V ' Exgv 'Vex DG©: Health Insurance Claim Form
V ' Exgv 'Vex DG©: Health Insurance Claim Form
V ' Exgv 'Vex DG©: Health Insurance Claim Form
¯^v¯’¨ exgv `vex dg© Head Office: Police Plaza Concord (Level-13), Tower- 02
Plot # 02, Road # 144, Gulshan-1, Dhaka -1212.
HEALTH INSURANCE CLAIM FORM Phone: +8809612016622, Web: www.guardianlife.com.bd
exgv `vexi aiY t ewnwe©fvM mvavib Pÿz `šÍ fwZ©Kvjxb nvmcvZv‡j fwZ© cÖm~wZ
Claim Type: Outpatient General Optical Dental In-patient Hospitalization Maternity
÷vd AvBwW/wcb cÖwZôv‡bi bvg
Staff ID/ PIN Organization’s Name
cwjwm/m`m¨ b¤^i exgvKvixi ‡gvevBj b¤^i
Policy No. / Member ID Policyholder’s Mobile No.
exgvKvixi bvg weKí †gvevBj b¤^i
Policyholder’s Name Alternate Mobile No
‡ivMxi bvg exgvKvixi B‡gBj
Name of Patient Policyholder’s E - mail
exgvKvixi mv‡_ m¤úK© wbR ¯^vgx ¯¿x cyÎ Kb¨v wcZv gvZv
Relation with Policyholder Self Husband Wife Son Daughter Father Mother
nvmcvZvj/wK¬wb‡Ki bvg GjvKv
Name of Hospital/Clinic Area
fwZ©i ZvwiL nvmcvZvj Z¨v‡Mi ZvwiL
Date of Admission Date of Discharge
wPwKrmv Li‡Pi we¯ÍvwiZ weeiY (Breakup of Treatment Expenses) UvKvi cwigvY / Amounts (Taka)
‡Kweb/wmU/weQvbv fvov(Hospital Accommodation Charge)
Wv³vi wd:/ Consultation fee
cixÿv-wbixÿvi LiP/ Medical Investigation Expense
JlacÎ /Medicines
Acv‡ik‡bi LiP /Surgical Expense:
Avbylvw½K wPwKrmv LiP /Ancillary Services fee
Ab¨vb¨ LiP (hw` _v‡K) /Other Expenses (if any)
wWmKvD›U / Discount
‡gvU `vexi cwigvY / Total Claim Amount
exgvKvixi weKvk bv¤^vi ( cÖ‡hvR¨ †ÿ‡Î)/
bKash Number of Policyholder (In applicable case only)
exgvKvixi e¨vsK wnmve msµvšÍ Z_¨ /Policyholder’s Bank accounts related Information e¨vs‡Ki kvLv I GjvKvi bvg Aek¨B D‡jøL Ki‡Z n‡e|
( BGdwU / EFT ‡c‡g›U MÖn‡b mÿg e¨vsK n‡Z n‡e) m¤¢e n‡j †PK eB‡qi Dc‡ii cvZvi d‡UvKwc mshy³ Kiæb
e¨vsK wnmv‡ei bvg e¨vs‡Ki bvg I kvLv
Account Name Bank Name & Branch
`vexKvixi ¯^vÿi I ZvwiL mycvifvBRvi / wefvMxq cÖav‡bi ¯^vÿi I ZvwiL `vwqZ¡ cÖvß Kg©KZ©vi ¯^vÿi I mxj
Signature of the Employee/claimant with date & Seal Signature of the Dept./Div. Head with date & Seal Signature of the Authorized Person with date & Seal
GKK exgvi ‡ÿ‡Î ïaygvÎ 1* cÖ‡hvR¨| wet `ªt MvwW©qvb jvBd cÖ‡qvRb Abyhvqx `vex mswkøó †h †Kvb bw_cÎ Z`šÍ I Zje Kivi AwaKvi msiÿb K‡i|
Only 1* is applicable for Individual insurance . N.B.: Guardian Life reserved rights to verify or ask any documents relevant with the claims.
mwVKfv‡e c~iYK…Z GB d‡g©i mv‡_ wb¤œwjwLZ KvMRcÎ mshy³ Kiæb
Please attach following documents along with duly filled out this claim Form
2. ‡gvU `vexK…Z we‡ji mswkøó mKj (weQvbv fvov, JlacÎ, wPwKrmK wd, cixÿv-wbixÿv, A¯¿cPvi BZ¨vw`) Li‡Pi we¯ÍvwiZ cwigvY
D‡jøLmn g~j iwk`| WvUv‡em A_ev mdUIqvi †Rbv‡i‡UW wej fvDPvi AwaK MÖnY‡hvM¨|
Original and itemized Bills / Receipts of all relevant expenses i.e. hospital accommodation, medicines, consultation fees, investigations,
procedures, surgery, any medical or surgical items along with their requisition slips. Database bills are preferred.
4.e¨q cybtfi‡bi Rb¨ AbyMÖn K‡i WvUv‡em ev mdUIq¨vi cÖ`Ë we¯ÍvwiZ we‡ji g~j Kwc †cÖiY Ki‡Z n‡e| Ab¨_vq, exgv ‡Kv¤úvbx‡KB nvmcvZvj
†_‡K we¯ÍvwiZ wej msMÖn Ki‡Z n‡e hv `vex wb®úwËi mgq `xN©vwqZ Ki‡Z cv‡i| AbyMÖn K‡i wej cwieZ©‡bi D‡Ï‡k¨ wb‡R ev Ab¨ Kv‡iv gva¨‡g
we‡ji Kwc‡Z †h‡Kvb cÖKvi wjLv ev Nlv-gvRv Kiv †_‡K weiZ _vKzb| nvmcvZvj Z¨v‡Mi ZvwiL †_‡K Aby‡gvw`Z mgqmxgv Gi g‡a¨ exgv `vex
Rgv w`b| ¯^-n‡¯Í wjwLZ ev d‡UvKwc wej we‡ewPZ n‡e bv|
Please collect database or software generated original bill details and itemized or break down bill from hospital where available for
reimbursement. Otherwise, Insurance company will collect it and claim settlement time will be longer. Please avoid overwriting or
writing by self or scratching the bill. Submit your claim within allowable time limit from date of discharge. Photocopy of money receipt
or self-written money receipt will be out of consideration.
5. MvwW©qvb jvBd cÖ‡qvRb Abyhvqx `vex mswkøó †h †Kvb bw_cÎ Z`šÍ I Zje Kivi AwaKvi msiÿY K‡i|
Guardian Life reserves rights to verify or ask any documents relevant with the claims.