Revised Schedules - Jalgaon City Road

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National Highways Authority of India Revised Schedules



Improvement of NH-53 passing through Jalgaon City to four

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National Highways Authority of India Revised Schedules


Improvement of NH-53 passing through Jalgaon City to four

lane along with construction of VUPs & PUP in the State of Page 2 of 59
National Highways Authority of India Revised Schedules

(See Clauses 2.1 and8.1)


1. The Site

1.1 Site of the Project Highway shall include the land, buildings, structures and
road works as described in Annex-I of this Schedule-A.

1.2 The dates of handing over the Right of Way to the Contractor are specified in
Annex-II of this Schedule-A.

1.3 An inventory of the Site including the land, buildings, structures, road works,
and any other immovable property on, or attached to, the Site shall be
prepared jointly by the Authority Representative and the Contractor, and
such inventory shall form part of the memorandum referred to in Clause
8.2.1 of this Agreement.

1.4 The alignment plans of the Project Highway are specified in Annex-III. In
case of sections where no modification in the existing alignment of the
Project Highway is contemplated, the alignment plan has not been provided.
Alignment plans have only been given for sections where the existing
alignment is proposed to be upgraded. The proposed profile of the Project
Highways shall be followed by the contractor with minimum FRL as indicated
in the alignment plan. The contractor, however, improve/upgrade the Road
Profile as indicated in Annexure-III based on site/design requirement.

1.5 The status of the environment clearances obtained or awaited is given in

Annex IV.

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Annex - I
1. Site

The Site of the Four-Lane Project Highway comprises the section of NH-6
commencing from km 428.057 to km 435.810 i.e. the Up gradation of Old
NH-6 (AH-46) in Jalgaon city to four lane configuration in the state of
Maharashtra. The land, carriageway and structures comprising the Site are
described below.

2. Land

The Site of the Project Highway comprises the land (existing right of way) as
described below:

Sr. Existing Chainage Design Chainage ROW Width

No. From To From To (In Meter)
1 428.057 435.810 0.157 7.910 60

3. Carriageway

The present carriageway of the Project Highway varies from 7.0 m to 10.0 m.
The type of the existing pavement is flexible.

4. Major Bridges

The Site includes the following Major Bridges:

Type of Structure No. of

S. Chainage Spans with Width
No. (km) Sub- Super- span length
structure structure (m)

5. Railway over Bridges (ROB’s)

The Site includes the following ROB (road over railway line:

Type of Structure No. of Overall

S. Chainage Width ROB/
Spans with span Deck
No. (km) Foundation Superstructure (m) RUB
length(m) width
1 x 8.5 m + 2 x 24
433.772 Open RCC Girder 7.25 8.5 ROB

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6. Grade Separators

The Site includes the following grade separators:

Existing Type of Structure No. of Spans

Sl. No. Chainage with span
Foundation Superstructure (m)
(km) length(m)

7. Minor Bridges

The Site includes the following minor bridges:

No. of
Type of Structure
S. Chainage Spans with Width
No. (km) Sub- Super- span length (m)
structure structure (m)
Arch RCC Solid
1 429.740 Open 3x8 = 24 7.5
Masonry slab

8. Railway level crossings

The Site includes the following railway level crossings:

S. No. Existing Chainage (km) Remarks


9. Underpasses (Vehicular, non vehicular)

The Site includes the following underpasses:

Chainage No. of Spans with Width

S. No. Type of Structure
(km) Span length(m) (m)

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10. Culverts / Slab Drains

The site includes has the Culverts as follows:

Spans/Opening Overall
Existing Design Type of
S. No. x span length Width
Chainage Chainage Culvert
(m)/Pipe dia. (m)
1 430.636 2.736 HPC 1 ROW 900 12 m
2 430.933 3.033 HPC 2 ROW 900 12 m
3 431.622 3.772 HPC 1 ROW 900 12 m
4 432.477 4.577 HPC 1 ROW 900 12 m
5 433.432 5.532 HPC 1 ROW 900 12 m
6 435.017 7.117 HPC 1 ROW 900 12 m
7 432.060 4.160 11 m
8 432.815 4.915 11m

10. Bus bays

The details of bus bays on the Site area as follows:

S. No. Chainage (km) Length (m) Left Hand Side Right Hand Side


11. Truck Lay byes

The details of truck lay byes are as follows:

S.No. Chainage (km) Length(m) Left Hand Side Right Hand Side


12. Roadside drains

The details of the roadside drains are as follows:

S. Location Type
No. From km To km Masonry/cc (Pucca) Earthen (Kutcha)

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13. Major Junctions

The details of major junctions are as follows:

S. Location (chainage in
Side Separated Category of Cross Road
No. km)
1 429.100 BHS + SH & Other
2 430.800 BHS + SH & Other
3 431.350 BHS + OTHER
4 431.800 BHS + OTHER

14. Minor Junctions

The details of minor junctions are as follows:

S. No. Location from km to km Type
1 428.145 Y
2 428.270 Y
3 428.320 Y
4 428.490 Y
5 428.575 Y
6 428.960 Y
7 429.410 +
8 430.465 Y
9 432.200 Y
10 432.200 Y
11 432.285 Y
12 432.620 Y
13 432.770 Y
14 432.775 Y
15 432.890 +
16 433.265 Y
17 433.275 Y
18 433.315 Y
19 433.345 Y
20 433.360 Y
21 434.100 Y
22 434.710 +
23 434.940 Y
24 435.060 +
25 435.495 Y
26 435.580 Y

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15. Bypasses

The details of the existing road sections proposed to be bypassed are as


Chainage (km) Length

S. No. Name of bypass (town)
From km To km (in Km)

16. Other Structures: NIL

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Annex – II
(As per Clause 8.3 (i))

Dates for Providing Right of Way of Construction Zone

The dates on which the Authority shall provide the Right of Way to the
Contractor on different stretches of the site are as stated below:

Location (km) Date of

Length Width
Sl. No Providing
(km) (m)
From km To Km Right of Way
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5]

[i] Full Right of Way At the time of

428.057 435.810 7.753 60
(full width) Appointed date

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Annex – III


Alignment Plan

The existing alignment of the Project Highway shall be modified in the

following sections as per the alignment plan indicated below:

(i) The alignment of the Project Highway is enclosed in alignment plan. Finished
road level indicated in the alignment plan shall be followed by the contractor
as minimum FRL. In any case, the finished road level of the project highway
shall not be less than those indicated in the alignment plan. The contractor
shall, however, improve/upgrade the Road profile as indicated in Annex-III
based on site/design requirement.

(ii) Traffic Signage plan of the Project Highway showing numbers & location of
traffic signs is enclosed. The contractor shall, however, improve/upgrade upon
the traffic signage plan as indicated in Annex-III based on site/design
requirement as per IRC: SP: 84- 2014.

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Annex - IV

Environment Clearances

As per Govt. of India Gazette notification no. 1960 dated 22nd August, 2013, the
environment clearance is not required in linear projects less than 100 km length
where land acquisition is less than 40m / 60m in existing road and bypass
respectively. Hence environment clearance is exempted in this package

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(See Clauses 2.1)


1. Development of the Project Highway

Improvement of NH-53 passing through Jalgaon City to four lane along with
construction of VUPs & PUP in the State of Maharashtra on EPC mode
shall include design and construction of the Project Highway as described in
this Schedule-B and in Schedule-C.

2. Rehabilitation and augmentation

Rehabilitation and augmentation shall include four lane of the Project

Highway as described in Annex-I of this Schedule-B and in Schedule-C.

3. Specifications and Standards

Improvement of NH-53 passing through Jalgaon City to four lane along with
construction of VUPs & PUP in the State of Maharashtra on EPC mode shall
be designed and constructed in conformity with the Specifications and
Standards specified in Annex-I of Schedule-D.

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Annex – I
(Schedule – B)

Description of Four Laning

1. Widening Of The Existing Highway

(i) The Project Highway shall follow the existing alignment unless otherwise
specified by the Authority and shown in the alignment plans specified in
Annex-III of Schedule-A. Geometric deficiencies, if any, in the existing
horizontal and vertical profiles shall be corrected as per the prescribed
standards for plain terrain to the extent land is available.

(ii) Width of Carriageway

(a) Four Laning without paved shoulders shall be undertaken. The paved
carriageway shall be 7.5 m wide in accordance with the typical cross
sections drawings in the Manual.

Sl. Location (km to km) Width Typical cross section

No. From km To km (m) (Ref. to Manual)

1 0.157 7.910 7.5x2 TCS-1,TCS-2,TCS-3

(b) Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement the width of the

carriageway and cross sectional features shall conform to paragraph 1.1


(i) General

Geometric design and general features of the Project Highway shall be in

accordance with section 2 of the Manual.

(ii) Design speed

The design speed as per IRC: 86-1983 for urban section of the road and
IRC: SP: 84-2014 for other section shall be adopted.

(iii) Improvement of the existing road geometrics

In the following sections, where improvement of the existing road geometrics

to the prescribed standards is not possible, the existing road geometrics shall
be improved to the extent possible within the given right of way and proper
road signs and safety measures shall be provided:

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Sl. No. Stretch (from km to km) Type of deficiency Remark


(iv) Right of Way

Details of Right of Way are as given below.

Design Chainage
Sr. No Existing ROW Proposed ROW
From To
1 0.157 7.910 60 m 60 m

(v) Type of shoulders

(a) In built-up sections, footpaths/fully paved shoulders shall be provided in

the following stretches:

Stretch (from Fully paved Reference to cross

Sl. No.
km to km) shoulders/footpaths section

(b) Earthen shoulders of 1.5 m width shall be provided on both side of road
given in TCS-1.

(c) Design and specifications of paved shoulders and granular material

shall conform to the requirements specified in IRC-SP-84-2014

(vi) Lateral and vertical clearances at underpasses

(a) Lateral and vertical clearances at underpasses and provision of

guardrails/crash barriers shall be as per paragraph 2.11 of the Manual.

(b) Lateral clearance: The width of the opening at the underpasses shall
be as follows:

Location (Chainage)
Sl. No. Span/opening (m) Remark
(from km to km)
1 3.930 2x12.0 x5.5 VUP
2 6.810 2x12.0 x5.5 VUP
3 7.160 2x12.0 x5.5 VUP
4 7.040 1x7.0 x 3.0 PUP

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(vii) Lateral and vertical clearances at overpasses

(a) Lateral and vertical clearances at underpasses and provision of

guardrails/crash barriers shall be as per paragraph 2.12 of the Manual.

(b) Lateral clearance: The width of the opening at the underpasses shall
be as follows:

Location (Chainage)
Sl. No. Span/opening (m) Remark
(from km to km)

(viii) Service Roads /Slip roads

Service roads/Slip roads shall be constructed at the locations and for the
lengths indicated below:

Service Roads/slip roads with the carriageway width of 5.5 m on both sides
shall be provided as per TCS attached along the length of VUP/PUP.

Design Chainage Right hand side (RHS)/ Length of

(Km) Left hand side (LHS)/ or service road
From To Both sides (km)
1 3.610 4.450 Both Sides 0.840
2 6.453 7.700 Both Sides 1.247

(ix) Grade separated structures

(a) Grade separated structures shall be provided as per paragraph 2.14 of

the Manual. The requisite particulars are given below:

Number and
Sl. Location of Length Approach Remarks,
length of spans
No. Structure (m) gradient if any
1 in 40
1 3.930 6.55 2x12.0 x5.5 VUP
1 in 40
2 6.810 6.55 2x12.0 x5.5 VUP
1 in 40
3 7.160 6.55 2x12.0 x5.5 VUP
1 in 40
4 7.040 8.0 1x7.0 x 3.0 PUP

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(b) In the case of grade separated structures, the type of structure and the
level of the Project Highway and the cross roads shall be as follows:
[Refer to paragraphs 2.14.2 of the Manual and specify the type of
vehicular under pass/ overpass structure and whether the cross road is
to be carried at the existing level, raised or lowered]

Type of Cross road at

Sl No. Location structure Existing Raised Lowere if any
length (m) Level Level d Level

(c) Cattle and pedestrian underpass /overpass :- Cattle and pedestrian

underpass/ overpass shall be constructed as follows: [Refer to
paragraphs 2.14.3 of the Manual and specify the requirements of cattle
and pedestrian underpass/ overpass]

Sl. No. Location Type of crossing


(x) Typical cross-sections of the Project Highway

The Typical cross sections for the Project Highway are given in Appendix B-


All intersections and grade separators shall be as per Section 3 of the

Manual. Existing intersections which are deficient shall be improved to the
prescribed standards.

Properly designed intersections shall be provided at the locations and of the

types and features given in the tables below:

(i) At-grade Major/ Minor intersections

(a) Major Intersections

Location of
Sl. Type of
Intersection Other Features
No. intersection
A properly designed At grade
rotary shall be provided at the
1 1.275 +
intersection the minimum radius of
rotary shall be 15 m

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A properly designed At grade

rotary shall be provided at the
2 2.930 +
intersection the minimum radius of
rotary shall be 10 m
A properly designed At grade
rotary shall be provided at the
3 3.570 +
intersection the minimum radius of
rotary shall be 15 m
4 3.930 + City Roads

(b) Minor Intersections

Location of Type of
Sl. No. Other Features
Intersection Chainage intersection
1 0.245 Y City Roads
2 0.370 Y City Roads
3 0.420 Y City Roads
4 0.590 Y City Roads
5 0.675 Y City Roads
6 1.060 Y City Roads
7 1.510 + City Roads
8 2.565 Y City Roads
9 4.230 Y City Roads
10 4.250 Y City Roads
11 4.385 Y City Roads
12 4.720 Y City Roads
13 4.870 Y City Roads
14 4.875 Y City Roads
15 4.990 + City Roads
16 5.365 Y City Roads
17 5.375 Y City Roads
18 5.415 Y City Roads
19 5.445 Y City Roads
20 5.460 Y City Roads
21 6.200 Y City Roads
22 6.810 + City Roads
23 7.040 Y City Road
24 7.160 + City Road
25 7.595 Y City Roads
26 7.680 Y City Roads

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(ii) Grade separated intersection with/without ramps :

Road to be
Minimum length of
Sl. Salient carried
Location viaduct to be
No. features over/under the


(i) Widening and improvement of the existing road embankment/cuttings and

construction of new road embankment/ cuttings shall conform to the
Specifications and Standards given in Section 4 of the Manual and the
specified cross sectional details. Deficiencies in the plan and profile of the
existing road shall be corrected.

(ii) The Raising of the existing road

The existing road shall be raised in the following sections:

Extent of raising [Top of

Sl. No. Section (from km to km) Length
finished road level]


(i) Pavement design shall be carried out in accordance with Section 5 of the

(iii) Type of pavement

Type of Pavement shall be as of the existing road i.e. widening of existing

Flexible Pavement with flexible pavement.

(iv) Design requirements

Pavement design shall be done as per the section 5 of the manual and IRC:

(a) Design Period and strategy

Flexible pavement for new pavement or for widening and strengthening of
the existing pavement shall be designed for a minimum design period of
15 years whereas rigid pavement shall be designed for minimum design
period of 30 years. Stage construction shall not be permitted

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(b) Design Traffic

Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Agreement or

the Manual, the Contractor shall design the pavement for design traffic of
30 Million Standard Axel. In case the traffic is more than specified above
at the time of the traffic survey done by EPC contractor at the time of
design of project highway, then the higher traffic shall be adopted for
The service/slip road shall be designed for 10 Million Standard Axel

(c) Pavement Composition

Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Agreement or

the Manual, the minimum pavement composition for New /widened
Flexible/Rigid pavement to be adopted by the contractor shall be as

Flexible Pavement for new carriageway/ widening of existing


Wearing Course (BC), mm 50

Binder Course (DBM), mm 75
Base Course (WMM), mm 250
Granular Sub-base Course (GSB), mm 200
Sub-grade layers, mm 500
Bitumen Grade VG-40

New Service/slip roads

Wearing Course (BC), mm 40

Binder Course (DBM), mm 60
Base Course (WMM), mm 250
Granular Sub-base Course (GSB), mm 200
Sub-grade layers, mm 500
Bitumen Grade VG-40

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(v) Reconstruction /overlay stretches

The following stretches of the existing road shall be reconstructed. These

shall be designed as new pavement.

Sl. No. Stretch from km to km Remarks

1 0.157 to 7.910

The composition for overlay for Main Carriageway (Existing)

Wearing Course (BC), mm 50

Binder Course (DBM), mm 75
Bitumen Grade VG-40


Drainage system including surface and subsurface drains for the Project
Highway shall be provided as per Section 6 of the Manual. The earthen drain
shall be provided. The actual length of the drains shall be determined by the
Contractor keeping in view the drainage location and in accordance with the
Manual requirements with approval from the Authority's Engineer.

7 Design of Structures

(i) General

(a) All bridges, culverts and structures shall be designed and constructed in
accordance with Section 7 of the Manual and shall conform to the cross-
sectional features and other details specified therein.

(b) Width of the carriageway of new bridges and structures shall be as


Width of carriageway and cross

Sl. No. Bridge at km
sectional features*

(c) The following structures shall be provided with footpaths:

Sl. No. Location at km Remarks


(d) All bridges shall be high-level bridges – NIL

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(e) The following structures shall be designed to carry utility services

specified in table below:

Utility service to be
Sl. No. Bridge at km Remarks

(f) Cross-section of the new culverts and bridges at deck level for the
Project Highway shall conform to the typical cross-sections given in
section 7 of the Manual.

(ii) Culverts:

The final width of culvert should cover entire Roadway width. The contractor
shall provide the cross pipes for Drain at all intersection (1200mm NP4)

(a) Overall width of all culverts across approach roads shall match the roadway
width of the approach roads.

(b) Reconstruction of Existing Culverts / Slab drains:

The existing culverts at the following locations shall be dismantle & construct
as new culverts.

Sr. Design Type of Spans/Opening x span Overall

No. Chainage Culvert length (m)/Pipe dia. Width (m)
1 2.736 HPC 1 ROW 1200 22 m
2 3.033 HPC 2 ROW 1200 22 m
1 ROW 1200 22 m
3 3.772 HPC or as per
4 4.577 HPC 1 ROW 1200 22 m
5 5.532 HPC 1 ROW 1200 22 m
1 ROW 1200 22 m
6 7.117 HPC or as per
7 4.160 1 SPAN @ 3.00M or as per
8 4.915 SLAB DRAIN 1 SPAN @ 3.00M 22 m

(Above Numbers and width given are indicative can be increased as per the site

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(c) Widening of existing culverts:

All existing culverts which are not to be reconstructed shall be widened to

the roadway width of the Project Highway as per the typical cross section
given in section 7 of the Manual. Repairs and strengthening of existing
structures where required shall be carried out.

Sl. Culvert Type, span, height and width Repairs to be

No. Location of existing culverts carried out

(d) Additional new culverts shall be constructed on cross roads as per particulars
given in the table below:

Sl. Spans/Opening x span Overall

Culverts Location
No. length (m)/Pipe dia. Width (m)

1. 0.245 1 ROW 1200 As per site.

2. 0.370 1 ROW 1200 As per site.
3. 0.420 1 ROW 1200 As per site.
4. 0.596 1 ROW 1200 As per site.
5. 0.675 1 ROW 1200 As per site.
6. 1.060 1 ROW 1200 As per site.
7. 1.275 1 ROW 1200 As per site.
8. 1.510 1 ROW 1200 As per site.
9. 2.565 1 ROW 1200 As per site.
10. 2.930 1 ROW 1200 As per site.
11. 3.570 1 ROW 1200 As per site.
12. 3.930 1 ROW 1200 As per site.
13. 4.230 1 ROW 1200 As per site.
14. 4.250 1 ROW 1200 As per site.
15. 4.385 1 ROW 1200 As per site.
16. 4.720 1 ROW 1200 As per site.
17. 4.870 1 ROW 1200 As per site.
18. 4.875 1 ROW 1200 As per site.
19. 4.990 1 ROW 1200 As per site.
20. 5.365 1 ROW 1200 As per site.
21. 5.375 1 ROW 1200 As per site.
22. 5.415 1 ROW 1200 As per site
23. 5.445 1 ROW 1200 As per site
24. 5.460 1 ROW 1200 As per site
25. 6.200 1 ROW 1200 As per site

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26. 6.810 1 ROW 1200 As per site

27. 7.040 1 ROW 1200 As per site
28. 7.160 1 ROW 1200 As per site
29. 7.595 1 ROW 1200 As per site
30. 7.680 1 ROW 1200 As per site

(e) Repairs/replacements of railing/parapets, flooring and protection works of the

existing culverts shall be undertaken as follows:

Sl. No. Location at km Type of repair required


(f) Floor protection works shall be as specified in the relevant IRC Codes and

(iii) Bridges

(a) Existing bridges to be re- constructed/widened

(i) The existing bridges at the following locations shall be re-constructed as

new Structures

Bridge Adequacy or otherwise

Sl. Salient details of
location of the existing waterway, Remarks
No. existing bridge
(km) vertical clearance, etc*


(ii) The following Minor bridges shall be widened:

Cross-section at
Sl. Existing Extent of
Location (km) deck
No. width (m) widening (m)
level for widening
1 1.840 8.50 12.5 TCS-2

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(b) Additional new bridges

New bridges at the following locations on the Project Highway shall be

constructed. GADs for the new bridges are attached in the drawings folder.

Sl. No. Location (km) Total length (m) Remarks, if any


(c) The railings of existing bridges shall be replaced by crash barriers at the
following locations:

Sl. No. Location at km Remarks


(d) Repairs/replacements of railing/parapets of the existing bridges shall be

undertaken as follows:

Sl. No. Location at km Remarks


(e) Drainage system for bridge decks:

An effective drainage system for bridge decks shall be provided as

specified in paragraph 7.21 of the Manual

(f) Structures in marine environment: Nil

(iv) Rail-road bridges

(a) Design, construction and detailing of ROB/RUB shall be as specified in

section 7 of the Manual.

(b) Road over-bridges

Location of Level crossing (Chainage km) Length of bridge (m)

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(c) Road under-bridges:

Sl. Number and length of

Location of Level crossing (Chainage km)
No. span (m)

(v) Grade separated structures – NIL

(vi) Repairs and strengthening of bridges and structures

The existing bridges and structures to be repaired/strengthened, and the

nature and extent of repairs /strengthening required are given below:

(a) Bridges

Sl. Nature and extent of repairs

Location of bridge (km)
No. /strengthening to be carried out


Sl. Location of ROB/RUB Nature and extent of repairs

No. (km) /strengthening to be carried out
Replacement of wearing coat, minor
defects and deficiencies to be
1 5+872 repaired. Inspection of bearings and
expansion joints and
repair/replacement if required

(c) Overpasses/Underpasses and other structures

Sl. No. Location of Structure Nature and extent of repairs

(km) /strengthening to be carried out

(vii) List of Major Bridges and Structures

The following is the list of the Major Bridges and Structures:

Sl. No. Location


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(i) Traffic control devices and road safety works shall be provided in
accordance with relevant Section 9 of the Manuals.

a) Traffic Signs: Traffic signs include roadside signs, overhead signs and curb
mounted signs along the entire Project Highway.

b) Pavement Marking: Pavement markings shall cover road marking for the
entire Project Highway.

c) Safety Barrier: Provide W-beam crash barrier along the project highway at
the locations as suggested in Manual.

(ii) Specifications of the reflective sheeting.

Retro reflective sheeting should be of high intensity grade with encapsulated

lens or with micro prismatic retro reflective element in accordance with ASTM
Standard D-4956 - 09.


(i) Roadside furniture shall be provided in accordance with the provisions of

Section 9 of the Manual.

a) The various required road signboards of size and shape mentioned in the
manual shall be provided as per the need.

b) Pedestrian Crossings: Provide pedestrian crossing facilities.

c) Overhead traffic signs: location: 5 Nos

Note: The exact location of Signs and size shall be finalized as per provisions
in Manual and as per site conditions.

d) Delineators: Delineators for the entire Project Highway shall be provided at

the locations as suggested in section 9 of the Manual.

e) Reflective Pavement Markers: Cats Eyes / Road studs/Raised Pavement

Markers for the entire Project Highway shall be provided in accordance with
the provisions of Section 9 of the Manual.

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(ii) Diversion Road : Nil

Road diversion shall be provided within existing ROW for up-gradation of

existing road. The carriageway width of diversion road shall not be less than
5.50m as per IRC and MORTH specification. However, traffic management
during construction shall be as per manual.

10. Compulsory Afforestation

The number of trees which are required to be planted by the contractor as

compensatory forestation should be as per Forest Conservation Act, at least
twice the number of trees to be cut.


(i) The safety barriers / W-beam crash barriers shall be provided in the
approaches of culverts, high bank locations, curves as per the
provisions of the manual.

(ii) Side slope shall be protected by using suitable slope protection

measures like pitching works as per IRC

(iii) Retaining wall /Toe wall shall be provided as per site requirement.

12. Miscellaneous Works

Utility ducts: One utility crossing with 600 mm Dia pipe across the roadway
width with all sub-base treatment and flexible pavement at the top shall be
provided at every 500 m as interval in habituated area.

13. Change of Scope

The length of Structures and bridges specified hereinabove shall be treated

as an approximate assessment. The actual lengths as required on the basis
of detailed investigations shall be determined by the Contractor in accordance
with the Specifications and Standards. Any variations in the lengths specified
in this Schedule-B shall not constitute a Change of Scope, save and except
any variations in the length arising out of a Change of Scope expressly
undertaken in accordance with the provisions of Article 13.

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Appendix B – 1

Applicable Stretches of Typical Cross-Sections

Design Chainage
Length (m) Type of Cross section
From To
0.157 7.910 7753 TCS-1
For Structures (Chainages as per Schedule B) TCS-2
Bus Bays TCS-4
Typical cross section schedule given above is indicative

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(See Clause 2.1)

Project Facilities for Four Laning

1 Project Facilities
The Contractor shall construct the Project Facilities described in this Annex-I
to form Four Lane Project Highway. The Project Facilities shall include:
(a) Toll plaza;
(b) Roadside furniture;
(c) Pedestrian facilities;
(d) Landscaping and Tree plantation;
(e) Truck lay-bys;
(f) Bus-bays and bus shelters; and
(g) Way Side Amenities
(h) Others
1. Street Lighting
2. A.T.M.S
3. Traffic aid posts
4. Medical aid posts
5. Antiglare Device

2 Description of Project Facilities

Each of the Project Facilities is described below showing:
Sl. Project Location / Design Chainage Design
No. Facility (Km) Requirement
1 Toll Plaza Nil
2 Roadside Furniture
As per
i Road Signs Entire Project Highway
Schedule D
5 Nos location to be finalised As per
ii Mounted
in consultation with AE/NHAI Schedule D
Sign Boards
Road As per
iii Entire Project Highway
Markings Schedule D
As per
iv Marker Entire Project Highway
Schedule D
1. At Embankment greater
Crash than 3m. As per
barrier 2. On outer side of all Schedule D
Horizontal curve radius less

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Sl. Project Location / Design Chainage Design
No. Facility (Km) Requirement
than 450 m and deflection
angle greater than 20

Road As per
vi Entire Project Highway
Delineators Schedule D
Boundary As per
vii Entire Project Highway
stones Schedule D
As per
viii /Kilometer Entire Project Highway
Schedule D
Along separator between
service road and main As per
ix MS Railing
carriageway in Built up Schedule D
The pedestrian facilities shall
include the provision of the:
1. Pedestrian guardrail shall
be provided at each Bus
bay location
2. Footpath shall be provided
in Built-Up sections on
Pedestrian As per
3 both sides.
Facilities Schedule D
3. Pedestrian Crossing
facilities shall be provided
in Built-Up areas, Junction
locations, Near schools,
Service Road locations to
be decided by Authority
The landscaping and tree
Landscapin plantation shall include the
As per
4 g and Tree provision of the Landscaping
Schedule D
Plantation at Median and Avenue trees
along the project highway.
Truck Lay-
5 Nil
6 Bus Bays Bus Bays and Bus Shelter As per

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Sl. Project Location / Design Chainage Design
No. Facility (Km) Requirement
and Bus Design Schedule D
Side (Left /
Shelter Chainage
1.210 Both
3.500 Both
4.500 Both
7.560 Both



Suitable Anti-Glare measures

such as plastic screens shall
be provided at the center of
Anti-Glare As per
9 median to reduce head light
Device Schedule D
glare from opposite traffic in
Built-Up areas with narrow

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(See Clauses 2.1)


1. Construction

The Contractor shall comply with the Specifications and Standards set forth
in Annex-I of this Schedule-D for construction of the Project Highway.

2. Design Standards

The Project Highway including project facilities shall conform to design

requirements set out in Manual of specifications and standards for FOUR
Laning of Highways(IRC: 84-2014), referred to herein as the Manual and
IRC: 86-1983 for urban roads.

3. Construction of Flexible Pavement

The construction of Flexible Pavement shall conform to the provisions to

clause 500 of standards and specifications of Indian Roads Congress
(MORTH) Fifth Revision-2013 with the construction of Flexible pavement.

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Specifications and Standards for Four Laning

1. Manual of Specifications and Standards to apply

Subject to the provisions of Paragraph 2 of this Annex-I, Four Laning of

the Project Highway shall conform to the “IRC: SP: 84-2014, Manual of
Specifications and Standards for Four Laning of Highways” (Referred as
Manual). IRC-86/1983 shall be referred for the provisions in urban area.

2. Deviations from the Manual

2.1 The terms “Concessionaire”, “Independent Engineer” and “Concession
Agreement” used in the Manual shall be deemed to be substituted by the
terms “Contractor”, “Authority’s Engineer” and “Agreement” respectively.

2.2 Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in the aforesaid

Manual, the following specifications and standards shall apply to the Four
lane Project Highway and for purpose of this agreement; the aforesaid
manual shall be deemed to be amended to the extent set forth below.

Sl. Clause
Description Deviation
No. No.
1 Cl. 12.6 Bus Bays &Bus Considering frequency of buses
shelters on the project highway and total
traffic volume on the project
highway It is proposed to
accommodate the bus shelters
within available ROW in order to
reduce the land acquisition. It is
proposed to adopt the layout of
bus bays and bus shelters as per
2 CL 2.17 Typical cross sections It is proposed to adopt sections
as per TCS-1, TCS-2, TCS-3.

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3 Cl. 2.2 Design Speed The road passes through the city
and has a mixed traffic and
residential and commercial
habitations exist all along the
section, hence, the design speed
in the habitat area is restricted to
60 kmph due to ROW constraint.
The IRC 86/1983 clause no. 4.1
shall be referred to for the
provisions in urban area
4 Cl. 3.2 At Grade Intersections Junction to be developed within
extent of ROW available.
5 cl. 4.2.1 The height of Being a habitat area, the existing
embankment shall be road profile shall be followed.
measured with
respect to finished
road levels. The
following principles
shall be kept in view
while fixing road level.
I) No section of road is
overtopped. Top of
sub grade shall be at
least 0.5m above the
general ground level.

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(See Clauses 2.1 and 14.2)

Maintenance Requirements

1. Maintenance Requirements
(i) The Contractor shall, at all times maintain the Project Highway in accordance with
the provisions of this Agreement, Applicable Laws and Applicable Permits.
(ii) The Contractor shall repair or rectify any Defect or deficiency set forth in
Paragraph 2 of this Schedule-E within the time limit specified therein and any
failure in this behalf shall constitute non-fulfillment of the Maintenance obligations
by the Contractor. Upon occurrence of any breach hereunder, the Authority shall
be entitled to effect reduction in monthly lump sum payment as set forth in Clause
14.6 of this Agreement, without prejudice to the rights of the Authority under this
Agreement, including Termination thereof.
(iii) All Materials, works and construction operations shall conform to the MORTH
Specifications for Road and Bridge Works, and the relevant IRC publications.
Where the specifications for a work are not given, Good Industry Practice shall be

2. Repair/rectification of Defects and deficiencies

The obligations of the Contractor in respect of Maintenance Requirements shall
include repair and rectification of the Defects and deficiencies specified in Annex -
I of this Schedule-E within the time limit set forth therein.

3. Other Defects and deficiencies

In respect of any Defect or deficiency not specified in Annex - I of this Schedule-E,
the Authority’s Engineer may, in conformity with Good Industry Practice, specify
the permissible limit of deviation or deterioration with reference to the
Specifications and Standards, and any deviation or deterioration beyond the
permissible limit shall be repaired or rectified by the Contractor within the time limit
specified by the Authority’s Engineer.

4. Extension of time limit

Notwithstanding anything to the contrary specified in this Schedule-E, if the nature
and extent of any Defect or deficiency justifies more time for its repair or
rectification than the time specified herein, the Contractor shall be entitled to
additional time in conformity with Good Industry Practice. Such additional time
shall be determined by the Authority’s Engineer and conveyed to the Contractor
and the Authority with reasons thereof.

5. Emergency repairs/restoration
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Schedule-E, if any
Defect, deficiency or deterioration in the Project Highway poses a hazard to safety
or risk of damage to property, the Contractor shall promptly take all reasonable
measures for eliminating or minimizing such danger.

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6. Daily inspection by the Contractor

The Contractor shall, through its engineer, undertake a daily visual inspection of
the Project Highway and maintain a record thereof in a register to be kept in such
form and manner as the Authority’s Engineer may specify. Such record shall be
kept in safe custody of the Contractor and shall be open to inspection by the
Authority and the Authority’s Engineer at any time during office hours.

7. Pre-monsoon inspection / Post-monsoon inspection

The Contractor shall carry out a detailed pre-monsoon inspection of all bridges,
culverts and drainage system before 1st June every year in accordance with the
guidelines contained in IRC: SP35. Report of this inspection together with details
of proposed maintenance works as required on the basis of this inspection shall be
sent to the Authority’s Engineer before the 10th June every year. The Contractor
shall complete the required repairs before the onset of the monsoon and send to
the Authority’s Engineer a compliance report. Post monsoon inspection shall be
done by the 30th September and the inspection report together with details of any
damages observed and proposed action to remedy the same shall be sent to the
Authority’s Engineer.

8. Repairs on account of natural calamities

All damages occurring to the Project Highway on account of a Force Majeure
Event or wilful default or neglect of the Authority shall be undertaken by the
Authority at its own cost. The Authority may instruct the Contractor to undertake
the repairs at the rates agreed between the Parties.

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Annex – I
Repair/rectification of Defects and deficiencies

The Contractor shall repair and rectify the Defects and deficiencies specified in this
Annex-I of Schedule-E within the time limit set forth in the table below.

Nature of Defect or deficiency Time limit for repair/ rectification

(a) Carriageway and paved shoulders
(i) Breach or blockade Temporary restoration of traffic
within 24 hours; permanent
restoration within 15 (fifteen) days
(ii) Roughness value exceeding2,200 mm in 120 (one hundred and twenty) days
a stretch of 1 km (as measured by a
calibrated bump integrator)
(iii) Pot holes 24 (twenty four) hours
(iv) Any cracks in road surface 15 (fifteen) days
(v) Any depressions, rutting 30 (thirty) days
exceeding 10 mm in road surface
(vi) Bleeding/skidding 7 (seven) days
(vii) Any other defect/distress on the road 15 (fifteen) days
(viii) Damage to pavement edges 15 (fifteen) days
(ix) Removal of debris, dead animals 6 (six) hours
(b) Granular earth shoulders, side slopes, drains and culverts
(i) Variation by more than 1 % in the 7 (seven) days
prescribed slope of camber/cross fall
(shall not be less than the camber on the
main carriageway)
(ii) Edge drop at shoulders exceeding 40 mm 7 (seven) days
(iii) Variationbymorethan15%inthe prescribed 30 (thirty) days
side (embankment) slopes
(iv) Rain cuts/gullies in slope 7 (seven) days
(v) Damage to or silting of culverts and side 7 (seven) days
(vi) Desilting of drains in urban/semi- urban 24 (twenty four) hours
(vii) Railing, parapets, crash barriers 7 (seven) days (Restore
immediately if causing safety
(c) Road side furniture including road sign and pavement marking
(i) Damage to shape or position, poor 48 (forty eight) hours
visibility or loss of retro- reflectivity
(ii) Painting of km stone, railing, parapets, As and when required/ Once every
crash barriers year
(iii) Damaged/missing signs road requiring 7 (seven) days
(iv) Damage to road mark ups 7 (seven) days

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Nature of Defect or deficiency Time limit for repair/ rectification

(d) Road lighting
(i) Any major failure of the system 24 (twenty four) hours
(ii) Faults and minor failures 8 (eight) hours
(e) Trees and plantation
(i) Obstruction in a minimum head- room of 24 (twenty four)hours
5 m above carriage way or obstruction in
visibility of road signs
(ii) Removal of fallen trees from carriageway 4 (four) hours
(iii) Deterioration in health of trees and Timely watering and treatment
(iv) Trees and bushes requiring 30 (thirty) days
(v) Removal of vegetation affecting sight line 15 (fifteen) days
and road structures
(f) Rest area
(i) Cleaning of toilets Every 4 (four) hours
(ii) Defects in electrical, water and sanitary 24 (twenty four) hours
(g) Toll Plaza
(h) Other Project Facilities and
Approach roads
(i) Damage in approach roads, pedestrian 15 (fifteen) days
facilities, truck lay- byes, bus-bays, bus-
shelters, cattle crossings, Traffic Aid
Posts, Medical Aid Posts and service
(ii) Damaged vehicles or debris on the road 4 (four) hours
(iii) Malfunctioning of the mobile crane 4 (four) hours
(a) Superstructure
(i) Any damage, cracks, spalling/ scaling
Temporary measures within 48 (forty eight) hours
Permanent measures within15(fifteen) days or as
specified by the Authority’s
(b) Foundations
(i) Scouring and/or cavitation 15 (fifteen) days
(c) Piers, abutments, return walls and wing walls
(i) Cracks and damages including settlement 30 (thirty) days
and tilting, spalling, scaling
(d) Bearings (metallic) of bridges
(i) Deformation, damages, tilting or shifting 15 (fifteen) days Greasing of
of bearings metallic bearings once in a year
(e) Joints
(i) Malfunctioning of joints 15 (fifteen) days
(f) Other items
(i) Deforming of pads in elastomeric 7 (seven) days

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Nature of Defect or deficiency Time limit for repair/ rectification

(ii) Gathering of dirt in bearings and joints; or 3 (three) days
clogging of spouts,weep holes andvent-
(iii) Damage or deterioration in kerbs, 3 (three) days (immediately within
parapets, handrails and crash barriers 24 hours if posing danger to
(iv) Rain-cuts or erosion of banks of the side 7 (seven) days
slopes of approaches
(v) Damage to wearing coat 15 (fifteen) days
(vi) Damage or deterioration in approach 30 (thirty) days
slabs, pitching, apron, toes, floor or guide
(vii) Growth of vegetation affecting the 15 (fifteen) days
structure or obstructing the waterway
(g) Hill Roads
(i) Damage to retaining wall/breast wall 7 (seven) days
(ii) Landslides requiring clearance 12 (twelve) hours
(iii) Snow requiring clearance 24 (twenty four) hours

Note: Where necessary, the Authority may modify the time limit for repair/rectification, or
add to the nature of Defect or deficiency before issuing the bidding document, with
the approval of the competent authority.

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(See Clause 4.1 (vii)(a))

Applicable Permits
1. Applicable Permits
(i) The Contractor shall obtain, as required under the Applicable Laws, the following
Applicable Permits:
(a) Permission of the State Government for extraction of boulders from quarry;
(b) Permission of Village Panchayats and Pollution Control Board for
installation of crushers;
(c) Licence for use of explosives;
(d) Permission of the State Government for drawing water from river/reservoir;
(e) Licence from inspector of factories or other competent Authority for setting
up batching plant;
(f) Clearance of Pollution Control Board for setting up batchin gplant;
(g) Clearance of Village Panchayats and Pollution Control Board for setting up
asphalt plant;
(h) Permission of Village Panchayats and State Government for borrow
(i) Any other permits or clearances required under Applicable Laws.
(ii) Applicable Permits, as required, relating to environmental protection and
conservation shall have been procured by the Authority in accordance with the
provisions of this Agreement.

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(See Clauses 10.1.4 and 19.3)
Contract Price Weightages

1.1 The Contract Price for this Agreement is Rs (…………)

1.2 Proportions of the Contract Price for different stages of Construction of the
Project Highway shall be as specified below:

Table 1.2.1
Weightage Percentage
in weightage
percentage to
Item Stage for Payment
to the Particular
Contract item
1 2 3 4
Road works 82.77 A- Widening and strengthening of
including existing road (Main Carrigeway)
Road furniture
(excluding (1) Earthwork up to top of the sub grade, 32.41
service roads) shoulders
(2) Granular work (sub-base, base,) 17.92
(3) Bituminous/ concrete work 24.80

(4)Traffic Signage (Road signs, markings,

km. stones, Boundary stones, safety 2.46
devices, Cat eyes, Metal Beam crash
barriers etc)

5) Site Clearance including dismantling 0.22

6) Junction Improvement 8.95

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Weightage Percentage
in weightage
percentage to
Item Stage for Payment
to the Particular
Contract item
B- Minor bridges with traffic diversion,
underpasses, overpasses on existing
road, realignments and bypasses:

1) Minor Bridge with traffic diversion 2.95

(i) Foundation 0.44
(ii) Sub-structure 0.62
(iii)Super-structure (including crash 1.89
barriers etc.

2)V.U.P 7.92
(i) Foundation 1.19
(ii) Sub-structure 1.67
(iii) Super-structure (including crash 5.06
barriers etc

3)P.U.P 0.89
(i) Foundation 0.13
(ii) Sub-structure 0.19
(iii) Super-structure (including crash 0.57
barriers etc
4)Culverts 0.10
(i) Foundation 0.15
(ii) Sub-structure 0.44
(iii) Super-structure (including crash
barriers etc.
A-Widening and repairs of Minor bridges 0.00
Bridge/Minor 6)-Widening and repair of ROB / RUB
Bridge/Culvert i) Foundation 0.00
Works and (ii) Sub-structure 0.00
ROB / RUB (iii) Super-structure (including crash 0.00
barriers etc

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Weightage Percentage
in weightage
percentage to
Item Stage for Payment
to the Particular
Contract item

7)- Widening and repairs of Slab Drains 0.79

(i) Foundation 0.12

(ii) Sub-structure 0.16
iii) Super-structure (including crash
barriers etc. complete) 0.51

D-New rail-road bridges 0.00

Structures 0.00 (i) Foundation 0.00
(elevated (ii) Sub-structure 0.00
sections, (iii) Super-structure (including crash 0.00
reinforced barriers etc. complete)
earth) (iv) Reinforced earth 0.00
Other works 17.23 (1)Portal frames 0.57
(2) Protection work 86.96
a) R.E Wall

(3) Project facilities (Traffic Aid Post,

Vehicle Rescue,
a)Bus Bays ,Truck Lay Buys 3.48
b) Bus Shelters 1.70
(4) Footpths, Kerbs 5.68

(5) Repairs to bridges/ structures

(6) Earthwork in Strucures

(7) Electrification, plantation etc. 1.61

i) Highmast -
ii) Plantation 1.61
iii) Providing Electric Poles

(8) Providing wearing coat Replacement

of bearings, joints

(9) Utility shifting work

(10) Safety and traffic management during

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Weightage Percentage
in weightage
percentage to
Item Stage for Payment
to the Particular
Contract item
(11) Miscellaneous items

1.3 Procedure of estimating the value of work done.

1.3.1 Road works including approaches to minor bridges, Major Bridges and Structures
(excluding service roads).

Procedure for estimating the value of road work done shall be as follows:
Table 1.3.1
Percentage –
Stage of Payment Payment Procedure @
A- Widening and strengthening of 86.76
existing road (Main Carriageway)
(1) Earthwork up to top of the sub- 37.36% Unit of measurement is linear
grade length with half carriageway.
(2) Granular work (sub-base, base, 20.65% Payment of each stage shall
shoulders) be made on pro rata basis on
(3) Bituminous work / concrete work 28.58% completion of a stage in a
length of not less than 500m.
(4) Traffic Signage ( Road signs, 2.84% Payment shall be made for
markings, km. stones, Boundary completed items
stones, safety devices, Cat eyes ,Road
delineators, Metal Beam Crash Barrier,
Bus shelter etc)
(5) Site Clearance including 0.25%
(6) Junction Improvement 10.32%

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Percentage –
Stage of Payment Payment Procedure @
B- Culverts, minor bridges, Cost of completed culverts
underpasses, overpasses on shall be determined on pro
existing road, realignments and rata basis with respect to the
bypasses: total number of culverts.
Payment shall be made on
(1) Culverts (New Additional and 0.69 the completion of each
Widening) culverts

(i) Foundation: On completion of the 15%

foundation work including foundations
for wing and return walls

(ii) Sub-structure: On completion of 21%

abutments, piers up to the
abutment/pier cap
(iii) Super-structure: On completion 64%
of the super structure in all respects
including hand rails/crash barriers, wing
walls, return walls, guide bunds, if any,
tests on completion etc., bridge
complete in all respects and fit for use.
(2) Minor bridges (Widening And 2.95 Cost of each structure shall
Strengthening) be determined on pro rata
basis with respect completion
of each stage of a structure
(i) Foundation: On completion of the 15% as per the Weightage given in
foundation work including foundations this table.
for wing and return walls

(ii) Sub-structure: On completion of 21%

abutments, piers up to the
abutment/pier cap
(iii) Super-structure: On completion 64%
of the super structure in all respects
including hand rails/crash barriers, wing
walls, return walls, guide bunds, if any,
tests on completion etc., bridge
complete in all respects and fit for use.
(3) Cattle/Pedestrian underpasses 0.89 Cost of each structure shall
be determined on pro rata
basis with respect completion
of each stage of a structure
as per the Weightage given in

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National Highways Authority of India Revised Schedules

Percentage –
Stage of Payment Payment Procedure @
this table.
(i) Foundation: On completion of the 15%
foundation work including foundations
for wing and return walls

(ii) Sub-structure: On completion of 21%

abutments, piers up to the
abutment/pier cap
(iii) Super-structure: On completion 64%
of the super structure in all respects
including hand rails/crash barriers, wing
walls, return walls, guide bunds, if any,
tests on completion etc., bridge
complete in all respects and fit for use.
(4) Pedestrian overpasses 0.00
5) Slab Drain 0.79 Cost of each structure shall
be determined on pro rata
basis with respect completion
of each stage of a structure
as per the Weightage given in
this table
(i) Foundation: On completion of the 15%
foundation work including foundations
for wing and return walls

(ii) Sub-structure: On completion of 21%

abutments, piers up to the
abutment/pier cap
(iii) Super-structure: On completion 64%
of the super structure in all respects
including hand rails/crash barriers, wing
walls, return walls, guide bunds, if any,
tests on completion etc., bridge
complete in all respects and fit for use.
(7) Grade separated structures Cost of each structure shall
be determined on pro rata
(a) Vehicular Underpasses 7.92 basis with respect completion
of each stage of a structure
as per the Weightage given in
this table.

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National Highways Authority of India Revised Schedules

Percentage –
Stage of Payment Payment Procedure @
(i) Foundation: On completion of the 15%
foundation work including foundations
for wing and return walls

(ii) Sub-structure: On completion of 21%

abutments, piers up to the
abutment/pier cap
(iii) Super-structure: On completion 64%
of the super structure in all respects
including hand rails/crash barriers, wing
walls, return walls, guide bunds, if any,
tests on completion etc., bridge
complete in all respects and fit for use.


(3) Road side drains and protection Unit of measurement is linear
works length in km. Payment shall
be made on pro-rata basis on
completion of a stage in a
length of not less than 5%
(Five per cent) of the total
(4) Project Facilities Payment shall be made on
a) Bus bays 3.48 pro rata basis for completed
b) Bus Shelters 1.7 facilities.
c) Portal Frames 0.57
Others (Traffic Aid Post, Vehicle
Rescue etc.)
d) Footpath, Kerb 5.68

6 ) Protection work, RE Wall 86.96 Cost of each structure shall

be determined on pro rata
basis with respect completion
of each stage of a structure
as per the Weightage given in

Improvement of NH-53 passing through Jalgaon City to four

lane along with construction of VUPs & PUP in the State of Page 57 of 59
National Highways Authority of India Revised Schedules

Percentage –
Stage of Payment Payment Procedure @
this table

(i) Foundation: On completion of the 15%

foundation work including foundations
for wing and return walls

(ii) Sub-structure: On completion of 21%

abutments, piers up to the
abutment/pier cap

(iii) Super-structure: On completion 64%

of the super structure in all respects
including hand rails/crash barriers, wing
walls, return walls, guide bunds, if any,
tests on completion etc., bridge
complete in all respects and fit for use.
15) Electrification &plantation 1.61 Payment shall be made on
pro rata basis for completed
(a) High-mast -
(b) Plantation 100%
(c) Providing electrical poles -

Note The above weightage percentage is based on base cost i.e. Rs. ……….. Crore

@ For example, if the total length of bituminous work to be done is 100 km, the cost
per km of Bitumonous work shall be determined as follows:

Cost per km = P x weightage for road work x weightage for bituminous work
x (1/L)

Where P = Contract Price

L = Total length in km

Similarly, the rates per km for stages (1), (2), (3), (4) and (5) above shall be
worked out.

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National Highways Authority of India Revised Schedules

1.3.2 Major Bridge works- Nil

2. Procedure for payment for Maintenance

2.1 The cost for maintenance shall be as stated in Clause 14.1.1.

2.2 Payment for Maintenance shall be made in quarterly installments in

accordance with the provisions of Clause 19.7.

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