Root Cause Analysis
Root Cause Analysis
Root Cause Analysis
1 Why was the Kingdom lost? Because the war was lost.
2 Why was the war lost? Because the battle was lost.
3 Why was the battle lost? Because the army was lost.
4 Why was the army lost? Because the rider was lost.
5 Why was the rider lost? Because the horse was lost.
6 Why was the horse lost? Because the shoe was lost.
7 Why was the shoe lost? Because the nail was lost
5 Why’s Analysis
Why? A simple tool for drilling-
down on the problem
Why? statement until the root
cause is identified by
asking “WHY” 5 times
Problem Statement
5 Why’s Analysis
Why? TIPS:
Why? Avoid intentional or unintentional
bias while answering.
Find the right person who can
Problem Statement answer the 5Why’s.
Use other RCA Tools if you’re
getting misleading answer
Five Why’s Preparation
Five why’s is a Root Cause Analysis Tool. Not a problem solving technique.
The outcome of a 5 Why’s analysis is one or several root causes that
ultimately identify the reason why a problem was originated. There are other
similar tools as the ones mentioned below that can be used simultaneously
with the 5 Why’s to enhance the thought process and analysis.
Problem Root Cause
(“Why made?”)
• The second one must address the detection system that was not able
to detect the defective part before it became a problem. The lack of
detection of a defective product is a problem of its own and must be
treated independently than the product problem itself.