Cheat Sheet Exams
Cheat Sheet Exams
Cheat Sheet Exams
Peristaltic rate is 3/min. Contractile rhythm Stomach is protected by mucous coat, tight Cephalic: Excite parasympathetic prepares
set by pacemaker cells in longitudinal junctions (prevent juice seeping between body for food, releases histamine and gastrin
smooth muscle layer. Contraction mix and destroying connective tissue) and epithelial Gastric: Distension stimulates and chief +
churn food. Frequency differs at each cell replacement. parietal cells produce more
location: 3/min stomach, 12/min DIGESTION 2 gastrin/histamine. Controls gastric emptying.
duodenum, 9/min ileum Nervous + endocrine collab so gastric Duodenum can only do so much so sphincter
Gastric motility: Absorption occurs after secretion and motility increases when food controls
chyme enters SI, Peristaltic wave send eaten. Suppresses when empty Intestinal: chyme in duodenum with a pH less
chyme down to duodenum, antrum adds Split into 3 phases: Cephalic (Brain, vagus) than 2 inhibits so motility, waits for
3mL of at time to digest and neutralise HCl Gastric (controlled by itself) bicarbonate to raise pH and decreases gastric
If duodenum overfilled inhibits motility Intestinal (controlled by SI) secretion
Liver: carb metabolism, releases glucose Stimuli for pancreatic juice release SI receives chyme from stomach. Function to
into blood, storage of hormones Acetylcholine: Vagus; stimulates acini to produce copious amounts of chyme,
Pancreatic juice is alkaline, neutralises secrete enzymes during cephalic phase neutralise acids before damaging inner
gastric juice, stops action of pepsin for Cholecystokinin: Mucosa of duodenum in linings, regulates rate of emptying stomach
homeostasis (pH too low = denature) response to fats in SI, stimulates via sphincter control
Pancreatic amylase -> carb and starch Gallbladder Ileum: final segment which controls SI to LI
breakdown Secretin: Duodenum when chyme arrives in Brushborder: Fuzzy border of apical surface,
Trypsin and chymotrypsin -> protein stomach. Stimulates ducts in liver and increase absorptive SA, when in contact it
breakdown pancreas to secrete sodium bicarbonate moistens chyme to increase motility and
Pancreatic lipase -> Fat (triglyceride) carries out final stages of enzymatic digestion
breakdown All chemical digestion and nutrient LI: reabsorption of water, storage of faeces
Deoxyribonuclease and ribonuclease -> absorption occurs in SI
digest RNA and RNA respectively
Digestion of nutrients Bile: Bile used to emulsify dietary lipids, Hydrophobic quality of lipids make digestion
Carbs: Mouth and duodenum break down allows them to be water soluble. Increases and absorption more difficult.
starch (amylase) Brush border uses lactase SA to enzymatic attack Lipases are fat digesting enzymes. Lingual
and maltase to digest disaccharides into 80% of bile is reabsorbed, lipase is in saliva and secreted by the intrinsic
mono Bile is yellow-green fluid containing salivary glands of the tongue
Nucleic: Duodenum uses pancreatic minerals, fats, cholesterol, phospholipids Pancreatic lipase in the small intestine digests
ribonuclease for RNA and bile acids most of the fats, they enter the duodenum as
Protein: HCL to denature and pepsin to - Bacteria in large intestine allow large globules but get emulsified by bile so
break to peptides bilirubin to metabolize to that the lipases and reach all components
Lipids: Lingual lipase released in mouth, urobilinogen which gives poo its Micelles are produced in the liber and are
degrades lipids. Duodenum emulsification brown colour. used to absorb fat in the duodenum. They
(break down of fat to tiny droplets) transport lipids to intestinal absorptive cells.
Downloaded by Thu Rein Žwe ([email protected])
Cortical – Juxtamedullary –
80% of N 20% of Nephrons
Short loops Long loops of
of Henle Henle
Produce Used for
dilute urine concentrating
Glomerulus Large glomerulus
in outer (High GFR)
Counter current: Animals living in moist conditions have Fluid flowing downward in descending limb;
The Nephron loop acts as a counter-current short loops of Henle that don’t descend most of the descending limb is very
multiplier as it continually recaptures salt quickly into the medulla (cortical nephrons) permeable to water but impermeable to salt
and returns it to the extracellular fluid of BEAVER meaning that salt is left behind.
the medulla which multiples the salinity if Animals living in arid conditions have long
the adrenal medulla loops that descend quickly into the medulla Fluid flowing upward in ascending limb is
H2O is reabsorbed from urine via collecting (juxtamedullary nephrons) KANGAROO impermeable to water but absorbs sodium,
ducts and salts are left behind in the ADH: Due to dehydration, increases water potassium and chlorine by active transport
Extracellular fluid and are not removed reabsorption. Stored is pituitary gland, and is pumped into the extra cellular fluid.
from renal medulla as they establish conservation of body wayer Vasa recta – Capillary provides blood supply
osmotic gradient. Aldosterone: Controls ion pumps and to medulla and does not remove
Descending = Salt in, water out, permeable channels, reduces sodium loss in urine, NaCl and Urea from medullary CG
to water not salt reabsorption of Na+
Downloaded by Thu Rein Žwe ([email protected])
Pericardium- Is a double walled sack made Coronary circulation – supplied blood to Interatrial septum: Wall that separates atria
of collagen fibres. Encloses and stabilises the heart itself Coronary arteries – come Pectinate muscles: Ridges of cardiac muscle
the heart. allows heart to beat without off the aorta with oxygen and nutrients in which increases the strength of atrial
friction and allows expansion. order to supply these to the heart muscle. - contraction without increasing mass
Myocardium- muscle of the heart forming Angina – when the heart muscle is not Interventricular septum: Muscular wall that
the atria and ventricles. Contains cardiac receiving the oxygen it needs Coronary separates ventricles Trabecula carneae:
muscle tissue, blood vessels and nerves. sinus – the ‘vein’ of the heart. Cardiac veins Internal ridges in ventricles that prevent
Concentric superficial muscle layer forms a return blood to the coronary sinus. The suction which would impair hearts ability to
figure 8 shape waste products from the heart muscle are pump Direction of blood flow–Superior and
Endocardium- Covers inner surface of the dumped into the coronary sinus and then Inferior Vena Cava- Right Atrium -Tricuspid
heart, including valves. Arteries pump released back into the right atrium. Valve-Right Ventricle-Pulmonary Valve-
blood upwards, valves open allowing blood Superior vena cava– receives blood from Pulmonary Trunk-Right and Left Pulmonary
to go against the flow of gravity It is rough head, neck, upper limbs Inferior vena cava Artery -TO LUNGS -Right and Left Pulmonary
so there is no friction and surface tension. – receives blood from lower body Veins-Left Atrium-Bicuspid Valve- Left
Ventricle-Aortic Valve-Ascending/Descending
Cardiac cycle: Aorta-Periphery.
1.Atrial systole: Atrial contraction begins Right and left AV valves are open
2.Atria eject blood into ventricles Filling ventricles S1: Loud sounds,Produced by AV valves closing
3.Atrial systole ends S2: Loud sounds, Produced by semilunar
AV valves close, Ventricles contain maximum blood volume known as End-Diastolic valves closing
Volume (EDV) Cardiac output: amount of blood pumped by
4.Ventricular systole:Isovolumetric contraction – all 4 valves are shut for a very brief the each ventricle per minute.
period of time, Pressure in ventricles rises, AV valves shut Heart Rate (HR) x Stroke Volume(SV)
5.Ventricular ejection: Semilunar valves open,Blood flows into pulmonary and aortic (heart beats per minute x ml pumped by
trunks.Stroke volume (SV) = 60% of end-diastolic volume ventricle per beat)
6.Ventricular pressure falls: Semilunar valves close, Vventricles contain end-systolic
volume (ESV), about 40% of end-diastolic volume
7.Ventricular diastole: Ventricular pressure is higher than atrial pressure, All heart valves
are closed,Ventricles relax (isovolumetric relaxation) – all 4 valves are shut for a very brief SVL factors that affect SV also affect SO. SV is
period of time determined by: EDV which is affected by:
8.Atrial pressure is higher than ventricular pressure :AV valves open, Passive atrial filling Filling time – duration of ventricular diastole,
Passive ventricular filling, cardiac cycle ends Venous return: blood flow during ventricular
Cardiac cycle ends Stroke volume: the amount of blood diastole, An increase in both of these will
Cardiac plexuses: group of nerves that pumped out by the ventricle with each increase EDV
innervate the heart. Sympathetic nerves = beat – ESV is dependent on: Preload: how much
increases heart rate. Vagus nerves carry End-Diastolic Volume (EDV) – blood is coming back to heart, Force of
Parasympathetic fibres to the cardiac End-Systolic Volume (ESV) - (how much we contraction, Afterload: resistance against
plexus and slows down heart rate. Cardiac fill up with before contraction, during which heart has to pump, e.g. valve not
centres of medulla oblongata:Cardio Diastole) –(how much remains in heart opening effectively, As afterload increases,
acceleratory centre – controls sympathetic after blood contracts) stroke volume decreases
neurons (increase heart rate) Cardio
inhibitory centre – slows heart rate.
Controls parasympathetic neurons
SA node: cluster of cells in wall of right
atria. Excitation spreads to AV node Fibrous
skeleton: insulates atria from ventricles AV
node: electrical gateway. Transmits signal
to bundle of His. From SA there is a small
delay because it has so many fibres that
new signal must get passed. AV bundle
(bundle of his): pathway for signals from av
node. Connection between atria and
ventricles. Purkinje fibres: located in the
inner ventricular walls of the heart and
stimulate myocytes.