Week 8

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Week 8 (3/29 – 4/2)


9.1 Properties of 9.1 Properties of 9.1 Properties of 9.1 Properties of

Radicals AIMS Practice Test Radicals Radicals Radicals

Essential Question: How Essential Question: How can Essential Question: How can Essential Question: How
can you simplify radicals? you simplify radicals using you rationalize the can you add and subtract
multiplication? denominator? radicals?

HW: pg. 485 #14-38all due HW: pg. 486 #47-72 even,
HW: EE3, EE4 HW: E5
3/31 84-90 even, except 64


MAFS.912.N-RN.1.2 - Rewrite expressions involving radicals and rational exponents using the properties of exponents.

MAFS.912.N-RN.2.3 - Explain why the sum or product of two rational numbers is rational; that the sum of a rational number and an irrational
number is irrational; and that the product of a nonzero rational number and an irrational number is irrational.

Engage: (10 minutes) Engage: (10 minutes) Engage: (10 minutes) Engage: (10 minutes)
1. Exploration 2 as 1. Check HW 1. TI NSpire 1. Check HW
warm up 2. TI NSpire Warm up 2. TI NSpire
- We did Warm up Warm up
exploration 1 on
the Thursday
before break.
Hopefully this
will be more of
a refresher.
Explore: (5 minutes) Explore: (20 minutes) Explore: (5 minutes) Explore: (5 minutes)
1. Finding perfect 1. Scavenger Hunt 1. Multiplying and 1. Refer back to
square and cube - Focus of Squaring radicals exploration 1 in
- Students will multiplying and - Similar to journal to show that
have a better simplifying Exploration 1 we cannot combine
idea of how to - For example – - Students will use radicals in addition
split the radical simplify 2√24 their calculators - Using a simple
- Adding the - Cards will be set to understand this example, show
exponents up around the pattern that we can
classroom and combine like
Explain: (10 minutes) students will Explain: (20 minutes) radicals
1. Briefly go over work in groups to 1. Multiplying - Ex. 2√4 + 3√4
multiplying and find the matching Radicals Students will see
dividing radicals answer on - Show two that 2*2 + 3*2 =
again with extra different colored different methods 10 and (2+3)*√4
examples card. (distributive = (2+3)*2= 10
- Students should property and
be looking at Explain: (5 minutes) simplifying Explain: (10 minutes)
the notes they 1. Discussion of how inside the radical 1. Adding and
took on students found their first) Subtracting
Thursday and answer 2. Rationalizing the Radicals
adding the - Using popsicle denominator - Three examples
additional sticks, I will have - Students should that I do/we do
examples students share understand that a on the board
2. Using Properties what their group radical squared
of Cube Roots did to simplify results in Elaborate: (10 minutes)
- Write out - How did you find everything under 1. Always, Sometimes,
perfect cube the greatest the radical or Never True
factors common square? 3. Rationalizing the - Discuss rational
- Factor using the - How did you denominator using and irrational
greatest cube combine like conjugates numbers
factor to terms? - First define
simplify conjugates
Elaborate: (5 minutes) - FOIL, students
Elaborate: (5 minutes) 1. Extra Example 6 should see that
1. Which One - Real Life the product of
Doesn’t Belong? Example, add a two conjugates
- Negative inside number in front results in a2 + b2
radical of radical
Elaborate: (5 minutes)
1. Real Life Problem
Finding the height in
picture frame

Evaluation & Summary: Evaluate & Summary: Evaluate & Summary: Evaluate & Summary:
(20 minutes) (10 minutes) (10 minutes) (15 minutes)
1. Use extra 1. Students will be 1. Monitoring Your 1. Monitoring Your
examples to able to see if they Progress after Progress
refresh memory had the correct example 9 and - Students can
2. Monitoring answers and listen example 4&5 work
Progress to classmate about independently or
their methods as with a group but
well everyone should
2. Go over the be ready to
answers to the explain if called
scavenger hunt and on
explain - Before starting, I
will be telling
the students that
I will randomly
pick on someone
(applies all

Note: Blank slide on Note: Blank slide on Friday

Thursday is where I will do is where I will do the
the explore section on my explore section on my iPad
iPad by handwriting the by handwriting the different
different examples examples

Note: I think that this lesson

might be the hardest this
week especially rationalizing
the denominator with cube

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