CSTP 5-Sammy
CSTP 5-Sammy
CSTP 5-Sammy
My development of this
element has primarily
been theoretical. I have
seen a need to allow
students with a ranges of
learning needs to
demonstrate what they
know; however, have not
created these
assessments or rubrics.
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Use data from required Explores collecting Collects a variety of Designs and integrates an Infuses assessments
assessments to assess additional data using formal and informal assessment plan that strategically and
student learning. supplemental assessment data on provides formal and systematically
assessments. student learning. informal assessment data throughout instruction to
5.2 Collecting and Follows required on student learning. collect ongoing
analyzing processes for data Make adjustments in Uses analysis of a variety assessment data
assessment data analysis and draws planning for single of data to inform Uses data analysis of a appropriate for the range
from a variety of conclusions about lessons or sequence of planning and broad range of of learner needs.
sources to inform student learning lessons based on analysis differentiation of assessments to provide
instruction. of assessment data. instruction. comprehensive Uses results of ongoing
information to guide data analysis to plan and
planning and differentiate instruction
differentiation of for maximum academic
instruction. success.
Based on informal and Students are constantly My data logs have progressed
formal observations, I assessed through to involve notes as to what is
reflect on what the informal observation. being done with the data and
students showed me and Students daily work is how I am using it to drive
adjustments may be also used as informal instruction.
made in planning. assessment. Formal
assessments are also
done Pre, mid and at the
end of each unit for
reading and math.