Name:Rebeka Fibriana NIM:2211415068 Subject:Prose Analysis / 03:fatma Hetami

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Name :Rebeka Fibriana

NIM :2211415068
Subject :Prose Analysis / 03
Lecture :Fatma Hetami

Raden Ajeng Kartini, the daughter of Raden Mas Adipati Sosroningrat, was
born on April 21st, 1879 and died on September 17th, 1904. During her life, he had
scrawled a lot of history that people known. She was known because her letters had
touched readers’ heart. They had been written since May 25th, 1899 in a novel The
Letters of A Javanese Princess. The letters contain problems that experinced by her
both internal and external. I will show some conflict that experienced through her

External Conflict

NO Conflict Explanation Evidence

1 Man against society  The conflict that I Page 6
found, From the text Paragraph 3-4
we know Kartini
and her sisters had
been locked by her
father to stay at
home. They did not
have freedom from
their beloved father.
They did not allow
to go out. It shows
there is conflict man
against society
becausy R. A
Kartini does not
have freedom
interact to
environment, could
not socialize to
Javanese society.
 It also includes in
external conflict
because the conflict
comes from her
father who prohibit
them (Kartini and
her sisters) to go out
into the world.
2 Man against society It is same with number Page 9
1. Kartini did not have Paragraph 1-2
freedom in her life. It “... When I reached the
explain she was locked age of twelve, I was
up and cut off from all kept at home-I must go
communication with all into the “box”. I was
the outside world. locked up, and cut off
from all
communication with
outside world. ...”
3 Man against nature The conflict is Kartini Page 12
had to abide etiquette, Paragraph 10 – Page 13
the ceremonies, and the Paragraph 1 and 2
litle rules. Actually, she
wanted to throw the
burden of Javanese
etiquette from her
shoulders. She thought
that it was both and silly
although she must abide
it. The etiquettes had
been like that. Whatever
the reasons, she could
not refuse.
4 Man against society It is the conflict Page 27, Paragraph 4
education to Javanese “... Oh now I
society. Kartini very understand why they
paid attention to are opposed to the
education of Javanese education of the
society. These Javanese. When the
limitations greatly affect Javanese because
the welfare of the becomes educated then
society because they he will no longer say
were not educated and amen ...”
hard to deal with the
problems they face. It is
conflict between Kartini
and Javanese society.
She wanted the society
got well-educated.
5 Man against society From the statement, Page 8 Paragraph 3
Kartini wanted the her “... Day and night I
generation can leave the wonder by what means
tradition especially, oue ancient tradition
Javanese women. Due to could be overcome.
the traditions, she never ...”:
stops to think ancient
traditiont gone changed
with the equal role of the
modern era. The conflit
is between Kartini and
her generation (Javanese
women). She thought the
society must leave the
6 Man against nature From the statement, Page 9, Paragraph 1
and man against Kartini saw how her “... we girls, so far as
society generation, the society, education goes, fettered
especially Javanese girl by our ancient tradition
was so far in education. and convention, ...”
The Javanese custom
forbade the girls to get
education like the boys,
leaving the home and
goes to school. The
conflict is between
Kartini and the society,
She felt sad and saw her
generation did not allow
to school. She thought
how the generations
faced their life. Beside
that, the conflict is
between Kartini and her
custom law. Due to the
law, She and her
generation could not fell
justice same with the
7 Man against society Kartini was the girl who Page 10, Paragraph 8-9
live in clonizer era. She
felt her nation awareness
has appeared since the
young. From the
statement, She wish
could erase opium from
the Dutch Indies
Government. Opium
might be give
contribution from the tax
to richest. Due to the
hunger of opium, It can
make the people become
a killer if they had not
the money to buy. The
conflict is between
Kartini and Dutch Indies
Government. It can be
the problem to Javanes
society. Life ini
colonizer environment
was so danger. The
society life was so
sadness. She felt poor-
man against the society.
Internal Conflict

NO Conflict Explanation Evidence

1 Man against man Kartini’s statement in Page 5, Paragraph 7-8
his heart that she reject
the call against her. She
would not become a
Raden Ajoe. It is the title
of a Javanese married
women. It shows a
conflict that she did not
agree with statement
from her older brother.
She would not be a
married woman. The
conflict comes from
internal because herself
vowed that she would
not become merely a
Raden Ajoe. She
eradicate prejudice and
shape her own goal. It
includes conflict man
against man because
there is not agreement
between one and another
person. Kartini did not
agree with older
brother’s statement that
want her to married.
2 Man against himself In this conflict, Kartini Page 9 Paragraph 5 –
felt that she still was not Page 10 Paragraph 1-2
free. At last in her
sixteenth years old, she “... That has never been
saw the outside world. the cause of my
But, she was far from longing for freedom ....
satisfied. That has never ,never, never to be
been the cause of her obliged to marry. ...”
longing for freedom. She
wanted to be able to
stand alone, to study,
not to be subject one and
never to be obliged to
marry. She was sad had
to fell it. She did not
want to marry. It was the
conflict. Her heart was
so hurt that she still was
not free.
3 Man against nature It is the conflict Kartini Page 11 Paragraph 3
wanted to learn modern
languages, but she could “... I do not know the
not. It was due to the modern languages, We
law that has already girls are not allowed by
established tha she was our law . . I long to
not allowed to learn it. know languages, ...”
4 Man against nature Kartini never fall in Page 14 Paragraph 3 of
love. The conflict is she the third letters – Page
can have no respect for 15 Paragraph 4
the Javanese young man.
She felt there was no
justice. It was according
to the Mohammedan
Law. It was no sin for
Mohammedan Law.
How Kartini can respect
that a man was allowed
to have four wives at the
same time. It is the
conflict between Kartini
and the Law. Whatever
the reasons, she could
not refuse it. She could
not accept it. If, it is left
uncheckedm it will lead
to other problems. For
example, unfainess to
respect the dignity of
woman. However she
did not raise it, herself in
family sustained the
5. Man against nature From Kartini’s Page 16, Paragraph 6
statement, she looked no
one translated the Koran. “... I cannot tell you
Because Koran is too anything of the
holy, she thought that Mohammedan law,
people was forbidden to Stella. ...”
translate. The conflict is “The Koran is too holy
between Kartini and to be translated into
Mohammedan Law. She any language whatever.
thought she obliged to . . . But what is read no
read something, yet one understand!”
nothing, nothing
understand the meaning.
6 Man against himself Kartini’s statement in Page 34, Paragraph 3-6
Letters of a Javanese “... What should a girl
Princess, habits and become? Why a Raden
customs among the Ajoe, [a Javanese
Javanese puts the married woman of high
position of women did rank] naturally. ...”
not equal with men. The “... in her heart against
conflict is Kartini felt this being a Raden-
the reality of unequal Ajoe—the ancient iron-
and unfair about it. She bound rule, that girls
does not asked with must marry, must
who, when and how. She belong to a man,
could not accept it in her without being asked
heart. when, who, or how.
7 Man against nature Based on Kartini’s Page 35, Paragraph 6
statement, Javanese girl
was the girl who silent,
expressionless, and
speechless. She felt there
is strange in it. The
customary law makes
she was difficult. How
she felt, how it can.
Whatever help but, she
must accept it. It is the
customary law from her
native land.
Kartini’s letters in Letters of a Javanese Princess novel rise anything about the
problems that she faced in her era. We can look Kartini’s experience, her struggle in
life. We can conclude there are many problems. First, about polygamy, it might be
men legal can have wife more than one. In Javanese society, polygamy is the ordinary
thing. It is the misery, think Kartini. Even though, the women become the legal wife,
she is not the only one. She wanted to rebel it. If it gives more tolerancy, it will
become justice against the women. However, Kartini’s rebellion against polygamy,
finally it brings her realize that she has lived in great enemy that she was rebelled.

The second one, about education and religion in her environment. A millions
of society still was in darkness and foolish. It can be influence their prosperity, they
do not know hot to faced their problems. Beside that, government was uncertain to
give eduvation to the society. They wanted to befool Javanes society. There is
“Koran” that they must read only. They do not allow to understand the meaning what
they read. She was so sad. Koran is too holy to translate.

The third one, about situation Javanese society, such as “emancipation”,

customary law and ancient tradition. She felt unfair between women and men. The
women must speechless, expressionless, and so on. Different with the men, they can
get well-education. Situation society in era Dutch India Government. It is bad
situation. Another problem is about tax.

All the conflicts was faced by Kartini. She struggle in her life. She very care
with Javanese society. They are very fool-man. She want to support justice in
surrounding environment especially, Javanese women.

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