V Method As Per API 650 App K
V Method As Per API 650 App K
V Method As Per API 650 App K
Design Liquid Level 'H' (Consideration for Calculation) 9.60000 m Up to Blow of hatch face of flange
Design Code : API 650, 12th Edition, March 2013,(Appendix F,M,P & V)
Product Stored : Well Fluid
Design Specific Gravity 'G' : 1.018
Joint efficiency (E) : 1
Design pressure above atmospheric (internal) : 24.0 mbar 0.348 Psig
Working pressure above atmospheric : 10.0 mbar 0.145 Psig
Design pressure above atmospheric (External) or Vacuum : 6.0 mbar 0.087 Psig
Design Metal Temperature Minimum : 0 o.C o
Maximum : 82 o.C o
Material of construction
Shell plate thickness calculation method : One Foot Method
Material Tensile strength defined : No
Number of Courses : 8
2 and above
Nos denotes
plate materi
Refer mater
Detail of shell course's Shell Plate C.A In Result
2 and above
mm Material Material code Height Thk Req Thk Prov Nos denotes
Small Shell Course = 1 10 mm plate materi
Refer mater
10th shell course 1 : m : mm : mm sheet
9th shell course 1 : m : mm : mm
8th shell course 1 A 36 5 : 2m : -0.685 mm : 10 mm OK
7th shell course 1 A 36 5 : 2m : 0.032 mm : 10 mm OK Rajkumar:
6th shell course 3 A 516 Gr 70 13 : 2m : 2.768 mm : 14 mm OK Calculated valu
5th shell course 3 A 516 Gr 70 13 : 2m : 3.431 mm : 18 mm OK
4th shell course 3 A 516 Gr 70 13 : 2m : 4.094 mm : 22 mm OK
3rd shell course 3 A 516 Gr 70 13 : 2m : 4.757 mm : 28 mm OK
2nd shell course 3 A 516 Gr 70 13 : 2m : 5.421 mm : 29 mm OK
1st shell course 3 A 516 Gr 70 13 : 2m : 6.084 mm : 10 mm OK
Note : First shell course indicates the bottom most shell course
Bottom Plate Design
Arrangement of Bottom Plate requirement relevant to First Shell course : Butt-Welded Annular Bottom Plate Arrangement Preferable
Conditions as per 5.5.1
Selected First Shell course material Group : IIIA
The maximum product stress (see for the first shell course is less than or equal to 160 MPa
or the maximum hydrostatic test stress (see for the first shell course is <= 171 MPa : No
As per Project specific Requirement of Bottom plate Arrangement : Butt-Welded Annular Bottom Plate Arrangement Preferable
Sd stress in Eq.THK
Detail of Bottom Annular Plate Material MTL code 1st S.C, PSI Req mm
Min Thk of Annular PL 76.213 Mpa 6 mm
Thk Req Thk Prov
Bottom Annular Plate : 3 mm : 10 mm
Bottom Annular Plate Width : 710 mm : 1000 mm
Bottom Annular Plate extension tank
outside from First shell course 50 mm
Detail of Roof Plate Material Material code Thk Thk Req Thk Prov
Roof Slope : 1 : 6
Min nominal thickness required (excl. C.A.) ,As per API 650 Clause, 0.1875 inches
Roof Plate A 283 Gr C 5 : 8 mm : 8 mm
Normal Condition
tb (Provided) = 27.000 mm
sl.no . 3
Thickness of cover flange = 22.000 mm 19 mm
sl.no . 4
Thickness of Shell R.F Pad = 10 mm 7 mm
sl.no . 5
Thickness of Nozzle Neck = 10 mm 7 mm
From value of ' W 'as per Table 3-9
Shell & Roof Nozzles and Manhole Total Weight From shell and roof nozzle weight calculation sheet
t5 Required = Err:502 mm
t5 provided = 12 mm
(ii) Gusset
(Ref: Pressure Vessel Manual by D.R.Moss)
For Maximum Design temperature exceeding 93 o C Allowable stress shall be two-thirds the minimum specified
strength of the material multiplied by the applicable reduction factor given in Table M-1 or the value given in Table 5-2
for product design stress Sd, whichever is less.
Table - M2
Temp modulus of Elasticity
C psi
90 199000 FOR 82.00 OC
150 195000 199533.333333333
200 191000
188 188000 FOR 160 OC
a) For SUG I MODE , If SDS <0.33g or SDS>=0.33g , A freeboard of 0.7g is recommented for Economic consideration
A freeboard of 0.7g is recommented for Economic consideration but not Required.
b) For SUG II MODE , If SDS <0.33g ,
A freeboard of 0.7g is recommented for Economic consideration but not Required.
C) For SUG II MODE , If SDS >=0.33g ,
A freeboard of 0.7g is required unless one of the following alternatives are provided.
1) secondary containment I provided to control the product spill
2) the roof and tank shell are designed to contain the sloshing liquid.
d) For SUG III MODE , If SDS <0.33g or SDS>=0.33g , , Minimum requirement freeboard = δs
A freeboard equal to the calculated wave height , δs, is required unless one of the following alternatives are provided.
1) secondary containment is provided to control the product spill.
2) the roof and tank shell are designed to contain the sloshing liquid.
Provided Plate Material Pate Thk Minimum Minimum Note's Product Hydrostatic
code Specificatio Group condition Yield Tensile Design Test Stress
n and Strength Strength Stress Sd St
Grade & t mm
2 A 283 Gr C I 30000 55000 20000 22500
3 A 285 Gr C I 30000 55000 20000 22500
4 A 131 Gr A I 34000 58000 22700 24900
5 A 131 Gr B II 34000 58000 22700 24900
6 A 131 Gr CS IIIA 34000 58000 22700 24900
7 A36 I 36000 58000 23200 24900
8 A 131 EH 36 VI 51000 71000 a 28400 30400
9 A 573 Gr 58 III 32000 58000 21300 24000
10 A 573 Gr 65 IV 35000 65000 23300 26300
11 A 573 Gr 70 IV 42000 70000 a 28000 30000
12 A 516 Gr 55 III 30000 55000 20000 22500
13 A 516 Gr 60 IIIA 32000 60000 21300 24000
14 A 516 Gr 65 IV 35000 65000 23300 26300
15 A 516 Gr 70 IV 38000 70000 25300 28500
16 A 662 Gr B IV 40000 65000 26000 27900
17 A 662 Gr C IVA 43000 70000 a 28000 30000
18 A 537 Class VI t<=2 1/2 50000 70000 a 28000 30000
19 A 537 Class VI 2 1/2 < t < = 45000 65000 b 26000 27900
20 A 537 Class VI t<=2 1/2 60000 80000 a 32000 34300
21 A 537 Class VI 2 1/2 < t < = 55000 75000 b 30000 32100
22 A 633 Gr C VI t<=2 1/2 50000 70000 a 28000 30000
23 A 633 Gr D VI t<=2 1/2 50000 70000 a 28000 30000
24 A 633 Gr C VI 2 1/2 < t < = 46000 65000 b 26000 27900
25 A 633 Gr D VI 2 1/2 < t < = 46000 65000 b 26000 27900
26 A 678 Gr A VI 50000 70000 a 28000 30000
27 A 678 Gr B VI 60000 80000 a 32000 34300
28 A 737 Gr B VI 50000 70000 a 28000 30000
29 A 841 Class VI 50000 70000 a 28000 30000
30 A 841 Class VI 60000 80000 a 32000 34300
31 CSA Specification
32 G40.21 Gr 3 II, III, IIIA 38000 60000 24000 25700
33 G40.21 Gr 3 II, III, IIIA 38000 60000 24000 25700
34 G40.21 Gr 4 IV, IVA, V 44000 65000 26000 27900
35 G40.21 Gr 4 IV, IVA, V 44000 65000 26000 27900
36 G40.21 Gr 5 IV, IVA, V 50000 65000 26000 27900
37 G40.21 Gr 5 IV, IVA, V t<=2 1/2 50000 70000 28000 30000
38 G40.21 Gr 5 IV, IVA, V 2 1/2 < t < = 46000 70000 28000 30000
39 National Standard
40 Gr 235 I 34000 52600 20000 22500
41 Gr 250 I 36000 58300 22700 25000
42 Gr 275 40000 62600 24000 26800
43 ISO 630
44 E 275 Gr C, IV t<=5/8 39900 59500 23800 25500
45 E 275 Gr C, IV 5/8 < t < = 1 38400 59500 23800 25500
46 E 355 Gr C, IV t < = 5/8 51500 71000 a 28400 30400
47 E 275 Gr C, IV 5/8 < t < = 1 50000 71000 a 28400 30400
48 E 275 Gr C, IV 1 1/2 < t < = 48600 71000 a 28400 30400
Notes: a) By agreement between purchaser and manufacturer, the tensile strength of ASTM A 537M, Class 2, A 678M, Grade B an
b) By agreement between purchaser and manufacturer, the tensile strength of ASTM A 537M, Class 2, materials may be in
Hydrostatic Note :
Test Stress
a) By Aggrement between the purchaser and manufacturer, the tensile strength of the ASTM A 537M
154 b) By Aggrement between the purchaser and manufacturer, the tensile strength of the ASTM A 537M
rajkumar.s: As per API 650 :
171 By Aggrement between the purchaser and
171 manufacturer, the tensile strength of the ASTM A
537M,Class 2, A678M, Gr B, and A 841M, Class 2
210 materials may be increased to 585 MPa Minimum and
165 690 MPa Maximum. The tensile strength of the other
listed materials may be increased to 515MPa
180 Minimum and 620 MPa Maximum. When this is
208 done, the allowable stresses shall be determined as
stated in and
208 rajkumar.s:
208 By Aggrement between the purchaser and
manufacturer, the tensile strength of the ASTM A
193 537M,Class 2, materials may be increased to 550
236 MPa Minimum and 690 MPa Maximum. The tensile
strength of the other listed materials may be
221 increased to 485 MPa Minimum and 620 MPa
Maximum. When this is done, the allowable stresses
shall be determined as stated in and
minimum specified
r the value given in Table 5-2
nsile strength of the ASTM A 537M,Class 2, A678M, Gr B, and A 841M, Class 2 materials may be increased to 85000 PSI Minimum and 100000 PS
nsile strength of the ASTM A 537M,Class 2 materials may be increased to 80000 PSI Minimum and 100000 PSI Maximum. The tensile strength of th
000 psi maximum. The tensile strength of the other materials may be increased to 75000 psi minimum and 90000 psi maximum. When this is done,
of the other materials may be increased to 70000 psi minimum and 90000 psi maximum. When this is done, the allowable stresses shall be determ
5000 PSI Minimum and 100000 PSI Maximum. The tensile strength of the other listed materials may be increased to 75000 PSI Minimum and 90000
Maximum. The tensile strength of the other listed materials may be increased to 70000 PSI Minimum and 90000 PSI Maximum. When this is done, t
0 psi maximum. When this is done, the allowable stresses shall be determined as stated in and
allowable stresses shall be determined as stated in and
to 75000 PSI Minimum and 90000 PSI Maximum. When this is done, the allowable stresses shall be determined as stated in and
SI Maximum. When this is done, the allowable stresses shall be determined as stated in and
as stated in and
Document No : MUK-62-3-DS-XXXXX-12F5
Rev No. :A
Doc.No: MUK-62-3-DS-XXXXX-12F5
Rev.No: A
Sl.No. Subject
A Design Data
B Tank Capacity
C Materials Slection
D Shell Thickness - Design & Hydrotest Condition
E Bottom Sketch Plate
F Bottom Annular Plate
G Roof Plates
H Curb angle sizing & selection
I Check for frangible joint requirements
J Shell Stability Check Against Wind Load
K Check for Overturning against Wind Load
L External Pressure Design for Tank Shell as per Appendix-V
M Design of Anchor chair
N Cleanout Door Design
O Nozzle Details and Pipe Thickness Tabulation
P Tank Weight Table
Q Loading Data Table
ht d2
d1 H1
Example :
Example :
i) 3/4 yield strength Value St = 195 Mpa
ii) 3/7 of Tensile strength Value St = 207.86 Mpa
whichever is less from above two Values, St = 195 Mpa
Min Yield Product Design Hydrostatic Course width
Selected Material & Tensile
Course strength Stress"Sd" Test Stress"St"
Grade strength
(Mpa) (Mpa) (Mpa) (m)
1 A 516 Gr 70 260 485 173.000 195.000 2.000
2 A 516 Gr 70 260 485 173.000 195.000 2.000
3 A 516 Gr 70 260 485 173.000 195.000 2.000
4 A 516 Gr 70 260 485 173.000 195.000 2.000
5 A 516 Gr 70 260 485 173.000 195.000 2.000
6 A 516 Gr 70 260 485 173.000 195.000 2.000
7 A 36 250 400 160.000 171.000 2.000
8 A 36 250 400 160.000 171.000 2.000
(D) Shell Thickness - Design & Hydrotest Condition (One foot Method) :
As Per API 650 Appendix F (Fig-1)
Uplift due to internal pressure = Design Pressure (Kg/cm^2) x Tank Nominal Dia Crosssection Area (cm^2)
= 0.024 X 1042305.0442 = 25502 Kgs
W = Corroded Weight of Shell, Roof & Framing = 88295 Kgs
Internal pressure does not exceed weight of shell,roof & framing,
m m mm mm mm mm mm
1 (Ref Note) A 516 Gr 70 9.600 9.600 3.000 6.084 2.687 6.084 10.00 OK
2 A 516 Gr 70 7.600 7.600 3.000 5.421 2.110 5.421 29.00 OK
3 A 516 Gr 70 5.600 5.600 3.000 4.757 1.532 4.757 28.00 OK
4 A 516 Gr 70 3.600 3.600 3.000 4.094 0.954 4.094 22.00 OK
5 A 516 Gr 70 1.600 1.600 3.000 3.431 0.376 3.431 18.00 OK
6 A 516 Gr 70 -0.400 -0.400 3.000 2.77 -0.20 2.77 14.00 OK
7 A 36 -2.400 -2.400 1.000 0.03 -0.89 0.03 10.00 OK
8 A 36 -4.400 -4.400 1.000 -0.69 -1.55 -0.69 10.00 OK
H' max (Max. liquid head ) = Sd * (t Prov - Corrosion Allowance) / (4.9 * (Tank I.D * G) + 0.3
P'max (Max. allowable stress for provided plate thickness.) = (H'Max_1 - H) * 9.81 * G
Pmax (Max. allowable stress at shell course.) = Min (P'max_int_shell, Pmax_1,2 3...)
(D) Shell Thickness - Design & Hydrotest Condition (Variable Design Point Method) :
As Per API 650 Appendix F (Fig-1)
Uplift due to internal pressure = Design Pressure (Kg/cm^2) x Tank Nominal Dia Crosssection Area (cm^2)
= 0.0245 X 1042305.04423741 = 25502 Kgs
W = Corroded Weight of Shell, Roof & Framing = 88295 Kgs
Internal pressure does not exceed weight of shell,roof & framing,
Based on the enclosed below calculations the required thicknesses of the shell courses are:
Shell "H" Cons Cal C.A td tnd tt tnt t Req t Pro
Material LL Ht RESULT
m m mm mm mm mm mm mm mm
1st A 516 Gr 70 9.600 9.600 3 6.084 6.084 2.687 2.687 6.084 10.000 OK
2nd A 516 Gr 70 7.600 7.600 3 5.421 5.472 2.110 2.157 5.472 29.000 OK
3rd A 516 Gr 70 5.600 5.600 3 4.757 4.816 1.532 1.585 4.816 28.000 OK
4th A 516 Gr 70 3.600 3.600 3 4.094 4.161 0.954 1.013 4.161 22.000 OK
5th A 516 Gr 70 1.600 1.600 3 3.431 3.509 0.376 0.445 3.509 18.000 OK
6th A 516 Gr 70 -0.400 -0.400 3 2.77 #NUM! -0.202 #NUM! #NUM! 14.000 #NUM!
7th A 36 -2.400 -2.400 1 0.03 #NUM! -0.890 #NUM! #NUM! 10.000 #NUM!
8th A 36 -4.400 -4.400 1 -0.69 #NUM! -1.549 #NUM! #NUM! 10.000 #NUM!
H' max (Max. liquid head ) = Sd * (t Prov - Corrosion Allowance) / (4.9 * (Tank I.D * G) + 0.3
P'max (Max. allowable stress for provided plate thickness.) = (H'Max_1 - H) * 9.81 * G
Pmax (Max. allowable stress at shell course.) = Min (P'max_int_shell, Pmax_1,2 3...)
For the Test condition, t1t need not be greater than tt. Therefore,
Shell thickness for Hydrostatic test condition, tlt =
Min { ( [ 1.06 - (0.0696 D/H) Sqrt(H/St) ] (4.9HD/St) , tt } = 2.687 mm
Note : tuse>tmin, the greaer thickness will be used for subsequent calculations and
noted as the required thickness, therefore tld = = 10 mm
As per API 650, Cl, the condition of L/H < 1000/6 needs to be true
therefore, L/H = 20.898
Here, L = (500 Dt)^0.5, in mm; = 200.62 m
t = tld - CA = 7.000 mm
H' = Design liquid level, in m = 9.600 m
L/H Value is < 1000/6, Hence, the variable design point method is applicable to find out the shell thickness
Design Condition
1st Trial: 2nd Trial: 3rd Trial: 4th Trial Unit
Ratio = h1/sqrt(r t1) = 9.969
t1 = tld = 10.000 mm
tl = tld-C.A 7.000 mm
tud = (4.9D(H-0.3)G)/Sd + CA = 5.421 5.472 5.472 5.472 mm
Kd = tl / (tud - CA) = 2.892 2.831 2.832 2.832
Cd = k^0.5 (k-1) / (1 + k^1.5) = 0.5437 0.535 0.535 0.535
a = (r*(tud-CA))^0.5 = 117.976 119.230 119.218 119.218 mm
x1 = 0.61 a +320 C(H-h1) = 1394.134 1372.875 1373.082 1373.080 mm
x2 = C (H-h1) x 1000 = 4131.777 4062.951 4063.623 4063.616 mm
x3 = 1.22a = 143.931 145.461 145.446 145.446 mm
x = Min of ( x1, x2, x3) = 143.931 145.461 145.446 145.446 mm
tdx=((4.9D(H-(x/1000))G)/Sd)+CA = 5.4723 5.47182 5.47182 5.47182 mm
Design Condition
1st Trial: 2nd Trial: 3rd Trial: 4th Trial Unit
Ratio = h1/sqrt(r t1) = 16.776
t1 = tcal = 5.472 mm
tl = tcal-C.A 2.472 mm
tud = (4.9D(H-0.3)G)/Sd + CA = 4.757 4.816 4.816 4.816 mm
Kd = tl / (tud - CA) = 1.407 1.361 1.361 1.361
Cd = k^0.5 (k-1) / (1 + k^1.5) = 0.1807 0.163 0.163 0.163
a = (r*(tud-CA))^0.5 = 100.524 102.192 102.173 102.173 mm
x1 = 0.61 a +320 C(H-h1) = 385.131 353.961 354.312 354.308 mm
x2 = C (H-h1) x 1000 = 1011.911 911.324 912.458 912.445 mm
x3 = 1.22a = 122.639 124.674 124.651 124.651 mm
x = Min of ( x1, x2, x3) = 122.639 124.674 124.651 124.651 mm
tdx=((4.9D(H-(x/1000))G)/Sd)+CA = 4.8162 4.81554 4.81555 4.81555 mm
Design Condition
1st Trial: 2nd Trial: 3rd Trial: 4th Trial Unit
Ratio = h1/sqrt(r t1) = 19.575
t1 = tcal = 4.816 mm
tl = tcal-C.A 1.816 mm
tud = (4.9D(H-0.3)G)/Sd + CA = 4.094 4.162 4.161 4.161 mm
Kd = tl / (tud - CA) = 1.659 1.563 1.564 1.564
Cd = k^0.5 (k-1) / (1 + k^1.5) = 0.2707 0.238 0.239 0.239
a = (r*(tud-CA))^0.5 = 79.321 81.727 81.693 81.693 mm
x1 = 0.61 a +320 C(H-h1) = 360.184 324.317 324.822 324.815 mm
x2 = C (H-h1) x 1000 = 974.368 857.699 859.341 859.318 mm
x3 = 1.22a = 96.772 99.707 99.665 99.666 mm
x = Min of ( x1, x2, x3) = 96.772 99.707 99.665 99.666 mm
tdx=((4.9D(H-(x/1000))G)/Sd)+CA = 4.1616 4.16065 4.16066 4.16066 mm
Design Condition
1st Trial: 2nd Trial: 3rd Trial: 4th Trial Unit
Ratio = h1/sqrt(r t1) = 24.482
t1 = tcal = 4.161 mm
tl = tcal-C.A 1.161 mm
tud = (4.9D(H-0.3)G)/Sd + CA = 3.431 3.510 3.509 3.509 mm
Kd = tl / (tud - CA) = 2.693 2.274 2.282 2.282
Cd = k^0.5 (k-1) / (1 + k^1.5) = 0.5126 0.434 0.435 0.435
a = (r*(tud-CA))^0.5 = 49.786 54.174 54.079 54.081 mm
x1 = 0.61 a +320 C(H-h1) = 292.815 255.132 255.944 255.926 mm
x2 = C (H-h1) x 1000 = 820.144 694.020 696.735 696.677 mm
x3 = 1.22a = 60.738 66.092 65.977 65.979 mm
x = Min of ( x1, x2, x3) = 60.738 66.092 65.977 65.979 mm
tdx=((4.9D(H-(x/1000))G)/Sd)+CA = 3.5104 3.50862 3.50866 3.50866 mm
Design Condition
1st Trial: 2nd Trial: 3rd Trial: 4th Trial Unit
Ratio = h1/sqrt(r t1) = 36.981
t1 = tcal = 3.509 mm
tl = tcal-C.A 0.509 mm
tud = (4.9D(H-0.3)G)/Sd + CA = 2.768 #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! mm
Kd = tl / (tud - CA) = -2.191 #NUM! #NUM! #NUM!
Cd = k^0.5 (k-1) / (1 + k^1.5) = #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! #NUM!
a = (r*(tud-CA))^0.5 = #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! mm
x1 = 0.61 a +320 C(H-h1) = #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! mm
x2 = C (H-h1) x 1000 = #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! mm
x3 = 1.22a = #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! mm
x = Min of ( x1, x2, x3) = #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! mm
tdx=((4.9D(H-(x/1000))G)/Sd)+CA = #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! mm
Design Condition
1st Trial: 2nd Trial: 3rd Trial: 4th Trial Unit
Ratio = h1/sqrt(r t1) = #NUM!
t1 = tcal = #NUM! mm
tl = tcal-C.A #NUM! mm
tud = (4.9D(H-0.3)G)/Sd + CA = 0.032 #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! mm
Kd = tl / (tud - CA) = #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! #NUM!
Cd = k^0.5 (k-1) / (1 + k^1.5) = #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! #NUM!
a = (r*(tud-CA))^0.5 = #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! mm
x1 = 0.61 a +320 C(H-h1) = #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! mm
x2 = C (H-h1) x 1000 = #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! mm
x3 = 1.22a = #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! mm
x = Min of ( x1, x2, x3) = #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! mm
tdx=((4.9D(H-(x/1000))G)/Sd)+CA = #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! mm
Design Condition
1st Trial: 2nd Trial: 3rd Trial: 4th Trial Unit
Ratio = h1/sqrt(r t1) = #NUM!
t1 = tcal = #NUM! mm
tl = tcal-C.A #NUM! mm
tud = (4.9D(H-0.3)G)/Sd + CA = -0.685 #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! mm
Kd = tl / (tud - CA) = #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! #NUM!
Cd = k^0.5 (k-1) / (1 + k^1.5) = #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! #NUM!
a = (r*(tud-CA))^0.5 = #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! mm
x1 = 0.61 a +320 C(H-h1) = #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! mm
x2 = C (H-h1) x 1000 = #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! mm
x3 = 1.22a = #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! mm
x = Min of ( x1, x2, x3) = #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! mm
tdx=((4.9D(H-(x/1000))G)/Sd)+CA = #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! mm
Design Condition
1st Trial: 2nd Trial: 3rd Trial: 4th Trial Unit
Ratio = h1/sqrt(r t1) = #NUM!
t1 = tcal = #NUM! mm
tl = tcal-C.A #NUM! mm
tud = (4.9D(H-0.3)G)/Sd + CA = #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! mm
Kd = tl / (tud - CA) = #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
Cd = k^0.5 (k-1) / (1 + k^1.5) = #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
a = (r*(tud-CA))^0.5 = #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! mm
x1 = 0.61 a +320 C(H-h1) = #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! mm
x2 = C (H-h1) x 1000 = #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! mm
x3 = 1.22a = #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! mm
x = Min of ( x1, x2, x3) = #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! mm
tdx=((4.9D(H-(x/1000))G)/Sd)+CA = #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! mm
Design Condition
1st Trial: 2nd Trial: 3rd Trial: 4th Trial Unit
Ratio = h1/sqrt(r t1) = #NUM!
t1 = tcal = #NUM! mm
tl = tcal-C.A #NUM! mm
tud = (4.9D(H-0.3)G)/Sd + CA = #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! mm
Kd = tl / (tud - CA) = #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
Cd = k^0.5 (k-1) / (1 + k^1.5) = #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
a = (r*(tud-CA))^0.5 = #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! mm
x1 = 0.61 a +320 C(H-h1) = #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! mm
x2 = C (H-h1) x 1000 = #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! mm
x3 = 1.22a = #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! mm
x = Min of ( x1, x2, x3) = #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! mm
tdx=((4.9D(H-(x/1000))G)/Sd)+CA = #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! mm
Minimum nominal Bottom Sketch Plate thk req (excl. C.A.) : As per Clause 5.4.1 = 6 mm
Corrosion Allowance (Refer Design Data) = 3.00 mm
From above, Minimum required thickness (Incl C.A) = 9.00 mm
Thickness provided = 10.00 mm
Assuming Bottom slope = 1 : 120
Tan Q = 0.008333
Bottom plate development diameter = 9.720 m
Dia 11.5 m
Tank I.D
10 mm, First Shell Course Thk
Dia 9.72 m, Bottom Plate O.D
880 mm
50 50 mm, Bottom Lap with Annular Plate
Bottom Sketch Plate
Bot of Bot 10 mm, Thk
Annular Plate 1000 mm Dia 9.62 m
12 mm, Thk Annular Bottom Plate I.D
Dia 11.62 m
Annular Bottom Plate O.D
(F) Annular Bottom Plate Thickness Calculation :
Greater of product or hydrostatic test stress in first shell course =
(td – CA/ corroded t ) (Sd) or (tt / nominal t ) (St) = 76.213 MPa
Corroded shell plate thickness for product design = 3 mm
Nominal provided plate thickness of first shell course = 10 mm
Minimum thickness of Annular plate excluding the corrosion allowance (from table 5.1a) = 6 mm
Minimum thickness required including Corrosion allowance = 9.00 mm
Thickness provided = 12 mm
As per Cl.5.5.2, the minimum radial width of the annular plate at any point
around the circumference of the tank shall be either Aw1, Aw2 whichever is greater.
Aw1 = Wr + t bot + Aproj + Alap
Where, Wr = Minimum radial width between the inside of the shell and any lap welded joint
in the bottom = 600.00 mm
A proj = As per Cl.5.4.2, Projection of annular plate outside the shell = 50.00 mm
Alap = Annular-Sketch plate lap = 50.00 mm
Therefore, minimum radial width of the annular plate at any point around
the circumference of the tank shell shall be = 851.80 mm
Annular Plate Width Provided = 1000 mm
Thickness Provided = 8 mm
As per API 650, Cl., for a frangible joint, cross sectional area of roof to shell connection
A', shall not exceed the following: A = [DLs/(2*π*Fy*tan(θ))] = 3812.127 sq.mm
Where,DLS = Nominal weight of the shell & any framing (but not roof plates)
supported by the shell & roof, in lbs. = 998085.282 N
tan Θ = roof slope = 0.167
Angle of cone to horizontal θse = 9.463 Deg
Area of top angle plus the participating roof & shell
Top angle provided = L 200 x 200 x 20 Thk.
Ac = Cross sectional area of top angle = 7670 sq.mm.
Wc = maximum width of participating shell = 0.6(Rc tc)^0.5 = 136.492 mm
Where,Rc = inside radius of tank shell = 5750.000 mm
tc = thickness of shell plate - CA = 9.000 mm
Wh = maximum width of participating roof
= 0.3(R2 th)^0.5 or 300 mm (whichever is less) = 125.456 mm
Where, R2 = length of the normal to the roof, measured from
the vertical centreline of the tank = Rc/sinq = 34975.885 mm
th = thickness of roof plate = 5.000 mm
Participating area of shell plate, As =Wc x tc = 1228.426 sq.mm.
Participating area of roof plate, Ar = Wh x th = 627.279 sq.mm.
Therefore, total area 'At' of roof-shell junction Ac + As + Ar = 9525.7 sq.mm.
Project: WTP LOT 4
Doc.No: MUK-62-3-DS-XXXXX-12F5
Rev.No: A
The relation between wind pressure and wind velocity is given by, Pz = 0.613 x Kz x Kzt x Kd x V^2 x I x G
Where, V = Basic Wind Speed in m/s = 33.80 m/sec
= 121.680 Km/h
H1' = Maximum height H1 shall be reduced by the ratio of the material's modulus of elasticity
at the maximum design temperature = 84.814 m
As Per API 650 CL, Calculating the transformed height of the shell
Wtr = W * @sqrt(t uniform/ t actual)**5
Where, Wtr = transposed width of each shell course, in mm
W =actual width of each shell course, in mm
t uniform = Ordered thickness of the top shell course minus CA = 9 mm
t actual = Ordered thickness of the shell course minus CA for which the transposed width is being calculated
Project: WTP LOT 4
Doc.No: MUK-62-3-DS-XXXXX-12F5
Rev.No: A
Circumference = 37 m
Wind Girder Weight = 1346.435 kgs/m
Project: WTP LOT 4
Doc.No: MUK-62-3-DS-XXXXX-12F5
Rev.No: A
9.00 150.00 10.00
Sect.2 Sect.3
Shell :
Max. wind pressure, W = 1.48*(V/190)2
W = 0.61 Kpa
Total design external pressure for shell, Ps = Max.(Pe,W+0.4Pe)
= 0.85 Kpa
Stability factor, ψ = 1.368
Tranformed shell height, HTS = 10.13 m
An unstiffened tank shell subjected to external pressure will buckle if following eqn. satisfied,[As per V.8.1.1]
(D/ts1)0.75[(HTS/D)(FY/ES)0.5] > 0.00675
= 0.0353
Shell will buckle elastically
The design external pressure for an unstiffened tank shell shall not exceed, [As per V.8.1.2]
< ES/[15203*ψ*(HTS/D)(D/ts1) ]
Ps or Pe
= 7.66
Unstiffened thickness is ok
The nominal thickness of the thinnest shell course for the design external pressure,[As per V.8.1.3]
tsmin(ext) > [47.07*(ψ*HTs*Ps)0.4*D0.6]/Es0.4
4.14 mm
Unstiffened thickness is ok
Intermediate Stiffener Design [ as per V.8.2]:
Max. Spacing of indermediate stiffener, Hsafe = ts12.5*ES/(15203*ψ*D1.5*Ps) [As per V.]
Hsafe = 91.59 m
NS = -1.00
Stiffener is not required
Project: WTP LOT 4
Doc.No: MUK-62-3-DS-XXXXX-12F5
Rev.No: A
Allowable Anchor Bolt
Net Uplift Force/Bolt Stress/Bolt anchor Bolt Stress at
Uplift Load Case Stress Result Anchor Result
There fore,maximum upward lift as per clause F 7.5 = Max of (Above Conditions- 1,2,3)
Maximum weight of (1),(2),(3) = #VALUE! kgs ……...'(4)
Upward lift due to internal pressure (A) = ### kgs ( From Page No: 24 )
Corroded weight of tank shell (B) = #VALUE! kgs
(includes all corroded weight)
Upward lift due to moment (c) = 6733 kgs
Net upward force (A+B-C) = #VALUE! kgs ……...'(5)
(1) Design of Top Plate : '( Ref. Design of Anchor chair as per AISI-E1,VOLUME -II,PART-VII )
Design load is minimum of ( a,b,c)
where, a = Minimum yeild stress x c/s area of bolt 31.50 Kips
b = (maximum allowable anchor bolt load) 50.41 Kips
c = (induced tensile stress x c/s area of bol #VALUE! Kips
75 165
185 147
Project: WTP LOT 4
Doc.No: MUK-62-3-DS-XXXXX-12F5
Rev.No: A
Project: WTP LOT 4
Doc.No: MUK-62-3-DS-XXXXX-12F5
Rev.No: A
Now , Zv = 1
( 0.177 am / sqrt ( Rt ) ) * ( m/t )^2 + 1.0
= 1
= 0.9826
Now , S = Pe 1.32 Z + 0.031
t^2 1.43 ah^2 + (4 ah^2)^0.333 sqrt (Rt)
= #VALUE! 1.2970 + 0.031
0.62 597.32 13.351
+ 11.837
Min req Vertical side plate thickness = max( ( 0.04 ( h - c ), 0.5 inches )
= 0.250 inches < 1/2" inches
Required Thickness = 6.36 mm < 12.7 mm
Provided Vertical Plate Thickness = 14 mm
Provided Vertical plate Thickness is sufficient.
(4) Checking of weld size :
Size of weld, w = 6 mm (Double side fillet weld)
Wv = Pskip = #VALUE! = #VALUE! Kips per lin
a+2h 22.441 inch of weld
(5) Check for e minimum value of anchor bolt eccentricity :-
emin = 0.886d + 0.572 ,based on a heavy hex nut clearing shell by 1/2 inch = 1.618 inch
41.1088 mm
Eccentricity calculated value is less than considered value hence safe
Provided bottom reinforcing plate Thickness value is inbetween value of the tabulated Value, Hence OK
Provide Thickness of the Bottom Reinforcing plate 32 mm
Corroded Thickness of the Bottom Reinforcing plate 29 mm
For Bolting Flange
Thickness of Bolting Flange From Table = = 17.975 mm
Provided Uncorroded Thickness of Bolting Flange = = 22.000 mm
For Cover Flange
Thickness of cover plate From Table = = 17.975 mm
Project: WTP LOT 4
Doc.No: MUK-62-3-DS-XXXXX-12F5
Rev.No: A
Provided shell reinforcing plate area value >Required RF Pad area, Hence Safe
Thickness of R.F plate = = 10 mm
For Nozzle Neck
Uncorroded Thickness of Nozzle Neck = = 10.00 mm
Corroded Thickness of Nozzle Neck = = 7.00 mm
From value of ' W 'as per Table 5-9a
Flush Type Cleanout Fittings Sketch (As per API 650, Fig 5-12)
Thk As per
Nozzle Thickness as Provided Nozzle
QTY Pipe O.D B31.3
Size Flange per API 650 Thk
Nozzle Calculation
Sr.No Service Rating, Type Result Remarks
& Face
No's Inch mm mm mm mm
1 N1 1 Filtered Water In 24 150 #, WNRF 609.4 6.61 12.70 12.70 Sch XS O.K
2 N2 1 MMF/SAC Charge Pumps 24 150 #, WNRF 609.4 6.61 12.70 12.70 Sch XS O.K
3 N3 1 Over Flow 20 150 #, WNRF 508 6.61 12.70 12.70 SCh XS O.K
4 N4 1 TW 2 150 #, WNRF 60.32 6.60 5.54 8.71 SCh 160 O.K
5 N6 1 Oil Skim Drain 4 150 #, WNRF 114.3 6.60 8.56 8.56 SCh XS O.K
6 N7 1 Sample 2 150 #, WNRF 60.32 6.60 5.54 8.71 SCh 160 O.K
7 N8 1 Sample 2 150 #, WNRF 60.32 6.60 5.54 8.71 SCh 160 O.K
8 N14 1 Vacuum Truck Drain 4 150 #, WNRF 114.3 6.60 8.56 8.56 SCh XS O.K
9 N17 1 Spare 2 150 #, WNRF 60.32 6.60 5.54 8.71 SCh 160 O.K
10 N18 1 Spare 2 150 #, WNRF 60.32 6.60 5.54 8.71 SCh 160 O.K
1 No of Nozzle
11 N19 1 Spare 2 150 #, WNRF 60.32 6.60 5.54 8.71 SCh 160 O.K added as per Post
tender TQ
12 N20 1 MMF/SAC Charge Pump Recycle 10 150 #, WNRF 273.05 6.60 12.70 12.70 SCh XS O.K
13 M1 1 Bottom Manway 30 150 #, WNRF 762 6.61 8 12.70 Sch XS O.K
14 M2 1 Cleanout Door 36 x 48 As per API 650 Note :4
Thk As per
Nozzle Nozzle Thickness as
QTY B31.3 Provided Thk Result
Size O.D per API 650
Sr.NoNozzle Mark Service Remarks
No's Inch mm mm mm mm
Nozzle size
changed 3" to 2"
3 N10 1 Nitrogen In 3 150 #, WNRF 88.9 6.60 - 7.62 SCh XS O.K
(increased) as per
Post tender TQ
Notes :
1) Calculated values are tabulated as per ASME B31.3-2010
2) Material of construction (MOC) of Nozzle relevant Parts are considered as below,
Flanges : A 105
Pipes : A 106 Gr. B,
Fitting : A 234 Gr WPB
Bolting : A 193 Gr B7 with A 194 Gr 2H Nuts
Gaskets : For all Blind Flanges (Except Manhole):
Spiral wound gasket (SPWD) of Flexatallic style CG with non-asbestos Filler & Winding Material with SS 316L Internal compression Ring .
Nozzle Data :
Size in Inches 30 Inches
Class 150#
90% of the yeild strength at test Pressure, 0.9xRe : 217.1849 N/mm2 2213.91 Kg/cm2 (g)
Stress Value at actual hydrotest pressure less than yield strength at test temperature, design is safe.
Project: WTP LOT 4
Doc.No: MUK-62-3-DS-XXXXX-12F5
Rev.No: A
Nozzle Data :
Size in Inches 24 Inches
Class 150
90% of the yeild strength at test Pressure, 0.9xR e : 217.18485 N/mm2 2213.91 Kg/cm2 (g)
Stress Value at actual hydrotest pressure less than yield strength at test temperature, design is safe.
Project: WTP LOT 4
Doc.No: MUK-62-3-DS-XXXXX-12F5
Rev.No: A
Nozzle Data :
Size in Inches 20 Inches
Class 150
90% of the yeild strength at test Pressure, 0.9xR e : 217.18485 N/mm2 2213.91 Kg/cm2 (g)
Stress Value at actual hydrotest pressure less than yield strength at test temperature, design is safe.
Project: WTP LOT 4
Doc.No: MUK-62-3-DS-XXXXX-12F5
Rev.No: A
Nozzle Data :
Size in Inches 10 Inches
Class 150
90% of the yeild strength at test Pressure, 0.9xR e : 217.18485 N/mm2 2213.91 Kg/cm2 (g)
Stress Value at actual hydrotest pressure less than yield strength at test temperature, design is safe.
Project: WTP LOT 4
Doc.No: MUK-62-3-DS-XXXXX-12F5
Rev.No: A
Nozzle Data :
Size in Inches 8 Inches
Class 150#
90% of the yeild strength at test Pressure, 0.9xRe : 217.1849 N/mm2 2213.91 Kg/cm2 (g)
Stress Value at actual hydrotest pressure less than yield strength at test temperature, design is safe.
Project: WTP LOT 4
Doc.No: MUK-62-3-DS-XXXXX-12F5
Rev.No: A
Nozzle Data :
Size in Inches 6 Inches
Class 150#
90% of the yeild strength at test Pressure, 0.9xRe : 217.1849 N/mm2 2213.91 Kg/cm2 (g)
Stress Value at actual hydrotest pressure less than yield strength at test temperature, design is safe.
Project: WTP LOT 4
Doc.No: MUK-62-3-DS-XXXXX-12F5
Rev.No: A
Nozzle Data :
Size in Inches 4 Inches
Class 150#
90% of the yeild strength at test Pressure, 0.9xRe : 217.1849 N/mm2 2213.91 Kg/cm2 (g)
Stress Value at actual hydrotest pressure less than yield strength at test temperature, design is safe.
Project: WTP LOT 4
Doc.No: MUK-62-3-DS-XXXXX-12F5
Rev.No: A
Nozzle Data :
Size in Inches 3 Inches
Class 150#
90% of the yeild strength at test Pressure, 0.9xRe : 217.1849 N/mm2 2213.91 Kg/cm2 (g)
Stress Value at actual hydrotest pressure less than yield strength at test temperature, design is safe.
Project: WTP LOT 4
Doc.No: MUK-62-3-DS-XXXXX-12F5
Rev.No: A
Nozzle Data :
Size in Inches 2 Inches
Class 150#
90% of the yeild strength at test Pressure, 0.9xRe : 217.1849 N/mm2 2213.91 Kg/cm2 (g)
Stress Value at actual hydrotest pressure less than yield strength at test temperature, design is safe.
Project: WTP LOT 4
Doc.No: MUK-62-3-DS-XXXXX-12F5
Rev.No: A
Notes :
1) This MTO consist the requirement of shell, Bottom, Roof,COD, Anchor chair, All R.F pad attachement Plates
requirements are considered.
2) Carbon Equivalent shall not be more than 0.42 percentage.
3) All the plates shall have the heat numbers and the manufacturers marking.
4) All the plates shall be with material test certificate as per EN 10204/ISO 10474 3.1B Certificate.
Insulation Required Attachements Calculation
Tank Dia : = 11500 mm
Tank Ht : = 9012 mm
First Shell THK = 10 mm
Insulation thickness as per requirement = 39 mm
Tank Circumference Length = 36191.147 mm
Tank Circumference Area = 326154620 mm^2
Rod (9 Nos) Provided Area = 160000 mm^2
Rod Length Required 95833 mm
Angle ring Circumference = 36524.156 mm
Sl. No: Description Min. no. of coat Tot.DFT Coating System Area in M^2 Remarks
Prime Coat :
External Surface of Storage Tank Floor with
2 Concrete Base SP 10, SA 2.5 - 500 to 625 Amin Cured 106
Hot dipped
2 Steps and Platforms - - - galvanized 43
Notes :
1) Internal coating of the storage tank shall be in accordance with specification of internal coating for tanks, vessels and piping
2) External coating of the storage tank shall be in accordance with specification of internal coating for tanks, vessels and piping
3) Only client approved painting system/Brand and colour can be used.
considered for two tanks
Tank Diameter = 11500 mm
Top shell thk = 22
Roof thickness = 8
curb angle size = ISA 100 x 100 x 15 Thk.
Curb angle C.G = 30.20
Rafter positioning d= 11620.40
Roof Slope = 1 : 6
Rafter Length = 6124 mm
No of Rafters req = 28 Nos
Total Length required 171485.6795 14.290473
Total weight =
Total Wt
6660.000 Total Length
6660 Kgs
Number of Tanks 1 no
DIAMTER 11500 mm
HEIGHT 9012 mm
11 Hex Bolt/Nut A 193 Gr. B7/ A 194 Gr.2H M16 X 40 lg 121.000 (HDG)
12 Hex Bolt/Nut A 193 Gr. B7/ A 194 Gr.2H M10 X 35 lg 177.912 (HDG)
13 Stud Bolt/Nut A 193 Gr. B7/ A 194 Gr.2H M8 X 25 Lg (20S)W/Clip 8.000 (HDG)
WEIGHT (KGS ) = WIDTH * WIDTH * 0.00000785 * LENGTH.
Example : A Square of size 25mm and length 1 metre then the weight shall be.
25 * 25 * .00000785 * 1000mm = 4.90 kgs / metre
WEIGHT (KGS ) = 3.14 * 0.00000785 * ((diameter / 2)*( diameter / 2)) * LENGTH.
Example : A Round of 20mm diameter and length 1 metre then the weight shall be.
3.14 * 0.00000785 * ((20/2) * ( 20/2)) * 1000 mm = 2.46 kgs / metre
DIA (mm) * DIA (mm) * 0.00623 = WEIGHT PER METRE
SS / MS Pipe
OD ( mm) – W.Tthick(mm) * W.Thick (mm) * 0.0248 = Weight Per Metre
OD ( mm) – W.Tthick(mm) * W.Thick (mm) * 0.00756 = Weight Per Foot
DIA(mm) * DIA (mm) * THICK(mm) * 0.0000063 = Kg Per Piece
SS sheet
Length (Mtr) * Width (Mtr) * Thick(mm) * 8 = Weight Per Piece
Length (ft) * Width (ft) * Thick(inch) * 3 /4 = Weight Per Piece
1220 * 355 * 0.0000085 * 1 = 3.68 Kgs / Sheet
1220 * 355 * 0.0000087 * 1 = 3.76 Kgs / Sheet
OD (mm) – THICK (mm) * THICK(mm) * 0.0260 = WEIGHT PER METRE
2500 * 1250 * 0.0000026 * 1 = 8.12 Kgs / Sheet
OD (mm) – THICK(mm) * THICK(mm) *0.0083 = WEIGHT PER METRE
We are extremely thankful to Er. Harpal Aujla for sharing this on our site and thus helping civil engineering students.
More Entries :
engineering students.
Number of Tanks 1 no
DIAMTER mm 11500
HEIGHT mm 9012
No. of Landings 2
Nos. of Landing considered 2
Nos. of Steps 37
Ladder run mm 10324
Ladder Run
40 NB GI Pipe mm 10324
50 x 6 thk Flat mm 10324
100 x 6 Thk Flat mm 10324
200 W x 6 Plate mm 10324
Total weight
Dis. Bet landings 4506
Angular Length 5162
unit wt Total weight
9.56 175.3304
6.8 65.688
2.4 140.45356
4.7 65.5368
10 103.24
60 831.75
3.56 138.656
4.5 60.48
2 176.86
= 1.7579948
corrosion allowance = 3 mm
First Shell course Thickness 10 mm
corroded description
SL.No Shell Nozzle : PIPE Nozzle Nozzle T.wt (MT) T.wt (MT)
Noz Mark size qty Type Face Rating sch Thk ProJection Elevation
1 N1 24 1 WN RF 150 - 14 300 700 INLET
O.D I.D THK Length,mm wt=kg/m O.D I.D Cor.Thk Length,mm wt=kg/m
PL.Fab.Pipe 610 590 10 157.6 23.319917 610 596 7 157.6 16.405561 0.02331992 0.01640556
O.D I.D THK Length,mm wt=kg/m O.D I.D Cor.Thk Length,mm wt=kg/m
PL.Fab.Pipe 610 590 10 157.6 23.319917 610 596 7 157.6 16.405561 0.02331992 0.01640556
O.D I.D sch equ.THK Length wt=kg/m C.C.O.D C.C.I.D sch equ.THK Length wt=kg/m
Pipe 60.3 42.8248 8.7376 96.5 1.0721909 60.3 48.8248 5.7376 96.5 0.7450245 0.00107219 0.00074502
O.D I.D THK Length,mm wt=kg/m O.D I.D Cor.Thk Length,mm wt=kg/m
Nozzle projection = 150 mm
Thk of first shell course = 10 mm
weld neck y dimension = 2.5 inches 63.5 mm
Total pipe Length = 96.5 mm
O.D I.D sch equ.THK Length wt=kg/m C.C.O.D C.C.I.D sch equ.THK Length wt=kg/m
Pipe 323.8 288.8496 17.4752 120.7 15.934231 323.8 294.8496 14.4752 120.7 13.328035 0.01593423 0.01332803
O.D I.D THK Length,mm wt=kg/m O.D I.D Cor.Thk Length,mm wt=kg/m
Nozzle projection = 225 mm
Thk of first shell course = 10 mm
weld neck y dimension = 4.5 inches 114.3 mm
Total pipe Length = 120.7 mm
5 N7 4 1 WN RF 150 120 0 175 225 CLEAT OUT NOZZLE WITH DIP PIPE
O.D I.D sch equ.THK Length wt=kg/m C.C.O.D C.C.I.D sch equ.THK Length wt=kg/m
Pipe 114.3 92.0496 11.1252 108.8 3.0798523 114.3 98.0496 8.1252 108.8 2.3147492 0.00307985 0.00231475
O.D I.D THK Length,mm wt=kg/m O.D I.D Cor.Thk Length,mm wt=kg/m
Nozzle projection = 175 mm
Thk of first shell course = 10 mm
weld neck y dimension = 3 inches 76.2 mm
Total pipe Length = 108.8 mm
O.D I.D sch equ.THK Length wt=kg/m C.C.O.D C.C.I.D sch equ.THK Length wt=kg/m
Pipe 168.3 139.7504 14.2748 121.1 6.566372 168.3 145.7504 11.2748 121.1 5.2873964 0.00656637 0.0052874
O.D I.D THK Length,mm wt=kg/m O.D I.D Cor.Thk Length,mm wt=kg/m
Nozzle projection = 200 mm
Thk of first shell course = 10 mm
weld neck y dimension = 3.5 inches 88.9 mm
Total pipe Length = 121.1 mm
O.D I.D sch equ.THK Length wt=kg/m C.C.O.D C.C.I.D sch equ.THK Length wt=kg/m
Pipe 48.3 34.0252 7.1374 79.566666667 0.5764923 48.3 40.0252 4.1374 79.5666667 0.3585361 0.00057649 0.00035854
O.D I.D THK Length,mm wt=kg/m O.D I.D Cor.Thk Length,mm wt=kg/m
Nozzle projection = 150 mm
Thk of first shell course = 10 mm
weld neck y dimension = 3.1666666667 inches 80.433333 mm
Total pipe Length = 79.566667 mm
8 N16 3 1 WN RF 150 160 0 175 200 DRAIN SUMP PUMP NOZZLE INLET
O.D I.D sch equ.THK Length wt=kg/m C.C.O.D C.C.I.D sch equ.THK Length wt=kg/m
Pipe 88.9 66.6496 11.1252 115.15 2.4571417 88.9 72.6496 8.1252 115.15 1.8637747 0.00245714 0.00186377
O.D I.D THK Length,mm wt=kg/m O.D I.D Cor.Thk Length,mm wt=kg/m
Nozzle projection = 175 mm
Thk of first shell course = 10 mm
weld neck y dimension = 2.75 inches 69.85 mm
Total pipe Length = 115.15 mm
O.D I.D THK Length,mm wt=kg/m O.D I.D Cor.Thk Length,mm wt=kg/m
PL.Fab.Pipe 630 610 10 157.6 24.097247 630 616 7 157.6 16.949693 0.04819449 0.03389939
O.D I.D sch equ.THK Length wt=kg/m C.C.O.D C.C.I.D sch equ.THK Length wt=kg/m
Pipe 168.3 139.7504 14.2748 96.1 5.2108039 168.3 145.7504 11.2748 96.1 4.1958613 0.0052108 0.00419586
O.D I.D THK Length,mm wt=kg/m O.D I.D Cor.Thk Length,mm wt=kg/m
Nozzle projection = 150 mm
Roof thk = 10 mm
weld neck y dimension = 3.5 inches 88.9 mm
Tank inside projection 25 mm
Total pipe Length = 96.1 mm
O.D I.D sch equ.THK Length wt=kg/m C.C.O.D C.C.I.D sch equ.THK Length wt=kg/m
Pipe 60.3 42.8248 8.7376 121.5 1.3499606 60.3 48.8248 5.7376 121.5 0.9380361 0.00134996 0.00093804
O.D I.D THK Length,mm wt=kg/m O.D I.D Cor.Thk Length,mm wt=kg/m
Nozzle projection = 150 mm
Thk of first shell course = 10 mm
weld neck y dimension = 2.5 inches 63.5 mm
Tank inside projection 25 mm
Total pipe Length = 121.5 mm
O.D I.D sch equ.THK Length wt=kg/m C.C.O.D C.C.I.D sch equ.THK Length wt=kg/m
Pipe 60.3 42.8248 8.7376 121.5 1.3499606 60.3 48.8248 5.7376 121.5 0.9380361 0.00134996 0.00093804
O.D I.D THK Length,mm wt=kg/m O.D I.D Cor.Thk Length,mm wt=kg/m
Nozzle projection = 150 mm
Thk of first shell course = 10 mm
weld neck y dimension = 2.5 inches 63.5 mm
Tank inside projection 25 mm
Total pipe Length = 121.5 mm
4 N10 8 1 WN RF 150 sch X 0 150 PRESSURE VACUUM RELIEF
O.D I.D sch equ.THK Length wt=kg/m C.C.O.D C.C.I.D sch equ.THK Length wt=kg/m
Pipe 219.1 193.7 12.7 83.4 5.3913682 219.1 199.7 9.7 83.4 4.1776687 0.00539137 0.00417767
O.D I.D THK Length,mm wt=kg/m O.D I.D Cor.Thk Length,mm wt=kg/m
Nozzle projection = 150 mm
Roof thk = 10 mm
weld neck y dimension = 4 inches 101.6 mm
Tank inside projection 25 mm
Total pipe Length = 83.4 mm
O.D I.D THK Length,mm wt=kg/m O.D I.D Cor.Thk Length,mm wt=kg/m
PL.Fab.Pipe 508 488 10 9044.6 1110.8061 508 494 7 9044.6 782.24836 1.11080605 0.78224836
O.D I.D sch equ.THK Length wt=kg/m C.C.O.D C.C.I.D sch equ.THK Length wt=kg/m
Pipe 168.3 139.7504 14.2748 9108.1 493.86601 168.3 145.7504 11.2748 9108.1 397.67247 0.49386601 0.39767247
O.D I.D THK Length,mm wt=kg/m O.D I.D Cor.Thk Length,mm wt=kg/m
Nozzle projection = 150 mm
Roof thk = 10 mm
weld neck y dimension = 3.5 inches 88.9 mm
Tank inside projection 25 mm
Tank inside projection 9012 mm
Total pipe Length = 9108.1 mm
O.D I.D sch equ.THK Length wt=kg/m C.C.O.D C.C.I.D sch equ.THK Length wt=kg/m
Pipe 168.3 139.7504 14.2748 96.1 5.2108039 168.3 145.7504 11.2748 96.1 4.1958613 0.0052108 0.00419586
O.D I.D THK Length,mm wt=kg/m O.D I.D Cor.Thk Length,mm wt=kg/m
Nozzle projection = 150 mm
Roof thk = 10 mm
weld neck y dimension = 3.5 inches 88.9 mm
Tank inside projection 25 mm
Total pipe Length = 96.1 mm
O.D I.D sch equ.THK Length wt=kg/m C.C.O.D C.C.I.D sch equ.THK Length wt=kg/m
Pipe 273 242.8248 15.0876 133.4 12.801703 273 248.8248 12.0876 133.4 10.375527 0.0128017 0.01037553
O.D I.D THK Length,mm wt=kg/m O.D I.D Cor.Thk Length,mm wt=kg/m
Nozzle projection = 200 mm
Roof thk = 10 mm
weld neck y dimension = 4 inches 101.6 mm
Tank inside projection 25 mm
Total pipe Length = 133.4 mm
O.D I.D THK Length,mm wt=kg/m O.D I.D Cor.Thk Length,mm wt=kg/m
PL.Fab.Pipe 770 750 10 157.6 29.538561 770 756 7 157.6 20.758612 0.02953856 0.02075861
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Chapter No. Page No. R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 Remarks
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Example :
i) The design stress shall be 2/3 of Yield strength = Sd = (2/3*G1
ii) As per API 650, Table 5-2a,Product Design stress Sd = 173.0 Mpa
iii) 2/5 of the tensile strength Sd = 194 Mpa
whichever is less from above specified Values, Sd = 0 Mpa
Hydrostatic Test stress calculation
As per clause the maximum allowable Hydrostatic test stress St shall be 3/4 yield strength
or 3/7 of Tensile strength,whichever is Less
Example :
i) 3/4 yield strength Value St = 195 Mpa
ii) 3/7 of Tensile strength Value St = 207.86 Mpa
whichever is less from above two Values, St = 195 Mpa
Min Yield Min Tensile Product Design Hydrostatic Test Course width
Course Selected Material & Grade
strength(Mpa) strength(Mpa) Stress"Sd"(Mpa) Stress"St"(Mpa) (m)
1 A 516 Gr 70 260 485 173.3 195.0 2
2 A 516 Gr 70 260 485 173.3 195.0 2
3 A 516 Gr 70 260 485 173.3 195.0 2
4 A 516 Gr 70 260 485 173.3 195.0 2.000
5 A 516 Gr 70 260 485 173 195 2
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For Quick Reference Note : As per API 650 minimum allowable shell plate thickness relevant to tank diameter
<15 Meter 5 mm
15 to < 36 Meter 6 mm
36 to < 60 Meter 8 mm
> 60 meter 10 mm
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Dia 11.5 m
Sketch Tank I.D
10 mm, First Shell Course Thk
Dia 9.62 m, Bottom Plate O.D
890 mm
50 0 mm, Bottom Lap with Annular Plate
Bottom Sketch Plate
Bottom of Bottom 0 mm, Thk
Annular Plate 1000 mm Dia 9.62 m
10 mm, Thk Annular Bottom Plate I.D
Dia 11.62 m
Annular Bottom Plate O.D
As per Cl.5.5.2, the minimum radial width of the annular plate at any point
around the circumference of the tank shall be either Aw1, Aw2 whichever is greater.
Aw1 = Wr + t bot + Aproj + Alap
Wr = Minimum radial width between the inside of the shell and any lap welded joint in
the bottom = 600.00 mm
A proj = As per Cl.5.4.2, Projection of annular plate outside the shell = 50.00 mm
Alap = Annular-Sketch plate lap = 0.00 mm
Therefore, minimum radial width of the annular plate at any point around
the circumference of the tank shell shall be = 709.83 mm
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For knuckle segment selected top member detail is = Detail A From F2 of Permissible detail of compression ring
Provided = ISA 100 x 100 x 15 Thk.
Centre of Gravity = 30.20 mm
Cross sectional Area = 2790 mm^2
Unit Weight = 21.90 kgs/m
Circumference = ### m
Weight = 0.79 Mt.
As per item.(b) of Notes to Cl. of API 650, the shape factor for the wind loading must not be
taken into consideration for assessing the quantity and sizing of Intermediate Wind Girders,
because the critical buckling condition used to assess the maximum unstiffened height of the shell focusses
on a localised area of the shell that is normal to the wind load to provide a most conservative design.
The relation between wind pressure and wind velocity is given by Pz = 0.6 x Vz x Vz
Design Wind Velocity in m/s at any height z = Vb x k1 x k2 x k3
Vb = Basic Wind Speed in m/s = 33.8 m/sec
kz = Risk Coefficient factor = 1.04 -
kzt = Terrain, Height and Structure = 1.00 -
kd = Topography Factor = 0.95 -
Equal to importance factor = 1.00
Equal to Gust Factor = 0.85
Vz = Vb x k1 x k2 x k3 = 33.4 m/s
Pw = Equivalent Wind Pressure 0.6 x Vz2 / 9.81 = 59.95 Kg/m2 0.588 Kpa
fc = Shape Factor = 1.0 -
Pz = Design Wind Pressure fc x Pw = 60 Kg/m2
As per item.(b) of Notes to Cl. of API 650, the shape factor for the wind loading must not be taken into consideration for
assessing the quantity and sizing of Intermediate Wind Girders, because the critical buckling condition used to assess the
maximum unstiffened height of the shell focusses on a localised area of the shell that is normal to the wind load to provide a most
conservative design.
The relation between wind pressure and wind velocity is given by Pz = 0.6 x Vz x Vz
Vz = Design wind velocity in m/s at any height z = 44.03 m/s = 98.494 miles/hr
Vz = Design wind velocity in m/s at any height z = 33.8 m/s 75.61 miles/hr
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H1 = vertical distance, in feet, between the intermediate wind girder and the top angle of the shell
H1 = 153.2 feet 46.705 m
t = ordered thickness, unless otherwise specified, of top shell course = 0.276 inches
D = nominal tank diameter = 37.73 feet
v =Vacuum = 12.53 Psf 61.192 Kpa
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H.2 The required minimum section modulus for the intermediate wind girder:
As Per API 650 CL
Z = 0.0001 D^2 H1 (V/100)^2
H1 =the vertical distance between the intermediate wind girder and the top angle= 7.39 feet 2.2525 m
V = wind velocity, in miles/hr = 75.608 miles/hr
10 10.00 0.60
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SD1 = The design , 5 -percent damped , spectral response acceleration parameter at 1 second, based on
ASCE 7 method,%g as per 11.4.4 of ASCE 7-05,
SDs = 2/3 SMs = 0
SD1 = 2/3 SM1 = 0
as per 11.4.3 of ASCE 7-05,
SMs = Fa Ss = 0
SM1 = Fv S1 = 0
The maximum vertical seismic acceleration parameter shall be taken as 0.14SDS as per E6.1.3 ,
Av = 0.14 SDs = 0
Impulsive spectral acceleration parameter, Ai ;
Ai = SDs ( I/Rwi ) = 0.007 >= 0.007 Hence Safe, as per eqn. E.4.6.1-2
Rwi = Response modification factor ( Impulsive ) as per Table E-4 = 3.50
I = Importance Factor (Essential facility factor) = 1
as per E 4.6.1 ,
TL = Region - dependant transition period for longer period ground motion = 4 seconds
Base shear,
V = ( Vi^2 + Vc^2 )^0.5 = 293808481.12 lbs
Vi = Ai ( Ws+Wr+Wf+Wi ) = 293808481.12 lbs
Vc = AcWc = 0.00 lbs
Corroded condition
Ws = Total weight of tank Shell plates and appurtenances in lb. (As per Appendix I) = 182270.454 lb
Wr = Total weight of Roof plate and roof supporting structure in lb. (As per Appendix I) = 16561.203 lb
Wf = Total weight of Bottom plate and annular plate in lb. (As per Appendix I) = 116.913 lb
Base shear,
V = ( Vi^2 + Vc^2 )^0.5 = 293808087.70 lbs
Vi = Ai ( Ws+Wr+Wf+Wi ) = 293808087.70 lbs
Vc = AcWc = 0.00 lbs
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Uncorroded condition
Mrw = Ring wall moment = 3301458052 lb.ft
Wt = ( Ws + Wr )/(Pi x D) = 2104 lb/ft
J = Mrw / D^2 ( Wt ( 1- 0.4Av ) + Wa ) = 1009.908 -
Corroded condition
Mrw = Ring wall moment = 3301451770 lb.ft
Wt = ( Ws + Wr )/(Pi x D) = 1677 lb/ft
J = Mrw / D^2 ( Wt ( 1- 0.4Av ) + Wa ) = 1240.193 -
No calculated uplift under the design seismic overturning moment ,The tank is self -anchored for siesmic conditions
Check for Dynamic Hoop Tensile Stresses
As per Clause E.6.1.4 of API 650
D/H = 1.276
Impulsive hoop membrance force in tank wall (Ni) in
Ni = 4.5 x Ai x G x D x H x ((Y/H) - 0.5x(Y/H)^2)x tanh(0.866x(D/H)),( for D/H >= 1.333)= 0.000 lb/inch
Ni = 2.77 x Ai x G x D^2 x ((Y/0.75D) - 0.5x(Y/0.75D)^2),( for D/H < 1.333 & Y< 0.75 D)= 0 lb/inch
(Y< 0.75 D) NO
Ni = 1.39 x Ai x G x D^2 ( for D/H < 1.333 & Y>= 0.75 D) 14.099893 lb/inch
(Y>= 0.75 D) YES
Ai = Horizontal seismic coefficient for Impulsive mode = 0.007 -
G = Specific gravity of Liquid = 1.018 -
Y = Distance from liquid surface to analysis point in ft. = 29.567 ft
Y/(0.75 x D) = 1.045 -
Y/H = = 1
Ni = = 14.100 lb/inch
Convective hoop membrance force in tank wall (Nc) in
Nc = 0.98 x Ac x G x D^2 x cosh(3.68 x (H-Y)/D) / (cosh(3.68 x (H/D)))
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Ac = Vertical seismic coefficient for convective mode = 0
Nc = 0.98 x Ac x G x D^2 x cosh(3.68 x (H-Y)/D) / (cosh(3.68 x (H/D))) = 0 lb/inch
Total stress = Comboned dynamic hoop tensile and product hydrostatic design stress
s = Nh + sqrt(Ni^2 + Nc^2) / t = -304.7856 lb/in^2
Yield strength of shell plate material or weld material, Fy = 260 lb/in^2
Minimum specified yield strength of bottom shell course, Fty = 260 lb/in^2
Maximum allowable membrance stress of shell plate, 0.5 x Fty = 130 lb/in^2
Permissable tensile stress is least of
(1) 1.33 times allowance membrance stress of shell plate = 1.33 x Fty = 345.8 lb/in^2
(2) 0.9 x Fy times the joint efficiency = 234 lb/in^2
Permissable tensile stress = 234 lb/in^2
Total hoop tension force = Ni + Nc = 14.099893 lb/inch
Dynamic liquid pressure at the bottom of the tank = 0.0622855 lb/in^2
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Uncorroded condition
Wt = 2104 lb/ft
Mrw = 3301458052 lb.ft
ts = 0.394 Inch
sc = (Wt x (1+0.4xAv) + ((1.273 x Mrw)/D^2)) x (1/12 x ts) = 625375.459 lb/in^2
Fc < sc, Hence structurally Not safe
Corroded condition
Wt = 1677 lb/ft
Mrw = 3301451770 lb.ft
sc = (Wt x (1+0.4xAv) + ((1.273 x Mrw)/D^2)) x (1/12 x ts) = 893263 lb/in^2
Fc < sc, Hence structurally Not safe
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Wp = Total weight of tank contents based on the design specific gravity of the product,lbs = 58148367979 lbs
Wa = 22829 lbs
Hence, governing force/bolt = 11059431.365 lbs
Governing Stress on each bolt = 12617631.894 psi
SA 307 Allowable stress = 19983.793 psi 1405 kg/cm2
SA 307 Yield Stress, Fy = 36000.000 psi
0.8 Fy = 28800.000 psi
Stress on each bolt > Allowable stress
Hence unsafe
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As per API 650, Cl., for a frangible joint, cross sectional area of roof to shell connection
A', shall not exceed the following: A = (DLS / 201000)* (tan Θ))
= 6.842 sq.inches
Where,DLS = total weight of the shell & any framing (but not roof plates)
supported by the shell & roof, in lbs. = Ws + Wrs = 229218.061 lbf
Ws = Weight of shell = 176637.944 lbf
Wrs = Weight of roof structure + miscellaneous items on shell = 57151.467 lbf
tan Θ = roof slope = 0.167
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Note :-
The loading s considered for roof structure are as per clause R1 (e) of appendix - R,
For conservative design live load and vacuum to act concurrently without any reduction factor.
Ring Radius = 0.685 m
The Purlin Length is such that the main rafter at this point are = 1.7 m Apart.
Therefore, minimum number of rafters required = 21.252 nos.
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0.662 m 0.023 m
1.370 m
Area F
0.35458 m
Area F = 0.243 m^2
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Area Calculation D
0.730 m 0.63832
2.599148 m
2.511 m 1.961
1.802 0.355
0.85 m
Area Calculation C
1.454 1.578
64.75 Deg
1.47728 15
Area D = 0.207 m^2
Area Calculation E
Area D = 0.559 m^2
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I = Moment of Inertia
Allowable deflection = L / 325 = 8.9385 = 0.0275031 ft 8.383 mm
Hence Section is inadequate
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P1 P1'
Load on purlin 'P'=(on secondary Ra rafter reaction)+(0.5xArea ExTotal Load) = 820.861 lbf
Rc = Rd = load on purlin / 2 =P/2 = 410.431 lbf
Mb = Bending Moment = 1541.694 lbf-ft
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Θ = 9.46 Degree
Sin Θ = 0.16 Radians
Cos Θ = 0.99 Radians
Minimum section modulus required for the main rafter = 11766.365 lbf-ft = 0.00341 cu.ft.
** 3446972.496 lbf/ft^2
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10.0 mm
290 mm L= 310 mm
10.00 mm
A 685 mm , Radius
R=Ring radius = 685 mm
N=Number of Loads = 12 Nos.
W = Radial Load = 49.5617 KN 11141.93 lbf , (Compressive Force)
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V = venting capacity in cu.m./hr,
C = discharge coefficient = 0.8
A = sectional area of 'U' vent in sq.m.
g = acceleration due to gravity = 9.8 m/sec^2
P = vent setting pressure = Minimum Required Thk of Roof Plate X Density
= 127 x 7.85 = 997 mm of wc
r = specific weight of air, in kg/cu.m. = 1.251 kg/cu.m.
Liquid Movement out as per Table 1B(Normal Venting Requirement) = 0.94
Liquid Movement IN as per Table 1B(Normal Venting Requirement) = 2.02
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Total required compressive area at the roof to shell junction (A) = 7298.809 mm^2
As per API650, Cl.F.4.1, Design Pressure = [(A) Fy (tanΘ)] / 200 D2] + 0.08th
= 12.690 kpa
Where, Area resisting the compressive force = 7298.8086506332 mm2
Angle between the roof and a horizontal = 9.46 deg.
plane at the roof-to-shell junction
Tank diameter = 11.5 m
Nominal roof thickness = 8 mm
Size of the vent = 24 inch 609.6 mm
593.6 mm 8 mm THK
Number of vents = 1 No
As per API Standard 2000, Cl., Equation (4B),
Theoretical flow rate per hour of air = 12503 (P1) (A) Sqrt [{k / (MTZ(k-1)} {(P2/P1)2/k - (P2/P1) }]
= 57799 Nm /h
Theoritical flow per hour 57799 > 21778.5 Required flow rate / hour
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Chapter No. Page No. R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 Remarks
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Example :
i) The design stress shall be 2/3 of Yield strength = Sd = (2/3*G1
ii) As per API 650, Table 5-2a,Product Design stress Sd = 173.0 Mpa
iii) 2/5 of the tensile strength Sd = 194 Mpa
whichever is less from above specified Values, Sd = 0 Mpa
Hydrostatic Test stress calculation
As per clause the maximum allowable Hydrostatic test stress St shall be 3/4 yield strength
or 3/7 of Tensile strength,whichever is Less
Example :
i) 3/4 yield strength Value St = 195 Mpa
ii) 3/7 of Tensile strength Value St = 207.86 Mpa
whichever is less from above two Values, St = 195 Mpa
Min Yield Min Tensile Product Design Hydrostatic Test Course width
Course Selected Material & Grade
strength(Mpa) strength(Mpa) Stress"Sd"(Mpa) Stress"St"(Mpa) (m)
1 A 516 Gr 70 260 485 173.3 195.0 2
2 A 516 Gr 70 260 485 173.3 195.0 2
3 A 516 Gr 70 260 485 173.3 195.0 2
4 A 516 Gr 70 260 485 173.3 195.0 2.000
5 A 516 Gr 70 260 485 173 195 2
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For Quick Reference Note : As per API 650 minimum allowable shell plate thickness relevant to tank diameter
<15 Meter 5 mm
15 to < 36 Meter 6 mm
36 to < 60 Meter 8 mm
> 60 meter 10 mm
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Dia 11.5 m
Sketch Tank I.D
10 mm, First Shell Course Thk
Dia 9.62 m, Bottom Plate O.D
890 mm
50 0 mm, Bottom Lap with Annular Plate
Bottom Sketch Plate
Bottom of Bottom 0 mm, Thk
Annular Plate 1000 mm Dia 9.62 m
10 mm, Thk Annular Bottom Plate I.D
Dia 11.62 m
Annular Bottom Plate O.D
As per Cl.5.5.2, the minimum radial width of the annular plate at any point
around the circumference of the tank shall be either Aw1, Aw2 whichever is greater.
Aw1 = Wr + t bot + Aproj + Alap
Wr = Minimum radial width between the inside of the shell and any lap welded joint in
the bottom = 600.00 mm
A proj = As per Cl.5.4.2, Projection of annular plate outside the shell = 50.00 mm
Alap = Annular-Sketch plate lap = 0.00 mm
Therefore, minimum radial width of the annular plate at any point around
the circumference of the tank shell shall be = 709.83 mm
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For knuckle segment selected top member detail is = Detail A From F2 of Permissible detail of compression ring
Provided = ISA 100 x 100 x 15 Thk.
Centre of Gravity = 30.20 mm
Cross sectional Area = 2790 mm^2
Unit Weight = 21.90 kgs/m
Circumference = ### m
Weight = 0.79 Mt.
As per item.(b) of Notes to Cl. of API 650, the shape factor for the wind loading must not be
taken into consideration for assessing the quantity and sizing of Intermediate Wind Girders,
because the critical buckling condition used to assess the maximum unstiffened height of the shell focusses
on a localised area of the shell that is normal to the wind load to provide a most conservative design.
The relation between wind pressure and wind velocity is given by Pz = 0.6 x Vz x Vz
Design Wind Velocity in m/s at any height z = Vb x k1 x k2 x k3
Vb = Basic Wind Speed in m/s = 33.8 m/sec
kz = Risk Coefficient factor = 1.04 -
kzt = Terrain, Height and Structure = 1.00 -
kd = Topography Factor = 0.95 -
Equal to importance factor = 1.00
Equal to Gust Factor = 0.85
Vz = Vb x k1 x k2 x k3 = 33.4 m/s
Pw = Equivalent Wind Pressure 0.6 x Vz2 / 9.81 = 59.95 Kg/m2 0.588 Kpa
fc = Shape Factor = 1.0 -
Pz = Design Wind Pressure fc x Pw = 60 Kg/m2
As per item.(b) of Notes to Cl. of API 650, the shape factor for the wind loading must not be taken into consideration for
assessing the quantity and sizing of Intermediate Wind Girders, because the critical buckling condition used to assess the
maximum unstiffened height of the shell focusses on a localised area of the shell that is normal to the wind load to provide a most
conservative design.
The relation between wind pressure and wind velocity is given by Pz = 0.6 x Vz x Vz
Vz = Design wind velocity in m/s at any height z = 44.03 m/s = 98.494 miles/hr
Vz = Design wind velocity in m/s at any height z = 33.8 m/s 75.61 miles/hr
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H1 = vertical distance, in feet, between the intermediate wind girder and the top angle of the shell
H1 = 153.2 feet 46.705 m
t = ordered thickness, unless otherwise specified, of top shell course = 0.276 inches
D = nominal tank diameter = 37.73 feet
v =Vacuum = 12.53 Psf 61.192 Kpa
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H.2 The required minimum section modulus for the intermediate wind girder:
As Per API 650 CL
Z = 0.0001 D^2 H1 (V/100)^2
H1 =the vertical distance between the intermediate wind girder and the top angle= 7.39 feet 2.2525 m
V = wind velocity, in miles/hr = 75.608 miles/hr
10 10.00 0.60
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Galfar Engineering & Contracting S.A.O.G. Doc.No:
SD1 = The design , 5 -percent damped , spectral response acceleration parameter at 1 second, based on
ASCE 7 method,%g as per 11.4.4 of ASCE 7-05,
SDs = 2/3 SMs = 0
SD1 = 2/3 SM1 = 0
as per 11.4.3 of ASCE 7-05,
SMs = Fa Ss = 0
SM1 = Fv S1 = 0
The maximum vertical seismic acceleration parameter shall be taken as 0.14SDS as per E6.1.3 ,
Av = 0.14 SDs = 0
Impulsive spectral acceleration parameter, Ai ;
Ai = SDs ( I/Rwi ) = 0.007 >= 0.007 Hence Safe, as per eqn. E.4.6.1-2
Rwi = Response modification factor ( Impulsive ) as per Table E-4 = 3.50
I = Importance Factor (Essential facility factor) = 1
as per E 4.6.1 ,
TL = Region - dependant transition period for longer period ground motion = 4 seconds
Base shear,
V = ( Vi^2 + Vc^2 )^0.5 = 293808481.12 lbs
Vi = Ai ( Ws+Wr+Wf+Wi ) = 293808481.12 lbs
Vc = AcWc = 0.00 lbs
Corroded condition
Ws = Total weight of tank Shell plates and appurtenances in lb. (As per Appendix I) = 182270.454 lb
Wr = Total weight of Roof plate and roof supporting structure in lb. (As per Appendix I) = 16561.203 lb
Wf = Total weight of Bottom plate and annular plate in lb. (As per Appendix I) = 116.913 lb
Base shear,
V = ( Vi^2 + Vc^2 )^0.5 = 293808087.70 lbs
Vi = Ai ( Ws+Wr+Wf+Wi ) = 293808087.70 lbs
Vc = AcWc = 0.00 lbs
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Uncorroded condition
Mrw = Ring wall moment = 3301458052 lb.ft
Wt = ( Ws + Wr )/(Pi x D) = 2104 lb/ft
J = Mrw / D^2 ( Wt ( 1- 0.4Av ) + Wa ) = 1009.908 -
Corroded condition
Mrw = Ring wall moment = 3301451770 lb.ft
Wt = ( Ws + Wr )/(Pi x D) = 1677 lb/ft
J = Mrw / D^2 ( Wt ( 1- 0.4Av ) + Wa ) = 1240.193 -
No calculated uplift under the design seismic overturning moment ,The tank is self -anchored for siesmic conditions
Check for Dynamic Hoop Tensile Stresses
As per Clause E.6.1.4 of API 650
D/H = 1.276
Impulsive hoop membrance force in tank wall (Ni) in
Ni = 4.5 x Ai x G x D x H x ((Y/H) - 0.5x(Y/H)^2)x tanh(0.866x(D/H)),( for D/H >= 1.333)= 0.000 lb/inch
Ni = 2.77 x Ai x G x D^2 x ((Y/0.75D) - 0.5x(Y/0.75D)^2),( for D/H < 1.333 & Y< 0.75 D)= 0 lb/inch
(Y< 0.75 D) NO
Ni = 1.39 x Ai x G x D^2 ( for D/H < 1.333 & Y>= 0.75 D) 14.099893 lb/inch
(Y>= 0.75 D) YES
Ai = Horizontal seismic coefficient for Impulsive mode = 0.007 -
G = Specific gravity of Liquid = 1.018 -
Y = Distance from liquid surface to analysis point in ft. = 29.567 ft
Y/(0.75 x D) = 1.045 -
Y/H = = 1
Ni = = 14.100 lb/inch
Convective hoop membrance force in tank wall (Nc) in
Nc = 0.98 x Ac x G x D^2 x cosh(3.68 x (H-Y)/D) / (cosh(3.68 x (H/D)))
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Ac = Vertical seismic coefficient for convective mode = 0
Nc = 0.98 x Ac x G x D^2 x cosh(3.68 x (H-Y)/D) / (cosh(3.68 x (H/D))) = 0 lb/inch
Total stress = Comboned dynamic hoop tensile and product hydrostatic design stress
s = Nh + sqrt(Ni^2 + Nc^2) / t = -304.7856 lb/in^2
Yield strength of shell plate material or weld material, Fy = 260 lb/in^2
Minimum specified yield strength of bottom shell course, Fty = 260 lb/in^2
Maximum allowable membrance stress of shell plate, 0.5 x Fty = 130 lb/in^2
Permissable tensile stress is least of
(1) 1.33 times allowance membrance stress of shell plate = 1.33 x Fty = 345.8 lb/in^2
(2) 0.9 x Fy times the joint efficiency = 234 lb/in^2
Permissable tensile stress = 234 lb/in^2
Total hoop tension force = Ni + Nc = 14.099893 lb/inch
Dynamic liquid pressure at the bottom of the tank = 0.0622855 lb/in^2
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Uncorroded condition
Wt = 2104 lb/ft
Mrw = 3301458052 lb.ft
ts = 0.394 Inch
sc = (Wt x (1+0.4xAv) + ((1.273 x Mrw)/D^2)) x (1/12 x ts) = 625375.459 lb/in^2
Fc < sc, Hence structurally Not safe
Corroded condition
Wt = 1677 lb/ft
Mrw = 3301451770 lb.ft
sc = (Wt x (1+0.4xAv) + ((1.273 x Mrw)/D^2)) x (1/12 x ts) = 893263 lb/in^2
Fc < sc, Hence structurally Not safe
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Wp = Total weight of tank contents based on the design specific gravity of the product,lbs = 58148367979 lbs
Wa = 22829 lbs
Hence, governing force/bolt = 11059431.365 lbs
Governing Stress on each bolt = 12617631.894 psi
SA 307 Allowable stress = 19983.793 psi 1405 kg/cm2
SA 307 Yield Stress, Fy = 36000.000 psi
0.8 Fy = 28800.000 psi
Stress on each bolt > Allowable stress
Hence unsafe
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As per API 650, Cl., for a frangible joint, cross sectional area of roof to shell connection
A', shall not exceed the following: A = (DLS / 201000)* (tan Θ))
= 6.842 sq.inches
Where,DLS = total weight of the shell & any framing (but not roof plates)
supported by the shell & roof, in lbs. = Ws + Wrs = 229218.061 lbf
Ws = Weight of shell = 176637.944 lbf
Wrs = Weight of roof structure + miscellaneous items on shell = 57151.467 lbf
tan Θ = roof slope = 0.167
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Note :-
The loading s considered for roof structure are as per clause R1 (e) of appendix - R,
For conservative design live load and vacuum to act concurrently without any reduction factor.
Ring Radius = 0.685 m
The Purlin Length is such that the main rafter at this point are = 1.7 m Apart.
Therefore, minimum number of rafters required = 21.252 nos.
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0.662 m 0.023 m
1.370 m
Area F
0.35458 m
Area F = 0.243 m^2
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Area Calculation D
0.730 m 0.63832
2.599148 m
2.511 m 1.961
1.802 0.355
0.85 m
Area Calculation C
1.454 1.578
64.75 Deg
1.47728 15
Area D = 0.207 m^2
Area Calculation E
Area D = 0.559 m^2
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Galfar Engineering & Contracting S.A.O.G. Doc.No:
I = Moment of Inertia
Allowable deflection = L / 325 = 8.9385 = 0.0275031 ft 8.383 mm
Hence Section is inadequate
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Galfar Engineering & Contracting S.A.O.G. Doc.No:
P1 P1'
Load on purlin 'P'=(on secondary Ra rafter reaction)+(0.5xArea ExTotal Load) = 820.861 lbf
Rc = Rd = load on purlin / 2 =P/2 = 410.431 lbf
Mb = Bending Moment = 1541.694 lbf-ft
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Θ = 9.46 Degree
Sin Θ = 0.16 Radians
Cos Θ = 0.99 Radians
Minimum section modulus required for the main rafter = 11766.365 lbf-ft = 0.00341 cu.ft.
** 3446972.496 lbf/ft^2
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10.0 mm
290 mm L= 310 mm
10.00 mm
A 685 mm , Radius
R=Ring radius = 685 mm
N=Number of Loads = 12 Nos.
W = Radial Load = 49.5617 KN 11141.93 lbf , (Compressive Force)
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V = venting capacity in cu.m./hr,
C = discharge coefficient = 0.8
A = sectional area of 'U' vent in sq.m.
g = acceleration due to gravity = 9.8 m/sec^2
P = vent setting pressure = Minimum Required Thk of Roof Plate X Density
= 127 x 7.85 = 997 mm of wc
r = specific weight of air, in kg/cu.m. = 1.251 kg/cu.m.
Liquid Movement out as per Table 1B(Normal Venting Requirement) = 0.94
Liquid Movement IN as per Table 1B(Normal Venting Requirement) = 2.02
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Total required compressive area at the roof to shell junction (A) = 7298.809 mm^2
As per API650, Cl.F.4.1, Design Pressure = [(A) Fy (tanΘ)] / 200 D2] + 0.08th
= 12.690 kpa
Where, Area resisting the compressive force = 7298.8086506332 mm2
Angle between the roof and a horizontal = 9.46 deg.
plane at the roof-to-shell junction
Tank diameter = 11.5 m
Nominal roof thickness = 8 mm
Size of the vent = 24 inch 609.6 mm
593.6 mm 8 mm THK
Number of vents = 1 No
As per API Standard 2000, Cl., Equation (4B),
Theoretical flow rate per hour of air = 12503 (P1) (A) Sqrt [{k / (MTZ(k-1)} {(P2/P1)2/k - (P2/P1) }]
= 57799 Nm /h
Theoritical flow per hour 57799 > 21778.5 Required flow rate / hour
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