Interface Zero 2.0 Timeline

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2010 – 2019 2018: Sentinel rock Corporation patents personal power suits,

2011: Oil Crisis causes Food shortages in 3rd world nations, Famine military grade power armor.
and malnutrition are on the rise. 2018: Hanscomb food group patents Bos NeoTaurus, cloned cow
2011: Spartus Space Group launches first commercial space liner meat.
into low orbit. 2019: Global climate change brings a nonstop deluge of
2011: War on terror shifts as Corporations gain legislation allowing catastrophic storms.
‘financial borders’ as nations. 2019: Rovers appear?
2011: U.S. cuts funding to NASA’s shuttle program. 2019: Treaty of Salzburg reunites North and South Korea.
2012: Hurricane Nicole. Cape Canaveral destroyed.
2012: The corporate exodus. Corporations worldwide changed the 2020 – 2029
banking in the Caymans and Liechtenstein when Switzerland 2020: New Chinese Mandarinate, a bureaucratic meritocracy,
overturned their banking secrecy laws. deposes Communist Party.
2013: GENIE begins. Worldwide satellite network repurposed to 2020: Cayman Islands, Barbados, and Jamaica sign Caribbean
create global Wi-Fi. economic league treaty, creating global tax sheltering on par
with pre-2012 Switzerland.
2013: Genome Augmentation Project begins in South Korea.
2020: Triad flees China, spreading to Russia, Europe, Africa, and
2013: Civil War and Ecuador, backed by US government.
South America.
2013: SouthAm drug war begins. Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela,
2020: World population breaks 15 billion, rural population
and Colombia drag the entire region into conflict. UN deploys
decreases while urban population increases. Some cities begin
peacekeepers with the support of Brazil and Argentina.
to declare autonomy from governing nations.
2014: GENIE phase 2. Wireless repeater network deployed across
2021: MegaTowns begin to appear, following the model of Disney
Earth’s mesosphere.
town. Corporate staff and families are housed in these high
2014: G 13 Summit cut short by terrorist attack but Chechnyan security compounds.
anarchist group black bear.
2021: Gyre trash heap, a floating island of trash the size of Alaska,
2014: the battle of Puerto Ayacucho. Hanscomb food group claimed by Australian billionaire Niles Auburn. Construction
contractors get into a firefight with Venezuelan military. begins floating biosphere’s attached the island.
Hanscomb sites humanitarian efforts to seize food for starving
2022: South America and Central Africa, both still war zones,
populace. UN sides with Corporation, opening the door for
see the first use of gene spliced and bio augmented soldiers.
corporations to legally attack governments.
2022: Caribbean economic league sues for membership in both
2015: GENIE phase 3. Cloud technology hubs repurposed to
the E.U. and U.S.
support GENIE.
2023: Corporations, exerting power over national governments,
2015: GENIE phase 4. “The Bottle,” a handheld device allowing for
in both the E.U. and U.S. begin a bidding war to gain power over
full spectrum communication and Internet access is released
the Caribbean economic league.
for early adopters. PDAs cell phones and tablets crash in sales
numbers. 2023: GENIE phase 5. Aerosol form micro signal repeaters
released into global cloud layer. Firmware patch of additional
2016: Mess ionic ecoterrorist group, NOAH, a militant/religious
aerosol release is planned in two-year increments.
offshoot of EarthPeace, unleashes GLUTTON. Glutton is a
designer bacteria which consumes oil. 2024: The two-week war. China attacks and overruns Korea.
Media calls at the bachelor war.
2016: South Korean pharmaceutical company HEALTH CORP.
matures cloned human, sparks global controversy. 2024: Brazil transitions to theocratic government. Argentina
forms, and heads, South American evangelical league of
2016: MIT patents prototype material assembler, the evolution
Nations, the Liga Del Apostle.
of the 3-D printer.
2024: Matrix of War released for game station Pro. MMO RPG
2016: China annexes Taiwan
which features near real time 3-D VR environment.
2017: the African border war. Kenya and Ethiopia declare war
2024: introduction of the eye-conic, headset which allows users
on Sudan, followed by Chad. China deploys defensive troops
to interact with VR. Corporations immediately repurposed them
in Sudan.
from gaming for advertising purposes.
2017: Saudi Royal family killed by Council of Islamic clerics. Sheik
2025: Italian scientists invent first brain box, a biosynthetic
Al’Ramid quotes Antoinette by saying let them eat cake as he
is executed.
2025: Caribbean economic league granted statehood in U.S.
2018: Treaty of Buenos Aires. Brazilian troops patrol entire conflict
zone. 2025: The lukewarm war. U.S. names Iran, Pakistan, Syria, and
Venezuela as primary axis of evil. Amongst the secondary axis

of evil is France, termed a morally bankrupt Islamist nation, and 2040 – 2049
Vatican City, termed increasingly radicalized. China is dubbed 2040: STRAP v2.0 released to public. Less intrusive, faster,
the evil Empire. cheaper. See’s much higher sales.
2026: In response China invites Ameribucks, the popular coffee 2040: Chinese Mandarinate grants Korea provincial autonomy.
chain, to close all shops in Chinese controlled Asia. Several Asian
corporations back this move to gain market share. 2040: U.S. establishes new DC, first permanent lunar colony.

2026: Sea level has risen 20 inches since 2010, making many 2041: Matter assemblers De factorization announced. Matter
coastal regions inhabitable. New York and New Jersey forced assemblers will be smaller and more consumer friendly.
to implement coastal levees and dikes. 2041: Military contractors develop generation one of cyborg,
2026: Entertainment industry begins to use military technology military hybrid, and powered armor soldier usable and private
of gene splicing to widen available roles for actors. Wealthier sector.
segments of the population quickly follow suit, gene splicing 2042: General Sharif, known to aborted nuclear strike (india v
becomes a fashion trend. Pakistan) publicly executed for crimes against humanity.
2027: Rio de Janeiro destroyed by tsunami leaving only a statue of 2042: Nanomachine matter assembly devices licensed to global
Christ contact. Brazil vows to rebuild further from the coastline. corporations.
2027: Griefer, is spontaneously developed AI, emerges on matrix 2042: Switzerland joins E.U.
of war. System admins reprogram it. 2043: First simulacrum created, AI is stable and it uses accelerated
2027: France sponsors Algiers and Morocco, gaining them VR learning technique.
admittance to European Union. 2043: U.N. passes death amnesty — forgiving war criminals from
2029: Pakistani students burn down Indian embassy India versus Pakistan.
2029: India invades Pakistan. Pakistan retaliates with nuclear 2043: China successfully lands humans on Mars on April 13th.
deployment. 2043: Teams from Eurasia and Brazil land on Mars.
2029: India and Pakistan go to full scale thermo nuclear war, 1.3 2045: Ajax, an AI, successfully passes the Turing 2 Then glitches
billion die. out and dies.
2045: First death row reality show is aired with live executions.
2030 – 2039
2030: Global fallout creates crop shortages, global population 2045: NASA develops variable specific impulse magnetic plasma
declines from 13.9 billion to 13 billion. rocket, which speeds up missions to Mars.
2030: China attacks Asiatic Russia capturing almost half the land. 2047: Flash addiction. Flash is a coded drug which uses the STRAP
Russia joins E.U. to stop expansion of Chinese Empire. to get users high.
2030: Global medical infrastructure failing, term Street doc 2049: Human foundation successfully sues for custody of first
becomes popular to describe unlicensed medical practitioners. simulacrum, citing human rights.
2031: Japan reacts to Chinese expansion by forming the
2050 – 2059
2050: The new E.U. completes consolidation finally forming
2031: Rising sea levels turn Florida into a series of keys, New Euros/Eurasian single government.
Orleans evacuated and abandoned.
2050: Japan signs by a treaty with Brazil to begin global
2032: The Patent War. Global course reverse engineer matter simulacrum production.
assemblers in an effort to create a new food source. Food paste
is invented — foul tasting but highly nutritious. 2052: Dr. Courts wins Nobel Prize for developing real-time
translation software.
2032: Pope Callixtus IV assassinated.
2052: Hundreds of millions of blue-collar workers lose jobs,
2033: U.N. moves to Geneva. replaced by simulacrum’s.
2033: New York Stock Exchange moves to Denver. 2054: ARC project begins, focused on bringing Earth’s extinct
2033: China begins program for Mars Landing. US follow suit, species back.
then changes destination to moon colony. 2056: Jim O’Rourke, Mafia, Las Vegas, discovered feeding corpses
2036: GENIE admin develop the STRAP, implanted crown of of enemies into personal matter assembler to dispose of bodies.
electrodes for Wi-Fi access 2057: Radical groups begin targeting simulacrum run factories
2037: Major powers of the E.U. vote to form a unified government for acts of terror.
leaning away from national leaderships. 2058: STRAP v3.0 released, renamed as TAP.
2038: the Good year. Climate patterns return to normal. Food 2058: Global activist groups began international protests to
growth levels return to normal. strengthen hybrid rights.
2038: Levees overrun, U.S. abandons New York City and New 2059: Pleasure model simulacrum’s come under potential ban
Jersey. legislation but fails in the zero hour. Pleasure models are
2038: Construction of first orbital habitats begins. deemed morally acceptable by international governments.
2039: China attempts to use gene splicing a more widespread
scale initial attempts result in failures and global condemnation. 2060 – 2069
2039: Treaty of New Singapore. International surveillance 2060: Venture AI accidentally kills over 300 people. Controversy.
investigation and monitoring agency is formed as a stopwatch 2060: President Weber elected in U.S. with vows to end radical
group to protect humanity from self-inflicted extinction events. democracy and return U.S. to biblical nation.

2060: First U.S. colony on Mars, lifers and deathers allowed 2072: Shen Wei, a completely engineered human, secures seat
indentured servitude on Mars as alternate option to sentencing on Chinese Mandarinate board.
on Terran prison. 2073: Simulacrum underground railroad helps simulacrum’s flee
2061: E.U. recognizes simulacrum and AI human rights. slave nations.
2062: Peeper scandal dozens of officials indicted for using 2073: The Omega protocol. Humanity begins to watch AI’s as a
government bandwidth to spy on celebrities. The cloisters form security threat.
a group devoted to protecting privacy. By any means. 2074: Stopwatch deploys an EMP to destroy and AI called TROJAN.
2064: North American water war begins. Between Great Lakes 2000 humans killed.
states and rest of country. 2074: Arizona and New Mexico formerly withdraw from the NAC
2064: President Weber invokes Lincoln act and suspense and join North Mexico, forming the nation of Baja Mexico.
elections then dissolves Congress. 2074: Featherstone industries integrates nanotechnology with
2064: Separatist states vow to overthrow President Weber and the TAP.
restore U.S. law. 2075: Mulik Jay uploads his personality to a computer. For
2064: Second U.S. Civil War begins between separatist states colleagues who also attempted to do so died in the process.
and North American coalition. 2075: TAP sales crossed the four billion barrier.
2064: Battle for Chicago begins and attracts global notice. 2076: Great Lakes Union and North American coalition almost
2065: China offers aid to North American coalition. go to war because of a hacker prank.
2065: Low yield dirty bombs are used on Chicago, Denver, Dallas, 2077: New fashion trend of grafted featureless faces starts in
and Tucson (destroying the Davis Monthan Air Force Base, and Paris.
over 50% of the separatist Air Force planes.) 2078: Tarzan/Jane meme drops millions of users into virtual
2066: Despite the bombings President Weber’s forces are losing jungles using augmented reality TAP hack. New types of AR
until a 9.3 earthquake hits Southern California. hackers are called trickers and trackers.
2066: Caribbean economic league breaks ties with NAC, 2079: Hunger artists globally organized two-week fast to teach
supporting separatists instead. younger generation about the India Pakistan war.
2066: Argentina sees a surprise coup and apostle government 2079: Thrity ships disguised as Rovers stage bank robbery in
is toppled. Worker run government installed. Cape Town. Entire town is shut down by raid and every bank
2066: Church of Althada formed, united under their belief that in the city is robbed. South African military steps in and kills
physical reality is a computer simulation. entire criminal network.

2067: stopwatch intervenes in US Civil War to stop NAC from

deploying a continent destroying weapon.
2080 – 2090
2081: A.I. named VIRTUE wins election for seat in E.U. Parliament.
2067: TAP sales crossed the one billion mark.
2081: Mining colonies established on moons of Callisto, Europa,
2068: Second U.S. Civil War ends in armistice. U.S. replaced by and Ganymede. Among the last decade.
the nations of Atlantica, Republic of Cascadia, the Great Lakes
Union, and the North American coalition. 2083: Dr. Leo Huntzinger confesses to being one of the designers
of glutton. She reveals other designers have already died.
2068: the Renunciates, and AI cult considering a highly evolved
medical diagnostic AI their God, commit mass suicide. 2084: Protesters in Manila call for withdraw from Chinese Empire.
100 protesters die.
2068: A rogue advertisement AI, hurly-burly, evolves into
a predator. Stopped by a specially developed spam filter 2086: Troops from the Brazilian Embassy in Beijing invade a
countermeasure. university campus citing Omega protocol. Withdraw with
apology, international community believes Brazil attempting
2069: The band Endomorph stages free global concert using TAP to antagonize China.
technology. TAP sales skyrocket.
2087: Shen Wei nearly killed in car accident undergoes dubbing
2069: Texas leaves the NAC to form its own nation the new procedure. It is successful.
Republic of Texas.
2088: Four hundred fifty-one people die in terrorist attacks on
2069: Brazilian census shows first decline in 20 years in church Boston and Portland.
2088: Conspiracists debate terror group known as agenda 68, a
believed NAC terror group.
2070 – 2079
2071: Featherstone found strangled to death in his private 2088: MAXX_footage reveals North American Coalition military
vacation resort. carrying out attacks.

2071: Mumbai emerges as new media entertainment capital of 2088: President of Atlantic a refuses to allow North American
world. Coalition access to MAXX_footage.

2071: Japan Census reveals simulacrum population higher than 2089: Eurasian Union central bank in Bonn, Germany gets crashed
human population. by a virus named Charon. Seventy trillion dollars vanish without
a trace.
2071: Puppeteer Murders. Officials believe TAP is being used by
a puppeteer to force people to commit murder. 2089: Conspiracy theorists believe Charon to be a military AI.

2072: Northern Mexico declares independence after North 2089: Two hundred million people in Eurasian Union lose jobs and
America coalition attempts to forge alliance. homes is Charon continues to destroy bank accounts.

2089: Weekly riots and mob violence become the standard in
Eurasian Union.
2089: In the 10 Downing St. riots police attack civilians.
2089: Atlanta cousins Armed Forces to capture New York City.
2089: French Revolution sees installment of Angele Bonheur, a
zeek, as the new leader of France.
2089: New French president disbands Armed Forces, and
privatizes military.
2089: Adrian the butcher, a French Lt. Col., takes charge of the
disbanded French army.
2089: Conspiracy theorists in the deep start to see a new
hashtag —  Prophet. No one knows who this is, but people start
to pay attention as Prophet successfully warns against several
of Charon’s bank wipings.
2089: Albania, Bosnia, Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Kosovo,
Serbia, and Slovakia begin a regional feud.
2090: Surrounded by hostile nations in the Eurasian Union, all
of whom were in political disarray, Germany closes its borders
and moves to war footing.


Interface Zero 2.0 is a cyberpunk game powered by
the Savage Worlds game system. Play bioroids, full-
metal cyborgs, vat-grown simulacra,
genetic hybrids, Human 2.0, and even
androids! Hack the world around you
with our revised hacking rules, or
take control of a drone and lay down
some fire-support for your team! Get
cybered with new cybernetics using
our Fast, Furious, and Fun rules!
Interface Zero 2.0 is created by
Peter J Wacks, David Jarvis, Hal
Maclean, Matt Conklin Jr., and
Patrick Smith.

©2013–2014 Gun Metal Games. Interface Zero and all related marks and logos are
trademarks of Gun Metal Games. Unless otherwise stated, all interior artwork, graphics,
character names, and fiction are Product Identity of Gun Metal Games.
Savage Worlds and all associated logos and trademarks are copyrights of Pinnacle
Entertainment Group. Used with permission. Pinnacle makes no representation or warranty
as to the quality, viability, or suitability for purposes of this product.

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