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Shivaji University, Kolhapur. Circular No. 126 Exam of May, - 2012

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S H I V A J I U N I V E R S I T Y, K O L H A P U R. Circular No.

126 Exam of May, - 2012

Final Programme of the F.E. to B.E. SEM.-I to SEM.-VIII Examinations in the Branches Civil/ Mechanical/ Electrical/ Electronics/ Chemical/ Production/ Electronics and Tele-Comm./ Instrumentation/ Environmental/ Automobile/ Computer/ Information Technology/ Biotechnology/ Electrical & Electronics to be held in May. - 2012.

1. The candidates are requested to be present at their respective place of examination FIFTEEN MINUTES before the time appointed for setting of the First paper and TEN MINUTES before the time of setting of each subsequent paper. They are forbidden to take any book or paper into the Examination Hall.

2. The Written, Practical and Oral Examinations will be held at the following places.
No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Place Annasaheb Dange, College of Engg. & Tech., Ashta Govt. College of Engineering, Karad Bharthi Vidyapeeth College of Engineering, Kolhapur. KOLHAPUR D. Y. Patil College of Engg. & Tech., Kolhapur KITs College of Engineering. Kolhapur JAYSINGPUR J. J. Magdum College of Eng. Jaysingpur BUDHAGAON P.V.P. Institute of Technology, Budhagaon. SAKHARALE Rajarambapu Institute of Tech. College of Eng. Sakharale SATARA K.B.P. College of Eng. & Polytechnic, Satara ICHALKARANJI D.K.T.E.s Textile & Engg. Inst. Ichalkaranji WARANANAGAR Tatyasaheb Kore Inst. of Eng. & Tech. Warananagar SANGLI Shri Ambabai Talim, College of Engg & Tech, Wanlesswadi Miraj SOLAPUR H. N. College, Solapur. PANDHARPUR H. N. College, Solapur.. RAIGAON Late NBC Institute of Engg & Tech., Raigaon (Satara) LIMB Satara College of Engg. & Mgt. Limb, Tal:/Dist: Satara. BANAWADI Dr. Daulatrao Aher College of Engg. Banawadi VITA Adarsh Inst. of Tech.& Research Centre, Vita, Dist: Sangli Yadrav Sharad Institute of Techs College of Engg Yadrav, Tal: Shirol, Wadwadi Abhinav Edu.Society, College of Engg & Tech, Wadwadi, Khandala, Atigre Sou.S.D. Ghodawat Charitable Trusts Group of Insti, Atigre Panhala Sanjeevan Engineering & Technology, Institute, Panhala, Miraj Shri Ambabai Talim, College of Engg & Tech, Wanlesswadi Miraj Vathar-tarf Shri. Balasaheb Mane Shikshan Prasarak Mandal, Vadgaon Group of Institutions, Vathar-Tarf-Wadgaon, Kille Machindragad Jaywant College of Engg. & Mgt., Walva, Kille Machindragad. Panmalewadi, Post : Varye, Vikaswadi, Tal.-Kagal Talsande, Tal.-Hatkanangale Thakurki, Tal.- Phaltan Wadhe, Satara Peth, Tal.- Walwa Kavalapur Arvind Gavali College of Engineering, Panmalewadi, Post : Varye, Tal/Dist: Satara. Dhananjay Mahadik Group of Institutions, 209/A, NH-4, Vikaswadi, Kagal, Kolhapur D.Y. Patil Education Societys, D.Y. Patil Technical Campus, Talsande, Tal: Hatkanangale, Dist: Kolhapur. Phaltan Education Societys Colege of Engineering, Sr.No. 31, A/p: Thakurki, Tal: Phaltan, Dist: Satara. Yashoda Technical Campus, Faculty of Engg, Wadhe, Satara. Centre ASHTA KARAD

Nanasaheb Mahadik College of Engineering Peth,

Vishnuanna Patil Institute of Engg & Tech. A/p: Kavalapur,

3. The written examination will be conducted in the following order:



FE to BE. (All Branches) Exam. May 2012.

F.E. SEM.-I Day & Date

Tuesday 15.05.2012 Wednesday 16.05.2012

Time: 10.00 am. to 01.00 pm.

Engineering Mathematics I (40903) Applied Mechanics Basic Electronics and Computer Programming in C ----Engineering Physics (Common For F.E. Sem. I & II) Engineering Chemistry (Common For F.E. Sem. I & II) (40901) (40902) (40904)

09.00 a.m. To 01.00 pm.




18.05.2012 Saturday 19.05.2012 Monday 21.05.2012

Engineering Graphics



Day & Date

Saturday 19.05.2012 Monday 21.05.2012

Time: 10.00 am. to 01.00 pm.

Engineering Physics
(Common For F.E. Sem. I & II)



Engineering Chemistry
(Common For F.E. Sem. I & II)



Thursday 24.05.2012 Saturday 26.05.2012 Tuesday 29.05.2012


Engineering Mathematics- II Basic Civil Engineering Basic Mechanical Engineering Basic Electrical Engineering

41410 41411 41412 41413




FE to BE. (All Branches) Exam. May 2012.

S.E. SEM. III (From Dec., 2008) (Time: : 02..30 pm. To 05.30 pm)

Day & Date Monday 07.05.2012

Civil Environmental Mechanical Automobile Electrical Electronics Chemical Production Instrumentation Electronics & TeleCommunication Computer Science & Engineering Information Technology Bio-Technology Electrical & Electronics

Engineering Maths- III (42654)

Environmental Chemistry


Engineering Maths- III


Engineering Maths- III


Engineering Maths- III


Engineering Maths- III


Engineering Maths- III


Engineering Maths- III


Applied Engineering Maths.


Engineering Maths- III *Switching Theory For repeater students Applied Maths I

(42727) (46031)


Engineering Maths- III


Engineering Maths- III




FE to BE. (All Branches) Exam. May 2012.

S.E. SEM. III (From Dec., 2008) (Time: : 02..30 pm. To 05.30 pm)

Day & Date

Surveying- I


Tuesday 08.05.2012

Environmental Mechanical Automobile Electrical Electronics Chemical

Engineering Mathematics- III


Applied Thermodynamics


Engineering Thermodynamics


Analog Electronics


Electrical Machines


Chemistry- I



Machine Drawing (Time: 01.30 pm. To 05.30 pm)


Instrumentation Electronics & TeleCommunication Computer Science & Engineering Information Technology Bio-Technology Electrical & Electronics

Electrical Machines


Electrical Machines & Measurements Discrete Mathematical Structures Written- 01.30 pm to 03.30 pm Online- 04.00 pm to 05.00 pm O M R- 05.00 pm to 06.00 pm Data Structure & Algorithms

(42728) (42682)




Digital Electronics & Linear Integrated Circuits (50184)



FE to BE. (All Branches) Exam. May 2012.

S.E. SEM. III (From Dec., 2008) (Time: : 02..30 pm. To 05.30 pm.)

Day & Date



Friday 11.05.2012

Environmental Mechanical Automobile Electrical Electronics Chemical Production Instrumentation Electronics & TeleCommunication

Ecology & Environmental Sanitation


Manufacturing Processes -----------------------------


Applied Maths. Computer Science & Engineering Information Technology Bio-Technology Electrical & Electronics
Written- 01.30 pm to 03.30 pm Online- 04.00 pm to 05.00 pm O M R- 05.00 pm to 06.00 pm ---------


Electrical Circuit Analysis




FE to BE. (All Branches) Exam. May 2012.

S.E. SEM. III (From Dec., 2008) (Time: : 02..30 pm. To 05.30 pm.)
Day & Date

Fluid Mechanics- I

(42658) ----Fluid Mechanics Electrical Technology Generation & Its Economics Data Structures & Algorithms Mechanical Operations Machine Tools & Processes Electronic Device & Circuits Digital Design Digital Systems & Microprocessors (42665) (42671) (42711) (42679) (42725) (42691) (42698) (42731) (42685)

Saturday 12.05.2012

Environmental Mechanical Automobile Electrical Electronics Chemical Production Instrumentation Electronics & TeleCommunication Computer Science & Engineering Information Technology Bio-Technology Electrical & Electronics Civil

Written- 01.30 pm to 03.30 pm Online- 04.00 pm to 05.00 pm O M R- 05.00 pm to 06.00 pm

Multimedia Techniques Unit Operations I (42705) (42718)

Electrical Circuit Analysis & Design


Wednesday 16.05.2012

* Computer Programming C++ (36287) (As per old course up to May 2012) *Computer Programming C++ (36192) (Time: 02.30 pm. To 04.30 pm.) (As per old course up to May 2012) * Computer Programming C++ (36201) (Time: 02.30 pm. To 04.30 pm.) (As per old course up to May 2012) *Mathematics for Computer Science (46030)


Production Computer Science & Engineering



FE to BE. (All Branches) Exam. May 2012.

S.E. SEM. III (From Dec., 2008) (Time: : 02..30 pm. To 05.30 pm.) Day & Date


Structural Mechanics- I (42656)

Monday 14.05.2012


Surveying Remote Sensing & GIS



Electrical Technology & Computer Programming C++ (42662)

Automobile Electrical Electronics Chemical Production Instrumentation Electronics & TeleCommunication Computer Science & Engineering Information Technology Bio-Technology Electrical & Electronics

Fluid Mechanics


Electrical Circuit Analysis


Electronic Circuit Analysis & Design I (42677)



Thermal Engineering


Electrical Measurements & Instruments (42696)

Analog Electronic Circuits & Design I (42729) Data Structures Written- 01.30 pm to 03.30 pm Online- 04.00 pm to 05.00 pm O M R- 05.00 pm to 06.00 pm Digital System & Microprocessor (42683)


Cell Biology


Power Systems I




FE to BE. (All Branches) Exam. May 2012.

S.E. SEM. III (From Dec., 2008) (Time: : 02..30 pm. To 05.30 pm.)

Day & Date Tuesday 15.05.2012


Building Construction (01.30 pm. To 05.30 pm.) (42657)

Environmental Mechanical Automobile Electrical Electronics Chemical

Fluid Mechanics Machine Drawing (01.30 pm. To 05.30 pm.) Engineering Materials

(43203) (42663)


DC machines & Transformers


Network Analysis


Fluid Mechanics


Production Instrumentation Electronics & TeleCommunication Computer Science & Engineering Information Technology Bio-Technology Electrical & Electronics

Electrical Technology & Industrial Electronics (42690) Circuit Theory & Analysis (42697)

Linear Circuits Computer Networks- I Written- 01.30 pm to 03.30 pm Online- 04.00 pm to 05.00 pm O M R- 05.00 pm to 06.00 pm Theory of Computer Science

(42730) (42684)


Macro molecules Biomembrances





FE to BE. (All Branches) Exam. May 2012.

S.E. SEM. IV (Environmental Engineering)

(Time: 10.00 am to 01.00 am.) Day & Date


Environmental Microbiology

Wednesday 16.05.2012





Environmental Chemo Dynamics


Monday 21.05.2012


Environmental Geology and Hydrology


Wednesday 23.05.2012


Ecology & Environmental Sanitation


Friday 25.05.2012


Water Supply Engineering


Environment Resources & Energy Monday 28.05.2012


(Time: 10.00 am to 12.00 noon..)





FE to BE. (All Branches) Exam. May 2012.

S.E. SEM. IV (From May 2009) (Time: 10.00 am. to 01.00 pm.)
Day & Date Sunday 13.05.2012 Branch Paper

All Branches

Environmental Studies
(Time: 11.00 am. To 02.00 pm.)


Day & Date Wednesday 16.05.2012

Environmental Mechanical Automobile Electrical Electronics Chemical Production Instrumentation Electro & Tele Com. Computer Sci. & Engg.
Information Tech.

Paper with Branches

Structural Mechanics-II Environmental Microbiology Analysis of Mech Elements Programming & Computational Methods Signals & systems Electronic Circuit Analysis & Design II Engg. Maths-IV Advanced Machine Tools & Processes Digital systems & Micro processes Analog Electronic Circuits & Design- II Automata Theory
Written- 10.00 am to 12.00 pm Online- 12.30 pm to 01.30 pm O M R- 01.30 pm to 02.30 pm

(43586) (43669) (43592) (43600) (43643) (43608) (43656) (43621) (43629) (43663) (43614)

Applied Mathematics- II Biostatistics Electric Machine - I Surveying II Environmental Geology Numerical Methods Kinematics of Machines (Time: 10.00 am to 02.00 pm.) A.C. Machines Analog Communication Chemistry- II Foundry Technology Automatic Control systems Electronics Communication Systems Computer Networks-II
Written- 10.00 am to 12.00 pm Online- 12.30 pm to 01.30 pm O M R- 01.30 pm to 02.30 pm

(43636) (43649) (51184) (43587) (43670) (43593) (43601) (43644) (43609) (43657) (43622) (43630) (43664) (43615)

Biotechnology Electrical & Electronics Civil: Friday


Environmental: Mechanical: Automobile: Electrical Electronics: Chemical: Production: Instrumentation: Electro & Tele Com. Computer Sci. & Engg. Information Tech Biotechnology Electrical & Electronics

Advanced Microprocessors Unit Operations- II Power Systems-II

(43637) (43650) (51485)




FE to BE. (All Branches) Exam. May 2012.

S.E. SEM. IV (From May 2009) (Time: 10.00 am. to 01.00 pm.) Day & Date

Paper with Branches

Engineering Geology Water Supply Engineering Metallurgy Metallurgy & Metal Treatments Signals & systems Process calculation Analysis of Machine Elements Sensors & Transducers Microprocessor & Peripherals Computer Organization Computer Sci. & Engg.
Information Technology: Written- 10.00 am to 12.00 pm Online- 12.30 pm to 01.30 pm O M R- 01.30 pm to 02.30 pm

(43588) (43671) (43594) (43602) (43610) (43658) (43623) (43631) (43665) (43616)

Monday 21.05.2012

Environmental: Mechanical: Automobile: Electrical Electronics: Chemical: Production: Instrumentation: Electronics & Tele Com.:

Industrial Management & Economics (43645)

Data Communication Enzyme Technology Building Design (Time: 10.00 am to 02.00 pm.) Environmental Chemo Dynamics Machine Tool Fluid Machines Electrical Measurement Digital Design Heat Transfer Welding Technology Data structures Advanced Microprocessors
Written- 10.00 am to 12.00 pm Online- 12.30 pm to 01.30 pm O M R- 01.30 pm to 02.30 pm

(43638) (43651) (43589) (43672) (43595) (43603) (43646) (43611) (43659) (43624) (43666) (43617)

Biotechnology Electrical & Electronics

Electrical & Electronics Measurement (51186)

Wednesday 23.05.2012

Civil: Environmental: Mechanical: Automobile: Electrical Electronics: Chemical: Production: Instrumentation: Electronics & Tele Com.: Computer Sci. & Engg.

Thermal & Fluid Power Engineering (43632)

Information Technology Biotechnology Electrical & Electronics Workshop Practice- IV Practical-

Computer Organization & Architecture (43639) Metabolic Pathways and their Regulations (43652) Signals and Systems i) Mechanical ii) Production (51187) (43599) (43627)




FE to BE. (All Branches) Exam. May 2012.

S.E. SEM. IV (From May 2009) (Time: 10.00 am. to 01.00 pm.) Day & Date

Paper with Branches

Fluid Mechanics -II Energy & Environment Theory of Machines - I (Time: 10.00 am to 02.00 pm.) Strength of Materials Digital system & Microprocessor (43590) (43673) (43596) (43604) (43647) Environmental: Mechanical: Automobile: Electrical Electronics: Chemical: Production: Instrumentation: Electronics & Tele Com.: Computer Sci. & Engg.
Information Technology:

Friday 25.05.2012

Electronics Measurement & Instrumentation (43612) Chemical Engg & Thermodynamics- I ( 43660) Theory of Machines I (Time: 10.00 am to 02.00 pm.) Linear Integrated Circuits Electromagnetic Fields Software Engineering
Written- 10.00 am to 12.00 pm Online- 12.30 pm to 01.30 pm O M R- 01.30 pm to 02.30 pm

(43625) (43633) (43667) (43618)

Software Engineering Molecular Biology Microprocessors and Peripherials --Fluid & Turbo Machinery Manufacturing Processes Linear Algebra Integrated Circuits & Applications ---------i) Mechanical ii) Production

(43641) (43653) (51188)

Biotechnology Electrical & Electronics Civil:

Monday 28.05.2012

Environmental: Mechanical: Automobile: Electrical Electronics: Chemical: Production: Instrumentation: Electronics & Tele Com.: Computer Sci. & Engg. Information Technology Biotechnology Electrical & Electronics Workshop Practice- IV Practical-

(43597) (43605) (36438) (46644)

(43599) (43627)



FE to BE. (All Branches) Exam. May 2012. T.E. SEM. V (New course) From Dec. 2009 (Time: 10.00 am to 01.00 pm)


Day & Date

1) Civil:

Paper with Branches

Designs of Steel Structures Waste Water Engineering Theory of Machines-II Dynamics of Machines Electromagnetic (45536) (42958) (45549) (45656) (45576)
2) Environmental: 3) Mechanical: 4) Automobile: 5) Electrical: 6) Electronics: 7) Chemical: 8) Production: 9) Instrumentation: 10) Electronics & Tele Com. 11) Computer Sci. & Engg.:



Microprocessor Peripherals & Interfacing (45589) Process Instrumentation & Instrumental Methods of Analysis (45630) Metallurgy-I Fiber Optics & Communication Microcontroller Computer Graphics
Written- 10.00 am to 12.00 pm Online- 12.30 pm to 01.30 pm O M R- 01.30 pm to 02.30 pm

(45615) (45643) (45686) (45601)

12) Information Technology: 13) Biotechnology: 1) Civil:

Operating System - I Biological Thermodynamics Geo-technical Engineering-I Urban & Rural Planning Heat & Mass Transfer Heat & Mass Transfer Power System Analysis

(45672) (45698) (45537) (42959) (45550) (45657) (45577)

Tuesday 08.05.2012

2) Environmental: 3) Mechanical: 4) Automobile: 5) Electrical: 6) Electronics: 7) Chemical: 8) Production: 9) Instrumentation: 10) Electronics & Tele Com. 11) Computer Sci. & Engg. 12) Information Technology: 13) Biotechnology:

Analog Integrated Circuits & Applications(45590) Computer Techniques in Chemical Engg. (45631) Theory of Machines-II (45616) Advanced Control Systems Signals & Systems System Programming Computer Network Immunology (45644) (45687) (45602) (45673) (45699)




FE to BE. (All Branches) Exam. May 2012.

T.E. SEM. V (New course) From Dec. 2009 (Time: 10.00 am to 01.00 pm)

Day & Date 1) Civil:


Paper with Branches

Environmental Engineering-I Green Building Manufacturing Engineering (Time: 10.00 am. To 02.00 pm.)
Principles of Design & Component Design

(45540) (42962) (45565) (45658) (45580) (45593) (45634) (45619) (45647) (45690) (45605)


2) Environmental: 3) Mechanical: 4) Automobile: 5) Electrical: 6) Electronics: 7) Chemical: 8) Production: 9) Instrumentation:

10) Electronics & Tele Com.: 11) Computer

Digital Signal Processing Control System Engineering Chemical Equipment Design-I Metal Forming & Plastics Technology Analytical Instrumentation Optical Communication & Net work Network Technologies
Written- 10.00 am to 12.00 pm Online- 12.30 pm to 01.30 pm O M R- 01.30 pm to 02.30 pm

Sci. &

Engg. :
12) Information Technology:

Organizational Management & Behavior (45676) Bioinformatics (45702)

13) Biotechnology:

Civil Environmental Mechanical: Automobile Electrical: Electronics: Chemical: Production: Instrumentation:



2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9)

* Engineering Management-I (37652) (As per old course up to May 2012) Machine Design-I ----(45551)

* Computer Organizational and Processor Design (50343) (Replace subject for Computer Org. (37671))
Metrology -------Electronics Communication System Computer Network Concepts* (37719) (40016) (37716) (45620)

10) Electronics & Tele Com.: 11) Computer Sci. & Engg. 12) Information Tech: 13)

* Replace Subject for Pre-revised Repeaters

Digital Communication Concepts * Bio-statistics (37729) (As per old course up to May 2013)




FE to BE. (All Branches) Exam. May 2012. T.E. SEM. V (New course) From Dec. 2009 (Time: 10.00 am to 01.00 pm)


Day & Date Monday 14.05.2012 1) Civil

2) Environmental:

Paper with Branches

Water Resources Engg.-I Water Resources Engineering 1) Control Engineering 2) Control Engineering Metrology & Quality Control Instrumentation Techniques Digital System Design Mass Transfer-I Design of Machine Elements Industrial Power Electronics Antennas and Wave Propagation Operating System-I (45538) (42960) (45566) (48709) (45659) (45578) (45591) (45632) (45617) (45645) (45688) (45603)

3) Mechanical: 4) Automobile: 5) Electrical: 6) Electronics: 7) Chemical: 8) Production: 9) Instrumentation:

10) Electronics & Tele Com.: 11) Computer Sci. & Engg.
12) Information Technology:

Object Oriented Modeling and Design (45674) Fermentation Technology Concrete Technology Environmental Geotechnology Metrology & Quality Control Automotive Transmission Feedback Control Systems Electromagnetic Engineering (45700) (45539) (42961) (45564) (45660) (45579) (45592)

13) Biotechnology: 1) Civil:



2) Environmental: 3) Mechanical: 4) Automobile: 5) Electrical: 6) Electronics: 7) Chemical: 8) Production: 9) Instrumentation: 10)

Electronics & Tele Com. Engg.:

Chemical Engg. Thermodynamics-II (45633) Metal Cutting Technology Unit Operation Linear Integrated Circuits Computer Algorithms System Software Genetic Engineering (45618) (45646) (45689) (45604) (45675) (45701)

11) Computer Sci. & 12) Information Technology: 13) Biotechnology:




FE to BE. (All Branches) Exam. May 2012.

T.E. Sem V (Old Course) (Upto Dec.-2011) (Time: 02.30 pm. To 05.30 pm.)

Subject continued from old course as per equivalence

Day & Date Tuesday 31.5.2012 Branch Electronics Name of Paper Analog and Digital Communication
(Replace subject for Communication Engg.II) (37672)

Code No. (50344)

T.E. SEM. VI (Old Course) (Time: 02.30 pm. To 05.30 pm.)

Subject continued from old course as per equivalence

Day & Date Wednesday 30.5.2012 ,, Branch Automobile Electronics ,, ,, ,, Instrumentation Information Tech. Biotechnology Paper and Paper Code No. Mechanical Measurement & Control


Electronics Design Technology (50345) (Replace subject for Electronics System Design) (37753) Chemical & Analytical Instrumentation (37782) Image Processing Concepts (51323) (Replace subject for repeater students only) Bioinformatics (37814) (As per old course up to May 2013)

Day & Date

Saturday 01.06.2012

Automobile Electronics Instrumentation Workshop Practice-VI Practical

Paper and Paper Code No. Automobile Systems II (37789)

* Mobile & Satellite Communication (911)

,, ,,

Unit Operation
i) Mechanical ii) Production

(37743) (37768)

* Replaced subject for Pre-revised course for Repeater Candidates only




FE to BE. (All Branches) Exam. May 2012.

T.E. SEM. VI (New Course) From May 2010 (Time: 02.30 pm. To 05.30 pm.) Day & Date Thursday 17.05.2012
1) Civil : 2) Environmental : 3) Mechanical : 4) Automobile : 5) Electrical: 6) Electronics: 7) Chemical : 8) Production: 9) Instrumentation : 10) Electronics & Tele Com. 11) Computer Sci. & Engg.: 12) Information Tech. : 13) Biotechnology: 1) Civil 2) Environmental

Paper with Branches

Structural Mechanic-III (45542) Air Pollution-I (43683) Machine Design -II (45568) Automotive Component Manufacturing (45664) Pawar System Stebility and Control (45583) Microcontrollers (45595) Industrial Economics, Management & Entrepreneurship (45636) Metallurgy-II (45622) Microcontroller & Applications (45649) Digital Signal Processing (45692) --------------Database Engineering (45679) Industrial Economics, Management & Entrepreneurship (45709) Geotechnical Engineering-II (45543) Solid Waste Management (43684) Renewable Energy Engineering (45569) Industrial Organization & Management (45665) Control System Design (45584) Digital Communication (45596) Plant Utility & Pollution Control (45637) Industrial Management (45623) Industrial Automation-I (45650) Digital Communication (45693) Operating System-II (45609) Operating System-II (45680) Microbial Technology (45707) Engineering Management (45544) Environmental Management (43685) I.C. Engines (45570) I.C. Engines (45666) Power Electronics (45585) Power Electronics (45597) Mass Transfer-II (45638) Industrial Hydraulics and Pneumatics (45624) Process Control (45651) VLSI Design (45694) Database Engineering (45610) Software Testing and Quality Assurance (45681) Bio Instrumentation (45705)

Saturday 19.05.2012

3) Mechanical 4)Automobile: 5) Electrical: 6) Electronics: 7) Chemical: 8) Production: 9) Instrumentation: 10) Electronics & Tele Com. 11) Computer Sci. & Engg.: 12) Information Tech.: 13) Bio-Technology: 1) Civil: 2) Environmental: 3) Mechanical: 4) Automobile: 5) Electrical: 6) Electronics: 7) Chemical: 8) Production: 9) Instrumentation: 10) Electronics & Tele Com.: 11) Computer Sci. & Engg.: 12) Information Technology: 13) Bio-Technology:

Tuesday 22.05.2012




FE to BE. (All Branches) Exam. May 2012.

T.E. SEM. VI (New Course) From May 2010

(Time: 02.30 pm. To 05.30 pm.)
Day & Date Paper with Branches 1) 2) 3) 4) 5)

Thursday 24.05..2012

Civil: Environmental: Mechanical: Automobile:

Water Resource Engineering-II Noise Pollution Control Industrial Fluid Power Automotive Chassis

(45545) (43686) (45571) (45667)

Electrical: 6) Electronics: 7) Chemical:

8) 9)

Production: Instrumentation:

10) Electronics & Tele Com.: 11) Computer Sci. & Engg. 12) Information Tech.: 13) Bio-Technology:

1) Civil:

Saturday 26.05.2012

2) Environmental: 3) Mechanical: 4) Automobile: 5) Electrical: 6) Electronics: 7) Chemical: 8) Production: 9) Instrumentation: 10) Electronics & Tele Com.: 11) Computer Sci. & Engg. 12) Information Tech.: 13) Bio-Technology:

Microcontroller & Its Applications (45586) Digital Signal Processing (45598) Process Dynamics & Control (45639) Design of Jigs Fixtures and Dies (45625) (Time: 01.30 pm. to 05.30 pm.) Signals & Systems (45652) Industrial & Power Electronics (45695) Object Oriented Modeling and Design (45611) Written- 01.30 pm to 03.30 pm Online- 04.00 pm to 05.00 pm O M R- 05.00 pm to 06.00 pm Internet Technology (45682) Medical Bio Technology (45706) Environmental Engineering-II (45546) Quality Surveying & Valuation (43687) (Time: 01.30 pm. to 05.30 pm.) Computer Integrated Manufacturing (45572) Vehicle Body Engineering (45668) Communication Engineering (45587) Industrial Management & Operation Research (45599) Chemical Reaction Engineering-I (45640) Quality Management (45626) Industrial Management (45653) Industrial Management & Operation Research (45696) Information Security (45612) Information System Security (45683)
Drug Development and Gene Therapy (45708)




FE to BE. (All Branches) Exam. May 2012.

T.E. SEM. VI (New Course) From May 2010

(Time: 02.30 pm. To 05.30 pm.)
1) Civil: 2) Environmental:

Tuesday 29.05.2012

3) Mechanical: 4) Automobile:
5) Electrical: 6) Electronics 7) Chemical:

8) Production: 9) Instrumentation:
10) Electronics & Tele Comm.

11) Computer Sci. & Engg.

12) Information Tech.:



--------Industrial Management Operation Research (45573) Hydraulics & Pneumatics (45669) ------------Machine Tools & Product Design (45627) --------Compiler Construction (45608) Written- 01.30 pm to 03.30 pm Online- 04.00 pm to 05.00 pm O M R- 05.00 pm to 06.00 pm ---------

Workshop Practice-VI




FE to BE. (All Branches) Exam. May 2012.

B.E. SEM. VII (New Course) From Dec. 2010 (Time: 02.30 pm to 05.30 pm.)
Day & Date Monday 07.05.2012 1) Civil 2) Environmental 3) Mechanical: 4) Automobile: 5) Electrical: 6) Electronics: 7) Chemical: 8) Production: 9) Instrumentation:
10) Electronics & Tele Com.:

Paper with Branches

Design of Concrete Structure-I Industrial Waste Treatment Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Engine & Machine Design Electrical Drives and Control Embedded System Design (47901) (45953) (47979) (47864) (47935) (47946) (47888) (47993) (47961) (47926) (47917) (47971) (47876) (47904) (45952) (47980) (47865) (47936) (39134)

Chemical Reaction Engg.-II Operation Research Advanced Process Instrumentation Computer Communication Network Advanced Computer Architecture Mobile Technology Bioreaction Engineering Transportation Engineering Air Pollution - II Mechanical System Design Vehicle Dynamics 1 High Voltage Engineering 2 *Non Linear and Digital Control Systems

11) Computer Sci. & Engg.

12) Information Tech.: 13) Biotechnology: Tuesday 08.05.2012 1) Civil: 2) Environmental: 3) Mechanical: 4) Automobile: 5) Electrical: 6) Electronics: 7) Chemical: 8) Production: 9) Instrumentation:
10) Electronics & Tele Com.

*Subject continued for old course repeater students till passes

Power Electronics and Drives Chemical Process & Synthesis Mechatronic Systems Instrumentation System Design Wireless Communication Distributed System Advanced Database Systems Protein Engineering

(47947) (47889) (47994) (47962) (47927) (47918) (47972) (47877)

11) Computer Sci. & Engg.

12) Information Tech.: 13) Biotechnology:



FE to BE. (All Branches) Exam. May 2012. B.E. SEM. VII (New Course) From Dec. 2010


(Time: 02.30 pm to 05.30 pm)

Day & Date Friday 11.05.2012

Paper with Branches

1) Civil: Elective-I
i) Advanced Geo-technical Engineering (39055) ii) Traffic Engineering and Control (39057) iii) Behavioral Science (39061) iv) Managerial Techniques (39062) v) Computer Application in Civil Engg. (39064) As per old course chances up to May 2012 above i to v i) Optimization Techniques (45956 ) ii) Environmental Biotechnology (45957) iii) Disaster Planning & Risk Analysis (45958) iv) Clean Development Mechanism (45959) 1. Experimental Mechanics (47982) 2. Noise & Vibration (47983) 3. Automobile Engineering (47984) 4. Jigs and Fiixture Design (47985) 1 * Operation Research (38445)
(*Subject for Old course repeater students)

2) Environmental: Elective-I

3) Mechanical:


4) Automobile: 5) Electrical: Elective-I 6) Electronics:

i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) i) ii) iii) iv)

=== EHVAC DSP Electrical System Modeling Neural Network & Fuzzy Logic (38752) (38753) (38754) (38755)

Same Subjects for equivalence

=== Polymer and Rubber Technology (39088) Biotechnology (39089) Petroleum Refinery Engineering (39090) Pharmaceutical Technology-I (38635) Introduction to Cryogenic Engineering (38636) Energy System and Design (38637) Optimization Techniques in Chemical Engg.(39091) (As per old course up to May 2012) All i to vii Sub. Computer Aided Design & Analysis (47997) i) *VLSI Design (38394) ii) *Information Technology (38396) *(As per old course up to May 2012) Digital Communication Information Technology Concepts === === (38406) (50394)

7) Chemical: Elective-I

8) Production: 9) Instrumentation: Elective-I

10) Electronics & Tele Com.:

11) Computer Sci. & Engg.:

12) Information Tech.

*(Replace subject for Information Technology 38620)

13) Biotechnology:



FE to BE. (All Branches) Exam. May 2012. B.E. SEM. VII (New Course) From Dec. 2010 (Time: 02.30 pm to 05.30 pm)


Day & Date 1) Civil: Elective-I

Paper with Branches

(47905) (47906) (47907) (47908) (47909) (47910) (47911) (47912) (47913) (47914)

Saturday 1. Advanced Structural Analysis 12.05..2012 2. Experimental Stress Analysis

3. Finite Element Method 4. Advanced Foundation Engineering 5. Transportation Infrastructure Planning and Demand Estimation 6. Advanced Engineering Geology 7. Open Channel Hydraulics 8. Human Resource Development 9. Project Appraisal 10. Solid Waste Management

2) Environmental: Elective-I 3) Mechanical: Elective-II

1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Total Quality Management Nano Technology Industrial Product Design Human Values and Professional Ethics Noise and Vibration Energy Engineering Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems Industrial Product Design Production Management FACTS Digital Control System Embedded System Electrical Engineering Materials Thermal Engineering (47986) (47987) (47988) (47989) (47868) (47869) (47870) (47871) (47872) (47939) (47940) (47941) (47942) (47943) (47950) (47951) (47952) (47953) (47954) (47955) (47956) (47957) (47958) (47959)

4) Automobile: Elective-I

5) Electrical: Elective-I

6) Electronics: Elective-I
1. Fiber Optic Communication 2. Satellite Communication 3. Biomedical Instrumentation 4. Low Power VLSI Design 5. High Speed Digital Design 6. Digital Image Processing 7. Real Time Systems 8. Robotics 9. Advance Control Engineering 10. Fuzzy Logic & Applications



FE to BE. (All Branches) Exam. May 2012. B.E. SEM. VII (New Course) From Dec. 2010 (Time: 02.30 pm to 05.30 pm)


Day & Date

Paper with Branches

7) Chemical: Elective-I
(47892) (47893) (47894) (47895) (47896)

1. Petroleum Refinery Engineering Saturday 12.05..2012 2. Bio-Technology 3. Information To Cryogenic Engineering 4. Pharmaceutical Technology P I 5. Optimization Technique in Chemical Engineering

8) Production: 9) Instrumentation: Elective-I

1. 2. 3. 4. Virtual Instrumentation Neural & Fuzzy Based Control Optimal & Robust Control Safety and Environmental Control


(47965) (47966) (47967) (47968)

10) Electronics & Tele Comm.: Elective-I

1. 2. 3. 4. a b 1. 2. 3. 4. Digital Signal Processors Integrated Communication System Satellite Communication Remote Sensing & GIS *VLSI Technology (Subject for old course students) *Fuzzy Logic (Subject for old course students) Soft Computing Project Management Cyber Laws * Modern Information Retrieval
*(Replace subject for Information Retrieval 38741)

(47930) (47931) (47932) (47933) (38410) (38412) (47921) (47922) (47923) (50395)

11) Computer Sci. and Engg.: Elective-I

12) Information Technology: Elective-I:

1. Project Management 2. Cyber Laws 3. Discrete Event System Simulations *
*(Replace subject for Discrete Event System Simulator and modeling ( 38607)

(47976) (47977) (50653)

13) Biotechnology: Elective-I:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Biomedical Engineering Plant Biotechnology Good Manufacturing Practices Environmental Biotechnology Genomics and Proteomics (47880) (47881) (47882) (47883) (47884)



FE to BE. (All Branches) Exam. May 2012. B.E. SEM. VII (New Course) From Dec. 2010 (Time: 02.30 pm to 05.30 pm)


Day & Date Monday 14.05.2012 1. Civil: 2. Environmental: 3. Mechanical: 4. Automobile: 5. Electrical: 6. Electronics: 7. Chemical: 8. Production: 9. Instrumentation:
10. Electronics & Tele Com.:

Paper with Branches

Quantity Survey and Valuation (47902)

(Time: 01.30 pm to 05.30 pm)

Advanced Water & Wastewater Treatment (45954) Finite Element Analysis Finite Element Analysis 1 Advanced Switchgear and Protection (47981) (47866) (47937)

2 *Micro Controller & Applications (39131) *Subject for old course repeater students till passes

Video Engineering Chemical Process Design

(47948) (47890) (47995) (47963) (47928) (47919) (47973) (47878) (47903)

(Time: 01.30 pm to 05.30 pm)

Process Engineering Industrial Automation-II Microwave Engineering Advanced Database System Real Time Systems Pharmaceutical Biotechnology Earthquake Engineering


Computer Sci. & Engg.:

12) Info. Technology.: 13) Biotechnology: Tuesday 15.05.2012 1) Civil: 2) Environmental:

3) Mechanical:

1 Environmental Impact Assessment (45955) 2 *Environmental Chemistry and Microbiology (50548) (*Subject for old course repeater students) = = = = = Alternative Fuels & Emission Renewable Energy Sources Information Theory & Coding (47867) (47938) (47949)

4) Automobile: 5) Electrical: 6) Electronics: 7) Chemical: 8) Production: 9) Instrumentation:

10) Electronics & Tele

Modeling & Simulation in Chemical Engg. (47891) Production & Operations Management Digital Signal Processing Embedded System === === Bioprocesses (47879) (47996) (47964) (47929)

11) Computer Sci. &


12) Information Tech 13) Biotechnology:




FE to BE. (All Branches) Exam. May 2012.

B.E. SEM. VIII (Old Course) (Time: 02.30 pm. To 05.30 pm.)

Subject continued from old course as per equivalence

Day & Date Monday 28.05.2012 ,, ,, ,, Branch

Paper and Paper Code No.

iii) Reliability Engineering v) Hazardous Waste Management iii) & v) Up to Dec., 2012 As per equivalence i) Material Management iii) Costing & Cost Optimization Same subjects for equivalence i) H.V.D.C. ii) Power System Harmonics iii) Electrical & Electronic Materials Same subjects for equivalence (39067) (39069)

Environmental Mechanical


(38454) (38456) (38476) (38477) (38478)

Elective-II ,, ,,
Electronics Elective II

Information Technology


Chemical Elective II

,, ,, ,,

Production Instrumentation

Computer Sci. & Engg.

i) Computer Aided Design (38760) ii) Energy Conservation & Recovery (38761) iii) Distillation (38762) iv) Enterprise Resource Planning (38763) v) Artificial Intelligence in Process Industries (38638) vi) Membranes Separation Process & Design (38739) vii) Nuclear Engineering (38740) As per old course up to Dec 2012 (For above i to vii) Quality Management (39138) As per old course Up to May 2012 i) Optimal & Robust Control (38402) ii) Instrumentation for Pollution Control (38404) As per old course up to Dec 2012

Component Based Technology

Information Tech. Elective II Biotechnology

(51325) (51328) (51329)

(38512) (38513)

Replaced subject for Component Technology (38623)


i) Multimedia Storage ii) GS & Remote Sensing Concept

Replace subjects as per equivalence i) Biomedical Fluid Dynamics ii) Biotechnology for crop Improvement As per old course Up to Dec. 2012






FE to BE. (All Branches) Exam. May 2012.

B.E. SEM. VIII (Old Course) (Time: 02.30 pm. To 05.30 pm.)

Subject continued from old course as per equivalence

Day & Date Thursday 31.05.2012 ,, ,, ,, ,, ,,

Civil Mechanical

Paper and Paper Code No.

Transportation Engineering II
Marketing Management


Automobile Electrical Electronics

Computer Sci. & Engg.

Vehicle Performance(Pre-revised) (38430) Vehicle Performance(Revised (43689) Electrical M/S Design (38474) Subject continued till students passes 1 Advance Digital Signal Processing. (40335) 2. Modern Control Engg. (40336) i) Polymer Reaction Engineering (39149) ii) Biochemical Engineering (39150) iii) Petrochemical Technology (39151) iv) New & Renewable Energy Engg. (39152) v) Pharmaceutical Technology-II (38767) vi) Multiphase Reactor Design (38768) vii) Mass Transfer with Chemical Reaction (38769) As per old course Up to Dec 2012 (i to vii) Web Essentials (41589) Replace Subject for Pre-revised Repeater Candidates Only

Day & Date Saturday 02.06.2012

Computer Sci & Engg. Elective-II

Paper and Paper Code No. 1 Mobile Technology & System (51326) 2 Image Processing (51327)
Replace subjects as per equivalence



FE to BE. (All Branches) Exam. May 2012. B.E. SEM. VIII (New Course) From May 2011 (Time: 02.30 pm to 05.30 pm)


Day & Date Wednesday 16.05.2012 1) Civil

Paper with Branches

Town Planning & Transport ting Engineering (49173)

2) Environmental 4) Mechanical: 4) Automobile: 5) Electrical: 6) Electronics: 7) Chemical: 8) Production: 9) Instrumentation:

10) Electronics & Tele Com.:

Environmental Management System Mechatronics Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Electrical Utilization & Transaction Computer Network Chemical Process & Green Technology Costing and Cost Control Field Instrumentation & Network Audio & Video Engineering Grid Technology Distributed Computing Bio separation Processes Construction Practice Environmental Policy & Legislation Industrial Engineering Automotive Electronics HVDC System Operating System Transport Phenomena

(46422) (49417) (49499) (49428) (49434) (49473) (49455) (49491) (49516) (49447) (49509) (49524) (49174) (46423) (49418) (49500) (49429) (49435) (49474)

11) Computer Sci. & Engg.

12) Information Tech.: 13) Biotechnology: Friday 18.05.2012 1) Civil: 2) Environmental: 3) Mechanical: 4) Automobile: 5) Electrical: 6) Electronics: 7) Chemical: 8) Production: 9) Instrumentation:
10) Electronics & Tele Com.

Computer Integrated Manufacturing System (49456) Process Modeling & Simulation Broadband Communication Storage Networks (49492) (49517) (49448)

11) Computer Sci. & Engg.

12) Information Tech.: 13) Biotechnology:

Information Technology & Business Methodology (49510) Bioprocess Modeling and Simulation (49525)



FE to BE. (All Branches) Exam. May 2012. B.E. SEM. VIII (New Course) From May 2011 (Time: 02.30 pm to 05.30 pm)


Day & Date Monday 21.05.2012

1) Civil: 2) Environmental: 3) Mechanical: 4) Automobile: 5) Electrical: 6) Electronics: 7) Chemical: 8) Production: 9) Instrumentation: 10) Electronics & Tele Com.: 11) Computer Sci. & Engg.: 12) Info. Technology.: 13) Biotechnology:

Paper with Branches

Design of Concrete Structure - II Industrial Health & Safety Power Engineering Automotive System Design (49175) (46424) (49419) (49501)

Electrical Initialization, Testing and Maintenance (49430) Microwave Engineering P.E.P.E. Advanced Industrial Engineering (49436) (49475) (49457)

Project Planning Estimation & Assessment (49493) Image Processing Real Time Operating System Storage Network Bioprocess Engineering & Economics Elective II
1 Advance Concrete Design (49176) 2 Design Of Industrial Structure (49177) 3 Analysis and Design of Earthquake Resisting Structure (49178) 4 Structural Design of Foundation and Retaining Structures (49179) 5 Pavement Analysis, Design and Evaluation (49180) 6 Remote sensing applications in civil engineering (49181) 7 Hydrology and Watershed Management (49182) 8 Site investigation methods and practices (49183) 9 Entrepreneurships (49184) 10 Air Pollution & Control (49185)

(49518) (49449) (49511) (49526)

1) Civil: Wednesday 23.05.2012

2) Environmental:
3) Mechanical:

Hazardous Waste Management Elective III 1 Production Management 2 MEMS 3 Machine Tools Design 4 Computational Fluid Dynamics Vehicle Performance Elective II 1 EHVAC 2 Electrical Machine Design Laboratory 3 Computer Aided Power System 4 Advanced Digital Signal Processing 5 Restructured Power System

(46425) (49420) (49421) (49422) (49423) (49502)

4) Automobile: 5) Electrical:

(49431) (49432) (49534) (49535) (49536)



FE to BE. (All Branches) Exam. May 2012. B.E. SEM. VIII (New Course) From May 2011 (Time: 02.30 pm to 05.30 pm)
Elective-II 1 Broad Band Communication 2 Wireless Communication Network 3 Biomedical Control & Instrumentation 4 CMOS VLSI Design 5 Advanced Digital Signal Processors 6 System On Chip 7 Mechatronics 8 Process Instrumentation 9 Neural Network & Applications Elective-II 1 2 3 4 5 Bio-Chemical Engineering Petrochemical Technology Computer Aided Design Distillation Enterprise Resource Planning (49437) (49438) (49439) (49440) (49441) (49442) (49443) (49444) (49445) (49476) (49477) (49478) (49479) (49480) (49481) (49482) (49483) (49458) (49459) (49460)


6) Electronics:

7) Chemical:

6 Artificial Intelligence in Process Engineering

Wednesday 23.05.2012

8) Production:

7 Member Separation Process and Design 8 Nuclear Engineering Elective I 1 Marketing Management 2 Material Management 3 Data base Engineering 4 Entrepreneurship Development 5 Financial Management 6 Environment & Pollution Control 7 Organizational Behaviour Elective II 1 Power Plant Instrumentation 2 Biomedical Instrumentation 3 Advanced Digital Signal Processing 4 Embedded System Elective II 1 Speech Processing 2 Pattern Recognition 3 Mobile Communication 4 Real Time Systems Elective II 1 Data Mining 2 Adhoc Wireless Network 3 Business Intelligence System Elective II 1 Business Intelligent System 2 ANN & Genetic Algorithm Animal Biotechnology

(49462) (49463) (49464) (49494) (49495) (49496) (49497) (49519) (49520) (49521) (49522) (49451) (49452) (49453) (49513) (49514) (49527)

9) Instrumentation:

10) Electronics & Tele


11) Computer Sci. &


12) Information Tech.: 13) Biotechnology:




FE to BE. (All Branches) Exam. May 2012.

B.E. SEM. VIII (Contd..) (New Course) From May 2011 (Time: 02.30 pm to 05.30 pm)

Day & Date Friday 25.05.2012

1) Civil:

Paper with Branches

Elective III 1 Advance Prestressed Concrete Design (49186) 2 Design of Bridges (49187) 3 Dynamics of Structure (49188) 4 Ground Improvement (49189 5 Project Planning, Economics and Financing (49190 6 Rock Mechanics (49191) 7 Water Power Engineering (49192 8 Advance Construction Techniques (49193) 9 Optimization technique (49413) 10 Industrial Waste Treatment (49414) 1) Managerial Techniques (46426) 2) Watershed Management (46427) 3) Environmental Modeling & Simulation (46428) 4) Occupational Health & Safety Management Systems (46429) Elective-IV 1 Industrial Automation and Robotics (49546) 2 Enterprise Resource Planning (49424) 3 Cryogenics (49425) 4 P.I.C. & SCADA Programming (49426) Elective III 1 Transport Management (49503) 2 Entrepreneurship Development (49504) 3 Tractor and Farm Equipment (49505) 4 Maintenance Management (49506) 5 Operation Research (49507) === === Elective II 1 Energy Conservation and Recovery 2 Polymer Reaction Engineering 3 Pharmaceutical Technology-II 4 Multiphase Reactor Design 5 Mass Transfer with Chemical Reaction Elective II 1 Flexible Manufacturing Systems 2 Artificial Intelligence 3 Industrial Robotics 4 Low Cost Automation 5 Material Handling System 6 Advanced Foundry Technology 7 Advanced Tool & Die Design Elective II 1 2 3 4 Applied Genetic Engineering Food and Dairy Technology Metabolic Engineering Advanced Biomaterials 49484 49485 49486 49487 49488 (49465) (49466) (49467) (49468) (49469) (49470) (49471) (49528) (49529) (49530) (49531)

2) Environmental:

3) Mechanical:

4) Automobile:

5) Electrical: 6) Electronics:

7) Chemical:

8) Production:

13) Biotechnology:




FE to BE. (All Branches) Exam. May 2012.

1) The candidates are permitted to use stencils at the Examination. 2) The candidates for examination are expected to provide themselves with Slide Rules. 3) The exchange or loan of slide rules, drawing instruments or other material used in the examination is not permitted while the examination is in progress. Candidates must bring their own instruments. 4) The candidates are allowed to use the electronic calculators for numerical calculations at their own cost. University will not supply such calculators. 5) The Practical and Oral Examinations will take place before starting of the theory examination. The examiners will notify the day, date and place on the notice Board of the concerned Colleges. Students must be present at the time and place appointed for their practical examination. Those who fail to present themselves at the appointed time and place will not be examined in Practical and oral. 6) The Examination Programme is subject to change. If there is any change in the

programme of the examination, it will be communicated in time, however the University is not responsible for any loss or inconvenience caused to the candidate. 7) The seating arrangement is made date-wise & subject-wise; therefore candidates are requested to see their seating arrangement one day before the date of Examination. 8) All the students should verify the customized time table printed on their hall ticket with the final program sent to their college (also available at our web site) at least two days prior to the date of examinations. 9) The cellular Phone, Pager, Scientific Calculator, Digital Diary or any means, which can be used for unfair practices, are not allowed in the examination hall. 10) The attention of the candidate is specially drawn to the change in timings on the dates mentioned below:

Date: 13-05-2012 Vidyanagar, KOLHAPUR - 416 004.

Dr. B. M. Hirdekar Controller of Examinations


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