Growth and Survival of Sea Urchin (Tripneustes Gratilla) Fed Different Brown Algae in Aquaria

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International Journal of Fauna and Biological Studies 2015; 2 (3): 56-60

ISSN 2347-2677
IJFBS 2015; 2 (3): 56-60 Growth and survival of sea urchin (Tripneustes gratilla)
Received: 25-02-2015
Accepted: 25-03-2015 fed different brown algae in aquaria
Emmanuel C. Capinpin Jr.
Pangasinan State University, Emmanuel C. Capinpin Jr.
Binmaley Campus
Binmaley, Pangasinan
The study was conducted to determine the growth and survival of the sea urchin Tripneustes gratilla fed
with three types of brown algae, Sargassum sp., Padina australis, and Hormophysa cuneiformis under
static conditions in glass aquaria for 35 days. Sargassum sp. produced the fastest growth in terms of
weight and length among the different algae tested which became evident at day 21, which continued
until the end of the experiment. Survival rates were high and not significantly different in all treatments.
The study show the feasibility of culturing sea urchin in aquaria under static conditions. The use of
cultured sea urchin as decorative pets for the marine aquarium industry is viable and should be promoted
in order to decrease pressure on wild stocks.
Keywords: Sea Urchin; Tripneustes gratilla; Brown Algae; Growth; Survival

1. Introduction
Tripneustes gratilla is the most commercially exploited sea urchin species in the Philippines
. It is a large urchin with test reaching 10 cm in diameter and 6 cm in height. The body
surface is often purple black. The spines are short with sharp tips, and variable in color from
white to copper brown or orange. Hence, it is a colorful species and interesting to keep as an
aquarium species by marine aquarists.
After the collapse of the sea urchin fishery in Bolinao in 1992, the University of the
Philippines – Marine Science Institute focused on the development of its culture [2]. This
species grows fast as soon as it starts feeding on a brown alga, Sargassum. Beginning 1 cm in
TD, sea urchins grow at an average rate of 17 mm/month in pens set in the sea or raceways
with flow-through seawater. It is interesting to note, however, if this species will survive and
grow in aquaria under static conditions. The use of hatchery-bred species as pets can boost the
marine aquarium industry and hopes to discourage the collection of wild specimens.
The objective of the study was to assess growth and survival of sea urchin T. gratilla using
different types of brown algae as feed under static conditions in aquaria.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1 Experimental Site
The experiment was conducted using 10-L glass aquaria at the wet laboratory of the
Pangasinan State University – Binmaley Campus.

2.2 Experimental Animal

Juveniles of Tripneustes gratilla measuring 1 cm in test diameter (TD) produced at the
Integrated Mollusk and Echinoderm Hatchery of the Bolinao Marine Laboratory (BML) of the
Marine Science Institute, University of the Philippines (UP-MSI) in Bolinao, Pangasinan were
used in the study. The sea urchin juveniles were randomly distributed in different aquaria with
10 sea urchins per aquarium. Only healthy juveniles were selected and used in the culture
Emmanuel C. Capinpin Jr. 2.3 Experimental Design and Treatments
Pangasinan State University, The experimental method of research was employed in this study. There were 3 treatments and
Binmaley Campus 2 replicates under a completely randomized design. Different types of brown algae (Sargassum
Binmaley, Pangasinan
sp., Padina australis, and Hormophysa cuneiformis) were offered as food for 35 d using
Email: natural seawater as the culture medium. Seawater (35 ppt) was collected from the inshore
[email protected] (littoral) zone at Binmaley beach in Binmaley Pangasinan.
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2.4 Feeds and Feeding 2.6 Maintenance of Aquaria
The test animals were fed ad libitum. Feed was given in excess The aquaria were cleaned twice daily (9 am and 3 pm) with
at weekly intervals by providing a weighed amount of seaweed 10% partial change each time for a total of 20% daily water
based on established feeding rates. Fresh macroalga was change. Cleaning involves siphoning of the bottom of the
drained for one hour using an improvised strainer to remove aquaria to remove feces and replacing with new seawater.
the excess water before weighing. The amount of food eaten Salinity and temperature were determined twice daily using a
was determined, which was used in calculating the daily refractometer and thermometer, respectively. On the other
feeding rate. An estimate of the daily feeding rate (DFR) in hand, pH, total ammonia, and nitrite measurements were taken
terms of wet weight of algae as a percentage of sea urchin at weekly intervals during sampling. Ammonia (NH4+/NH3)
body weight, was determined using the formula below: and nitrite (NO2-) values were determined using test kits (Sera)
DFR = (amount of feed consumed/biomass)/n X 100 specifically for marine aquarium.
where n is the number of days (usually 7). The calculation of
feeding rate was done after every sampling, to gain a more 2.7 Statistical Treatment of Data
meaningful estimate of the actual feeding rate as the sea urchin Data on growth were analyzed using one-way analysis of
juveniles grow. variance (ANOVA) to test for significant differences at the 5%
level of significance per time interval followed by Duncan’s
2.5 Sampling Multiple Range Test (SPSS Version 10). Data on survival
2.5.1 Growth were arc sine transformed prior to analysis to homogenize the
Growth was monitored by measuring the sea urchin diameter data.
in mm using a Vernier caliper and weight in g at weekly
intervals using a triple beam balance. The growth rate in terms
of diameter (mm/d) and weight (g/d) were determined as 3. Results
follows: 3.1 Test Diameter and Weight
Diameter (mm/d) = (Final diameter – Initial diameter)/ Days Table 1 and Figure 1 shows the mean weight (g) of sea urchin
of culture juveniles fed with different types of brown algae, P. australis,
Weight (g/d) = (Final weight – Initial weight)/ Days of culture H. cuneiformis and Sargassum sp. The data showed significant
differences in mean weight of sea urchin fed Sargassum as
2.5.2 Survival compared to the two other treatments after day 21, which
Survival rates were measured as the percentage of juveniles continued until the end of the culture trial.
surviving from the first day until the last day of each

Table 1: Mean weight (g) of sea urchin juveniles fed with different brown algae for 35 d.
Culture Period Treatment 1 (PA) Treatment 2 (HC) Treatment 3 (SR)
R1 R2 Mean R1 R2 Mean R1 R2 Mean
0 5.26 5.10 5.18a 5.50 5.39 5.44 a 5.82 6.29 6.06 a
1-7 7.61 6.90 7.26 7.35 7.80 7.58 a 9.91 9.06 9.48 a
8-14 9.61 9.31 9.46 9.71 8.82 9.26 a 10.66 12.61 11.64 a
15-21 11.10 10.38 10.74 a 11.33 10.50 10.92 a 14.44 16.53 15.48 b
22-28 14.44 13.32 13.88 a 12.96 11.32 12.14 a 18.26 21.00 19.63 b
29-35 16.84 13.94 15.39 14.17 9.93 12.05 a 22.26 22.71 22.48 b
PA – Padina australis, HC – Hormophysa cuneiformis, SR – Sargassum sp.
Means with same superscript are not significantly different (P>0.05)

Fig 1: Mean weights (g) of sea urchin juveniles fed different types of brown algae for 35 d in aquaria.
PA – Padina australis, HC – Hormophysa cuneiformis, SR – Sargassum sp.

Table 2 and Figure 2 shows the mean diameter of sea urchin showing significant difference (P<0.05) as compared to the
juveniles fed different types of brown algae. Sizes among sea other treatments which continued until the completion of the
urchins diverged on day 21, with those cultured on Sargassum growth trial.
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Table 2: Mean diameter (mm) of sea urchin juveniles fed different brown algae for 35 d.
Culture Period Treatment 1 (PA) Treatment 2 (HC) Treatment 3 (SR)
R1 R2 Mean R1 R2 Mean R1 R2 Mean
0 23.19 23.04 23.12a 23.61 23.08 23.34 a 23.10 24.00 23.55 a
1-7 25.56 24.26 24.91 a 25.50 24.63 25.06 a 26.21 27.65 26.93 a
8-14 27.69 26.53 27.11 a 26.77 27.33 27.05 a 28.11 30.27 29.19 a
15-21 30.59 29.66 30.12 29.81 29.51 29.66 a 33.32 35.31 34.32 b
22-28 30.97 29.33 30.15 27.76 27.91 27.84 a 33.82 35.67 34.74 b
29-35 32.70 30.22 31.46 28.80 28.33 28.56 a 36.12 37.85 36.98 b
PA – Padina australis, HC – Hormophysa cuneiformis, SR – Sargassum sp.
Means with same superscript are not significantly different (P>0.05)

Fig 2: Mean test diameter (mm) of sea urchin fed different brown algae for 35 d in aquaria.
PA – Padina australis, HC – Hormophysa cuneiformis, SR – Sargassum sp.

3.2 Daily Growth Rate

3.2.1 Weight (g/d)
Table 3 shows the mean growth in terms of weight (g/d) of sea urchin fed different types of brown algae.

Table 3: Mean growth in terms of weight (g/d) of sea urchin fed different types of brown algae.
Culture period Treatment 1 (PA) Treatment 2 (HC) Treatment 3 (SR)
R1 R2 Mean R1 R2 Mean R1 R2 Mean
1-7 0.34 0.26 0.30 0.26 0.34 0.30 0.58 0.40 0.49
8-14 0.29 0.34 0.32 0.34 0.15 0.24 0.11 0.51 0.31
15-21 0.21 0.15 0.18 0.23 0.24 0.24 0.54 0.56 0.55
22-28 0.48 0.42 0.45 0.23 0.12 0.17 0.55 0.64 0.59
29-35 0.34 0.09 0.22 0.17 0.00 0.08 0.57 0.24 0.41
Overall 0.29 Overall 0.21 Overall 0.47
PA – Padina australis, HC – Hormophysa cuneiformis, SR – Sargassum sp.

3.2.2 Length (mm/d) (mm/d) of sea urchin fed different types of brown algae for 35
Table 4 shows the mean growth in terms of test diameter days in glass aquaria.

Table 4: Mean growth in terms of diameter (mm/d) of sea urchin fed different types of brown algae.
Treatment 1 (PA) Treatment 2 (HC) Treatment 3 (SR)
Culture period
R1 R2 Mean R1 R2 Mean R1 R2 Mean
1-7 0.34 0.17 0.26 0.27 0.22 0.24 0.44 0.52 0.48
8-14 0.30 0.32 0.31 0.18 0.38 0.28 0.27 0.37 0.32
15-21 0.41 0.45 0.43 0.43 0.31 0.37 0.74 0.72 0.73
22-28 0.05 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.05 0.06
29-35 0.25 0.13 0.19 0.15 0.06 0.10 0.33 0.31 0.32
Overall 0.24 Overall 0.20 Overall 0.38
PA – Padina australis, HC – Hormophysa cuneiformis, SR – Sargassum sp.

3.3 Feeding Rate weight. Generally, a decreasing trend in the amount of food
Table 5 shows the daily feeding rates as percentage of body eaten per day was observed.

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Table 5: Daily feeding rate of sea urchins (%BW) fed different brown algae.
Treatment 1 (PA) Treatment 2 (HC) Treatment 3 (SR)
Culture period
R1 R2 Mean R1 R2 Mean R1 R2 Mean
1-7 34.17 33.95 34.06 21.82 25.87 23.84 19.78 16.31 18.04
8-14 37.54 41.41 39.48 21.90 22.39 22.14 18.73 21.19 19.96
15-21 26.25 28.35 27.30 12.37 12.16 12.26 11.34 13.48 12.41
22-28 14.26 15.60 14.93 10.41 8.31 9.36 9.40 10.02 9.71
29-35 14.84 16.56 15.70 11.66 7.16 9.41 12.37 9.49 10.93
PA – Padina australis, HC – Hormophysa cuneiformis, SR – Sargassum sp.

3.4 Survival
Table 6 shows the survival rates of sea urchins.

Table 6: Survival rate of sea urchin.

Treatment 1 (PA) Treatment 2 (HC) Treatment 3 (SR)
Culture Period
R1 R2 Mean R1 R2 Mean R1 R2 Mean
0 100 100 100a 100 100 100a 100 100 100a
1-7 100 100 100 100 90 95a 100 100 100a
8-14 100 90 95 100 90 95a 100 90 95a
15-21 100 90 95 100 90 95a 90 90 90a
22-28 100 90 95 100 90 95a 90 90 90a
29-35 100 90 95 100 90 95a 90 80 85a
PA – Padina australis, HC – Hormophysa cuneiformis, SR – Sargassum sp.
Means with same superscript are not significantly different (P>0.05)

3.5 Water Quality Parameters Age and maturity are usually the best predictors of relative
Temperature ranged from 24-30 °C, salinity from 32-37 ppt, growth rates in fishes, although the absolute growth rates are
and pH from 7.9-8.2. Ammonia and nitrite levels were not strongly influenced by environmental factors. Thus fish
detected. All parameters were within tolerable limits for sea typically grow very rapidly in length in the first few months or
urchin culture. years of life, until maturation. Then increasing amounts of
energy are diverted from growth of somatic tissues to growth
4. Discussion of gonad tissues. As a consequence, growth rates of mature
4.1 Test Diameter and Weight fish are much slower than those of immature fish. This
The sea urchins fed with Sargassum were larger and heavier phenomenon is also evident in other aquatic organisms.
than those fed with Padina australis and Hormophysa In the present study, a slowing of growth rates was observed
cuneiformis which became evident at day 21 and continued to during the last week of the experiment. This could be
the end of the 35-day feeding experiment (Tables 1 and 2; explained by lower temperatures toward the end of the
Figures 1 and 2). The study further showed that Sargassum is experiment. This resulted to lower amount of food ingested
the most preferred of the different brown algae and that it (see Table 5). T. gratilla attains sexual maturity at 60 mm [2].
translates into faster growth than P. australis and H. The maximum size attained during the 35-day culture period
cuneiformis. was only about 37 mm, which is still at the juvenile stage and
immature. Hence, the slowing of growth was not due to the
4.2 Daily Growth Rate onset of sexual maturity.
The mean growth rates as observed in the present study ranged Food availability and quality also interact with other factors,
from 0.21 to 0.47 g/d in terms of total weight and from 0.20 to particularly temperature, to affect the growth of aquatic
0.38 mm/d in terms of test diameter in aquaria (Table 3 and 4). organisms on a seasonal basis [3]. For example, marked
Highest growth rate was observed using Sargassum sp. as seasonal differences in growth were observed in northern
feed. On the other hand, the reported average growth rate of T. Indiana bluegill populations [4]. Their growth was accelerated
gratilla in three field trials in Bolinao, Pangasinan was 17 during the warmer months of abundant food. This is typical of
mm/month [2]. This shows that growth rates in aquaria (0.38 most other fishes and aquatic organisms. Regarding food
mm/d or 11.4 mm/month using Sargassum) are much slower quality, a complete diet with essential nutrients is required for
than in the field because of greater water movement and high growth rates. High dietary protein content often
flushing of wastes in the sea. However, our data showed that stimulates increased growth. Dwarf gourami (Colisa lalia) and
sea urchins could grow well in aquaria with good water quality largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides) are two species in
conditions and can be kept as aquarium pets. which increased dietary protein (up to 45% and 37%,
The growth rate of fish and other cultured organisms is highly respectively) increased growth to maximal levels [5, 6].
variable because it is dependent on a variety of interacting
environmental factors such as water temperature, levels of 4.3 Feeding Rate
dissolved oxygen and ammonia, salinity, and photoperiod. Feeding rate depends on body size, type of food, season
Such factors interact with each other to influence growth rates, (temperature) and density of cultured animals. Body size is a
and with other factors such as the degree of competition, the major factor affecting feeding rates of cultured aquatic
amount and quality of food ingested, and the age and state of organisms [7]. Generally, feeding rates per unit biomass are
maturity of the cultured organism. higher in smaller and faster growing juveniles than larger
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individuals. Variations in feeding rates of echinoderms are not 6. References
unusual as they are known to be erratic feeders, sensitive to a 1. Juinio-Meñez MA, Malay MCD, Bangi, HGP. Sea urchin
number of environmental and physiological influences. grow-out culture. Coastal Resources Management Tools.
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High survival rates were attained in sea urchin fed the different Diliman, Quezon City, 2001, 34.
types of brown seaweeds in this study. The results showed that 2. Juinio-Meñez MA, Macawaris ND, Bangi HGP.
sea urchins can be fed with other brown seaweeds if there is a Community-based sea urchin (Tripneustes gratilla) grow-
shortage of the preferred Sargassum sp. out culture as a resource management tool. Can Spec Publ
Echinoderms such as sea urchin are truly marine species and Fish Aquat Sci 1998; 125:393-399.
very sensitive to varying changes in salinity. It is important 3. McBride SC, Lawrence JM, Lawrence AL, Mulligan, TJ.
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and survival rates. The euryhaline (broad salt tolerance) desert growth, feeding rate, total organic absorption, and gross
pupfish shows the maximum growth rate at 35 ppt compared assimilation efficiency of the sea urchin
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The researcher wishes to thank Dr. Annette Juinio-Meñez of 7. Capinpin EC Jr, Toledo JD, Encena II, VC, Doi M.
UP-MSI for providing the sea urchin specimens, Ms. Rona Density dependent growth of the tropical abalone Haliotis
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J.R. Ugaban, and J.F. Soriano for maintenance of the euryplastic fish exposed to different temperatures and
experimental set-up. Many thanks to Dr. Rosie Abalos for help salinities. Physiol Zool 1960; 33:288-317.
in statistical analysis using the SPSS and Prof. Francis Albert
T. Argente for reviewing the manuscript.

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