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Are we facing war against invincible enemy?

Excelsior Established 1965
Founder Editor S.D. Rohmetra Dr Sudershan Kumar have considered SAR-Cov-2 corona virus highlighting the shortage of beds, oxygen, ventila- health care systems. Utilization of multiple agen-
(COVID-19) as a biological weapon. Biological tors, and medicines, including vaccine and other cies such as armed forces, paramilitary forces for

Online education T
he pandemic of Covid-19 has wreaked hav- weapons are the microorganisms or toxins through day-to-day problems the general public faces. Par- logistics purpose. Involvement of DRDO for mak-
oc across the world causing widespread dis- which one can induce disease in human beings, live allelly, some media houses at the national and inter- ing fully furnished COVID hospital, installation of
ruption to human lives. But ever since its stocks, and plants. These are considered to be the national level and a specific section of society have Oxygen plants, development of an anti-COVID

in rural areas
start, there have been constant apprehensions about deadliest weapons amongst the arsenal of weapons started selective criticism regarding the manage- drug, railways for transportation of oxygen and var-
its origin with speculations being ripe about it being of mass destruction, unlike nuclear. The advantage ment of catastrophe caused by the second wave. ious other systems. Besides, the Indian mission was
a biological weapon used by Chinese. But the being, paralyzing the enemy and incapacitating it This is unwarranted. The responsibility has to be also tasked to get in touch with foreign governments

"Bomb Shell" documents first released by Aus- thus making it unable to respond. The only way owned collectively by all the stakeholders, includ- for support. As a result of these efforts, support from
hough online education cannot be consid- tralians and subsequently quoted by others further- left to contain it is to build capacity and prepare the ing the general public. Suppose one goes by facts nations across the globe has started pouring in.
ered education in full especially in respect of more put thrust on the speculations about the inten- and the available reports, one finds that when in Hence with joint efforts of all stakeholders, includ-
general public to contain its spread. Therefore ,the
the school level education , yet the compul- tions of China to develop bio warfare weapons for role of the general public in dealing with such 2020 the cases started showing a downward trend ing the general public, this great and courageous
sions of the corona virus pandemic have left little use in future war against its adversaries. These doc- catastrophe is very crucial. and the nation began to unlock in a phased man- nation will be able to contain this second wave, and
uments contain the deliberations between the top ner, the Central Government adopted a decentral- the country will emerge victorious. But at the same
choice but to adopt the online mode to impart edu- Chinese military scientist and health officials pre-
Five years ago, Bill Gates, a business tycoon
during one of the interviews had also predicted that ization strategy to contain the virus. The states were time, we have not to lower our guards and contin-
cation to students lest they remain any far behind dicting the forthcoming war with bio weapons. The asked and equipped to handle the COVID-19 pan- ue to build capacity to the extent that we can count-
future wars might be due to pandemic caused by
in studies or lose any academic year. Last year, discussion seem to be held in the year 2015, five bio-warfare agents. He had mentioned this while demic as per the situation and local environment. er the third wave of this deadly virus and future bio
when the same was started for the first time years before the COVID-19 pandemic. If this is raising concern regarding the spread of the Ebola Moreover, experts predicted the second wave well warfare threats caused by weapons of mass destruc-
true, then there is a possibility that Chinese scien- in advance. Initially, the second wave was confined tion. These threats are quite predominant, especial-
across the country following closing of schools to virus. He had made a statement that "If anything
tists in collaboration with their health workers may that kills nearly 10 million people in next few to Punjab, Maharashtra and Kerala. Timely action ly when China has signed a three years secret deal
save students from falling sick , in Jammu and be involved in the synthesis of SARS-Cov-2 in one could have contained the virus from spreading. with Pakistan's military for enhancing Pakistan's
decades it is likely to be highly infectious virus
Kashmir too the switchover to this mode was intro- of their most advanced bio safety laboratory locat- rather than war. Not missiles or Microbes". The Even the general public is equally responsible for bio warfare capabilities.
duced with good results as the programme steadi- ed at Wuhan city of Hubei Province of China, the surge in COVID-19cases. The sizeable num- The author may say that no country can afford
reason for this shift in modern warfare may be that
which can be used as a bio warfare weapon in future ber of local populations flouted the COVID-19 to wage a full-scale war against its adversary in the
ly progressed even though the internet facilities the countries around the globe have invested heav-
related guidelines: Wearing masks, maintaining a
wars. During earlier times, the strategic aim in the ily in the creation of nuclear deterrence but paid present era. It may resort to a new dimensional
were limited to only 2G system . It worked more wars was either to capture the key territory or forc- social distance (6 feet), avoiding crowded places, approach through bio warfare to destroy the soci-
very little attention to the design of infrastructure
or less satisfactorily even with the 2G version but ing surrender of political leadership/will of adver- and systems required to contain these epidemics.
and frequent washing and sanitizing hands were ety, economic power and industrial base of com-
more in cities than in rural areas, thus overall saries. In the current era, the strategic purpose of hardly adhered to. Ironically and very sadly, the peting nations. The spread of the SARS-Cov-2
The COVID-19, which may have originated improper wearing of mask below their nostrils cov-
position remained far from satisfactory. war has undergone a paradigm change and revolves from the infamous Wuhan lab, has engulfed almost corona virus (COVID-19) pandemic across the
around the economic collapse of adversaries, with ering only the chin, have proven detrimental and world is a glaring example of this. There is no way
Unfortunately, the scenario continues even all the nations around the globe in a brief span, thus these factors are largely responsible in contribut-
people becoming the center of gravity of the ene- turning the predictions of Bill Gates into reality. If to tell precisely the economic damage from the
now as majority of students in the rural , far flung my. Therefore, the enemy's mission is to target peo- ing to the spread of this deadly virus. Besides, larg-
global COVID-19 corona virus pandemic. But
one assesses the loss of human lives due to covid- er participation in religious festivals and not fol-
and mountainous areas of Jammu and Kashmir ple to such an extent that the economy of the nation 19 pandemics, the numbers are alarming. As of because of frequent lock downs, this pandemic has
gets crumbled up. lowing COVID-19 protocols during election meet-
are bereft of reaping the advantages of the online date, nearly 156 million people have been affect- ings may have also contributed to the second undoubtedly caused the largest global recession in
Taking a clue from this, it may not be out of the ed, and 3.26 million have died. These numbers are history. Even the top economies of the world have
facility . While it would have sufficed the needs of box to believe in the two theories widely aired by wave's surge. So there has been laxity at all quar-
the aspiring students in case they were in posses- changing rapidly. But, when we talk about India, ters from all corners. faced the dent of this. Considering these facts, one
different experts worldwide concerning the origin the situation is equally grim. As of date, nearly a can say that the world has been pushed into invin-
sion of laptops or tablets - the most used gadgets of the COVID-19 virus. First, the spread may be But unfortunately, neither media nor those
22 million have been infected due to this virus. involved in selective criticism, question them and cible war through the SARS-Cov-2 corona virus
for the purpose , the position on the ground because of an accident at the bio safety level-4 lab Almost 18 million have recovered, and 0.23 mil- others at the helm of affairs in different states. Sub- pandemic (COVID-19) either intentionally or
at Wuhan city. Second, the Chinese themselves
reveals most of them do not possess the same. might have launched the spread of this invincible
lion have died. The danger is not yet over. India sequently on sensing this unmanageable alarming unintentionally. This bio war is to infect the max-
Even Android phones would have done the need- and other nations worldwide are grappling with the situation arising out of this deadly strain of new imum human population and crumble the industri-
enemy to position themselves as a single great second wave of the COVID-19 virus, affecting variant of virus, the Central Government swung into al infrastructure of top economies of the world.
ful even though because of the size of short superpower while shattering other rival nations' society with much vengeance. This is believed to action and initiated a multi-prong approach on war
economy and industrial capacity. Both these theo- This is a war against humanity. So it has to be fought
screen etc of such mobile phones , their utility be a B.1.617 viral variant known to have more than footing to contain this virus and provide medical jointly by each section of society. Therefore, it is
ries have supportive facts. Enough of open litera-
being limited as compared to desktop, laptop and two mutations. Its fast spread has created havoc in support to the masses. The Government has roped high time that all sections of society should join
ture is available for debate. In general, the estab- the entire country. in all resources and agencies under its command to
tablets like electronic gadgets. Whatever the lishment of advanced bio laboratory, especially for hands together to eradicate this evil rather than crit-
The number of COVID-19infected cases has contain this deadly second wave. This includes icizing each other for selfish ends.
position, most of the households cannot afford synthesizing deadly viruses, is always viewed as a increased manifold. The present health infrastruc- revamping health care infrastructure for covid-19
threat to humanity. Because these viruses can be (The author is former Director General & Special Secretary
anyone of the three due to economic constraints ture is not in a position to cope up with the influx patients, making provision for extra beds, oxygen,
though the fact of the matter is that many house- used as weapons of mass destruction, many experts of patients. Moreover, media is also constantly ventilators, medicines and vaccines and other
[email protected]
holds do have desktops and even laptops not to

‘New Education Policy 2020 V/S Covid-19’

speak of Android phones but their number obvi-
ously is very meagre .
We would suggest in such cases, either provid-
ing of these gadgets at subsidized rates to the par-
D K Pandita an education is at crossroads. Its all educational institutions to loss of jobs and hard earning poor that 12 years of school dream which may take some
ents of the students by the UT administration or liberal-secular character and whether under-graduate or post- savings during the lockdowns meant effective learning of just decades to fulfill.

arranging bank loans repayable in most easy ll schools in the nation- content, carefully nourished dur- graduate are either shut or the and medical emergencies. The 6.2 years, this will further drop to The next most challenge is to
al capital will remain
instalments spread over five years or more which closed till further
ing the last seventy years, despite classes are going online due to hard hitting economic aspects of 5.5 years. According to the World coordinate among the states to
could have solved the problem of non availability several vicissitudes, is now the fear and surging graph of Covid-19 can be easily estimat- Bank Community volunteers implement the policy in which
orders.' "No student of any class- undergoing fundamental trans- Covid-19 since 2020. But a lot of ed when we count the descend- who reached out to 300 habitants
or non affordability of the mobile gadgets, should es should be called physically in the centre and states shall work
formation. Education is the best developing countries of the ing numbers of people in the mid- in 12 districts across seven states together to increase public
be considered seriously by the Government . It the school, Class 10 Exams can- instrument for moderating world are at the threshold of los- dle class from 99 million to 66 in August-September 2020,
celled and 12 deffered?." investment in education to 6 per
could be done provided a serious thought was behavior but its real impact is the ing their pupils due to the social million within a year, the second found children engaged as paid cent of the gross domestic prod-
Since independence India has rewards it brings for the country. and economic factors. India wave of 2021 will definitely worker are pushed into child
given to it. However, that precisely requires inno- taken numerous steps to uct (GDP), from the current 4.43
Lack of education, is as much of being a country having the max- shrunk it further, to what extent labor, the situation being similar
vative and pragmatic initiative by the Government strengthen and expand its educa- a handicap for an individual as it in both rural and urban areas of
per cent. It is pretend to mention
and if taken, the same would go a long way in res- tional system, India's first Edu- that some states have already
is an obstacle for country's oper- Indian.
olution of the problem and teacher to student con- cation Minister, Maulana Azad, ations. Education is one of the On one side the Government showed their unwillingness to
founded a system for free and four major issues that hinder the aims to achieve 'universal foun- allow and follow the New Edu-
tact , on individual basis , important for imparting compulsory education at the pri- cation Policy due to their politi-
prosperity of a nation, the other dational literacy and numeracy'
education , would further still better the results of mary level for children from 6- cal and other reservations. In the
three being population, poverty in primary schools by 2025, but
online education. Our television channels , particu- 14. Most IITs were established in and corruption. Since independ- contrary to this the pandemic has present circumstances, in our
larly Door Darshan Jammu and Srinagar stations early 1950's and 1960's, to fur- ence Indians worked hard to built closed most Government and pri- country since 1947 the students
ther strengthen it in 2009, the their educational system but the vate educational institutions face a lot of education, exam-
run for limited hours only could be extended by Right to Education clause was scenario has been totally put into where the dropout rate has related and post education career
two to three hours exclusively to impart education inserted in the constitution for a challenge after the outbreak of reached 20 to 30 percent. The related stress and anxiety which
and guidance to the students which could equal- this purpose. The development of Covid-19. Gross Enrollment Ratio from affects them at a tender age, ear-
ly serve the purpose . That mode too could have education in India and its con- Covid-19 has affected over preschool to secondary educa- lier the result of it was higher
temporary neighbor China used 1.54 billion students globally. It tion should be 100 per cent by
ensured better pupil to teacher contact , clearing entirely different paths and the dropout ratio, now in present
doubts and explaining concepts and solving prob- disrupted the established system 2030. But figures show that the context its result is that they
results are visible. To make edu- of education even in developed new admission to pre primary
lems barring practical education related to labo- cation more attractive and cen- spend more time on easily avail-
countries, which led to abrupt imum numbers of people living the prediction will be is unimag- and primary schools has drasti- able and affordable social media
ratories . There could be no better productive pro- tered around the disadvantaged, shut down of schools and other below poverty line may be affect- inable and even scary. cally declined both in rural and
incentives such as mid-day meals sites rather than indulging in
gramme on the TV channels than imparting edu- were introduced, for liberaliza-
educational institutions. Now ed to an extent that its revival will Experts are of the opinion urban private cum government sports or adventure activities.
cation to students especially to the more deserv- there are concerns that not all cost not years but decades. that, when students miss school, run schools. So, under these con-
tion, educational cess was added The national and regional stake-
may return to classrooms when In India nearly 57 million they not only stop learning new ditions the policy suggests estab-
ing ones in our rural areas. All India Radio stations to income tax but all these meas- schools resume as were during people had joined the middle- things, but also forget what they lishing 'school complexes' con-
holders should keep these
in twin capitals too could broadcast what the TV ures shall go in vain if the con- the pre Covid19. Several experts class income group between had already learnt. So, when sisting of a secondary school and aspects under consideration
crete measures are not initiated at while implementing the new
channels would do live thus in case someone have voiced concerns over rise in 2011 and 2019, and their socio- school resumes, they will have other schools offering lower
the earliest in these trying times dropout rates in schools as new economic aspects had also very little time to catch up. Even grades of education including policies at macro and micro lev-
missed the TV telecast due to any reason , mode particularly after the Pandemic els with regard to of 'New Edu-
socio-economic dynamic form in changed but these changes have before the pandemic, the quality Anganwadi centers in a radius of
of radio could come handy. of 2019. a post Covid-19 world. In India been reversed very quickly due of education in rural India was so 5 to 10 kilometers, which is a cation Policy 2020'.
Though not drawing any pessimist note, there The present scenario of Indi- [email protected]
was no immediate possibility of opening of

Take it on in the Army way

Col Balwant Singh (Retd) organizations and institutions
schools and restarting usual school activities due have to work with a missionary

to the raging pandemic while the studies of the he whole world has been zeal.
students could not be afforded to be affected due hit by the unexpected pan- Governments at the centre,
demic and reeling under states and the local Self Govern-
to unavoidable closure of schools hence ways and the continuous disastrous effects ond wave is comparatively prov- ture has been build up to deal with lives. All doctors, nurses and wake up call given by the nature
ing more disastrous for our nation the normal time ailments so there paramedical staff be given all and start working for an healthy ments have to work together to
means were required to be found to enhance the of an unpredicted invisible ene-
is due to low priority set by the is a need to work on the war foot- those facilities and benefits as environment to flourish. restore the lost glory of the nature
base of the online education . Preferred attention my, the Corona virus. Very obvi- and launch genuine plantation
ous cause of this pandemic is Government to deal with the ing to create additional health given to a soldier who makes The human vision has to go
was required to be paid to the matter in a compre- ongoing situation and instead facilities specific to the require- supreme sacrifice in an operation beyond controlling the present and cleanliness drives and fulfill
imbalancing of the nature by the their responsibilities to nurture,
hensive manner so as to address various issues humans. The man has been con- shifted the focus onto the politi- ment. Today there is a need to against the adversary. situation and a long term plan
to make online education a success on a uniform cal activities and avoidable mass save thousands of precious This will be a great motiva- has to be worked out to obviate guard and ensure full-fledged
tinuously playing with the nature growth of the planted trees. The
base in Jammu and Kashmir. to meet selfish ends and destroy- social gatherings. human lives and full focus has to tion and moral boosting factor to any such pandemic in future. In
The general public also failed trees must be treated as life sav-
ing natural resources which have be on creating befitting health achieve success fighting bravely the Indian perspective, again tak-
Preparations afoot to come from the Almighty as a
blessings for all living beings to
to realize that foe was still lurk-
ing within and flouted all safety
infrastructure to defeat the invis-
ible enemy. We will head towards
as a warrior to come out victori-
ous. To maintain the regional bal-
ing it on in the Army way, a well
disciplined elite organization
ing natural resources and protect-
ed as such under law and each cit-
izen must be legally bound to
meet ‘third wave’ lead a healthy life on the planet.
The burning of the forests, mas-
norms. Now since we have land-
ed up in an extreme situation, the
a winning position if we utilize
our existing resources and con-
ance, each district in the country
must be enabled to treat minimum
where every individual endeav-
ors to contribute towards creating
plant and nurture trees to enable

them to reap the benefits of the
rovidence alone can know how many more sive cutting of trees, narrowing or Government must take in on in vert them into life saving centers 500 patients in the specially a healthy and clean environment existing Government Citizens
"waves" we were going to confront with in totally stopping of the free flow- the Army way and accept that a . The existing assets like Hotels, established make shift hospitals will be the best example to be fol- welfare schemes. In a country
ing streams thereby leaving no war like situation has emerged Institutions, Colleges, Schools and beside local administration, lowed by every citizen. The plan-
the near future and also hopefully keep like ours more than one billion
space for water to flow and creat- out of the pandemic and a huge and other available buildings local self Governments at each tation derives are launched at reg-
knocking down one by one , or even the soothsay- ing of bad sanitary conditions loss of lives occurring due to no wherever possible should be con-
trees will be planted if every cit-
level should be made responsible ular intervals and responsibilities izen plants even a single tree. The
ers could predict but definitely, the medical with no or very less civic sense firm strategy to deal with it. Till verted into the make- shift hospi- for mass awareness to follow the are assigned down to individual developmental projects should be
experts could speak authoritatively about these are the main causes of the disas- the battle is won, there is a need tals well equipped and provided safety guidelines and ensuring level to ensure growth of the so planned as to avoid any dam-
"waves". However, the UT Government has right trous situation we are passing to put a total stop on all other with oxygen inhaling facility. All that everyone is vaccinated as per planted trees. A lot of hard work age even to a single tree as far as
from now started muscling up in facing the third through. From the primitive to the ongoing exempted activities and intern doctors, nurses and para- national plan of vaccination. We is put to ensure cleanliness of the possible. The burning of forests
present age, humans have learnt projects covered under essential medical staff at the verge of pass- will definitely achieve normalcy cantonment through round the
wave. Perhaps, learning some lessons from the must be checked at any cost and
very less from the nature and have services and we must shift our- ing out from the training institu- if there is a strong will power on clock commitment of each indi-
gaps in the preparedness in meeting the current or a genuine and realistic mecha-
become main agent to spread air whole focus at the national level tions be declared qualified and the part of the Government and vidual. A well planned mecha- nism has to be put in place to save
the second wave , the Government has started and the water pollution and have to defeat the deadly virus. All given a crash course training on the people at large. Since we, the nism has to be evolved to save the the nature vis a vis to ensure that
taking stock of the required medical and adminis- to bear the brunt of nature in the resources of the country be field- treating of the COVID patients humans are responsible for such nature. Well coordinated, con- a healthy and prosperous life pre-
form of such pandemic. The pres- ed to win the war against the pan- and employed in the make shift a disastrous pandemic situation, certed and consistent efforts will
trative infrastructure, well in advance. vails on mother earth.
ent sudden spurt of so called sec- demic. Existing health infrastruc- hospitals to save the precious this is the high time we realize the yield the desired results. The
We commend the decision of the UT [email protected]

Government in constituting a committee with pro- (The views expressed by the authors are their personal)

Enhance remuneration of Mid-day Meal workers

fessional and expert members from medical sci-
ence on it to prepare an Action Plan for tackling
the third COVID wave in its totality and taking into
account every possible means to fight it out and
save people which includes aggressive vaccina-
Every law, every custom and every system when
Govt. Not that the Govt isn't aware of it, but one who
is stomach filled generally forgets about others' Covid-Vaccine
hunger. Now since the schools are the re-opening Sir,
tion drive and arrangements for oxygen, equip- fails to deliver desired fruits, it should be shunned or deeply feeling their financial predicament, it would be
modified to cope up with the needs of time. But often highly humanitarian, if their salary is enhanced. When Reaching consignment of the Covid vaccine in J&K UT is a good movement. Covid vac-
ment , medicines and professional man power. seen, even most unfavourable laws, customs and tra- cine is a safe and can protect us from the deadliest disease. It will be given into two phases.
Anganwari workers/helpers are paid in thousands for
Checking the spread of infections thoroughly ditions keep on going until very revolutionary steps almost the same working conditions and time spent, First phase is given for the frontline Health workers of the Central and State Govt. The sec-
should be the foremost agenda of the committee are taken. Decades back, when ReT scheme came into where the sky falls if they too are justifiably given to ond phase is for the senior citizens and the third one is for the remaining citizens of the State.
especially in respect of rural areas which are vul- existence, Mid-day Meal workers engaged were giv- have good life. A deep introspection is always needed As already said by the Medical professionals it will be given into two doses after the lapse of
en Rs 1000 PM as pay for their services in schools. for equality and justice as democracy demands. Moral- twenty eight days. Thanks to the Indian research laboratories and Pharma companies who had
nerable . We wish the third wave to never ever be
In the times when prices even of basic commodi- ity and justice are always synonyms, and therefore, developed it earlier indegeniously in our country. We should be also thankful to our Prime
any reality but if it is expected , meeting the chal- ties of life have risen to the sky height, the amount must be exercised at all times. Minister who took keen interest to develop it at the earliest.
lenge with preparations from now itself, would being paid to them not only proves inadequate to meet Keshwa Nand Sharma, Vijay Kumar Bhat
prove very effective. their needs, it becomes a cruel joke on the part of the Salehri (Sunder Bani) Jammu

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