Does God Exist?

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Does God Exist?

If one wants to solve any problem, one has to go to
the root cause of the problem or root cause of all causes. By
solving the root cause, automatically problem is finished or
disappears. Does really God exist? By God we actually mean
that, is there a cause of all the causes that we see around
here and once we go to the root cause, we can actually find
out where exactly the problem lies. So that is the discussion
for today. But this definition of God or question, does really
God exist or are scriptures the words of God has been asked
since time immemorial. But it is a very tricky question and
none of us here actually can swear that He does not exist
nor can swear that He does exist. We are like, may be or
may not be. We have different conceptions. In this
connection, there is a beautiful story:

Once there was a village and all the village people

wanted to know about the existence of God. So they decided
that they will approach a saint who lived close to the village
and they requested him. After long, long pleading before
him, he decided to come and everyone gathered. Sage
came, sat down and he asked, do all of you believe in God?
No one raised their hands. All of those who believe in God,
please raise your hands, no one raised hands. So he said oh!
None of you belief in God, there is no point in me speaking
and he went away. Villagers were disappointed and next
time they again pleaded, please come and speak. All right,
he came and he said, alright, all of you who belief in God,
please raise hands and then everyone invariably raised their
hands. Oh! All of you believe in God, then there is no point
of me speaking, and he went back. The villagers were
confused what to do? So next time they decided some will
raise and some will not raise hands. Next time they called
him, the village was divided, women on one side, men on

other side. Then he said, alright, those who believe in God,
raise hands. Half of the group raised their hands and half
put their hands down. So he said, you believe in God and
you do not believe. So, you people who believe convince
those who do not believe. There is no point in, of me
speaking. So the point is that is our situation, Ninety-nine
point nine percent of people, especially in India, we belong
to this category. Ask them from the bottom of their hearts,
do you believe that God exists? Oh, well may be something
like God exists, everything is God, you are God, I am God,
God is love, God is light. We have some conception of God,
really not sure that He exists. And none of us are sworn
atheists also. That’s our situation.

There was one atheist friend. For inauguration of his

clinic, he invited many people. He had arranged some
Brahmans for doing some worship. When asked, you never
believed in God, what is this? He replies, as lacs have been
spent on clinic, let there be some expenditure in worship
also. In case there is God, let him also be satisfied. Then I
was thinking, most of us including me, believe in God,
basically because of two reasons. Number one is fear of
unknown. By chance if He is there, Oh God if you are there,
be satisfied, do not trouble me. Number two is fear of
society. If you are atheist, you are looked down upon. And a
pious man is respected, God fearing person is respected.
Otherwise none of us is actually hundred percent sure about
the existence of God. Neither are we completely atheist. We
are like half baked. So first of all one must be convinced
whether really does God exist?

What is the proof that God exists? Because we want

to be very scientific, let us try to find some proof of
existence of God. Number one, for every urge, there is
fulfillment provided in the nature. For example, there is a
natural urge like thirst, in nature there is water provided to
quench this thirst. Similarly there is hunger, which is a
natural urge. Food is provided in nature to satisfy that

hunger. Similarly there is an urge for sex drive and there is
opposite sex provided in the nature to satisfy that urge.
Similarly we find, on a cross cultural basis, all over the
world, whichever culture; you will find that there is natural
urge in living entity to surrender to a higher authority. Even
if you go to the most aboriginal African tribe, you will find
that there is a fear and respect for some higher power. They
worship sky, they worship mountains and they worship sea.
In this way, some power or higher power by which we are
controlled, on which we are dependent is being worshiped.
The sense of worshiping a higher authority is dormant in
every one’s heart. So in every society, every culture, there
is a natural urge to offer respect and be grateful to a higher
authority and therefore , if there is a natural urge in all the
living entities, there must be something the highest power
and that must to God. That is one proof that there must be

Second, creation implies a creator. Can we say some

day one wind came and all the tube lights, beautiful AC and
everything by chance came and struck here and this nice
place was created? It is absurd, no one would believe it.
Similarly when we see beautiful creation, obviously there
must be a creator behind it. There must be an intelligent
person. This implies intelligence and intelligence implies
intelligent. In this connection there is a beautiful instance of
a great scientist Isaac Newton. He was a theistic person and
many of his colleagues were atheist. One day, Newton had a
beautiful model of Solar system on his table. There was sun
in the centre and all the planets going around the Sun.
There was a lever under the table and if you turn the lever,
all the planets would move around the Sun in their
respective orbits and all the moons go around their
respective planets. One day, a friend of his happened to
come by. He asked Newton, it is a beautiful model, I would
like to know, where did you get this? Newton wanting to
make a point, said no, no, I just walked in this morning and
all of a sudden it appeared from nowhere. Friend said,

please stop joking, I am serious about it and I would like to
know. Newton said, believe me, this did not exist but when I
opened the door, all of a sudden it appeared from nowhere.
Friend said, no, no you are pulling my leg. Newton became
very grave and he said, my dear friend, you do not believe
that this small model of Solar system, came out itself by
chance, but you dare believe that the original Solar system
has come about itself, by change without a person, without
an intelligent man behind it. So this is something to think
about. If you walk on a sea shore and if you find a nice
quartz wrist watch lying on the shore, would you say that by
chance, the waves of the ocean were hitting the sand and in
the process this beautiful watch was created by chance. But
unfortunately, this is what we are saying when we say, this
whole universe is created by a big bang. There was a big
bang and this beautiful creation with all its variety has come
about. How foolish and how absurd it is. But unfortunately
this is what we believe. This is what is being told in text

When you see something perfectly working, it implies

a law maker. A small Boy may think by chance trains are
coming right on-time. How by chance all the trains are
coming, if anyone comes little early, it will crash. How Up
trains are coming on one track and Down trains are by
chance coming on other track. By chance, if they come other
side what will happen? He thinks that everything is by
chance happening. But there is a perfect intelligence behind
it. There is a person behind it who has designed it in such a
way that no accident occurs. And to run traffic lights, there
are so many people behind it. This is one example; so many
people are required to maintain one cross-road. We find not
only in this world but the whole creation, from the most
microscopic level of an atom where exactly the electrons are
going around the protons and neutrons, how all the
molecules, how all the atomic particles are coming together
from most macroscopic level to a cellular level to most
macroscopic level of the moons going around planets,

planets going around the Sun, the whole Solar system
working, there are the clusters, super-clusters, galaxies and
milky ways, perfect order. In fact you can exactly say when
will be the next eclipse, thousands of years before that you
could predict what will happen, it is so perfect. It is so
perfect law. There are natural laws; laws of physics, laws of
thermodynamics and laws of gravitation. Do we think that
by chance these laws exist and there is no person behind it?
There is no intelligence behind it. So there are perfect laws.
How a human being does not give rise to a donkey? There is
a perfect law. Heredity, etc. and in this way we find laws
imply law-maker. So whatever is the intelligence behind
these laws and if there is intelligence, there must be an
intelligent. So it reflects, throughout creation that there
must be the existence of some source. Now this source, we
say as God. However, this definition of God must be very
clear otherwise a lot of confusion. Science means proper
definition. If no definition, too much of confusion will exist.
Therefore, the first thing is what is the definition of God? We
have to be very clear from this time onward when we are
discussing about God, let us be very clear what do we mean
when we say does God exist?

The scientific definition of God what we mean, or

definition is, He is ultimate source of everything. From
whom everything comes, but who has no other source. I am
here, the cause of which is my father and mother but
ultimately who was the original source of all the living
entities and everything and that original source of
everything, the cause of everything which has no other
source or no other cause, if there is anything, anyone can
fit-in that definition, then that by definition is what we refer
to now onwards as God. God means Cause of all Causes who
has no other cause or the source of everything and no other
source. This is an effect, but effect has a cause. If some one
fits in that definition, he is referred to as God.

Number two, God must be the Supreme Controller.
All of us, to some extant or the other have some control
over some of the things in our life. Some people are
controlling a nation, some people are controlling a state,
some people are controlling a community and some people
are controlling a family. If not, at least you are the controller
of your own body. But none of us can claim supreme
controllership. Can the president of America say that I
control the lives of every living entity within the country?
No, he has no control even over his own position. Can head
of state say, I have control over every situation throughout
the state? Can anyone of us say that I have complete
control over every situation and everything of my family?
We are all controllers but what to speak of controlling a
family, we can’t even control our own body. The body is not
under our control. If there is nature’s call, we have to
respond to it. If heart stops beating, we cannot say start
beating. You can’t stop the hair from falling from your own
head. What kind of a God are we? There are so many people
who claim themselves to be God and they can’t control the
hairs falling down from their head. What can they control the
whole universe? This is foolish. So, God means the supreme
controller of all controllers. Everything is perfectly under his
control, not a blade of grass moves without the sanction of
the Lord. That is a God. Then we say in capital GOD, anyone
who does not control everything and calls himself GOD is
nothing but a DOG.

Supreme controller means if he orders something,

that has to happen, it has to happen but no one can order
him, he is supremely independent. No one can question him.
That by definition is God.

God by definition is the Supreme Proprietor, the

owner of everything. Now all of us can claim proprietorship
or ownership of our body, of our home or some property but
can we truly claim that this body belongs to us or are we
the owner of the property, because ultimately, we leave and

go away and someone else claims it. So we may say that I
have paper to show that it is my property but this property
does not belong to us, it belongs to Government. As far as
this body is concerned, ultimately you leave it and go away.
You are a tenant, residing in it & then you have to leave. So
we are not proprietor of our own body. So in this way none
of us can claim that any property belongs to us. But if there
is any object or anything who is supreme proprietor of
everything we see around, throughout creation, all the
planetary systems, if someone can claim that I am the
proprietor permanently then that person by definition is
called God and finally the Supreme Enjoyer. Enjoyer is he
who actually drives the real benefit of all the proprietorship.
The person who actually owns the property is enjoyer.

For example, in a hotel, there is a cashier, there is a

server, there is a cleaner etc. They are all working and
cashier is collecting the cash & putting in a bag. At the end
of the day, a big man comes, all the money he puts in the
bag and goes away. These people are struggling hard but
this man comes and collects the cash and goes away. Why
he is the enjoyer of all day’s work here? Because he is the
proprietor of that hotel. Therefore, for a person to be
supreme enjoyer, one must be the proprietor. So if we say,
we are the supreme enjoyer, we can be the supreme
enjoyer only if we are the real owner of the property. And
what is the proof of proprietorship? Proof of proprietorship is
the control. If you own something, you should be controller.
If you say I am the controller of this body, can you control
disease, dieing, etc? You can not control.

We find that if we want to be the real enjoyer, real

enjoyer is he who is proprietor and proof of proprietorship is
control and who can control? the person who has created.
He knows exactly what he has created and he has all the
strings under his control. So by definition, God is he, who is
the supreme enjoyer because he is supreme proprietor,
everything is absolutely under his control because he is

original source of everything, he has created everything and
he has nobody behind him who can claim proprietorship over
his ownself or control him saying I am your source.

Now how do we recognize who is God. We see

creation. Is there a person who created it? Suppose in front
of me, I see an old building and I want to know who created
this building. Then I will have to go back and try to find, to
know, trace the history and find out who constructed it, who
is its proprietor. A building is 50 years old or 1000 years old,
you can find out. But how do we find out about this creation
which is million and trillion years old, it is very difficult. Not
only that, this creation is huge and therefore, creator must
have existed beyond the creation and apart from the
creation. We have to go back much, much back in terms of
time, and much, much away in terms of distance.

So how do we get knowledge of an event or of a

person or of a thing which is long beyond in terms of time
and place? Because we want to know who created the
creation. That gives rise to the next question, how do we
acquire knowledge of anything at all? It is described that
there are three ways of acquiring knowledge.

Pratyaksa Praman. The first way by which we can

acquire knowledge is called Pratyaksa Praman or direct
sense perception. Aksha means eyes. Prati-asksha means
right in front. Oh! I can see therefore, I can believe it. For
example, someone shows me Gulab Jamun, this is Gulab
Jamun. Yes, now I know, I have full knowledge of Gulab
Jamun. How it looks like, how it tastes, how it smells,
everything. Directly we see it, directly we hear, directly we
smell it, directly we touch it and directly we can taste it.
There are five senses and through these senses, whatever
knowledge we acquire, is called Pratyaksa Praman. But it
has some deficiencies because invariably in every human-
being there are four defects.

First defect, our senses are limited in their perception
or capacity. For example, the eye cannot perceive what is
just under the eye-brow or the eye-lid. Eye-lid is right in
front of the eye but you cannot see it. If something is too
close, you cannot see and if something is too far, you can
not see it. Sometimes we see plane in the sky moving but
suddenly somewhere it disappears in the sky. Not that it has
disappeared; it has gone beyond range of our sight. So we
find that our senses are limited. Within a particular range
only, we can sense. For example, hearing below 20 Hz and
above 20,000 Hz, i.e. infrasonic and ultrasonic, we cannot
hear. Bats may be making some sound, you cannot hear.
They have ultrasonic ability, their range is much higher.
Right here, radio Australia, radio cyclone is hitting our ears,
but we cannot perceive, it is beyond our range. We need
another instrument which can transform these waves into
our range.

Therefore we are under illusion. We are always under

illusion. We see something and think it to be something else.
Optical illusions, auditory illusions, so you, Oh! I thought it
was so and so. I heard, Oh! I thought this person has come.
Sometimes we put a stick in water it looks bent and broken
but actually it is not. Because our senses are limited, we are
under illusion. Sometimes if you see Sun, it looks like small
piece of disc which can be covered by your finger but
actually it is thousands of times bigger than the earth
planet. But from a distance we see it small.

Thirdly we all make mistakes. In fact there is a saying

in English, two err is human. So many mistakes we make.
We think this is the truth but later we realize there are more
and more new discoveries.

Fourthly we have a cheating prosperity. We say, I am

right because I can see it. But our perception is limited.
Unfortunately human beings sometimes go beyond innocent

errors and deliberately propagate untruths. Scientists are
not immune to this short coming because of some gains.

Therefore, with these four defects, the Pratyaksa

Praman, the process of acquiring knowledge through sense
perception is not the best. It has its own limitations in
understanding the Absolute truth which is beyond our
senses and beyond in terms of time also.

Anumana Praman. The next way of acquiring

knowledge is called Anumana Praman. It means knowledge
through inference. Alright, I accept our senses are limited,
but based on it we speculate. Different people seeing the
same phenomenon speculate differently and come to
different conclusions. Therefore, we find so many
philosophies. Each seems to be some extent OK. But
ultimately none of them satisfies. Once, top specialists from
medical field gathered for a conference. As they were
discussing, they saw a man limping and walking. They all
saw some phenomenon. Each one thought what could be
this man’s problem. Neurologist said, if a particular type of
Neuron breaks, then there can be this type of problem.
Psychologist said, this a type of psychological problem.
Orthopedic surgeon said no, no, actually his particular type
of bone and joint is dislocated. So each one of the specialists
were giving their own understanding of what could be the
reason of this particular phenomenon. Ultimately all of them
decided, let’s go and find out from him what is the truth?
They said, this is our understanding of why you are limping.
Can you please tell us why are you limping? He said, I have
no problem, my slipper is broken and therefore, I have to
limp and I am dragging my feet. So in this way, everyone
observes the same phenomenon but each one according to
his abilities is conceptualizing what could be? this is the

It is amazing how for creation, Darwin gives, may be
men came from monkeys. From branches they came to the
benches, but question unanswered is why some remained on
branches. The missing link which continuous to be missing.
It is surprising, in the book on origin, he himself says, I
cannot imagine how a thing like Retina of eye which is so
complex, can by chance evolve from Amoeba. It is absurd, it
is impossible. But we accept it as the truth. The person who
wrote it, he himself does not believe, we swear men came
from monkeys. This is evolution, according to him. So this
has also its own faults.
Another beautiful example can be given, how
Pratyaksa Praman and Anumana Praman are actually not
very perfect in trying to understand the absolute truth.
There were once six blind men, who went to the Zoo to see
a very big animal. None of them knew what it was? They
were told, in Zoo a big animal has come. One blind man
caught hold of the trunk of this animal. He said, this animal
is like a big hose-pipe. Another blind man touched the tusk
of this animal, he said, it is like a knife or dagger. Other
fellow touched the ears, he said, Oh! I know exactly what
this animal is, it is like a seep. Another fellow touched the
back of this animal, he said, it is big wall. Another one
touched the leg; he said it is like a big pillar. Another
touched tail and said it is like a rope. Now tell me, are they
right or wrong? All of them are right in their own way, but
none of them is absolutely right because through their
limited sense of touch, whatever aspect they gathered, they
concluded that this is what it is. So yes, elephant is like
hose-pipe but at one place but it is completely different from
what they perceive. This is Pratyaksa Praman. By sense of
touch suppose they knew that Pratyaksa Praman is very
useless and they started Anumana Praman and if they were
asked to speculate, what could be this elephant? One may
say. may be I am touching one portion, may be this animal
is five mile long hose-pipe. One may speculate, I am
touching only one part of the pillar. may be it is five mile

long pillar. So, the scientists and Philosophers, perceived the
world through their limited senses and they speculated the
rest. Therefore, in their philosophy, something makes sense
though it is actually absurd. You can also touch and you can
also feel but where the objectivity stops and speculation
begins, we do not know. And therefore we find Jato Mat,
Tato Path. As many people as many opinions and everything
seems to be right to some extent, but none of them seems
to be completely right. Therefore, in trying to understand
the absolute truth the Pratyaksa Praman and Anuman
Praman completely fail. What is the next option left for
understanding the truth? The third option is called Sabda
Praman or the word of authority.
When you hear from an authoritative source, when
these blind people stopped speculating, and stopped trying
to understand but listened from a man of proper vision, he
says what you are touching is an elephant. The elephant is
like this. It is so broad, so big, it has trunk which is like a
hose-pipe, then they get the complete picture, then they
understand. Therefore, hearing from a proper authority is
the best way of understanding the truth. For example, if a
child wants to know who my father is, it is very difficult to
know. A child is lying on the street, if you go out and find a
child and you have to find out his father, so difficult it is. But
there is one very easy way. If the mother of the child comes
or if the child asks the mother, please tell who my father is?
She tells and matter is over. Similarly when we approach a
proper bona-fide authority and hear from that source about
the absolute truth, then it perfect. Just like, if you have
stomach-ache, you do not approach a cobbler, you approach
a proper doctor and if he gives opinion, which is of value.
Similarly if you want to know the truth about the cause of all
causes, the source of everything, supreme controller,
proprietor & enjoyer, you must approach an authority.
Why should we approach an authority? Suppose you
say I do not believe Australia exists. But to verify it, you
have to actually go to Australia; you have to catch a plane,

so much of time, so much of energy, so much of money
spent to go there. But if you hear from a proper source, like
T.V. etc. which says, this is Australia, but you have to have
faith. It may say it is Amazon forests. How sure you are that
they are not showing some forest from India? You have faith
that BBS news is correct, you may say, I have no faith in
Doordarshan but BBS is reliable. Therefore, it saves time
and it is safe. Suppose they say Arsenic is very poisonous.
Some one many say no, no, I want to taste it. But you
cannot be alive to tell the fact, how it tastes. Therefore, it is
safe, it saves time and it is convenient. But one must
approach a proper authority.

What is the test of an authority? The test of an

authority is, their opinion does not change after the
discovery of new facts. Secondly, it has stood the test of
time. Since time immemorial, the same facts are being
repeated and number three, it has not been proved wrong,
never. Then we can say that authority is perfect. An
authority which has stood the test of time, over the period of
time the opinion is not changing again and again at all
times, at all places in all circumstances this truth stands to
be the same. That is the absolute truth. Relative truth is
relative to change; we are not interested in relative truth.
We are interested in Absolute truth. If you want to know
absolutely who created it, etc. One must approach a proper
bona-fide authority and authority means, it has stood the
test of time, it has not changed over a period of time, the
opinion is not changing in the coming of new facts and it has
never been proved wrong.

So now that authority is what is called as scriptures

or Shastra. They are called Vedas. Vedic knowledge is
infallible. Infallible means, since time immemorial, same
words are being repeated, not been changed, not been
proved wrong, it has stood the test of time. People mistake
word Vedas by some old palm leaf writing, old Sanskrit
written by some people who lived in the caves of Himalayas.

Please give up these misconceptions. Vedas come from the
root word Vith. Vith means to know that is Vidhya. Vidhya
means knowledge. Vedas means that, which is knowable.
This knowledge is infallible. Infallible means over a period of
time, it never changes. To all people, at all times, at all
places, under all circumstances, this is the truth; it is not
going to change. That is Vedas. Why the Vedic scriptures are
infallible, because it is claimed and Vedas themselves say
that they came from the perfect source. That means the
person who created, has given a mammal. Just like when
you buy an electronic instrument, you get a mammal. The
person who manufactured the instrument has given a
mammal. Read this mammal and you will come to know
what it is made of, what all it contains, what is its purpose?
Similarly the Vedas are claimed to be original knowledge.
What is the proof that these Vedas are infallible, have stood
the test of time, there are some examples.

In the Srimad Bhagavatam, which is at least five

thousand years old, it is surprising, there are some terms
used which are so relevant even today, perfectly the same.
In ninth canto of Srimad Bhagavatam, there is description of
Maharaja Ambrish who ruled the planet earth at that time. It
is described that he was king of Sapt-dvipa. Bhugol has also
been described. Bhu means this earth planet, and gol means
round. We find as far as, later in fifteenth century also when
Columbus wanted to set sail to find out India, people
thought that earth was flat and therefore Spanish king
refused to give ship and all the paraphernalia, but somehow
the queen was very favorable, she gave him ship along with
all the slaves. For so many days they were traveling and
ultimately the slaves thought, the guy is mad. They thought
that world is flat and one day they are going to fall into
nowhere. So they said tomorrow morning if we do not sight
land we will kill this crazy man. Luckily for Columbus, they
sighted land which they thought to be India but later found
it was America. So we find that even as late as in fifteenth
century, people did not know that earth was round. Sapata-

dvipa- It had seven islands, this earth has been described as
Sapata-dvipa. It is so surprising, even when America was
not discovered; this Sapata-dvipa existed and has been
described. It is surprising, even as the age old tradition of
these Vedic scriptures, there is a description of how this cow
dung is considered to be very, very pure. In the Vedic
scriptures it is said that the stool of any animal is considered
very, very contaminated including human being. Deities are
bathed in cow urine & cow dung during Pran-pratishthan
because the cow dung is said to be so pure. Later scientists
found out that cow dung has all the wonderful properties
and antiseptic properties. In fact people in the villages mock
the whole home with cow dung because it is said that the
cow dung is very pure. Also they purify their homes with
cow urine but not of any other animal’s or human urine.
Only cow nothing else. Later we have found out that it
contains all good characteristics. Similarly, Tulsi plant is
supposed to be very, very pure. Later on they found, it has
all medicinal properties. Ganges water is considered to be
very pure. Later they found for however long you may keep,
it will not get contaminated. There are so many and there
are only few examples which have stood this test of time
and have never been proved wrong.

Next amazing thing is human embryology. In the

scripture, Srimad Bhagavatam, third Canto where Kapil Muni
is describing to his mother about the child within the womb
from day one of conception till the birth of child. He
describes, what exactly happens inside womb in these nine
months. And recently one of our doctors, he did a thorough
study and documented these facts. He corroborated it and
the similarities, describing, on seventh day what happens to
it, it becomes like a globule, one month, what happens, how
movements starts within a particular time. Everything
perfectly documented. This is at a time when all these were
possible by modern science, only after the discovery of X-
ray and they started seeing the child through X-ray in the
womb otherwise they did not know what exactly happened.

Five-thousand years before Kapil Muni is telling what
happens in the womb and this is not a medical text book.
This is a non-medical philosophy like book and in that he
casually mentions this. That means in Vedic scriptures even
a layman had so much knowledge, that even the scientists
of today don’t have. Just casual reading of the Vedic texts,
but they had full faith and they followed it, therefore, they
were able to live simple, happy, blissful life. There are so
many descriptions like this. Even predictions of future are
perfect. It is described in Srimad Bhagavatam which was
completed five thousand years ago; it is described about
Buddha, where He will take birth, who will be His father &
mother. Chaitanya Mahaprabhu who appeared just five
hundred years ago is predicted in Mahabharata, in Srimad
Bhagavatam and in so many other Upanishads also. How the
line of kings in Surya Vansha, Chandra Vansha has been
described and how in Kali-yuga, in the present age, it has
come to the level of Nanda, Chandragupta Maurya,
Chanakya and Ashok Vardhan, how he will come and he will
spread this philanthropy of Buddhism that has also been
described. In fact appearance of Jesus Christ has been
described in Bhavishya Purana. How He will appear in a
country where there are degraded Melacchas and Yavanas
and how he will uplift them by presenting a philosophy. Even
Mohammad has been predicted in the Atharav Veda and
Bhavishya Purana. And there is another wonderful amazing
thing, if you read there scriptures and understand them,
nothing will surprise you for another five thousand years.
This is a proof to show how powerful each verse of these
Vedas are, essence of these Vedic scriptures. For example
this particular age in which we are living is called Kali-yuga.
Yuga means millennium. Kali means Kalha. Kalha means
quarrel & Hypocrisy. For ten paisa people fight with each
other & kill each other. You say something but you do
something. It is described in this particular, twelfth canto of
Srimad Bhagavatam. In one verse this present age has been
described. Shukdev Goswami tells Prikshit Maharaj S.B.
(12.2.1). He says:

rr”pkuqfnua /keZ% lR;a “kkSpa {kek n;kA
dkysu cfyuk jktu u=\{;fr vk;qZ oya Le`fr%AA
sri-sukah uvaca—Sukadeva Gosvami said; tatah—then; ca—
and; anudinam—day after day; dharmah—religion; satyam—
truth; saucam—cleanliness; ksama—tolerance; daya—
mercy; kalena—by the force of time; balina—strong; rajan—
O King Pariksit; nanksyati—will become ruined; ayuh—
duration of life; balam—strength; smrtih—memory.

(Sukadeva Gosvami said: Then, O King, religion,

truthfulness, cleanliness, tolerance, mercy, duration of life,
physical strength and memory will all diminish day by day
because of the powerful influence of the age of Kali.)

He says, “Then O king, religion, truthfulness,

cleanliness, tolerance, mercy, duration of life, physical
strength and memory will all diminish day by day because of
the powerful influence of the age of kali. Of what? Dharmah
Piety will reduce day by day. Satyam! Truthfulness will go
away. Saucam! Cleanliness will go away. Ksama! Tolerance
will go away. Daya Mercy will be reduced. Kalena balina
rajan, Nanksyati ayuh! Age will reduce day by day. Balina!
People’s strength will reduce day by day. Smrtih! People’s
memory will reduce day by day.

And we can actually see this. Dharmah! People were

much more pious, now so many people are atheist. To be an
atheist is new fashion. I don’t believe in God. Oh really! I
also, thank you very much. If you believe in God, they feel
you are from an alien planet.

Satyam! Truthfulness will be reduced. Earlier as we

read in Ramayana, “Raghukul reet sada chali aai, Pran jae
par vachan na jai.” I will die but words once out of the
mouth, I will stick to them. In Vedic culture there was no

writing down. There was a Panchayat system. They will go
to Panchayat & its decision was final in no time. Earlier
people’s speech was like lines on the rock. No question of
going back from your words. In Kali-yuga, people’s speech is
like line on the water. By the time you finish, line is already
rubbed. People twist their sentences in such a way that in
next sentence they will say, I did not say this. People have
no truthfulness. Even among close relatives, put it down on
paper, sign on bond paper otherwise tomorrow, you may go

Saucam! People do not know what cleanliness is.

There was a time in Vedic culture, people used to go to
jungle to pass stool but these days toilet is right opposite to
kitchen. We are creatures of Kali-yuga.

Ksama! People’s tolerance has gone. They loose their

patience in no time.

Daya! Mercy is lost. Just for little satisfaction of

tongue, they are ready to cut throat of other animal.

Kalena balina rajan i.e. by the force of time oh King!

Nanksyati. People’s age will reduce. Today someone is very
old and if he lives for hundred years, his photograph comes
in News papers. There was a Russian old man, in front of
him was a big cake having hundred candles, his ground
children were blowing his birthday cake. Eighty years and if
you are walking, it is wonderful. Earlier people lived
regularly, food was healthy air was pure, everything was
pure, now purity is lost. In future a time will come, if a
person lives for twenty years, he will be considered a grand
old man.

Balam! People’s strength will reduce. It is a fact,

when we hear, in Mahabharata, how Arjuna shot arrows,
their bows were nine feet long and their arrows will travel
without deflection for kilometers. Sometimes it will pierce an

elephant in its forehead and come out from its back-side and
still go straight. This may appear mythology. They may
pierce seven trees and still go straight. If you visit Salarjung
Museum, the armory, the soldiers used to wear five hundred
years ago, we cannot wear and stand what to say of wearing
and fighting for days on horse back, solid iron, & their sword
required a weight lifter to lift it. Today if we have to throw a
ball in cricket, that fellow have to run half a kilometer and
after six balls there is rest. In Mahabharata people will shoot
arrows from Sun-rise to Sun-set and for eighteen
consecutive days.

Smrtih! People’s memory will reduce. Earlier people

would hear and remember. Suta Goswami, heard Srimad
Bhagavatam which is Eighteen thousand Sanskrit verses and
after a few months he reproduced exactly as if reading or
from tape recorder. He just heard once & it got inscribed in
heart. As recent as in 1920, in Andhra some people were
called Shrutidhar. Shruti means hearing and Dhar means
who can hold. There was a competition, there were hundred
people sitting and this man is sitting there. Hundred people
randomly will ask hundred questions, not in a line. These
fellows will ask any questions like what is dimension of North
America. This man is supposed to hear every question and
after which he has to answer in the same order. Number one
you have to answer each question, number two you have to
know who asked which question and number three you have
to remember the order. During all this, there is one man is
ringing the bell and at the end of question, you have to tell
how many bells were rung. This was quality of people.

It is described in scriptures that a time will come

when people will produce children to kill them and to eat
them. It will not be surprising that tomorrow Kali-yuga will
be so degraded that even air will be sold. Fifty years ago if
someone said food will be sold this will be a surprising
statement. Food was never sold. Concept of hotel never
existed. There were dharma-shalas, free food. Then people

were told a day will come when water will be sold. People
laughed at this, but today mineral water is biggest business.
I may say tomorrow air will be sold. In Japan, in some
shopping Malls, you through a coin, few puffs of pure oxygen
you will get. For another five thousand years, nothing will
surprise you if you read scriptures. Anyone who can
understand scriptures can never be bewildered because that
is word of authority coming from a perfect source.

Vedas means Shruti, earlier people would never write

it down, and that is Guru-shishya parampara. The spiritual
master would speak and disciples would hear it and they will
transfer this knowledge. But later in the beginning of Kali-
yuga, it was compiled by Ved-Vyas. Because he knew that
people will degrade and therefore, he wrote down. Shruti
means received by hearing. Vedas are called Apaurusheya
that is not made by human beings, because as we have
discussed human beings have four defects. These are
revelations, revealed by the Supreme Lord through the living
entities. But these are revealed truths and not manufactured
or concocted truths by human brains.

These are revealed truths, revealed by God Himself,

or through His representative. Scripture is compared to an
instruction mammal. We have an electronic instrument and
along with it come an instruction manual. What is the
purpose of instrument? What is this instrument made-up of?
How to use it? How not to use it? Dos & Don’ts. Keep it in a
cool place; keep it out of children’s reach like that. So the
person who created this universe has given the scriptures as
manual. Do this and you will remain happy. If you break
these rules, you will be miserable.

All right you may say that Supreme Lord created and
He gave the manual in the form of scriptures but why are
there different scriptures? There are so many religions and
there are so many scriptures and there seems to be so many
differences of opinions in the scriptures. So if the same

person has made the instruction manual why are these
differences in the scriptures? The answer is actually there
are no different scriptures. In a sense it is all one. But
according to time, place and circumstances, they differ;
otherwise in essence, no scripture differ. It is not that
scriptures are different, in essence they are not different but
according to which person it is revealed, at what time, under
what circumstances, they are told in a different way.

Let us take an example of what this means. Suppose

there is good surgeon who knows everything about the
body. Now suppose a young child of five years comes to this
surgeon and says, uncle can you tell me what happens to
the food we eat? Now the surgeon may say to the child,
when you eat the food, it goes into stomach and it is
digested, a lot of energy is got out for the body and
anything which is not required is thrown off. Now suppose a
tenth standard boy comes & says tomorrow is my biology
exam, I want to know what exactly happens when we eat
food. He may say to him, when this goes from here to
stomach then it goes from stomach to small intestines &
then large intestines and then goes off. In this way food is
digested. Now suppose a MBBS doctor comes, He may tell in
more details. Like carbohydrates are drawn here, minerals
are drawn here, various components of food where they are
kept and how kidney takes away all the salts and through
the extradite things go away. Now suppose another MD
surgeon comes and says one follow had food poisoning and I
have opened his stomach & he is lying on the operation
table. He may go into tremendous details. Now tell me is the
Surgeon’s reply same or is it different? It is same and also
different. In essence it is the same, but according to the
level of the person to whom he is speaking, the message
seems to be different. The details are much more. Other
example is of pocket dictionary and seventeen volumes
Webster dictionary. In a pocket dictionary, some three
thousand words are there and one or two meanings, just
enough because it is meant for keeping in the pocket. In

seventeen volume dictionary you may find all type of usages
to the words, all the applications with so many examples
and there may be seventy thousand words. But do you think
that the meaning in the pocket dictionary & the other one is
different. No, only the details or more or details are less.
Similarly in essence, there is no difference in the scriptures.
All the scriptures agree that there is God & there is one
supreme Lord. There is no discrepancy in the essence. The
essence of Gita as Sri Krishna says in Gita, eighteenth
chapter; sixty-sixth verse B.G. (18.66)

s:v:üD:m:aünp:erty:jy: m:am:ðkö S:rN:ö v:Òj: .

Ahö tv:am: s:v:üp:ap:ðBy::ð m::ðx:ey:\y:aem: m:a S:Øc:H ..
sarva-dharmān — all varieties of religion; parityajya —
abandoning; mām — unto Me; ekam — only; śaranOam — for
surrender; vraja — go; aham — I; tvām — you; sarva — all;
pāpebhyahO — from sinful reactions; moksOayisOyāmi — will
deliver; mā — do not; śucahO — worry.

(Abandon all varieties of religion and just surrender unto

Me. I shall deliver you from all sinful reactions. Do not fear.)

Abandon all varieties of religions and surrender unto

me. Jesus was asked, what is the essence of the ten
commandants given by Moses? He said “Love thy God with
all thy heart, with all thy soul, with all thy might, love thy
neighbor as thyself.” What does love mean? Love means
surrender. If you love someone, you surrender everything to
him. In fact the word Islam means surrender. In essence we
find that there is no difference. All the bona-fide scriptures
say that give-up sense gratification, live a pure life, we have
to achieve the kingdom of God, Vaikuntha otherwise you will
go to Jahannum or otherwise you will go to Jannat.
Everywhere concepts are same but according to time, place
& circumstances, it is given differently. For example, it is not
that Jesus was less self-realized. It is people to whom He

was speaking were too low, some were fishermen, and some
were shepherds. In the book of Johns He says, I have much
more to tell you but you cannot bear it now. Therefore, He
told them through stories, through analogies etc. like we tell
important points to children through stories. He preached for
three years and was crucified. If He had spoken little
strongly, probably they would have crucified Him in three
months. Same thing was with Mohammed. Not that He was
less self-realized, but the kind of people He was dealing was
too low, therefore, He said just do this at least. They were
so degraded that in one Sura, He said, at least don’t have
sex with your mother & sister; you can have many wives if
you want. It means that they were having even that. They
were so-degraded people and to them if you say become a
first class celibate Brahmachari, which is impossible. What
Krishna tells Arjuna or Shukdev Goswami is telling Prikshit
Maharaj is very, very high level of philosophy. Therefore
according to the time, place & circumstances, the essential
absolute truth is revealed according to the capacity of the
people. But in essence they are all the same.

When Jesus spoke one sermon, knock on the door it

will be opened for you, seek and you shall find. Athato
Braham Jigyasa. Now that we have got human from of life,
enquire about absolute truth, do not waste your time in just
eating, sleeping, mating & defending. The underline
message is always the same, but the intensity and details
are more or less according to the level of understanding.

Now there are so many scriptures, when we will have

time to study all these and all these are in Sanskrit and to
learn Sanskrit, it takes twelve years. So is it possible to
understand all these scriptures because we want to
understand who Lord is? We are desperate. The whole life
time is not enough to study all scriptures. So, Lord Krishna,
understanding the nature of kali-yuga people, Kali-yuga
means crash course because life is too short. Everything
summarize, we want essence, no struggle, no beating

around. In this way Krishna has very mercifully given the
essence of all scriptures in the Bhagavad-Gita. So if you
know B.G., everything you need to know is there. In fact the
glory of Gita is described in Gita Mahatmya 3. It says:

loksZifu’knks xkoks nksX/kk xksikyuUnu%A

ikFkksZ oRl% lq/khHkksZDrk nqX/ka xhrke`ra egr~AA
All the Upanishads- Upa means near, ni means under
and shad means sit down. This knowledge must be
submissively heard sitting close under spiritual preceptor.
Upanishads are also called Vedanta. Ved means knowledge
and anta-means end. Upanishads means end of all
knowledge, the essence of Vedas. All Upanishads are
compared to a cow; the person who is milking the cow is
Gopalnandana – Krishna. He is churning the essence of cow
of Upanishads. Arjuna is compared to calf. This analogy is so
beautiful. Generally the cow does not give milk but if calf is
taken and if calf takes milk and once calf’s quota is over
then the remaining milk is taken and distributed to every
one. So the cowherd man uses the calf to get the milk.
Similarly, Krishna, the transcendental cowherd boy, drew
out the essence of the cow of Upanishads using Arjuna as an
instrument. Arjuna was a self realized person, he asked
some questions and in reply to these questions, Lord Sri
Krishna the transcendental cowherd boy churned out the
essence of Vedanta. Sudhir means who are intelligent. I.e.
only those who are intelligent will take advantage of this
transcendental milk of the B.G. which is the essence of all
the Upanishads which is the end of all the Vedas, original
and infallible knowledge. So just by understanding Gita,
automatically all that is there in the scriptures, you come to
know. And the elaboration of B.G. is the S.B. which
elaborates on the principles of Gita in a broader way,
quoting stories from history just like a law book and a law
journal. Law books quote only the principle laws which are
very difficult to understand but then in law journal you find

“so & so”, he had a problem with the Govt. and then govt.
did this etc. and by that, law becomes very clear. So S.B.
contains histories from various parts of the world by which
one can understand B.G. Anyone who knows B.G. and S.B.,
knows the essence of all the scriptures.

We were discussing it to find out who is God. If we

want to know who is God, we should have proper authority
which is Sabada Praman and not Pratiaksh or Anuman

Summary from slide show

Does really God exist has been pondered by various
philosophers, scientists since time immemorial but invariably
every person has come out with different kinds of
understandings and no one has conquered and come to the
same conclusion about the absolute truth. Could life arise by
chance? Can we say that this beautiful garden that we see in
front of us has come out by chance? By chance all the
particular kind of trees or shrubs grew in the same place. By
chance some particular kind of thing came into being. By
chance some bricks fall in a round fashion. No, when we see
a beautiful garden, it means that there must be a gardener
behind it. Through you do not see him there but it is
understood. Similarly when you see a beautiful creation, it
implies a creator, an intelligent person. So who is this
person behind this creation who has created in his lap a
beautiful product that we see in nature. Who has colored
butterfly. Who has caused the cow to give milk? From the
most microscopic to macroscopic level there are perfect
laws, laws of gravity etc. Automatically we find the planets
are revolving in perfect orbit since time immemorial, In fact
we can predict what will be their position at a particular
moment, so many thousand years later. That is the
perfection of the movement. Perfect laws are being followed
and can we say this is without law maker and by chance it is

happening. From most microscopic level, cells like DNA,
RNA, they are arranged in such a perfect order. All these
chromosomes are perfectly arranged in an order. Here we
find earth. Rains come on time, summer comes on time,
winter comes on time, perfectly we can predict, Inter
planetary levels, and even there we see perfect order.
Similarly in whole galaxies, there are perfect milky ways.
Then there are clusters and super-clusters, all these in
perfect order.

Darwin claims, man from monkeys. May be his

forefathers were monkeys, we don’t know but that is what
he claims. But he himself says, that I cannot believe, “To
suppose that the eye, with all its inhibit able contravenes for
adjusting the focus to different distances for admitting
different amounts of lights could have been formed by
natural selection, seems I truly confess absurd in the highest
degree. This is his statement in his own book, the book on
origin of species but we so foolishly, his Anuman we accept
as Sabada Praman. He himself does not believe but we
accept it as Sabada praman. That is our foolishness.

Big bang, there was a cartoon about little bang by

Little Bang construction company. What this construction
company says, it says, suppose we want to make a beautiful
place like this, what they do, take some bricks, through
some cement, through some wood, through some piece of
glass etc. and press air, TNT, big blast and a beautiful
building forms. Is it possible? If little bang can make
beautiful structure then big bang can make beautiful
universe. This is how absurd this proposal that big bang was
there and beautiful creation came out. All these imaginations
about the creation have been simply speculation and until &
unless we hear from proper source we can never understand
the conclusive truth.

That they are saying man from moneys is like saying,

you take out just one setting of it and whole instrument, the

transistor will become a telephone. This is what they are
saying that, a little change and monkey became a man or
man became a monkey. Can we say that out of this
complete structure, just take out one transistor or one
capacitor and the whole thing will become a telephone or
other thing. This is how absurd it is when people say slowly
it evolved by natural selection process. All over the world
there is a major upheaval, change & people are slowly
rejecting this Darwin theory.

All cross cultural studies reveal that all the faiths

have an understanding of a supreme creator, proprietor,
controller and enjoyer. They may call it by different names,
they may have different conceptions about the Absolute, but
everyone believes in the existence of a higher authority and
the same in revealed in the form of scriptures. But when this
knowledge is heard in unbroken chain of disciplic succession,
then only we will be able to understand the Absolute Truth
and the essence of that knowledge is in the B.G. Hare


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