Persepolis: Worksheet: Page 4 - 71

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Worksheet: Page 4 - 71
Discuss this pattern in the book
Use the page numbers to take you to those places and read them.
Have some sort of a debate within your group in which you take opposing
stances about a certain claim. For example:
Rebellion seems to be the only in which one can incur change
Rebellion is a pattern - from various kinds (parents, mobs, Marji and friends -
confusion about what the rebellion is for? Majority versus individuals -
discussions about what is a revolution (page 10)
Your response: Construct your answer to the prompt
The question here could be used to think of a response
Rebellion seems to be the only way in which one can incur change.
Look at common elements of rebellion and formulate a response to it.

Type of Rebellion Incident & Chapter Title Your Response

& Feature of Graphic
Novel that helps build
Influence of the process The water cell pg18, the Marjane’s early life was
of the coup on Marjane chapter opens with filled with constant war
protesters chanting and dangerous
“down with the king”. situations. The process
of the coup taught her
to be fearless when it
comes to speaking her
mind but still to always
be careful.
Rebellion against The Veil Rebellion is suitable
religious control The schoolchildren here since a large
throw the veil and don’t number of
understand its fundamentalists were
significance, Marjanne’s trying to put in place a
mother protests against policy that wasn’t in
the veil. line with the ideology of
many people.
Rebellion against Social Page 37 Onwards Marjanne has a pure
Classes Chapter “The Letter heart and she thus
Onwards” wants social classes to
be abolished. Seeing her
maid unable to be loved
by her neighbour purely
due their social classes
greatly strengthened
her belief in
Rebellious type of Pg 64, “ After my Marjane saw her friends
tendency by escaping friend's departure, a and family leaving while
the situation in Iran good part of my family she had to stay back and
also left the country.” wait till her parents
could change their
mind. Marjane’s parents
were first against
moving away because
they would lose their
jobs. They also had the
fear that they would
end up coming back
anyway, which was
surprisingly true for
Marjane. As after her
time in Paris, she
decided to return to
Iran but with a different

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