38 KV, 16 Ka, 1200 A: OVR-38 Outdoor Vacuum Recloser Instruction Manual

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OVR-38 Outdoor Vacuum Recloser

38 kV, 16 kA, 1200 A
Instruction Manual

OVR-38 | Instruction Manual 1

Copy Right
This manual and parts thereof must not be reproduced or copied without written permission from ABB, and the
contents thereof must not be imparted to a third party, nor used for any unauthorized purpose.

The data, examples and diagrams in this manual are included solely for the concept or product description and are
not to be deemed as a statement of guaranteed properties. All persons responsible for applying the equipment
addressed in this manual must satisfy themselves that each intended application is suitable and acceptable,
including that any applicable safety or other operational requirements are compiled with. In particular, any risk in
applications where a system failure and/or product failure would create a risk for harm to property or persons
(including but not limited to personal injuries or death) shall be the sole responsibility of the person or entity applying
the equipment and those so responsible are hereby requested to ensure that all measures are taken to exclude or
mitigate such risks.
This product has been designed to be connected to medium voltage distribution networks. It is the sole responsibility
of the person or entity responsible for the network administration to ensure a secure connection to the network and
take necessary measures to protect the product and the network, its system and interface included against any kind
of security breaches, unauthorised access, interference, intrusion, leakage and /or thefts. ABB is not liable for any
such damages and/or losses.

This product is intended to be operated and maintained by qualified personnel, thoroughly trained and
knowledgeable with regard to the associated hazards involved. This publication is written only for such qualified
personnel and is not intended to be a substitute for adequate training and experience in the safety procedures for
this device.
This document has been carefully checked by ABB but deviations cannot be completely ruled out. In case any errors
are detected, the reader is kindly requested to notify the manufacturer. Other than under explicit contractual
commitments, in no event shall ABB be responsible or liable for any loss or damage resulting from the use if this
manual or the application of the equipment.

OVR-38 | Instruction Manual 2

Table of Contents
1.0. This Manual......................................................................................................................................................................05
1.1 Product related safety notices……………………………………………………………………………………………………...
1.2 General Safety Notices……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..05
1.3 Warning Texts and Symbols……………………………………………………………………………………………………….06
2.0 Introduction........................................................................................................................................................................07
3.0 Receiving, handling and storage.........................................................................................................................................07
3.1. Receiving inspection..........................................................................................................................................................07
3.2. Handling............................................................................................................................................................................08
3.3. Storage..............................................................................................................................................................................09
4.0. General description............................................................................................................................................................10
4.1. High voltage assembly.......................................................................................................................................................10
4.1.1. Housing...........................................................................................................................................................................10
4.1.2. Recloser Vacuum Pole...................................................................................................................................................11
4.1.3. Built-in Current and Voltage Sensing………………………….........................................................................................11
4.1.4. Single Coil Magnetic Actuator........................................................................................................................................11
4.1.5. Emergency Manual Trip (k69) handle............................................................................................................................11
4.1.6. Mechanical ON/OFF position Indicator...........................................................................................................................12
4.1.7. Status Auxiliary limit switches.........................................................................................................................................12
4.2. Control...............................................................................................................................................................................12
4.2.1. Control cabinet.............................................................................................................................................................. 12
4.2.2. Auxiliary supply...............................................................................................................................................................13
4.2.3. Actuator Control Unit.......................................................................................................................................................
4.2.4. Rechargeable Batteries...................................................................................................................................................
4.2.5. SERVICE and DISCHARGE modes................................................................................................................................
4.2.6. Control Cable...................................................................................................................................................................
4.2.7. Auxiliary power cable......................................................................................................................................................15
4.2.8. External Auxiliary Supply status monitoring.....................................................................................................................
4.2.9. RER615 control..............................................................................................................................................................16
5.0. Standard production tests..................................................................................................................................................17
6.0. Installation..........................................................................................................................................................................18
6.1. Tests before installation.....................................................................................................................................................18
6.1.1. Vacuum test procedure...................................................................................................................................................18
6.1.2. Contact Resistance..........................................................................................................................................................
6.2. Mounting............................................................................................................................................................................19
6.2.1. Pole mounting .................................................................................................................................................................
6.2.2. Substation mounting.......................................................................................................................................................22
6.3. Grounding…......................................................................................................................................................................25
6.4. Arrester protection ...........................................................................................................................................................25
6.5. Connecting the HV & LV cabinets by Control Cable.........................................................................................................25
6.6. Connecting the Auxiliary Supply........................................................................................................................................25
6.7. Line connections................................................................................................................................................................25
6.8. Final inspections before energizing...................................................................................................................................27
7.0. Operation...........................................................................................................................................................................28
7.1. Closing...............................................................................................................................................................................28
7.2. Opening .............................................................................................................................................................................
7.3. Mechanical opening...........................................................................................................................................................28
7.4. Hot line tag and Close blocking.........................................................................................................................................29
8.0. Inspection and maintenance..............................................................................................................................................33
8.1. Removal of RER615 relay.................................................................................................................................................35
8.2. Removal of Batteries.........................................................................................................................................................35
9.0. Common troubles and trouble shooting........................................................................................................................... 36
10.0 Recloser Recycling Plan……………………………………………………………………………..………………................. 39

OVR-38 | Instruction Manual 3

List of Annexures

Annexure-1: OVR-38 : Recloser Block Diagram..........................................................................................................40

Annexure-2: OVR-38 : Pole mounting procedures ( For rectangular pole)............................................................................
Annexure-3: OVR-38 : Substation mounting procedures …………………...........................................................…… 47
Annexure-4: Connecting HV & LV units by Control Cable.......................................................................................... 53
Annexure-5 : Connecting Auxiliary Supply Cable to LV Cabinet ................................................................................. 54
Annexure-6: Connecting Control Cable to LV Cabinet ............................................................................................... 55
Annexure-7: Typical Rating Plate details ……………...................................................................................................... 56
Annexure-8: LV Cabinet General Arrangement ...........................................................................................................57
Annexure-9: Technical Data . .........................................................................................................................................
Annexure-10: RER615 critical parameter settings………………………………………………………………………….…59
Annexure-11: Typical Functional Characteristics of Sealed Lead Acid Batteries........................................................ 66

List of Illustrations

Figure-1 LV Cabinet lifting details............................................................................................................................... 08

Figure-2 HV Cabinet Lifting details.............................................................................................................................…....
Figure-3 HV Cabinet Overview.......................................................................................................................................
Figure-4 Pole Secondary Cable…………….........................................................................................................................
Figure-5 LV cabinet overview……………………………...............................................................................................12
Figure-6 Actuator Control Unit (ACU)......................................................................................................................... 13
Figure-7 RER615 IED with draw-out case………………………………………………................................................. 16
Figure-8 RER615 Card Connections…….………………………………………………................................................. 16
Figure-9 OVR-38 Pole Mounted : General Arrangement………………………........................................................... 20
Figure-10 OVR-38 Pole Mounted : Grounding Connections…………………………......................................................21
Figure-11 OVR-38 Substation Mounted: General Arrangement………………................................................................
Figure-12 OVR-38 Substation Mounted: Grounding Connections…………………….........................................................
Figure-13 Provisions for Grounding Connections on HV & LV cabinets...............................................................................
Figure-14 Line connections……………………………………………………………............................................................
Figure-15 Manual Opening………………………………………………..................................................................................
Figure-16 Removal of RER615 from it’s case…………….…………………………............................................................
Figure-17 Removal of Batteries………………………….............................................................................................. 35

List of tables:

Table-1 Activation & Deactivation of Hot line tag feature........................................................................................... 29

Table-2 Operation....................................................................................................................................................... 30
Table-3 Recommended Inspection and Maintenance Plan........................................................................................ 33
Table-4 Common troubles & trouble shooting procedures......................................................................................... 36

OVR-38 | Instruction Manual 4

1.0. This Manual
1.1 Product related Safety Notices
The OVR-38 ® medium voltage three phase recloser should be installed within the design limitations as described
on its nameplate and in these instructions. In addition, always follow your company’s safety procedures.

For the safety of the personnel performing maintenance operations on the recloser or connecting equipment, all
components should be electrically disconnected by means of a visible break and securely grounded.
This manual uses terms “ground” & “grounding” as per IEEE. These are equivalent to IEC terms” earth” and
This product is intended to be operated and maintained by qualified personnel, thoroughly trained and
knowledgeable with regard to the associated hazards involved. This publication is written only for such qualified
personnel and is not intended to be a substitute for adequate training and experience in the safety procedures for
this device.
This manual contains terms and expressions commonly used to describe this kind of equipment.
These instructions do not attempt to provide the user of this equipment every possible answer to questions which
may appear in the application, operation and maintenance of the product.

1.2 General Safety Notices

Detailed descriptions of standard repair procedures, safety principles, and service operations are not included. It is
important to note that this document contains some warnings and cautions against some specific service methods
that could cause personal injury to service personnel or could damage equipment or render it unsafe. These
warnings do not cover every conceivable method in which service (whether or not recommended by ABB) may be
performed. Secondly, ABB cannot predict or investigate all potential hazards resulting from all conceivable service
methods. Anyone using service procedures or tools, whether or not recommended by ABB, must be completely
certain that both their personal safety and the safety of the equipment will not be jeopardized by the service method
or tools selected. All information contained in this manual is based on the latest product information available at the
time of printing. The right is reserved to make changes at any time without notice.
Also as improvements in assemblies and parts are made, some parts may differ in appearance that depicted in
illustrations; however functionality will be equivalent.

Working on LV /HV Cabinets & mandatory safety procedures.

Whenever it is required to work on HV &/OR LV units, it is mandatory to follow following minimum procedures:

1.1 Isolate the recloser from the power system on its both sides. Put recloser in OPEN condition by
operating the emergency manual trip handle (yellow handle).
Once recloser is opened, the handle gets locked & blocks close operation both electrically &
mechanically till the handle is reset to its original (not operated) position.
1.2 Confirm the OPEN status of the recloser from the mechanical ON/OFF indicator, from SLD on LCD
display & the indication LEDs on RER615 HMI.
1.3 Always switch OFF the MCBs D10-31 & D10-24 and also lock the SERVICE /DISCHARGE selector
switch in the LV cabinet to DISCHARGE Position.
1.4 Follow the safety warning instructions on various warning labels provided on the LV & HV units
1.5 Remove the control cable from both HV & LV cabinets & cover the 24 pin male connectors by plastic
caps provided.

OVR-38 | Instruction Manual 5

1.3 Warning Texts and Symbols

Warning texts:

Warning texts mentioned are stated based on different degrees of urgency, which should be carefully observed.
These are described below:

Warning Symbols
Following warning symbols may appear on warning sticker as a part of the product.

Although warning hazards are related to personal injury, it is necessary to understand that under certain operational
conditions, operation of damaged equipment may result in degraded process performance leading to personal injury
or death. Therefore, comply fully with all warning and caution notices.

OVR-38 | Instruction Manual 6

2.0. Introduction
In the interest of clarity, a single identification number is used for each individual item throughout this book in every
relevant figure or diagram.

These instructions do not attempt to provide the user of this equipment with every possible answer to questions,
which may occur in the application, operation and maintenance of the product. Also, as improvements in parts and
assemblies are made, some parts may differ in appearance than depicted in illustrations; however, functionality will
be equivalent.

The OVR-38 Recloser is a medium voltage (38 kV), three-phase device incorporating three vacuum interrupters
assembled in poles cast with an advanced Hydrophobic Cycloaliphatic Epoxy (HCEP). Together with the specialized
control functions, the recloser will sense a pickup current (or other pre-configured condition) and automatically open,
or “trip”. After a pre-configured Open Interval Time, the recloser will close again. If the tripping condition still exists,
the recloser will trip again and reclose. The standard OVR-38 Recloser control, the RER615, when set for auto
reclosing on faults ; will allow up to four opening operations (3 reclosing attempts) before the recloser will “lock out”
in the open position.

Satisfactory performance of the recloser is contingent upon correct installation, adequate maintenance and service of
the product. Careful study of these instructions will permit the user to obtain maximum benefit from this device.

3.0. Receiving, handling and storage

Each recloser is assembled and tested at the factory. Prior to shipment, the equipment is thoroughly inspected to
ensure a quality product free from defects. If damage is noticed, call the carrier at once for inspection, and request
an inspection report. Afterwards, file a formal claim with the carrier, supported with the Airway/Roadway Bill. The
local ABB sales office should be notified immediately.

3.1. Receiving inspection

Upon receipt, it is important to inspect the equipment promptly to be certain that the correct material has been
received. In case of shortage, immediately notify the local ABB sales office. Check all parts against the shipping list,
as they are unpacked. Instructions and literature packed with the recloser should be kept with the unit. The low-
voltage control cabinet provides a convenient place to keep the instruction book, certified test reports and approved
/as built drawings. Additional copies, and a certified test report, may be obtained upon request from the local ABB
sales office. Following are the typical parts in which OVR-38 Recloser are shipped from factory.

OVR-38 | Instruction Manual 7

3.2. Handling
Each of the HV and LV cabinets come with welded lifting brackets on the sides of these cabinets for lifting. A four-
point lift is strongly recommended using the loops in these brackets (See Figures 1 & 2). The approximate mass in
Kg is mentioned on the separate rating plates on the HV & LV cabinets.

Figure-1 LV Cabinet lifting detail

Figure-2 HV Cabinet Lifting Details

OVR-38 | Instruction Manual 8

: Exercise care during lifting to avoid damage to the poles.

: Do not place the recloser high voltage unit on an uneven surface. Placing the HV unit on an uneven surface
may cause tilting/galling of the HV unit causing damage to the equipment and injuries to the person nearby.

: Spreader bar should be used if necessary to ensure lifting straps do not press against and damage the poles, &
mechanical ON/OFF indicator.
: Do not use forklift to move recloser as it may damage the mechanical ON/OFF position indicator, Yellow
Trip Handle and associated interlock

3.3. Storage
The HV & LV cabinets must be stored in the upright position to avoid moisture accumulation.
For prolonged storage, indoor storage is recommended. Recommended storage temperature range
is -20 Deg C to + 40Deg C.
The low voltage control cabinet has rechargeable batteries inside. A periodic check of battery voltage
(24V)& periodic charging of the batteries (typically every three months) may be required in case of
prolonged storage. Please refer Annexure-13 of this document for the typical functional characteristics
of lead acid batteries. For the batteries in your control cabinet, please refer to technical documentation
of the respective battery manufacturer. Please also refer the section “Inspection & Maintenance” for
further information.

: If the recloser is not placed in service immediately, it is essential that proper care be exercised in
handling and storage to ensure good operating condition in the future. Please consult ABB if the
recloser will be in storage for an extended period of time before installation.

OVR-38 | Instruction Manual 9

4.0. General description
4.1. High voltage assembly
The high-voltage assembly of the OVR-38 consists of three poles mounted onto a common housing. Each of the
poles is a separate assembly comprised of a vacuum interrupter assembled in a HCEP moulded pole. All the three
pole interrupters are gang operated by a single coil magnetic actuator .

4.1.1. Housing
The bottom cover of the recloser housing (high voltage cabinet) is removable. The ON/OFF position indicator are
visible from ground. The recloser nameplate that shows rating information, serial number, and manufacturing year is
mounted on the front side of the high voltage cabinet. A 50W heater is provided in the high voltage cabinet, to
prevent condensation and must be energized at all times. The MCB for ON/OFF control of this heater is installed in
the Low Voltage cabinet. The high voltage cabinet heater is not provided with thermostat control.

Figure-3 HV Cabinet Overview

OVR-38 | Instruction Manual 10

4.1.2. Recloser Vacuum Pole
The vacuum interrupter is embedded in a pole cast with an advanced Hydrophobic Cycloaliphatic Epoxy (HCEP).
The upper and lower terminals made of ETP copper are embedded in pole.

4.1.3. Built in Current and Voltage Sensing

The current (I) sensing is by current transformer (CT) and voltage (U) sensing is by voltage sensor (VS). The voltage
sensor is a capacitive voltage divider (CVD). The CT & the voltage sensor(s) are embedded in the recloser pole
itself. The pole secondary cable is a shielded cable inside which are the CT & Voltage sensor (CVD) secondary

Combisensor cable
Shielded cable with CT & CVD
Secondary cable

Figure-4 Pole Secondary Cable

: In the event the control cable is disconnected from the recloser, resistors installed across the CT
secondary leads in the high voltage cabinet will prevent voltage build up on the open circuited CT

4.1.4. Single Coil Magnetic Actuator

The single coil actuator gang operates all the three poles through the operating mechanism.

: Disassembly of the magnetic actuator is not allowed. Lubrication or maintenance is not required
and will void the warranty. Should an actuator fail to operate, contact ABB Customer Service Group.

4.1.5. Emergency Manual Trip (k69) Handle

A yellow colour handle is provided on the side of HV cabinet housing. When viewed from front of the cabinet (with
rating plate visible), this handle can be seen on the right hand side of the housing. Recloser can be mechanically
opened by operating this handle from ground level with a standard hook stick (not in ABB’s scope). Please refer the
clause “mechanical opening” under the “operation” section for more information.

OVR-38 | Instruction Manual 11

4.1.6. Mechanical ON/OFF position Indicator
The HV cabinet includes a mechanical ON/OFF position indicator.
The recloser ON (CLOSED)/OFF(OPEN) positions can be viewed from Ground.
a. The IEC colour convention for CLOSE (ON) is RED and OPEN (OFF) is GREEN.
b. The ANSI colour convention for CLOSE (ON) is GREEN and OPEN (OFF) is RED.

The Unit is supplied by default as per IEC convention, unless specifically asked for ANSI convention.

4.1.7. Status Auxiliary limit switches

The status limit switches are mounted in HV cabinet. They are wired to provide the recloser status information to the
protection & control in LV cabinet.

4.2. Control
4.2.1. Control cabinet (LV Cabinet)
A separate weatherproof cabinet, IP-55 rated, houses the low voltage control components. The outer hinged swing
door has provision for padlocking. Two inner hinged swing doors allow front and rear access to the control
components. Other devices are mounted on the side/rear walls of the cabinet.
The floor of the LV cabinet is equipped with removable gland plate to provide entries for Auxiliary power cable,
communication cables, radio modem antenna/cable.
On the inside walls of the control cabinet, there is assigned space for mounting optional radio modem. Contact your
ABB representative for more information.
A 50W thermostatically controlled heater is provided to prevent condensation in the LV cabinet.

Figure-5 LV cabinet overview

OVR-38 | Instruction Manual 12

4.2.2. Auxiliary supply
The actuator control unit (ACU) as well as cubicle heating, illumination require external auxiliary supply. A separate
outdoor type 2X1.5Sq.mm jacketed cable with female socket is required to connect the external auxiliary power to
the LV cabinet. Please refer Annexure-5 for more information.
For the auxiliary supply voltage/frequency applicable for your recloser, please refer the approved/as built/as built
The external auxiliary power is further connected through main MCB to ACU as well as to cubicle heating,
illumination and auxiliary power socket outlet through individual MCBs. A duplex auxiliary power outlet on inner swing
door provides the power required for user’s laptop.

4.2.3. Actuator Control Unit

A dedicated Actuator Control Unit (ACU) requires external auxiliary power at site. It charges the capacitor bank &
back up batteries. It also has inbuilt UPS. It powers the RER615 relay and also provides 7W, 19-30VDC power
supply for Radio Modem (unless specified radio modem is not in ABB’s scope of supply).
ACU is hardwired to relay. It provides external auxiliary supply status & battery status information to RER615 relay.
It receives the OPEN/CLOSE commands from RER615. In case of external auxiliary power failure; ACU works on
battery backup.

Figure-6- Actuator Control Unit (ACU)

4.2.4. Rechargeable Batteries

Two 12 V, 28AH batteries connected in series are securely mounted in the LV cabinet for providing back up power
to ACU in case of external auxiliary power failure. The batteries are protected by miniature circuit breaker. Typically
the battery bank ensures minimal stand-by back up for 48 hours at 20 °C from a fully charged initial condition.
The actual battery backup duration depends upon various site conditions such as:
- Ambient temperature & initial condition of the battery (temperature & storage period before commissioning,
periodic charge/discharge)
- Frequency of external auxiliary power outages & duration of each outage (i.e. the number of charging and
discharging cycles) & depth of each discharge.
- Percent charging (terminal voltage) of the battery at the time of outage of external auxiliary power.
Please refer Annexure-11 of this document for the typical functional characteristics of lead acid batteries.

For additional details it is recommended to refer battery manufacturer documentation. Please also refer the section

OVR-38 | Instruction Manual 13

“Inspection & Maintenance” of this manual..
The charging of the batteries by ACU is temperature compensated. A battery temperature sensor located
near to the battery bank terminals is provided for this purpose. Battery Charging temperature range is -20 + 50°C.
In case of loss of external auxiliary supply, the recloser will work as long as the battery bank voltage remains above
21.5V. At 21.5 V load management algorithm activates within ACU and it disconnects the power feed to Relay
(RER615) & Modem. This causes RER615 & radio modem to switch OFF.
This is the condition, where the unit if in SERVICE mode; both external auxiliary power & battery backup power are
lost. At this condition capacitor bank slowly discharges through ACU & ACU executes the last “safe trip” command
to the recloser, when capacitor voltage drops below 100V. This opens the recloser. It remains in OPEN /OFF state
till the next close operation by the user on resuming the external auxiliary supply at site.
Frequent and long duration shutdowns/outages of external auxiliary power may not allow the battery to charge fully
after resumption of external auxiliary supply. In such cases, the battery bank (not sufficiently charged), further
discharges at higher rate & does not provide the full back up.

- Due to frequent and long duration external power outages, battery frequently undergoes discharge
and charge cycles. This reduces battery capacity, charging efficiency & overall service life.

- Due a consistent long duration outage, if the battery bank voltage drops below 18V (9V per battery)
then this indicates, battery has got deep discharged & now cannot be charged further. Thus at
this point, the battery needs complete replacement by a brand new, fully charged equivalent battery.

- Connection of any additional load to battery is strictly prohibited and ABB will not be liable
for any adverse impact it can create to recloser performance including life of battery.

- For long duration Auxiliary power outages (typically more than 72 hours), it is recommended to
Physically disconnect the battery bank from ACU, by switching OFF the MCB D10-24 in the LV
cabinet. This is to avoid the risk of battery getting deep discharge. Once the Auxiliary supply
resumes, it is mandatory to Switch ON the MCB D10-24 and reconnect the battery to ACU
for charging the battery bank.

OVR-38 | Instruction Manual 14

4.2.5. SERVICE and DISCHARGE modes
A two position (Service & DISCHARGE) selector switch is provided in the LV cabinet. This is to put the unit in
SERVICE (capacitor charging active and operations possible) & Discharge (to discharge the capacitors for any
checks, inspections inside the LV cabinet & ensure operator’s safety.

Service Mode: For normal operation of recloser; the selector switch must be put in service mode & MCBs D10-24 &
D10-31 should be kept ON. In this mode the capacitors are kept fully charged by the ACU.

Discharge Mode: Since the LV cabinet houses charged capacitors, it is mandatory for operator’s safety to put the
unit in Discharge mode & wait till capacitor are fully discharged before any checks, inspections are carried out inside
the LV cabinet. To put the unit in discharge mode, turn the selector switch to discharge position . It is mandatory thatf
the MCBs D10-24 & D10-31 are switched OFF. This way, the external auxiliary supply & batteries are disconnected
from the ACU. Thus Capacitors are no longer charged; instead they are discharged through the discharge circuit.
The LED on the discharge circuit glows only till the capacitor voltage drops below 2V. In this mode the protection &
control is not available for the recloser since external auxiliary power & battery back up to ACU are switched OFF;
which in turn switches OFF the RER615 relay. When the capacitor voltage drops below 100V, recloser is
OPENED/TRIPPED by the “Safe Trip” command by ACU; to ensure that recloser is in OPEN condition in

If in DISCHARGE mode, the Operator chooses not to switch off the MCBs D10-24 & D10-34, ACU remains
connected to external auxiliary supply & batteries. Thus it keeps charging the Capacitor while they are also getting
simultaneously discharged through the discharge circuit. Thus the LED on the discharge circuit (visible on inner
swing door) glows continuously since the capacitors are charged by ACU while they also discharged through the
discharge circuit. Hence it is mandatory to switch OFF the MCBs D10-24 & D10-31 when the selector switch is put in
Discharge position.

4.2.6. Control Cable

For the normal operation, the HV & LV units are required to be connected through a plug-connected, shielded control
cable. The cable is supplied as per specified length, with 24 pin connectors & locking clips on both ends for
connection to 24 pin connector counterparts on the HV & LV cabinets. The cable is also provided with a floating
gland plate, M40 Glands & M40 hexa nut for its proper connection, securing and fixing to the LV cabinet. Please refer
Annexure-4 for more information.

4.2.7. Auxiliary power cable (Optional)

On specific requests only, for connection of external auxiliary power at site, to the LV cabinet; a black coloured
jacketed, 2X1.5Sq.mm auxiliary power cable is supplied. It is provided with a M16 gland, M16 hexa nut & a female
connector on one end for connection to the male connector counterpart in LV cabinet. Please refer Annexure-5 for
more information.

4.2.8. External Auxiliary Supply Status monitoring

In the event of loss of external auxiliary supply (from source) to the ACU, RER615 relay communicates this
information to remote SCADA, through its independent binary input signals. Thus the status of availability of external
auxiliary power to the LV unit can be monitored remotely.

OVR-38 | Instruction Manual 15

4.2.9. RER615 control
The OVR-38 recloser is supplied with the microprocessor-based RER615 Intelligent Electronic Device (IED) from the
ABB Relion control family. This technologically advanced relay integrates all traditional recloser control functions with
new functions, such as three phase inrush and programming flexibility, providing a wide range of metering and
remote control options. For details on programming, operating, and testing the RER615, refer to technical
documentation on the supplied CD, or at www.abb.com. For details on the overall control circuit, refer to the
approved/as built wiring diagram supplied with the recloser.

Figure-7 RER615 IED with draw-out case

The RER615 implements a draw out case design for easy removal and internal upgrades. This design has two main
parts: the frame and the case.

The frame is fixed on the inner swing door of the LV cabinet. The case is removable via a handle and houses various
cards. Please refer figure-8. All card connections are made with terminal blocks that are affixed to the frame of the

Figure-8 RER615 Card Connections

The RER615 is not intended for “hot swapping.” Read section 8.1 before removing the relay from its
case. When the RER615 is removed from its case, the current (I) input terminals automatically short
Circuit the CT inputs. No card should be removed from the RER615 in the field. If removal is required,
contact the ABB Customer Service Group.

The OVR-38 recloser is shipped duly calibrated with the current /voltage correction factors (as applicable)
already applied and set in the RER615 relay. It is mandatory that these correction factors are not modified
after shipment.

RER615 Parameter Settings at the time of shipment from factory:

Other than the “RER615 critical parameter settings “ listed in Section-12 & the rated reclosing cycle in
DARREC1 functional block, rest all parameter settings in RER615 are the “default settings”
as per RER615 technical manual on ABB website.

OVR-38 | Instruction Manual 16

5.0. Standard production tests
Standard factory production tests include:

1. Verification of all wiring per approved wiring diagram.

2. Electrical operation: Close and Open in Local/Remote modes. Overcurrent response and automatic reclosing
through primary injection.
3. Functional checks of manual controls (K69) & associated electrical & mechanical close block
4. Contact resistance measurements on poles.
5. 70kV -1min Power frequency voltage withstand test
6. Minimum Trip and Time-Current Test
7. Partial discharge test
8. No load mechanical operation test.

A standard test report with a summary of results is shipped as a part of documentation package.

OVR-38 | Instruction Manual 17

6.0. Installation
The OVR-38 recloser can be installed in a substation frame, pole-mounting frame, or can be mounted into a
customer supplied structure. However, it is required that in all of the mounting methods the recloser be vertical,
levelled and securely fastened. Follow your company guidelines and various codes for setting the height of the
recloser, securing the frame to the pole or foundation, and making connections.
Before shipping, the OVR-38 recloser control cabinet and high voltage unit is tested as a system at factory. During
installation, the LV cabinet should be matched by serial number with the HV cabinet. The serial number is
mentioned on rating plates provided on each of the LV & HV cabinets.

: All metal mounting frames and structures must be commonly grounded to the grounding grid at site.
For the proper operation of the electronic components it is mandatory that the total impedance of the
grounding grid at site should be less than one Ohm (1 Ohm).
It is also mandatory to ensure that all the grounding connections to the welded star grounding pad
inside the LV cabinet are always intact and secured.

The bend radius of the control cable is 12 inches.

Be careful not to bend the cable below a radius of 12 inches to avoid damage to the cable.

6.1. Tests before installation

6.1.1. Vacuum test procedure

It is recommended to 1minute power frequency voltage withstand test on each interrupter to verify that there has
been no loss of vacuum during transportation or handling. Experience has indicated that while a vacuum interrupter
with the vacuum seal intact will withstand 56 kV AC( 80% of 70kV) across the open contacts, the same interrupter
open to normal atmosphere will flashover at the gap at a much lower voltage.

High voltage applied across an open gap in a vacuum can produce X-ray radiation. No radiation is emitted when the
recloser is closed since no gap exists. Also, when the recloser is open to the specified contact spacing in service or
tested within the voltages specified, X-ray radiation at one meter is below the level of concern. A danger could exist
at voltages above that specified on the rating plate. During the test, it is mandatory that the HV cabinet is properly

- With the recloser in the open position, with a jumper connect all the three upper terminals together. Connect all the
three lower together with a jumper. Ground the lower terminals and the cabinet housing. Connect the high voltage
to the top terminals.

- Stand clear more than three meters before energizing the high voltage source.

- Do not exceed 56kV AC. Do not apply voltage for more than 60 seconds.

- If internal flashover occurs, isolate the phases and test each one independently to identify the defective interrupter.
Any defective pole assembly must be replaced prior to the recloser is installed & placed in service.

OVR-38 | Instruction Manual 18

6.1.2. Contact Resistance
Measure contact resistance with suitable equipment rated not less than 100 A DC. The value of the contact
resistance for each phase should not exceed 40 micro-ohms. Make sure that the current injection leads of contact
resistance measurement kit are connected across the incoming & outgoing terminals of the pole only.

: If the vacuum interrupters/complete poles require replacement, please contact ABB.

6.2. Mounting
The HV Cabinet is shipped with either a pole mounting frame OR substation frame. The next section explains
the recommended installation procedure for each frame type.

: Do not use forklift to move recloser as it may damage the mechanical ON/OFF position indicator,
Yellow Handle and associated interlock.

6.2.1. Pole mounting

For pole frames, perform the following
1. Attach the lifting hooks on the sides of the recloser as indicated in section 3 “Handling”

2. Complete the HV cabinet & LV cabinet mounting on pole, as per detailed procedure in Annexure-2.
Also refer figures 9 &10,
Annexure 2 (A) Cylindrical Pole Mounting Arrangement,
Annexure 2 (B) Rectangular Pole Mounting Arrangement,

3. If Voltage Transformers (VTs) are used, it is recommended to install the frame without the transformers and then
install the VT’s once the recloser and VT mounting brackets (not in ABB’s scope of supply) are on the pole.

4. Make sure all hardware is fastened tightly.

Do not exceed 6000N cantilever force on any of the bushing terminals in any direction. Failure to comply will result in
permanent damage

Follow your company’s instructions for electrical products/assemblies. This operation should be done once it is
secured that; there is no hazard or unsafe condition to the operator, such as energized-or – live conductors.

OVR-38 | Instruction Manual 19

Figure-9 OVR-38 Pole Mounted: General Arrangement

The heights of pole structure and Recloser location shown are for reference purpose only.
These depend on user’s installation.
XXX: To be decided by the user.
Supply of pole is not in ABB’s scope.
OVR-38 | Instruction Manual 20
The grounding cables used shall be same for all components.

Figure-10 OVR-38 Pole Mounted: Grounding Connections

OVR-38 | Instruction Manual 21

6.2.2. Substation mounting
For substation frames, perform the following
1. Attach the lifting hooks on the sides of the recloser as indicated in section 3 “Handling”

2. Complete the HV cabinet & LV cabinet mounting on substation structure, as per detailed procedure in Annexure-3.
Also refer figures 11 & 12)
3. If Voltage Transformers (VTs) are used, it is recommended to install the frame without the transformers and then
install the VT’s once the recloser and VT mounting brackets are on the pole.

4. Make sure all hardware is fastened tightly.

Do not exceed 6000N cantilever force on any of the bushing terminals in any direction.
Failure to comply will result in permanent damage.

Follow your company’s instructions for electrical products/assemblies. This operation should be done once
it is secured that; there is no hazard or unsafe condition to the operator, such as energized-or – live conductors.

OVR-38 | Instruction Manual 22

Figure-11 OVR-38 Substation Mounted : General Arrangement

The heights of the structure and recloser location shown are for reference purpose only. These depend on
user’s installation.
XXX: To be decided by the user.
Supply of support structure is not in ABB's scope of supply.
The structure shown in the figure is only for reference purpose.

OVR-38 | Instruction Manual 23

Figure-12 OVR-38 Substation Mounted : Grounding Connecions

: The grounding cables used shall be same for all components.

OVR-38 | Instruction Manual 24

6.3. Grounding

All metal mounting frames and structures must be commonly grounded to the grounding grid at site. Grounding is
important to ensure proper operation of all electronic components, as well as to prevent penetration of EMC noise
and other transients into the sensitive electronic circuits (RER615 relay, ACU, radios, etc.). Each of the HV & LV
cabinets includes two stainless steel welded grounding pads on their rear for grounding. Each pad is 50X16 Sq.mm
with 2 holes (M8 each) drilled, welded stainless steel pad. Please refer figure 13. 80 Sq.mm cross-section, solid
copper strip is recommended for grounding.
Any voltage transformers used, should be grounded to the main ground wire leading from the recloser HV Cabinet to
ground. It is mandatory that both the high voltage cabinet and low voltage control cabinet are firmly grounded
separately & independently, when installed. See Figures 10 and 12 for more details.For the proper operation of the
electronic components it is mandatory that the total impedance of the grounding grid at site should be less than one
Ohm (1 Ohm). It is also mandatory to ensure that all the grounding connections to the welded star grounding pad
inside the LV cabinet are always intact and secured.

Figure -13 Provisions for Grounding Connections on HV & LV cabinets

6.4. Arrester protection

Surge arresters can be connected on both HV (source and load) sides of the recloser. It is recommended that the
arrester grounds are connected to the recloser ground and continued to the pole ground.
The leads connecting the arresters to recloser pole terminals should be as short as feasible to limit stray inductance
and to maximize the arresters’ effectiveness.
Unless specified, arrestors are not in ABB’s scope of supply.

6.5. Connecting the HV & LV cabinets by Control Cable

For the normal operation, the HV & LV units are required to be connected through a plug-connected, shielded
control cable. The cable is supplied as per specified length, with 24 pin connectors & locking clips on both ends of
the control cable for connection to 24 pin connector counterparts on the HV & LV cabinets. The cable is also
provided with a floating gland plate, M40 Glands & M40 hexa nut for its proper connection and fixing to the LV
cabinet. Please refer Annexure-4 for more information on connecting the control cable.

OVR-38 | Instruction Manual 25

6.6. Connecting the Auxiliary Supply
The control cabinet requires external two wire aux supply. Please refer the approved/as built drawings for the aux.
supply voltage/frequency applicable to your recloser.
A separate outdoor type 2X1.5Sq.mm jacketed cable with female socket is provided to connect the external auxiliary
power to the LV cabinet. Please refer Annexure-5 for more information on connecting auxiliary power to the control

If it is desired to obtain control power from pole mounted VT (PT), then the power rating of VT (PT) should be
minimum 250VA . Unless specified such VT (PT) will not be in ABB’s scope of supply.

Before connecting the external auxiliary power source to the LV cabinet, make sure that the
SERVICE/DISCHARGE selector switch in the LV cabinet is in DISCHARGE mode.
: Please follow the instructions on the warning label provided on the inner swing panel (door).

6.7. Line connections

The recloser is connected in series with the line.

The voltage transformer (VT) used for providing external AC auxiliary power to the LV cabinet, then this VT must be
installed/connected on the source side of the recloser in order to avoid unnecessary drain on the battery backup
system when the circuit is open at the recloser.
The upper & lower terminal connectors fasteners must be torqued to between 50 to 60 Nm (442 to 531 inch lbf)

Figure-14 – Line connections

OVR-38 | Instruction Manual 26

6.8. Final inspections before energizing
The recloser should be tested for mechanical and electrical operation before it is energized in the power system. The
recloser is shipped in OPEN (OFF) condition.

Do not ground either side of the battery or attach ground to the terminals of the actuator operating coils.
This will result in permanent damage to the unit.

When the recloser has been installed and all mechanical and electrical connections completed, before energising the
recloser on the main lines, following inspections are mandatory:

1. Ensure the recloser is properly levelled and securely anchored.

2. Make a final check of tightness of all hardware.
3. Securely tighten terminal and ground connections.
4. Check control cable is properly connected, routed and secured.
5. Ensure that both the HV & LV cabinets are grounded (refer section 6.3 “Grounding”)

OVR-38 | Instruction Manual 27

7.0. Operation
Following are the descriptions about major operations for the recloser. Please refer Table-1 in this section for further

7.1. Closing
OVR-38 recloser can be closed only electrically. With RER615 in LOCAL mode, the recloser can be closed from the
“I” pushbutton on the RER615 front HMI. The recloser also can be closed from remote SCADA via communication,
with RER615 relay in REMOTE mode.

7.2. Opening
OVR-38 recloser can be opened mechanically as well as electrically. With RER615 in LOCAL mode, the recloser can
be opened from the “O” pushbutton on the RER615 front HMI. The recloser also can be opened from remote SCADA
via communication, with RER615 relay in REMOTE mode.

7.3. Mechanical opening

If the electrical opening becomes disabled or de-energized, the high voltage unit may be safely opened mechanically
with the help of a standard insulated hook stick from ground level (the hook stick is not in ABB’s cope of supply).
Manual opening is performed by quickly and firmly pulling down the emergency manual trip handle (yellow handle)
located on the side of the HV unit. See Figure-15. This will mechanically open all three poles simultaneously. When
the recloser is opened manually, the yellow handle remains locked in and blocks the close operation of the recloser
both mechanically and electrically (CLOSED BLOCKED). In order to enable closing operation, it is mandatory to
reset the yellow handle manually by operating the resetting handle, to its normal position.

Figure-15 Manual Opening.

: Mechanical ON/OFF status indicator on HV cabinet indicates the ON (CLOSED) /OFF (OPEN)
status of the recloser.
a. The ANSI color convention for CLOSE is GREEN and OPEN is RED.
b. The IEC color convention for CLOSE is RED and OPEN is GREEN.

OVR-38 | Instruction Manual 28

7.4. Hot line tag and close blocking
RER615 relay provides a facility to activate a HOTLINE TAG, which if activated, blocks all the possible close
commands i.e. local (through relay); &/OR remote through SCADA. However recloser is free to open on both
Local/remote open commands as well as on protection trip commands initiated by RER615 relay. When hot line tag
is deactivated, close block is disabled.
The activation and deactivation of hotline tag is indicated by dedicated LED on relay HMI & virtual LED on RER615
relay LCD screen .
On requests, facility can be provided for HLT activation/ deactivation by a separate stay put, lockable push button on
inner swing door (please refer approved/as built wiring diagrams if such provision is applicable to your unit).
Please also refer RER615 documentation on ABB website, for functional description of the hot line tag feature.



HLT LED on Virtual HLT Button
Relay Mode Button Deactivation LED on Relay
Activation Relay on LCD display
on LCD

Turns Steady One layer Turns WHITE Turns OFF Indicating HLT is
Black GREEN deactivation: Indicating that HLT deactivated
LOCAL Through Indicating Indicating possible only is deactivated
LHMI that HLT HLT is through LHMI
is active active

By Pressing Turns Blinking Two layer On releasing the First Turns Steady GREEN on
and Black RED deactivation: push button; releasing the push button,
Locking the Indicating Indicating When push button remains BLACK indicating that HLT is locally
Optional that HLT HLT is is unlocked and indicating that HLT active; Then turns OFF after
External is active activated released is locally active. local deactivation through
LOCAL/REMOTE Pushbutton by additional second On Local LHMI, Indicating HLT is
Pushbutton layer deactivation deactivation deactivated.
through LHMI is through LHMI
Indicating that HLT
is deactivated

Through Turns Steady One layer Turns WHITE Turns OFF Indicating HLT is
WEB HMI Black GREEN deactivation: Indicating that HLT Deactivated
REMOTE Indicating Indicating possible only is deactivated
that HLT HLT is through WEBHMI
is active active

OVR-38 | Instruction Manual 29

(For any troubles during operation, please refer a separate section "Troubles and Troubleshooting")

1 Initial Conditions at the time of OVR-38 recloser are shipped from the factory with
- The recloser in OPEN(OFF) condition
- The emergency manual trip (K69) handle locked & "BLOCK CLOSE" activated.

- All the MCBs in LV cabinet in OFF position.

- The Service/DISCHARGE selector switch in LV cabinet put in "DISCHARGE"
position. In DISCHARGE mode capacitors remain disconnected from ACU; but
connected to a discharge circuit .Thus unit is shipped with capacitors in "fully
discharged" condition.
- Battery disconnected from ACU

2 Checks and preparations before Please follow the procedure of this manual and complete:
Power ON.
2.1: Installation of LV & HV Units (please refer section-6)
2.2: Installation of other optional equipments (such as Surge arrestors, Auxiliary
control transformer/Auxiliary PT) (please refer section-6)
2.3: Connecting & routing the control cable between LV & HV Units. (please refer
section-6 & Annexure-4 )
2.4: Connecting & routing all the ground connections (please refer section-6)
2.5: Reset the emergency manual trip (k69) handle & release the BLOCK CLOSE.
2.6; Check and firmly connect the 2Pin Green Coloured Male-Female connectors
F26 & F27 as per Schematic Diagram. This will connect the two 12V batteries in
series .

3 To Power ON the LV Cabinet 3.1: Connect the Auxiliary power cable to the LV Cabinet (please refer
with Auxiliary power section-6 & Annexure-5)
3.2: Switch ON the auxiliary power from the source
3.3: Check the availability of the auxiliary power on terminals "201-202" in LV
3.4: Switch ON the MCB- AUX SUPPLY MAINS (D10-33) inside the LV Cabinet.

4 To Power ON the cubicle - Switch ON the MCB : D10-31 :MCB for LAMP AND AUX. POWER OUTLET.
illumination & Auxiliary power - Cubicle Illumination Lamp : ON/OFF is controlled by door limit switch; hence
outlet glows when and till the outer swing door is opened.
- Auxiliary power outlet socket has an inbuilt toggle switch for switching ON/OFF
the auxiliary power from the aux. power outlet.

Table-2 continued on next page….

OVR-38 | Instruction Manual 30

Table-2 : OPERATION (Contd….)

5 To Power ON the heaters for LV - Switch ON the MCBs D10-29 & B10-30 to power the heaters in HV & LV Units
& HV units respectively.
- Heater in LV unit is thermostatically controlled. The thermostat is built in part of
- Heater in HV unit does not have thermostat control. Thus it can be either kept
ON or OFF by the MCB B10-29.It is recommended to keep this heater always
ON to avoid condensation in HV cabinet.

6 To connect the Auxiliary Supply - Switch ON the MCB : D10-31 : MCB for ACU
to ACU

7 To connect the batteries to ACU - Switch ON the MCB: D10-24 MCB for Battery. Check and firmly connect the
2Pin Green Coloured Male-Female connectors F26 & F27 as per Schematic
Diagram. This will connect the two 12V batteries in series . Check the voltage
across Battery Terminals .It should be 24V.

8 To Power ON the Auxiliary - Switch ON the MCB : B10-36 : MCB for Radio Modem.
.Supply to Radio Modem - Note that the radio modem & the MCB for radio modem are optional provisions.

9 To Start Capacitor Charging - Put the Service /DISCHARGE selector in the LV cabinet from "DISCHARGE
position" to "Service" position.
- This step connects the ACU to capacitor

10 Checks and observations on - ACU Power up:

ACU power ON. - Initially both RED and GREEN LEDs blinking on ACU (near ACU bottom);
- After successful completion of all internal checks Blinking RED LED goes OFF
& only GREEN LED is steady GREEN. This indicates ACU (recloser) is ready
for operations. It may take maximum 2 minutes for recloser to become ready
from each initial energisation..
- RER615 relay (on inner swing door) getting powered up: Indicated by all
lighting of LCD screen & all LEDs on RER615 relay HMI

11 AR Ready Indication on Relay When ACU completes all the internal checks and fully charges the capacitors; the
LED LED "AR Ready" on RER615 relay turns GREEN, indicating that the recloser is
ready for operations.
(Please refer the approved/as built wiring diagram for detailed description on
RER615 LED indications applicable for your unit).

Table-2 continued on next page….

OVR-38 | Instruction Manual 31

Table-2 : OPERATION (Contd….)

12 CLOSE Operation. - Confirm that the emergency manual trip (K69) handle is reset.
- Confirm the recloser status as OPEN (from Relay LED, from recloser
OPEN symbol of the single line diagram on relay LCD screen; from the
ON/OFF indicator on HV unit).
- Press the (I) button on relay HMI. Relay will display a message "CLOSE
CBXCBR1? YES/NO". Press the ENTER push button on YES option.
This closes the recloser.

13 OPEN Operation - Confirm the recloser status as CLOSE (from Relay LED, from recloser
CLOSE symbol of the single line diagram on relay LCD screen; from the
mechanical ON/OFF indicator on HV unit).
- Press the (O) button on relay HMI. Relay will display a message "OPEN
CBXCBR1? YES/NO". Press the ENTER push button on YES option.
This opens the recloser.

14 Battery backup &

- In case of loss of external auxiliary power, the fully charged battery bank
OPEN/CLOSE Operations
provides the specified back up.
- When the battery voltage falls below 21.5V the factory pre-set threshold
(in ACU); "Battery status" LED on relay HMI, turns RED, indicating
Battery is not healthy.
- The OPEN /CLOSE operations are executed only until battery is healthy
(indicated by Battery Status LED on RER615 glowing steady GREEN).

15 Before starting the

- OPEN the recloser with the emergency manual trip (K69) handle .This
Maintenance of the recloser
enables the mechanical as well as electrical BLOCK CLOSE (recloser
HV Unit &/OR LV Unit.
cannot be closed unless the K69 handle is manually reset).Confirm the
recloser OPEN status on RER615 relay HMI and on the mechanical
ON/OFF Indicator on HV cabinet.
- Put OFF the MCBs D10-24 & D10-31. This disconnects AC Aux Power and
battery back up from ACU. This puts ACU OFF.
- Put the Service/DISCHARGE selector switch in the LV cabinet to
"DISCHARGE" position.
- This will disconnect capacitors to a discharge circuit. Till capacitor
discharges to a safe level, the LED of the discharge circuit continues to
glow RED. LED goes OFF , when capacitor is discharged to a safe level
(less than 2V on capacitor)
- Since RER615 relay and optional Radio modem are supplied by ACU,
OFF of ACU also switches OFF the RER615 relay and the optional radio
- Thus all the electrical controls/measurements &
protections/communications of the recloser are switched OFF.

OVR-38 | Instruction Manual 32

8.0 Inspection and maintenance
The OVR-38 is a simple device and will require minimal maintenance if handled properly. Frequency of operation and
local environmental conditions should be considered when determining maintenance schedule.

To a large extent, the safety and successful functioning of any apparatus or system connected with the recloser
depends on the proper installation, commissioning, programming and configuration of the unit.

To provide long, reliable service, the recloser should be inspected at regular intervals. Operating experience,
environmental conditions, the number of operations, the magnitude of current interrupted and any unusual service
conditions will guide you in establishing a maintenance schedule.

Table-3 : Recommended Inspection and Maintenance Plan

Recommended Recommended
Interval Interval
Sr. Tests/
Work to be performed (for installations (for installations
no. Inspections
in normal in dusty and
ambient) polluted ambient)

Check the pole Terminals for cleanliness and damage

(bent s/breaks).
The poles the can be cleaned with a mild detergent. Check
tightness of terminals and connections.

No visible corrosion or damage to metal parts and cables

No loose connections of metal parts (nuts, bolts, Hardware)

18 months
12 months
Check for all the Ground (earth) connections to be secured (adjust the
Visual (adjust the interval
1 and undamaged interval
inspections according to
according to
All nameplates/rating plates, labels clearly legible & secured

Any loose wire connections

Table-3 continued on next page….

OVR-38 | Instruction Manual 33

Table-3 : Recommended Inspection and Maintenance Plan (Contd…)

Recommended Recommended
Interval Interval
Sr. Tests/
`Work to be performed (for installations (for installations
no. Inspections
in normal in dusty and
ambient) polluted ambient)

Battery check ( Visual checks , general condition &

6 months 6 months

Fault-free operation of communication modules

( if applicable)

Protection test using secondary injection equipment, in

conjunction with recloser function test
Four years Two years
2 Function tests (see the Installation and commissioning
(adjust the (adjust the
section of the control and protection relay instruction manual)
interval interval
according to according to
experience) experience)
Measure the insulation resistance ( Value should be more
than 100 mega ohm)

Proper/smooth operation of Emergency Manual Trip (K69) 12 months 12 months


Battery Replacement
(Please refer to the battery product documentation by the
3 Replacements manufacturer for instructions on optimal utilization of battery 3 Years 3 years
life; based on frequency/duration of external auxiliary supply
failures and extent of battery discharge during such

It may be required to remove the RER615 relay & Batteries for replacements. Please refer sections 8.1 & 8.2 for more

OVR-38 | Instruction Manual 34

8.1. Removal of RER615 relay
The RER615 is not intended for “hot swapping. When the RER615 is removed from its case, the current (I) input
terminals automatically short circuit the CT inputs. No card should be removed from the RER615 in the field. If
removal of cards is required, contact the ABB Customer Service Group.

Please follow the mandatory safety procedures as mentioned under section 1.0 of this document.

Once the RER615 relay is powered OFF, with the inner door closed, move the relay handle upward by 90 Deg.

Then pull the handle in horizontal plane .This removes the relay from its case. The movement is guided by the guide

Figure-16 Removal of RER615 from it’s case

8.2. Removal of Batteries

Please follow the mandatory safety procedures as mentioned under section 1.0 of this document. Figure 17 describes the
steps to be followed when it is required to remove the batteries.

Figure-17 Removal of Batteries

OVR-38 | Instruction Manual 35

9.0. Common troubles and trouble shooting
Table-4: Common troubles & trouble shooting procedures.

(Please read this table in conjunction with the approved/ as built wiring diagram)

Sr. Remedy/Trouble
Trouble/Malfunction Indication/Observation Possible Causes
no. Shooting

No voltage across terminals - External Aux. Power - Properly connect the

201-202 in LV Unit connection to LV Unit - Aux Power supply
loosely connected cable to the plug inside
- External Aux. Power may the LV Unit
be OFF - Check & correct the
status of the external
power supply.

1 Aux. Power failure

The MCB for Aux. Supply Switch ON the MCB for

Mains is OFF Aux. Supply Mains
Voltage present across terminals
201-202 in LV unit but cubicle
light & aux. power outlet,
The individual MCBs for Switch ON the MCBs for
heater(s), do not have power.
cubicle light & aux. power cubicle light & aux. power
outlet , heater(s) are OFF outlet , heater(s)

No LEDs (RED/GREEN) glowing

on ACU (near ACU Bottom)

MCB for ACU is OFF

ACU/RER615 Switch ON the MCB for
Relay does not ACU ( MCBs D10-31 &
power up even D10-24)
2 after main Aux. No LEDs on relay HMI glow and
MCB is ON & Aux LCD screen of relay does not
Supply is available light up
for more than 60s

Table-4 continued on next page…..

OVR-38 | Instruction Manual 36

Table-4 : Common troubles & trouble shooting procedures (Contd…)

Trouble/Malfunction Indication/Observation Possible Causes Remedy/Trouble Shooting

Blinking RED LED on ACU Manual Lock out activated. The Reset the emergency manual
(near ACU bottom) emergency manual trip (k69) trip handle & release the
handle has been operated and manual lock out
is locked in operated/tripped

The control cable between LV Connect and secure the

& HV units not connected/ control cable between the HV
loosely connected & LV units

Battery temperature sensor Check and secure the

connection to the ACU is connection of battery
loose/not connected temperature sensor to ACU
through male - female
connectors provided.

Capacitor not sufficiently - Put the selector switch in

charged DISCHARGE position
AR Ready LED on Relay - Allow the capacitor to fully
Recloser (AR) is
glowing RED discharge (follow the
NOT ready ; OPEN
warning label text
operations not
- Check the capacitor
3 possible (either
connections to ACU
from Local through
(looseness and for correct
relay/from remote
polarity as per
through SCADA
approved/as built wiring
- Check the capacitor health;
replace capacitors if

The wiring of the 52a/b aux. limit - Check, secure and correct
- In the SLD on the LCD switch may be loose or wrong the wiring of 52a/b aux.
screen of relay HMI, (52a/b aux. limit switch is limit switch as per
wrong recloser ON/OFF mounted in HV unit) approved /as built
status (either not schematic
matching with the recloser
The mounting/setting of the 52a/b - Check and correct the
status on mechanical
aux. limit switch may be wrong/ mounting/setting of the
ON/OFF indicator/ Relay
loose 52a/b aux. limit switch
LEDs) -OR-
-OR- - Replacement of the 52a/b
- Relay LED or SLD on The 52a/b aux .limit switch is switch may be needed if
relay LCD shows both faulty/damaged found faulty/damaged
( ON/OFF) or no status (52a/b aux. limit switch is - Contact ABB Customer
mounted in HV unit) Service Group
Table-4 continued on next page….

OVR-38 | Instruction Manual 37

Table-4 : Common troubles & trouble shooting procedures (Contd…)

Trouble/Malfunction Indication/Observation Possible Causes Remedy/Trouble Shooting

- the phase sequence of the MV - Check & correct the phase

power connections on both sequence of the MV power
Recloser (AR) is
sides of the recloser are not cable connections to the
Ready but CLOSE
matching to each other recloser terminals
operation is not - SYN CHECK LED (if
possible (either from applicable) on relay
Local through relay/ HMI turns RED - Synchronising and Energisation - Check the system voltage
from remote through
check conditions are not being parameter and network
satisfied as per settings of status
SECRSYN function block.

- MCB for Battery is OFF - Switch ON the MCB for


- Battery connections to ACU - Check, correct and secure

loose or with wrong polarity battery connections to ACU

Battery Status LED on with correct polarities

5 Battery Failure
relay HMI turning RED
- Battery unhealthy (Battery may - Check battery health and
have undergone deep replace the battery if needed
discharge; excessive
temperatures; or exceeded
working life)

ACU is taking more than 20 Follow the remedy/trouble

seconds to become ready shooting steps of clause 3.0

Out of the rated life of 10000 CO

Contact the nearest ABB
operations , 9000 CO operations
Condition monitoring Customer Service Group for
completed and last 1000 CO
further advice.
alarm activated .This operations are remaining
is a proactive alarm Condition monitoring
6 about recloser Recloser has completed 22 no. of
alarm on relay HMI
condition & may not open operations on rated fault
turning RED
be a trouble as such current
every time.
Recloser is in "inactive " (no
close/open operations) stage for
more than 2000 days ; after the
latest ON/OFF operation while LV
unit powered ON

OVR-38 | Instruction Manual 38

10.0. Recloser recycling plan
Definitions and regulations of hazardous materials are country-specific and change with knowledge of materials
increases. The materials used in this product are typical for electrical and electronic devices.

When disposing of OVR-38 recloser or its parts, contact a local waste handler who is authorized and specialized in
disposing electronic waste including lead-acid batteries. These handlers can sort the material by using dedicated
sorting processes and dispose of the product according to the local requirements.

OVR-38 | Instruction Manual 39

ANNEXURE-1: OVR-38 Recloser: Block Diagram

OVR-38 | Instruction Manual 40

Annexure – 2: Pole Mounting Procedures (Rectangular/Square Pole)

Please follow below steps for OVR-38 mounting on Square/Rectangular pole

A. Unpack the HV cabinet fitted with pallet from packing case.

Back side

Front side

OVR-38 | Instruction Manual 41

B. Assemble structure as explained in the below picture :

After assembly it will look like as below, Please use the hardwares mentioned in the below with *.

Use below mentioned hardware for assembling structure & apply 50 Nm torque.

M12x40 Hex. Bolt (Hot Dip. Galvanised)
M12 conical SS washer
M12 Hex. Nut (Hot Dip. Galvanised)

OVR-38 | Instruction Manual 42

1. Mount the assembled structure (Assembled in step 4) on mounting rectangular pole

HV Clamp

Assembled frame



Support Plate


Mounting Pole

M20 conical SS washer
M20 Hex. Nut (Hot Dip. Galvanised)

Apply the torque of 250Nm to all M20 nut

OVR-38 | Instruction Manual 43

2. Mount the HV cabinet on the structure & fix the surge arrester bracket on mounting pole as shown in fig.

Lifting Sling

HV Cabinet

Surge arrester bracket

M10X30 SS hex Bolt
M10 conical SS washer
M10 SS Hex. Nut

Note: Throughout the step 2 the HV cabinet should be hanging by crane/hydra or any suitable arrangement.

OVR-38 | Instruction Manual 44

Low Voltage (LV) cabinet mounting on pole:

1. Unpack LV cabinet from packing case & lift with the help of crane/hydra or any suitable

2. Fix the LV mounting clamp to LV box with M20X40 bolt , also fix the M20X350 studs

As shown in fig.

LV mounting Clamp + Stud

Bolt: M20X40
Nut: M20
Back Side of LV Box
Washer: M20

OVR-38 | Instruction Manual 45

3. Mounting the LV cabinet on pole:
Lift the cabinet up carefully. Bring the LV cabinet mounting clamps near to the protruded
bolts on the pole. Gradually insert & rest the mounting clamps on the pole as shown in fig.

M20 Nut & Washer

Apply 250-300N.m Torque

for M20 bolts and fix the LV
cabinet on pole.


Remove the lifting belt/hook only after confirming the secured mounting of LV/HV cabinet on the pole.

OVR-38 | Instruction Manual 46

Annexure-3: OVR-38 : Substation mounting procedures

A. Unpack the HV Unit

Back side

Front side

B. Follow the below step to complete the substation mounting setup (Step1 to 6).

1. Prepare the concrete foundation with 4 foundation bolt of M20 (Not in ABB Scope)
Maintain the centre to centre distance between foundation bolts & height as shown in
figure below



OVR-38 | Instruction Manual 47

Annexure-3: OVR-38 : Substation mounting procedures (Contd...)

2. Mount the leg weld assembly on foundation bolts & fixe it with M20 conical
Washers & M20 Hex Nut as shown in figure below.

3. Repeat the step 2nd for second leg weld assembly & maintained the distances mentioned.
Maintain the inside edge to edge distance 1184mm as shown in fig.
(Maintain Centre to centre distance between the slots 1257 mm)

OVR-38 | Instruction Manual 48

Annexure-3: OVR-38 : Substation mounting procedures (Contd...)


4. Assemble the two cross support angles with nut, bolt & washer as shown in figure below.

Cross Support Angle


Bolt - M12x30: (9ADA121)

Washer- M12 : (9ADJ490084)
Nut- M12 : (9ADA268)

OVR-38 | Instruction Manual 49

Annexure-3: OVR-38 : Substation mounting procedures (Contd...)

5. Assemble the Horizontal support angles with nut, bolt & washer as shown in figure below.

Horizontal Support Angle


Bolt - M12x30: (9ADA121)

Washer- M12: (9ADJ490084)
Nut- M12 : (9ADA268)

6. Assemble the LV mounting support angles with nut, bolt & washer as shown below

LV Mount. Support angle


Bolt - M12x30 : (9ADA121)

Washer- M12 : (9ADJ490084)
Nut - M12 : (9ADA268)

OVR-38 | Instruction Manual 50

Annexure-3: OVR-38 : Substation mounting procedures (Contd...)

C. Mount the HV cabinet+ mounting fame (as shown in step A) with nut, bolt & washer
on the structure prepared in the step B, as shown in figure below

HV Cabinet+ HV Mounting
Frame (As shown in step A)

Bolt - M12x30: (9ADA121)

Washer- M12: (9ADJ490084)
Nut - M12 : (9ADA268)

D. Mount the LV cabinet on LV mounting support angles with nut, bolt & washer as shown in figure
below (Note : Fix the bolts to structure first & then assemble the LV)

LV Cabinet

Bolt - M20x60 : (9ADA121)

Washer- M20 : (9ADJ490084)
Nut - M20 : (9ADA268)

OVR-38 | Instruction Manual 51

Annexure-3: OVR-38 : Substation mounting procedures (Contd...)

E. Connect the Control cable from HV to LV as shown in figure below

Composite Cable Assembly

Note:- Nut/Bolt tightening during assembly to done according to following table

Bolt/Not Size Torque (N-m)

M12 50
M20 250 to 300

OVR-38 | Instruction Manual 52

ANNEXURE-4: Connecting HV & LV units by Control Cable

Please also refer Annexure-6 for information on connection of control cable to LV cabinet

: 1. Minimum Bending Radius for the control cable is 12 inches. Please do not bend the cable with radius at bending
less than 12 inch .This may damage the cable.

2. The control cable has to be clamped to the pole throughout the length at regular intervals as per best practices.

OVR-38 | Instruction Manual 53

ANNEXURE-5: Connecting Auxiliary Supply cable to LV Cabinet
1. Dis-engage the female connector from the male counterpart in the LV cabinet.
2. Connect the two conductors of the intended auxiliary supply cable to the two screw type terminals of the 2pin
female connector in the LV cabinet.
3. Connect the 2 Pin female connector on the auxiliary supply cable, to its male counterpart inside the LV cabinet.
Once engaged, the connection has to be firmly secured by turning & advancing the circular cap on the female
connector over the male connector.

4. Route & take out the aux power cable through the hole provided on the gland plate. Secure and seal the cable in
gland plate hole with the M16 gland & M16 hexa nut provided.

5. Connect the free ends of the cable to the external AC source through a appropriate connector plug (not is ABB’s
scope of supply.

OVR-38 | Instruction Manual 54

ANNEXURE-6: Connecting Control cable to LV Cabinet

1. Insert the 24 pin connector (attached to the control cable end) through the cut out provided on the bottom of the
LV cabinet.

2. Connect the 24 pin male connector to the female counter part inside the LV cabinet and secure by locking clips.

3. Fix the floating gland plate (on the cable) so as to cover the cut out. This can be done by inserting the 4 nos. M6
threaded welded studs on the floating gland plates through the 4 nos. holes provided at the four corners of the cut
out. From inside the LV cabinet, fix the 4nos. M6 nuts & the M40 nut on the floating gland plate. This secures the
floating gland plate and the control cable firmly to the bottom of the LV cabinet.

OVR-38 | Instruction Manual 55

ANNEXURE-7: Typical Rating Plate details

Rating Plate on HV Cabinet

Rating Plate on LV Cabinet

OVR-38 | Instruction Manual 56

ANNEXURE-8: LV Cabinet General Arrangement

OVR-38 | Instruction Manual 57

ANNEXURE-9 : Technical Data

Sl.No. Technical Characteristic Value

1 Manufacturer ABB
2 Type and Designation OVR-38

3 Place of Manufacture ABB India Limited, Nashik, India.

4 Construction Pole/Substation mounted – Live tank

5 Installation Outdoor.
6 Rated Voltage and frequency 38 kV & 50/60 Hz

7 Minimum clearance distance between phases 394 mm

8 Nominal current at 40 OC ambient 1200 Amps

9 Short time withstand current 16 kA rms
10 Duration 3sec
41.6 for 60 Hz
11 Making Current
40 for 50 Hz
Dielectric values on Dry condition
12 Power frequency withstand voltage 70kV rms
Lightning Impulse withstand Voltage - 170kVp
Capacitive current
13 a) Line charging 5A
b) Cable charging 40 A

No. of openings circuit breaker is capable of

performing without inspection, replacement and
14 maintenance

At 100% of rated current 10,000

15 Operating sequence( Reclosing Sequence)
16 Type of operating mechanism Magnetic Actuator
17 Creepage distance 1306 mm

Hydrophobic cycloaliphatic epoxy

18 Insulating Material of Poles

19 Closing time ≤ 65ms

20 Opening time ≤ 40ms
Mass of the Auto Recloser Excluding Mounting Frame
a) High Voltage Cabinet 175 kg
c) Low Voltage Cabinet 100 Kg
d) Total mass 275 kg
22 Protection class for cabinet (HV & LV) IP55

Maximum load on foundations (inclusive of the mass of

the circuit breaker)

23 a) Compression (Open operation) 11600 N

b) Tension (Close operation) 7000 N

24 Wind Speed 200 km/Hr.

OVR-38 | Instruction Manual 58

Annexure-10: RER615 Parameter Settings
Following parameter settings ensure correct integrated performance of ACU & RER615 for any recloser.
Hence following settings SHOULD NOT BE CHANGED during the life time of the recloser, without prior permission

from ABB.

1. Trip Logic
ü Master Trip (1)
ü Operation On
ü Trip pulse time 70 ms 20 60000
ü Trip output mode Non-latched

2.Condition Monitoring

3.Trip Circuit Supervision

Group / Parameter Name IED Value PC Value Unit Min Max
ü TCS (1)
ü Operation on

ü Operate delay time 3000 ms 20 300000

ü Reset delay time 1000 ms 20 60000

OVR-38 | Instruction Manual 59

4. Generic Timers
Group / Parameter Name IED Value PC Value Unit Min Max
ü TPGAPC1: 1
ü TP (1)
ü Pulse time 150 ms 0 60000

5. Generic Timers

Group / Parameter Name IED Value PC Value Unit Min Max

ü TOF (1)
ü Off delay time 1 1000 ms 0 3600000
ü Off delay time 2 0 ms 0 3600000
ü Off delay time 3 0 ms 0 3600000
ü Off delay time 4 0 ms 0 3600000
ü Off delay time 5 0 ms 0 3600000
ü Off delay time 6 0 ms 0 3600000
ü Off delay time 7 0 ms 0 3600000
ü Off delay time 8 0 ms 0 3600000

6. Generic Logic

ü General
ü Loc Rem restriction False
ü Output 1
ü Operation mode Toggle
ü Pulse length 1000 ms 10 3600000
ü Description SPCGGIO1 Output 1 64 character
ü Output 2
ü Operation mode Toggle
ü Pulse length 1000 ms 10 3600000
ü Description SPCGGIO1 Output 2 64 character
ü Output 3

Similarly following settings decide the accuracy of current/voltage measurements for the product configuration applicable to
your recloser. These settings also SHOULD NOT BE CHANGED changed during the life time of the recloser, without prior
from ABB.

7. Correction Factors : Analog Inputs (Current):

OVR-38 | Instruction Manual 60

8. Correction Factors : Analog Inputs (Voltage):

OVR-38 | Instruction Manual 61

9. RER615 Settings

OVR-38 | Instruction Manual 62

OVR-38 | Instruction Manual 63
OVR-38 | Instruction Manual 64
OVR-38 | Instruction Manual 65
Annexure-11: Typical functional characteristics of Sealed Lead Acid Batteries
(These are for each of the two 12V Batteries in the LV control cabinet. For Batteries inside your
control cabinet , please refer to technical documentation of respective manufacturer)

Discharge Characteristics:

This characteristic shows drop in terminal voltage of each of the two batteries w.r.t time at various values
(56A,28A,14A,5.6A,2.8A &1.4A) discharge current. Thus with 1.4A discharge current a fully charged battery 24 V plus) will take
20hrs to reach the cut off voltage (10V per battery) in 20Hrs at 20Deg C. Under recloser standby condition, battery discharge
current is 1A.As per stand by back up internal test at 20Deg, a fully charged (24V plus) battery takes minimum 24Hrs to reach
the cut off voltage =21V (10V per battery). Thus provides minimum back up of 24 Hrs.

Open Circuit Voltage Characteristics:

This characteristic explains, the remaining capacity on the battery w.r.t. to open circuit voltage across each terminal. In recloser
, BATTERY NOT OK indication is displayed when battery bank voltage drops below 21.5V ( 10.75 V per Battery). Thus at this
voltage battery has been fully discharged (0% residual capacity)

OVR-38 | Instruction Manual 66

Storage Characteristics /Self Discharge Characteristics:

This characteristics explains the reduction in capacity of the battery as a result of self-discharge, when battery is stored and not
charged. Hence, under circumstances of extended storage of recloser control cabinet, it is recommended to charge the
batteries typically after every three months.

Temperature (Thermal) Characteristics (Effect of Temperature)

This characteristic explains battery capacity as a function of temperature. Actual capacity is a function of ambient temperature
and rate of discharge. At 20°C (68°F) rated capacity is 100%.The capacity increases slowly above this temperature and
decreases as the temperature falls. At any ambient temperature, the higher the rate of discharge, the lower the available
capacity. Here C means the battery AH capacity. Thus 0.05 C means 0.05*28=1.4A of discharge current. In recloser control
cabinet, in standby mode the battery discharge current is 1A. While raising ambient temperature increases capacity, it also
decreases useful service life. Please refer the curve “service life at various ambient temperature” above. It is estimated that
battery life is halved for each 10°C (18°F) above normal room temperature.

OVR-38 | Instruction Manual 67

Effect of Cyclic use, depth of each discharge on capacity

The number of charge/discharge cycles depends on the capacity taken from the battery (a function of discharge rate and depth
of discharge), operating temperature and the charging method.

The recloser battery, provides minimum back up of 26 hrs at 20 Deg C when fully charged .

Under standby, it discharges at the rate of 1A. During discharging, when the battery bank voltage drops to 21.5 V, BATTERY
NOT OK indication is displayed on RER615. At this point battery is fully discharged, i.e discharge depth =100%. Then it needs
charging. Thus after such 200 no of charging & 100% discharge depth cycles , battery will reach its end of life (60% capacity)
and may need replacement.

Hence typically it is important that, in case of external auxiliary power outage power resume quite well before the battery backup
period of 26 hours, so that battery does not discharge to 100% discharge depth and undergoes a full discharging-charging cycle
.in short the duration of external power outage should be well below 26 hours (battery back-up period).

It is also important the frequency and no. of outages of external auxiliary power also affect the battery capacity, back up hours
offered and overall service life.

Service life:

The characteristic shows that with usage at 20Deg, in 5 years the battery will reach its end of life (60% of AH capacity) & will need
replacement. Considering the cyclic use (charge and discharge cycle), higher ambient temperature at site, for batteries in recloser
control cubicle, replacement period of 3 years is recommended.

OVR-38 | Instruction Manual 68

















OVR-38 | Instruction Manual 69

1VYN401390-078/ REV-D/ Oct 12th 2017
For more information, please contact:

ABB India Limited,

PPMV - Technology Centre,
Plot no 79, Street No 17, MIDC, Satpur,
Nashik - 422007 INDIA

Phone: +91 253 2201200

Customer support: 18004200707

Customer support: [email protected]

[email protected]


OVR-38 | Instruction Manual 70

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