CSTP 4 Paradiso 050124
CSTP 4 Paradiso 050124
CSTP 4 Paradiso 050124
As this is my second year When building the lesson The example word
at the school, I have plans for the unit, It is problems created on the
become more proficient important to reflect on notes, quizzes and tests
in the ALEKS program the students are based on
and realize that more understanding and understanding for a broad
tools are needed to better struggles during past range of students. The
assist different learners. units. I am able to plan online platforms are
differentiates instruction resources that meet many
I am using different based on the students students’ diverse learning
online resources and our academic readiness. I am needs.
new platform REVEAL to able to use the online
better incorporate platform of Aleks as a When planning the word
different forms of lesson guide to my students problems examples in
plans and to better individual needs and math, students cultures
incorporate real work incorporate this into the and stereotypes are
application to math. guided class notes. considered so that all
Language, word students feel included or
problems, past student The course curriculum is understand the material
knowledge, and real-life set to specific provided.
application is my focus instructional material. I
this year in my lesson utilize different additional The curriculum does not
CSTP 4: Planning Instruction and Designing Learning Experiences for All Students
Communicates learning Establishes and shares Establishes and Establishes and Establishes and
objectives for a single learning goals for skill communicates to students articulates learning goals articulates
lesson to students based development with clear learning goals for to students that integrate comprehensive short-
on content standards and students in single lessons content that are content standards with term and long-term
4.2 Establishing and available curriculum. and sequence of lessons. accessible, challenging, students’ strengths, learning goals for
articulating goals for 9/20/22 and differentiated to interests, and learning students. Assists students
student learning address students’ diverse needs. to articulate and monitor
learning needs. learning goals.
CSTP 4: Planning Instruction and Designing Learning Experiences for All Students
CSTP 4: Planning Instruction and Designing Learning Experiences for All Students
When lesson planning for When developing the From a school that is All lesson plans and
each unit, I incorporate lesson plans for the units, heavily based in guided notes are
strategies suggested by I was able to select academics and athletics, I prepared for students.
the curriculum and different instructional like to incorporate Here they start with very
through collaboration strategies into single different athletic guided material as to
with other teachers. lessons to help build strategies into the math what steps to follow in
student understanding. learning to help my problem solving. As the
I am still learning These strategies helps students better notes progress, the
different strategies for diverse learners able to understand the material problems get more
single lessons to help practice and review the or how to interpret the challenging for students
better individual student instructional material in questions. Their diverse as they perfect their
learning needs. their own way. languages and learning procedure skills.
needs allow me to use
I reflect on the data for These activites and different strategies in the From different informal
student assessments and strategies taught me classroom to best assist assessments, lessons are
classroom feedback to about different learners my students. adapted to meet the
incorporate strategies for needs. I was able to needs of the learners.
specific students. better understand how to I use informal Scaffolds are taken away
9/20/22 support them. assessments such as exit or added in.
tickets to best analyze
4/26/23 students understanding of 5/1/24
translating mathematical
sentences and word
problems. These data
helps when planning
CSTP 4: Planning Instruction and Designing Learning Experiences for All Students
I adapt lesson plans and Lessons need to When building the guided
learning strategies when constantly be adapted to class set of notes early
students are struggling to make sure students are this year, I have been able
understand and express understanding the to incorporate different
concepts on their own. material. I use informal YouTube videos, online
checks for understanding websites and worksheets
Through these adaptions and make adjustments to to help students practice
on instructions plans, I differentiated outside of the classroom.
can help close knowledge instructional plans. These additional tools are
gaps and misconceptions reviewed in class and
on specific concepts As I am now able to see students are able to work
the students daily, I am on them at their own
9/20/22 able to create content and ability.
additional material to
help students that need Ongoing student input
additional support in helps to know if these
understanding the additional tools are
material. Our online helping students to
platforms allows me to be practice or if they needs
in more communication to be adjusted for the next
with my students. year.
4/26/23 10/30/23