Chapter 4 Grade 2
Chapter 4 Grade 2
Chapter 4 Grade 2
Instruction 9 days
Review/ Subtract Two-Digit Numbers
3 days
Regroup a Ten as Ones
Domain: OA
2 Take Apart Tens to
Domain: OA
Domain: OA
differentiation. Major Cluster: 2.NBT.5 Major Cluster: 2.OA.1 Major Cluster: 2.NBT.5
MP 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 MP 1, 4, 6, 8 MP 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Objective: Use related facts to make Objective: Take apart numbers to make Objective: Use models to regroup and find
two-digit fact families. a ten to subtract. differences.
Materials Model the Math Model the Math Model the Math
red and yellow connecting cubes Work Mat 6, base-ten blocks base-ten blocks
Lesson Lesson Lesson
base-ten blocks, red and yellow base-ten blocks, Work Mat 6 base-ten blocks, Work Mat 6
connecting cubes
2 BUILD Conceptual Understanding (10–25 min) 2 BUILD Conceptual Understanding (10–25 min) 2 BUILD Conceptual Understanding (10–25 min)
• Investigate the Math (slides 13–17) • Investigate the Math (slides 11–15) • Investigate the Math (slides 11–14)
• Model the Math • Model the Math • Model the Math
3 PRACTICE Procedural Skill and Fluency (10–15 min) 3 PRACTICE Procedural Skill and Fluency (10–15 min) 3 PRACTICE Procedural Skill and Fluency (10–15 min)
• Math in My World (slides 18–19) • Math in My World (slides 16–17) • Math in My World (slides 15–16)
Brain • Guided Practice (slides 20–27) • Guided Practice (slides 18–21) • Guided Practice (slides 17–20)
• Talk Math (slide 28) • Talk Math (slide 22) • Talk Math (slide 21)
Builders • Independent Practice (slides 29–38) • Independent Practice (slides 23–26) • Independent Practice (slides 22–27)
4 APPLY the Math (5–10 min) 4 APPLY the Math (5–10 min) 4 APPLY the Math (5–10 min)
• Problem Solving (slides 39–40) • Problem Solving (slides 27–28) • Problem Solving (slides 28–31)
• Brain Builders (slides 41–44) • Brain Builders (slides 29–32) • Brain Builders (slides 32–35)
Assessment Formative: pp. 225–226, 227–228 Formative: pp. 231–232, 233–234 Formative: pp. 237–238, 239–240
Response to Approaching Level (5–15 min) Approaching Level (10–15 min) Approaching Level (5–10 min)
Intervention Reteach Master, Lesson 1 Reteach Master, Lesson 2 Reteach Master, Lesson 3
(slides R1–R2) (slides R1–R2) (slides R1–R2)
On Level (5–15 min) On Level (10–15 min) On Level (10–15 min)
Beyond Level (5–15 min) Beyond Level (10–15 min) Beyond Level (10–15 min)
Enrich Master, Lesson 1 Enrich Master, Lesson 2 Enrich Master, Lesson 3
(slides E1–E2) (slides E1–E2) (slides E1–E2)
Am I Ready?, use Assessment Masters, pp. 84–86
For customizable online assessments, go to the Assessment tab in ConnectED.
Watch Worksheets Tutor Tools eHelp Vocab RtI
Domain: OA
5 Subtract Two-Digit Numbers
Domain: OA
Major Cluster: 2.NBT.5 Major Cluster: 2.NBT.5
MP 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 MP 2, 3, 5, 6, 8
Objective: Subtract one-digit numbers from two-digit numbers. Objective: Subtract two-digit numbers.
2 BUILD Conceptual Understanding (10–25 min) 2 BUILD Conceptual Understanding (10–25 min)
• Investigate the Math (slides 9–16) • Investigate the Math (slides 9–13)
• Model the Math • Model the Math
3 PRACTICE Procedural Skill and Fluency (10–15 min) 3 PRACTICE Procedural Skill and Fluency (10–15 min)
• Math in My World (slides 17–18) • Math in My World (slides 14–15)
• Guided Practice (slides 19–26) • Guided Practice (slides 16–23) Brain
• Talk Math (slide 27) • Talk Math (slide 24) Bu
• Independent Practice (slides 28–35) • Independent Practice (slides 25–32)
4 APPLY the Math (5–10 min) 4 APPLY the Math (5–10 min)
• Problem Solving (slides 36–39) • Problem Solving (slides 33–34)
• Brain Builders (slides 40–43) • Brain Builders (slides 35–38)
• My Homework (slides 44–55) • My Homework (slides 39–50)
Check My Progress, use Assessment Masters, p. 89
Instruction 9 days
Review/ Subtract Two-Digit Numbers
3 days
Rewrite Two-Digit Subtraction Check Subtraction
Total* 14 days
*Includes additional time
for remediation and
Domain: OA
Domain: OA
differentiation. Major Cluster: 2.NBT.5 Major Cluster: 2.NBT.5
MP 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 MP 1, 2, 3, 5, 6
Objective: Rewrite a horizontal two-digit subtraction sentence Objective: Use addition to check subtraction.
vertically before subtracting.
2 BUILD Conceptual Understanding (10–25 min) 2 BUILD Conceptual Understanding (10–25 min)
• Investigate the Math (slides 9–13) • Investigate the Math (slides 9–13)
• Model the Math • Model the Math
3 PRACTICE Procedural Skill and Fluency (10–15 min) 3 PRACTICE Procedural Skill and Fluency (10–15 min)
• Math in My World (slides 14–15) • Math in My World (slides 14–15)
• Guided Practice (slides 16–21) • Guided Practice (slides 16–19)
Brain • Talk Math (slide 22) • Talk Math (slide 20)
Builders • Independent Practice (slides 23–28) • Independent Practice (slides 21–24)
4 APPLY the Math (5–10 min) 4 APPLY the Math (5–10 min)
• Problem Solving (slides 29–32) • Problem Solving (slides 25–28)
• Brain Builders (slides 33–36) • Brain Builders (slides 29–32)
• My Homework (slides 37–46) • My Homework (slides 33–42)
Watch Worksheets Tutor Tools eHelp Vocab RtI
8 Problem Solving
Strategy: Write a Number Sentence
Domain: OA
9 Two-Step Word Problems
Domain: OA
Major Cluster: 2.OA.1 Major Cluster: 2.OA.1
MP 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 MP 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Objective: Write a number sentence to solve problems. Objective: Read and solve two-step word problems.
connecting cubes
2 BUILD Conceptual Understanding (10–25 min) 2 BUILD Conceptual Understanding (10–25 min)
• Learn the Strategy (slides 9–14) • Investigate the Math (slides 9–13)
• Model the Math
3 PRACTICE Procedural Skill and Fluency (10–15 min) 3 PRACTICE Procedural Skill and Fluency (10–15 min)
• Practice the Strategy (slides 15–21) • Math in My World (slides 14–15)
• Guided Practice (slides 16–21) Brain
• Talk Math (slide 22) Bu
• Independent Practice (slides 23–28)
4 APPLY the Math (5–10 min) 4 APPLY the Math (5–10 min)
• Apply the Strategy (slides 22–23) • Problem Solving (slides 29–30)
• Brain Builders (slides 24–27) • Brain Builders (slides 31–34)
• Review the Strategies (slides 28–35)
• My Homework (slides 36–43) • My Homework (slides 35–46)
Review • Reflect, use Assessment Masters, pp. 91–104
Points of Intersection
6 18
demonstrating fluency for
subtraction within 10.
6 + 18 = 24 24 - 6 = 1 8
Students used Number and
Operations in Base Ten (NBT) in 18 + 6 = 24 24 - 1 8 = 6
their study of place-value and
subtraction: Subtract Two Two-Digit Numbers
• Understand that the two digits 2.OA.1, 2.NBT.5, 2.NBT.9
of a two-digit number represent
How to take apart a number to Jocelyn has 67 pennies. She gives
amounts of tens and ones.
make a ten to subtract. 32 of them to Evan. How many does
• You can make the subtraction easier by she have left?
• Given a two-digit number,
taking apart the subtrahend to make Find 67 - 32. Take apart 32 as 30
mentally find 10 less than the
a number that ends in zero. 67 - 32 and 2.
number, without having to
count. 30 - 2 Next find 67 - 30.
67 - 30 = 37 Then find 37 - 2.
• Subtract multiples of 10 in the
37 - 2 = 35
range 10–90 from multiples of
10 in the range 10–90. So, she has 35 pennies left.
tens ones
4 13
5 3
- 1 7
3 6 What will my students
do next with these
Check Subtraction
After this chapter, students
2.NBT.5, 2.NBT.9 will learn to:
How to check subtraction with Subtract Check by adding • subtract three-digit
addition. numbers.
If this is the
• You can check the answer to a subtraction 75 37 number you 2.NBT.7
Add these
problem by using addition. subtracted from,
- 38 numbers to + 38 In the next grade, students
• Add the bottom number and the difference. your answer
If the sum equals the top number, the 37 75 is correct. will learn to:
subtraction was done correctly. • subtract multi-digit numbers.
p te
How can I subtract
Bu Chapter 4 Pro ect
two-digit numbers?
Numbers Teach a Review a Mathematics Lesson
1. Work together with your group to write a review lesson from
this chapter which your group will need to present to the
t ’s Ex class. Each group should present their lesson for 5–8 minutes.
Le easons! 2. Create an outline or lesson plan for the lesson you plan to
Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education (inset)©Hemera/Ablestock/age fotostock; (bkgd)Ingram Publishing/SuperStock
Topic or Concept:
Print Online
The Am I Ready? assessment at the start of the chapter identifies A ready-made test is available online for viewing and printing.
whether students have the foundational skills they need in order to Additionally, the bank of questions available in the Assessment tab in
successfully learn the new skills and concepts present in this chapter. ConnectED provides the option of customizing assessments for students.
Based on the results of the Am I Ready? items, use the differentiated Use the differentiated instruction options on the following page to
instruction options on the following page to address individual needs address individual needs before beginning the chapter.
before beginning the chapter.
Am I Ready?
Write how many.
1. How many tens are in 30? 3
2. How many tens are in 70? 7
3. How many tens are in 90? 9
4. 9 - 6 = 3 5. 8 - 2 = 6
6. 7 - 2 = 5 7. 6 - 5 = 1
8. 4 - 3 = 1 9. 5 - 3 = 2
Write a number sentence.
McGraw-Hill Education
10 4 6
Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education
- =
Intensive Intervention
Number Worlds™ is an intensive intervention program that focuses on students who are one or more
grade levels behind in elementary mathematics.
For correlations to chapter and lesson content, see the Response to Intervention Resource Guide
available online.
Number Worlds™ is a separate purchase.
Making Connections
Ask students to explain or show what they know about the review
vocabulary. For example, they might write an example of a fact family.
Ask a student to read aloud the number sentences in the middle of the
graphic organizer. Then discuss with students what the arrows pointing
from each of the three boxes to the box with the four number sentences
indicate. Sample answer: The sentences in each box describe different
parts of the four number sentences.
My Math Words
Ideas ns:
for Us
q )BWF
Review Vocabulary IFZ LO
q "TL
12 + 6 =
18 The circled numbers are
6 + 12 =
18 called the .
Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education
fact family .
ht ©
Vendor: H_2018
SPI-Glob Compon
al ent: SE
218 Chapter 4 Grade:
PDF Pa 27/02/17
ss 1
Teacher Notes
93 - 4 2 = 93
See students’ work.
51 = 5 3
1 =
51 + 5
See st
uden ts’ wo
99 - 3 6 = 99
99 + 6 3 =
33 + 3
66 = 6 9
ht © McG
Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education
Vendor: H_2018
SPI-Glob Compon
al ent: SE
PDF Pa 27/02/17
ss 12:53
Begin Lesson
Domain: Operations and Algebraic Thinking Lesson Objective
Major Cluster: Use place value understanding and properties of operations to Students will use related facts to make two-digit fact families.
add and subtract.
2.NBT.5 Fluently add and subtract within 100 using strategies based on
place value, properties of operations, and/or the relationship between Developing Vocabulary
addition and subtraction.
Also addresses: 2.OA.1 Review Vocabulary
fact family
The content in this lesson addresses a standard from the Number and
Operations in Base Ten domain, while the content of this chapter overall Activity
addresses standards from the Operations and Algebraic Thinking domain.
Standards from different domains are sometimes closely related. • MP6 Attend to Precision Ask students to explain to a friend what
they recall about fact families from previous chapters or grades.
MP Mathematical Practices • Write the phrase fact family on the board.
1 Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. • Have students skim the lesson. Direct students' attention to the
3 Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. triangles. Ask students why each triangle contains a number in
4 Model with mathematics.
5 Use appropriate tools strategically.
each of its corners. Sample answer: Each corner has one of the
6 Attend to precision. three numbers in the fact family.
7 Look for and make use of structure. • Discuss with students why a shape such as a rectangle is not used
8 Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
to show fact families. A rectangle has four corners, not three and a
fact family has only three numbers in it.
Thinking Across Grades
Slide 13
Are there different addends you could have
Explore chosen that would still make a fact family?
Sample answer: yes; There are many different
How do addition
numbers with a sum of 37.
Review and subtraction
relate? See
Problem of the Day students’
responses. Slides 16–17
Draw a diagram to solve. Sample answer: They are inverse operations. Extend
Andy finds 4 eggs in the chicken coop. What do you know about fact families? Sample
Doug finds 2 eggs. Katherine finds 3 eggs. What do you
answer: Fact families are addition and subtraction
How many eggs did they find in all? know about the
statements that are written using the same
number of
9 eggs See students’ work. numbers.
turtles? Sample
MP4 Model with Mathematics What answer: I know
Slides 14–15
there are 4 more lizards than turtles. I know
number sentence could you have written to Model there are 18 lizards and turtles in all.
solve the problem? 4 + 2 + 3 = 9 eggs
Which numbers How can you find the number of each type of
are in your fact reptile?
Quick Check Slides 5–12 family? See Sample answer: I can guess how many
Use this activity as a quick review and students’ turtles there are. Then I can check if there
assessment of the previous lesson. A responses. are 4 more lizards and the total number
Sample answer: 18, 19, and 37 of reptiles is 18.
printable version is available online.
Literature Connection
Read a trade book, such as Math Fables by Model the Math
Greg Tang, to prepare students for this Target: Procedural Skills and Fluency
Materials: red and yellow connecting cubes
Write the numbers 29, 13, and 16 on the board. Connect 13 red connecting cubes and 16 yellow
connecting cubes.
If I add these together, what is the sum? 29 How would you write this as an addition sentence?
13 + 16 = 29
Turn the cubes around to model the second addition fact.
How would you write this as an addition sentence?
16 + 13 = 29
Repeat the activity modeling the related subtraction sentences.
29 - 16 = 13 and 29 - 13 = 16
Guided Practice
16 1.
12 + 12 = 24 24 - 12 = 12
12 12
17 11 + 6 = 17 17 - 1 1 = 6
7 9 6 11 6 + 11 = 17 17 - 6 = 11
7 + 9 = 16 16 − 7 = 9 3.
20 16
Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education Glow Images
20 16 + 4 = 20 - 4 =
9 + 7 = 16 16 − 9 = 7 4 + 16 = 20 20 - 16 = 4
Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education
16 4
Line Up When one student lines up, have him or her write a two-digit
Common Error! Students may have difficulty writing the addition sentence on the board. Have the next student write the related
correct four sentences related to the two-digit fact family. addition fact. Have the next student write a related subtraction fact, and
Remind them that they cannot rearrange the numbers in any so on. Repeat the process until each student has had a chance to write
order. Have them check that the sum or difference of the a number sentence and is lined up.
sentence holds true.
See next page for Differentiated Instruction options.
22 3
3 + 22 = 25 25 - 22 = 3
Sample answer: 20 - 14 = ?; 12
14Filled Open
21 14 + 7 = 21 21 - 7 = 14 parking spaces
1 2 + 76 = 88 1 2 - 7 6 = 88
37 32 + 5 = 37 37 - 5 =32 Sample answer: Sophia is wrong because
Exercise 6 Ask students to talk through the steps they used in solving
Exercise 6. You will need:
• write-on/wipe-off boards, dry erase markers
ELL For additional language support, use the differentiated
Formative Assessment
instruction activities on the previous page.
Response Boards Pass out a write-on/wipe-off board and marker to
each student. Write the following number sentences on the board for
students to copy and solve on their write-on/wipe-off boards.
16 + 12 = 28 12 + 16 = 28
28 - 12 = 16 28 - 16 = 12
Once each student has finished solving the number sentences, have
students hold their boards in the air.
Operations and Algebraic
Thinking Complete the fact family.
2.OA.1, 2.NBT.5
Lesson 1
My Homework Fact Families
13 13 13 + 13 = 26 26 - 13 = 13
eHelp 5. There are 49 second graders. 26 of them
Homework Helper Need help?
are in Miss Johnson’s class. How many
students are in Mrs. Stewart’s class?
The numbers 15, 11, and 4 make up the
15 numbers in a fact family. 23 students
1 1 + 4 = 15 15 - 11 = 4
11 4 4 + 1 1 = 15 15 - 4 = 11
Brain Builders
Practice 6. Marcus counts 24 children playing.
Complete each fact family. 6 play ball. 5 play tag. How many
children are not playing ball or tag?
22 + 9 13 = 22 22 - 9 = 13
9 13 13 + 9 = 22 22 - 13 = 9 7. Test Practice Which number sentence does
8 13 13 + 8 = 21 21 - 8 = 13 18 + 7 = 25 18 - 25 = 7
Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education
18 + 6 =24 24- 6 = 18
7 + 18 = 25 25 - 7 = 18
18 6 6 + 18 = 24 24 - 18 = 6 Math at Home Have your child write the fact family for the numbers
22, 13, and 35.
Begin Lesson
Domain: Operations and Algebraic Thinking Lesson Objective
Major Cluster: Represent and solve problems involving addition and Students will take apart numbers to make a ten to subtract.
2.OA.1 Use addition and subtraction within 100 to solve one- and two-step
word problems involving situations of adding to, taking from, putting Developing Vocabulary
together, taking apart, and comparing, with unknowns in all positions, e.g.,
by using drawings and equations with a symbol for the unknown number Review Vocabulary
to represent the problem.
MP Mathematical Practices
1 Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. You will need
4 Model with mathematics. • two-color counters
6 Attend to precision.
8 Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning. • MP6 Attend to Precision Have students explain what they have
learned about ten in previous chapters or grades. Sample answer:
10 is easy to work with because it ends in zero.
COHERENCE • Write the word ten on the board. Have students work in small groups.
Thinking Across Grades Give each group 25 counters. Have each group take apart the
counters to show 2 groups of ten and 5 ones.
Previous Now Next • Tell students that numbers in a subtraction sentence can be taken
Grade 1 1.OA.1 Grade 2 2.OA.1 Grade 3 3.OA.3 apart into tens to make them easier to work with.
Guided Practice
How can I subtract
You can take apart numbers to subtract.
Take Apart Tens to two-digit numbers?
To find 35 - 13, take apart a number to make a ten.
Subtract Then subtract.
35 - 13
Math in My World
Watch Tools 10 3 Helpful Hint
Take apart 13 as
35 - 10 = 25
10 and 3.
25 - 3 = 22
So, 35 - 13 = 22.
1. 64 - 12 2. 45 - 24
22 = 2 tens 2 ones 10 2 20 4
56 - 20 = 36
10 = 54 45 - 20 = 25
Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education Tetra images RF/Getty Images
64 -
36 - 2 = 34 54 - 2 = 52 25 - 4 = 21
Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education
Teacher Directions: There are 56 leaves on a tree. 22 leaves fall off of the
tree. How many leaves are left? Use base-ten blocks to show 56 leaves. Take
Talk Math Explain how you decide what to subtract
apart 22 into tens and ones. Subtract the tens from 56. Then subtract the ones
from that difference.
when working these problems.
Formative Assessment
Problem Solving
7. Cara has 28 sticks of sidewalk chalk.
Independent Practice She lets her friend borrow 11 of them.
Take apart a number to make a ten. How many sticks of chalk does Cara
Then subtract. have now?
3. 47 - 26 4. 77 - 43
17 sticks of chalk
20 6 40 3
47 - 20 = 27 77 - 40 = 37
Brain Builders
So, 47 - 26 = 21 . So, 77 - 43 = 34 .
23 snowballs left. How many
snowballs did she throw?
5. 85 - 32 6. 75 - 55 14 snowballs
85 - 30 = 55 75 - 50 = 25
8 students like science, 2 like art, and 3 like
music. The rest of the students like math.
Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education ©A Linscott/Alamy
55 - 2 = 53 25 - 5 = 20
How many students like math? Explain.
Sample answer: 9 students; I added then subtracted:
So, 85 - 32 = 53 . So, 75 - 55 = 20 .
Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education
then subtracted 12 ‒ 3 = 9.
Brain Builders
Homework Helper Need help?
54 - 10 = 44 35 - 10 = 25
7 and 7 12 and 2
Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education
44 - 3 = 41 25 - 4 = 21 10 and 4 20 and 8
So, 54 - 13 = 41 . So, 35 - 14 = 21 .
Math at Home Have your child take apart 16 to make a ten to find 87 - 16.
Begin Lesson
Domain: Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Major Cluster: Use place value understanding and properties of operations to
add and subtract. Lesson Objective
2.NBT.5 Fluently add and subtract within 100 using strategies based on
Students will use models to regroup and find differences.
place value, properties of operations, and/or the relationship between addition
and subtraction.
Also addresses: 2.OA.1, 2.NBT.9 Developing Vocabulary
The content in this lesson addresses a standard from the Number and
Operations in Base Ten domain, while the content of this chapter overall Review Vocabulary Cognate
addresses standards from the Operations and Algebraic Thinking domain. regroup reagrupar
Standards from different domains are sometimes closely related.
MP Mathematical Practices
1 Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
2 Reason abstractly and quantitatively. • MP6 Attend to Precision Ask students when they need to regroup
3 Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. in a subtraction problem. Have students explain their answer to a
4 Model with mathematics. friend.
5 Use appropriate tools strategically.
6 Attend to precision. • Write 45 - 9 and 45 - 3 on the board. Have students work in small
groups to solve each subtraction problem. Tell students that they may
need to refer to the steps in the Guided Practice section to find
45 - 9. +
Thinking Across Grades
• Afterward, discuss with students why they had to regroup to take 9
away from 45, and why they did not regroup to take 3 away from 45.
Previous Now Next
Grade 1 1.OA.6 Grade 2 2.NBT.5 Grade 3 3.NBT.2
Lesson 3
Guided Practice
How can I subtract
Regroup a Ten two-digit numbers? Find 24 - 8.
tens ones
24 - 8 = 16
Use Work Mat 6 and base-ten blocks to subtract.
Subtract the ones. Write the
©Jacques Cornell/McGraw-Hill Education
1. 31 - 4 no yes 31 - 4 = 27
18 seashells
Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education
2. 27 - 5 no yes
Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education
27 - 5 =
See students’ work.
Teacher Directions: Adam has 23 seashells. Use base-ten blocks to show the
seashells. He gives 5 of them away. Regroup and take away that many blocks.
How do you know when you need
How many seashells are left? Draw the base-ten blocks that are left in the
chart. Write how many seashells are left.
Talk Math to regroup? Explain.
Online Content at $IBQUFS q -FTTPO
12. There are 25 flower bulbs in a bag. Karen gives
3. 46 - 2 no yes 46 - 2 = 7 bulbs to Ava. How many bulbs are left?
4. 35 - 9 no yes 35 - 9 = 26 18 bulbs
Brain Builders
5. 56 - 5 no yes 56 - 5 = 51
13. Candice has played in 8 soccer games.
There are 14 games in all. How many soccer
6. 22 - 6 no yes 22 - 6 = games does she have left to play? Explain
how you solved the problem.
that 8 + 6 = 14, so 14 - 8 = 6.
Ingram Publishing/Fototsearch
8. 43 - 3 no yes 43 - 3 = 40
Liam subtracts 5 from 23. Is the difference
Write Math
less than 20 or greater than 20? Explain.
Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education
Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education
9. 76 - 8 no yes 76 - 8 =
Sample answer: The difference is less than 20. When
Operations and Algebraic
Regroup the tens. Draw the ones. Cross out
2.OA.1, 2.NBT.5, 2.NBT.9 cubes to show subtraction. Write the answer.
Lesson 3
3. 21 - 7 = 14 4. 30 - 6 = 24
Regroup a Ten
My Homework as Ones tens ones tens ones
Find 35 – 7.
5. There are 42 icicles. 9 of them tens ones
Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 melt. How many icicles are left?
Show 35. Subtract the ones. There Subtract 7 ones.
are not enough ones
to subtract. Regroup. 33 icicles
tens ones tens ones tens ones
Brain Builders
6. 31 people are skating. 8 people go home.
3 tens 5 ones 2 tens 15 ones 2 tens 8 ones How many people are still skating? Explain
35 - 7 = 28 to a family member or friend how you solved
the problem.
Helpful Hint
If there are not enough
ones to subtract, regroup
1 ten as 10 ones. people
Regroup the tens. Draw the ones. Cross out
cubes to show subtraction. Write the answer. 7. Test Practice 23 - 6 =
1. 26 - 9 = 17 2. 23 - 5 = 18 tens ones
Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education
Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education
29 17 13 10
tens ones tens ones
Math at Home Have your child use pennies to show you how to
subtract 6 from 25.
Begin Lesson
Domain: Operations and Algebraic Thinking Lesson Objective
Major Cluster: Use place value understanding and properties of operations to Students will subtract one-digit numbers from two-digit numbers.
add and subtract.
2.NBT.5 Fluently add and subtract within 100 using strategies based on
place value, properties of operations, and/or the relationship between addition Developing Vocabulary
and subtraction.
Review Vocabulary Cognate
Also addresses: 2.OA.1, 2.NBT.9
regroup reagrupar
The content in this lesson addresses a standard from the Number and ones
Operations in Base Ten domain, while the content of this chapter overall
addresses standards from the Operations and Algebraic Thinking domain. tens
Standards from different domains are sometimes closely related.
MP Mathematical Practices • Draw the number line shown below on the board. Remind students
1 Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. that they have already learned to subtract on a number line. Ask
2 Reason abstractly and quantitatively. students how they would use the number line to find 32 - 3. Students
3 Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. should explain that they would start at 32 and count back 3 to find
4 Model with mathematics. that 32 - 3 is 29.
5 Use appropriate tools strategically.
6 Attend to precision.
8 Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33
• Erase the number line. Write 32 - 3 on the board.
Thinking Across Grades • MP6 Attend to Precision What is another way to solve the problem
32 - 3 besides using a number line? Explain. Sample answer: I could
Previous Now Next use base-ten blocks to solve the problem. I would show 32 base-ten
Grade 1 1.OA.6 Grade 2 2.NBT.5 Grade 3 3.NBT.2 blocks, and then take away 3. Then regroup to find the difference is 29.
• Discuss all of the different ways students could solve the problem.
Watch Tools 2 14
Math in My World 3 4 3 4
- 6 - 6
See students’ work.
tens ones
Step 3 Step 4
Subtract the ones. Subtract the tens.
tens ones tens ones
2 14 2 14
3 4 3 4
- 6 - 6
8 2 8
34 - 6 = 28
Use Work Mat 6 and base-ten blocks to subtract.
1. tens ones 2.
Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education Iconotec/Alamy
tens ones
1 13
26 crabs 2 3 5 8
Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education
- 5 - 4
Teacher Directions: Jack saw 34 crabs on the beach. Use base-ten blocks to show
1 8 5 4
that number. 8 crabs ran into the water. Regroup and take away that many blocks.
Draw the blocks that are left. Write how many crabs were left on the beach.
Talk Math How do you regroup 1 ten?
Online Content at $IBQUFS q -FTTPO
Common Error! Help students understand that regrouping is Exercise 18 Tell students to explain their answer to a friend.
necessary when there are not enough ones to subtract the
bottom number from the top number. Formative Assessment
3-2-1 Strategy Form Have students consider what they have learned
by writing a response to the following prompts. 3: Things that they
learned today; 2: Things they want to know more about; 1: Questions
they have.
Problem Solving
15. Tina puts 12 coins in a machine.
Independent Practice The machine keeps 4 of the coins.
Use Work Mat 6 and base-ten blocks to subtract. How many coins does she get back?
6. 7. 8.
15 2 11 Brain Builders
8 8 1 5 3 1 17. A store has 76 shirts on display. The store
- 2 - 9 - 6 sells 8 of the shirts. Jake says there are
8 6 6 2 5 58 shirts left. What mistake did Jake make?
Sample answer: Jake regrouped incorrectly, he took
1 2. 14 1 3. 28 1 4. 34
- 7 - 9 - 6 Sample answer: 45 left altogether; You add 23
Formative Assessment
ELL For additional language support, use the differentiated
instruction activities on the previous page. Response Boards Pass out a write-on/wipe-off board and marker to
each student. Write the following on the board for students to solve on
their write-on/wipe-off boards.
- 9
Once each student has finished solving the problem, tell them to hold
their boards in the air.
Lesson 4 7. 44 8. 51 9. 22
Subtract From a - 4 - 8 - 3
52 44 33 34
6 13 7 16
7 3 8 6 4 9
- 6 - 8 - 6 Math at Home Ask your child to show you how to subtract 8 from 27
6 7 7 8 4 3 by regrouping.
Concept Check
These concepts are covered in Lessons 1–4.
Exercises Concept
2 Two-digit fact families 1
3–4 Take apart tens to subtract 2
5–10 Subtract two-digit 3–4
Test Practice
Diagnose Student Errors
Class trends in wrong answers may indicate common errors or
69 tulips correct
73 tulips subtracted only 4 of the tulips
77 tulips chose the initial group of tulips blooming
85 tulips added numbers instead of subtracting
3. 83 - 52 4. 67 - 45
Brain Builders
To reassess, use the Check My Progress Test
in the Assessment Masters book.
Enhance your differentiated instruction with Redbird Mathematics. This online, personalized-learning
solution allows each student to achieve mastery at their own pace.
Redbird Mathematics is a separate purchase.
Begin Lesson
Domain: Operations and Algebraic Thinking Lesson Objective
Major Cluster: Use place value understanding and properties of operations to Students will subtract two-digit numbers.
add and subtract.
2.NBT.5 Fluently add and subtract within 100 using strategies based on
place value, properties of operations, and/or the relationship between addition Developing Vocabulary
and subtraction.
Also addresses: 2.OA.1, 2.NBT.9 Review Vocabulary Cognate
subtraction sustraccion
The content in this lesson addresses a standard from the Number and
Operations in Base Ten domain, while the content of this chapter overall Activity
addresses standards from the Operations and Algebraic Thinking domain.
Standards from different domains are sometimes closely related. • MP6 Attend to Precision Ask students to explain to a friend what
subtraction means.
MP Mathematical Practices
• Write subtraction on the board. Have students skim the chapter and
2 Reason abstractly and quantitatively. identify different examples of subtraction problems. For example,
3 Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. they might notice some problems are written for them, and others are
5 Use appropriate tools strategically.
6 Attend to precision.
embedded within word problems.
8 Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning. • Have students work in small groups to analyze the Problem Solving/
Brain Builders exercises in this chapter. Ask them to compile a list of
signal words that tell them they should subtract to solve.
COHERENCE • Have students compare their results with other groups. Have students
Thinking Across Grades
add these words to a word wall for reference.
Previous Now Next
Grade 1 1.OA.6 Grade 2 2.NBT.5 Grade 3 3.NBT.2
Numbers Step 1
Show 52.
Step 2
Regroup 1 ten as 10 ones.
Can you subtract 7 ones? 2 ones + 10 ones = 12 ones.
tens ones tens ones
4 12
Watch Tools
Math in My World 5
- 1
5 2
- 1 7
4 12 4 12
5 2 5 2
- 1 7 - 1 7
See students’ work. 3 55 33 5
52 - 17 = 35
Use Work Mat 6 and base-ten blocks to subtract.
Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education Big Cheese Photo/SuperStock
2 15
3 5 4 7
Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education
29 people
- 1 7 - 2 4
1 8 2 3
Teacher Directions: There are 42 people swimming at the pool. Use base-ten blocks to
show those people. 13 people go home. Take away 13 base-ten blocks. Regroup if needed.
How is subtracting 4 1 - 1 6 different than
Draw the base-ten blocks that are left in the chart. How many people are left at the
pool? Write how many people are left.
Talk Math 41 - 6?
Online Content at $IBQUFS q -FTTPO $IBQUFS q -FTTPO
Common Error! Students may want to subtract the tens first Formative Assessment
as they did in Lesson 2 when they were modeling subtraction.
The exercises in Lesson 2 did not involve regrouping. While Line Up Before students line up, write a two-digit subtraction problem
students can still model the exercises in this lesson, you should on the board for each student to solve. Have students
emphasize that they should always start with the ones first. give a thumbs up if regrouping is needed and thumbs down if it is
not needed.
1 16 6 14 people
2 6 7 4 4 6
- 1 9 - 1 8 - 2 3 Brain Builders
7 5 6 2 3
16. Jason bought a pool pass for 35 trips
to the pool. He went to the pool 7 times
6. 7. 8.
in May and 9 times in June. How many
6 15 4 14 6 12 more times can Jason go to the pool
7 5 5 4 7 2 with his pass? Explain how you solved
- 1 6 - 2 8 - 3 5 the problem to a friend.
5 9 2 6 3 7
Lesson 5 7. 54 8. 27 9. 63
Subtract Two- - 45 - 9 - 11
My Homework Digit Numbers
9 18 52
eHelp 10. 91 11. 35 12. 87
Homework Helper Need help? - 59 - 26 - 42
1. 2. 3. tens ones
Did you regroup to solve the problem? Explain.
tens ones tens ones
Sample answer: Yes. I regrouped 1 ten
5 13 1 14
6 3 4 7 2 4 as 10 ones, because I could not subtract
Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education
- 2 5 - 1 7 1 6
3 8 3 0 8 9 ones from 3 ones.
14. Test Practice 25 people brought dogs
to the picnic. 9 were large brown dogs and
4. 5. 4 13 6. 4 18
Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education
Begin Lesson
Domain: Operations and Algebraic Thinking Lesson Objective
Major Cluster: Use place value understanding and properties of operations to Students will rewrite a horizontal two-digit subtraction sentence
add and subtract.
vertically before subtracting.
2.NBT.5 Fluently add and subtract within 100 using strategies based on
place value, properties of operations, and/or the relationship between addition
and subtraction. Developing Vocabulary
Also addresses: 2.OA.1
Review Vocabulary
The content in this lesson addresses a standard from the Number and
Operations in Base Ten domain, while the content of this chapter overall greater
addresses standards from the Operations and Algebraic Thinking domain.
Standards from different domains are sometimes closely related.
• MP6 Attend to Precision Write greater on the board. Ask students
MP Mathematical Practices to explain to a friend what greater number means to them. You may
1 Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. want to prompt them by comparing 2 numbers, such as 57 and 22.
2 Reason abstractly and quantitatively. • Next, write 57 - 22 horizontally. Explain to students that this
3 Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
4 Model with mathematics.
subtraction sentence can be solved when one number is stacked on
5 Use appropriate tools strategically. top of the other, or vertically. Explain that the greater number should
6 Attend to precision. always be the top number.
8 Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
• Tell students that they should determine which number is the greater
number when rewriting subtraction sentences.
Thinking Across Grades
- 4 6 - 3 8 - 4 8
Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education
3 6 3 6 1 2
Teacher Directions: 54 flowers were planted in the garden. Write this number
first. 36 flowers have bloomed. Write this number below. How many flowers
still need to bloom? Rewrite the problem to subtract. Talk Math Why is it helpful to rewrite subtraction?
Online Content at $IBQUFS q -FTTPO
Independent Practice ELL For additional language support, use the differentiated
instruction activities on the next page.
Based on your observations, you may choose to assign exercises
as noted in the levels below:
You will need:
• Approaching Level Guide students through the exercises in • write-on/wipe-off boards
Independent Practice. Help them use manipulatives while working • dry erase markers
through the exercises.
Formative Assessment
• On Level Complete the exercises independently.
• Beyond Level Complete the exercises independently. Have students Response Boards Pass out a write-on/wipe-off board and marker to
write their own two-digit subtraction word problem. Tell students to each student. Write the following word problem on the board for
switch word problems with a partner to solve. students to solve.
Katy had 36 red and blue balloons for the party. She had 17 blue
Problem Solving balloons. How many red balloons did Katy have? 19 red balloons
MP6 Attend to Precision Once each student has finished solving the problem, have them hold the
Exercise 16 If Tyler then picked 27 more flowers from his garden, now board in the air.
how many flowers are left? 19 flowers Have students explain to a friend
how they found the answer. See next page for Differentiated Instruction options.
Brain Builders
MP3 Check for Reasonableness
Exercise 19 Did you try a method that did not work? If so, why did it not
work? Answers will vary.
7. 62 - 38 8. 74 - 39 9. 57 - 39 46 flowers
5 12 6 14 4 17
17. Kyla kept track of the weather for
6 2 7 4 5 7 73 days. It was sunny 59 days.
- 3 8 - 3 9 – 3 9 How many days were not sunny?
2 4 3 5 1 8
14 days
this problem. Discuss the various ways different students in the class 46 46
solved the same problem. - 83 set problem up incorrectly - 83 set problem up incorrectly
37 43
Formative Assessment
Lesson 6 7. 72 - 37 8. 27 - 18 9. 68 - 39
Rewrite Two- 6 12 1 17 5 18
My Homework Digit Subtraction 72
- 37
- 18
- 39
35 9 29
Homework Helper Need help?
What mistake did Kyle make? Rewrite the
Rewrite the problems. Subtract. problem correctly and solve it.
Sample answer: Kyle forgot to put the larger
1. 74 - 25 2. 60 - 37 3. 86 - 48 45
3 15 7 14 2 17 - 46 - 46 - 83 - 83
45 84 37 36 37 37 43
- 28 - 38 - 18
17 46 19 Math at Home Together with your child think of a 2-digit subtraction problem
in your lives. Have them solve it.
Begin Lesson
Domain: Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Major Cluster: Use place value understanding and properties of operations to
add and subtract. Lesson Objective
2.NBT.5 Fluently add and subtract within 100 using strategies based on
Students will use addition to check subtraction.
place value, properties of operations, and/or the relationship between
addition and subtraction.
Also addresses: 2.OA.1 Developing Vocabulary
The content in this lesson addresses a standard from the Number and
Operations in Base Ten domain, while the content of this chapter overall Review Vocabulary
addresses standards from the Operations and Algebraic Thinking domain. fact family
Standards from different domains are sometimes closely related.
MP Mathematical Practices
• Write fact family on the board, and the numbers 10, 12, and 22 within
1 Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. a triangle.
2 Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
3 Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. • Ask a volunteer to write the related number sentences. 12 + 10 = 22,
5 Use appropriate tools strategically. 10 + 12 = 22, 22 - 10 = 12, 22 - 12 = 10
6 Attend to precision.
• MP2 Reason Quantitatively Use this example to model for
students how they can use the addition sentences to check the math
in the subtraction sentences.
Thinking Across Grades
Slide 9
After regrouping a ten into 10 ones, move 48 to
Explore the other side of the screen.
How do addition What is the difference when 48 is subtracted
Review and subtraction
relate? Sample
from 65? 17
Encourage students to recognize two groups of
Problem of the Day answer: They undo
each other. They
Tim had 30 cherries. After he had eaten some, are both used in fact families with the same What addition fact can be used to check the
there were 12 left. Explain how to find how group of numbers. subtraction problem? 17 + 48 = 65
many he ate. Sample answer: 30 - 12 How
Do you think that you could use addition to
many cherries did he eat? 18 cherries check your answer to a subtraction problem? Yes
MP5 Use Appropriate Tools Ask Slides 12–13
Literature Connection
Read a trade book, such as Alexander, Who
Used to Be Rich Last Sunday by Judith
Viorst, to prepare students for this lesson
Model the Math
Target: Procedural Skills and Fluency
Materials: connecting cubes
Write 5 - 2 on the board. Ask students how they might use connecting cubes to model the
How can you model 5 - 2 using connecting cubes? Begin with 5 cubes and remove 2 of the cubes.
Ask students to find the difference.
Remove two of the connecting cubes. What is the difference? 3
Ask students how they can check that their answer is correct.
You had 5 connecting cubes. You removed two of the connecting cubes and then you had
3 connecting cubes. Let’s replace the 2 connecting cubes; count on 3, 4, 5. How many connecting
cubes do you have? 5
Lead a classroom discussion that addition can be used to check subtraction. Continue modeling with
connecting cubes. Subtract and then check the subtraction using addition for the following problems:
13 - 8 23 - 9 25 - 12 45 - 37
Guided Practice
How can I subtract
- 12 + 12 16 38
1. 2.
20 12
36 50
26 38
- 20 - 12 +
16 36 38 50
18 18
Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education ©Ingram Publishing/Alamy
3. 4.
3 14
21 32
- 3 + - 14 +
18 21 18 32
Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education
27 50 31 apples
+ 30 + 10
5. 57 6. 60
- 30 - 10
14. The second grade classes are planting seeds.
27 57 50 60 Roy’s class plants 81 seeds. Jessica’s class
plants 66 seeds. How many more seeds does
Roy’s class plant than Jessica’s class?
37 34 15
5 41
42 8. 75
- 5 + - 41 + seeds
37 42 34 75 Brain Builders
(t)©Mark Steinmetz/McGraw-Hill Education; (b)©Ken Cavanagh/McGraw-Hill Education
35 14
people went sailing today. 59 more people
went sailing yesterday than today. How
+ 32
9. 10.
+ 26
67 40
many people went sailing today?
- 32 - 26
35 67 14 40 38 people
- 28 - 28
Sample answer: 59 - 23 = 36. I add 36 + 23 = 59
48 76 28 56 to check my answer.
Have students solve the word problem. Then have students discuss their
answer with a friend before sharing with the entire class.
My Homework Subtraction
21 boys
Add these
Check by Adding
22 If this is the
9 books
- 15 numbers + 15 number you
to check. subtracted from, Brain Builders
22 37 you are correct.
7. Reid kicked the football 20 times. He missed
Practice a field goal 6 times. Reid says he made a
field goal 4 times. Is he correct? Explain.
Subtract. Check by adding. Sample answer: No; Reid made an error when he
12 4.
46 Mrs. Smith?
68 45
80 91 16 years 20 years 26 years 17 years
- 68 + - 45 +
12 80 46 91 Math at Home Ask your child to find 43 - 16. Then have your child show you
how to check the answer.
Problem Solving
STRATEGY: Write a Number Sentence
Begin Lesson
Domain: Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Major Cluster: Represent and solve problems involving addition and Lesson Objective
subtraction. Students will write a number sentence to solve problems.
2.OA.1 Use addition and subtraction within 100 to solve one- and two-step
word problems involving situations of adding to, taking from, putting
together, taking apart, and comparing, with unknowns in all positions, Developing the Strategy
e.g., by using drawings and equations with a symbol for the unknown
number to represent the problem. What’s the Strategy?
Write a Number Sentence The strategy involves higher-order thinking.
MP Mathematical Practices Students must first identify the information they are given and determine
1 Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. which numbers are parts, and which is the whole. Then they must
2 Reason abstractly and quantitatively. represent this symbolically using a subtraction number sentence.
3 Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
4 Model with mathematics. Example
6 Attend to precision. • There are 56 tomatoes in a garden. 29 of the tomatoes are picked.
How many tomatoes are left in the garden?
• Find 56 - 29.
Other Strategies
Linking to Major Topics Other strategies that have been taught and that students may choose to
Connected to the following critical area of focus: 2. Building fluency with use on the Review the Strategies page are:
addition and subtraction. • Find a pattern.
Connected to the following standards: 1.OA.2, 1.OA.7, 2.OA.2, 3.NBT.2 • Act it out.
Additional Resources
Literature Connection
Read a trade book, such as The Good Neighbors’ Cheese Feast; A
Cheesy Mouse Tale of Subtraction with Regrouping by Mark Ramsay, to
prepare students for this lesson.
3 Solve
Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education ©Kais Tolmats/Getty Images
MP1 Make Sense of Problems Exercise 6 What strategy did you use to solve the problem? Sample answer:
I decided to act it out using base-ten blocks to help me find the answer.
Exercise 2 What do all of the numbers in the problem represent?
Sample answer: The number of lions in the yard in the morning and the
number of lions in the yard in the afternoon. Formative Assessment
Review the Strategies Choose a strategy
• Find a pattern.
• Write a number
Apply the Strategy sentence.
Write a number sentence to solve. 4. Brenda collects 39 leaves. Janet • Act it out.
collects 45 leaves. How many more
1. There are 25 ants in an ant hill. 13 ants leaves did Janet collect than Brenda?
leave. How many ants are there now?
6 leaves
25 - 13 = 12 ants
5. Anna is picking vegetables. She picks
12 tomatoes, 15 peppers, and 5 cucumbers.
2. This morning there are 18 lions in the yard at How many vegetables does she pick?
the zoo. This afternoon there are 7 lions in
the yard. How many lions left the yard?
32 vegetables
18 - 7 = 11 lions
6. Scott has 63 blueberries to put in a pie.
He eats 21 of the blueberries.
How many blueberries are in the pie?
Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education (t)©imagebroker/Alamy; (b)Frazer Cunningham/Image Source
Brain Builders
42 blueberries
3. Together, Jay and Sarah planted 41 daisies.
Jay planted 12 daisies. Sarah said she
planted more daisies than Jay. Is she
7. Trey’s dog likes dog treats. There are
Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education
correct? Explain.
60 treats in a box. He is allowed 2 treats
Sample answer: Yes; 41 - 12 = 29; 29 is a day. How many treats will he have left
after 10 days?
greater than 12, so Sarah planted more
Lesson Animation
Problem-Solving Strategy:
Write a Number Sentence
Brain Builders
MP6 Attend to Precision Formative Assessment
Exercise 3 Have students explain to a friend how they regrouped to Self Assessment Write the following on the board.
find the answer. How do number sentences help us find what we need to know?
Have students write a response to the question. Sample answer: They
put together what we know and what we need to know.
ELL For additional language support, use the differentiated
instruction activities on the previous page.
Homework Helper
28 - 19 = 9 ducks
Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education ©jarenwicklund/YAY Media AS/Alamy
Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education ©Ingram Publishing/Alamy
Math at Home Ask your child to subtract 52 - 17. Then have your child
Check Is my answer reasonable? show you how to check the answer.
Begin Lesson
Domain: Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Major Cluster: Represent and solve problems involving addition and
subtraction. Lesson Objective
2.OA.1 Use addition and subtraction within 100 to solve one- and two-step
Students will read and solve two-step word problems.
word problems involving situations of adding to, taking from, putting
together, taking apart, and comparing, with unknowns in all positions,
e.g., by using drawings and equations with a symbol for the unknown
number to represent the problem.
Developing Vocabulary
Review Vocabulary Cognate
MP Mathematical Practices difference diferencia
1 Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
3 Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. Activity
4 Model with mathematics.
5 Use appropriate tools strategically.
• Have students skim the lesson. Have a volunteer tell what the lesson
6 Attend to precision. is about. two-step word problems
7 Look for and make use of structure. • Explain that when solving two-step word problems you may be asked
to use both addition and subtraction. Explain to students that they will
need to use either the sum or the difference from the first section of
COHERENCE the problem as part of the next section of the problem.
Thinking Across Grades
• MP1 Make Sense of Problems Review the example in Guided
Previous Now Next Practice activity. Tell students if they visualize and think aloud as they
read problems, this might help them solve the problem.
Grade 1 1.OA.1 Grade 2 2.OA.1 Grade 3 3.NBT.2
MP5 Use Appropriate Tools What other tools could you have used to Levels of Complexity
model the problem? Sample answer: I could have used connecting Level 1 Understand Concepts Exercises 1–2
cubes to help me solve this problem. Level 2 Apply Concepts Exercises 3–5
Level 3 Extend Concepts Exercises 6–8
Guided Practice
How can I subtract Some word problems take two-steps to solve.
Two-Step Word two-digit numbers? There are 87 books at the library. 23 of the books are
Problems checked out. 4 of those books are returned. How many
books are at the library now?
87 64 68
Math in My World
23 +
4 books
64 68
Solve each two-step word problem.
1. Hailey has 33 books. She gives 14 books
to her cousin. She gives 5 books to her sister.
How many books does Hailey have left?
33 19
14 −
19 14 books
©Maxim Bolotnikov/Vetta/Getty Images
cannot come. 5 people come that were not
Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education
22 people
Teacher Directions: Use base-ten blocks to solve the problem. Draw the
blocks to show your work. There are 62 people sledding. 13 people leave to go Talk Math How do you solve a two-step problem?
home. 12 people go inside for hot cocoa. How many people are still sledding?
Formative Assessment
Graffiti Fact Have students divide a piece of paper into three columns.
Guide students into writing these titles at the top of each column: What I
Knew, What I Learned, and What I Want to Learn Next. Have students
write a response to each of the column titles about this lesson.
71 57 57
brothers ate a total of 12 slices. Connor wrote these
blocks two number sentences to find how many apple
slices were left. What mistake did Connor make?
32 - 5 = 27 and 27 - 24 = 2
4. Ray has 56 comics. He gives 12 to his
friend. He borrows 14 from his little brother. Sample answer: Connor subtracted 12 two times
How many comics does Ray have now?
instead of one time. His brothers ate a total of 12
©Digital Zoo/Digital Vision/Getty Images
24 penguins
She buys 10 carrots from the grocery store. Her brother
eats 5 carrots. How many carrots does Jane have left?
Test Practice
Diagnose Student Errors
Class trends in wrong answers may indicate common errors or
75 subtracted 89 - 14 only
66 did not do second step
52 correct
51 subtracted incorrectly
17 students
Fluency Practice
Fluency Practice
Subtract. 1. 13 2. 13 3. 18
- 6 - 7 - 8
1. 16 2. 26 3. 13
- 3 - 6 - 8 7 6 10
13 20 5
4. 15 5. 17 6. 14
4. 15 5. 12 6. 19 - 6 - 5 - 8
- 9 - 5 - 5
9 12 6
6 7 14
7. 20 8. 16 9. 11
7. 11 8. 12 9. 14 - 9 - 7 - 10
11 9 1
- 9 - 6 - 8
2 6 6
10. 12 11. 18 12. 12
10. 19 11. 18 12. 17
- 9 - 7 - 7
- 8 - 9 - 3
11 9 14 3 11 5
Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education
18 10 13 14 10 12
Online Content at Chapter 4 279 280 Chapter 4
Vocabulary Check
Display this chapter’s review vocabulary words on the virtual word wall. Diagnose and Prescribe
Ask students to write a sentence using each word.
Exercises Concept Standards Intervention
ELL ELL Support Strategy Use the activity in the Vocabulary Check 6–13 Subtraction 2.NBT.5 5 TE–p. 253A, R
to assess students’ ability to extend their understanding. 14–16 Rewrite two-digit 2.NBT.5 6 TE–p. 259A, R
17–18 Check subtraction 2.NBT.5 7 TE–p. 265A, R
TE–Tier 1 and Tier 2 Activities R–Online Reteach Worksheet
9 15 7 20
Vocabulary Check
10. 83 11. 80 12. 74 13. 71
Complete each sentence. Use words from the box. - 37 - 26 - 25 - 37
17. 46 18. 27
27 36
73 63
Write an example of a fact family.
- 27 + - 36 +
12 5 7 =12 12 - 5 7 46 73 27 63
Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education
+ =
5 7 7 + 5 =12 12- 7 = 5
b e a ch !
Sample answers are given.
Chapter 4 281 282
H i t th e
Chapter 4
Name Chapter 4
Reflect Answering the
Essential Question
Problem Solving
19. Max has 34 marbles. He gives 19 marbles away.
Show the ways to subtract.
How many marbles does Max have left?
Check your work.
15 marbles
Subtract from a two-digit Subtract with regrouping.
number. 2 12
20. There are 18 alligators around a pond. 25 32
10 alligators slide into the water. 2 come - 4 - 6
back out. How many alligators are
around the pond now? 21 26
10 alligators
Brain Builders
21. John collects some golf balls. He gives Subtract without How can I subtract Subtract with
39 of them to his grandpa. He loses regrouping. two-digit numbers? regrouping.
(t)©Ronnie Kaufman/Blend Images; (b)©Ingram Publishing/Alamy
68 - 35 - 19
golf balls
Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education Ingram Publishing/SuperStock
Print Online
The summative assessment worksheets include Vocabulary Test, A ready-made test is available online for viewing and printing.
Chapter Tests in various forms, an Oral Assessment, and a Listening Additionally, the bank of questions available in the Assessment tab in
Assessment. In addition, Quarterly Benchmark Assessments are ConnectED provides the option of customizing assessment for students.
available. For more information, refer to the Teacher’s Guide included
on pages 5–6 of the Assessment Masters.
Part B Remind students there may be more than one way to solve the
problem. Discuss one possible way and encourage them to find
alternate strategies. Remind students to show their work and explain
how they solved the problem.
Scoring Rubric
Full Credit 16 + 16 + 12 + 12 = 56 feet, 92 – 56 = 36 feet. Sample answer: First, I added the four walls of the room
to find how many feet of border were needed to go around every wall. Then, I subtracted that total from
the 92 feet of border in the roll.
Part A
4 points Partial Credit 2 points will be given for writing and solving the correct number sentences. Another (2 points) will be given
for an appropriate explanation.
No Credit No points will be given for an incorrect answer and an incorrect explanation.
Full Credit Seven 12-foot stripes of border; Sample answer: I subtracted 12 from 92 until I did not have at least 12 feet
left. I was able to do this 7 times.
Part B
2 points Partial Credit 1 point will be given for saying that there will be enough border for seven 12-foot stripes or border. .
No Credit No points will be given for an incorrect answer and an incorrect explanation.
Full Credit 4 feet left. Sample answer: An illustration such as the one below representing 36 – 32 = 4.
Part C
2 points
Partial Credit 1 point will be given for saying 4 feet will be left. Another (1 point) will be given for an appropriate drawing.