This document discusses assessing students for learning. It covers emerging, exploring, applying, integrating, and innovating levels for five elements:
1. Applying knowledge of assessment purposes and types.
2. Collecting and analyzing assessment data from various sources.
3. Reviewing assessment data individually and with colleagues.
Sample responses are provided that demonstrate different levels, such as using required assessments, exploring additional assessments, collecting various formal and informal data, designing comprehensive assessment plans, and facilitating collaborative data review. The goal is to strategically use assessments to support differentiated student learning needs.
This document discusses assessing students for learning. It covers emerging, exploring, applying, integrating, and innovating levels for five elements:
1. Applying knowledge of assessment purposes and types.
2. Collecting and analyzing assessment data from various sources.
3. Reviewing assessment data individually and with colleagues.
Sample responses are provided that demonstrate different levels, such as using required assessments, exploring additional assessments, collecting various formal and informal data, designing comprehensive assessment plans, and facilitating collaborative data review. The goal is to strategically use assessments to support differentiated student learning needs.
This document discusses assessing students for learning. It covers emerging, exploring, applying, integrating, and innovating levels for five elements:
1. Applying knowledge of assessment purposes and types.
2. Collecting and analyzing assessment data from various sources.
3. Reviewing assessment data individually and with colleagues.
Sample responses are provided that demonstrate different levels, such as using required assessments, exploring additional assessments, collecting various formal and informal data, designing comprehensive assessment plans, and facilitating collaborative data review. The goal is to strategically use assessments to support differentiated student learning needs.
This document discusses assessing students for learning. It covers emerging, exploring, applying, integrating, and innovating levels for five elements:
1. Applying knowledge of assessment purposes and types.
2. Collecting and analyzing assessment data from various sources.
3. Reviewing assessment data individually and with colleagues.
Sample responses are provided that demonstrate different levels, such as using required assessments, exploring additional assessments, collecting various formal and informal data, designing comprehensive assessment plans, and facilitating collaborative data review. The goal is to strategically use assessments to support differentiated student learning needs.
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Is aware of the purposes Explores the use of Decides on the purpose for Develops and adapts the Demonstrates purposeful and characteristics of different types of assessment and skills to be range of appropriate use of a wide range of formative and summative pre-assessment, assessed to select assessments to address assessments to support assessments. formative and appropriately matches pre-, questions about differentiated student 5.1 Applying summative assessments. formative and summative students’ learning needs learning needs and knowledge of the assessments. and progress. reflect progress. purposes, Begins to identify characteristics, and specific characteristics of Selects assessments based on Integrates a variety of Draws flexibility from a uses of different assessments that yield clear understanding of the characteristics into repertoire of appropriate types of assessments different types of purposes and characteristics assessments to allow assessment options and information about of assessments to support students with a ranges of characteristics to student preparedness, student learning. learning needs to maximize student progress, and demonstrate what they demonstration of proficiency. know. knowledge. I have to use I always use different testing I provided my math assessments provided by methods in my class. Students students with a choice my school. I always will complete checks for board as their final adjust them to fit the understanding and both project to allow students learning needs of my formative with a range of learning students. 7/17/2022 and summative assessments. needs to demonstrate I have been adjusting the what they know. summative assessments at my 04/30/2023 school to better fit the needs of my students. I have eliminated some of the multiple choice options on the assessment and made it free response. I have also digitized assessments and have students take them on Google Forms, so they are able to receive instant feedback. 12.9.22 CSTP 5: Assessing Students for Learning Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating Use data from required Explores collecting Collects a variety of formal and Designs and integrates an Infuses assessments assessments to assess additional data using informal assessment data on assessment plan that strategically and student learning. supplemental student learning. provides formal and systematically assessments. informal assessment data throughout instruction to 5.2 Collecting and Follows required Uses analysis of a variety of on student learning. collect ongoing analyzing processes for data Make adjustments in data to inform planning and assessment data assessment data analysis and draws planning for single differentiation of instruction. Uses data analysis of a appropriate for the range from a variety of conclusions about lessons or sequence of broad range of of learner needs. sources to inform student learning lessons based on assessments to provide instruction. analysis of assessment comprehensive Uses results of ongoing data. information to guide data analysis to plan and planning and differentiate instruction differentiation of for maximum academic instruction. success. I always collect informal data I always make sure to I always make sure to throughout my lessons. I use collect and use include formative cold calling and students summative assessment assessments in my volunteering to collect this and data. I always use lessons to collect data. 7/17/2022 data to differentiate ongoing assessment data. instruction and to plan I use the results from for revision of future ongoing formative lessons. Since I have assessments to provide digitized my differentiation and assessments, it makes it scaffolding as needed in easier to collect data to my lessons. 04/30/2023 share with my students and for me to help drive instruction and remediation as necessary. 12.9.22 CSTP 5: Assessing Students for Learning Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating Reviews and monitors Reviews and monitors Reviews and monitors a Reviews and monitors a Facilitates collaborative 5.3 Reviewing data, available assessment additional assessment variety of data on student broad range of data work and fosters both individually data as required by site data individually and learning individually and with individually and with colleagues ability to and with colleagues, and district processes. with colleagues and colleagues to identify trends colleagues to analyze identify and address to monitor student identifies learning needs and patterns among groups of student thinking and causes for achievement learning of individual students. students. identify underlying patterns and trends. causes for trends. I always review I always make sure to assess I always make sure to information given to me and collect testing data. I look at data individually and try to use it to better always look at my classes and with colleagues. I integrate my lessons to standardized testing data participate in data dives make sure learning is before the beginning of each at school and try to occurring for individual semester. Students complete identify underlying students. 7/17/2022 Renaissance Star testing three causes. 04/30/2023 times a year and that data is used to determine learning needs of individual students. For special education and English language learners, I talk to their teachers and see what other testing information is important for ELL students, I try to look ELPAC results. I have also began checking IEP's for goals for my students and monitoring any other assessment data I have access to. This could be data from previous classes, as well as, current data from Star Renaissance testing.12.9.22 CSTP 5: Assessing Students for Learning Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating Uses data from Uses data from available Uses a variety of assessment Uses a broad range of Reflects on data assessments provided by assessments to establish data to set student learning data to set learning goals continuously to make site and district to set content-based learning goals for content and academic for content and academic ongoing refinements to learning goals for the goals for class and language. language that are learning goals for class. individual students in integrated across content content and academic 5.4 Using assessment single lessons or standards for individuals language for the fill range data to establish sequences of lessons. Plans differentiated lessons and groups. of students. learning goals and to Plans instruction using and modifications to plan, differentiate, available curriculum Plans adjustments in instruction to meet students’ Plans differentiated Uses data systematically and modify guidelines. instruction to address diverse learning needs. instruction targeted to to refine planning, instruction learning needs of meet individual and differentiate instruction, individual students. group learning needs. and make ongoing adjustments to match the Modifies lessons during evolving learning needs instruction based on of individuals and informal assessments. groups. I implement data to I incorporated pre-assessment better improve learning data into my instruction for goals and implement the ILP that was completed. adjustments to my With that information I was lessons to better able to provide appropriate improve student differentiation to my students learning. 7/17/2022 when the lesson was delivered. 12.9.22 I always make sure to use Google Form data as well as RenStar data when I am setting student learning goals for content and academic language. 04/30/2023 CSTP 5: Assessing Students for Learning Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating Informs students about Begins to encourage Models and scaffolds student Implements structures Provides systematic learning objectives, students to establish self-assessment and goal for students to opportunities for student outcomes, and learning goals through setting processes for learning self-assess and set self-assessment, goal summative assessment single lessons or content and academic learning goals related to setting, and progress results. Recognizes the sequence of lessons that language development. content, academic monitoring. 5.5 Involving all need for individual include goal setting language, and individual students in learning goals. exercises. Guides students to monitor skills. Develops students’ self-assessment, and reflect on progress on a meta-cognitive skills for goal-setting, and Monitors progress using Provides students with regular basis. Integrates student analyzing progress and progress monitoring available tools for opportunities in single self-assessment, goal refining goals towards recording. lessons or sequence of setting, and progress high levels of academic lessons to monitor their monitoring across the achievement. own progress toward curriculum. class or individual goals. I always talk to students I always allow my students to on what they plan on have access to their grades achieving from my class through our student and how they think it information system as well as will help them. if they come up and ask me. I 7/17/2022 always try to give feedback.12.9.22 I always make sure to model and scaffold student self assessments as needed to make sure my students are able to complete them correctly. I always go over goal setting with my students and have them set goals for themselves at the beginning of each semester. 04/30/2023 CSTP 5: Assessing Students for Learning Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating Uses available Explores use of Uses technology to design and Integrates a variety of Use a wide range of technologies to record additional technologies implement assessments, technologies into the technologies to design, assessments, determine to implement individual record and analyze results, development, implement, and analyze proficiency levels, and assessments, record and communicate about implementation, analysis assessments and 5.6 Using available make required results, and student learning with of assessments, and provides for an in depth technologies to communications about communicate with administration, colleagues, communication of and ongoing assist in assessment, student learning. administration, families, and students. Ensure student learning to all communication analysis, and colleagues, and families that communications are audiences. regarding student communication of about student learning. received by those who lack learning to all audiences. student learning access to technology.
I implement a variety of I always integrate a
testing technology in my variety of technologies classroom, including both into my lesson and google classroom and assessments. I also use edulastic for assessment remind to speak to my needs. 7/17/2022 students. 12.9.22 Parents have access to student learning through the use Google Classroom. My school uses several different technologies to analyze assessments and student grades and data. 04/30/2023 CSTP 5: Assessing Students for Learning Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating Provides students with Provides students with Provides students with clear Integrates the ongoing Facilitates students’ feedback through additional feedback and timely information about sharing of leadership in seeking and assessed work and based on formative strengths, needs, and comprehensible feedback using ongoing required summative assessments from single strategies for improving to students from formal comprehensible assessments. lessons or sequence of academic achievement. and informal communications about lessons. Seeks to provide assessments in ways that individual student 5.7 Using assessment Notifies families of feedback in ways that Provides opportunities for support increased progress and ways to information to share student proficiencies, students understand. comprehensible and timely learning. provide and monitor timely and challenges, and behavior two-way communications with support. comprehensible issues through school Communicates with families to share student Communicates regularly feedback with mandated procedures. families about student assessments, progress, raise with families to share a students and their progress, strengths, and issues and/or concerns, and range of assessment families needs at reporting guide family support. information that is periods. Contacts comprehensible and families as needs arise responsive to individual regarding struggling student and family needs. students or behavior issues. My school is really big I always give feedback to my I always make sure to about having students post assessment for share assessment data communication with them to continue to build up with students in a timely families and students. I their strengths. I always have manner. Students take often will text or call open lines of communication assessments on Google parents to address the to parents via phone, email, Forms, so they have needs of my students. and remind. 12.9.22 instant feedback on how they did in their assessment. I will also hold conferences with students to discuss their scores and what we can do to improve their score. Parents have access to assessment information on Google classroom, we also hold PTC to go over assessment data with parents. 04/30/2023 CSTP 5: Assessing Students for Learning