Alam I
Alam I
Alam I
Q. Write short notes on: Consignee LAO
Ans. The LAO, AAO/SO (a), ALAO, Local Audit Staff or Station Auditor
auditing the store a/c of the Depot, Unit or Formation receiving the stores.
(Auth: Definitions on Page 3 of ALAM Part I)
Q. Can a Local Audit Officer redraw the list of auditable documents? If so,
whose approval would be required?
Ans. Yes, the Local Audit Officer can redraw the list the approval of the
PCDA/CDA. (Auth: Para 11 of ALAM Part I Vol-I/Para 12 ALAM Part-II)
Q. What do you understand about losses of stores and cash in the units and
Establishments of Army?
Ans. Losses of stores and cash may arise due to various factors in the units
and establishments. These may be due to theft, fraud and neglect and
without these factors also. There are losses due to other causes viz. fire,
deficiencies in actual balances, deterioration and defective storage. Losses
may arise in transit between depot and consuming units, between one depot
and another, manufacturing units to depots, and casualties in case of
animals. Losses may also occur due to Rain /storm/Flood etc.
Each LAO maintains statistics in respect of losses of stores and losses
in cash coming within the purview of his audit in a register of losses and in
a register in IAF (CDA) 182 respectively.
(Auth: Para 22 of ALAM-I and Para 241 & 244 of SAI)
Q. What are the basic principles of local audit of all store accounts?
Ans. The audit of store accounts is conducted locally by LAO acting under
the orders of the PCDA/CDA. The general/basic principles of local audit of
all store accounts are as under:
(a) That the accounting procedure followed by units and formations does not
differ from that prescribed by the rules or other Government orders issued
from time to time;
(b) That all receipts and issues of stores by units and formations and
transfer of stores between depots and /or consuming units have been duly
accounted for in the store ledgers and returns, etc, of the parties concerned;
(c) That stores issued for consumption or use does not exceed the scales
authorised in Regulations and equipment tables;
(d) That all cases of losses and damages have been dealt with in accordance
with the rules/orders on the subject under the orders of CFA.
(e) That the balance of stores shown in the store ledger etc. does not exceed
the authorised limit and suitable action is taken for the disposal of surplus
or unauthorized stores;
(f) That the stock verification has been carried out at regular intervals and
certified as such on the store ledgers etc.
(g) That no article has been supplied after the necessity for the supply has
lapsed. (Auth: Para 31 of ALAM Part-I)
Q. What do you understand from “Casting” term used in local audit?
Ans. Its means vertical and horizontal totallings which should be checked
by the LAOs on the bills/ledgers to authenticate the totalling/accuracy.
(Auth: Note below Para 32(a) of ALAM-I)
Q. What do you understand from “Audit of final receipts” terms used in local
Ans. It is to verify the accounts through internal receipt voucher by LAO of
the surplus stores found on stock-taking. (Auth: Para 32 (c) of ALAM-I)
Q. Explain briefly the meaning of linking and pairing in local audit?
Ans. 'Linking' means bringing together an entry in a ledger and supporting
voucher to ensure that the entry in the ledger is strictly in accordance with
the voucher. (Auth: Note below Para 32, ALAM-I)
"Pairing" means bringing together two documents which are supposed
to be facsimile copies, one of the other, to ensure that they are in fact
identical. (Auth: Note 1 below Para 51, ALAM-I)
Q. What is the percentage of Audit check to be carried in the following
cases? What is the method of checking?
(a) Issue voucher
Ans. Issue Voucher:- 33 1/3% of ledger entries into transfer voucher.
(Auth: Item 1(B)(1) of Table of Appendix-A referred to in Para 33 of ALAM Part-I Vol.I)
(b) Receipt voucher
Ans. Receipt voucher = 33 1/3% of voucher and all vouchers of Rs.1,000/-
& above. (Item 1(B)(3) of Table of Appendix-A referred to in Para 33 of ALAM Part-I)
Q. The unit pleads that records for the month selected for audit are not
ready and suggests that a particular month’s record be audited. Comment.
Ans. The purpose of random selection of a particular month’s account for
audit is to retain an element of surprise and to ensure that the storekeeper
etc. Cannot in any way forecast or calculate which part/portions are likely
to be selected for audit. No such suggestions for audit of a particular
month’s account should be accepted and any such suggestion should be
viewed with suspicion.
(General Notes in Annx. 2 (Pg/86) to Appendix-A referred to in Para 33, of ALAM-I)
Q. In order to avoid criticism from the CGDA on account of arrears of audit,
the CDA order that only 10% check of casting in the monthly summaries of
diets and extras be carried out. Comment.
Ans. This is not in order. Cent percent check has to be carried out in such
cases. (Annx. 3(c) (Pg/86) to Appendix-A referred to in Para 33 of ALAM-I)
Q. The LAO is called upon by the CDA to intimate the reasons for reflecting
large number of copies No. 3 & 4 as outstanding in the AAC. The LAO
replies that the information would be supplied after ascertaining the same
from the Depot authorities. Comment.
Ans. In case of Ordnance and Stores Depots the skeleton lists are required
to contain information as to why certain vouchers are not forwarded
therewith. In case this information is not received by the LAO he should
insist on this information. Therefore, the contention of the LAO that he is
not aware of the reasons for the same reflects on his efficiency.
(Auth: Para 43 of ALAM Pt.I Vol.I)
Q. An ordnance depot has taken the working month for the purpose of
assigning numbers for issue of vouchers from 25th of a month to 24th of the
following month. Is this in order?
Ans. Yes, in order. In ordnance depot, the working month for the purpose of
assigning number of issue vouchers will generally be from 25th of one
month to 24th of the following month. (Auth: Para 45 of ALAM Pt.I Vol.I)
Q. What are the situations in which nominal vouchers are prepared?
Ans. Nominal vouchers are prepared in the following cases:
(i) In respect of stores which are not required to be struck off or
brought on charge by the issuing/receiving units/formations as
also those on which expendable stores are issued to the various
branches/directorates/sections of AHQ for experimental/test
(ii) In case of wrong receipt of stores by the store depots.
(iii) To transfer superseded items which have been wrongly received by
Store Depots, when such items are required to be stocked by other
depots or sub-depots. (Auth: Paras 47-49 of ALAM-I Vol.I)
Q. Explain with illustrative instance what is meant by a nominal voucher?
Ans. A nominal voucher is prepared in respect of stores not required to be
struck off or brought on charge by the issuing or receiving unit as the case
may be. Nominal voucher are not scheduled for linking. Illustrative
(i) To issue stores charged off earlier but not despatched (short despatched);
(ii) To transfer wrong receipt to ultimate consignee;
(iii) To issue expendable stores to branches/directorates/sections in AHQ for
Experimental/test purpose. (Auth: Paras 47-49 ALAM-I)
Q. Stores meant for Army depot X are wrongly received by another Army
depot Y. What procedures and formalities are required to be followed by the
two depots and their LAOs in order to rectify the mistake?
Ans. In this case, the depot Y receiving the stores will first take the stores on
charge by preparing a nominal voucher. It will then redirect the stores to the
appropriate consignee and on receipt of receipted copies for the same release
the office copy of the nominal voucher to the dependent LAO who, in turn,
will schedule it to the LAO of the original consignor. The latter will link it
with the original voucher of the consignor and watch for the revised
vouchers showing the stores consigned to the ultimate consignee.
(Auth: Para 48 of ALAM Part I)
Q. Are Nominal vouchers also subject to linking by LAOs? If so, indicate the
circumstances when such vouchers are required to be linked.
Ans. Yes, nominal vouchers are subject to linking by LAO in the case of
such vouchers prepared for wrong receipt of stores by the store depots. In
such cases the depots receiving the stores will redirect the stores to the
correct consignee and on receipt of the receipted copies for the same release
the office copy to dependent LAO who, in turn, will schedule it to the LAO of
the original consignor, the latter will link it with the original voucher of the
consignor and watch for the revised vouchers showing the stores consigned
to the ultimate consignee. Besides, nominal vouchers prepared by the stores
depot to transfer the superseded items which have been wrongly received by
them are also dealt with like regular issue vouchers.
(Auth: Para 48 & 49 of ALAM Part I)
Q. What action will the LAO take if receipted copy of Issue Voucher ('B' copy)
is not received by the consignor for over three months from the date of issue
of stores?
Ans. Where the copy of the issue voucher ('B' copy) is not received by the
consignor unit for over three months from the date of issue of stores, the
consigner's local audit staff will, during their visit to the unit for audit,
collect an extra copy of each of such issue vouchers and schedule them to
the consignee's LAO, under a separate top list after pairing it with the 'E'
copy of the voucher held by him.
Particulars of all such cases in which an extra copy of such vouchers
have been obtained and scheduled to the consignee's LAOs in the above
manner should be brought to the notice of higher administrative authorities
for investigation and necessary action under intimation to the PCDA/CDA.
(Auth: Para 61 ALAM Part I Vol.I)
Q. Why is it necessary for the paying CDA to schedule to the LAO 90%
vouchers as well as 10% payment vouchers in respect of centrally purchased
stores? What action is taken by the LAO on these vouchers?
Ans. It is necessary for the paying CDA to schedule to the LAO 90%
payment vouchers as well as 10% payment vouchers to avoid delay in credit
verification in the Consignee’s Ledger. The 90% payment is generally made
on the basis of proof of inspection and despatch. On receipt of paid vouchers
of 90% payment, the LAO will obtain the relevant CRV number and a copy of
CRV from the Unit and link the CRV in the Ledgers after comparing it with
the paid vouchers (Inspection Note etc.). Subsequently, on receipt of 10%
payment vouchers, which contain CRV No. And date, the LAO will match
them with the corresponding 90% payment vouchers. In cases where he
could not verify credit earlier with reference to 90% payment vouchers, he
will now verify the credit with the help of CRV details endorsed on 10%
payment vouchers. (Auth: Para 77 of ALAM Part I Vol.I)
Q. State reasons for which unlinked CRVs of imported stores are not
reflected in the AAC by the LAOs.
Ans. As per the procedure laid down, packing accounts are to be received in
duplicate. The consignor is supposed to check the stores with the relevant
entries and prepare the necessary CRVs in respect of stores received. The
original and duplicate accounts are then forwarded by the consignee,
together with the CRV, to the LAO. The actual procedure on ground is as
The packing accounts are not being received in respect of imported
stores. Boards are held to verify the number of items received with reference
to the details mentioned in the invoice. Thereafter, a CRV number is allotted
for the receipt of such stores and kept as a part of the Board proceedings.
However, no separate CRV is being prepared and sent to the LAO.
Consequently, the LAO are not reflecting such CRVs either in their monthly
report or in the AAC nor are they calling for the same from the Depot
There are no orders to support this practice. (Para 78 of ALAM Pt.I)
Q. What action is taken in the Main Office of the CDA if the duplicate copy
of the packing accounts has not been received from the consignee’s LAO?
Ans. In the Main Office of CDA, an invoice register is maintained. Each
invoice is required to be paired on receipt of duplicate copy of the packing
accounts and relevant entries recorded. At the end of every quarter this
invoice register is reviewed and the invoices which have remained unpaired
for the reasons of non-receipt of duplicate copies of the packing accounts
from the LAO, these invoices are sent to the LAOs by the CDA for linking
with the original copy of the packing accounts held by the units or with the
CRV held by them. The LAOs then take prompt action to carry out credit
verification for the stores shown on the invoices after pairing and linking the
entries as envisaged above and return the invoices duly paired and linked
duly quoted CRV Nos. and discrepancies, if any. (Auth: Para 79 of ALAM-I)
Q. In the absence of Packing Accounts what action devolves on the LAO and
the S/AT Section?
Ans. In case of non-receipt of packing accounts the Store Audit Section of
the Main Office should send all such unlinked invoices to the LAO for
linking with packing accounts/CRV. On receipt of the invoices from the
Main Office the LAO will enter them in the manuscript register maintained
in his office for his purpose. He will then link the invoice with the CRV, and
after indicating the CRV numbers and discrepancy, if any, on the invoices
return the same to the Main Office, Stores Audit Section. In addition, the
LAO would also render a monthly report to the CDA intimating those
invoices in respect of which the credit of stores could not be verified due to
the reasons as recorded. (Auth: Para 79 of ALAM Pt.I)
Q. Who is responsible for stock taking in Ordnance Depots and how is their
independence ensured?
Ans. The responsibility for stock taking rests with the ordnance authorities
themselves. It is carried out by a stock taking team independent of those
responsible for accounting of stores/their physical custody.
(Auth: Para 83 of ALAM Pt.I)
Cases of failure will be brought to the notices of administrative
authorities through CDA concerned.
In cases where, from the state of accounts or otherwise, the LAO has
sufficient grounds to doubt the accuracy of the stock actually in possession
of a unit, he may carry out an actual stock verification after obtaining the
prior concurrence of the CDA concerned. Intimation to that effect will be
sent by the CDA/LAO to the OC unit who will make necessary arrangements
for the verification of stock by LAO. (Auth: Para 83-86 ALAM Part I Vol.I)
Q. LAO insists that the unit must carry out stock verification of Petrol
tanks. Comment.
Ans. Verification of stock of petrol in petrol tanks is not necessary.
(Auth: Para 86 (iii) ALAM Part I Vol.I)
Q. In an Army Unit, 10 bags of Sugar had decayed during rainy season. Who
is responsible for pricing of the loss statement in this case?
Ans. Executive authorities are responsible for pricing subject to post
scrutiny by the LAO. (Auth: Para 92(ii) (c) ALAM Pt.I Vol.I)
Q. In a Base Depot, the medical stores were damaged during unloading from
the vehicle. Who is responsible for pricing of the loss statement in this case?
Ans. Executive authorities are responsible for pricing subject to post
scrutiny by the LAO. (Auth: Para 92(ii) (d) ALAM Pt.I Vol.I)
Q. What criteria should the AAO/SO (A) follow while settling objections
under powers delegated to him?
Ans. While settling objections under powers delegated to him, an AAO/SO
(A) should be personally satisfied that the point of objection has been
suitable answered, audit requirement has been fully completed and there is
no defect or lacuna in the system and procedure. He should record the
reasons for the settlement of an item in the office copy of settlement memo.
However, objections personally raised by the LAOs shall not be settled by
AAOs/SOs (A).
(Auth: Note 1 under Para 7 of Appendix ‘B’ referred to in Para 99 (Pg/87) of ALAM-I)
Daily Orders Part II. All debit entries are checked 100% from Dos II to check
roll and all credit entries 100% from check roll to Dos II.(Para 141 of ALAM-I)
Q. What use is made by the LAO of the Monthly Man-hour Statistical Return
prepared by EME Workshops?
Ans. The LAO test checks 10% of the Monthly Man-hour Statistical Return
of EME Workshops by verifying the hours booked in selected section’s daily
statements of a particular group with the hours recorded in the summary of
work orders prepared in the compilation group of the workshop.
(Auth: Para 141 (e) of ALAM Pt.I Vol.I)
Q. What checks are exercised by the LAO to ensure that payment is not
made for the period of absence without leave?
Ans. To ensure that payment is not made for the period of absence without
leave, the LAO will link all Dos II relating to sanction of leave (with or
without pay) into the check roll. (Auth: Para 141(iii) of ALAM Pt.I Vol.I)
Q. What checks will the LAO exercise in post audit of check rolls to ensure
that: (i) payment has actually been made to the individuals
(ii) no unauthorised alterations are made in the entries in the check rolls
and (iii) payment for the period of leave is in accordance with the leave
actually sanctioned.
Ans. (i) To ensure that payment has actually been made to the individual,
the LAO will verify during post audit of check rolls that a certificate signed
by a Commissioned or a Gazetted Officer to the effect that payments have
been made in his presence, is endorsed on the last page of the Check Roll.
(ii) To ensure that no unauthorised entries are made in the check roll, the
LAO will verify that all alterations are duly attested by the executive and
that there are no erasures or overwriting.
(iii) To ensure that payment for the period of leave is in accordance with the
leave actually sanctioned, the LAO will link the leave Dos II orders 100%
into the Check Roll. (Auth: Para 141 of ALAM Pt.I Vol.I)
Q. Name the voucher on which samples issued from Supply Depots to the
Composite Food Laboratory are charged off.
Ans. Samples issued from supply depot to the Composite Food Laboratory is
charged off on an Expense Voucher. (Auth: Para 147(h) of ALAM Pt.I Vol.I)
Q. To whom the LAO will send Train Ration Returns - 'E' copy of Issue
Voucher for issue of rations by a Supply Depot, when the units are moving
by train?
Ans. LAO of detraining station for verification of credit in the Train Ration
Returns. (Auth: Para 153(i)(a) ALAM Part I Vol.II)
Q. Artificial Limb Centre, Pune issues without any charges, artificial limbs
to Major ‘X’, Nb. Sub. ‘Y’ and Havildar ‘Z’ for disability attributable to
military service. Is this admissible?
Ans. Yes, artificial limbs can be issued free of cost to Officers, JCOs and
ORs whose disability is attributable to Military Service.
(Auth: Para 206 (a) ALAM Part I Vol.II)
Q. Artificial Limb Centre, Pune issues without any charges, artificial limbs
to Mr. ‘P’ a civilian officer in MES. Is this admissible?
Ans. No, artificial limbs can be issued only on payment at full rate to
civilians subject to the supply being sanctioned by DMS.
(Auth: Para 206 (b) (3) ALAM Part I Vol.II)
Q. How will the loss due to change in condition, whether due to fair wear
and tear or ordnance stores issued to local Govt. be treated?
Ans. The loss will be charged against the local Govt.
(Auth: Para 211(L) (viii) (b) ALAM Pt.I)
Q. Ordnance stores worth Rs. 1,000 have been transferred from one Depot
to another within the jurisdiction of the same command. Is this in order?
Ans. No ordnance stores can be transferred between AOC establishments
except under orders of DOS. (Para 211(P) (iv) of ALAM-I & Para 21(c)(vi) SAI)
Q. What is Returned Stores Sub- Depot and Salvage Sub- Depot? Bring out
the silent points to be seen in the audit of these Depots.
Ans. RSSDs receive, sort out and condition clothing, general and technical
stores. They carry out unskilled repairs to all such stores. They disinfect
and wash/dry clean all clothing. They recondition EME stores. After
conditioning, all serviceable stores are forwarded to stock sub- depots for re-
issue. BER stores are disposed of. Account cards are maintained to show all
It should be seen in audit that details of all stores received are posted
in Account Cards. The stores conditioned have been written off charge from
the column 'awaiting condition' and the same quantity brought on charge.
Unserviceable stores of all types and excess repairable stores, after
conditioning have been passed on to the Salvage Section/Deport and
brought on charge by the salvage section. RSSD workshop job cards are to
be scrutinized. It should be seen through audit that no theft, pilferage takes
place and the stores are accounted for at every stage and economy is
achieved. (Auth: Para 212-217 ALAM I Vol. II)
Q. EME carries out repairs free of cost to all refrigerators held by the
Officer’s Mess of a Depot. Comment.
Ans. The action of the EME in carrying out repairs free of cost to all
refrigerators held by Officers Mess is irregular as all such repairs are to be
carried out by the MES. (Auth: Para 266 (a) ALAM I
Vol. II)
Q. Can free ration be drawn by a unit for a soldier on the day of detention in
or discharge from hospital when the detention or discharge takes place after
14:00 hours or before 10:00 hours respectively?
Ans. Yes. Ration can be drawn for the day of detention or discharge if the
detention takes place after 14:00 hours and discharge takes place before
10:00 hours. (Auth: Para 283 (III)(b)(4) of ALAM Pt.I)
Q. The Capt. Adjutant of a unit in the rank of a captain presided over the
Condemnation Board. The unit is commanded by a Colonel. Please
Ans. The condemnation Board should be presided over by the 2nd in-
Command or other field officer.
Capt. Adjutant is junior to preside. (Auth: Para 300 (a) ALAM Pt. I)
Q. A Condemnation Board is convened in a unit though similar items
condemned earlier have not been disposed off despite the receipt of
replacements. Is this in order?
Ans. Condemned articles must be disposed off expeditiously and unless
replacements have not materialised, the next Board is not held.
(Auth: Para 300 (j) ALAM Pt. I)
Q. The LAO has observed in a Unit that engine oils are being drawn for the
vehicles on a weekly retail issue voucher. However, used and waste motor
engine oil is not being accounted for. Please comment.
Ans. It is to be seen in audit that used and waste motor engine oil have been
properly accounted for and returned and deposited with the nearest
Supply/POL Depot. (Auth: Para 306 ALAM Pt. I Vol. II)
Q. Considering that the number of vehicles held by the Armed Forces at any
point of time would generally be within the authorized limit, would it be in
order for local audit staff to object to a Unit holding on charge vehicles in
excess of those authorized in P.E./W.E.?
Ans. Yes (Auth: Para 310 (iii) (a) of ALAM Part-I Vol.II)
Q. What points are checked by the LAO while auditing Vehicle Log Book and
‘Car Diaries’?
Ans. Vehicle Log Book is not an auditable document. It will only be referred
to if the need arises for determining KPL etc.
Car Diaries will be checked to see that:
(i) The nature of duty is clearly mentioned.
(ii) That entry is made in English.
(iii) That the officers using the car have signed in the diary.
(iv) That journeys for private purposes have been shown separately.
(Auth: Para 310 (v) & (vii) of ALAM Part-I Vol.II and Para 141-142 of SAI)
Q. During audit of car diary in unit, it is observed that the CO (of Col. Rank)
has extensively used the vehicle at a peace station. However, the car diary in
respect of his usage has been signed by the Adjutant of the unit. The LAO
has asked the CO to countersign the duty. Please comment.
Ans. The action of the LAO is correct. Only in respect of use of car by
officers not below the rank of the Brigadier, the staff officers accompanying
them may sign the car diary. (Para 310(vii)(A)(c) of ALAM Part I Vol.II)
Q. What is the procedure for measuring the quantity of POL in the vehicles
held by a unit at the end of a month?
Ans. Motor spirit is checked on the last day of the month by filling the tank
to the maximum capacity and recording the result in the car diary in red
ink. (Auth: Para 310 (vii)(A)(i) of ALAM Part-I Vol.II and Para 254 of SAI)
Q. In the course of audit of a unit, it has been observed that Jeeps and
motor cycles have been hired for recreational purposes. Is it in order?
Ans. This is not in order. These vehicles are for official use only.
(Auth: Para 310(vii) (G) of ALAM Part I Vol.II)
Q. In one of the units, civil transport has been used for conveyance of the
touring officers. Comment.
Ans. This is not in order. The touring officers are entitled to TA/DA under
normal rules. They are required to make their arrangements for the
transport. In exceptional cases, where the use of hired transport is
considered essential, prior sanction of the GOI will be obtained.
(Auth: Note below Para 310(vii) (J) of ALAM Part I Vol.II)
Q. 3rd Gorkha Battalion has received orders to move from a Peace Station to
Laddakh (Field Area) at short notice. How will the audit objections against
this unit be pursued?
Ans. Special steps will be taken by personal discussion with OC of the unit
or his representative to settle on the spot as many items of objections as
possible. Those remaining unsettled will be reported to the PCDA/CDA for
necessary action. (Sub Para below Para 312(a) (ii) ALAM Part I Vol. II)
Q. How are the stores held by a unit retuning from the Field on War System
of Accounting brought to account in a Peace Station?
Ans. A Board of survey assembled to take stock of all stores in possession of
unit irrespective of the source from which they were obtained and the stock
will form the opening balances of new store ledgers and returns. The LAO of
the supply depot in the field area will after pairing with the relevant issue
voucher, schedule the copy of the certificate received from supply depot
giving full details of reserve ration and ration issued for journey period to
the LAO of the unit in peace area and obtain his acknowledgement. The LAO
in the Peace station will at the time of audit of first month’s ration return of
the unit after arrival at the Peace station see with reference to the LRC/RRC
(i) there is no excess consumption during journey period; and
(ii) all unconsumed ration have been properly brought to account in the
unit’s ration return. (Auth: Para 312(b) ALAM Part I Vol.II)
Q. What do you understand about hospital stoppage rolls? How the hospital
stoppages are recovered in case of civilian patients?
Ans. Hospital stoppage rolls are prepared on IAFA - 55 for admission into
Military hospital of certain category of cases in respect of which the
recoveries are affected by respective accounting authorities. These cases are:
(1) JCOs, Other ranks and enrolled persons when they are treated for
sickness held to be due to their fault,
(2) Officers,
(3) Civilians who are not entitled for free hospital treatment and
(4) Non- entitled persons.
Hospital stoppages from the civilian patients are recovered as per the
rates fixed by Government of India, Ministry of Defence from time to time.
The recoveries may be affected either their respective accounting authorities
or through deposits in the treasuries. (Auth: Para 317 of ALAM Part -I)
Q. A patient was admitted to the hospital before 14:00 hours on a day and
was discharged on the same day. Is the hospital stoppage recoverable from
him? If so, how it will be levied on him?
Ans. The hospital stoppage is recoverable from him. A fraction of the
authorised rate of hospital stoppage will be levied and the fraction will be
decided by the OC of the hospital concerned. (Para 317 (Note 2) of ALAM-I)
Q. Hospital stoppages for an NCO were not charged for the days he was
admitted to and discharged from a Military Hospital. Is this procedure
correct or if not what is?
Ans. The procedure is partly correct. Hospital stoppages will start from the
day following the date of admission. But hospital stoppages will be charged
for the day of discharge from the hospital. (Auth: Para 317 (d) of ALAM-I)
Q. Is it in order to provide food (‘O’ diet) in M.H. for attendants of sick who
stay in hospital under the orders of C.O. Military Hospital?
Ans. Yes, this is in order. (Note 3 below Para 318 ALAM Part I Vol.II)
Q. A Medical Officer has recommended 'extras' to the Patient substituting no
diet. Comment.
Ans. This is in order. 'Extras' may be provided to patients on 'No diet' when
M.O. in charge considers essential. (Note 4 Para 318 ALAM Part I Vol.II)
Q. The LAO has objected to the issue of ‘extra’ diet to patient admitted in
MH. The Medical Officer argues that he is empowered to issue ‘extra’ diet to
patients as per his discretion. Comment.
Ans. So long as ‘extra’ carry the authority of the medical officer as required
under the Rule and do not violate the restrictions laid down, the issues
should not be objected to in audit irrespective of whether they are drawn as
separate items or as an ingredient for making a particular article of diet. It
is; however, open to audit to raise the objection of any lavish issues of extras
or of an abuse of the powers of the medical officer from the financial advice
aspect. (Auth: Para 318 (Note 5) of ALAM Part-I)
Q. Tea rations have been drawn for Nursing Orderlies while detailed on day
duty. Comments
Ans. Tea rations can be drawn only for Nursing orderlies detailed for night
duties. (Auth: Para 318(3), ALAM Pt.I)
Q. While Auditing Expense Book, what guidelines LAO will adhere to?
Ans. Following are the guidelines for LAO while auditing expense book:
_ Drugs, dressing and other consumable medical stores held in the hospital
are accounted in this book.
_ In auditing it should be seen that expense vouchers duly signed by MO
hospital are furnished in support of issues made to dispensary.
_ deteriorated drugs are disposed of in accordance with provisions of Para
598 RTI SAF. (Auth: Para 320 ALAM Part-I Vol.II)
Q. Free issue of spectacles was made to a Major in the Army on the ground
that his sight is defective and interferes with his efficiency. Comment.
Ans. Wrong procedure followed. Free spectacles can be given on these
grounds to any JCO and ORs and to Officers, members of the MNS.
(Auth: Para 335 of ALAM Part-I Vol.II)
Q. What documents will you look for to ensure that the accounts maintained
in Military Farms are not omitted from the scope of audit?
Ans. AHQRs Letter No. A/19649/q/MF-3 dated 14.02.1966 as amended
from time to time and Annexure A referred to in Para 336 of ALAM Pt. I, Vol.
II, giving a list of accounts commonly maintained by Military Farm will be
looked for to ensure that the accounts maintained in MF are not omitted
from the scope of audit. (Auth: Para 336 of ALAM Part-I Vol.II)
Q. In a Military Farm, it is found that two cows were recorded as lost. What
should be the response by LAO?
Ans. It will be checked to ensure that the animals are not struck off charge
before six months from the date of reported loss.
The loss statements are prepared thereafter.
That animals, if recovered thereafter, are brought on charge.
When responsibility for the loss is fixed, recoveries are made suitably.
(Auth: Para 347(s) of ALAM Part-I Vol.II)
Q. Blood bottles have been issued free to an officer receiving treatment from
a civil hospital. Comments
Ans. Free issue of blood bottles is not authorised and the officer will be
charged appropriately. (Auth: Para 359(c)(6) ALAM Pt.I & Para 312, SAI)
Q. While carrying out audit of a Cantonment Board, the Local Audit Officer
finds that a tender for supply of certain stores was accepted at rates higher
than the lowest quoted on the basis of a resolution of the Board, which did
not specify any reason for accepting the tender. Should he object to this in
Ans. Yes, The Board's resolution accepting the higher tender must contain a
statement of the reasons which led the Board to accept the rates other than
the lowest quoted. (Auth. Para 396 of ALAM Part I Vol.III)
Q. How is it checked that a cancelled Railway warrant has not been mis-
Ans. It is seen that the relevant warrants (foils) have been effectively
cancelled and pasted to the respective counterfoils.(Para 447 (c) of ALAM-I)
Q. What action is a Local Audit Officer required to take when he notices
discrepancies while pairing the “foils” and “counterfoils” of credit notes and
is unable to settle the discrepancies locally?
Ans. The matter has to be reported to the Principle Controller of Accounts
(Fys). (Auth: Para 456 of ALAM Part I Vol.I)
Q. What use is made by the LAO of the Monthly Man hour Statistical Return
prepared by EME Workshops?
Ans. LAO test checks 10% of the Monthly Man hour Statistical Returns of
EME Workshops by verifying the hours booked in selected sections daily
statements of a particular group with the hours recorded in the summary of
work orders prepared in the compilation group of the workshop.
(Auth: ALAM Part -I)
Q. What checks will the LAO exercise in post audit of Check Rolls to ensure
that: (i) Payment have actually been made to the individuals;
(ii) No unauthorized alterations are made in the entries in the Check Rolls,
and (iii) payment for the period of leave is in accordance with the leave
actually sanctioned.
Ans. (i) To ensure payment has actually been made to the individual, the
LAO will verify during post audit of check rolls that a certificate signed by a
Commissioned or a Gazetted Officer to the effect that payments have been
made in his presence, is endorsed on the last page of the Check Roll.
(ii) To ensure that no unauthorized entries are made in the Check Roll, the
LAO will verify that all alterations are duly attested by the executive and
that there are no erasers to overwriting.
(iii) To ensure that payment for the period of leave is in accordance with the
leave actually sanctioned, the LAO will link the leave DO II orders 100% with
the Check Rolls. (Auth: ALAM Part -I)
Q. The LAO does not maintain a record of his selection orders for audit.
Ans. Non-maintenance of a record of the selection order for local audit
makes it impossible for any independent authority line Inspection Team
from the Main Office or the Test audit to identify and review items selected
by the LAO for Audit. (Auth: ALAM Part -I)
Q. The LAO selects for audit the same month every quarter. Comment.
Ans. The element of surprise is lost. Therefore, the possibility of quality of
audit being compromised cannot be ruled out. (Auth: ALAM Part -I)
Q. In case of free issue of bread, the rates for the same are finalised at the
end of the year closed. In case any loss of the bread is to be regularised
during the year, at what rates such bread may be priced?
Ans. As the free issue rates will not be available until the accounts of the
year are closed, the latest available rate of the previous year will be adopted
for the purposes of pricing the loss statement etc. (Para 228 of ALAM I Vol. II)
Q. When bread is obtained from the contractor, what are the factors taken
into account for fixing the (i) Free Issue Rates and (ii) Payment Issue Rates?
Ans. Bread obtained through contractor by issuing flour and other
ingredients from the ASC source (free of cost) in government transport for
the supply of a specified quantity of bread, in return on payment of certain
baking charges, the free and recovery rates of bread will be calculated taking
into account the following items of expenditure:
Free Issue Rate:-
(i) Cost of flour and other ingredients consumed at free issue rates.
(ii) Baking charges paid to the contractor.
(iii) Transportation charges incurred for the conveyance of flour and
other ingredients from supply depot to contractors bakery and
again of bread from the bakery to supply depot.
Payment Issue Rate:-
(i) Cost of flour and other ingredients consumed at payment issue
(ii) Baking charges paid to the contractor.
(iii) Transportation charges incurred for the conveyance of flour and
other ingredients from supply depot to contractor’s bakery and
again bread from the bakery to the supply depot.
(iv) Transportation charges from supply depots to consuming units
ration stands at a rate to be fixed by Government from time to
(v) Overhead charges to cover labour, audit and supervision etc.,
charges. (Auth: Para 229 of ALAM I Vol. II)