The Green New Deal USA
The Green New Deal USA
The Green New Deal USA
» Preface + background
» The complete 2019 resolution
» Next steps + colophon
advanced by the Congress in
2019, the results of the 2020
election now allow for progress
to be made related to these
important issues.
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Why do we need the Green New Deal?
Subsequent remarks by Senator Sanders from February 23, 2021 justify Text adapted from –
both the current bill and the earlier Green New Deal resolution of 2019.
“The scientists have said very clearly that if we do not act boldly within the
next few years to transition to energy efficiency and sustainable energy, the
planet we leave our kids and future generations will be increasingly unhealthy
and uninhabitable. I wish I could say we could address our climate crisis with
a few tweaks at the edges. But I cannot say that. Now more than ever, we need
Congress to have the courage to act boldly to effectively address the existential
threat of climate change. Now is not the time to think small — not by a long
shot. Now is the time to fundamentally rethink our national priorities and
imagine the kind of country that we want to become.”
116th Congress, 1st Session, House Resolution 109, The Green New Deal, February 7, 2019 Page 2 of 20
Introduction and status of the resolution.
On February 7, 2019, Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Senator Text adapted from –
Edward Markey released a fourteen-page resolution for their Green New
Deal (House Resolution 109, closely related to Senate Resolution 59).
Their proposal advocates transitioning the United States to 100%
renewable, zero-emission energy sources, along with investment in
electric cars and high-speed rail systems, and implementing the “social
cost of carbon” that had been part of the Obama administration’s plan
for addressing climate change within 10 years. Besides increasing state-
sponsored jobs, the Green New Deal seeks to address poverty by aiming
much of the improvements in “frontline and vulnerable communities”
which include the poor and disadvantaged people. The resolution includes
calls for universal health care, increased minimum wages, and preventing
monopolies, along with other important initiatives.
This non-binding resolution was referred to various committees and For more information –
subcommittees at that time. The resolution continues to be listed as
“introduced” on the website.
116th Congress, 1st Session, House Resolution 109, The Green New Deal, February 7, 2019 Page 3 of 20
The senate vote on the resolution and the future of the Green New Deal.
On March 24, 2019, 57 senate Republicans defeated the “Green New Deal” Text adapted from –
resolution, with 43 Democrats voting “present,” avoiding an up-or-down
vote. Then Republican Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell forced a
vote before the plan had the chance for a national debate or hearings in
Congress. McConnell later referred to the resolution on Twitter as “radical
left-wing ideology” that would result in “self-inflicted economic ruin that
would take a sledgehammer to America’s middle class.”
With a Democrat-controlled senate as of 2021, experts now predict that a Text adapted from –
variety of Green New Deal-style actions will be forthcoming — making low-
carbon industries a key part of the pandemic stimulus, creating millions way-you-imagined
of green jobs, employing vast numbers of laid-off oil and gas workers, and
moving much faster than before to clean electricity.
The recently-formed Green New Deal Network is a coalition of grassroots Text adapted from –
organizations, labor, and climate and environmental justice organizations
advocating for new local, state, and national policies.
116th Congress, 1st Session, House Resolution 109, The Green New Deal, February 7, 2019 Page 4 of 20
Recognizing the duty of the Federal Government to create a Green New Deal.
Ms. Ocasio-Cortez
(for herself, Mr. Hastings, Ms. Tlaib, Mr. Serrano, Mrs. Carolyn B. Maloney,
Ms. Clarke, Mr. Higgins, Ms. Bonamici, Mr. Maloney of New York;
Mr. Vargas, Mr. Espaillat, Mr. Lynch, Ms. Velazquez, Mr. Blumenauer,
Mr. Brendan F. Boyle of Pennsylvania;
Mr. Castro of Texas;
Ms. Jayapal, Mr. Khanna, Mr. Ted Lieu, Ms. Pressley, Mr. Welch, Mr. Engel,
Mr. Neguse, Mr. Nadler, Mr. McGovern, Mr. Pocan, Mr. Takano, Ms. Norton,
Mr. Raskin, Mr. Connolly, Mr. Lowenthal, Ms. Matsui, Mr. Thompson,
Ms. Pingree, Ms. Judy Chu of Ms. Mucarsel-Powell, Mr. Moulton,
Mr. Grijalva, Mr. Meeks, Mr. Sablan, Ms. Lee of California;
Mr. Quigley, Mr. Huffman, Mrs. Watson Coleman, Mr. Garcia of Illinois;
Ms. Haaland, Ms. Meng, Mr. Carbajal, Mr. Cicilline, Mr. Cohen, Ms. Clark
of Massachusetts;
Ms. McCollum, Mr. DeSaulnier, Mr. Courtney, Mr. Larson of Connecticut;
116th Congress, 1st Session, House Resolution 109, The Green New Deal, February 7, 2019 Page 5 of 20
Recognizing the duty of the Federal Government to create a Green New Deal.
Ms. Escobar, Mr. Schiff, Mr. Keating, Mr. DeFazio, Ms. Eshoo, Mrs. Trahan,
Mr. Gomez, Mr. Kennedy, and Ms. Waters) submitted the following
resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Energy and Commerce,
and in addition to the Committees on: Science, Space, and Technology;
Education and Labor; Transportation and Infrastructure; Agriculture;
Natural Resources; Foreign Affairs; Financial Services; the Judiciary; Ways
and Means; and Oversight and Reform; for a period to be subsequently
determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such
provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned.
116th Congress, 1st Session, House Resolution 109, The Green New Deal, February 7, 2019 Page 6 of 20
Recognizing the duty of the Federal Government to create a Green New Deal.
Whereas, the October 2018 report entitled Special Report on Global Warming To find more detail, both of these reports can be
fully accessed at –
of 1.5ºC by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and the
November 2018 Fourth National Climate Assessment report found that – »
(1) human activity is the dominant cause of observed climate change
1.5º Celsius = 2.7º Fahrenheit.
over the past century; 2.0º Celsius = 3.6º Fahrenheit.
(2) a changing climate is causing sea levels to rise and an increase in
wildfires, severe storms, droughts, and other extreme weather events that
threaten human life, healthy communities, and critical infrastructure;
(3) global warming at or above 2 degrees Celsius beyond
preindustrialized levels will cause –
(A) mass migration from the regions most affected by climate
(B) more than $500,000,000,000 in lost annual economic output in
the United States by the year 2100;
(C) wildfires that, by 2050, will annually burn at least twice as
much forest area in the western United States than was typically burned by
wildfires in the years preceding 2019;
116th Congress, 1st Session, House Resolution 109, The Green New Deal, February 7, 2019 Page 7 of 20
Recognizing the duty of the Federal Government to create a Green New Deal.
Whereas, because the United States has historically been responsible for
a disproportionate amount of greenhouse gas emissions, having emitted
20 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions through 2014, and has a The US accounts for 4% of the global population.
high technological capacity, the United States must take a leading role in
reducing emissions through economic transformation;
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Recognizing the duty of the Federal Government to create a Green New Deal.
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Recognizing the duty of the Federal Government to create a Green New Deal.
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Recognizing the duty of the Federal Government to create a Green New Deal.
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Recognizing the duty of the Federal Government to create a Green New Deal.
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Recognizing the duty of the Federal Government to create a Green New Deal.
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Recognizing the duty of the Federal Government to create a Green New Deal.
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Recognizing the duty of the Federal Government to create a Green New Deal.
116th Congress, 1st Session, House Resolution 109, The Green New Deal, February 7, 2019 Page 15 of 20
Recognizing the duty of the Federal Government to create a Green New Deal.
(B) ensuring that the Federal Government takes into account the complete
environmental and social costs and impacts of emissions through –
(i) existing laws;
(ii) new policies and programs; and
(iii) ensuring that frontline and vulnerable communities shall not be
adversely affected;
(C) providing resources, training, and high-quality education, including
higher education, to all people of the United States, with a focus on
frontline and vulnerable communities, so that all people of the United
States may be full and equal participants in the Green New Deal
(D) making public investments in the research and development of new
clean and renewable energy technologies and industries;
(E) directing investments to spur economic development, deepen and
diversify industry and business in local and regional economies, and
build wealth and community ownership, while prioritizing high-quality job
creation and economic, social, and environmental benefits in frontline and
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Recognizing the duty of the Federal Government to create a Green New Deal.
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Recognizing the duty of the Federal Government to create a Green New Deal.
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Recognizing the duty of the Federal Government to create a Green New Deal.
116th Congress, 1st Session, House Resolution 109, The Green New Deal, February 7, 2019 Page 19 of 20
Next steps
Advocate for Green New Deal policies by contacting your federal, state, and
local elected officials via –
Document created in February of 2021 by Paul J. Nini, Professor,
Department of Design, The Ohio State University –
© 2021 attribution non-commercial 4.0 international license.
The Work Sans and Open Sans typeface families are open-source fonts
provided by Google via –
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