State Global Environmental Governance 2022
State Global Environmental Governance 2022
State Global Environmental Governance 2022
International Institute for
Sustainable Development
Earth Negotiations Bulletin
State of Global Environmental Governance 2022
Never in the history of humanity has the
world faced so many environmental threats.
Climate change is now called a climate
emergency. We are losing biodiversity at
an alarming rate. Our oceans are being
choked with plastic, and we continue to
produce toxic chemicals that are harmful to
humans and wildlife. For millions of people,
access to fresh water and sanitation is a
growing challenge. The basic human rights
enshrined in the Universal Declaration on
Human Rights are at risk. As Article 3 of the
Declaration states: “Everyone has the right
to life, liberty and security of person.” Sadly,
too many lives are being lost because of our
profligate abuse of the natural environment.
Ian Fry, Special Rapporteur on the Promotion and Protection
Now more than ever, the international of Human Rights in the context of Climate Change
community must step up and ensure that the
global environment is properly protected.
The State of Global Environmental Governance
Following in the footsteps of the
produced by the International Institute
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
for Sustainable Development provides an
and the Intergovernmental Science-Policy
excellent overview of progress made in global
Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem
environmental governance in the last 12
Services, the international community
months. There are hopeful stories, and there
launched negotiations on a science-policy
are tragedies.
body for chemicals, waste, and pollution.
In 2022 we witnessed the launch of This is critically important. For too long,
negotiations on a new treaty on plastics. concerns about toxic chemicals, waste, and
This is a huge and long-anticipated step pollution have taken a back seat to the more
forward. Let us hope that the negotiations newsworthy issues of climate change and
are not protracted and that the treaty can be biodiversity. This new scientific body will
implemented as soon as possible. hopefully put these chemical and pollution v
issues at the forefront of concern. Let us already suffering from the impacts of climate
not forget Rachel Carson’s seminal 1962 change. With the establishment of the fund,
book, The Silent Spring, which exposed major polluters, both public and private, may
the harmful effects of DDT. This book be forced to pay reparations for the harm
awakened the world to the fact that our faith they are causing. Let us hope that this fund
in the chemical industry had to be seriously will be truly significant.
questioned. Carson faced considerable
These are only a few of the issues that fall
vilification and harassment by the
within the ambit of global environmental
agrochemical industry as a scientist and as a
governance. There are many more to be
woman. Her fortitude and bravery in facing
found in this report. Let me conclude
the power of the chemical industry cannot
by congratulating all the writers who put
be overstated. Let us hope that the new
together this report. Let me also congratulate
science-policy body for chemicals, waste, and
all the writers, editors, and photographers
pollution will become the platform for many,
that work so hard to bring us the Earth
many Rachel Carsons.
Negotiations Bulletin. Their work is the
As the Special Rapporteur for the promotion foundation for this report. Without the
and protection of human rights in the concise and authoritative reporting by ENB,
context of climate change, the decision we would be a lot intellectually poorer
by the UN General Assembly to adopt a and less well-informed. I, for one, am an
resolution on the right to a clean, healthy, avid reader of the ENB, and I recommend
and sustainable environment was, for me, everyone else to do the same.
one of the key milestones of 2022. While the
resolution is not legally binding, it showed
a clear commitment by the international Ian Fry, PhD
community that environmental protection Special Rapporteur for the promotion and
and sustainable development cannot be protection of human rights in the context of
separated from human rights. It told us that climate change
every human has a right to a clean, healthy,
and sustainable environment. Undoubtedly,
we will see many court cases seeking
affirmation of that right.
State of Global Environmental Governance 2022
Table of Contents
Letter from the Editor........................................................................................................................................................ 1
Old Ideas to New Action: Loss and damage and nature-based solutions............................................... 9
Conflicts................................................................................................................................................................................................... 16 vii
State of Global Environmental Governance 2022 1
Letter from the Editor
of days
Number of
2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
emergencies we collectively face. Some the pandemic was uneven; commodity prices
older ideas finally got their due. The were volatile. Together, environmental and
concept of nature-based solutions pollinated economic perils pushed the Sustainable
environmental decisions in various Development Goals (SDGs)—the global
negotiations. Loss and damage as an idea blueprint to achieve a better future for all—
has been a slow burn to be recognized, further out of reach.
institutionalized, and finally, in 2023,
In 2022, Europe again found itself at war.
financed (see Section 3).
The conflict in Ukraine may have done more
Geopolitical turbulence rumbled beneath for renewable energy than years of climate
all this multilateral activity. Global financial negotiations. Energy is now a national
instability rose to new levels. Recovery from security issue. Governments are making
State of Global Environmental Governance 2022 3
State of Global Environmental Governance 2022 5
The Year at a Glance
Even the World Trade Organization (WTO) overfishing). There is more work to do, but
did its part for biodiversity. After over 2 it’s a start.
decades of talks, WTO members clinched a
Important talks got underway in 2022. There
deal on fisheries subsidies. The treaty curbs
is hope for global cooperation to address the
subsidies to:
flood of plastics polluting land and water.
• illegal, unreported, and unregulated The process, which is ambitiously set to
(IUU) fishing conclude in 2024, held its first meeting in
• fishing of overfished stocks November 2022, with an exchange of views
on the treaty’s scope. Early talks also began
• fishing on the high seas outside
on establishing a science-policy panel on
the control of regional fisheries
chemicals and waste to prevent pollution.
management organizations.
Many hope this body will help raise the
With this agreement, governments have gone profile of chemicals and waste issues, as the
a long way toward fulfilling the mandate of IPCC and IPBES have done for climate
SDG 14.6 (end subsidies contributing to change and biodiversity.
State of Global Environmental Governance 2022
Work Remaining
It wasn’t a clean sweep of significant
decisions in 2022. Work remains to finalize
key climate reports and address the future
of chemicals management and high seas
biodiversity. 7
Pinkie Promises and Patchwork Pledges
State of Global Environmental Governance 2022 9
Old Ideas to New Action
Drought Heatwave
Flood WEATHER Storm surge
Tropical cyclone
Source: UNFCCC Online Guide to Loss and Damage. Reproduced with permission.
What Broke the Logjam? vulnerable (V20) to create the Global Shield
against Climate Risks.
It seems to be a mix of global solidarity and
In Egypt, at COP 27 itself, the negotiation
clever diplomacy. Loss and damage arrived
dynamics were, well, dynamic. The G-77 and
in the Global North. Hurricane Fiona was
China maintained a united front in getting
one of the costliest climate disasters to
loss and damage on the agenda. Given that
date and the most expensive to hit Canada.
the Group includes small island states and
Estimates released in 2022 put the economic
oil-producing countries with wildly varied
cost of climate disasters in Europe at EUR
interests, their unity was a remarkable feat.
145 billion in the last 10 years.
Small island states used their membership
Funding pledges emerged throughout of the High-Ambition Coalition (HAC) to
2022. Scotland added GBP 5 million to bring key developed countries on board.
its previous GBP 2 million commitment. The compromise to put the issue on the
Denmark put forward USD 13.7 million. agenda was an explicit reaffirmation that this
Some of the world’s wealthiest countries discussion would not be about liability or
(in the G7) came together with the most compensation.
State of Global Environmental Governance 2022
The EU agreed to establish a fund at this or built infrastructure, nature can help us
COP in a dramatic speech just days before reduce carbon emissions, adapt to a warmer
the meeting’s scheduled end ... if there was world, be protected from storm waters,
equally significant progress on mitigation. enhance farming productivity, and more.
That demand was not met. The mitigation
NbS is a powerful idea that could reorient
outcome was viewed by many as putting
our approaches to environmental policy, but
“1.5°C on life support.” But the promise was
it only appeared in global decisions in 2022.
out there—that a fund could be established
The term appeared in several treaty bodies
in 2023, with details to be worked out. In
and even further afield, from the G7 to the
the closing plenary, the decision on loss
World Urban Forum. Even the International
and damage was agreed to even before
Labour Organization (ILO) considered how
many had read the mitigation or cover
NbS could create green jobs, especially in
decisions. Developed countries had lost their
rural areas where forestry and agriculture are
bargaining chip and had run out of time to
key sectors.
press for more on mitigation.
The first environmental body to formally
The deadline for the details is 2023 at COP
recognize NbS in 2022 was the UN
28. First, the small committee will have
Environment Assembly. Resolution 1/5 gives
to identify the existing funding sources.
an exhaustive definition of NbS as
Then, there is the thorny question of who
should donate to the fund. It will also actions to protect, conserve, restore,
have to confront uncertainties. As the sustainably use and manage natural
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change or modified terrestrial, freshwater,
Working Group II report on Impacts, coastal and marine ecosystems
Adaptation and Vulnerability notes, methods which address social, economic and
for assessing loss and damage are currently environmental challenges effectively
underdeveloped. Some losses, like cultural and adaptively, while simultaneously
lands and homes, may be immeasurable and providing human well-being,
impossible to quantify. ecosystem services, resilience and
biodiversity benefits.
Nature-Based Solutions This is the type of definition that can appear
The concept of “nature-based solutions” when 193 member states are involved.
(NbS) pioneered by the IUCN is 20 years However, it preserves the core of the idea:
old. The heart of the idea is that healthy improve nature for its own sake and improve
ecosystems can achieve other environmental peoples’ lives.
and social goals. Rather than technologies 11
Old Ideas to New Action
RES World Urban VE
FO Forum RS
World Forestry
UN Ocean
UNCCD Convention on
The idea is not without controversy. Different visions emerged as the concept
Across the Rio Conventions (UNCCD, diffused across forums (see Figure 3).
CBD, and UNFCCC), the IPCC, and the Only the UNEA resolution is broad. The
Ramsar Convention on Wetlands, there was other forums tended to invoke NbS in
pushback against NbS by some developing specific contexts. Most used NbS to link
countries, often led by Brazil. Protracted at least two environmental challenges. This
debates weighing NbS against ecosystem was the hope of the UN Convention to
approaches ensued in each forum. In part, Combat Desertification. It was the first Rio
the concern is principled. Why should Convention to recognize NbS in a decision
developing countries be responsible for in 2022. The Abidjan Declaration adopted in
the “solutions” to problems caused by the May views NbS as cost-effective and efficient.
Global North? Adding the qualifier “and/or
In climate governance, the Sharm el-Sheikh
ecosystem approaches” after NbS appeased
Implementation Plan nests NbS in a section
those concerned.
State of Global Environmental Governance 2022
on forests. The decision references the speaks of NbS in terms of land degradation.
UNEA resolution on NbS and encourages The diffusion may have been smooth in
countries to consider NbS or ecosystem- 2022, but it may be just a first step.
based approaches for their mitigation and
The breakthroughs in 2022 are likely to
adaptation actions. Climate projects have
lead to greater traction for this term, despite
been connected to land grabs and human
the opposition of some countries. Already,
rights abuses. The decision calls for ensuring
several initiatives are on the horizon, some
relevant social and environmental safeguards.
spearheaded by the World Bank and IUCN
The contentious discussions on NbS planned for 2023, that further encourage the
happened in biodiversity politics. use of NbS.
Throughout 2022, negotiations for the
Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework
returned to the question of whether to
include NbS. References were proposed
across several targets and sections: 13
State of Global Environmental Governance 2022 15
Human Rights and Conflict Issues in Environmental Negotiations
State of Global Environmental Governance 2022 17
State of Global Environmental Governance 2022
Climate/ Chemicals
atmosphere Biodiversity Governance and waste
Conference on
Plastics INCs 19
Looking Ahead to 2023
State of Global Environmental Governance 2022
Finance provided
Adaptation efforts
Mercury emissions 21
Looking Ahead to 2023