Worksheet 6D
Worksheet 6D
Worksheet 6D
Angela and Blake are given a spring and asked to determine its force/spring constant. Both students
are given a stand on which the spring may be attached, different known masses that can be attached
to the spring, and an electronic balance.
Experimental Design
PART A: Angela, in addition to the equipment above, is given a meterstick but has no access to a stopwatch
or any other way to measure time. Explain how she can make measurements and how those
measurements can be used to calculate the spring constant.
already known mass of the weights and gravitational constant, and Angela will measure
Measurements to be made:The
the stretched distance from the initial point (w/o weight) and the final point (still position after weights).
1. Measure the position of the spring without the mass. Use the different points with the masses and stretched
2. Measure the distance stretched after the mass is distance to create a graph with gravitational force (mass
applied. is changing but gravitational constant is the same) on the
3. Repeat 10 times with different masses to create a y-axis vs. stretched distance (m), The slope of the linear line
table with mass vs. stretched distance (X1). will be K, according to K= Fg/X1. Or you can plug in the known
mass and gravitational constant and the measured stretched
distance of that mass in the given equation.
PART B: In addition to the equipment above, Blake is given a stopwatch but has no access to a meterstick
or any other way to measure distance. Explain how he can make measurements and how those
measurements can be used to calculate the spring constant.
Measurements to be made: The known mass and gravitational constant, and Blake will measure the time it takes for
the spring to make a full trip, or the period.
How measurements will be made How measurements can be used to calculate k
1. Place a mass on the spring and pull on the spring to The time it takes for the spring to complete a full cycle of motion
stretch .2 meters down is the period, according to T^2/m= 4(pi)^2/K, derived from
2. Let go of the mass and measure the time it takes for T= 2(pi) sqrt(m/K), the slope of a T^2 (period squared) vs. m (kg)
the mass and spring system to go back to it's initial graph will be equal to 4(pi)^2/ K. Solve for K, by using the found
position, completing a full oscillation cycle, or a period. slope in the equation, K= 4(pi)^2/ (slope).
3. Repeat the process 10 times with different masses.
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6.D Measuring Spring Constants
PART C: Now suppose that both students and the classroom (including all equipment) are transported to
another planet where the acceleration due to gravity is greater than Earth’s. For each student, list any
measurements taken above (not calculated) that would have different values on the new planet.
Angela Blake
Angela would measure a larger gravitational force Blake would not have any changes in his calculations
as a result of the greater gravity (mg). Thus, Angela because T^2/m= 4(pi)^2/K does not take into account the
will see a higher Fg on her Fg vs. X1 graph. differing gravitational constant. The oscillations will not be
any different.
PART D: Which student (or both or neither) will obtain a different value for the spring constant? In a clear,
coherent, paragraph-length response, explain your reasoning.
According to T^2/m= 4(pi)^2/K, Blake's calculations will
stay the same on any planet he is on because his calculation
only factor in mass and period, which stays constant even in Checklist:
the differing gravity. The mass-spring system will oscillate at I answered the question directly.
the same velocity to achieve the equilibrium point. According
to Hooke's law Fs= -Kx and Fs=Fg as a result of the Net Force I stated a law of physics that is
equaling zero, Angela's spring constant will be the same because always true.
although the higher gravity will increase the gravitational force,
the higher force will be directly proportional to the I connected the law or laws
displacement stretched as a result (X1). Thus, the slope will of physics to the specific
not change from planet from planet, and Angela's spring circumstances of the situation.
constant calculation will be the same.
I compared the situation (stated
what was the same in all cases).
I contrasted the situations (stated
what was different in all cases).
I used physics vocabulary
(period, mass, spring, constant,
force, velocity, displacement,
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