Unit 1 Database Management System

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Database Administrator

Sample diagram of Database Model

Database Approach
Advantages | Disadvantages
 No data redundancy
 Single update
 Current Values
 Task-data Independence

 Can be Costly
 Can only run in certain operating system
 Requires training of users

Flat-file Approach
Introduction to Database Management System
Advantages | Disadvantages
Data Management Approaches
 Promotes a single-user view approach where end users own their data files.
 Data files are structured, formatted, and arranged to suit the specific needs of the
owner or user of data.

Flat-file Approach

Data Storage - creates excessive storage costs of paper documents and/or magnetic

Data Updating - any changes or additions must be performed multiple times

Currency of Information - potential problem of failing to update all affected files

Task-Data Dependency - user’s inability to obtain additional information as his or her

needs change

 Data Dictionary
- describes every data element in the database.

- enables all users to share a common view of the data resource.

 Are data files that contain records with no structured relationships to other files

 Associated with legacy systems

 Promotes a single-user view approach to data management

Introduction to Database Management System

All transactions must follow what is called A.C.I.D. properties.

A- Atomicity

C- Consistency

I- Isolation

D- Durability

The Physical Database

Introduction to Database Management Systems
What is data?
Database Management Approaches

Functions of DBA

Data Management Approaches

Data Redundancy & Flat-File Problems
 Data Redundancy- is the replication of data in multiple files

Introduction to Database Management System

Simple database: Microsoft Access

In connection to item no. 10

Key Elements of DBMS

 The lowest level of the database and the only level that exists in physical form.
 Consists of magnetic spots on metallic coated disks

 Data is a raw piece of information

 Data has variety of forms:

 Text
 Numbers
 Image
 Facts

 The bricks and mortar of the database

 It allows data to be located, stored and retrieved, and enables movement from
one record to another

 Has two fundamental components:

- Organization method

- Access method

Role of Data in a Business

 Data Access

The technique used to locate records and to navigate through the database.

Database Approach

DBMS Features
Data Definition Language (DDL)

Database Views
 Conceptual View/Logical View

- represents the database logically and abstractly

 External View/User View

- the portion that an individual user is authorized to access

Database Management System

Key Elements of DBMS

 Data is essentially the plain facts and statistics collected during the operations of
a business.

 Data management helps the organization to generate revenue, control costs, and
mitigate risks.

 Data enables the company to react quickly to changing demands (from

customers and environmental conditions)

Illustration of how Key Elements of Database Approach Works

2. Data Manipulation Language (DML)

 The query capability permits end users and professional programmers to access
data in the database without the need for conventional programs.
 ANSI’s Structured Query Language (SQL) is a fourth-generation language that
has emerged as the standard query language.

 Centralizes the organization’s data into a common database that is shared by

other users

Database Approach

Flat-file Approach
Important Data
To help identify data that are vital to the enterprise, consider the following questions:

 Are the data relevant to the strategic planning needs of the company?
 Are the data needed for corporate decision making?
 Are the data included in an official system-wide report?
 Are the data required by regulatory authorities?
 Are the data disseminated internally only or made available outside the
 Data Model

- Is an abstract representation of the data about the entities, including resources, events
and agents, and their relationships in an organizations

 Three types of structures are:

- Hierarchical (aka the tree structure)

- Network

- Relational

 Data Organization

- Refers to the way records are physically arranged on the secondary storage device

 This may be either:

Sequential – stored in contiguous locations that occupy specified area of disk space.

Random – stored without regard for their physical relationship to other records of the
same file

 User programs send data access requests to the DBMS

 Under this mode of access, the presence of DBMS is transparent to the users.

Can access database in two ways:

Formal Access: Application Interface

Informal Access: Query Language

 DDL is a programming language used to define the database to the DBMS.

 The DDL identifies the names and the relationship of all data elements, records,
and files that constitute the database.

Viewing Levels:

 Internal/physical view - physical arrangement of records

 conceptual view (schema) - representation of database
 user view (subschema)- the portion of the database each user views (many)

 Prevents successful integration of data across the organization

 Users obtain separate data sets to their specific needs

What is a Database?
DBMS Models
Key Elements of the Database Approach
 Database Management System
 Users
 Database Administrators
 Physical Database
 DBMS Models


Three Software Modules

 DML is the proprietary programming language that a particular DBMS uses to

retrieve, process, and store data.
 Entire user programs may be written in the DML, or selected DML commands
can be inserted into universal programs, such as JAVA, C++, COBOL and

 Flat-file Model
 Database Model

Introduction to Database Management Systems (DBMS)

An organized mechanism for storing, managing and retrieving information.

Traditional databases consist of fields, records, and files.

What is Database Management System

Sample Diagram of a Flat-file Model

Users: Three Software Modules
 Query – is an ad hoc access methodology for extracting information from a

 Internal/Physical View

- The lowest level of representation

- Describes the structures of data records, the linkages between files, and the physical
arrangement and sequence of record in a file

Key Elements of DBMS

Formal Access: Application Interface

1. Data Definition Language (DDL)
Key Elements of DBMS

Data versus Information

Introduction to Database Management System
What is Database Management System (DBMS)?
 DBMS is the file folders, file labels, and the file cabinet.
 Served as an interface between the database and the end uses or application
 Useful for providing a centralized view of data that can be access by multiple
 The purpose of DBMS is to provide controlled access to the database

Functions of DBMS
1. Data Dictionary Management

2. Data Storage Management

3. Data Transformation and Presentation

4. Security Management

5. Multi-user Access Control

6. Back-up and Recovery Management

7. Data Integrity

8. Database Access Language and Application Programming Interfaces

9. Database Communication Interfaces

10. Transaction Management

Physical Database

Data Structures
Introduction to Database Management System

Database Management System

 User Programs - makes the presence of the DBMS transparent to the user
 Direct Query - allows authorized users to access data without programming
 Application Development - user created applications
 Backup and Recovery - copies database
 Database Usage Reporting - captures statistics on database usage (who, when,
 Database Access - authorizes access to sections of the database

Three (3) Software Modules

3. Informal Access: Query Language

Information Technology Auditing

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