Flowchart Warehouse
Flowchart Warehouse
Flowchart Warehouse
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The compact vehicle shoul- An employee “picks” the A parcel service delivers
ders the shelf and drives goods; mistakes are virtu- the item to the customer –
it to one of the workplaces. ally eliminated. The item is within the catchment area
This functions so well be- immediately packaged or of Stockholm, Scandinavia’s
cause the shelf units are conveyed to the packing largest conurbation with a
only two meters tall and machine directly next to the population in excess of two
easy to maneuver. truck dock. DB Schenker’s million, delivery is often on
responsibility ends here. the day of the order.
High-rack storage
for large items
Packing machine
Outgoing goods
7 work stations, one for
Incoming goods deliveries and returns
Fast Sophisticated Efficient Compact Flexible Climate-friendly
Significantly higher Technical support for Can be operated by qualified 15 % lower space Can quickly be en- No heating or lighting
picking capacity than maximum permanent staff without the requirement than larged or reduced at necessary in the
manual systems picking quality need for casual workers even a manual facility any time storage section
at peak times