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Software Engineering

Chapter 1
Introduction to Software Engineering
Definition: Software – A Software is a set of instructions or computer programs instructing a
computer to dospecific tasks. The theory of software was first proposed by Allen Turing in 1935.
Software products may bedeveloped for a particular customer or may be developed for a general
Classification of Software

Characteristics of Software
 1. Software is engineered not manufactured.
 2. Software is intangible – It has no mass, no volume, no color, no odor and it cannot be
 3. Software does not wear out, failed components must be re-engineered.
 4. Maintainability – Software should meet the changing needs of customers.
 5. Usability – The software should have appropriate user interface and enough number of
 6. Dependability – Means reliability, it should be safe and secure to use the software without
causingsystem failure.

What is Software Engineering?A systematic approach to the development, operation,

maintenance and retirement of software.
Definition by IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers): The application of
systematic,disciplined, quantifiable approach to the development, operation, maintenance of
software that is the applicationof engineering to the software.
Goals of Software Engineering
  To improve the quality of the software product
  To increase productivity and
  To give job satisfaction to the Software engineers.

Key Challenges of Software Engineering

 i. The legacy challenge: The challenging method of maintaining and updating the software in
such a waythat high costs are avoided and essential business services continue to be delivered.
 ii. The Heterogeneity challenge: Systems are required to operate as distributed systems across
networks.The challenge of developing techniques to build dependable software which is flexible
to cope with iscalled heterogeneity.
 iii. The delivery challenge: A challenge of shortening delivery time for large and complex
systems withoutcompromising system quality.

Software Product
Software products are software systems that are delivered to a customer with documentation
which describeshow to install and use this system.
Software products may be classified into two types.

Generic Products Bespoke (Customized) Products

These products are developed in organizations

These products are developed for a single
andsold in the open market to any customer
customeraccording to their specification.
who is able tobuy them.

These are stand alone systems; the target is

These are customized products
generallyhow many copies are being sold.

These products are designed as per

These products are developed for
customer’srequirement by software

Example: Operating Systems, Word Example : Payroll system, Inventory

Processors,drawing packages etc system, Airtraffic control system etc

Software Process
The process involves translating user needs into software requirements, transforming software
requirements intodesign, implementing design in code, testing the code and installing then
checking out the software foroperations.
There are 4 fundamental process activities
 --Software Specification: Functions of the software and its constraints willdefined.
 --Software development: The software to meet the specification must beproduced.
 --Software validation: The software must be validated to ensure what
 customer wants.
 --Software Evolution: The software must evolve to meet changing customerneeds.
Characteristics of Software Process

1. Reliability-To what extents can the process errors be avoided.

2. Supportability-To what extents can the process activities be supported.
3. Understandability – To what extent is the process easy to understand.
4. Maintainability-To what extent can the process help in reflecting organizational
5. Rapidity-How fast can a process complete the task and deliver a system SDLC (Software
Development Life Cycle)

SDLC is a sequence of activities carried out by analyst, designer and user to develop and
implement aninformation system. These activities can be carried out in different stages.
SDLC can be broadly classified into 7 phases.
 1. Feasibility Study: The main aim is to determine whether the product is financially
worthwhile andtechnically feasible.
 2. Requirement analysis: In this phase the aim is to find exact requirement of the customers,
Requirementsare classified into a) Functional Requirements (Input /Output needs) and b) Non-
functional requirements(Constraints like time, cost etc). Finally a SRS document is prepared as

 3. System Design: Software architecture is derived from SRS document. A new system is
designedaccording to the needs of the user.
 4. Development: This is the actual phase where the system is developed. The whole design is
built and 5. implemented.Testing: During implementation phase each module of the design is
coded and each module is unit
 6. phase.Deployment: The developed system is handed over to the client. The old system is
dispensed and the new system is put to operations and used.
 tested individually. This is to check if each individual module works correctly. This is the
most critical
 7. Software Maintenance: In this phase adding enhancements, improvements and updates to
the newversions are done.
Different types of SDLC Models are: 1) Waterfall Model, 2) Prototype model, 3) Prototype
model, 4)Iterative enhancement model
Waterfall Model
This model is a software life cycle where the stages are depicted as cascading from one
toanother. It was described by W.W. Royce in 1970. As the figure implies one development
stage shouldbe completed before the next begins.
[Follow the same theory notes as given for SDLC]

Advantages of Waterfall Model

 i. Easy to explain to the user.
 ii. Stages and activities are well defined
 iii. Verification at each stage ensures early detection of errors
 iv. Widely used to identify and meet the milestones
 v. Establishes communication between customer and developer to meet the specifications.
Disadvantagesi. of Waterfall Model
 The next stage begins only after the previous stage is complete, making it rigid.
 ii. iii.User training is not given much importance.
 Interaction with the user takes place right at the beginning and then at the time of deployment,
whichcreates a gap between the phases.
 iv. Due to its cascading flow there is very little interaction from the user.
Boehmia’s Spiral Model
 • Spiral model was proposed by Boehm in 1988.
 • Each loop in the spiral represents a phase of the software process.
 •Innermost loop is concerned with system feasibility, next loop system requirement, followed
by system design and so on

 Each loop is split into 4 sectors:

 1. Objective setting – Project risks are identified, alternative strategies depending on these
risks may be planned.
 2. Risk assessment and reduction -Project risks are identified  detailed analysis carried 
steps taken to reduce risks.
Ex: A prototype system (Toy like implementation with limited functional capabilities and low
reliabilityjust for the purpose of examining)
 3. Development and Validation – Choosing the most appropriate development model.
 4. Planning – Project is reviewed and decisions are made whether to continue with further
loop of the spiral.

Advantages of Spiral Model

 i. High amount of risk analysis
 ii. Supports large and high risk projects
 iii. Spiral model is one of the most flexible SDLC models.
 iv. Changes can be introduced later in the life cycle as well
 v. Project monitoring is easy as each loop requires a review from concerned people.

Disadvantages of Spiral model

 i. When to stop the spiral process is not clear.
 ii. Cost involved in this model is usually high.
 iii. Does not work well for smaller projects.
 iv. Project’s success is highly dependent on the risk analysis phase.
Prototype Model
……………Prototype is a partially developed product /dummy model that allow customers and
developers to analyze ifthe proposed system is suitable for the finished product.
  A prototype is a toy implementation which is built before starting actual development.
  The reason for developing a prototype is it is impossible to “get it right” the first time; we
must plan tothrow away the first product in order to develop a good product.
  The developed prototype is submitted to the customer/user for evaluation, based on the
customerfeedback the model is modified/refined. The cycle continues until the customer
approves the prototype.

Advantages of Prototype Model

 i. Modification in prototype is faster.
 ii. Helps determine feasibility of the system.
 iii. Software Developers commitment is higher.
Disadvantages of Prototype Model
 i. ii.Prototyping tools are expensive.
 Design and code for the prototype is usually thrown away.
 iii. In order to get the prototype work quickly the quality is compromised.
Risk Management

What is a Risk?
“Risk is the potential future harm that may arise from some present action”.
What is Risk management?
Identifying risks and drawing up plans to minimize their effect on the project is called Risk
Risk management plays an important role in software development. There are several types of
 1) Project risks –Affects project resources/schedule.
2) Product risks-Affects quality or performance of software being developed.
 3) Business risks-Affects organization development.
 4) Generic risks-Affects overall project. Example: Loss of team members, loss of funding.

Process of risk management

 1. Risk Identification: Project, product and business risks are identified.
 2. Risk analysis: Consequences of risks are assessed.
 3. Risk planning: Addresses the risk either by avoiding it or minimizing its effects.
 4. Risk monitoring: Risk is constantly assessed and information about the risk becomes
CASE (Computer aided software engineering)
Computer-aided software engineering (CASE) is software to support software development. It
providesautomated support for software process activities. Ex: Automated translators to generate
new versions of a program
Important Questions [2 Marks]
 1. Define Software Engineering.
 2. Write the goals of Software Engineering.
 3. Define Software. Write its classification.
 4. What is Software product?
 5. Differentiate Generic and Bespoke products.
 6. Mention any 4 characteristics of Software.
 7. What is Prototype model?
 8. What is Risk? Mention the various types.
 9. What is feasibility study?
 10. Define CASE.

Important Questions
 1. Explain different phases of SDLC with a neat diagram.
 2. Explain Waterfall model with Spiral model with its advantages and disadvantages.
 3. What is Software Process? What are the activities involved in software process?
 4. What are the key challenges facing Software Engineering?
 5. Write short notes on Risk management.
Chapter 2
System Engineering
Definition: System – A System is a collection of inter related components that work together
toachieve some objective.
A system may include software, mechanical, electrical and electronic hardware and be
operatedby people. Example – Security Camera.
Definition: System Engineering – The activity of designing, implementing, validating,installing
and maintaining systems as a whole is known as System Engineering.
Emergent properties
Properties of the system as a whole rather than properties that can be derived from the
propertiesof components of a system. Some examples of emergent properties are:
 The overall weight of the system
 • This is an example of an emergent property that can be computed from individual
 properties. The reliability of the system
 • This depends on the reliability of system components and the relationships between the
 components. The usability of a system
 • This is a complex property which is not simply dependent on the system hardware and
software but also depends on the system operators and the environment where it is used.

System and their Environment

 * Systems are not independent but exist in an environment
 * System’s function may be to change its environment.
 * Environment affects the functioning of the system.
 * When a System is a part of another system, it is called the sub-system.
Example of System that includes Sub System(System Hierarchies)
  The heating System, Power System, Water System so on is all Sub-Systems within the
  The building is located in a street, which is in a town and so on.
  The system engineer should not only consider the system as complete entity but must also
have knowledge of the Environment where the system needs to be installed.
A Simple Intruder Alarm System
 Sub system functionality in the intruder alarm.
 Sensor
 • Movement sensor, door sensor
 Actuator
 • Siren (Emits audible warning)
 Communication
 • Telephone caller (makes external calls)
 Co-ordination
 • Alarm controller
 (Controls system operations)
 Interface
 • Voice synthesizer.
 (Notifies location of the suspect intruder)

System Engineering Process

It is a process that ensures that the customer’s needs are satisfied throughout a system’s entire
life cycle.
System Requirements Definition
Three types of requirement defined at this stage
 • Abstract functional requirements-System functions are defined in an abstract level
 • System properties -Non-functional emergent requirements for the system such as reliability,
usability etc in general are defined
 • System behavior-It is important to specify what the system must not do and what it should
System Design Process
The Activities involved in this process are:
 • Partition requirements
 • Identify sub-systems
 • Assign Requirements to sub system

• Specify sub system functionality

• Define sub-system interfaces

 1. Partition Requirements: Analyze the requirements and organize them into related groups.
 2. Identify sub-systems: Identify sub-systems that can individually or collectively meet the
 3. Assign Requirements to subsystem: Assign the requirements to each identified sub-system.
 4. Specify sub-system functionality: Relationship between the sub-systems should be
identified at this stage which can collectively meet the system requirements.
 5. Define sub-system interface: Once defining the sub-system interface have been agreed,
parallel development of the sub-system becomes possible.
Sub-system development
  Typically parallel projects developing the hardware, software and communications
  It may involve some COTS (Commercial Off-the-Shelf) components.
  COTS systems may not meet the requirements exactly but it is worth to modify and use.
  It is cheaper to buy existing products rather than develop special purpose components.
  The sub-system development activity involves developing each of the sub-systems
identified during system design.
System Integration
The process of putting hardware, software and people together to make a system.Integration can
be done in 2 ways:
 1. Big Bang Method-All the sub-systems are integrated in the same way.
 2. Incremental Integration-Sub-systems are integrated one at a time; it reduces the cost of
Error location.
Once the components have been integrated, System Testing takes place.
System Installation
It is the activity of installing the system in the environment in which it is intended to operate.
Some of the problems that can arise during installations are:
  Environmental assumptions may be incorrect.
  May be human resistance to the introduction of a new system.
  System may have to coexist with alternative systems for some time.
  May be physical installation problems (e.g. cabling problems).
  Operator training has to be identified.

System Evolution
  Large systems have a long lifetime. They must evolve to meet changing requirements
Evolution is inherently costly for the following reasons:
 • Changes must be analyzed from a technical and business perspective
 • Sub-systems interact so unanticipated problems can arise
 • System structure is corrupted as changes are made to it, hence its cost changes.
  Existing systems which must be maintained are sometimes called legacy systems.

System Decommissioning
  System Decommissioning means taking the system out of service after the end of its useful
operational lifetime.
  Example: For hardware systems this may involve de-assembling and recycling materials.
  May require data to be restructured and converted so that it can be used in some other

System Procurement
Definition: Acquiring a system for an organization to meet some need/requirement is called
System Procurement.
Some System specification and architectural design is usually necessary before procurement
 • You need a specification to let a contract for system development
 • The specification may allow you to buy a commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) system, always
cheaper than developing a system from scratch.
Procurement issues
  Requirements may have to be modified to match the capabilities of off-the-shelf
  There is usually a contract negotiation period to agree changes after the contractor to build a
system has been selected
  The procurement of large hardware/software systems is usually based around some
principal contractor.
  Sub-contracts are issued to other suppliers to supply parts of the system.
  Customer leases with the principal contractor and does not deal directly with sub-
Human Factors

Process changes: In a organization a change in the process can result in job loss of the workers,
as they lack training in the new system which becomes difficult for them to cope work.
Job changes: As new and faster systems are introduced, the workers may have to change the way
Organizational changes: If a organization is dependent on a complex system, those who know
how to operate the system have a great deal of power in the organization.
Chapter 3
Software Requirement Analysis and Specification
Definition: Software Requirement-The process of establishing the services that the customer
requires from a system and the constraints under which it operates and is developed.
Requirements may serve a dual function
 • May be the basis for a bid for a contract -therefore must be open to interpretation.
 • May be the basis for the contract itself -therefore must be defined in detail. Both these
statements may be called requirements
Definition: Software Requirement Specification – A structured document setting out detailed
descriptions of the system services written as a contract between client and contractor.
Classification of Software Requirements1. Functional Requirements

 Statements of services the system should provide how the system should react to particular
inputs and how the system should behave in particular situations.
 2. Non-Functional Requirements Constraints on the services or functions offered by the
system such as timing constraints, cost constraints, constraints on the development process,
standards etc.
 3. System requirements: A structured document setting out detailed descriptions of the system
services written as a contract between client and contractor
 4. User Requirements
 Statements in natural language plus diagrams of the services the system provides and its
operational constraints. It is written for customers.

Functional Requirements and Non Functional Requirements

 Functional*StatementsRequirements:of services the system should provide how the system

should react to particular inputs and how thesystem should behave in particular situations.
 *The Functional requirements of the system describe what the system should do.
 *It depends on the type of software, expected users and the type of system where the software
is used.
 *Functional user requirements may be high-level statements of what the system should do but
it should describethe system services in detail.
 Non*Non-functional -FunctionalrequirementsRequirements:may be more critical than
functional requirements. If these are not met, thesystem is useless.
 *Constraints on the services or functions offered by the system such as timing constraints,
cost constraints, storageconstraints, constraints on the development process, standards etc.
Classification of Software Requirements
 Product requirements
 • Requirements which specify that the delivered product must behave in a particular way e.g.
 speed, reliability etc.Organizational requirements
 • Requirements which are a consequence of organizational policies and procedures e.g.
process standardsused, implementation requirements etc.
External requirements
 • Requirements which arise from factors which are external to the system and its development
processe.g. interoperability requirements, legislative requirements etc.

Software Requirement SpecificationOutline Structure of Software Requirement


Definition: SRS is a formal document, which acts as a representation of software that enables the
users to review whetherit (SRS) is according to their requirements.
A structured document setting out detailed descriptions of the system services written as a
contract betweenclient and contractor.
Various other Purposes served by SRS are listed below.
 1. Feedback: Provides a feedback, which ensures to the user that the organization (which
develops the software)understands the issues or problems to be solved and the software behavior
necessary to address those problems.
 2. Decompose problem into components: Organizes the information and divides the problem
into its component parts in an orderly manner.
 3. Input to design: Contains sufficient detail in the functional system requirements to devise a
design solution.
 4. Basis for agreement between the user and the organization: Provides a complete description
of the functions to be performed by the system.
 5. Reduce the development effort: Enables developers to consider user requirements before
the designing of the systemcommences. As a result, 'rework' and inconsistencies in the later
stages can be reduced.
 6. Estimating costs and schedules: Determines the requirements of the system and thus
enables the developer to have a 'rough' estimate of the total cost and schedule of the project.
Characteristics of SRS
 1. Correct: Correctness ensures that all specified requirements are performed correctly to
meet the software.
 2. Unambiguous: SRS is unambiguous when every stated requirement has only one
interpretation. This implies that each requirement is uniquely interpreted.
 3. Complete: SRS is complete when the requirements clearly define what the software is
required to do. This includes all the requirements related to performance, design and
Components of SRS
FunctionalityEnvironment and System ObjectivesSystem Delivery and Installation Design constraints External interface requirementsConceptually, any SRS should have these components. Now we will discuss them one by
1. Functionality:
  Procedures for starring up and closing down the system.
  Operations on Normal condition.
  Operations on abnormal conditions.
2. Environment and System Objectives
  Physical Attributes of the environment : size, shape and locality
  Safety/Security/Hazards
3. System Delivery and Installation
  Examples of these requirements are: Deadlines/ Quality assurance/ document
structure/standards/training/manuals/ support and maintenance.
 4. Design Constraints
5. Functional Constraints
  Hardware/Software standards, particular libraries, operating systems to be used and
compatibility issues.
  Properties are: Performance, efficiency, response times, safety, security, reliability, quality
and dependability.

The process of establishing the services that the customer requires from a system and the
constraints under which it operates is called Requirement Engineering process.
 1. Feasibility study: The study determines whether or not a system is financially worthwhile
and technicallyfeasible.
It is the study that checks A) If the system contributes to organizational objectives. B) If the
system can be engineeredusing current technology and within budget. C) Based on information
assessment (what is required), information collected
a brief report is written.A feasibility study is conducted to answer many questions like
 • What are current process problems?
 • How will the proposed system help?
 • What will be the integration problems?
 • Is new technology needed? What skills?
 • What facilities must be supported by the proposed system?
 2. Requirement Elicitation and Analysis:Activities involved in Elicitation and Analysis are
  Requirement Discovery
  Requirement classification and organization
  Requirement prioritization and negotiation
  Requirement Specification
The process involves technical staff working withcustomers to find out about the application
domain,the services that the system should provide and thesystem’s operational constraints.It
may involve end-users, managers, engineersinvolved in maintenance, domain experts,
tradeunions, etc. These are called stakeholders.
The various activities involved in Requirement Analysis and Elicitation are :
  Domain Understanding : The analyst must understand the Background Knowledge of the
  Requirement Collection : Gathering the requirement by involving the users and
  Requirement classification : Organizing the requirements gathered from different sources.
  Requirement conflicts : Involves stakeholders and engineers to solve the problems that
contradict the
 organization and business rules.
  Requirement prioritization : Discovering the most important requirements by interacting
with stakeholders and organizing them into most priority order.
  Requirement validation : Checks stakeholder’s expectation on the system with gathered
Techniques for Requirement Elicitation and Analysis
 1. View point oriented elicitation
 2. Scenarios
 3. Ethnography
1. View point oriented elicitation
Stakeholders represent different ways of looking at a problem or problem viewpoints.
There are 3 types of viewpoints:
 1. Interactive View points : Represents people or other systems that interact directly with the
system. EX : In a bank ATM , the banks customer and banks account database.
 2. Indirect view points : Represents stakeholders who do not use the system directly but
influence the system in
 some way. EX : Management of the bank and bank security staff.
 3. Domain view points : Represents domain characteristics and constraints that influence
system requirements. EX: Standards that have been developed for inter banking communication
like ATM.
The example used here is an auto-teller system which provides some automated banking
services. Services include cashwithdrawal, message passing (send a message to request a
service), ordering a statement and transferring funds.
Auto-teller ViewpointsBank customersRepresentatives of other banksHardware and software maintenance engineersMarketing departmentBank managers and counter staffDatabase administrators and security
staffCommunications engineersPersonnel department

2. Scenarios
Scenarios are descriptions of how a system is used in practice.
They are helpful in requirements elicitation as people can relate to these more readily than
abstract statement of what theyrequire from a system.
Scenarios are particularly useful for adding detail to an outline requirements description.
Scenario Descriptions
 System state at the beginning of the scenario
  Normal flow of events in the scenario
  What can go wrong and how this is handled
  Other concurrent activities
  System state on completion of the scenario
3. Ethnography
Definition: “Ethnography is an observational technique that is used to understand social and
organizational requirement.”

Ethnographic studies have shown that work is usually richer and more complex than suggested
by simple system models.These are the Requirements that are derived from the way that people
actually work.Ethnographic requirements are derived from cooperation and awareness of other
people’s activities.
Requirements Specification MethodsSpecification Method Description

This approach depends on defining standard forms or templates to express therequirements
specification in natural language.
This approach uses a language like a programming language but with more abstractfeatures
to specify the requirements by defining an operational model of the system.

l It has much complex graphical vocabulary and is most widely used by specialists.

Mathematical specifications
These are notations based on mathematical concepts such as finite-state machines or sets.
Requirement Validation
Requirement Validation is concerned with demonstrating the requirements that define the
system which customer reallywants. Requirements error costs are high so validation is very
important i.e. fixing a requirements error after delivery maycost up to 100 times the cost of
fixing an implementation error.
Requirement Validity Checks
Requirement Validity Checks Description

Aims to ensure that the system meets all functional, behavioral and

2. Requirements collected must be consistent and should not lead to conflict.


m These checks take into account the budget and schedule for the system development.

Sy techniques
At the completion of the system, it must be possible to demonstrate that the
deliveredsystem meets all the requirements.
ati 2.Prototyping 3.Test Case Generation
analysis of the requirementscheck for a)Verifiability, b)Comprehensibility, c)Traceability and d)Adaptability
m model of the system to check requirements.
ua requirements to check testability, if a test is difficult or impossible to design that
l meansrequirements are unrealistic.




R Evolution, requirements
into 2

Enduring requirements-Stable requirements derived from the core activity of the customer
organization. E.g. ahospital will always have doctors, nurses, etc. May be derived from domain
models.Volatile requirements -Requirements which change during development or when the
system is in use. In ahospital, requirements derived from health-care policy etc
System Models to be written from text book 3.7

1) First phase : Requirement analysis and specification.

 •This stage contains functional and non-functional requirements.
Processing and input/outputneeds.
Constraints of the system such as type and capacity of machine, response time, recoveryand
failure modes
2) Second phase : System and software design.
 • Taking input from SRS, system architecture is produced.
 • Designers describe units or modules.
 3)Third phase : Implementation and integration of software units.
 •Design is translated into programs or units.
 •Each unit is tested individually to ensure it matches with the design.
 •Common coding errors found here are typing mistakes, statement omission,
 wrong logical operator.
 •Pre-defined strategy (top-down/bottom-up) are used.
Final phase : Software use or operation and maintenance. 2 types of maintenance-Corrective
maintenance (modification due to error discovery) and adaptive maintenance (alterations due to
system requirements).
 Based on SDLC we have several models
 Waterfall model (Notes Xerox)
 Bohemia’s Spiral modelIterative enhancement model
The above are also called as Process models
Software Process : Description of process is given by
 1.Specification – what the system should do and its development constraints.
 2.Design-structure of software systems.
 3.Validation-checking the software to make sure it is what the customer wants.
 4.Evolution-changing the software in response to changing demand.
 Software models are an abstract representation of a software

 •Proposed by Boehm in 1988.

 •Each loop in the spiral represents a phase of the software process.
 •Innermost loop is concerned with System feasibility, next loop system requirement, next
loop system design and so on
 Each loop is split into 4 sectors :
 1.Objective setting – Project risks are identified, alternative strategies depending on these
risks mayy be pplanned.
 2.Risk assessment and reduction -Project risks are identified  detailed analysis carried steps
taken to reduce risks.
 Ex: A prototype system (Toy like implementation with limited functional capabilities and low
reliability just for the purpose of examining)
 3.Development and Validation – Choosing the most appropriate development model.
 4.Planning – Project is reviewed and decisions are made whether to continue with further
loop of the spiral.
Advantages and disadvantages (text)

Identifying risks and drawing up plans to minimize their effect on the project is called Risk
 Categories of risk can be defined as follows :
 1)Project risks –affects resources/schedule.
 2)Product risks-affects quality /performance of software being developed.
 3)Business risks-affects organization development.
 Process of risk management
 1.Risk Identification: Project, product and business risks are identified.
 2.Risk analysis : Consequences of risks are assessed.
 3.Risk planning : Addresses the risk either by avoiding it or minimizing its effects.
 4.Risk monitoring : Risk is constantly assessed and information about the risk becomes

 Risk Identification
 •This may be carried out as a brainstorming approach or may simply be based on a manager’s
experience. They include :
 1. Technology risks : Risks which derive from the software or hardware technologies.
 2. People risks : Associated with people in the development team.
 3. Organizational risks : organizational environment where the software is being developed.
 4. Requirement risks : derived from changes to the customer requirement.
 5. Estimation risks : management estimates of system characters and resources.
Risk Analysis
It relies on the judgement and experience of the project manager.
 The probability of the risk might be assessed as :
 Very low (<10%)
 low (10-25%)
 moderate (25-50%)
 high(50-75%) Very high (>75%)
Risk Planning
 The strategies are divided Into 3 :
 a)Avoidance strategies – dealing with defective components.
 b)Minimization strategies – strategy for staff illness.
 c)Contingency plans – strategy for organizational financial

Software is not just the programs but also all associated documentation and configuration data
which is needed to operate programs correctly. Software products may be developed for a
particular customer or may be developed
 for a general market. Software products may be
 • Generic – Stand alone systems.
 Developed to be sold to a range of different customers.
 Sold on the open market to any customer who is able to buy them.
 Examples : product include database, word processors, drawing packages etc
 • Bespoke (customized) -Software contractor develops for customer.
 -Developed for a single customer according to their specification.
 -Air traffic control system, control system for electronic

 Coping with legacy systems, coping with increasing diversity and coping with demands for
 reduced delivery times Legacy challenge
 • Old, valuable systems must be maintained and updated
  Heterogeneity challenge
 • Systems are distributed and include a mix of hardware and software
 Delivery challenge
 • There is increasing pressure for faster delivery of software
Software systems which are intended to provide automated support for software process activities. CASE systems are often used for method support

 Upper-CASE
 • Tools to support the early process activities of requirements and designLower-CASE
 • Tools to support later activities such as programming
 •Debugging and testing

The software should deliver the required functionality and performance to the user and should be
maintainable, dependable, efficient and usable
 a)Maintainability
 • Software must evolve to meet changing needs
 b) Dependability
 • Software must be trustworthy
 c) Efficiency
 • Software should not make wasteful use of system resources
 d)Usability
 • Software must be usable by the users for which it was designed

Software engineers must behave in an honest and ethically responsible way if they are to be respected as professionals.Ethical behavior is more than simply upholding the law.

 1.Confidentiality : Engineers should normally respect the confidentiality of their employers or

clients irrespective of whether or not a formal confidentiality agreement has been signed.
 2.Competence : Engineers should not misrepresent their level of competence. They should not
knowingly accept work which is out with their competence.
 3.Intellectual property rights : Engineers should be aware of local laws governing the use of
intellectual property such as patents, copyright, etc. They should be careful to ensure that the
intellectual property of employers and clients is protected.
 4.Computer misuse : Software engineers should not use their technical skills to misuse other
people’s computers. Computer misuse ranges from relatively trivial (game playing on an
employer’s machine, say) to extremely serious (dissemination of viruses).
System Engineering
Definition System: A System is a collection of inter related components that work together to
achieve some objective.
A system may include software, mechanical, electrical and electronic hardware and be
operated by people. Example – Security Camera Definition: System Engineering – The activity
of designing, implementing, validating, installing and maintaining systems as a whole is known
as System Engineering.
 * Systems are not independent but exist in an environment
 * System’s function may be to change its environment.
 * Environment affects the functioning of the system. e.g. system may require electrical supply
from its environment.

 •An architectural model presents an abstract view of the sub-systems making up a system.
 •May include major information flows between subsystems.
 •Usually presented as a block diagram.
 •May identify different types of functional component in the

Sub system functionalityy in the intruder alarm.

 Sensor y
 • Movement sensor, door sensor
 Actuator
 • Siren (Emits audible warning)
 Communication
 • Telephone caller(makes external calls)
 Co-ordination
 • Alarm controller (Controls system operations)
 Interface
 • Voice synthesizer. (notifies location of the suspect intruder)

Functional system components

 • Sensor components
 • Actuator components
 • Computation components
 • Communication components
 • Co-ordination components
 • Interface components
System componentsy p
 Sensor components
 • Collect information from the system’s environment e.g. radars in
 an air traffic control systemActuator components
 • Cause some change in the system’s environment e.g. valves in a process control system
which increase or decrease material flow in
 apipe Computation components
 • Carry out some computations on an input to produce an output e.g.
 a floating point processor in a computer system
 Communication components
 • Allow system components to communicate with each other e.g. network linking
 distributed computers. Co-ordination components
 • Co-ordinate the interactions of other system components e.g. scheduler in a real-time
 system. Interface components
 • Facilitate the interactions of other system components e.g. operator interface
 All components are now usually software controlled.
Component types in alarm system
  Sensor
 • Movement sensor, Door sensor
  Actuator
 • Siren
  Communication
 • Telephone caller
  Coordination
 • Alarm controller
  Interface
 • Voice synthesizer
System requirements definition
 Three types of requirement defined at this stage
 • Abstract functional requirements. System functions are defined in an abstract way
 • System properties. Non-functional requirements for the system in general are defined
 • Undesirable characteristics. Unacceptable system behavior is specified.
System objectives
Functional objectives
 • To provide a fire and intruder alarm system for the building which will provide internal and
external warning of fire or unauthorized intrusion.
 Organizational objectives
 • To ensure that the normal functioning of work carried out in the building is not seriously
disrupted by events such as fire and unauthorized intrusion.
The system design process
 •Partition requirements
 •Organize requirements into related groups
 • Identify sub-systems
 • Identify a set of sub-systems which collectively can meet the•system requirements
Assign requirements to sub-systems
 • Causes particular problems when COTS are integrated Specify sub-system functionality
 Define sub-system interfaces
 • Critical activity for parallel sub-system development

System design problems

Requirements partitioning to hardware, software and human components may involve a lot of
Difficult design problems are often assumed to be readily solved using software.
Hardware platforms may be inappropriate for software requirements so software must
compensate for this.
Sub-system development
Typically parallel projects developing the hardware, software and communications May involve some COTS (Commercial Off-the-Shelf) systems procurement. Lack of communication across implementation teams.
Bureaucratic and slow mechanism for proposing system changes means that the development
schedule may be extended because of the need for rework.
System integration
The process of putting hardware, software and people together to make a system.Should be tackled incrementally so that sub-systems are integrated one at a time. Interface problems between sub-systems are usually found at
this stage. May be problems with uncoordinated deliveries of system components.

System installation
Environmental assumptions may be incorrect May be human resistance to the introduction of a new system System may have to coexist with alternative systems for some time May be physical installation problems (e.g.
cabling problems) Operator training has to be identified.

System operation
Will bringg unforeseen requirements to lightgq
Users may use the system in a way which is not anticipated by system designers. May reveal problems in the interaction with other systems.

 • Physical problems of incompatibility

 • Data conversion problems
 • Increased operator error rate because of inconsistent interfaces
System Evolution
 •Large systems have a long lifetime. They must evolve to meet changing
requirementsEvolution is inherently costly.
 • Changes must be analyzed from a technical and business perspective
 • Sub-systems interact so unanticipated problems can arise
 • System structure is corrupted as changes are made to it, hence its cost changes.
 Existing systems which must be maintained are sometimes called legacy systems.
System Decommissioninggy
Taking the system out of service after its useful Lifetime. May require removal of materials (e.g.
dangerous chemicals) which pollute the environment.
 • Should be planned for in the system design by encapsulation. May require data to be
restructured and converted to be used in some other system.
IEEE Standards suggests the following structure for SRS document
 1. Introduction
 1.1 Purpose of the requirement’s document.
 1.2 Scope of the product.
 1.3 Definitions, acronyms and abbreviations.
 1.4 References
 1.5 Overview of remainder of the document.
 2. General Description
 2.1 Product perspective.
 2.2 Product functions.
 2.3 User characteristics.
 2.4 General constraints.
 2.5 Assumptions and dependencies.
 3.Specific Requirements
 3.1 Functional requirements
 3.2 Non Functional requirements
 3.3 Interface requirements
 4. Appendices
 5.Index

The process of establishing the services that the customer requires from a system and the
Constraints under which it operates is called Requirement Engineering process.
Feasibility studies
 • A feasibility study decides whether or not the proposed system is worthwThile

 • A short focused study that checks

 • If the syste1n contributes to organisational objectives

 If the syste1n can be engineered using cmrent technology and within budget

 • If the syste1n can be integrated with other systenis that are used
Feasibility study iinpleITientation
 • Based on information assessment (vvhat is r,equir,ed), information collection and report
 • Qu•estions for people in th,e organisation

 "\}\That if tbe systen1 wasn't in1.plen1.ented?

 Łat aTe cu1Tent prooess problems?

 Ho,v \\1ill the proposed systen11. help?

 "\}\That will be the integration problems?

 Is ne\\' technology needed? What skills?

 Łat facilities 1nust be suppo11ed by the proposed syste1n?

Elicitation and analysis

r,equir,ements ,disco,1ery
 • Invol,le'S te·chnical sta:fiworkin.g with customers to find out about th1e a:1Jplication
domain, th1e .servic,es that the system should provide and the· syst,em' s o,p,eratianal


Ma.y involve· e·n,d-us1ers, ma·na.gers, en.gine,ers i11volv1ed in maintena.11c1e, domain

1experts, tra,de
T h e requiremen. ts ana -1 ys1s . process
 Domain Understanding : The analyst must understand the Background Knowledge of the
 Requirement Collection : Gathering the requirement by involving the users and
 Requirement classification : Organizing the requirements gathered from different sources.
 Requirement conflicts : Involves stakeholders and engineers to solve the problems that
contradict the organization and business rules.
Requirement prioritization : Discovering the most important requirements by interacting with
stakeholders and organizing them into most priority order.
Requirement validation : Checks stakeholder’s expectation on the system with gathered
These are some of the reasons why Elicitation and analysis is a difficult task.

Stakeholders represent different ways of looking at a problem or problem viewpoints.There are 3

types of viewpoints:
 1. Interactive View points : Represents people or other systems that interact directlywith the
system. EX : In a bank ATM , the banks customer and banks account database.
 2. Indirect view points : Represents stakeholders who do not use the system directly but
influence the system in some way. EX : Management of the bank and bank securitystaff.
 3. Domain view points : Represents domain characteristics and constraints that influence
system requirements. EX : Standards that have been developed for inter banking communication

like ATM.
 • Scenarios are descriptions of how a system is used in practice
 • They are helpful in requirements elicitation as people can relate to these more readily than
abstract staten1ent of what they require fron1 a system
 • Scenarios are pa1ticularly useful for adding detail to an outline requiretnents description
Scenario descriptions
 • System state at the beginning of the scenario
 • Normal flow of events in th,e soenario
 • What can go wrong and ho,;v this is handled
 • Other concurrent activities
 • System state on completion of the scenario

“Ethnography is an observational technique that can used to understand social and organizational
  Ethnography and prototyping

Scope of ethnography

 • Requir,em,ents that ar•e deriv,ed from the ,vay that p,eople actually work rath,er than the
way I which process ,definitions suggest that they ought to ,vork
 •
 •
 Requirem,ents that ar,e deriv,
 ed from cooperation
 and awaren,
 ess of other people's activities

Requirement Evolution
Based on the Requirement Evolution, requirements are classified into 2 types:
 • Enduring Requirements• Volatile Requirements
Enduring and volatile requirements
 ,. Enduring req_uire·ments .. Sta.ble r1eL1uirements ,deriv,ed :from the core a1ctivity of the
customer ,orga.nisati10,n .. E._g .. ,a ho,spital will always hav1e ,d.octors, nurse·s, ,etc. May be·
derive·,d from. do111ain models
 ,., V,olatile re·quiretnents.Ł R,equir,eme·nts whi1ch c.han_g,e ,du1ing ,d.,e,lelop1m,ent or
when th,e system is in us,e. In ,a. h1ospital, requir1e111,ents ,d,eriv1ed :fr10,m h,ealth-care
policy 1
Requirements management planning
• Durin.g the requirem.1e11ts 1engin1eering pr1oc.ess, you ha.ve· to _p1la.n:

 Requiren1et1ts identif1cation

 » Ho,v require1nents are individually identified

 A cha11ge nianagen1e·nt process

 » Tl1e process foUov,.red wbeu analr vsing Ł a. require1nents chan0 °e

 TraceaJbility policies

 >) Tl1e amount of infonnation about require1nents reillationsl1ips that is. 1na inta ine d.

 1CASE tool suppo11

 » The tool support required to help manage require1nents cJ1ange
Definition : “ System models are graphical representation that describes business processes, the
problem to be solved and the system that is to be developed.”
A prototype is an enact able mock-up , toy like implementationand dummy model that enables
evaluation of features or functions through user and developer interaction with operational
  It is an incomplete model.
  It represents only few aspects of final solution. It is beneficial in research oriented
  It helps to drive towards refine requirements and evolve
 final systems. It incurs additional development efforts.
Prototyping obj,ectives
 • Th,e objective ,of ev,olutio.n,ary prototyping is to de]iv1er a working syste·m to ,end--
users. The de·veloptnent starts with thos,e· r1equirements w·hi1ch are be,st understoo,d.

 The obj"ective of throw-away prototypin,g is to va]idate· o,r

derive the systein requiretnents. Th,e· .prototypin.g pro,cess sta11s ·with those requirements
which are· p,oorly m1dersto,o,d
Approaches to prototyping

Evolutionary prototyping
 • Must b1e u.s1ed for syste1ns wl1ere the sp,ecifi1cation 1cai111ot b,e ,de,velo,pe,d in
advan.c,e et,gt AI systems and user interfa,c.e systen1s
 • Based on te,chni1qt11es which allo,w rapid syst1em


as t h ere llO specificationŁ Validation mea.ns 1d.em,onstratin.g th.e adequacy

of· the system
E vo I ut1onary ,. prototyping

Throw-away prototyping
 • Used to redu.,ce requir1ements risk
 • Th,e, prototype is develope·d from an initial specification,. 1deliv·er,ed for ,experiment then
 • The throw-a.way prototype shou]d NOT be 1conside·r1ed as a final system
 • Som,e sys1e1n characteristics m.ay hav·e been left out
 • There ils no specmficatmon for Ion_g-tem1 maintenance
 • Th,e· system wifill be poorly structur,ed and diufficul.t to maintain
Throw-away prototyping
P rototyp1ng process

Software design creates a representation or model of the

software which involves creativity rules, customer
requirementsand technical considerations in the development of
the system.
DESIGN QUALITY Categorized into 4 1.Cohesion 2.Coupling 3.Understandability
1. Cohesion : Measures the semantic strength of relationship between components
within a functional unit.
Seven levels of Cohesion 1.Coincidental Cohesion 2.Logical Cohesion 3.Temporal Cohesion
4.Communicational Cohesion 5.Procedural Cohesion 6. Sequential Cohesion 7.Functional
1. Coupling : Measures the strength of all relationship between functional unit. Coupling is
divided into 1. Tight Coupling2. Loose Couplinggp
Classification of failures Failures are classified into 7 categories1.Transient Failure
 • Occurs for input values, Occurs for short period of time. Example : Network issues
2.Permanent Failure
 • Occurs for all input values. Example : If printoperation shows an error, printing fails.
 3. Recovery Failure
 • Occurs when system recovers without operatorintervention. Example: Press ctrl+alt+del
 4. Unrecoverable Failure
 • System can recover with operator intervention. Example : Restarting system when system
 Conti…
 5. Corrupting Failure
 • Failure corrupts the system state or data. Example: A programmer running a wrong data
structure repeatedly will corrupt the software.
 6. Non Corrupting Failure• Failure does not corrupt the system state or data.
 Example : A wrongg key pressed duringg the operationpp y p of the computer may hang the
current process but will not affect working of computer in use.
 7. Cosmetic Failure
 • Causes minor irritations or incorrect results. Example : Dragging an icon from one point to
another mayresult in the icon bouncing back to its original position instead of its destination
Software Reliability Metrics
Definition :
Metrics are units of measurement of a system. System reliability is measured by counting the
number of operational failures. They have come up on hardware reliability and not applicable to
There are 6 metrics for reliability1. ROCOF – Rate of occurrence of failure. 2. MTTF – Mean
time to failure 3. MTTR – Mean time to repair4. MTBF – Mean time between failure 5. POFOD
– Probability of failure on Demand. 6. AVAIL -Availability

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