CSTP 4 Cunningham 7
CSTP 4 Cunningham 7
CSTP 4 Cunningham 7
Goals are posted in the I go over the goals for the I go over the short term
classroom and day at the beginning of goals for each and every
communicated with every lesson. When I go lesson and go over the
students at the beginning over the goals, I explain goals of the unit. I also
of each lesson, using a how they would relate to show the students how
What? How? Why? things students already the short term goals help
format. What – skill to or a skill that it would be them to achieve their long
learn by the end of the similar to that they need term goals. I help
lesson/sequence. How – to know. 11/8/2020 students monitor their
the activity the students own goals with to-do lists
do in class. Why – why it to keep their learning on
is important for them to track. 3/10/21
know this skill. I usually
try to relate it to
something outside of the
classroom. 7/20/20
CSTP 4: Planning Instruction and Designing Learning Experiences for All Students
I use both formal and When planning instruction, I I have my own teaching
informal assessments to have students complete strategies that I am
determine whether it is different activities for the comfortable using and
same block of content. One
appropriate to move have used for a long time,
activity may be beneficial to
forward with the content, a kinetic learner, another
and now I use strategies
or if reteaching is may be beneficial to a visual from other teachers that I
necessary. 7/20/20 learner. I try to make would not have come up
different activities overlap with on my own. These
so that different learning are also helpful, because
modes are met. Support and the students are exposed
modifications are also set in to them in other classes,
place for students with IEP’s so they are already
or EL students. 7/20/20
familiar with them and
are able to use them
I use data and results from successfully. Students are
graded assignments and able to articulate to me
from information I get from what works best for them.
conversations I have with 3/10/21
the students. 11/8/2020
CSTP 4: Planning Instruction and Designing Learning Experiences for All Students
As the year progresses, I I use some of the things Pending on how students
learn what supports help from previous years, but I are handling the content, I
students more, and am continuously making have different directions I
change my instructional changes to these can go. For example, I
plans to meet those materials or making have different activities
needs. 7/20/20 completely new ones to for the same piece of
be better for my students. content, so I have choices
11/8/2020 for what would be best
for this group of students.
One class may need extra
time with something
while another class is
ready to move on.