Unit 1 Database Management System
Unit 1 Database Management System
Unit 1 Database Management System
Database Approach
Advantages | Disadvantages
No data redundancy
Single update
Current Values
Task-data Independence
Can be Costly
Can only run in certain operating system
Requires training of users
Flat-file Approach
Introduction to Database Management System
Advantages | Disadvantages
Data Management Approaches
Promotes a single-user view approach where end users own their data files.
Data files are structured, formatted, and arranged to suit the specific needs of the
owner or user of data.
Flat-file Approach
Data Storage - creates excessive storage costs of paper documents and/or magnetic
Data Dictionary
- describes every data element in the database.
Are data files that contain records with no structured relationships to other files
A- Atomicity
C- Consistency
I- Isolation
D- Durability
Functions of DBA
The lowest level of the database and the only level that exists in physical form.
Consists of magnetic spots on metallic coated disks
- Organization method
- Access method
The technique used to locate records and to navigate through the database.
Database Approach
DBMS Features
Data Definition Language (DDL)
Database Views
Conceptual View/Logical View
Data is essentially the plain facts and statistics collected during the operations of
a business.
Data management helps the organization to generate revenue, control costs, and
mitigate risks.
Database Approach
Flat-file Approach
Important Data
To help identify data that are vital to the enterprise, consider the following questions:
Are the data relevant to the strategic planning needs of the company?
Are the data needed for corporate decision making?
Are the data included in an official system-wide report?
Are the data required by regulatory authorities?
Are the data disseminated internally only or made available outside the
Data Model
- Is an abstract representation of the data about the entities, including resources, events
and agents, and their relationships in an organizations
- Network
- Relational
Data Organization
- Refers to the way records are physically arranged on the secondary storage device
Sequential – stored in contiguous locations that occupy specified area of disk space.
Random – stored without regard for their physical relationship to other records of the
same file
Viewing Levels:
What is a Database?
DBMS Models
Key Elements of the Database Approach
Database Management System
Database Administrators
Physical Database
DBMS Models
Flat-file Model
Database Model
Internal/Physical View
- Describes the structures of data records, the linkages between files, and the physical
arrangement and sequence of record in a file
Functions of DBMS
1. Data Dictionary Management
4. Security Management
7. Data Integrity
Physical Database
Data Structures
Introduction to Database Management System
User Programs - makes the presence of the DBMS transparent to the user
Direct Query - allows authorized users to access data without programming
Application Development - user created applications
Backup and Recovery - copies database
Database Usage Reporting - captures statistics on database usage (who, when,
Database Access - authorizes access to sections of the database