e. Biliverdin
70. A patient with chronic hepatitis complains of increased sensitivity to barbiturates, which she
previously tolerated without symptoms of intoxication. With a violation of which of the liver
function is this the most possible?
a. *Metabolic
b. Bile formation
c. Hemodynamic
d. hemopoietic
e. phagocytic
71. A woman 57 years after prolonged pain attack in the right subcostal area has jaundice, after
which the patient visited the doctor. There was a suspicion of the appearance of acute
calculous cholecystitis. Research of what index of a blood test represents the bile duct
a. *Conjugated and unconjugated bilirubin
b. Protein fractions
c. Total lipids
d. Uric acid
e. Residual nitrogen
72. The patient is 25 years old is diagnosed with chronic hepatitis. The patient complains of losing
body weight by 10 kg for 2 hours months. Objectively: the skin is dry, peeling, pale yellowish
shade, skin hemorrhage, bleeding gums. Violations of which the function of the liver shows
hemorrhage and bleeding gums:
a. *Protein-Synthesizing
b. Pigment-forming
c. Glycogen-Synthesizing
d. Detoxication
e. Depositive
73. In a patient 24 years and one and a half weeks after severe streptococcal throat infection,
facial swelling appeared, arterial pressure increased. Hematuria and proteinuria 1.2 g / L are
found. In the blood, antibodies presence and reduction of complement components are
detected. In which kidney structure the localization of immune complexes which determine the
development of nephropathy is most likely?
a. *Glomerules
b. Pyramid
c. Proximal part of tubules
d. Loop Henle
e. Distal part of tubules
74. In a woman with primary hyperparathyroidism periodic attacks of the renal colic are repeated.
An ultrasound examination showed the formation of small stones in the kidneys, the most
likely cause of which is the presence of:
a. *Hypercalcemia
b. Hyperphosphatemia
c. Hypercholesterolemia
d. Hyperuricemia
e. Hyperkalaemia
75. A 30-year –old woman developed facial edemas. Examination detected porteinuria (5.87 g/L),
hypoproteinemia, dysproteinemia and hyperlipidemia. Such combination of signs is
characteristic of:
a. *Nephrotic syndrome
b. Nephritic syndrome
c. Acute kidney failure
d. Chronic kidney failure
e. Chronic pyeolonephritis
76. A laboratory rat with chronic kidney failure presents with osteoporosis, pathologic calcification
of the inner organs and arterial hypertension. These disturbances are associated with
increased activity of the following hormone:
a. *Parathormone
b. Calcitonin
c. Thyroxin
d. Adrenaline
e. Triiodothyronine
77. A 45-year-old woman comes to her physician with complaints of excessive fatigue and
weakness. She says that these symptoms have been present for the past month. On further
questioning, she admits having lost 3 kilograms in the last 2 weeks. On physical examination,
she is a tired-appearing thin woman. Hyperpigmentation is present over many areas of her
body, most prominently over the face, neck and back of hands (areas exposed to light).
Increased production of which of hte following hormones is the most likely cause of
hyperpigmentation in this patient?
a. *Melanocyte stimulating hormone
b. Thyroid stimulating hormone
c. Growth hormone
d. Beta-lipotropin
e. Gonadotropins
78. A 54-year-old woman has a total thyroidectomy for papillary thyroid carcinoma. 11 hours after
operationshe complains of tingling around her mouth. On physical examination, the
Trosseau’s sign and Chvostek’s signs are present. Her condition rapidly deteriorates with
laryngospasm and local seizures. The surgeon suggests surgical destruction of parathyroid
gland. Which of the following is the most likely cause of this patient’s neurologic abnormality?
a. *Hypocalcemia
b. Hyponatremia
c. Hyperkalemia
d. Hyperchloremia
e. Hypophosphatemia
79. A 16-year-old girl concerned about her sexual development comes to the physician. She
mentions that she has still not had a menstrual period. However, she is otherwise a healthy
girl with no significant medical problems since birth. On physical examination, her vital signs
are stable. She does not have pubic hair and her breast is slightly elevated with areola
remaining in contour with surrounding breast. Which of the following is the most likely cause
of this abnormal physical development?
a. *Ovarian insufficiency
b. Hyperthyroidism
c. Pancreatic islet insufficiency
d. Hypothyroidism
e. Adrenal medulla hyperfunction
80. An 11-year-old girl is brought to the doctor’s office by her mother who states her daughter has
been weak with swollen face for 3 days. The mother states her daughter had always been
healthy and active until the initiation of symptoms. Upon inquiry, the girl describes a foamy
appearance of her urine but denies blood in urine, urinary frequency at night, or pain during
urination. Physical examination reveals generalized swelling of the face and pitting edema on
the lower limbs. Laboratory study shows proteinuria and microscopic hematuria. Which of the
following is the most likely cause of findings in the laboratory study of urine?
a. *Increased permeability across the glomerular capillary wall
b. Increased plasma oncotic pressure
c. –
d. Increased glomerular hydrostatic pressure
e. Increased hydrostatic pressure in Bowman’s capsule
81. A male neonate born to a 24-year-old primagravida had jaundice at 8 hours of life. The
neonate’s red blood cell type was A+, while the mother’s RBC type was 0+. Laboratory
studies revealed elevated titer of mother’s anti-A antibody, normal erythrocyte glucose-6-
phosphate and negative sickle cell test. The infant’s haemoglobin was 106 g/L. Which of the
following is the most likely cause of infant’s jaundice?
a. *Hyperbilirubinemia
b. Sickle cell disease
c. Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PH) deficiency
d. Rh incompatibility
e. Decrease in haemoglobin level
82. A 38-year-old woman, who was diagnosed with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) 3 years
ago, comes to her physician with a complaint of facial swelling and decreased urination that
she first noticed 2 weeks ago. She currently takes azathioprine and corticosteroid. Her vital
signs show blood pressure 150/90 mm Hg, pulse – 91/min, temperature – 36.8 0C and
respiratory rate – 15/min. On physical examination, the doctor notices erythematous rash on
her face exhibiting a butterfly pattern. The laboratory studies reveal hypercholesterolemia,
hypertriglyceridemia and proteinuria. Which of the following is the most likely mechanism of
SLE’s complication in this patient?
a. *Immune complex-mediated glomerular disease
b. Acute infection of the kidney
c. Decrease in renal blood flow (ischemic nephropathy)
d. Increased plasma oncotic pressure
e. –
83. In an experiment a laboratory rat was subjected to a stress factor (electric current) which
resulted in muscular hypotonia, arterial hypotension, hypothermia and hypogltcemia in the
animal. What period of general adaptation syndrome is it?
a. *Exhaustion stage
b. Antishock phase
c. Shock phase
d. Resistance stage
e. –
84. After a prolonged attack of severe headache the patient lost mobility in his left arm and leg.
Muscle tone is increased in the affected limbs, the muscles are spasmed, spinal tendon
reflexes are acutely intensified, reflex zones are increased. What nervous system disorder
can be observed in this patient&
a. *Central paralysis
b. Peripheral paralysis
c. Flaccid paralysis
d. Reflex paralysis
e. Extrapyramidal paralysis