Colin Foote PHD Thesis March 2007
Colin Foote PHD Thesis March 2007
Colin Foote PHD Thesis March 2007
Colin E. T. Foote
March 2007
The copyright of this thesis belongs to the author under the terms of the United
Kingdom Copyright Acts as qualified by University of Strathclyde Regulation 3.50.
Due acknowledgement must always be made of the use of any material contained in,
or derived from, this thesis.
I would like to thank Dr Graeme Burt and Professor Jim McDonald, my academic
supervisors, for providing guidance, support, encouragement and resources for this
research together with all manner of other opportunities.
I would also like to thank the rest of my colleagues within the Institute for Energy
and Environment at the University of Strathclyde who provided such a stimulating
and vibrant working environment. In particular, I extend thanks to Dr Graham Ault
for his guidance and encouragement.
I extend my gratitude to the organisations that have provided funding and technical
support for this research, namely East Midlands Electricity, ScottishPower, Rolls-
Royce, the European Commission and the Department for Trade and Industry.
Involvement in various projects has allowed me to meet people from a variety of
countries and organisations and many of them have contributed to this research
through discussion and insight. I thank them all for their contribution.
I would also like to thank my family, my friends and Lesley for all their support and
The planning and design of electricity distribution networks is facing new challenges
as new technologies are introduced and new demands are placed on the ageing assets
in developed countries around the world. In particular, the expansion of distributed
generation presents a range of challenges that distribution network planners must
resolve. This research offers a new perspective on the conventional approach to
distribution network planning and presents a comprehensive assessment of the new
challenges facing planners in the 21st century. A number of specific shortcomings in
the conventional approach are identified.
It is argued that the application of methods from other domains and the development
of new tools can help explore the shortcomings and update and improve the
conventional approach. Engineering design theory, decision support methods,
information management, scenario analysis, and dynamic modelling for power
system simulation have all been investigated and novel contributions have been made
in a number of areas to offer a valuable contribution to the development of electricity
distribution network planning.
Case studies and examples are used to examine distributed generation in detail,
compare its use as an alternative to conventional options, and assess its likely level of
penetration in future networks. Detailed dynamic studies of networks with wind
farms explore some of the most important issues of concern to grid operators.
Together, the application of methods from various domains show how the
conventional approach to electricity distribution network planning can be enhanced
so that distribution network operators are able to meet the challenges of the 21st
Table of Contents
Acknowledgements ...................................................................................................... ii
Abstract .......................................................................................................................iii
Table of Contents ........................................................................................................ iv
List of Figures ............................................................................................................. ix
List of Tables............................................................................................................. xvi
Abbreviations ..........................................................................................................xviii
1. Introduction .............................................................................................................. 1
1.1. Aim.................................................................................................................... 1
1.2. Principal Contributions ..................................................................................... 1
1.3. Publications ....................................................................................................... 4
2. Conventional Perspective on Distribution Network Planning ................................. 7
2.1. The Distribution Network Planning “Problem”................................................ 7
2.2. Model of the Conventional Approach to Distribution Network Planning ........ 8
2.2.1. Knowledge Modelling Methodology ......................................................... 8
2.2.2. Knowledge Models .................................................................................... 9
2.3. The Complete Model ...................................................................................... 26
2.4. Review of Chapter........................................................................................... 30
2.5. Chapter References ......................................................................................... 30
3. Drivers and New Directions in Distribution Networks.......................................... 33
3.1. Technology Drivers in Distribution Networks................................................ 34
3.1.1. Distributed Generation ............................................................................. 34
3.1.2. Energy Storage ......................................................................................... 38
3.1.3. Demand Side Technology Developments................................................ 39
3.1.4. Power Electronics..................................................................................... 39
3.1.5. Communications and Control Technologies............................................ 39
3.2. Commercial and Regulatory Drivers in Distribution Networks ..................... 40
3.3. Future Directions in Distribution Networks.................................................... 42
3.3.1. Network Architectures and Operation ..................................................... 42
3.3.2. Institutional and Organisational Changes ................................................ 46
3.4. Review of Chapter........................................................................................... 49
3.5. Chapter References ......................................................................................... 50
4. Shortcomings in the Conventional Approach and the Need for New Methods..... 53
4.1. The Use of Conventional Technologies and Methods .................................... 54
4.2. The Need for More Analysis........................................................................... 55
4.3. Organisational Separation and Loss of Control .............................................. 57
4.4. Difficulties in Formulating Strategies and Making Decisions........................ 58
4.5. The Need for Knowledge Management .......................................................... 59
4.6. Review of Chapter........................................................................................... 60
4.7. Chapter References ......................................................................................... 62
5. Engineering Design Theory ................................................................................... 63
5.1. Solution-Neutral Problem Definition.............................................................. 64
5.2. Level of Risk and Innovation.......................................................................... 65
5.3. Decision Classifications .................................................................................. 65
5.4. Design Concurrency........................................................................................ 66
5.5. Alternative Designs......................................................................................... 66
5.6. Design Rationale ............................................................................................. 67
5.6.1. Structured Decision Making Methods ..................................................... 70
5.6.2. Generic Justifications ............................................................................... 71
5.6.3. Knowledge Modelling Methods............................................................... 72
5.7. Review of Chapter........................................................................................... 73
5.8. Chapter References ......................................................................................... 74
6. Decision Support in Distribution Network Planning ............................................. 76
6.1. Multiple Criteria Decision Making ................................................................. 76
6.1.1. General Structure for MCDM .................................................................. 78
6.1.2. Calculation of Alternative Decision Ratios ............................................. 82
6.2. MCDM Case Study......................................................................................... 83
6.2.1. Development Issues ................................................................................. 84
6.2.2. Development Options .............................................................................. 85
6.2.3. Quantification........................................................................................... 86
6.2.4. Analysis.................................................................................................... 89
6.2.5. Decision Making ...................................................................................... 91
6.2.6. Sensitivity Analysis.................................................................................. 97
6.3. Review of Chapter......................................................................................... 107
6.4. Chapter References ....................................................................................... 108
7. Information Management in Distribution Network Planning .............................. 111
7.1. Novel Combination of Methods to Assist in Collecting Information ........... 112
7.1.1. Structured Approach .............................................................................. 113
7.1.2. Standard Formats ................................................................................... 113
7.1.3. Generic Data........................................................................................... 114
7.2. Representation and Exchange of Power System Models and Data............... 115
7.2.1. Models and Data in Power Systems....................................................... 116
7.2.2. Horizontal and Vertical Exchange of Power System Models and Data. 117
7.2.3. Representation and Exchange of Power System Data ........................... 118
7.2.4. Representation and Exchange of Power System Models....................... 119
7.3. Information Management for Distributed Generation .................................. 120
7.3.1. The Need for Information on DG........................................................... 121
7.3.2. A Structured Approach for Collecting Information on DG ................... 123
7.3.3. Examples of Distributed Generation Analysis....................................... 135
7.4. Review of Chapter......................................................................................... 137
7.5. Chapter References ....................................................................................... 138
8. Scenario Analysis................................................................................................. 140
8.1. Methods for Managing Uncertainty and Risk............................................... 141
8.1.1. Scenario Analysis................................................................................... 141
8.1.2. Decision Trees........................................................................................ 142
8.1.3. Sensitivity Analysis................................................................................ 143
8.1.4. Probabilistic Choice Versus Risk Analysis............................................ 143
8.1.5. Flexibility as a Means of Dealing with Uncertainty .............................. 144
8.2. Distributed Generation Penetration Scenarios .............................................. 144
8.2.1. Methodology for Penetration Assessment ............................................. 145
8.2.2. Top-Down Approach ............................................................................. 146
8.2.3. Bottom-Up Approach............................................................................. 151
8.2.4. Combining Top-down and Bottom-up Results ...................................... 155
8.3. Review of Chapter......................................................................................... 158
8.4. Chapter References ....................................................................................... 159
9. Dynamic Modelling of Wind Farms .................................................................... 162
9.1. List of Symbols ............................................................................................. 164
9.2. PSS/E Requirements for Generator Modelling ............................................. 165
9.3. A Dynamic Model of a Wind Farm .............................................................. 165
9.3.1. Wind Speed Model................................................................................. 166
9.3.2. Aerodynamic Model............................................................................... 167
9.3.3. Mechanical Systems............................................................................... 168
9.3.4. Generator and Grid Interface ................................................................. 172
9.3.5. Control Systems ..................................................................................... 178
Power Quality ...................................................................................................... 182
9.3.6. Ancillary Systems .................................................................................. 191
9.3.7. Protection ............................................................................................... 192
9.3.8. Wind Farm Electrical Network .............................................................. 193
9.3.9. Electricity Network ................................................................................ 193
9.4. Model Validation or Verification.................................................................. 194
9.5. Case Studies .................................................................................................. 194
9.5.1. Aggregate Models of Wind Farms............................................................. 194
9.5.2. Study of the Effect of a High Penetration of Wind Farms......................... 197
9.6. Review of Chapter......................................................................................... 201
9.7. Chapter References ....................................................................................... 203
10. Conclusions ........................................................................................................ 205
Appendix A. DG Penetration Survey Results .......................................................... 212
A.1. Scenario 1. Residential Ring, Germany ....................................................... 213
A.2. Scenario 2. Commercial Mesh, Germany .................................................... 214
A.3. Scenario 3. Mixed Radial, Germany ............................................................ 215
A.4. Scenario 4. Urban Meshed, UK ................................................................... 216
A.5. Scenario 5. Rural, Poland............................................................................. 217
A.6. Scenario 6. Urban Link, Poland ................................................................... 218
A.7. Scenario 7. Urban Radial, France................................................................. 219
A.8. Scenario 8. Rural, Italy................................................................................. 220
A.9. Scenario 9. Urban Radial, Italy .................................................................... 221
A.10. Scenario 10. Urban Link, Greece ............................................................... 222
A.11. Scenario 11. Rural South Coast, Spain ...................................................... 223
A.12. Scenario 12. Rural Link, Netherlands ........................................................ 224
A.13. Scenario 13. Rural Ring, Belgium ............................................................. 225
A.14. Scenario 14. Urban Ring, Denmark ........................................................... 226
A.15. Scenario 15. Rural Ring, Austria ............................................................... 227
Appendix B. Aggregate Models of a Wind Farm .................................................... 228
B.1. Methodology for Study of Aggregate Models of a Wind Farm ................... 228
B.1.1. Test Networks........................................................................................ 228
B.1.2. Test Models ........................................................................................... 230
B.1.3. Test Procedure ....................................................................................... 231
B.2. Results for Study of Aggregate Models of a Wind Farm............................. 232
B.2.1. Study Set One ........................................................................................ 232
B.2.2. Study Set Two ....................................................................................... 235
B.2.3. Study Set Three ..................................................................................... 237
B.2.4. Study Set Four ....................................................................................... 240
Appendix C. The Effects of a High Penetration of Wind Farms ............................. 244
C.1. Methodology for Study of the Effects of a High Penetration of Wind Farms
.............................................................................................................................. 244
C.1.1. Test Network ......................................................................................... 244
C.1.2. Test Models ........................................................................................... 245
C.1.3. Test Scenarios........................................................................................ 249
C.1.4. Test Procedures ..................................................................................... 250
C.2. Results for Study of the Effects of a High Penetration of Wind Farms ....... 251
List of Figures
Figure 6.6 – Impact of Varying Interruptions / Year Criterion Weight on Benefit /
Cost Ratio......................................................................................................... 103
Figure 6.7 – Impact of Varying Power Quality Criterion Weight on Benefit / Cost
Ratio ................................................................................................................. 104
Figure 6.8 – Impact of Varying Standalone Capability Criterion Weight on Benefit /
Cost Ratio......................................................................................................... 105
Figure 6.9 – Impact of Varying Visual Environmental Impact Criterion Weight on
Benefit / Cost Ratio.......................................................................................... 106
Figure 7.1 – Varying content and representation in power system models and data118
Figure 7.2 – Simple example of a possible operating chart for a distributed generator
.......................................................................................................................... 127
Figure 7.3 – Simple example of a possible response rate chart for a distributed
generator........................................................................................................... 128
Figure 7.4 – Simple example of a possible daily cost curve for a distributed generator
.......................................................................................................................... 129
Figure 9.1 – Components of a complete wind farm dynamic model ....................... 166
Figure 9.2 – Typical power versus wind speed characteristics for an 800kW wind
turbine .............................................................................................................. 168
Figure 9.3 - Two-mass representation of a wind turbine shaft ................................ 169
Figure 9.4 – Performance coefficient as a function of tip speed ratio with pitch angle
as a parameter................................................................................................... 180
Figure 9.5 – Response of electromagnetic torque to changes in rotor voltages....... 186
Figure 9.6 – Cascaded PI controller for rotor quadrature current ............................ 187
Figure 9.7 – Response of power and reactive power to changes in direct axis rotor
voltage .............................................................................................................. 189
Figure 9.8 – Simple PI control system for reactive power....................................... 190
Figure 9.9 – Real power in branch 102-103 for the three categories of study set one
.......................................................................................................................... 196
Figure 9.10 – Bus angle at bus 103 for the three categories of study set three........ 197
Figure 9.11 – Bus 1 voltage for medium load condition and different wind farm
conditions ......................................................................................................... 198
Figure 9.12 – Bus 30 voltage for low load condition and different wind farm
scenarios (different MW base levels)............................................................... 199
Figure 9.13 – Bus 30 wind farm output for low load condition and different wind
farm scenarios (different MW base levels) and the adjusted pattern of input
power................................................................................................................ 200
Figure B.1 – Test network for category A studies ................................................... 229
Figure B.2 – Test network for category B studies ................................................... 229
Figure B.3 – Test network for category C studies ................................................... 230
Figure B.4 – Real power in branch 102-103 for the three categories of study set one
.......................................................................................................................... 232
Figure B.5 – Reactive power in branch 102-103 for the three categories of study set
one .................................................................................................................... 233
Figure B.6 – Bus voltage at bus 103 for the three categories of study set one ........ 234
Figure B.7 – Bus angle at bus 103 for the three categories of study set one ........... 234
Figure B.8 – Real power in branch 102-103 for the three categories of study set two
.......................................................................................................................... 235
Figure B.9 – Reactive power in branch 102-103 for the three categories of study set
two.................................................................................................................... 236
Figure B.10 – Bus voltage at bus 103 for the three categories of study set two ...... 236
Figure B.11 – Bus angle at bus 103 for the three categories of study set two ......... 237
Figure B.12 – Real power in branch 102-103 for the three categories of study set
three.................................................................................................................. 238
Figure B.13 – Reactive power in branch 102-103 for the three categories of study set
three.................................................................................................................. 238
Figure B.14 – Bus voltage at bus 103 for the three categories of study set three .... 239
Figure B.15 – Bus angle at bus 103 for the three categories of study set three ....... 240
Figure B.16 – Real power in branch 102-103 for the three categories of study set four
.......................................................................................................................... 241
Figure B.17 – Reactive power in branch 102-103 for the three categories of study set
four ................................................................................................................... 241
Figure B.18 – Bus voltage at bus 103 for the three categories of study set four ..... 242
Figure B.19 – Bus angle at bus 103 for the three categories of study set four ........ 243
Figure C.1 – Diagram of 30-bus network used in wind farm studies ...................... 244
Figure C.2 – Bus 1 voltage for no wind farms and different load conditions.......... 252
Figure C.3 – Bus 30 voltage for no wind farms and different load conditions........ 253
Figure C.4 – Bus 1 voltage for 0MW wind farm outputs and different load conditions
.......................................................................................................................... 254
Figure C.5 – Bus 30 voltage for 0MW wind farm outputs and different load
conditions ......................................................................................................... 255
Figure C.6 – Bus 1 voltage for 5MW wind farm outputs and different load conditions
.......................................................................................................................... 256
Figure C.7 – Bus 30 voltage for 5MW wind farm outputs and different load
conditions ......................................................................................................... 257
Figure C.8 – Bus 1 voltage for 10MW wind farm outputs and different load
conditions ......................................................................................................... 258
Figure C.9 – Bus 30 voltage for 10MW wind farm outputs and different load
conditions ......................................................................................................... 259
Figure C.10 – Bus 1 voltage for 15MW wind farm outputs and different load
conditions ......................................................................................................... 260
Figure C.11 – Bus 30 voltage for 15MW wind farm outputs and different load
conditions ......................................................................................................... 261
Figure C.12 – Bus 1 voltage for 20MW wind farm outputs and different load
conditions ......................................................................................................... 262
Figure C.13 – Bus 30 voltage for 20MW wind farm outputs and different load
conditions ......................................................................................................... 263
Figure C.14 – Bus 1 voltage for 20MW wind farm outputs and different load
conditions with high protection setting ............................................................ 264
Figure C.15 – Bus 30 voltage for 20MW wind farm outputs and different load
conditions with high protection setting ............................................................ 265
Figure C.16 – Bus 1 voltage for low load condition and different wind farm
conditions ......................................................................................................... 266
Figure C.17 – Bus 30 voltage for low load condition and different wind farm
conditions ......................................................................................................... 267
Figure C.18 – Bus 1 voltage for medium load condition and different wind farm
conditions ......................................................................................................... 268
Figure C.19 – Bus 30 voltage for medium load condition and different wind farm
conditions ......................................................................................................... 269
Figure C.20 – Bus 1 voltage for high load condition and different wind farm
conditions ......................................................................................................... 270
Figure C.21 – Bus 30 voltage for high load condition and different wind farm
conditions ......................................................................................................... 271
Figure C.22 – Bus 30 wind farm output for wind farm scenario 0 (0MW base level)
and different load conditions............................................................................ 272
Figure C.23 – Bus 2 generator output for wind farm scenario 0 (0MW base level) and
different load conditions .................................................................................. 273
Figure C.24 – Bus 30 voltage for wind farm scenario 0 (0MW base level) and
different load conditions .................................................................................. 274
Figure C.25 – Bus 2 voltage for wind farm scenario 0 (0MW base level) and
different load conditions .................................................................................. 275
Figure C.26 – Bus 30 wind farm output for wind farm scenario A (5MW base level)
and different load conditions............................................................................ 276
Figure C.27 – Bus 2 generator output for wind farm scenario A (5MW base level)
and different load conditions............................................................................ 277
Figure C.28 – Bus 30 voltage for wind farm scenario A (5MW base level) and
different load conditions .................................................................................. 278
Figure C.29 – Bus 2 voltage for wind farm scenario A (5MW base level) and
different load conditions .................................................................................. 279
Figure C.30 – Bus 30 wind farm output for wind farm scenario B (10MW base level)
and different load conditions............................................................................ 280
Figure C.31 – Bus 2 generator output for wind farm scenario B (10MW base level)
and different load conditions............................................................................ 281
Figure C.32 – Bus 30 voltage for wind farm scenario B (10MW base level) and
different load conditions .................................................................................. 282
Figure C.33 – Bus 2 voltage for wind farm scenario B (10MW base level) and
different load conditions .................................................................................. 283
Figure C.34 – Bus 30 wind farm output for wind farm scenario C (15MW base level)
and different load conditions............................................................................ 284
Figure C.35 – Bus 2 generator output for wind farm scenario C (15MW base level)
and different load conditions............................................................................ 285
Figure C.36 – Bus 30 voltage for wind farm scenario C (15MW base level) and
different load conditions .................................................................................. 286
Figure C.37 – Bus 2 voltage for wind farm scenario C (15MW base level) and
different load conditions .................................................................................. 287
Figure C.38 – Bus 30 wind farm output for wind farm scenario D (20MW base level)
and different load conditions............................................................................ 288
Figure C.39 – Bus 2 generator output for wind farm scenario D (20MW base level)
and different load conditions............................................................................ 289
Figure C.40 – Bus 30 voltage for wind farm scenario D (20MW base level) and
different load conditions .................................................................................. 290
Figure C.41 – Bus 2 voltage for wind farm scenario D (20MW base level) and
different load conditions .................................................................................. 291
Figure C.42 – Bus 30 wind farm output for low load condition and different wind
farm scenarios (different MW base levels) ...................................................... 292
Figure C.43 – Bus 2 generator output for low load condition and different wind farm
scenarios (different MW base levels)............................................................... 293
Figure C.44 – Bus 30 voltage for low load condition and different wind farm
scenarios (different MW base levels)............................................................... 294
Figure C.45 – Bus 2 voltage for low load condition and different wind farm scenarios
(different MW base levels)............................................................................... 295
Figure C.46 – Bus 30 wind farm output for low load condition and different wind
farm scenarios (different MW base levels) and the adjusted pattern of input
power................................................................................................................ 296
Figure C.47 – Bus 2 generator output for low load condition and different wind farm
scenarios (different MW base levels) and the adjusted pattern of input power297
Figure C.48 – Bus 30 voltage for low load condition and different wind farm
scenarios (different MW base levels) and the adjusted pattern of input power298
Figure C.49 – Bus 2 voltage for low load condition and different wind farm scenarios
(different MW base levels) and the adjusted pattern of input power............... 299
Figure C.50 – Bus 30 wind farm output for medium load condition and different
wind farm scenarios (different MW base levels) ............................................. 300
Figure C.51 – Bus 2 generator output for medium load condition and different wind
farm scenarios (different MW base levels) ...................................................... 301
Figure C.52 – Bus 30 voltage for medium load condition and different wind farm
scenarios (different MW base levels)............................................................... 302
Figure C.53 – Bus 2 voltage for medium load condition and different wind farm
scenarios (different MW base levels)............................................................... 303
Figure C.54 – Bus 30 wind farm output for high load condition and different wind
farm scenarios (different MW base levels) ...................................................... 304
Figure C.55 – Bus 2 generator output for high load condition and different wind farm
scenarios (different MW base levels)............................................................... 305
Figure C.56 – Bus 30 voltage for high load condition and different wind farm
scenarios (different MW base levels)............................................................... 306
Figure C.57 – Bus 2 voltage for high load condition and different wind farm
scenarios (different MW base levels)............................................................... 307
List of Tables
Table A.8 – Questionnaire results for scenario 8..................................................... 220
Table A.9 – Questionnaire results for scenario 9..................................................... 221
Table A.10 – Questionnaire results for scenario 10................................................. 222
Table A.11 – Questionnaire results for scenario 11................................................. 223
Table A.12 – Questionnaire results for scenario 12................................................. 224
Table A.13 – Questionnaire results for scenario 13................................................. 225
Table A.14 – Questionnaire results for scenario 14................................................. 226
Table A.15 – Questionnaire results for scenario 15................................................. 227
Table B.1 – Doubly fed induction generator parameters ......................................... 230
Table B.2 – Rotor voltage controller parameters ..................................................... 231
Table B.3 – Division of power between machines in test categories B and C ........ 240
Table C.1 – Models used in the study of high penetration of wind farms ............... 245
Table C.2 – Doubly fed induction generator parameters ......................................... 245
Table C.3 – Rotor voltage controller parameters ..................................................... 246
Table C.4 – Pattern of power input variations ......................................................... 246
Table C.5 – Salient pole generator parameters ........................................................ 247
Table C.6 – Round rotor generator parameters ........................................................ 248
Table C.7 – Turbine governor parameters ............................................................... 248
Table C.8 – Simple excitation system parameters ................................................... 248
Table C.9 – Load values for the three scenarios ...................................................... 249
Table C.10 – Wind farm scenarios........................................................................... 250
Table C.11 – New pattern of input power variations ............................................... 296
AC Alternating Current
BTU British Thermal Unit
CHP Combined Heat and Power
CIM Common Information Model
DC Direct Current
DFIG Doubly Fed Induction Generator
DG Distributed Generation
DNO Distribution Network Operator
E2I Electricity Innovation Institute
EPRI Electric Power Research Institute
EU European Union
GIS Geographic Information System
GSP Grid Supply Point
GWh Gigawatt Hours
kVA Kilo Volt Amperes
kW Kilowatt
kWh Kilowatt Hours
LV Low Voltage (below 1kV)
MCDM Multiple Criteria Decision Making
MW Megawatts
MWe Megawatts Electrical
NMS Network Management System
O&M Operation and Maintenance
PV Photovoltaic
SMART Simple Multiple Attribute Rating Technique
TWh Terawatt Hours
XML Extensible Markup Language
1. Introduction
Electricity distribution networks are among the most important elements of large-
scale infrastructure that underpin modern society. The planning and design of these
networks is becoming increasingly complex as new technologies are introduced and
new demands are placed on the ageing assets in developed countries around the
world. The time is ripe to offer new methods that can support distribution planners
as they attempt to meet the new challenges in their domain.
1.1. Aim
The thesis of this work is that there are new challenges facing electricity distribution
networks in the 21st century and that an assessment of the conventional approach to
planning and design will identify a number of shortcomings. Furthermore, in
exploring the application of a range of methods from other domains and the
development of new tools, it will be possible to specify ways in which the
conventional approach can be updated to meet the new challenges. In particular, the
use of engineering design theory, decision support methods, information
management, scenario analysis, and the development of new models for simulation
and analysis are proposed as valuable. This research and its conclusions are timely
given the radical changes in electricity distribution networks being discussed across
the developed world. In particular, the expansion of distributed generation (DG)
presents a range of challenges that distribution network planners must resolve.
In the research reported here, the conventional approach to the planning and design
of electricity distribution networks is analysed and discussed using a modified
knowledge modelling methodology. This novel assessment of the domain is
followed by an up-to-date review of the drivers and new directions in distribution
network planning, with a particular emphasis on DG and its impact. Given the
review of the conventional approach and the assessment of drivers and new
directions, specific shortcomings in distribution network planning and design are
Engineering design theory offers a range of concepts and methods that can be applied
to electricity distribution network planning to address the shortcomings in the
conventional approach and help meet the new challenges of the 21st century. A
selection of these concepts and methods is considered, with an assessment of how
each of them relates to and influences distribution network planning. This
assessment has not been performed before. The result is particular emphasis being
put on the concept of design rationale, which is identified as being of primary
importance in improving distribution network planning.
Planning and design is ultimately all about making decisions. Decisions require
information to be gathered and may rely on various forms of analysis but tools are
also available to support the actual decision making process. The use of multiple
criteria decision making (MCDM) techniques is discussed, highlighting their value in
making explicit the identification, quantification and analysis of decision criteria. A
new general structure for MCDM-based planning is defined and its use is
demonstrated in a case study where MCDM techniques are used to assess the
financial viability and technical desirability of a number of DG options. This
includes the novel specification and use of alternative ratios within the MCDM
framework to provide a new perspective and enhance the information available to
decision makers. The case study demonstrates the assessment of novel solutions
based on DG alongside conventional grid reinforcement solutions.
Planning and design, whether for electricity distribution networks or for other
systems, involve the management and processing of information. However, the
management of information can impose a huge burden on analysts and decision
makers, and this burden is growing with the new challenges of the 21st century. A
novel combination of methods is suggested to reduce the burden of information
processing and thereby enhance the productivity of analysts and decision makers.
The modelling and analysis of new technologies and the greater exploitation of
resources through improved representation and exchange of power system models
and data is discussed. By way of demonstrating the ideas presented and further
examining the principal challenge in network planning, a comprehensive set of
information requirements for DG is defined.
Trends like industry restructuring and DG are increasing the level of uncertainty and
risk faced by distribution network planners. A number of methods for managing
uncertainty and risk are discussed, including scenario analysis. A novel scenario
development methodology is demonstrated with an assessment of the expected
growth in DG in low voltage grids. This spotlights the primary challenge currently
facing planners and shows how gathered information can be used to generate
scenarios to support further analysis.
Power system operators are concerned with the expansion of wind power and the
effect it will have on their networks. This requires appropriate modelling and
analysis of wind farms within power system simulation software. A comprehensive
analysis of the problem is presented, supporting the development of new wind farm
models for the PSS/E simulation environment. Studies are performed to assess the
equivalence of single and aggregate models of wind farms and also to assess the
effects of a high penetration of wind farms on distribution networks.
In summary, the principle contributions of this work are: the detailed examination of
electricity distribution network planning and the new challenges facing planners in
the 21st century; the identification of shortcomings in the conventional approach to
planning and design; and the novel application of a range of methods from other
domains and the development of new tools leading to conclusions on ways in which
the conventional approach can be updated to meet the new challenges.
1.3. Publications
A number of publications have arisen from the research and related work. These are
listed below.
(i) Currie,R.A.F., Ault,G.W., Foote,C. E. T., McDonald,J.R.; “Active Power Flow
Management Utilising Operating Margins for the Increased Connection of
Distributed Generation”; Accepted for publication by IEE Proceedings
Generation, Transmission and Distribution, Reference GTD-2006-0035.R1
(ii) Foote,C.E.T., Burt,G.M., Elders,I.M., Ault,G.W.; “Developing Distributed
Generation Penetration Scenarios”; International Conference on Future Power
Systems, FPS 2005, 16-18 November 2005, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
(iii) Foote,C.E.T., Roscoe,A.J., Currie,R.A.F., Ault,G.W., McDonald,J.R.;
“Ubiquitous Energy Storage”; International Conference on Future Power
Systems, FPS 2005, 16-18 November 2005, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
(iv) Ault,G.W., Foote,C.E.T., McDonald, J.R.; “UK research activities on advanced
distribution automation”; IEEE Power Engineering Society General Meeting
2005, June 12-16, 2005, p.2365-2368
(v) Foote,C.E.T., Ault,G.W., Burt,G.M., McDonald,J.R., Silvestro,F.,
“Information Requirements and Methods for Characterising Distributed
Generation”, 18th International Conference and Exhibition on Electricity
Distribution, CIRED 2005, June 2005, Turin, Italy
(vi) Foote,C.E.T., Ault,G.W., McDonald,J.R., Beddoes,A.J., “The Impact of
Network Splitting on Fault Levels and Other Performance Measures”, 18th
International Conference and Exhibition on Electricity Distribution, CIRED
2005, June 2005, Turin, Italy
(vii) Currie,R.A.F., Ault,G.W., Foote,C.E.T., Burt,G.M., McDonald,J.R.,
“Fundamental Research Challenges for the Active Management of Distribution
Networks with High Levels of Renewable Generation”, Universities’ Power
Engineering Conference (UPEC) 2004, Bristol, U.K., Conference Proceedings
Volume 3, p.1024-1028
(viii) Mienski,R., Pawelek,R., Wasiak,I., Gburczyk,P., Foote,C., Burt,G., Espie,P.,
“Power Quality Improvement in LV Networks Using Distributed Generation”,
2004 International Conference on Harmonics and Quality of Power, Lake
Placid, New York, USA, September 2004
(ix) Mienski,R., Pawelek,R., Wasiak,I., Gburczyk,P., Foote,C., Burt,G., Espie,P.,
“Voltage Dip Compensation in LV Networks Using Distributed Energy
Resources”, 2004 International Conference on Harmonics and Quality of
Power, Lake Placid, New York, USA, September 2004
(x) McMorran,A.W., Ault,G.W., Elders,I.M., Foote,C.E.T., Burt,G.M.,
McDonald,J.R., “Translating CIM XML Power System Data to a Proprietary
Format for System Simulation”, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol.19,
issue 1, February 2004, p.229-235, February 2004
(xi) Espie,P., Foote,C. E. T., Burt,G. M., McDonald,J. R., Wasiak,I., “Improving
Electrical Power Quality Using Distributed Generation: Part 1 - Assessing DG
Impact and Capability”, 7th International Conference on Electrical Power
Quality and Utilisation, September 2003
(xii) McMorran,A.W., Ault,G.W., Foote,C.E.T., Burt,G.M., McDonald,J.R., “Web
Services Platform For Power System Development Planning”, Aristotle
University of Thessaloniki, 38th International Universities Power Engineering
Conference, September 2003
(xiii) Ault,G.W., Foote,C.E.T., McDonald,J.R., “Distribution System Planning in
Focus”, IEEE Power Engineering Review, Volume 22, Number 1, January
2002, pp 60-62., January 2002
(xiv) Foote,C.E.T., Watson,A.S., Espie,P., Ault,G.W., Burt,G.M., McDonald,J.R.,
“An evaluation strategy for electricity distribution network planning and
design”, 3rd Mediterranean Conference and Exhibition on Power Generation,
Transmission, Distribution and Energy Conversion, MED POWER 2002,
Athens, Greece, November 2002
(xv) Espie,P., Foote,C.E.T., Ault,G.W., McDonald,J.R., “A Multiple Criteria Model
for Evaluating Distributed Generation Development Options”, Second
International Symposium on Distributed Generation: Power System and
Market Aspects, Stockholm, Sweden, October 2002
(xvi) Foote,C.E.T., Ault,G.W., Burt,G.M., McDonald,J.R, “Enhancing flexibility
and transparency in the connection of dispersed generation”, CIRED 2001,
Amsterdam, June 2001
(xvii) Foote,C.E.T., Ault,G.W., Burt,G.M., McDonald,J.R., Green,J.P, “Towards a
structured methodology for distribution network design applications”, 35th
Universities Power Conference, Belfast, September 2000
2. Conventional Perspective on Distribution Network Planning
The detailed requirements vary from one area to another but in the simplest terms,
distribution networks are very similar all over the world. There are transformers,
switches and ancillary equipment in substations, which are connected to sources,
consumers and other substations by overhead lines and underground cables. In the
developed world, electricity supply systems have been in operation for more than a
century and now reach almost the entire population. Thus, there is a substantial
installed base of assets to build upon. Furthermore, many items of equipment have a
service life running into decades so may have to operate through widely varying
circumstances. Network planners must tackle the problem of extending and
renewing the system to meet all the demands put upon it, now and in the future.
In this section, the conventional approach to the planning and design of electricity
distribution networks is described using a modified knowledge modelling
A formal modelling approach was adopted to provide some structure in the analysis
of the conventional approach, to facilitate its representation in diagrammatic form,
and to present a widely known subject in a novel way. The methodology is a
simplified version of the KADS methodology [2.1] and was used because of the
clarity that it can provide in modelling engineering activities. This type of modelling
approach has been found to be very effective in capturing and representing
knowledge in a diverse range of topics. It also facilitates the codification of
knowledge, which is necessary in the development of knowledge based or automated
systems. The full KADS methodology was not used because the purpose of the
analysis was only to understand the structure of the planning activity. Application of
the full KADS methodology was unnecessary and out of the scope of this work.
The KADS methodology was simplified by neglecting the inference and domain
layers to leave only the task layer. In the full methodology, the inference and domain
layers provide further detail on the knowledge resources and processes necessary to
fulfil tasks. The use of the task layer only allows a useful description of the activity
to be constructed, as demonstrated with the model below. Other researchers may
find a similar approach useful in assessing other engineering topics.
Distribution planning and design is represented below in terms of tasks that are
broken down into sub-tasks or methods. A task is a specific activity that must be
undertaken to satisfy its parent task. A method is a tool or technique that may be
used to satisfy its parent task. The symbols used are shown in Figure 2.1. The
rectangular boxes with double lines and rounded corners represent tasks and sub-
tasks. The ellipses represent methods. The arrow indicates that a task is broken
down further into sub-tasks or methods.
Task Method
The models are presented in levels, where level one represents the highest level of
task. It was found that five levels were sufficient to represent the breakdown of
tasks. In each section an introductory explanation is provided together with
summary information identifying the parent task one level up and child tasks where
the model goes to another level of detail.
The models were compiled using a number of sources including literature [2.2-2.15]
and discussion with utility personnel [2.16, 2.17].
The conventional approach to the task of planning and designing the distribution
network can be split into six broad sub-tasks (Figure 2.2). There is a need to identify
requirements and then design the necessary additions and alterations to the network.
These designs are then implemented in programmes of work. Through all planning
and design activities there is a need to maintain communication and exchange
information with others, be it within the organisation, with neighbouring networks,
with customers or with the regulator. As a check that the planning and design
process is satisfying requirements, there should be some review of plans actually
implemented, which will then inform future activities. Finally, the policies,
procedures and standards upon which planning and design is based may be revised
when appropriate. These tasks are continuous and ongoing as the electricity
distribution network is updated and extended to meet changing requirements.
Parent: None
Children: Level Two: Identify requirements
Level Two: Design network additions and alterations
Level Two: Determine programmes of implementation
Level Two: Revise policies, procedures and standards
Figure 2.2 – Task Model: Plan and design the distribution network
Identify requirements
Design network
additions and
Determine programmes
of implementation
Review implementation
to see that
requirements are met
Revise policies,
procedures and
Parent: Level One: Plan and design the distribution network
Children: Level Three: Consider goals and responsibilities
Level Three: Consider development drivers
Level Three: Combine requirements from different considerations
Consider development
Identify requirements
Combine requirements
from different
Figure 2.4 – Task Model: Consider goals and responsibilities
Maintain safety
Optimise economic
Minimise environmental
Parent: Level Two: Identify requirements
Children: Level Four: Consider new connections
Level Four: Consider general load growth
Level Four: Consider asset replacement or refurbishment
Level Four: Consider network performance
Consider new
Consider asset
replacement or
Consider development
Consider network
Consider transmission
network developments
not. In the conventional approach, as practiced by distribution companies over the
last few decades, new connections are mostly for new loads, like a new housing
estate or commercial development. Distribution network planners have always had
to consider the connection of generators but for most companies, over the last four or
five decades, this has been rare enough to be managed separately and on a purely
reactive basis.
Predict new
Consider new
Figure 2.7 – Task Model: Consider general load growth
Forecast load
In forecasting load a variety of approaches have been adopted but two of the most
widely used methods are forecasts based on economic growth estimates and forecasts
based on local knowledge and trending (Figure 2.8). Combining the results of
different methods can produce more confidence in the overall forecasts made.
forecast based on
economic growth
Forecast load
forecast based on
local knowledge
and trending
Feedback from operational experience might be concerned with plant where ratings
have been, or have been close to being, exceeded. Or operators might identify
portions of network that could be reconfigured to improve performance.
Network modelling and analysis covers the use of a wide range of simulation and
analysis software tools. Depending on the circumstances, this may cover the full
range of power system dynamics, from generation expansion planning to
electromagnetic transients, and also steady state analysis such as load flow.
However, in conventional distribution planning and design the range of tools used
would be limited; analysis would focus on static studies of voltage levels, power
flows and fault levels.
Feedback from
Identify insecurities and
exceeded ratings
Network modelling
and analysis
In most developed countries, where electricity distribution networks are mature and
assets are reaching the end of their predicted lives, asset management has become
more important as a development driver, often becoming the primary focus for
distribution companies. Determining whether assets need replacing or refurbishing
requires assessing the condition of the plant and identifying redundant network assets
(Figure 2.10). Many planners will also use statistical modelling and analysis of
distribution assets, which are numerous and suited to statistical studies.
Parent: Level Three: Consider development drivers
Children: Level Five: Assess condition of plant
Level Five: Identify redundant network
Assess condition of
Consider asset
Identify redundant
replacement or
modelling and
analysis of asset
Plant is most commonly assessed through visual inspection but there are also
diagnostic tools available to provide information to planners and designers (Figure
2.11). However, the tools available are not used comprehensively and in some cases
plant will only be identified as being in poor condition when it fails or its
performance deteriorates. Thus, planners must utilise feedback from operational
experience as well as inspections and diagnostic tools.
Figure 2.11 – Task Model: Assess condition of plant
Visual inspections
of plant
Diagnostic tools to
Assess condition of
assess plant
Feedback from
Feedback from
Identify redundant
Network modelling
and analysis
The network performance measures that must be met will be defined in standards and
regulations. Determining whether these performance targets are being met rely once
again on feedback from operational experience and network modelling and analysis
(Figure 2.13). Any failure to meet performance targets will drive network
developments. The greatest pressure from customers and other stakeholders,
including the government, will come when there are significant network disruptions.
For example, severe storms can cause widespread disruption and prompt strong
criticism. Thus, an important objective is to try and minimise disruption when
storms occur and learn lessons from any past experience. The need to maintain
safety has already been identified as one of the specific goals and responsibilities of
distribution companies. However, it is useful to highlight how safety related issues
are an explicit development driver.
Feedback from
Network modelling
and analysis
Consider network
Experience of
significant network
Safety related
The multiple goals and responsibilities of distribution companies and the multiple
development drivers for the network result in a complex set of interrelated
requirements for planning and design. An important task is the combining of these
requirements into manageable blocks (Figure 2.14). This is most commonly done on
the basis of geography, network impact and time horizon.
Combine requirements
by geography
Information System)
Combine requirements
by network impact
(Network Management
Combine requirements
from different
requirements by
time horizon
Split requirements
into manageable
Parent: Level One: Plan and design the distribution network
Children: Level Three: Determine substation, feeder and ancillary equipment
Determine substation
site, capacity and
Determine configuration
and operational
For all three elements of the conventional approach to physical network design, the
methods used are similar (Figure 2.16). Academic researchers have proposed vary
many complex optimisation methods based on esoteric mathematics or the latest,
fashionable technique [2.15]. Despite this, distribution company engineers are more
likely to turn to simpler and more robust approaches. These include referring to
written procedures or accepted “rules of thumb”. Conventionally, lists of standard
designs and components have been used, although there has always been scope to
gradually incorporate new products and concepts. To reduce the burden of analysis,
prepared tables and charts have emerged that specify design details such as
conductor diameters to meet certain conditions. However, designers will perform
some network modelling and analysis where it is required. The application of
personal knowledge, experience and engineering judgement has always been
important. In particular, engineers will apply experience of similar projects that they
have encountered in the past.
Figure 2.16 – Task Model: Determine substation, feeder and ancillary equipment details
Utilise standard
Determine substation designs and
site, capacity and components (gradually
configuration incorporate new
Determine ancillary
Network modelling
equipment type and
and analysis
Apply knowledge,
experience and
Having identified requirements on the network and designed the additions and
alterations necessary, these changes must be implemented, and revised, as
programmes of work (Figure 2.17). Performing construction or significant
maintenance work in the network will require outages so the constraints on network
access must be assessed. In addition, the availability of the resources required to do
the work may influence the work programmes. This will include people like
contractors and authorised personnel, machinery and materials, and, perhaps most
important of all, finance. Finally, distribution networks exist in a dynamic
environment and all plans must be revised as conditions change.
Revise plans as
conditions change
Figure 2.18 – Task Model: Assess network access constraints
Feedback from
Planning and design of the distribution network relies very heavily on policies,
procedures and standards. These can be internal to the distribution company and
external, perhaps as industry-wide agreements or as part of statutory regulations.
These policies, procedures and standards are revised as issues emerge in the planning
and design of networks (Figure 2.19). These tasks must look to the future to identify
emerging issues and possible externally imposed changes to ensure that policies,
procedures and standards are in place for when they are needed.
2.3. The Complete Model
The complete model is shown in the fewest separate parts as is practical for this
document in Figure 2.20 and Figure 2.21. The model can also be described in text-
only form as shown in Figure 2.22.
While the model is simply a description of the conventional approach, not being
codified in any way other than as in the diagrams, this new description allows
specific parts of the process to be highlighted and seen in context. When considered
alongside the drivers and new directions in the next Chapter the model exposes some
shortcomings in the conventional approach. These shortcomings and the methods
proposed for addressing them are discussed in more detail in later Chapters.
However, even before the new challenges facing DNOs are considered, the model
points to some important aspects of and weaknesses in the conventional approach.
“Network modelling and analysis” and “Feedback from operational experience” both
appear in the model a number of times, highlighting the importance of these
activities. While there are tasks to “Predict new connections” and “Forecast load”,
the process is largely a reactive one based on external drivers. This is appropriate
since the network should reflect the needs of its users but it can place a burden on the
DNO to perform very complex planning and design tasks in a short time. While
“Consider new products and concepts” is one of the development drivers, the model
shows how network additions and alterations are designed using conventional
methods and solutions. Overall, the model shows that distribution network planning
involves a complex set of tasks and methods that mean highly prescriptive and
restrictive methods are inappropriate.
Figure 2.20 – The complete model of the conventional approach, part 1 of 2
Maintain safety
Optimise economic
environmental impact
Predict new
Consider new
Assess applications
for new connections
forecast based
on economic
Forecast load
forecast based
on local
knowledge and
Consider general trending
load growth
Feedback from
Plan and design the Consider experience
Identify requirements
distribution network development drivers
Identify insecurities
and exceeded ratings
modelling and
inspections of
Diagnostic tools
Assess condition of
to assess plant
Feedback from
Consider asset experience
replacement or
Feedback from
Identify redundant
modelling and
modelling and
analysis of asset
Feedback from
modelling and
Consider network
Experience of
Safety related
transmission network
Consider new
products and
Figure 2.21 – The complete model of the conventional approach, part 2 of 2
requirements by
requirements by
network impact
Combine (Network
requirements from Management
Identify requirements System)
requirements by
time horizon
into manageable
Follow company
policy and
procedure or
accepted rules
of thumb Ó
Utilise standard
designs and
Determine substation components
site, capacity and (gradually
configuration incorporate new
experience and
Feedback from
programmes of
resource constraints
Revise plans as
conditions change
communication and
information with
implementation to
see that
requirements are met
Revise internal
policies, procedures
and standards
Revise policies,
procedures and
standards Propose or support
changes to industry
and statutory
policies, procedures
and standards
Figure 2.22 – Text-only version of the complete model of the conventional approach
2.4. Review of Chapter
In this Chapter, electricity distribution network planning was introduced with a novel
analysis of the conventional approach using a modified knowledge modelling
methodology. The methodology is a simplified version of the KADS methodology
and was used because of the clarity that it can provide in modelling engineering
activities. The full KADS methodology was not used because the purpose of the
analysis was only to examine the structure of the planning activity. The models
identified and examined the main tasks in network planning, with reference to a wide
range of sources. This analysis reveals the structure of the distribution network
planning activity and supports its further assessment and proposed modifications in
later chapters, particularly the identification of shortcomings in Chapter 4.
2.3. Lakervi,E., Holmes,E.J.; “Electricity distribution network design”; 2nd edition;
1996; Peter Peregrinus Ltd.; ISBN 0863413099
2.4. CIRED Experts Group, Session No.1 – Group Report; Survey of CIRED
members; May 1997
2.5. Stowell,P.; “Manweb Distribution”; Journal IEE, Jan 1958, p.15-21
2.6. UNIPEDE Distribution Study Committee 50.04.DISNET; “Distribution
network configuration and design – Applied practices, likely trends and
evaluation of technical solutions”; September 1995; Ref.: 05004Ren9540
2.7. UNIPEDE Distribution Study Committee 50.04.DISNET; “Distribution
network configuration and design – Network design - Applied practices in
European countries”; September 1995; Ref.: 05004Ren9539
2.8. UNIPEDE Distribution Study Committee 50.04.DISNET; “Distribution
network configuration and design – Evaluation of technical solutions”;
September 1995; Ref.: 05004Ren9538
2.9. UNIPEDE Distribution Study Committee 50.04.DISNET; “Distribution
network configuration and design – Likely trends in distribution systems”;
September 1995; Ref.: 05004Ren9537
2.10. Burke,J.J.; “Power Distribution Engineering: Fundamentals and Applications”;
1994; Marcel Dekker, Inc.; ISBN 0-8247-9237-8; D621.319BUR
2.11. Pansini,A.J.; “Electrical distribution engineering”; 2nd ed; 1992; The Fairmont
Press, Inc.; ISBN 0-88173-121-8; D621.319PAN
2.12. Raytheon Engineers & Constructors, EBASCO Division, Electric Power
Systems; “Electric Distribution Systems Engineering Handbook”; 3rd ed.;
1992; McGraw Hill, Inc.; ISBN 0-07-607079-4
2.13. Eggleton,M.N., Mazzoni,M., Van Geert,E., Van Der Meijden,M.A.M.M.,
Kling,W.L.; “Network structure in sub-transmission systems. Features and
practices in different countries.”; CIRED 12th International Conference on
Electricity Distribution, 1993, Subject Area 6: Design and Planning of Public
Supply Systems; IEE Conference Publication No.373, p.6.9.1-6.9.8
2.14. Carr, J., McCall, L.V.; “Divergent Evolution and Resulting Characteristics
Among the World’s Distribution Systems”; IEEE Trans. on Power Delivery,
vol.7, no.3, July 1992, p.1601-1609
2.15. Willis, H.L., Northcote-Green, J.E.D.; “Comparison of Several Computerized
Distribution Planning Methods”; IEEE Trans. on Power Apparatus and
Systems, vol.PAS-104, no.1, January 1985, p.233-240
2.16. Foote, C.; “Planning and Design of the Distribution Network”; February 2000;
CEPE Report EME/EP/KT/1999-002A; University of Strathclyde
2.17. Foote, C.; “Review of Distribution Planning and Design Techniques”; March
2000; CEPE Report EME/EP/REV/2000-002; University of Strathclyde
3. Drivers and New Directions in Distribution Networks
In this Chapter, the drivers and new directions in electricity distribution network
planning, operation and management are examined. This review of current trends
helps expose the shortcomings in the conventional approach to distribution networks
described in the previous Chapter. These shortcomings are discussed explicitly in
the next Chapter and provide the justification for the application of new tools and
techniques, which is presented in later Chapters. The choice of which tools and
techniques to test and develop was driven by this assessment of new challenges in
distribution network planning and by the new directions in the electricity industry
and technology in general.
3.1. Technology Drivers in Distribution Networks
Distributed generation is probably the single, most significant issue driving change in
modern electricity distribution networks at the start of the 21st century.
Consequently, there is a large volume of published work covering all aspects of DG
and its impact on distribution networks and concise summaries of most of the issues
are available [3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6]. Industry rules and standards have been
established for many aspects of DG although many are being reviewed in light of the
expansion of DG [3.7, 3.8, 3.9]. This highlights the importance of the level one task
in the knowledge model of the conventional approach: “Revise policies, procedures
and standards”.
including changes to market and regulatory structures, advances in generation
technology and changing attitudes with respect to the environment. In an
increasingly competitive energy market, the modularity and short lead times of DG
increase its attractiveness in comparison to larger investments by reducing the risk
associated with individual projects. The vertically integrated utilities of some
countries also see DG as an opportunity to offset investments in transmission and
distribution infrastructure. This will require novel approaches to network design and
management and enhancements to the “Network Modelling and Analysis” method
used at various points in the knowledge model of the conventional approach. With
appropriate operation and control, DG has the potential to improve voltage profiles,
reduce losses, and improve operational flexibility.
Distributed generation can affect the distribution network in many ways. Generator
performance and the impact on network performance depend very much on network
and generator characteristics. All aspects of a network’s performance, from network
power flows to reliability, may be influenced although the most important issues vary
from case to case. The technical issues most frequently highlighted for close
examination are network capacity, electrical losses, fault levels and stability.
Generally, technical solutions are available to problems faced in connecting DG but
they add costs, which raise important questions about who pays, as discussed in the
next section. Various tools and techniques are required to support the analysis of
different scenarios [3.2], and some solutions are new or have not been previously
used by DNOs.
Economic conditions influence the installation and operation of DG. Most simply,
growth in the economy increases the overall demand for electricity. For the
economic reasons mentioned above of risk reduction and better matching supply to
demand, new capacity to replace retired generators or meet future increases in
demand is likely, in the near-term, to come from smaller-scale installations. The
comparative economic benefits of economies of scale in power plants have been
reduced by improvements in small-scale generator technologies. The argument for
smaller-scale, and therefore distributed, generation is enhanced by government
incentives for environmentally friendly sources like renewable energy and combined
heat and power [3.10].
Where the use of DG proves more expensive than conventional solutions, this
additional cost must be covered. Whether through higher energy prices charged by
the DG operator, higher network use of system charges by the DNO, or taxes to pay
for government subsidies, the higher costs will ultimately be passed on to the
consumers of electrical energy.
Economic issues, and others affecting DG, are subject to regulation and may change.
Thus, planners must be aware of existing regulations and possible future changes.
36 Environmental Issues
Environmental issues are amongst the principal drivers for DG [3.6]. The incentive
to reduce emissions is provided by pollution taxes and other government-imposed
incentives. The use of combined heat and power (CHP), and technologies such as
wind turbines and photovoltaics help reduce emissions; and these technologies are
more suited to small-scale generation.
The potential for renewable and CHP generation in a particular area is a function of
the local environment. Some areas may provide large amounts of wind energy while
other areas may provide more solar energy. The potential for combined heat and
power plants depends on the requirements of suitable nearby heat loads. Another
environmental issue is planning permission. One of the perceived advantages of
conventional large-scale power stations was their distance from population centres.
DG is different and may face opposition due to the impact of generators on their
immediate environment.
Many governments of developed countries have energy policies similar to that of the
UK, namely to ensure secure, diverse and sustainable supplies of energy at
competitive prices [3.10,3.14]. The response to climate change is a central element
to policy in many countries and it is widely recognised that renewables and CHP
have a significant role to play in reducing emissions. In the case of the UK, the
government also sees renewables and CHP as contributing to employment and rural
Distributed generation is a very broad term and can cover a wide range of generation
technologies [3.11, 3.12, 3.13, 3.14]. Renewables are often the focus of discussion
but there is also much research and development of small-scale, non-renewable
technologies, particularly micro turbines and fuel cells. These technologies are made
particularly attractive when used to provide combined heat and power. All of these
DG technologies are under continuous development – a problem in itself for
distribution companies trying to keep up with the latest technologies.
One of the primary assumptions in the design and operation of electricity supply
systems is that electrical energy cannot be stored. In reality, energy storage has been
utilised for a long time, mainly in the form of pumped-storage hydro schemes,
although such schemes represent a tiny fraction of total system load. Various forms
of battery technology have long been used as backup supplies for the short-term
support of critical loads. This includes emergency lighting and uninterruptible power
The range of effective energy storage technologies is expanding [3.15, 3.16, 3.17].
There have been improvements in battery and flywheel technology. Perhaps the
most exciting advances in storage technologies are associated with regenerative fuel
cells and flow batteries. These technologies generate electricity directly from
chemical reactions, and through management of the chemical products used in the
reaction can provide a flexible means of energy storage. Flow batteries are finding
applications from critical loads to system support at distribution and transmission
3.1.3. Demand Side Technology Developments
In the last two decades there has been a massive expansion of new technologies and
market changes in the telecommunications industry. The Internet and related
systems make possible the concept of ubiquitous communications, all the time
reducing costs while expanding the services available.
telephone networks, satellite communications, microwave and radio links, and power
line carrier. In various combinations, these communications technologies offer
unprecedented scope for monitoring and control of electricity distribution networks,
loads and generators.
The growing power and falling costs of computer technology have matched the
changes in communications. This has brought ever more complex computations
within reach of distribution network engineers, both in real time for system operation
purposes and off-line for simulation, analysis and network planning and design.
Allied to the new communications technologies, this computational power makes
new approaches to network planning and system operation possible, even where
there are hundreds or even thousands of small, distributed generators.
Control of distribution networks has also been enhanced by new technologies for
network automation. Improvements in automated sectionalising and on-line tap-
changers provide new options. The developments can be characterised as bringing
transmission technologies to the distribution level.
Finally, advances in control system design and other algorithms and methods make
possible more active and more precise control of numerous and distributed resources.
In the final decades of the 20th century, commercial and regulatory drivers have
probably had a greater effect on the way distribution companies are run than any
advances in technology [3.1,3.6]. Distribution companies have been influenced by
changes in the electricity industry specifically, the energy industry more broadly, and
ultimately in the way large industries and essential services are perceived by
governments and markets across the world.
essential service, and as the part of the industry closest to customers, distribution
companies have probably been shielded more than any other part of the industry
from these changes; but their effect has still been felt. Where industry restructuring
has been taken furthest, the monopoly role of distribution network operator has been
clearly separated from other roles that can be made open to competition. However,
the approach to network planning has remained essentially the same. The knowledge
model of the conventional approach is still valid although some of the details, such as
the requirements of standards and regulations, have changed.
For example, the regulatory regime imposed upon a distribution company determines
the incentives and goals for company managers. This will influence the approaches
taken to asset management and network performance. The push for greater returns
on investments and a new focus on shareholder value has undoubtedly resulted in
some improvements in efficiency and value for money in distribution companies, but
it has also resulted in investment in network assets being reduced to an unsustainable
level [3.1]. With distribution network operators cut back to the bare minimum just to
maintain their existing system, resources are not currently available for the changes
that are required to accommodate distributed generation.
New regulations and government policies on the environment and energy, allied to
technical advances and market opportunities, have resulted in the growth of
renewable energy and combined heat and power. These distributed generation
technologies present a range of new challenges to distribution companies, as
discussed above. If distribution companies are going to play their role in meeting
government objectives, then appropriate commercial and regulatory incentives must
be put in place [3.30].
Governments still exert considerable control and influence over their domestic
energy sectors, including the electricity industry. However, more supranational
agreements on energy and other areas of commerce, such as those within the
European Union (e.g., the directive on the promotion of electricity from renewable
sources [3.19]), mean changes can be imposed on distribution companies from
outside the national sphere. Furthermore, the globalisation of markets in equipment
and services means that new technologies or methods in one country can quickly
have an impact in other countries. Effects can also be felt due to changes in policy
and regulation in other countries. For example, the UK government chose not to
invest in wind power but the governments of other countries, like Denmark and
Germany, did. This resulted in cost effective wind turbines becoming available and
having an impact on the UK, despite no significant push for this from the UK
government, who now have to react to this external technology driver.
The technology, commercial and regulatory drivers discussed above are producing
changes in the way electricity distribution networks are planned, managed and
operated. These changes require the application of new tools and methods, such as
those presented in later Chapters. It is possible to identify some specific concepts
and ideas now coming to the fore in distribution network development. These can be
split into those concerned with network architectures and operation, and those
concerned with institutional and organisational changes.
The advances in technology and the changing demands of customers and other
stakeholders are being reflected in changes in distribution network architecture and
operation [3.20, 3.21,3.31]. Most simply, there are ongoing changes in design
practice. For example, previously distribution feeders were tapered to reflect the
lower power flow further down the feeder. But this approach places a constraint on
the possibilities for connecting DG at the end of the feeder. If power flow on
distribution networks can no longer to be assumed to be uni-directional then issues
like circuit utilisation and feeder tapering must be re-assessed. Many changes have
been handled in the past and the knowledge model of the conventional approach
makes explicit the consideration of new products and concepts. However, the
combination of changes in different areas, and in particular the integration of DG, is
having an impact on network architectures and operation that is much more
significant than the gradual change of the last half century.
Larger DG installations have a larger impact on the network and, apart from their
own protection and control, will necessitate changes to the DNO’s protection and
control systems. This presents a number of challenges to network operators,
including wider variations in power flows and conditions on the network, which may
require the introduction of more adaptive protection and control [3.25]. These new
technologies can only be implemented if the DNO has a clear understanding of them
and is confident that they will operate as intended. This results in the need for more
analysis and new modelling tools, as discussed in later Chapters.
43 Active Distribution Networks
some generators might be instructed to mitigate harmonic effects on the network, or
generator outputs may have to be adjusted to operate within network constraints.
As mentioned above, active distribution networks will develop through the gradual
upgrading of existing networks. Where no network exists, as in a new building
development, there is an opportunity to design the energy supply systems from the
ground up. This provides an opportunity to exploit the latest technologies to their
fullest. For example, new residential areas are being built that include community-
run renewable energy sources, with the accompanying distribution network designed
to accommodate the generators.
Some new industrial facilities require a higher standard of power supply than
normally provided. The concept of “custom power parks” has been proposed to
supply these customers with the energy services they need [3.29]. Custom power
parks would utilise a range of technologies like DG, energy storage and power
electronics to provide the high power quality and reliability demanded by some
sensitive industrial processes.
Community-run renewable schemes and custom power parks exhibit some degree of
independence from the public electricity network, taking management and perhaps
ownership of the network away from the local distribution company. Such schemes
may be grouped under the broad heading of semi-autonomous networks. They will
still be connected to the main distribution system but will be operated with some
degree of autonomy. Where generation sources make it possible, such networks may
be operated completely in isolation from the main system. DC Distribution
The improvements in power electronics make possible new ways of using direct
current rather than conventional alternating current [3.21,3.29]. This includes the
conversion of energy from direct-power sources like photovoltaics and fuel cells.
Such conversion is necessary to connect these sources to the main AC system. But if
DC sources become widespread then there is the possibility of connecting them
together by DC and even supplying some loads through a DC network. AC-DC-AC
conversion makes it possible to decouple multi-frequency systems, increasing the
independence of semi-autonomous networks.
There have been many institutional and organisational changes forced on the
electricity industry in the course of restructuring and re-regulation. But given the
pressures on distribution companies now, there are likely to be further changes.
These can be considered in three categories: ownership and responsibility; energy
markets; and regulation and legislation.
Across modern, industrial economies there are numerous models for the division of
ownership and responsibility within the electricity supply industry [3.11, 3.31].
Electricity distribution is a natural monopoly but distribution companies sometimes
also own generating assets and sometimes also perform the marketing role of selling
electricity to customers. To ensure fair competition in distributed generation,
distribution companies might have the responsibility of providing open access to
their whole network. This might conflict with their generation interests. If
distribution companies are not permitted to own generation and must act as an
independent system operator then some opportunities for integrating the network and
distributed resources might be lost. Governments and regulators must consider these
issues and specify ownership and responsibility as they see fit.
groups could perform network analysis. Network operation need not be tied to asset
management and these activities could be performed by two separate entities within
one geographic area. However, experience in other industries, particularly the
railways in the UK, may make regulators reluctant to divide responsibilities between
too many different bodies.
The semi-autonomous network concept opens the way for new ways of operating and
managing parts of the network. It also offers new ways for managing the trading of
energy within a semi-autonomous network and with the rest of the market. It may be
possible to operate a conventional optimisation strategy within an area, which then
trades with other areas, generators and customers in a market structure.
It should be remembered that electricity is just one component of the energy mix that
consumers use to satisfy their needs. Wider use of gas-fired combined heat and
power will result in greater links between the electricity and gas markets. Renewable
sources are already being encouraged in some areas with the development of markets
in renewable credits, which can be traded separately from energy. Thus, the
relationships between different markets are likely to become more complex as a
result of the changes taking place [3.31].
To keep up with the changes taking place in the electricity industry, governments
will have to update regulations and legislation. The accommodation of distributed
and renewable resources will require changes to market rules and to engineering
standards and recommendations. For example, in the UK the government and the
regulator have established industry working groups to address a broad range of issues
[3.30, 3.31].
Legislation and regulations must take account of the different organisation structures
that might emerge, including the possibility of semi-autonomous networks run by
parties separate from the local distribution company.
Change can only happen if there is a political will. Furthermore, the decisions of
politicians to a large extent determine the directions taken in electricity supply.
There are opportunities to move toward a more environmentally friendly electricity
supply, but if the market mechanism discriminates against renewables then this
opportunity will be lost. Thus, political decisions are required on the priorities for
the industry.
It should be noted that changes to regulation and legislation take considerable time.
Technology and commercial drivers may push the industry quickly in directions not
favoured by the government and then the introduction of regulation and legislation
would become much more difficult.
This Chapter has explored the drivers and new directions in distribution networks,
both from a technical perspective and a commercial and regulatory perspective.
Distributed generation was identified as the single biggest challenge facing DNOs at
the start of the 21st century. The impact of DG will be wide-ranging, encompassing
technical, economic and environmental issues. Other technologies that will impact
on networks in a variety of ways are energy storage, demand side management,
power electronics and communications and control. A shift in the commercial and
regulatory environment to something more liberal and market-oriented has already
had a profound impact on DNOs.
DNOs will move in new directions both in network architecture and operation, and in
institutional and organisational structures. Integrated protection and control, active
distribution networks, semi-autonomous networks and DC distribution may all
feature in the distribution networks of the future. And there will be ongoing changes
in ownership and responsibility, energy markets and regulation and legislation.
These changes will go some way towards meeting the new challenges. However, as
explained in the next Chapter, there are a number of shortcomings in the
conventional approach to distribution network planning that will have to be
addressed to enable DNOs to successfully meet the new challenges and move in new
directions. Later Chapters present a number of methods that could help DNOs meet
the challenges facing them and will enhance the conventional approach described in
the knowledge model of Chapter 2.
3.5. Chapter References
3.12. The United States Department of Energy, Energy Efficiency and Renewable
Energy site,
3.13. The Distributed Generation Information Centre run by Resource Dynamics
Corporation in the US,
3.14. The United Kingdom Department of Trade and Industry Energy Group site,
3.15. Ribeiro,P.F., Johnson,B.K., Crow,M.L., Arsoy,A., Liu,Y.; “Energy Storage
Systems for Advanced Power Applications”; Proceedings of the IEEE, vol.89,
no.12, December 2001
3.16. Price, A., Bartley, S., Male, S., Cooley, G.; “A novel approach to utility scale
energy storage”; IEE Power Engineering Journal, June 1999, p.122-9
3.17. Roscoe, A.; “Demand response and embedded storage to facilitate diverse and
renewable power generation portfolios in the UK”; University of Strathclyde,
MSc dissertation, 2004;
3.18. Foote,C.E.T., Roscoe,A.J., Currie,R.A.F., Ault,G.W., McDonald,J.R.;
“Ubiquitous Energy Storage”; International Conference on Future Power
Systems, FPS 2005, 16-18 November 2005, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
3.19. Directive 2001/77/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27
September 2001 on the promotion of electricity produced from renewable
energy sources in the internal electricity market; Official Journal L283 ,
27/10/2001 P.0033-0040
3.20. Taylor,T.M., Willis,H.L., Engel,M.V.; “New considerations for distribution
network planning and design”; CIRED 1997; London, UK; IEE Conference
Publication no.438; p.6.1.1-6.1.5; 1997
3.21. Bergman,S.; “Visions of future Distribution Systems”; CIRED 1997; London,
UK; IEE Conference Publication no.438; p.6.4.1-6.4.4; 1997
3.22. Mott MacDonald and BPI for Ofgem; “Innovation in Electricity Distribution
Networks”; Final Report, March 2004
3.23. Ault,G., Booth,C., Dysko,A., McDonald,J., Banks,R., Cooke,R., Sasse,C.,
Stockton,M.; “Opportunities for a New Generation of Protection Devices for
Distributed Generation”; Proceedings of the Second International Symposium
on Distributed Generation: Power System and Market Aspects, 2-4 October
2002, Stockholm, Sweden
3.24. Sheaffer,P.; “Overview of Currently Available UIT Systems”; U.S. Department
of Energy Universal Interconnection Technology Workshop, July 25-26, 2002,
Chicago, IL
3.25. Brahma,S.M., Girgis,A.A.; “Development of adaptive protection scheme for
distribution systems with high penetration of distributed generation”; IEEE
Transactions on Power Delivery, January 2004, vol.19, issue.1, p.56-63, ISSN
3.26. Hart,D.G., Uy,D., Northcote-Green,J., LaPlace,C., Novosel,D.; “Automated
Solutions for Distribution Feeders”; IEEE Computer Applications in Power,
October 2000, vol.13, no.4, p.25-30; ISSN 0895-0156
3.27. Collinson,A., Dai,F., Beddoes,A., Crabtree,J.; “Solutions for the Connection
and Operation of Distributed Generation”; July 2003, DTI/Ofgem Technical
Steering Group Workstream 3 – Short-Term Solutions, Distributed Generation
Co-ordinating Group (
3.28. Bertani,A., Bossi,C., Delfino,B., Lewald,N., Massucco,S., Metten,E.,
Meyer,T., Silvestro,F., Wasiak,I.; “Electrical Energy Distribution Networks:
Actual Situation and Perspectives for Distributed Generation”; 17th
International Conference on Electricity Distribution, CIRED 2003, 12-15 May
2003, Barcelona, Spain
3.29. Hingorani,N.G.; “Introducing custom power”; Spectrum, IEEE , Volume 32,
Issue 6, June 1995, p41-48
3.30. Ofgem; “Distributed generation: A review of progress”; January 2003; Ofgem
02/03; (and Open Letter from Callum McCarthy to DNOs, January 2003)
3.31. Botting,D.; “Technical Architecture – A First Report, The Way Ahead”; IEE
Power Systems and Equipment Professional Network, sponsored by the
DTI/Ofgem Distributed Generation Coordination Group, 23 December 2004,
DGCG 3/05
4. Shortcomings in the Conventional Approach and the Need for
New Methods
A large number of shortcomings and areas for improvement have been identified in
distribution network planning, by others [4.1, 4.2] and in the previous Chapters.
Some of these are long-standing problems that still pose problems and result in
inefficiencies; for example, inaccuracies in load forecasting and difficulties in
minimising total lifetime costs. Other deficiencies in planning methodologies have
arisen from changes in the electricity industry, as discussed in the previous Chapter,
and planning methods not keeping pace with those changes.
Following the assessment of the conventional approach to distribution network
planning in Chapter 2, and new drivers and directions in Chapter 3, specific
shortcomings in distribution network planning were identified in five broad areas:
• The use of conventional technologies and methods
• The need for more analysis
• Organisational separation and loss of control
• Difficulties in formulating strategies and making decisions
• The need for knowledge management
This issue will be of particular importance in the near future because in the
developed world, many distribution companies have an ageing asset base that will
largely be replaced over the next decade or two. Cutbacks in investment have
exacerbated the problem of ageing assets that will require wholesale replacement.
New technologies will offer some opportunities to extend asset life but in replacing
assets full account must be taken of the new demands that will be made of
distribution networks, such as the integration of DG.
However, there are considerable barriers to be overcome. DNOs are slow to adopt
new technologies for a range of reasons. Principal among these is cost effectiveness.
Many new technologies offer slight improvements in performance or flexibility but,
until they are widely adopted, remain too expensive. The use of new technologies
will only occur where DNOs feel that they fully understand the technology. This
provides justification for new modelling and analysis, such as that discussed in
Chapter 9, and enhancement of DNOs’ abilities to absorb the outcomes of research
and development. The use of radically different approaches also has to overcome the
inertia of familiarity and corporate procedures as well as a culture built around the
conventional approach to network planning.
absorb the outcomes and understand the results of new analyses. In line with
changes in the industry and regulation, distribution companies must also conduct
more comprehensive economic and financial evaluation. This includes the proper
consideration of externalities like environmental factors. Thus, the analysis that must
be conducted by distribution companies is both more extensive and more complex.
This poses a problem because conventional analysis methods are too expensive, in
terms of time, talent and other resources. High-level planning decisions are
sometimes made without sufficient technical analysis. For example, lower voltage
assets are treated as numerous enough and cheap enough to be replaced based on
statistical analysis. New connections are sometimes agreed without detailed analysis
of the implications. Generally, there is a different approach to major and minor
projects due to the high expense of investigation. It is assumed that the system can
accommodate small changes but limits are eventually reached. If the burden
imposed by technical analysis was smaller then decision-makers could be better
informed about the implications of particular courses of action.
In the past, distribution networks have been over-designed and their components
over-sized. This was due to a number of reasons. The additional capacity and
security provided cover for the uncertainties of demand predictions. The acceptance
of generous margins also made it possible to apply rules of thumb and use prepared
tables and charts in design. However, the excess capacity built into the networks of
the past has been taken up by load growth, and reduced expenditure in recent years
means the excess capacity has not been replaced. Pressures on DNOs now mean that
networks must be designed more precisely with less, potentially useless, spare
capacity. This requires new rigour in the analysis of requirements and design of
Power system simulation and analysis is an important activity in the design and
management of modern electricity supply systems. Simulation is used to ensure that
the required standards of security and stability are met and that system design is
optimised. Power system simulation can be a difficult and expensive task, requiring
considerable knowledge and experience to perform detailed analyses. There are a
wide variety of simulation tools and huge libraries of models and data available; and
there are many approaches that may be taken to achieve a specific goal. As
discussed, modern electricity systems are undergoing considerable change with the
introduction of new technologies like distributed and renewable generation, and this
is imposing an ever-greater simulation burden on the industry.
DNOs must be able to accommodate and analyse the new technologies being
connected to their networks, or at least be able to understand and apply the results of
analysis by others. Chief among these is doubly fed induction generators (DFIGs),
the most common generator technology used in new wind farms. Assessing the
impact of DFIGs on the network requires simulation and analysis and this requires
the development of new models that are acceptable to DNOs and others in the
industry. Chapter 9 describes the dynamic modelling of wind farms, in particular the
development of new models of DFIGs and associated systems. This illustrates the
difficulties faced by DNOs and the industry as a whole when trying to introduce
analysis tools for new technologies.
Across the world there is great diversity in the structure, ownership and management
of electricity supply industries. But where industry restructuring and re-regulation
has taken place there has been a general shift towards organisational separation and a
consequent break down of old lines of control and influence. This is perhaps most
keenly felt at the distribution level with distribution companies expected to maintain
the same standards of quality and service while facilitating open access to new
market participants.
The knowledge model of the conventional approach does include as a level one task:
“Maintain Communication and Exchange Information with Others”. In the new
environment this is becoming increasingly challenging. One way to address this
challenge is through improved information management, with the representation of
models and data being an area where particular enhancements are possible, as
discussed in Chapter in 7.
With all the changes in technology, regulation and the commercial environment, one
of the primary challenges faced by distribution companies is the formulation of
strategies. With so many new issues to contend with, within an ever-changing
incentive structure, managers and engineers need new methods to support decision
based on a three-pronged approach addressing load forecasting, substation site and
size, and feeder route and capacity. These algorithms rely on a limited expression of
requirements. They might minimise costs – calculated as a function of substation
and feeder type and capacity – with predicted customer demand profiles as the goal
to be satisfied; statutory and company design standards might be included as
constraints. An optimisation algorithm focusing on a limited number of factors
might be used to produce the first version of a plan then constraints imposed to take
account of externalities like environmental issues. Optimisation methods may also
be used to define design standards, which are then applied in a wide variety of
As with other engineering enterprises, DNOs rely on the knowledge of their staff.
Information systems, including databases and documentation, should be maintained
and kept up to date to be of use. But some DNOs have, due to pressures of time and
money, not maintained these systems, some of which date from the days of the
nationalised industry structure. Instead, the knowledge and experience of staff is
relied upon to compensate for missing data or inaccuracies. The loss of knowledge
as people move can be damaging. In particular, centralisation of DNO functions has
resulted in the loss of people with in-depth knowledge of a specific geographical
area. This local knowledge used to compensate for missing or poor quality
The new challenges in network planning result in a need for more analysis that
DNOs are not equipped to perform. This shortcoming in analysis resources must be
addressed through improved methods and greater efficiency. For example, new
models are required for new technologies like DFIGs used in wind farms.
A number of specific areas have been identified in which the planning process could
be improved to meet the new challenges being faced by DNOs. Addressing these
shortcomings requires methods from other domains to be applied. This provides the
justification for the work presented below, which demonstrates a number of methods
that can help DNOs update their processes and face the new challenges in network
planning. Specifically, the methods proposed are engineering design theory, decision
support, information management, and scenario analysis. The following Chapters
explain how these methods might be applied but it should be noted that the
complexity and diversity of distribution network planning and the range of new
challenges to be faced mean that highly prescriptive and detailed methodologies are
inappropriate because they are inflexible.
4.7. Chapter References
5. Engineering Design Theory
The application of methods from other domains can help improve the conventional
approach to distribution network planning and address some of the shortcomings
identified above. One source of ideas and methods that can contribute to the
adoption of best practice in distribution network planning is engineering design
theory [5.1, 5.2, 5.3].
This Chapter examines a number of concepts and methods from engineering design
theory and applies them to distribution network planning in the context of the new
challenges and shortcomings identified above. There is a particular emphasis on the
concept of design rationale, which is identified as being of primary importance in
improving distribution network planning.
Distribution network planners lack the ability to express complex problem structures
in an abstract way, i.e. focus first of all on what customers really need and want
rather than making assumptions about how a problem will be solved. In addition,
there is often no incentive for DNOs to perform such an analysis. The conventional
approach to distribution network planning bypasses the solution-neutral expression
of problems and moves straight on to solution-oriented specifications. This is
illustrated in the knowledge model of the conventional approach where the design of
network additions and alterations is directly linked to the specification of
conventional solutions. From expected load profiles, characterising the requirements
of consumers in conventional terms, planners will immediately specify problems in
terms of solutions, e.g. overhead lines, cables and transformers. Furthermore, with
developments in DG, power electronics and differentiated quality and reliability,
load profiles no longer provide sufficient information to characterise requirements.
A more solution-neutral perspective would consider the overall service requirements
of customers then assess all the different options available for satisfying those
Design theory advocates that the conceptual design stage of the systematic approach
should include some abstraction of the specification to promote innovation [5.2].
Distribution design, like many other fields of design, moves into solution terms
quickly, e.g. discussing particular transformer and cable sizes. Although this may
restrict innovation, there are good reasons for this approach. Standardisation and
consistency offer economies of scale and confidence in proven performance. These
are of particular value to distribution companies who must manage very large and
expensive networks. However, incorporating novel technologies may require some
abstraction to facilitate innovation. It will also require suitable incentives for DNOs
from a business perspective.
Engineering design theory uses the concept of design level to reflect the level of risk
and innovation in a design [5.1, 5.2]. Design level can be classified as REPEAT,
VARIANT, ADAPTIVE or ORIGINAL. Moving from one level to the next
represents an increase in product or process innovation and therefore an associated
increase in risk. The review of the conventional approach in Chapter 2 revealed that
electricity distribution network design is largely REPEAT or VARIANT with
gradual changes to the system and its components and low levels of risk and
innovation. However, incorporating new technologies in distribution networks may
require the greater innovation and risk of ADAPTIVE and ORIGINAL design.
Recognising this helps manage the risk in network development. By ensuring that
regulators recognise the level of risk, it is more likely that they will allow the
additional revenues necessary to innovate.
One of the many changes in the electricity industry is that the detailed design of new
additions or alterations to the network is now being done outside of the DNO. This
makes the definition of functional specifications even more important. Engineering
design has been described as a series of decisions classified as FUNDAMENTAL,
INTERMEDIATE and MINOR [5.3]. Distribution design has long been a case of
defining a strategy with fundamental decisions then making intermediate and minor
decisions for each project. This allows the benefits of standardisation and
consistency to be enjoyed. Nowadays, distribution asset managers may make the
fundamental decisions then leave the rest to external contractors. However,
increasing complexity may require more fundamental decisions at the project stage.
Distribution companies will either have to accept this devolution of design freedom
and decision making power, or revise their planning and design policies to deal with
the issues being faced. In any case, a rethink of the approaches to organising the
planning and decision making process is required.
scenarios emerging [5.1]. As the range of distribution network technologies
expands, the spectrum of realistic solution concepts will grow. This will make the
selection task for planners and designers more difficult.
With a strict regulatory regime pushing revenues down and increasing focus on
performance and the environment, distribution planners and designers must provide
full justification for strategies and expenditure, both internally and externally.
Distribution companies have also been restructuring and reducing their number of
employees. A feature of this downsizing has been the subcontracting of distribution
utility functions, particularly construction, to focus on asset management.
Distribution companies must be prepared for all possible changes, in technology,
government policy, and regulation.
The concept of design rationale [5.6, 5.7, 5.8] is linked to information management
but has the goal of creating a “reasoning trail” not just a “data trail”. Design
rationales can include the argumentation and justification behind a design decision,
the alternatives considered, and the trade-offs evaluated. A design rationale system
is a tool for capturing design rationales and making them easily accessible. The
recording of rationale is most important for fundamental decisions that occur early
on and have the greatest leverage, or impact, on a project.
By helping to evaluate the issues and alternatives being examined, design rationales
can provide better design support and improve the formation and comparison of
strategies. This includes tracking dependencies among requirements and the
components that satisfy them. Rationales can help identify past designs that may be
relevant to current problems, or the rationales themselves may be of value.
Collaboration between groups can be improved by providing a common vocabulary
and project memory.
Apart from supporting other planners and designers, design rationales can contribute
to documentation for managers and external groups, including the industry regulator.
Rationales may also be useful in supporting patent applications, were distribution
companies to seek intellectual property protection for network designs. It is
important that the recording of rationale and other forms of knowledge management
are tailored to the particular domain in which they are applied. One way of formally
recording rationale is to associate it with structured decision making methods, as
proposed below.
Design rationale theory [5.1, 5.3, 5.7] suggests that effective capture requires the
recording of four things:
1. The justification for decisions
2. The argumentation behind decisions
3. The alternatives considered in a decision
4. The trade-offs made in reaching a decision
Unfortunately, capturing rationale effectively and facilitating its reuse is not easy.
There is a conflict between capture and subsequent access. For example, an
engineer’s logbook might contain details of all the thought processes and information
used in reaching design decisions, ideally fully capturing the rationale. But
accessing this knowledge is difficult because of the unstructured and often untidy
nature of a logbook written by one person for his or her own use. The logbook may
be of great value to the engineer who wrote it but of limited value to others.
Different approaches can be adopted to address this conflict. In the theory of design
rationale, three perspectives are identified:
1. The communication perspective, where all naturally occurring discourse in
reaching the decision is captured
2. The documentation perspective, where rationale must be identified and recorded
in documentation
3. The argumentation perspective, where some sort of procedure or system is
implemented that captures rationale in a structured form throughout the decision
It is important that the time required by the user to document rationale is kept to a
minimum. Forcing the user to spend a great deal of time documenting rationale can
be counter-productive. The user must understand the benefits of capturing rationale.
This is to ensure that the user fully comprehends the type of knowledge that it is
important to capture, permitting them to be as concise as possible when inputting
knowledge. Given the requirements and potential problems in capturing rationale,
different approaches may be necessary for different circumstances and different
In this section, three methods are proposed to support the capture and reuse of
rationale in distribution network planning. Firstly, structured decision making
methods encourage the formal identification of alternatives, objectives and decision
criteria. Attaching rationale to the assignment of weightings and scores, which can
be a source of opacity, can enhance these methods further. This combines the
communication and argumentation perspectives by introducing structured support for
the decision process that will change the ways decisions are made while forcing the
recording of decision discourse. Secondly, through an analysis of the planning task,
a number of generic or repeated justifications have been identified, which can form a
basis for the capture of rationale. This might fall under all three perspectives
depending on when and how the generic justification is identified and recorded.
Finally, knowledge modelling methods can be applied to the capture and reuse of
rationale. This is likely to involve posterior analysis of a decision and falls squarely
under the documentation perspective.
Structured decision making methods, such as multiple criteria and multiple objective
decision making, can help capture some of the elements that make up the rationale.
A structured decision making process will normally require the formal identification
of alternatives. It will also require the identification and quantification of decision
criteria or objectives. Even in the most limited methods, there should be
identification of plus-points and minus-points. The weightings and scores used in
structured decision making methods quantify the trade-offs made between
alternatives. However, the weightings and scores can appear arbitrary and opaque.
Assigning some rationale directly to the weightings and scores can ameliorate this.
The MCDM example in Chapter 6 illustrates how a decision can be analysed and the
reasons for selecting a particular option made explicit. This approach could be
further enhanced with the capture of rationale associated with each of the weightings
and scores in the decision analysis.
• Due to local reasons. This type of justification might be entirely correct but does
not provide much information. This would have to be expanded upon with
explanation of why local circumstances demand a particular solution.
• Due to past experience. Engineers learn to know which solutions are best in
different circumstances and past experience might be the primary reason for
selecting a particular option. Reference could be made to the earlier decision in
question. Ideally, this would have been based on an objective analysis that was
properly recorded.
Each of these generic justifications can provide a starting point for further
explanation of why a decision was made. They could also be used in combination.
As decision makers use the list, it would be tuned to the particular application and
The knowledge model of the conventional approach already includes a level one task
where such knowledge modelling methods might be applied: “Review
implementation to see that requirements are met”. The application of knowledge
modelling methods would provide scope for very detailed capture of knowledge
associated with a decision. This detail comes at considerable cost in time and effort
required to fully review a planning decision and process it according to the
knowledge management methodology. However, this investment would provide a
return in the form of faster or better decisions in future through exploiting the
captured knowledge.
Engineering design theory offers a range of concepts and methods that can be applied
to electricity distribution network planning to address the shortcomings in the
conventional approach and help meet the new challenges of the 21st century.
The capture and effective representation of the rationale behind decisions offers great
scope for adding value to decisions and contributing to the collation of corporate
knowledge. The use of some structure or process for capturing rationale forces
decision-makers to make explicit the reasons for their decisions. This should lead to
better decisions but also provides a valuable resource for those facing similar
problems in the future. A novel combination of methods was suggested to assist in
the capture of rationale in distribution network planning: the use of formal MCDM
techniques; making reference to a defined list of generic rationales; and post-decision
analysis with knowledge engineering methods.
Among the concepts and methods considered, the descriptive theories provide a new
perspective on the conventional approach to network planning and the prescriptive
theories offer some ideas on new approaches. The development of the planning
function will benefit from the consideration of engineering design concepts like level
of risk while new procedures will have to be implemented at various stages of the
planning process to effectively capture decision rationale.
5.7. Lee,J.; “Design Rationale Systems: Understanding the Issues”; IEEE Expert;
vol.12, no.3; p.78-85; May/June 1997
5.8. Shipman,F.M., McCall,R.J.; “Integrating Different Perspectives on Design
Rationale: Supporting the Emergence of Design Rationale from Design
Communication”; Artificial Intelligence in Engineering Design, Analysis, and
Manufacturing (AIEDAM); vol.11, no.2; p.141-154; April 1997
6. Decision Support in Distribution Network Planning
Perhaps the most important element of network planning is the reaching of decisions.
Decisions require information to be gathered and may rely on various forms of
analysis but tools are also available to support the actual decision making process. In
this Chapter, the use of multiple criteria decision making (MCDM) techniques is
discussed, highlighting their value in making explicit the identification,
quantification and analysis of decision criteria. Decision support is crucial to
addressing the difficulties in formulating strategies and making decisions, which was
identified in Chapter 4 as one of the main shortcomings in distribution network
The second half of this Chapter describes a case study that demonstrates the use of
MCDM techniques to assess the financial viability and technical desirability of a
number of DG options for a large industrial consumer. This includes the
specification and use of alternative ratios within the MCDM framework to provide a
new perspective and enhance the information available to decision makers. The
study demonstrates the assessment of novel solutions based on DG alongside
conventional grid reinforcement solutions. This is the kind of study that planners
will have to undertake to exploit the advantages of new technologies, as noted in
Chapter 4.
be tackled consistently, in a manner such that the most suitable option – if one exists
– is identified.
There are many different multiple objective and multiple attribute techniques
available to a decision-maker. This presents the decision-maker with the problem of
selecting an appropriate MCDM technique. The ultimate decision on which
technique should be selected depends on a number of factors [6.2]:
• Number and type of objectives, criteria, alternatives and constraints
• Type of information the decision-maker wishes to input – some techniques
require more complex and sophisticated information from the user
• Decision making style and problem structure
• Time and effort the decision-maker wishes to spend on the problem – some
techniques reach a solution quicker than others and have a lower cognitive
• Accuracy – most techniques cannot handle uncertain outcomes, and some do not
guarantee to produce a non-dominated solution or a complete ranking of all the
• Restrictiveness of underlying assumptions
Even after the above factors have been considered the decision-maker may still be
left with several techniques that will produce the required outputs. In this situation,
personal preference or supporting software availability would become the deciding
Figure 6.1 – General structure for multiple criteria decision making
The first step in reaching a decision is to properly consider all the relevant issues.
For a technical study, this might be concerned with design specifications and
technical requirements. For more strategic analyses, this might include higher-level
economic, business and social issues. It is at this stage that planners must ensure that
they use appropriate time scales and planning horizons. This will be determined by
the task being undertaken; for example, asset replacement strategies must be assessed
in the long term while the response to an application for connection from a new
generator may demand changes to the network in the near-term. In defining the
development issues, planners can endeavour to incorporate the engineering design
theories of solution-neutral problem definition and concurrency. This should
encourage an objective assessment of the complete life cycle of the development
under consideration.
Having identified high-level issues, these can be translated into specific evaluation
criteria to facilitate the decision analysis. For example, an issue like power quality
can be translated into specific objectives and requirements for particular power
quality measures. This is completed more fully in the quantification stage.
The separate identification of development issues and options contrasts with the
solution-oriented conventional approach to the design of network additions and
alterations. The adoption of this general structure for MCDM delivers immediate
benefits through this explicit consideration of issues and options and also supports
the further enhancement of the conventional approach with other methods like the
capture of decision rationale.
The quantification step involves the acquisition of relevant information, data and
models and selection of appropriate analytical tools to perform the necessary
analysis. The collection of information supports all subsequent stages and is thus
very important. Increasing complexity in network planning and design means a
significant increase in the burden of information processing. This is further
increased by the need to properly manage uncertainty in the information collected.
Various tools and methods can be applied to support planners. These include
methods for the collection, representation and exchange of information either
manually or through computer-based systems, as discussed in Chapter 7. The level
of automation and interactivity will depend on the particular application.
Furthermore, the properly managed exchange of information is crucial in meeting the
challenges of re-organisation and changing responsibilities that have resulted from
changes in the industry’s structure.
Analysis is performed with the results of the quantification stage, taking into account
the issues and options identified. This stage will employ the appropriate use of
computers, normally with considerable interaction from the user as they direct the
analysis and make an intellectual contribution based on their knowledge and
experience. Greater complexity in distribution network planning means more
analysis will be required. This might include power systems studies with models of
new technologies or financial studies that evaluate the cost benefits of DG.
Analytical tools to identify patterns and trends in the results might include statistical
analysis or comparison with standards or performance targets. With a greater need
for analysis, but increasing pressure on resources, it is crucial that productivity is
enhanced. This requires the provision of an effective toolkit of analytical
components that are available as modules that interface with one another without
imposing too great a burden of translation and conversion upon the planner. Also,
planners must be able to properly exploit the knowledge available within their
organisation. This requires appropriate knowledge management, which includes the
recording of the rationale behind the choices made by planners to provide a tractable
record of their work that provides some insight into the problems and solutions they
have considered. Drawing on the past experience of others in this way will enhance
the productivity of less-experienced planners.
This stage takes relevant outputs from the analysis stage and processes the results to
help decision-makers reach a decision. It is important that through the identification
of issues and options, the quantification and analysis, planners remain focused on the
need to ultimately reach a decision. Decision making techniques should handle
multiple criteria, which will be drawn from the identification of development issues.
Tools should support the management of uncertainty and deal explicitly with risk. In
reaching decisions, it can be beneficial to draw on the collective knowledge and
experience of the organisation. Thus, knowledge management has a strong role to
play. The effective capture of rationale associated with decisions can support the
development of knowledge management systems. Design theory classifies decisions
and the risk or innovation associated with them into different levels. Consideration
of decisions from these perspectives might help planners reach appropriate decisions.
Or, if it is decided that additional quantification or analysis is required then further
iterations through the process can be undertaken.
Extending this idea, it may be desirable to separate out criteria other than just
financial cost. In particular, environmental criteria could be assessed separately to
produce an environmental score or cost for each option. Ratios could then be
calculated between technical benefit, environmental cost and financial cost. These
different ratios would reveal the relationships between technical, environmental and
financial performance for each option and provide decision makers with additional
insight into the trade-offs to be made. This enhancement of the information and
understanding available to decision makers should lead to better decisions and
therefore helps to address one of the principal shortcomings and represents an
improvement to the conventional approach.
This section describes the use of the MCDM decision support methodology
described above to an electricity supply planning task.
Given that financial criteria normally conflict with technical criteria (i.e. the need to
minimise overall costs while maximising technical desirability), a conventional
MCDM technique was modified to separate financial and technical desirability
values determined for each option. This ensures that the most economically efficient
option, providing the greatest technical benefit per unit cost, can be identified as well
as the option with the lowest overall cost. Even in situations where the difference in
cost between options is fairly small, the ability to determine the most financially
efficient investment option is a significant benefit that cannot be achieved by
simultaneously assessing all criteria (whether financial or technical), or by
assessment using only cost minimisation procedures. This is in line with the
conventional approach to distribution network planning, which has a number of
development drivers that may not always be consistent and complementary.
However, the use of decision support techniques like this goes some way to
addressing the identified shortcoming in formulating strategies and making
The decision problem considered here concerns a large industrial company that is
upgrading its facilities and requires additional electrical capacity. The maximum
energy demand of the company will be 6MW while the existing utility connection
has a capacity of 4MW. Given the fairly remote location of the company’s
manufacturing site in relation to the nearest grid supply point (GSP), the company
has decided to consider investing in a DG scheme as a possible alternative to
upgrading their existing grid connection. Whichever investment option is selected
must be capable of delivering high quality power and have a high reliability.
Minimising environmental impacts is also an important objective.
The first stage is to identify all relevant development issues that will influence the
decision problem. From there, an appropriate set of evaluation criteria can be
produced. Given that this decision problem is concerned with the evaluation of
options to provide additional electrical capacity at a high power quality and
reliability, the following development issues were identified:
1. Financial cost – a key criterion in any investment decision
2. Reliability – compare the reliability of the various DG schemes with that
achieved by the distribution utility connection
3. Electrical performance – determine how the options affect the power quality or
dynamic performance of the manufacturing facilities
4. Environmental impact – consider the visual, noise or emissions effects likely to
be produced by each option
5. Space available at the industrial site
Using these development issues as a foundation, ten specific evaluation criteria were
1. Net present cost per kWh (c/kWh) – includes initial capital and installation,
annual operation and maintenance, energy costs, and pollution taxes (calculations
are based on a project economic lifetime of 15 years, although the effect of
varying this is tested with sensitivity analysis)
2. Reliability – number of interruptions per year
3. Reliability – annual interruption time (hours)
4. Power quality
5. Dynamic performance – impact on voltage and frequency
6. Standalone operation capability (if grid supply is lost)
7. Local environmental impact – emissions
8. Local environmental impact – noise
9. Local environmental impact – visual impact
10. On-site space requirement
The next stage is to identify the set of development options to be considered. In this
case study, seven DG schemes will be considered alongside the upgrading of the
existing distribution network connection. It should be noted that while this case
study considers a relatively small number of options for the sake of simplicity, a
larger number of options could be assessed using the same approach. The eight
options considered are:
• Single Gas Turbine
• Multiple Gas Turbines
• Diesel Engine
• Fuel Cell
• Energy Storage
• Wind Power and Storage
• Photovoltaics and Storage
• Grid Reinforcement
The single gas turbine and diesel engine are conventional choices. They provide a
useful benchmark to gauge the performance of the fuel cell, energy storage, and two
renewable technologies. A multiple gas turbine combination is considered to assess
whether there is any benefit in adopting multiple, dispersed generator installations.
The two renewable schemes include an energy storage system to compensate for the
stochastic output of these technologies. The storage system included with the two
schemes is essentially the same as the energy storage option itself. The storage
system is not defined in any detail and assumes some technology able to deliver the
required amount of power and energy. With current technology, this is likely to
require standby generation coupled with some use of batteries in uninterruptible
power supplies.
6.2.3. Quantification
Once the development options and issues have been identified, it is necessary to
provide some quantification of their impact on one another. It is necessary to
identify the appropriate analytical tools, models and data to quantify and analyse the
issues and options. The primary sources of data for this case study were the
California Energy Commission [6.10] for cost data and DG literature [6.11] for cost
and reliability data.
Cost data was collected to enable the calculation of net present cost for each of the
investment options. To determine the net present cost in cents per kilowatt-hour
(c/kWh) for each option, four cost components were considered:
1. Initial construction costs
2. Annual operation and maintenance (O&M) costs
3. Annual energy costs
4. Annual pollution tax costs
Initial construction costs were specified as a cost per kW installed capacity for
generators and the grid reinforcement, and a cost per MW-hour for energy storage.
The required energy storage capacity was calculated to be 24 MWh. This assumes a
peak power capacity of 2MW – the new load on the industrial site – and a daily load
factor of 0.5. For most of the options it was assumed that they could supply the full
2MW at all times if necessary. For the wind and photovoltaic options, whose output
is not always at full capacity, capacity factors of 0.3 and 0.2 respectively were
assumed. This requires the installation of more capacity to ensure that sufficient
energy is produced to meet the expected demand. Thus, the installed capacity of
wind and photovoltaics was a function of peak load, load factor and capacity factor.
The initial construction cost data is summarised in Table 6.1.
Table 6.1 – Initial Construction Cost Data
Annual operation and maintenance costs were specified as a cost per kW installed
capacity. Energy costs in c/kWh for the fossil fuel options were dependent on a heat
rate in BTU/kWh and the cost of the fuel. For the renewable options, energy costs
were set at zero. The energy storage option would use grid electricity but its energy
cost increased because its efficiency was assumed to be 89%. Pollution tax costs
were set as a percentage of the energy costs, benefiting renewable technologies. The
ongoing cost data is summarised in Table 6.2.
Reliability data was collected to estimate the number of interruptions each year and
the expected annual interruption time. These values were calculated for each of the
options by using values obtained from literature for interruptions per year and
average length of interruptions for different components. For example, the single gas
turbine option is calculated from the figures for natural gas supply and the single gas
turbine itself. The reliability data is summarised in Table 6.3.
For the purpose of this case study, subjective assessments based on engineering
knowledge and judgement have been used to provide data for the power quality,
dynamic performance, standalone operation, environmental impact, and space
requirement criteria.
• Power quality for each option was assessed in terms of whether it was “Better”,
“Worse” or the “Same” as the existing grid connection.
• The dynamic performance of each option was assigned an ordinal ranking, with
“1” representing the best and higher numbers representing poorer performance.
Some of the options were ranked equally.
• Standalone operation capability of each option was specified as either “Yes” or
• The local environmental impact on emissions for each option was quantified
using a symbolic scale from “Zero” (representing the most desirable), through
“Low” and “Medium” to “High”.
• The local noise and visual environmental impacts were assessed using an ordinal
ranking, with “1” representing the most desirable. Some of the options were
ranked equally.
• The space requirement criterion was evaluated using four symbolic values, from
“None” at the top of the scale, through “Negligible” and “Some” to
The use of subjective data and simplification of the quantification and analysis is
considered acceptable in this case study because the aim is to demonstrate the
MCDM method. This reduced the analysis burden for this case study but also
demonstrates the flexibility of the MCDM framework in accepting different types of
6.2.4. Analysis
Having collated the data, analysis was performed to produce a net present cost in
c/kWh and the required reliability figures for each of the options. The calculation of
net present cost used a discount rate of 10% and assessed costs over 15 years. For
the purposes of this study, it was assumed that all the options had the same lifetime.
In reality, different options are likely to have different lifetimes requiring a slightly
more complicated analysis. An assessment period of 15 years is typical for
investments of this type. To determine a net present cost in c/kWh, the net present
cost in purely monetary terms must be divided by an energy value. This energy
value is a discounted total equivalent value, which takes account of the discount rate
over the assessment lifetime. This is necessary to accurately reflect the present costs
of future energy use. An alternative approach would have been to calculate the costs
in terms of an equivalent annuity and divide that value by the annual energy
As mentioned above, the study assumes a new load of 2MW peak with a daily load
factor of 0.5, resulting in an annual energy requirement of 8760MWh. The other
non-financial criteria were assigned their values through subjective assessment. The
analysis performed for each of the eight options is illustrated in Table 6.4, which
shows the analysis for the Single Gas Turbine. A summary of the results for all eight
options is shown in Table 6.5. The analysis was performed using a standard
spreadsheet tool.
Non-Financial Criteria
Interruptions per year 2
Annual Interruption Time (hrs) 5.58
Power Quality Better
Dynamic Performance 3
Standalone Operation Capability Yes
Local Environmental Impact - Emissions Medium
Local Environmental Impact - Noise 6
Local Environmental Impact - Visual 2
New space required on site Significant
Table 6.5 – Summary of Performance Results for all Criteria and all Options
Option Local
Dynamic Performance
Interruptions per year
Standalone Capability
Power Quality
Single GT 5.06 2 5.58 Better 3 Yes Medium 6 2 Significant
Multiple GT 5.28 1.7 2.86 Better 3 Yes Medium 4 2 Some
Diesel Engine 8.86 1.71 5.22 Better 3 Yes High 5 2 Significant
Fuel Cell 13.99 2 5.58 Worse 4 Yes Low 3 2 Significant
Energy Storage 11.31 3.5 7.98 Worse 2 No Zero 1 2 Significant
Wind Power and Storage 15.29 3.2 9.6 Worse 2 Yes Zero 5 4 Significant
Photovoltaics and Storage 60.21 2.2 6.1 Worse 2 Yes Zero 1 3 Negligible
Grid Reinforcement 6.01 1.8 2.88 Same 1 No Zero 2 1 None
Once the results describing the performance of each option for each of the evaluation
criteria have been compiled, a MCDM technique can be applied to assess the
desirability of each investment option. For this case study, the MCDM technique
that will be applied is a modified version of the Simple Multi-Attribute Rating
Technique (SMART) [6.1]. Other MCDM techniques are applicable and may be
used depending on the complexity and functionality required. With SMART, the
values for each criterion are converted to an equivalent, normalised value between
zero and one. The value one represents the most desirable value and zero represents
the least desirable value in each criterion. A linear relationship was adopted to scale
values between the most and least desirable values in each criterion. The results of
this normalisation are shown in Table 6.6.
Table 6.6 – Normalised Results for all Criteria and all Options
Option Local
Dynamic Performance
Interruptions per year
Standalone Capability
Power Quality
Single GT 1.000 0.833 0.596 0.900 0.333 1.000 0.300 0.000 0.667 0.000
Multiple GT 0.996 1.000 1.000 0.900 0.333 1.000 0.300 0.400 0.667 0.300
Diesel Engine 0.931 0.994 0.650 0.900 0.333 1.000 0.000 0.200 0.667 0.000
Fuel Cell 0.838 0.833 0.596 0.100 0.000 1.000 0.600 0.600 0.667 0.000
Energy Storage 0.887 0.000 0.240 0.100 0.667 0.000 1.000 1.000 0.667 0.000
Wind Power and Storage 0.815 0.167 0.000 0.100 0.667 1.000 1.000 0.200 0.000 0.000
Photovoltaics and Storage 0.000 0.722 0.519 0.100 0.667 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.333 0.600
Grid Reinforcement 0.983 0.944 0.997 0.500 1.000 0.000 1.000 0.800 1.000 1.000
Almost all MCDM techniques, including SMART, require the weighting of each
evaluation criterion to indicate its importance in the decision analysis. The weight
values are then used with the normalised evaluation data to obtain an overall value
between zero and one indicating the desirability of each of the eight investment
options. The elicitation of criteria weight values is one of the most contentious
issues related to MCDM techniques as the chosen weight values have a significant
impact on the overall results obtained.
In the modified MCDM approach used here, the net present cost criterion is excluded
from the evaluation of the overall score. Thus, it is not assigned a weighting. The
weight values selected for the nine normalised evaluation criteria are shown in Table
6.7. The sum of these weight values equals one. The weight values reflect the
importance attached to different criteria in the decision analysis. The weights for all
nine criteria are relatively close together, reflecting the view that all are considered
important. However, some distinction was drawn between the criteria and different
weightings assigned, and some rationale behind the values is provided in the
following paragraph.
Criterion Weight
Interruptions per year 0.120
Annual Interruption Time 0.120
Power Quality 0.140
Dynamic Performance 0.085
Standalone Operation Capability 0.120
Local Environmental Emissions 0.110
Impact Noise 0.110
Visual 0.110
New space required on site 0.085
Power quality is of primary importance in this case study because the industrial load
being considered was deemed very sensitive to fluctuations in power quality. The
reliability and standalone capability criteria were assigned the next highest ratings
because of the direct effect of these criteria on output from the industrial process.
The local environmental impact criteria were considered the next most important as
they affect the conditions on site. Space requirements on site and dynamic
performance were considered to be of the lowest importance because of their
relatively lower impact on the industrial process.
Using the performance results outlined in Table 6.5 and the weight values shown in
Table 6.7, an overall desirability score can be calculated for each investment option
using the SMART approach. The net present cost has not been included in Table 6.7
because in the modified version of SMART being used it is not combined with the
other criteria at this stage. Espie [6.9] advocated this approach in his use of MCDM
in distribution network planning. The separation of cost from other aspects of the
assessment reinforces the point that it is not necessary for all criteria to be converted
to an equivalent financial value. It also makes explicit the relationship between
alternatives in terms of their costs and benefits, which could be obscured by the use
of a single overall score for each alternative. The net present cost is combined with
the outcome of the MCDM analysis to calculate a benefit / cost ratio of each of the
eight options. This ratio is simply the total benefit score, from the weighted
combination of individual criteria scores, divided by the calculated cost, which in
this case is expressed as c/kWh. The overall desirability scores for each of the eight
options as well as the net present costs and the benefit / cost ratios are shown in
Table 6.8.
From the results shown in Table 6.8, it is evident that with the chosen criteria weight
values, the Grid Reinforcement option obtains the highest desirability score and the
Wind Power and Storage option obtains the lowest. The option with the lowest net
present cost is the Single Gas Turbine option while the Photovoltaic and Storage
option yields the highest net present cost. In terms of the benefit obtained for a given
investment, the option with the best benefit / cost ratio is the Multiple Gas Turbine
option while the Photovoltaic and Storage option yields the poorest.
The results demonstrate how neither the option with the highest score or the option
with the lowest cost is actually the best in terms of the benefit / cost ratio. This is the
reason why the MCDM approach was modified to use a separate cost and desirability
score for each option. This supports the decision maker in the assessment of the
various options as three investment choices are now available:
• the option with the lowest cost value
• the option with the highest desirability score
• the option with the best benefit / cost ratio
By considering the three investment choices a decision maker has more useful
information than is normally available from the outcome of a MCDM technique
where all criteria, including costs, are directly considered within the decision making
Note that this holistic evaluation of all the options, including grid reinforcement and
distributed resources, assumes a single decision maker seeking the best overall
solution. In reality, regulatory frameworks in the electricity industry often break up
the supply chain to foster competition where possible and regulate the monopolies
that remain. The separation of networks from generation can present problems in
performing integrated assessment of alternatives. This was highlighted in the chapter
on new challenges.
Table 6.9 shows overall scores for the eight options excluding both financial costs
and environmental costs and assuming equal weightings for the remaining criteria.
The table also shows a value of overall “environmental cost” for each option. This is
calculated by dividing one by the average of the normalised scores for the three
Local Environmental Impact criteria. The values show that the Grid Reinforcement
option has the lowest environmental cost, as assessed here, and the Diesel Engine
option has the highest environmental cost. The final column in the table shows the
ratio of the score to the environmental cost, i.e the new total benefit score (excluding
environmental criteria) divided by the new environmental “cost”, which is specified
as an inverse score rather than in financial terms. This analysis shows that the Grid
Reinforcement option offers the highest ratio of benefit to local environmental
Score excluding
Overall Benefit /
financial cost and
Option Environmental Environmental
Cost Cost
Single GT 0.611 3.103 0.197
Multiple GT 0.756 2.195 0.344
Diesel Engine 0.646 3.462 0.187
Fuel Cell 0.422 1.607 0.262
Energy Storage 0.168 1.125 0.149
Wind Power and Storage 0.322 2.500 0.129
Photovoltaics and Storage 0.601 1.286 0.468
Grid Reinforcement 0.740 1.071 0.691
The use of an MCDM technique such as that demonstrated here provides flexibility
to calculate alternative scores and ratios, which can provide an alternative
perspective on decisions. This is useful to decision-makers, and those they report to,
as they seek to explore problems and provide justification for the decisions that they
6.2.6. Sensitivity Analysis
The results obtained from the MCDM analysis are highly dependent on the input data
describing the performance of each investment option in each criterion as well as the
chosen criteria weight values. The sensitivity of the calculated benefit / cost ratio of
the eight options to variations in these data values was assessed. This contributes to
an understanding of how the input data affects the results and, among other benefits,
can help decision-makers arrive at suitable criteria weight values.
The figures below highlight how the benefit / cost ratio of each option varies
depending on changes to some of the input data. In each figure, the variable on the
X-axis was changed in small steps and the MCDM results re-calculated for each step.
Figure 6.2 shows the effect of varying equipment costs. This uses an “Equipment
Cost Multiplier”, which is used to scale the cost of initial construction by a factor
from 0.1 to 2. Thus, when the multiplier is equal to 1, the values on the plot match
the results as calculated above.
Figure 6.3 shows the effect of varying the assessment lifetime used in the net present
cost calculations. The value used in the calculations above was 15 years. The results
were re-calculated for values between 1 and 30 years. This has the effect of
changing the relative impact of initial and ongoing costs although it can be seen that
the position of the different options relative to each other does not change very much.
Figure 6.4 shows the effect of scaling the cost of gas. This used a multiplier with
values between 0.1 and 2. With a multiplier value of 1 the results are as calculated in
the original results described above. As the multiplier changes, only the cost of gas
is changed in the calculations. Thus, only those options where the cost of gas has an
influence – particularly the GT options – show changes in their overall benefit score /
cost ratio.
Figure 6.5 shows the effect of scaling the cost of diesel. As with the gas cost
multiplier, the results for a multiplier value of 1 match those in the original
calculation while changes in the cost of diesel does not affect most of the options. It
is clear that as diesel becomes more expensive, the total cost of that option rises and
the benefit / cost ratio falls. Conversely, if diesel were very cheap then this option
would be very attractive.
It is clear from the plots that different options are influenced differently by changes
to input parameters. Of greatest interest are the instances where the lines for
different options cross, particularly if they are the options with the highest benefit /
cost ratios. For example, Figure 6.4 shows how the gas turbine options drop below
grid reinforcement as the gas cost increases.
The criteria weight values are important factors in determining the outcomes
obtained from the decision making process. To help decision-makers arrive at
suitable weightings and to ensure that the outcomes are robust and justifiable, the
sensitivity of the benefit / cost ratio of each option across the nine criteria was
evaluated. This involved re-calculating all the results for changes in the criteria
weight values. The weight values used in the original calculation were put aside.
For the sensitivity analysis a more mechanistic approach was used. For each
criterion, its weight was varied from 0.1 to 1. The weights of the other eight criteria
were set equal to one another such that the sum of all nine criteria weights was one.
For example, if a weight value of 0.4 is assigned to the criterion in question, then
weight values of (1-0.4)/8 = 0.075 were assigned to all other criteria.
The sensitivities of the benefit / cost ratio to changes in the criteria weights for four
of the criteria are shown in the figures below.
Figure 6.6 shows how the results change if the weight assigned to the interruptions
per year criterion is varied between 0.1 and 1. As described above, the weights for
the other criteria also change so that the total of all weights is 1. The cost of each
option remains the same. As the weight assigned to interruptions per year increases,
the options that score highly in this criterion achieve higher overall benefit scores
and higher benefit / cost ratios.
Figure 6.6 – Impact of Varying Interruptions / Year Criterion Weight on Benefit / Cost Ratio
Figure 6.7 shows the effect of changing the weight assigned to the power quality
criterion. As the weight assigned to this criterion is increased, the weights assigned
to all other criteria are reduced and the overall benefit score for each option changes.
The cost of each option remains the same. With a weight value for this criterion of
0.1, the weights assigned to all nine criteria are approximately equal and the results
are very close to those of the original decision analysis in Table 6.8, with the grid
reinforcement option coming out top. In the assessment of performance, summarised
in Table 6.5 then quantified in Table 6.6, the grid reinforcement option was scored
less highly for this criterion than the gas turbine and diesel engine options. Thus, as
the weight assigned to this criterion increases, the overall score of these other options
increases. As the weights assigned to the other criteria must fall as a consequence,
the overall score for the grid reinforcement option drops.
Figure 6.7 – Impact of Varying Power Quality Criterion Weight on Benefit / Cost Ratio
0.20 Single GT
Multiple GT
Diesel Engine
Fuel Cell
0.15 Energy Storage
Wind Power and Storage
Photovoltaics and Storage
0.10 Grid Reinforcement
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Weight Value for Power Quality
Figure 6.8 shows the effect of increasing the weight assigned to the standalone
capability criterion. As in Figure 6.7, with the weights all approximately equal (on
the left hand side of the plot), the grid reinforcement option has the highest benefit /
cost ratio. As the weight for this criterion increases and the weights for all the other
criteria fall, the total benefit of the grid reinforcement option decreases because it
scored poorly in this criterion.
Figure 6.8 – Impact of Varying Standalone Capability Criterion Weight on Benefit / Cost Ratio
Figure 6.9 shows the impact of increasing the weight assigned to the visual
environmental impact criterion. The changes in the relative positions of the different
options are not as great as when other criteria weights are increased because for this
criterion the scores assigned to each option were approximately reflective of the
overall total scores calculated with all criteria. The financial cost of each option
remains the same and so when the benefit / cost ratio is calculated the outcomes are
roughly the same whether all criteria are weighted evenly (on the left of the plot) or
only the visual environmental impact criterion is taken into account (on the right of
the plot).
Figure 6.9 – Impact of Varying Visual Environmental Impact Criterion Weight on Benefit /
Cost Ratio
It is evident from examination of the figures above that the benefit / cost ratio of an
option can change significantly if the weight value for a criterion is increased. For
example, Figure 6.8 shows how increases in the Standalone Capability criterion
weight causes the benefit / cost ratio for the Grid Reinforcement Option to fall
dramatically, cutting across the lines for other options. This indicates that this
criterion could have a significant influence on the decision outcome. In contrast,
Figure 6.9 shows that the order of options from best to worst changes little as the
Visual Environmental Impact criterion weight changes. This suggests that the
weighting for the Visual Environmental Impact criterion could be reduced without
having a great effect on the decision outcome. This kind of analysis can help
decision-makers arrive at appropriate criteria weight values and provide some
rationale for why some weights are increased and others reduced.
Formal MCDM methods support objective analysis and the reaching of justifiable
decisions by making explicit the identification, quantification and analysis of
decision criteria. Thus, the use of MCDM also contributes to the capture and
management of knowledge, another shortcoming identified in the conventional
approach and the primary lesson drawn from the assessment of engineering design
theory. It also assists with the incorporation of new technologies by requiring the
solution-neutral identification of all issues and options.
There are a wide variety of MCDM methods available and planners must chose those
that are most appropriate for particular tasks. However, a general structure for
MCDM-based planning was presented and a case study used to demonstrate its
application. A suggested novel variation on established methods is to calculate ratios
of benefit to environmental or other costs, where the benefit or “cost” need not be
expressed in purely financial terms but as a score or some measure that still allows
objective comparison of different options. Such an approach helps decision makers
to assess the options from different perspectives. This type of calculation might also
be of interest to regulators, where they want to make sure that distribution companies
are properly considering the environmental impact of their planning decisions.
The case study demonstrated how MCDM might be used in a power system planning
problem. The analysis of alternative options for expanding the supply to a remote
industrial facility found that grid reinforcement had the highest overall desirability
score. This suggests that despite the excitement over DG and its growth,
conventional grid reinforcement is still an attractive option. Grid reinforcement also
scored highest in the assessment of benefit against environmental costs. However,
the option with the lowest net present cost was found to be the single gas turbine
option and the option with the highest benefit / cost ratio was the multiple gas turbine
option. This shows that DG options are valid alternatives that may be selected
depending on the specification of decision criteria. The fair evaluation of DG is
subject to the regulatory framework, which may forbid network operators from
owning DG and require complex commercial agreements to be reached between
parties, thereby obscuring the opportunities to find and implement the least cost or
best value solution. Such complex commercial agreements are another new
challenge for network operators but will facilitate the exploitation of new resources
like DG and should therefore be fully explored.
Conference on Electric Utility Deregulation and Restructuring and Power
Technologies 2000, DRPT2000, London, UK, April 4 – 7, 2000, pp. 576 – 581.
6.3. Koritarov, V.S., Conzelmann, G., Veselka, T.D., Buehring, W.A., Cirillo, R.R.,
and Podinovski, V.V.: “Incorporating environmental concerns into electric
system expansion planning using a multi-criteria decision support system”, Int.
J. of Global Energy Issues, Vol. 12, No. 1 – 6, pp. 60 – 67, 1999.
6.4. Xiangjun, S., Xuefeng, M., Qiang, F., and Jianwen, L.: “MOPCA: a multi-
criteria decision model for power system expansion planning – methodology
and case study”, Int. J. of Global Energy Issues, Vol. 12, No. 1 – 6, pp. 68 – 80,
6.5. Pan, J., and Rahman, S.: “Multiattribute utility analysis with imprecise
information: an enhanced decision support technique for the evaluation of
electric generation expansion strategies”, Electric Power Systems Research,
Vol. 46, No. 2, pp. 101 – 109, 1998.
6.6. El-Hami, M.: “Application of Decision Support Systems to Power Distribution
System Planning”, IEEE PowerTech International: Symposium on Electrical
Engineering, pp. 756 – 760, 1995.
6.7. Wenstop, F.E., and Carlsen, A.J.: “Ranking Hydroelectric Power Projects with
Multicriteria Decision Analysis”, INTERFACES, Vol. 18, No. 4, pp. 36 – 48,
6.8. Georgopoulou, E., Lasa, D., and Papagiannakis, L.: “A Multicriteria Decision
Aid approach for energy planning problems: The case of renewable energy
option”, European J. of Operational Research, Vol. 103, No. 1, pp. 38 – 54,
6.9. Espie,P., Ault,G.W., Burt,G.M., McDonald,J.R.; “Multiple criteria decision
making techniques applied to electricity distribution system planning”; IEE
Proceedings Generation Transmission and Distribution, vol.150, no.5,
September 2003, p.527-535
6.10. California Energy Commission, “Distributed Energy Resource Guide:
Economics of Owning and Operating DER technologies”,, 2002.
6.11. Willis, H.L., and Scott., W.G.: “Distributed Power Generation: Planning and
Evaluation”, Marcel Dekker Inc., New York, 2000.
6.12. Watson, S.R., and Buede, D.M.: “Decision synthesis”, Cambridge University
Press, UK, 1987.
7. Information Management in Distribution Network Planning
Planning and design, whether for electricity distribution networks or for other
systems, involve the management and processing of information. The manual
conversion of one form of information to another is where the principal intellectual
contributions are made and value is added. This is clear in the model of the
conventional approach to distribution network planning, where all tasks are
concerned with the processing of information.
To keep up with the demands of managing distribution networks that are growing in
complexity, distribution companies will have to better exploit modelling and
simulation, as discussed in previous chapters and demonstrated in Chapter 9. This
includes the modelling and analysis of new technologies and also the greater
exploitation of resources through improved representation and exchange of power
system models and data. This can be addressed through effective use of information
and communication technology and is discussed in the second part of this Chapter.
In the final part of this Chapter, by way of demonstrating the ideas presented and
further examining the principal challenge in network planning, there is discussion of
information management for DG. A comprehensive set of information requirements
for DG has been defined to produce a structured approach for collecting information.
The methods proposed in this Chapter are illustrated with reference to DG, showing
how their use by DNOs would improve their capabilities and make possible new
approaches to network planning and operation.
In the past, the collection of information to support network planning and design has
been ad-hoc and specific to the task in hand. This was acceptable because expert
engineers were involved directly with the processing of information and because the
number of new connections to an existing network was manageable in this way. It
has been argued in previous chapters that the expansion of DG and other challenges
will make the collection of information more burdensome for distribution companies.
To help provide assistance in this area, a novel combination of methods is proposed.
Each of the individual methods is well known and has been applied in different ways
within electricity network planning but the combined approach provides a new
perspective. Each of the three methods (a structured approach, standard formats,
generic device types), and their role in the combined approach, is explained further in
the sections below.
DNOs have not adopted all three methods in combination before because the need
was not pressing and the incentive not clear. As DG has emerged as a bigger and
bigger challenge, DNOs have sought new ways of dealing with it through
information collection [7.1,7.8,7.9]. However, these have been hindered by inertia in
planning methods, rapid advances in DG technologies and difficulties in forming
consistent approaches across DNOs and across technology types. The time has come
for DNOs to implement new approaches in information management, particularly
with respect to DG. Doing so would speed up the planning process, benefiting both
DNOs and those that seek to connect to their networks.
A structured approach for collecting information is necessary for and supports the
application of MCDM and the recording of rationale. These concepts are presented
elsewhere in this document. It is clear that a structured approach to information
management is central to distribution network planning, underpinning many other
methods and techniques.
The final part of this Chapter outlines a structured approach for the collection of
information on DG. This comprehensive set of information requirements provides
further insight into the potential impact of DG on distribution networks and
illustrates how a structured approach can assist in collecting information – see the
structure of information requirements for DG in Table 7.1 in section 7.3.2.
However, when information is expressed in non-standard formats, there is a need for
translation into the formats required for particular applications.
Without standard formats, the burden of information translation lies with the
information collector, in this case the DNO. If the provision of information had to
follow a pre-determined, standard format then the burden of translation would lie
with the information providers. This information could then be transferred directly
into the analysis and management systems used by DNOs. Standards have already
been established for the representation and exchange of data associated with energy
management systems. The Common Information Model (CIM) defines the format of
data and uses the eXtensible Markup Language (XML) as a vehicle for data
exchange [7.2]. These principles are being extended to data associated with network
planning and operation [7.3].
It seems inevitable that software vendors – if not the utilities and manufacturers –
will gradually converge on standard formats. An important aspect of most modern
data formats is their extensibility and interoperability so the traditional problems
associated with lock-in to standard formats is mostly overcome.
particularly unusual about a specific device or network development would
additional information need to be collected.
Applying the same principal in a more flexible way, generic data could be specified
separately in each of the information requirements categories or sub-categories. In
providing information for a specific device, generic data could be selected in some
categories and specific data supplied for other categories. For example, for a new
DG installation there may be generic power and energy capabilities or generic types
of electrical connection. It may be possible to fully specify a project in terms of
generic data in each of the categories. Only if the project were particularly unusual
would non-generic information need to be collected.
7.2.1. Models and Data in Power Systems
Discussion of models and data can engender considerable confusion as the terms can
have multiple meanings. This is especially true in the field of power systems
engineering. Thus, to help establish meanings and to facilitate further discussion, it
is worthwhile considering the dictionary definitions.
• Data is: “1. Factual information, especially information organized for analysis or
used to reason or make decisions. 2. Numerical or other information represented
in a form suitable for processing by computer. 3. Values derived from scientific
experiments.” [7.4].
Within the power systems domain, a multitude of models are used, from models of
the electromechanical behaviour of generating sets to models of the degradation of
cable insulation. However, some of these models have become so widely used that
they are accepted as standard so that assumptions may be made or the model may be
implied by the data provided. For example, the pi-equivalent circuit of a
transmission line with the three-phase system represented by symmetrical
components translated to per-unit values, and with the negative and zero sequences
neglected, is a standard model used in power system simulation. When presented
with values of resistance, reactance and admittance, a power engineer may
confidently assume that the standard model of a transmission line is being used. The
same power engineer might consider the term “model” to refer to a model of a
complete distribution network (made up of multiple models of buses, branches,
generators, loads, etc.) or a model of a specific item of plant, such the generator,
exciter and governor models associated with a generating set. Thus, care must be
taken when discussing models and data in the power systems domain.
The nature and complexity of a power system model depends on the simulation and
analysis being performed. Models may have to be expanded to meet the demands of
a particular study; for example, assumptions implicit in the model may be invalid or
additional dynamic terms may have to be introduced. Alternatively, it may be
sensible to simplify a given model because the analysis being performed does not
warrant the additional complexity. The software environment in which models are to
be used will also influence the complexity required. This in turn determines the data
associated with a model.
7.2.2. Horizontal and Vertical Exchange of Power System Models and Data
Horizontal exchange of models and data will require some translation in the
representation or format but all the data should be available. In contrast, vertical
exchange of models and data will normally require some additions or reductions to
the actual content. For example, the exchange from steady state analysis to dynamic
simulation will require the addition of dynamics data. This variation in content and
representation is illustrated in Figure 7.1.
Figure 7.1 – Varying content and representation in power system models and data
assessment tool
Varying Content
Varying Representation
For data to be put to any use, methods of representation and exchange must be used.
Most simply, this might be a list of numbers written on a piece of paper. However,
interpretation of data normally requires it to be represented in some sort of structure
or format, often associated with a particular model of the system or component under
consideration. Computers provide a range of options for improving the
representation of data and its exchange between users and between formats.
Over the years, a number of formats for power systems data in simulation software
have been proposed and adopted to varying degrees. These include common formats
agreed on by industry groups or standards bodies, and vendor formats developed by
the makers of simulation software. These formats are based on models of power
systems that are bus/branch oriented, which is suitable for basic network planning
functions. Software vendors normally provide conversion tools to convert from the
most popular formats to their own proprietary formats, thereby facilitating data
exchange. The scope of these formats is necessarily limited and they are not
designed for extension.
A more recent, and ongoing, development is the Common Information Model (CIM),
which has been developed by the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) in
collaboration with others [7.2]. CIM has been developed to represent power system
modelling information for control centres and energy management systems, and
through data exchange facilitates the interoperation of electric utility software in
these application areas. CIM is node/breaker oriented, as is required for its target
applications, rather than bus/branch oriented, as in traditional planning and analysis
XML is now being used as a means of holding and transferring data in the CIM
format [7.2]. XML provides a flexible and well-supported means of data exchange.
It offers the advantage of being able to hold meta-knowledge and semantics about the
data within a document. It can serve as a generic form of data representation, which
can then be translated to whatever format is required by particular software packages.
The representation and exchange of models is much more complex than for data.
Models can be composed of various entities or modules, each described by their
behaviour and the relationships with one another and the outside world. The means
of representation and exchange will depend very much on the application.
Alternatively, a system block diagram with transfer functions expressed in the S-
domain might be used to represent a generator excitation system. Humans might
readily understand this same representation, albeit with some background
knowledge, and it might serve as an input to software through a graphical model-
description interface.
connection of small generators to low voltage networks has separate annexes for
each generation technology [7.8]. Furthermore, in low voltage networks, where DG
installations may be small but numerous, the cost of collecting information on every
installation may outweigh the benefits.
Earlier in this Chapter, it was proposed that the burden of collecting information
could be reduced through the use of a number of methods. These include a
structured approach, the use of standard formats, and the identification of generic
device types or categories. These methods will help DNOs to collect all the
information they need to evaluate DG in their networks. Most DNOs have not yet
started collecting in-depth information on DG like this because the numbers have
been small enough for conventional approaches to be maintained. As the new
challenges become greater, DNOs will benefit from work such as that described here,
which will assist them in managing the large amounts of information resulting from
DG and other changes to the network.
Section 7.3.1 discusses the need for information on DG. A structured approach for
collecting information on DG is outlined in section 7.3.2. Section 7.3.3 presents
some examples of the types of analysis relating to DG that DNOs must perform, and
how information on DG would be used to improve planning and operation.
There have always been some generators connected at distribution level but the
expansion of DG poses new challenges for DNOs. When a new generator applies for
connection, analysis must be conducted to determine the impact on network planning
and design, management and operation, and commercial arrangements. This is
existing practice, but the expansion of DG will mean DNOs having to deal with
many more connection requests and adapting their methods appropriately. This will
be true especially when connecting small DG units at low voltage becomes
commonplace. So while DNOs have not needed to collect so much information on
DG before, they can expect to have to collect much more in future.
121 Information for Planning and Design
To ensure effective simulation and analysis of DG, both prior to connection and on
an ongoing basis, there is a need to characterise DG. Information must be collected
on all aspects relevant to DNO activities. The expansion of DG is due in part to the
emergence of new generation technologies. Devices like micro gas turbines and
interfaces utilising power electronics are not part of the standard libraries used by
DNOs for modelling their network. Thus, there is a need to characterise DG to
facilitate modelling and simulation.
In the past, the lower voltage levels of distribution networks have often been
installed on the basis of “fit-and-forget”. Network management has been passive,
with the network delivering power in one direction from substations fed by high-
voltage transmission systems to consumer loads. The introduction of distributed
energy resources, perhaps even at low voltage, will require more active management
of networks [7.9].
Ongoing management of the network and its assets requires knowledge of what is
connected and the influence it might have. DG could be particularly influential,
affecting maintenance programmes and asset replacement decisions. The
incorporation of DG within network management and operation will require analysis
methods to be revised; and this will require new information to be collected.
DNOs must also consider commercial issues. A charging structure for DG must be
determined and applied to each new installation. There has been much discussion of
“deep” and “shallow” charging for the connection of DG to a network [7.11]. It may
also be necessary to establish pricing structures for the provision of network support
services from DG installations; e.g. voltage and frequency support. The charging
systems adopted by a DNO will have to be agreed with the appropriate regulator.
Within the bounds of any agreed system, there will probably be scope for DNOs to
negotiate with DG to tailor charging structures to suit particular circumstances.
These negotiations will have to be supported by analysis of a type that DNOs may
not have performed in the past. This analysis will require DNOs to gain an
understanding of the commercial issues associated with DG and be able to collect
and process appropriate information.
Table 7.1 illustrates two of the three methods proposed at the start of this Chapter as
being of use in information management. The first two columns define the
structured approach, specifying all the information to be collected. The fourth
column gives examples of generic data, with examples of the categories that might
be used for each element of the information structure. The third method, standard
formats, requires more formality in the way information is expressed. This could be
achieved in a number of ways including on-line or electronic forms or prescribed
data formats.
Other parties have undertaken the task of outlining basic information requirements
for DG for different purposes. For example, in the UK, the Distribution Code [7.1]
defines the information that must be provided for new connections to the DNO
including new DG. In the USA, EPRI and the Electricity Innovation Institute (E2I)
are developing object models that define the information exchange necessary for
monitoring and controlling DG [7.12].
3.5. Environmental Costs Emissions certificates costs Less than 3c/kWh
of 1.2c/kWh
4. Fixed Costs 4.1. Installation Costs $25,000 $20,000 - $40,000
4.2. Ongoing Fixed Costs $500 p.a. Less than $2000 p.a.
4.3. Technology Maturity Commercially available Commercially available
5. Electrical Connection 5.1. Generator or Interface Standard PWM switched, Standard inverter and
Parameters three-phase inverter and transformer
standard three-phase
400/llkV transformer
5.2. Transformer Parameters Rating = 30kVA Rating 20 to 50 kVA
Impedance = 10% Impedance less than 20%
5.3. Operating Limits 360 – 528 VAC, 10 – 60 Hz 390 – 410 VAC, 45 – 55 Hz
and THD<20% at inverter and THD<15%
5.4. Start-up and Shutdown Soft-start capability No significant effect on
Behaviour produces smooth current network
increase on starting and
decrease on stopping
5.5. Power Quality Effects Negligible THD<15%, PSD<1, PLT<1
5.6. Short Circuit Current Up to 65A Between 50A and 100A
6. Protection 6.1. Protection Types Built-in protection: According to standard
under/over voltage and engineering
frequency, loss of mains recommendation.
6.2. Means of Isolation Inverter blocking plus Full isolation must be
isolator switch on grid side possible
of transformer
7. Control 7.1. Pre-programmed Fully programmable through Must have constant power
Control Strategies computer interface. Set to factor and voltage control
follow supermarket heat options
7.2. Control Changes Implemented immediately Manually within 24 hours of
through computer control notice being received
7.3. Island Operation Not possible in current Not required
8. Communications 8.1. Interface and Protocol USB connection to PC Direct link to PC
running proprietary software
8.2. Inputs Heat and power schedules, Heat, power and reactive
voltage control options power settings at least
8.3. Outputs All system parameters for Heat, power and reactive
monitoring and control power values at least
125 General Description
Technology Type
A brief description of the technology should be given in terms of its energy source
and means of energy conversion, e.g. “a natural gas fired micro turbine with high-
speed asynchronous generator and AC-DC-AC grid interface”.
Network Location
The location of the unit within the DNO network should be noted. This will identify
the unit uniquely and determine the electrical environment in which it operates.
Information about the owners and those responsible for operating and maintaining it
should be noted alongside the more technical information.
The power and energy capabilities should describe the basic operational performance
of the unit under consideration. This information is required by DNOs to conduct
power flow and other studies of network performance.
Normal Operating Range
Figure 7.2 – Simple example of a possible operating chart for a distributed generator
Power (kW)
Reactive power
-5 0 5
Overload Capabilities
The ability to operate outside of the normal range for short periods, i.e. overload
capabilities, should be noted. This may be described by extensions to the limits, new
equations or an extended operating chart and associated time limits.
Response Rates
The rate of change possible in increasing and decreasing both real and reactive power
should be noted. This may be described as rates, W/s or VA/s, or in whatever form
is necessary to describe the capabilities. Response rates may also vary depending on
operating conditions, e.g. as shown in Figure 7.3.
Figure 7.3 – Simple example of a possible response rate chart for a distributed generator
0 2 6.5 10 12 P(kW)
There may be minimum, and perhaps maximum, limits on the time required for start-
up and shutdown of a unit. There may be links to the response rates category.
Information should be provided on the specific time limitations of start-up or
shutdown in whatever form is appropriate to the technology.
The amount of power and energy available over time should be described. This will
depend very much on the technology so should be described in whatever form is
most suitable. However, the description should include information on the source of
energy and its availability over time, or the probability of its availability. In simplest
terms, this could be represented by a single capacity factor. Preferably, the despatch-
ability or stochastic nature of the unit should be noted. For example, power output
from a CHP unit might depend on heat loads. The power from PV panels will
depend on expected patterns of solar irradiation. Energy storage units will have
finite capacity, further complicated by constraints on charge and discharge.
Variable costs are those costs that depend on how a unit is operated and the amount
of electrical energy delivered. In the fullest detail, they could be specified in terms
of fuel costs, fuel efficiency, equipment degradation, and start-up and shutdown
costs. It may also be useful to specify environmental costs separately so they can be
evaluated explicitly. Information on variable costs would be useful to DNOs in
optimising operational strategies.
However, owners and operators of DG may wish to keep their operating costs secret.
The information disclosed to the DNO will depend on the market and network
management structure. For example, the distributed generator may present the DNO
with a simple cost curve like that shown in Figure 7.4. A simple single-cost
approach is most straightforward but it may be necessary to specify separate “bid”
and “offer” prices within a market dispatch structure.
Figure 7.4 – Simple example of a possible daily cost curve for a distributed generator
Cost of Fuel
The cost of fuel may vary over time depending on the contract for supply. The cost
of fuel may internalise external costs such as pollution taxes and this should be
noted. The exact format of the description will depend on the technology. Some
technologies, such as photovoltaics, may not have a cost of fuel.
To determine operating cost, the cost of fuel must be combined with fuel efficiency
or losses. Fuel efficiency and losses may depend on the operating point and dynamic
operation of the unit. For example, efficiency may be different for operation at
different capacities, and efficiency may vary if the unit is ramping up or down at
different rates. This may be described by values, equations or additional information
on the operating chart. For some technologies, this characteristic will not be
The degradation of equipment, and thus the operating cost, may depend on its
operation. For example, equipment may degrade more quickly when operated close
to its capacity. Operating for short periods outside of the normal limits may be
possible but may degrade the equipment, imposing additional costs. These
operational degradation costs should be described in whatever form is most suited to
the technology under consideration, but preferably in a manner similar to the cost of
Start-up and shutdown of a unit may incur specific costs. It may be possible to
describe these costs under fuel efficiency or operational degradation costs. Where
this is not possible, information should be provided on the specific costs incurred as a
result of start-up or shutdown in whatever form is appropriate to the technology.
Environmental Costs
Fixed costs are those costs that do not depend on how a unit is operated and are of
less relevance to the DNO. In fact, owners and operators of DG will probably wish
to keep this cost information secret. However, if available, this information is
valuable for analysis such as long-term planning.
Installation Costs
Ongoing fixed costs not related to operation should be noted. For example, some
maintenance and replacement of parts may be necessary whether the unit produces
power or not. Some fixed costs, such as property taxes and staff costs, are
independent of the technology but vary with location.
Technology Maturity
The type of electrical generator and/or grid interface should be noted. If this is of a
standard type that can be represented by a standard model then parameter values
should be provided. If it is not of a standard type then some description should be
provided to inform work on the creation of models. This should include details of
the voltage level and whether it is a single or three-phase connection.
Transformer Parameters
If a transformer is used to connect to the grid then details necessary for modelling
should be provided. This should include information on in-rush currents if these will
affect the performance of the unit.
Operating Limits
The operating limits for the electrical connection should be described. This should
include information on maximum and minimum grid voltages, maximum and
minimum grid frequency, and total harmonic distortion that the technology can
tolerate. If any of these conditions vary with operating point, e.g. different on start-
up or shutdown, then details should be provided.
When running normally, the technology may have an effect on power quality on the
grid. For example, it may inject harmonic currents. Alternatively, it may be able to
mitigate against some undesirable power quality phenomenon. Any behaviour that
may affect grid power quality, for better or worse, should be noted.
The requirements and behaviour of the technology on start-up and shutdown should
be described. The primary concern is the effect on the grid and power quality, e.g.
waveform distortion. In particular, any behaviour that may cause further damage to
the grid when it is already in a vulnerable state should be noted.
The ability of the device to supply short circuit fault current should be described.
This may be in the form of sub-transient and transient reactances, and time constants
for decay of any DC-offset components of fault current. Fault levels have been
identified as the primary network issue of concern for DG in urban areas in the UK
and Engineering Recommendation G74 [7.13] describes the procedure to be used to
calculate short-circuit currents and the data required from generators. Protection
Information should be provided on the types of protection associated with the unit
and what makes them operate. Protection may be intrinsically linked to the
technology type or it may be standard protection that is used with all DG resources.
Often, the protection required will be specified by the DNO, subject to the
appropriate standards and regulations. In addition, the detailed design of protection
must be coordinated with the DNO network protection.
Protection Types
For each type of protection installed, some information should be provided on the
means of measurement, relay operation and the limits of operation.
Means of Isolation
The means of isolating the unit from the grid should be described. In particular, the
use of conventional circuit breakers or solid-state switches should be noted.
Reference should be made to the conditions that trigger isolation, the time it takes for
isolation to be achieved, and any grid-visible effects that can arise. Control
Information should be provided on the control of the unit. This information will be
required if a DNO implements active management of DG resources.
Control Changes
Any restrictions on the changing of control strategies should be noted. For example,
must the unit be shutdown before a new control strategy can be implemented? Can
new control strategies be implemented remotely or must changes be made at the
unit? Response times should also be noted. Some reference to Communications, see
below, may be necessary.
Island Operation
Where possible, the conditions necessary for the unit to continue operating as part of
a power island, independently from the grid supply, should be described. This may
refer to the operating limits described above, to some other aspects of the grid
conditions, or to some aspects of the unit itself. In the future, and subject to legal
and regulatory approval, DNOs may be interested in operating power islands because
of the potential improvements in overall supply reliability and availability. Communications
Details of the communications interface and protocol should be provided, e.g. DNP3,
RS232, Ethernet, modem. This should include details of existing capabilities for
remote control and monitoring.
Details should be provided of the input parameters to the generator or storage unit.
This will determine what information must be provided to the unit to control
Details should be provided of the parameters that can be monitored or extracted from
the unit, including the sampling rates. This will determine whether additional
measurements must be taken to satisfy all monitoring requirements.
For example, the expected production profile of a CHP unit might be used to study
the variation of network voltage profiles. If provided in the correct format, this
information might be inserted directly into generic models that the DNO has
available. However, if information is provided in another format then the DNO will
have to translate it before it can be used.
Models may also be required to simulate the DG response to network disturbances.
Information provided on the electrical connection and protection systems would help
the DNO establish suitable models.
Over time, it is expected that DNOs will have to shift from passive to more active
management of their networks to accommodate DG. This will require an
understanding of the DG resources, which the information requirements described
above should provide. In particular, the design of active management systems will
require information on the communications and control systems associated with a
DG installation.
For example, a new generator may have a number of control set points that determine
its operation. These set points may be controllable remotely using a modem
connection. If the DNO is to exert control over this unit, they will have to establish a
modem connection and understand the effects of the different control set points.
Software might be developed to control the DG unit and integrate it with the DNO
network management systems. In addition, the nature of the underlying operating
costs of DG units might be required to assess the most economic way to manage the
DG resources.
Some DG has the potential to provide ancillary services to the network, such as
voltage support. However, the provision of such services may be subject to
commercial arrangements. A DNO might use the information provided on operating
capabilities and variable costs to design a suitable contract. Given the importance of
maintaining network voltages, the engineering solution using DG will have to be
closely examined. Equally, the contract agreed between the DNO and DG will have
to cover all eventualities and provide the correct incentives to maintain network
7.4. Review of Chapter
The representation and exchange of power system models and data was discussed.
The potential confusion associated with the terms “model” and “data” was noted and
the concept of horizontal and vertical exchange was presented. Further discussion
highlighted how the representation and exchange of models and data are being
improved through the development of new formats and the exploitation of
information technology. DNOs will have to utilise new technologies in their
information processing and analysis as well as on the networks themselves.
It was noted that in the requirements described above, the exact format of the
information is left to the provider. This leaves the collector of the information with
the task of translating information to the format required. The approach would be
even more structured, and the burden of translation would be shifted from DNO to
DG, if all information had to conform to an agreed pre-defined format and structure,
as outlined in this Chapter. Reaching agreement on this issue may require the
intervention of government or industry regulators.
The concepts and approaches described in this section have been applied in the
development of management systems for DG in LV networks. The concept of pre-
defined data formats and structures was explored further in the development of
markup languages for power system planning and associated platforms for web
services, including on-line submission and automated checking of DG-related data
[7.3]. These applications demonstrate the importance and value of formal methods
for the characterisation of DG.
7.8. Energy Networks Association, “Engineering Recommendation G83: The
connection of small-scale embedded generators (up to 16 a per phase) in
parallel with public low voltage distribution networks”, UK, 2002.
7.9. First Annual Report of the Distributed Generation Coordinating Group
(2001/2002), March 2003, Department of trade and Industry, Ofgem
7.10. Foote,C.E.T., Ault,G.W., Burt,G.M., McDonald,J.R., “Enhancing flexibility
and transparency in the connection of dispersed generation”, Proceedings of
CIRED 2001, Amsterdam, June 2001
7.11. Watson,J., “The Regulation of UK Distribution Networks: Pathways to
Reform”, Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Distributed
Generation, Stockholm, Sweden, 2-4 October 2002
7.12. Electricity Innovation Institute, “Open Communication Architecture for
Distributed Energy Resources in Advanced Distribution Automation
(DER/ADA)”, November 2003, Project description available from
7.13. Energy Networks Association (originally produced by the Electricity
Association), “Engineering Recommendation G74: Procedure to Meet the
Requirements on IEC 909 for the Calculation of Short-Circuit Currents in
Three-Phase AC Power Systems”, UK, 1992
8. Scenario Analysis
Distribution network planners have always faced uncertainty, for example in load
forecasting. However, trends like industry restructuring and DG, as outlined in the
Chapter on drivers and new directions, are increasing the factors over which DNOs
cannot exert control and increasing the level of uncertainty and risk.
A number of approaches are widely used by power system planning engineers to deal
with uncertainty and risk. The most common approaches used are scenario analysis,
decision trees and sensitivity analysis. These provide planners with a means to
quantitatively assess an uncertain situation and explore the boundaries of what might
happen. This is essential to fully understand the full range of issues and options in a
decision problem. In addition, the use of more sophisticated risk analysis techniques
have been proposed for power network planning [8.1, 8.2]. Where uncertainty
proves difficult to characterise and there is the prospect of radical change at some
unknown point in the future, it is important to ensure that systems and approaches are
flexible and adaptable to change.
This Chapter discusses scenario analysis and some of the other methods available to
manage uncertainty and risk in distribution network planning. It is proposed that
flexibility is the only way to effectively deal with uncertainty. A novel scenario
development approach is demonstrated with an assessment of the expected growth in
DG in low voltage grids. This spotlights the primary challenge currently facing
planners and shows how gathered information can be used to generate scenarios to
support further analysis. The scenarios developed here are useful in providing base-
line forecasts of DG in low voltage grids. This provides DNO planners and other
researchers with something they can work with to explore the impact of DG and start
to devise the flexible solutions that will be robust to a range of uncertain futures.
8.1. Methods for Managing Uncertainty and Risk
This section reviews some of the methods available for managing uncertainty and
risk in electricity distribution network planning, and proposes that flexibility is the
most important feature of planning tools and processes.
Scenario analysis allows planners to forecast a range of possible outcomes and then
quantitatively assess the boundaries of their decision problems. With reference to the
decision analysis structure described in Chapter 6, it can be presented as involving
four main steps [8.3]. The first step is to select the network development options or
strategies to be evaluated. Following this step a number of scenarios must be
constructed by considering each of the development issues and assigning plausible
values to uncertain parameters. For each combination of scenario and option,
technical analysis must be performed to evaluate the outcome in terms of a score or
other overall value. The most suitable option will then be selected according to a
given decision criterion. Commonly used decision criteria include the following
[8.3, 8.4]:
• With the Expected-Score (or Expected-Cost) criterion, a probability value is
assigned to each scenario and the weighted average of the total scores of a
particular option under the different scenarios yields an Expected Score for each
option. The option with the maximum Expected Score is then selected for
• The Laplace criterion is similar to the Expected Score criterion except that all
scenarios are assumed to have an equal probability of occurrence.
• The Minimise-Maximum-Regret criterion represents a risk analysis approach in
contrast to the probabilistic approach of the Expected-Score criterion. An ideal
option is identified in each scenario and the regret for each of the other options
calculated – regret is the difference between the option score and the score of the
ideal option. The option with the lowest regret value over all scenarios is
selected as the most desirable choice for implementation.
• In the Von-Neumann-Morgenstern criterion, it is assumed that one of the
extreme scenarios will occur, either the most pessimist or optimistic viewpoint.
The option that performs best under this scenario is selected for implementation.
• The Hurwicz criterion is a variation of this that allows the explicit consideration
of the decision-maker’s attitude to risk using a parameter , which is given a
value between 0 and 1. If = 0 or 1 the results correspond with the pessimistic
and optimistic scenarios respectively considered under the Von-Neumann-
Morgenstern criterion.
Although each of these decision criteria has its own merits and collectively can allow
uncertainty to be dealt within in a number of innovative ways the key disadvantage
with such approaches is related to the number of scenarios. In order to readily apply
scenario analysis techniques an appropriate number of scenarios must be considered.
However, if the number of scenarios being considered becomes too large, which can
very easily be the case when multiple sources of uncertainty are included and all
combinations of events considered, the application of such approaches becomes
highly impractical because of the large analysis burden and difficulty in interpreting
Decision trees are also commonly used to deal with planning uncertainty [8.3, 8.4].
With this technique, an event tree describing each possible course of action is
developed with each future represented by a separate branch of the tree. By
developing a path through the tree to an end-level future or course of action for each
uncertainty, the effects of time-related decisions can be assessed. The structure of
the decision tree provides a useful graphical display of each event and the path of a
particular decision is useful in providing insight into the problem itself. While the
main advantage of the decision tree technique is the graphical display and associated
visual representation, as with scenario approaches, including a large number of
events and all possible courses of action for these events may quickly lead to a
decision tree with an impractical number of end-level nodes.
8.1.3. Sensitivity Analysis
8.1.5. Flexibility as a Means of Dealing with Uncertainty
Considering the new challenges facing planners, as outlined in Chapter 3, and the
review of methods for managing uncertainty described above, it is clear that in the
management of uncertainty and risk, the only certainty is that there will be
uncertainty. When faced with an unpredictable future, the best way to reduce risk is
to maintain flexibility. Thus, the electricity sector in general must be made more
flexible, adaptable and responsive so that they are able to handle any unforeseen or
sudden changes. This applies both to the network extensions that are designed and
built, and to the tools and methodologies used by planners. It was already noted in
Chapter 4 that the complexity and diversity of distribution network planning and the
range of new challenges to be faced mean that highly prescriptive and detailed
methodologies are inappropriate because they are inflexible
These initial proposals are limited in their application but the provision of flexibility
in planning tools and methods is probably an area deserving of further research.
The first level one task in the knowledge model of the conventional approach is
“Identify Requirements”. Managing the expansion of DG requires an understanding
of the expected levels of DG and relative capacities of different DG technologies. To
this end, and as part of the DISPOWER project [8.6], an assessment of the likely
penetration of DG in different low voltage (LV) grids was conducted. This allows
the specification of realistic scenarios to enable further analysis and help planners to
assess the problems to be addressed in their networks.
This methodology contrasts with earlier approaches [8.7] firstly by interpreting high-
level national forecasts for DG or renewable power in terms of the likely impact on
LV grids, secondly by producing quantitative technology rankings based on a new
survey of expert opinion, and thirdly by offering three strategies for combining the
two perspectives to produce scenarios of interest. This combined approach provides
results that are robust from the perspective of high-level forecasts of DG penetration
and from the perspective of how suitable each technology is to a particular LV grid.
The new methodology is described in more detail and demonstrated in the sections
8.2.2. Top-Down Approach
Table 8.1 Electricity from renewable sources in 1997 and targets for 2010 for EU countries
More detailed forecast data was obtained for Italy, Poland, Germany and the UK.
The processed data is presented below and the results drawn together in a summary. Italy
It is estimated that by 2010 Italy [8.9] will have a total installed capacity of
generation of between 95 and 110GW. Table 8.2 shows the estimated installed
capacities of various DG technologies in 2010 in MW and as a percentage of
102.5GW – the middle of the range of estimated total capacity. Poland
Table 8.3 shows the expected energy contributions from different DG technologies.
By assuming production factors for each technology, the expected installed capacity
can be estimated and given as a percentage of total system installed capacity of
Table 8.3 – DG Penetration Forecast for Poland Germany
In Germany, the total energy production in 2001 was 477.5TWh and total
consumption was around 500TWh, the difference being made up with imports. In
2001, the total installed capacity of conventional generation greater than 1MW was
approximately 112GW. The 2001 capacity of DG less than 1MW was negligible.
The capacity of conventional generation is expected to decrease as DG becomes
more widespread but overall energy demand is expected to increase at around 0.6%
per annum [8.12, 8.13]. If it is assumed that this increase in demand is translated
into an increase in total capacity, whether it is conventional or DG, then the total
installed capacity of all generation sources in Germany in 2010 can be estimated to
be approximately 118GW.
The DG penetration forecasts for Italy, Poland, Germany and the UK are summarised
in Table 8.5. The results were calculated as percentages of the total installed
capacity of electrical generation. By assuming a plant margin (peak load / installed
capacity) of 85% and an average load factor (average demand / peak demand) of
65%, the DG penetration levels can be expressed as percentages of peak load and
average load.
Table 8.5 – Summary of DG penetration forecasts
These forecasts for 2010 represent a significant increase in DG but they should be
compared with existing DG penetration levels in Denmark and the Netherlands. In
Denmark, DG already represents more then 30% of the total installed capacity of
generation. In the Netherlands, about 25% of the total installed generation capacity
can be considered as DG [8.15].
It is likely that much of this DG will consist of medium-sized generators and will be
installed at voltage levels above LV. It is difficult to predict what fraction of DG
will be connected at LV – defined in EN50160 as being voltages below 1kV [8.16].
However, rough figures for Germany and Denmark suggest that LV-connected DG
might represent between 3% and 30% of total DG [8.15].
Table 8.6 summarises the results of the analysis of penetration forecasts. Taking the
full range of values into account, it is forecast that LV connected DG could amount
to between 0.45% and 10.86% of average load. The mid-range prediction is for the
capacity of LV Connected DG to be approximately 4.22% of average load.
Table 8.6 – Penetration forecasts for LV connected DG
The fifteen LV grid scenarios were specified firstly in terms of structure, operation,
area type and network type. Three additional criteria were identified as being
particularly relevant to the assessment of DG penetration: types of loads,
meteorological climate, and the social and political environment. However, it was
assumed in all scenarios that the social and political environment was positive and
supportive towards DG. A less supportive social and political environment would
simply reduce the overall level of DG and not differentiate between different
The scenarios were specified to provide a range of types of loads and the
meteorological climates found in Europe. The 15 LV grid scenarios are described in
Table 8.7.
Scenario 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Commercial Mesh, Germany
Residential Ring, Germany
Rural, Italy
Structure Radial X X X X X X
Link X X X
Ring X X X X
Meshable X X
Radial X X X X X X X X X X X X X
Meshed X X
Rural X X X X X X
Area Type
Urban X X X X X X X X X
Overhead X X X X X X
Network Type
Underground X X X X X X X X X
Residential X X X X X X X X X X X
Retail X X X X X X X
Load Type Farms X X X X X
Offices X X X X X X X
Industrial (Small) X X X
152 DG Penetration Survey Results
For each of the LV grid scenarios, respondents to the questionnaire ranked the DG
technologies in terms of which are most likely to be installed in the scenario
conditions by 2010 and by 2020. A ranking of “1” indicated the technology is most
likely to be installed in the associated grid conditions. Rankings of “2”, “3”, “4”, etc.
indicated decreasing likelihood of technologies being installed. The rankings from
different respondents were combined to calculate average rankings or scores for 2010
and 2020 for each scenario. These scores, which give an indication of which
technologies are considered most suited to each grid scenario and are most likely to
be installed, are shown in the results in Appendix A.
Table 8.8 and Table 8.9 summarise the top three ranked technologies in each of the
LV grid scenarios for 2010 and 2020. It is apparent that photovoltaics are the
dominant technology in 2010 with reciprocating engines and wind turbines also
appearing frequently. In 2020, photovoltaics retain their dominance and
reciprocating engines and wind turbines feature strongly. However, new
technologies like micro gas turbines, biogas engines and fuel cells start to feature
more prominently.
Table 8.8 – Forecast DG Penetration Rankings in the LV Grid Scenarios for 2010
Table 8.9 – Forecast DG Penetration Rankings in the LV Grid Scenarios for 2020
The top-down and bottom-up approaches provided two different perspectives on the
penetration of DG in LV grids. To propose specific DG penetrations in each of the
LV grid scenarios, the two approaches must be combined.
The top-down forecasts were calculated from system-wide, national perspectives and
suggest overall levels of DG that are quite low: between 0.45% and 10.86% of
average load. In reality, some LV grids will contain much more DG than others. In
fact it is recognised that in some instances, the amount of DG in an LV grid may
even exceed 100% of average load. Research and development in this area is
primarily concerned with grids where there is a high penetration of DG. Therefore,
while the top-down analysis provides a guide to expected overall DG levels, the
definition of scenarios for further analysis requires much larger values of DG
The results of the questionnaire indicate which DG technologies are most likely to be
installed in each of the LV grid scenarios. The translation of these rankings into
actual DG penetration levels requires some decisions to be made about the overall
level of DG and the sharing of that total between technologies.
The overall level of DG in scenarios used for analysis will be influenced by the
results of the top-down approach but will be modified to produce scenarios with
higher penetrations of DG. The sharing of total DG between technologies might
follow one of three strategies, as outlined below. Any of the strategies outlined
below could be used to produce useful scenarios. The choice of strategy for
combining the top-down and bottom-up results will depend on the precise
requirements of the analysis being performed.
For example, for scenario 15 (Rural Ring, Austria) in 2010 scenarios could be
defined with only photovoltaic DG connected at LV. If it were assumed that this LV
grid contained levels of DG equivalent to the upper range of average expected levels
then DG capacity would be 11% of average load. If average load were 150kW, then
this LV grid scenario would have 16.5kW of photovoltaic DG.
ranked technologies only. The split could be based on an arbitrary division, with the
top-ranked technology taking half, the second ranked technology taking a third, and
the third ranked technology taking the remaining sixth. This arbitrary division
between technologies would produce useable scenarios.
For example, applying this approach to scenario 8 (Rural, Poland) in 2010 would
produce LV-connected DG in the following proportion: 50% Wind turbines; 33%
Photovoltaics; and 17% Micro hydro. If this grid hosted above average DG levels
equivalent to 50% of average load, and if the average load was 100kW, then the
assignment of DG to this scenario would be 25kW Wind turbines; 16.5kW
Photovoltaics; and 8.5kW Micro hydro.
The total level of DG in an LV grid could be divided between the top three ranked
technologies based on a mathematical function of the scores produced by the
questionnaire results. The scores are the result of combining rankings from different
respondents and provide some measure of how likely each DG technology is to be
installed. The scores could be used in a mathematical formula to weight the share
taken by each DG technology.
For example, the process described in Table 8.10 for scenario 1 (Residential Ring,
Germany) in 2010 might be followed.
contain 110kW of photovoltaics, 62kW of reciprocating engines and 28kW of
Stirling engines.
One of the greatest challenges for distribution network planners is dealing with
uncertainty and risk. This Chapter discussed scenario analysis and some of the other
methods available to manage uncertainty and risk in distribution network planning.
It was proposed that flexibility is the only way to effectively deal with uncertainty
and some initial proposals were made as to how flexibility might be achieved in tools
and methodologies: processes and methods should not be based on very narrow
assumptions; software should have scope for extending the type of analysis
performed and incorporating models of new technologies; and people must be trained
to be able to assess changing circumstances and adapt their own behaviour. These
initial proposals are limited in their application but the provision of flexibility in
planning tools and methods is probably an area deserving of further research.
The top-down forecasts suggest overall levels of DG that are quite low. Taking the
full range of values into account, it is forecast that LV connected DG could amount
to between 0.45% and 10.86% of average load. The mid-range prediction is for the
capacity of LV Connected DG to be approximately 4.22% of average load. In
reality, some LV grids will contain much more DG than others; in some instances,
the amount of DG in an LV grid may even exceed 100% of average load. Therefore,
while the top-down analysis provides a guide to expected overall DG levels, the
definition of interesting scenarios for further analysis may require much larger values
of DG penetration.
The DG penetration studies presented here provide useful guidance on the expected
overall levels of DG and the DG technologies expected to feature most strongly in
different LV grid conditions. To support the translation of overall DG levels and
technology rankings into actual technology penetration values, three different
strategies were proposed. The application of these strategies and the detailed
definition of scenarios for further analysis will depend on the precise objectives of
those analyses but the results and methodologies produced from this work provide a
valuable resource for scenario development.
8.4. Methods for Planning under Uncertainty: “Towards Flexibility in Power
System Development”; Paper prepared by Working Group 37.10 of CIGRE
(Convenor: E. Van Geert)
8.5. Hiskens,I.A., Pai,M.A., Nguyen,T.B.; “Bounding Uncertainty in Power System
Dynamic Simulations”; IEEE Power Engineering Society Winter Meeting, 23-
27 January 2000, Singapore
8.6. Bertani,A., Bossi,C., Delfino,B., Lewald,N., Massucco,S., Metten,E.,
Meyer,T., Silvestro,F., Wasiak,I.; “Electrical Energy Distribution Networks:
Actual Situation and Perspectives for Distributed Generation”; 17th
International Conference on Electricity Distribution, CIRED 2003, 12-15 May
2003, Barcelona, Spain
8.7. Watson,A.S.; “Modelling the performance of distribution networks with
distributed generation”; Submitted for the Degree of Master of Philosophy,
University of Strathclyde; August 2003
8.8. Directive 2001/77/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27
September 2001 on the promotion of electricity produced from renewable
energy sources in the internal electricity market; Official Journal L283 ,
27/10/2001 P.0033-0040
8.9. Centro Elettrotecnico Sperimentale Italiano; 2003
8.10. Polish Ministry of Environment; “Strategy for Development of Renewable
Electric Power”; 2003
8.11. German Department of Environment, Conservation and Nuclear Safety;
Forecasts under the “Erneuerbare Energien Gesetz (EEG)” (Renewable
Energies Law); 2003
8.12. Verband der Elektrizitätswirtschaft – VDEW – e.V. (German association of
power supply companies), May 2002
8.13. RWE Power AG, Germany, 29th of April 2003
8.14. Distributed Generation Co-ordinating Group, DTI and Ofgem; “Scenarios of
Distributed Generation Development”; WS1 P06-D01 V1.2; www.distributed-
8.15. DTI New and Renewable Energy Programme; “Survey Study of Status and
Penetration Levels of Distributed Generation (DG) in Europe and the US
(Stage One)”; Report Number: K/EL/00306/02/REP one – URN 03/896;
KEMA Limited – Tuncay Tuerkucar, David Gailey
8.16. European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardisation (CENELEC);
European Standard EN50160; “Voltage Characteristics of Electricity Supplied
by Public Distribution Systems”; November 1994
9. Dynamic Modelling of Wind Farms
Previous chapters have considered the application of various methods and techniques
to address the shortcomings identified in the conventional approach to distribution
network planning. Some of these methods are new to this domain while others have
been applied to varying degrees by some DNOs. All DNOs currently perform power
system analysis in some form. This is necessary to understand how the network
operates and make plans for future developments. In Chapter 4, the need for more
analysis was identified as one of the principal shortcomings in the conventional
approach. DNOs will have to extend their analysis capabilities to deal with new
technologies and take full advantage of them. In particular, at this time power
system operators are concerned with the expansion of wind power and the effect it
will have on their networks. This requires appropriate modelling and analysis of
wind farms within power system simulation software.
Although the number of wind farms has been growing strongly for a decade or more,
there continues to be a lack of models and data to facilitate the power system analysis
that DNOs and others wish to perform. The challenge of modelling wind turbines
and wind farms has been undertaken by a number of different groups, including
researchers, network operators, manufacturers and software providers. While there
have been some efforts at collaboration there has been a resistance on the part of
manufacturers to provide the information required to model the technology fully.
Many of the models that have been developed remain proprietary, specific to
particular wind turbines, and not widely available. This Chapter examines the
dynamic modelling of wind farms as a demonstration of the type of analysis DNOs
may have to do in future and an illustration of one way in which the new challenges
in network planning can be met. The findings of this research as presented here
provide a useful – and publicly available – resource for those wishing to develop
models and will hopefully advance the general understanding of wind farms and their
dynamic performance from a power system’s perspective.
Wind power differs from conventional generation sources in a number of ways. This
highlights how the assumption that conventional technology will be used is a
shortcoming of the conventional approach. Firstly, the power output from wind
farms is dependent on the wind conditions so is not controllable or predictable in the
same way as conventional generation. Secondly, wind turbines have, until recently,
been specified such that they disconnect from the network if there is a disturbance.
When there was very little wind power, this approach was acceptable. With a
significant proportion of system load supplied from wind farms, it is unacceptable for
wind farms to disconnect when there is a disturbance. The ability of wind farms to
“ride-through” disturbances was an important subject for investigation a few years
ago and prompted some of the early modelling efforts. Finally, modern wind farms
do not use conventional synchronous and induction generators. To facilitate
variable-speed operation, most modern wind turbines use power electronics to some
degree. The most commonly-used type of machine in new wind turbines is the
doubly-fed induction generator, which uses power electronics in its rotor circuit.
Thus, modelling new wind farms requires the development of new models and the
adaptation of simulation tools to accommodate these new generation technologies.
The precise modelling requirements are dependent on what issues are being
considered. To assess power system stability in response to network disturbances, a
simulation tool such as PSS/E [9.1] is appropriate and models must be developed that
represent the behaviour of wind farms and their interaction with the electricity
network in the frequency range of about 1 to 10 Hz, which captures the
electromechanical response of power systems.
Wind farm models for the PSS/E simulation environment were developed. This
Chapter discusses a dynamic model of a wind farm for PSS/E, including the
assumptions and simplifications that were made. The model is demonstrated with
studies that assess the equivalence of single and aggregate models of wind farms and
also the effects of a high penetration of wind farms on distribution networks.
9.1. List of Symbols
The following symbols are used in this Chapter. All are introduced more fully at the
appropriate point in the discussion but are listed here for reference.
In the generator equations, the subscripts d and q indicate direct and quadrature axis
components respectively and the subscripts s and r indicate stator and rotor
components respectively. All variables are in per unit.
• v is voltage (et is the terminal voltage)
• i is current
• R is resistance
• L is inductance (Lm is the mutual inductance)
• Ψ is flux
• iqr or IQR is the quadrature component of the rotor current
• idr or IDR is the direct component of the rotor current
• vqr or VQR is the quadrature component of rotor voltage
• vdr or VDR is the direct component of the rotor voltage
• P is real or active power
• Q is reactive power
• s is slip
• p is the derivative operator
The models were developed and tested using PSS/E version 26.2 and Digital Visual
Fortran version 5.0D on a Windows 2000 system.
PSS/E was designed for analysis of large power systems, and makes simplifications
in the representation of system components to reduce the computational burden.
Models designed for use with PSS/E need only be as complicated as the PSS/E
environment itself. This allows some simplifying assumptions to be made. PSS/E
was designed to have a bandwidth of approximately 1 to 10 Hz. The default
simulation time step is 0.01 seconds. This can be reduced but there are limits on the
effective bandwidth. For example, the transmission network representation assumes
that all transients in lines and transformers die away within each time step, so the
time step can only be reduced to a level at which this assumption remains valid. All
these requirements of the simulation environment influence the design of the models.
Figure 9.1 – Components of a complete wind farm dynamic model
Wind speed is a random variable. The Rayleigh or Weibull distributions can be used
to produce a typical pattern of ten-minute average wind speeds. However, a wind
speed signal for use in dynamic simulations with sub-second time steps requires
other methods, such as those based on power spectral densities. Analysis of wind
speed spectra reveals little energy at frequencies above 3Hz [9.2]. Furthermore, in
applying a wind speed sequence to a wind turbine, it is necessary to take into account
the variation in the wind across the area of the blades. This has the effect of filtering
out higher frequencies. Filter approaches have been used to produce single-point
wind speed sequences [9.2].
Models were produced that control the mechanical power input to the standard
PSS/E induction generator models, CIMTR1 and CIMTR3 [9.1]. These can be used
to assess the impact on the network of varying wind speed.
However, the stochastic variation of wind speed is not considered a primary issue for
power system stability analysis because it is thought that in the time scales involved,
constant wind speed may be assumed. Models must be valid over the range of
possible wind speeds and the dynamic response of a turbine may vary with its power
output. Wind speed distributions will help determine the probability of the most
serious conditions.
The energy in the wind is collected by the wind turbine blades, which experience
aerodynamic effects. These effects can influence machine degradation and expected
lifetime, and can raise power quality issues on the electrical network. A full analysis
of the aerodynamics would involve the use of blade element theory but the various
effects can be more simply represented by introducing variations at different
frequencies in the mechanical power transmitted through the turbine. However, in
terms of the immediate dynamic response to disturbances on the electrical network, it
is thought that the aerodynamic effects can largely be neglected.
Cp is the power coefficient, a measure of how much of the energy in the wind is
actually extracted, and is a function of the relative speed of the rotor and the wind.
Even if constant wind speed is assumed, changes in rotor speed in response to
network disturbances will affect the power coefficient and hence the power extracted
from the wind. The power coefficient is also affected by blade pitch angle so the
pitch control system may have to be modelled. Thus, it may be necessary to include
a power coefficient and input power calculation in a dynamic model. Heier [9.2]
gives a function for approximating the power coefficient (Equation 9.2 and Equation
9.3). The coefficients should be adjusted to reflect the characteristics of particular
1 1 0.035
C p = 0 .5 − 0.4θ − 5 e λ ′ = − 3
λ′ where λ ′ λ + 0.08θ θ + 1
θ is the blade pitch angle. λ is the tip-speed ratio ( λ = )
The power curve produced by the equations above must be amended to take account
of cut-in speed and cut-out speed. Imposing these limits produces a realistic
representation of power versus wind speed, such as that shown in Figure 9.2.
Figure 9.2 – Typical power versus wind speed characteristics for an 800kW wind turbine
Power (kW)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Wind speed, U (m/s)
Very complex drive train models have been produced in the past for the purposes of
wind turbine design, but for power systems analysis simpler models suffice. Many
studies have used a single lumped mass for the rotating system but a number of
authors [9.3, 9.4, 9.5] have argued that a multi-mass model of the drive train is
required to produce accurate simulations with conventional wind turbines. It has
been shown that fluctuations in variables like voltage and power are greater with
multi-mass models than with a single lumped mass.
However, in modelling a wind turbine shaft it is necessary to distinguish between
constant speed and variable speed wind turbines. In constant speed wind turbines,
the shaft should be taken into account in the following situations:
• Analysis of faults, because the potential energy stored in the shaft influences the
rotor acceleration and after clearing the fault the shaft causes an oscillation
• Power quality studies, because the dynamics associated with the shaft cause
oscillations which can be observed in the power spectral density of the output
In variable speed wind turbines, it has been argued that variable speed achieved with
power electronics means that the mechanical and electrical systems are de-coupled,
making a multi-mass drive train model unnecessary.
ωM ωE
HM - inertia constant of the windmill (Ws/VA)
HE - inertia constant of the generator rotor (Ws/VA)
TM - mechanical torque of the windmill (pu)
TE - electromagnetic torque of the generator (pu)
ω M - windmill speed (equivalent electrical rad/s)
ω E - generator rotor speed (electrical rad/s)
ω base - base frequency of the system (electrical rad/s) ( = 2πf where f is grid
K - shaft stiffness (pu torque / electrical rad)
θ - shaft twist (electrical rad)
If a single-mass model, with a single inertia constant and single rotational speed, is
deemed sufficient then only one differential equation is required:
2 H dω
= TM − TE Equation 9.7
ω base dt
The inertia constant (H) is defined as the stored energy at synchronous speed per
volt-ampere of machine rating. The units of H are watt-seconds per volt-ampere (or
just seconds).
Estored Equation
VAbase 9.8
1 Equation
Estored = Jω 2
2 9.9
where J is the moment of inertia (kg.m2) and ω is the rotational velocity (rad/s).
The mass, and hence the moment of inertia, of a windmill hub is split between the
blades and the shaft. To determine the moment of inertia of a single blade, it can be
considered as a slender rod with the axis of rotation at one end. For this type of
structure the moment of inertia is given by:
J = ML2 Equation 9.10
where M is the mass of the blade (kg) and L is its length (m).
If the total blade mass of a three-bladed wind turbine rotor, Mblades (kg), is divided
equally between three blades, and if the diameter of the rotor is Dblades (m), then the
total moment of inertia of the blades is given by:
1 M blades Dblades
J blades = 3 Equation 9.11
3 3 2
The shaft can be considered a cylinder, for which the moment of inertia is given by:
1 Dshaft
J shaft = M shaft Equation 9.12
2 2
where Mshaft is the mass of the shaft (kg) and Dshaft is its diameter (m).
Substituting Equation 9.11 and Equation 9.12 into Equation 9.9 gives:
1 M blades Dblades M shaft Dshaft 2
E stored = + ω Equation 9.13
2 12 8
171 The Link Between Eigen-frequency and Shaft Stiffness
The system of differential equations describing the two-mass shaft model has an
eigen-value that is the square of the natural or modal frequency of the shaft. It can
be shown that the eigen-frequency is linked to the shaft stiffness and inertias by the
ω base K 1 1 2ω eigen
ω 2
eigen = + or K= Equation 9.16
2 HE HM ω base HE + HM
It is in the type of generator, and associated grid interface and converter systems,
used that the most important differences lie from the perspective of dynamic stability
analysis of wind farms in power systems. The four main types of generator are
summarised in Table 9.1 and their modelling requirements described in the following
A fully comprehensive analysis capability would include full models of all turbine
types connected to a power system. However, with some types being used only in
small numbers it may be considered unnecessary to model them fully. In the
immediate future, it is expected that the largest wind farms, and the ones that must be
suitably represented in power systems studies, will utilise machines of type 2 –
doubly fed induction generators with partial power converters. The modelling
options for this type of generator and converter are covered in detail below.
All the models presented here assume that the power electronic components are ideal
and act fast enough to be considered instantaneous. This assumption is fair given the
purpose of the models and the frequency bandwidth of interest (1 to 10 Hz).
Most wind turbines installed up until the end of the 1990s operate at a fixed speed
and have an asynchronous, induction generator. Some turbines operate at two fixed
speeds and drive asynchronous wound-rotor generators that can switch between 4
and 6 poles. Many designs also include thyristor controlled soft-start features. As
standard induction generators, dynamic models of these machines should be readily
developed although, as mentioned above, it will be necessary to include multi-mass
drive train models.
The type of turbine currently being installed in the majority of large wind farms is
variable speed with a doubly fed wound rotor induction generator. The variable
speed capability, provided by a power electronic converter controlling the rotor
voltage, is limited and only a small proportion of the total output power is fed
through the converter. This allows the power electronics rating to be approximately
25% of the overall machine rating. This makes the machine cheaper than equivalent
machines that require power electronics with a 100% rating.
The models described below use the d-q transformation, which was introduced in the
past to simplify analysis and compensate for the lack of computational power. With
computing power much greater than it was, some modern approaches to machine
modelling dispense with transformation methods. In this case, the models need to
interface with the power system representation used in PSS/E so the d-q
transformation was used.
The use of the d-q transformation illustrates the need for new models like this to
remain consistent with existing modelling platforms even where advances in
computing and simulation technology may have superseded them. Existing system
models and their various components have been established over a number of years,
decades in some cases. It would be expensive to replace these legacy models and so
it is preferred if new models are compatible with the existing resources. With some
new technologies this will not be possible because the assumptions underlying the
existing models may not be applicable.
The standard set of equations for induction machines is given below [9.7]. The
subscripts d and q indicate direct and quadrature axis components respectively. The
subscripts s and r indicate stator and rotor components respectively. The values are
per unit and currents are positive when the machine is generating. The variable s
represents slip and p is the derivative operator.
vds = − Rs ids − ω sψ qs + pψ ds Equation 9.17
ψ ds = −(Ls + Lm )ids − Lmidr Equation 9.21
There are three different approaches to the modelling of induction machines for
stability analysis:
• Neglect of both stator and rotor transients
• Neglect of stator transients and retention of rotor transients
• Retention of both stator and rotor transients
Each of these approaches is discussed below along with the modifications required to
describe the doubly fed wound rotor induction machine.
This approach was espoused by Slootweg et al [9.8]; and was implemented in PSS/E
in a slightly modified form. Stator transients are neglected to make the model
compatible with the models of other system components in stability studies,
particularly the transmission network. Rotor transients are neglected on the basis of
the argument that their dynamics are fast enough to be outside the standard PSS/E
These assumptions reduce the generator model to a set of four algebraic equations.
The stator voltages are taken from the network solution at each time step and rotor
voltages are determined by the power electronics. This gives a set of four equations
with four unknowns (Equation 9.26 to Equation 9.29) that can be solved to give the
machine currents, and from there, the values of torque and power required for the
vds = − Rs ids + ω s (Lss iqs + Lm iqr ) Equation 9.26
p (v′d ) = sω s vq′ −
[ ]
v′d − ( X s − X s′ )iqs − ω s
Lr + Lm
vqr Equation 9.32
p (v′q ) = − sω s vd′ −
[ ]
v′q − ( X s − X s′ )ids − ω s
Lr + Lm
vdr Equation 9.33
ω s Lm
v′d = ψ qr Equation 9.34
Lr + Lm
ω s Lm
vq′ = − ψ dr Equation 9.35
Lr + Lm
Lr + Lm
T0′ = Equation 9.36
X s = ω s (Ls + Lm ) Equation 9.37
X s′ = ω s Ls + Lm − Equation 9.38
Lr + Lm
In a submission to the British Isles Wind Technical Panel, Efthymiadis [9.12] has
proposed a slightly different approach where instead of retaining vdr and vqr from the
standard induction machine equations, vd' and vq' are replaced by terms incorporating
rotor voltage components.
Akhmatov et al [9.3,9.4,9.6] have suggested that the neglect of stator transients is not
applicable to induction machines because the effect of the DC offset on speed must
be taken into account. It is argued that when interfacing with the network, stator
transients must be ignored but they can be retained internally within the machine
model. Saenz et al [9.13] propose a similar fourth-order model. If this approach is
adopted then the equations describing the machine are as follows.
pψ ds = vds + Rs ids + ω sψ qs Equation 9.40
The flux linkages are states in the dynamic model, updated by the differential
equations shown above. The stator voltages are determined by the network solution.
The rotor voltages are determined by the power electronic converter, in line with the
control strategies. The currents can be found by solving the system of linear
equations, Equation 9.17 to Equation 9.20, shown above.
The third type of wind turbine is variable-speed with a cage-rotor induction generator
connected to the grid fully through a power electronic converter. With all power
flowing through the converter, the overall dynamic response will be determined by
the power electronics. The response will depend on how the converters are
programmed. The power electronics themselves act almost instantaneously in
comparison to conventional power system components. It may be possible to
represent the converters simply by the limits of current and voltage that cause the
converters to switch off and isolate the wind turbine and generator. However, it may
be necessary to model the generator to determine when the limits of the power
electronics are reached. The standard PSS/E induction generator models may suffice
in this instance.
The more common type of wind turbine that passes all power through a power
electronic converter uses a directly driven synchronous generator. The overall
dynamic response will be determined by the power electronics but it may also be
necessary to model the generator. The range of PSS/E standard synchronous
machine models may include something suitable to represent these machines but
these was not examined in detail.
Older wind turbine designs, using conventional induction generators and installed in
relatively small numbers, had limited control objectives. Modern variable speed
wind turbines with power electronics are able to pursue additional objectives.
Protect Equipment
Wind turbine control is closely linked with protection. Older wind farms were
designed to disconnect from the power system at the first sign of a disturbance. This
ensured that the wind farm equipment was protected from potentially damaging
transient effects and reduced the possible negative effects on the power system.
With more wind power connected to the system, fault ride-through capability
becomes important. There is the danger that large amounts of wind power will
disconnect when there is a system disturbance. Thus, the objective of protecting
equipment must be traded against supporting the power system.
The majority of large wind turbines now being installed are variable speed turbines
that use power electronics in their interface with the grid. An important factor in
these machines is that the power electronics must be protected from excessive
voltages and currents. The limits of the power electronics can be quite low, with
higher limits incurring a higher cost in power electronic hardware. This protection is
an important objective of the control/protection system and is implemented with so-
called “crowbar” protection. This applies a short-circuit across the terminals of the
power electronics in the rotor circuit, disconnecting them and effectively turning the
generator into a conventional induction machine. Crowbar protection has not been
modelled explicitly in the models developed in this work, although it could be added.
Rotor current is accessible as a variable and its value can be used to trigger the
disconnection of the machine or some other action. When models of a doubly fed
induction generator were tested with disturbances, the current in the rotor was
identified as the first variable to trigger protection and disconnection of the machine.
In normal operation, wind turbines must be protected from mechanical stresses that
can arise from variations in wind speed and aerodynamic effects such as blade-tower
interaction. In variable speed machines, torque pulsations in the shaft can be reduced
by adjusting the electromagnetic torque of the generator. However, this results in
pulsations in the output power. Thus, there is a trade-off to be made between torque
pulsations in the shaft and power pulsations at the output.
Maximise Energy Capture
Figure 9.4 – Performance coefficient as a function of tip speed ratio with pitch angle as a
Performance coefficient, Cp
0 deg
0.3 2 deg
5 deg
10 deg
0.2 15 deg
25 deg
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Tip speed ratio, lambda
System Support
Given the prospect of wind power representing a significant share of total generation,
system operators would like wind farms to comply with additional control
requirements [9.14]. These would be implemented at different times depending on
system conditions.
Power Control
Wind farms should be able to limit the power they are producing when commanded
to do so by system operators. This may be to alleviate constraints on the network or
to respond to a high frequency. Wind farms may also be asked to participate in more
general frequency control by operating at 90% of their potential output, thereby
providing scope for increasing and decreasing output power as required. In addition,
the rate of change of power from a wind farm should not exceed a specified rate.
This may require switching off turbines in anticipation of high wind speeds that will
force turbines to switch off anyway.
Voltage Control
The power electronic converters used on variable speed turbines have the capability
to control reactive power supplied to the grid. Large wind farms will be expected to
contribute to network voltage control. This will require being able to operate across
a range of power factors.
Power Quality
The effect of wind farms on power quality must be considered and the mitigation of
power quality problems can be a control objective.
The fluctuating wind speed combined with blade transients and blade-tower
interaction mean that the torque from a wind turbine is not steady. This can be
translated as flicker on to the power system. Absorbing torque fluctuations in the
mechanical systems of the wind turbine, by allowing speed to vary, may reduce
flicker but this imposes stress on the turbine shaft.
The power electronics used in variable speed machines may introduce harmonics on
to the network. Care must be taken to ensure this does not affect other grid users.
Farm-Wide Control
Large wind farms being installed today consist of dozens of turbines, each with their
own control systems. Power system operators are concerned primarily with the wind
farm as a whole. Control must be exerted over the whole wind farm, either to share
the burden of control requirements, or to shutdown and start-up individual turbines as
Yaw Control
The yaw control systems of wind turbines turn the nacelle and rotor to face into the
wind. In large turbines, this involves moving a very large object so the dynamics of
yaw control are too long-term to have an impact on normal power system stability
studies. It will be necessary to model longer-term dynamic effects such as yaw
control if simulations are to cover a period of minutes, and if changes in wind
direction are considered.
Blade Pitch Angle Control
In older and smaller turbines, the aerodynamic stalling effect is used to limit the
speed of rotation and the power from the generator. Most manufacturers now use
blade pitch angle control for large turbines, sometimes in combination with stall
As shown in Figure 9.4, the pitch of the blades influences the energy captured from
the wind. Pitch angle control can be used to maximise the energy captured up to the
limit of the generator, and to limit the rotor speed in strong winds. It may be used to
smooth the flow of power from the machine, or to reduce output in response to a
system disturbance. Pitch control may also be used to operate the turbine below its
full potential then provide a rapid power increase on demand. This kind of response
may be a requirement of system operators.
Although modern wind turbines are very large with blades that might be 40m or
more, pitch control can act very quickly. It is possible to move the blade pitch angle
through its whole range in a matter of seconds. In normal operation, the blade pitch
will change at around 5-10 degrees/second. In emergencies, the blade pitch can be
made to change at 10-20 degrees/second. Thus, blade pitch angle control should be
considered in power system stability studies. In addition, the blade positioning
system consumes approximately 1% of a turbine’s rated power in normal use and
more in extreme situations [9.2].
Publications suggest that once the desired pitch angle has been determined, a
Proportional-Integral (PI) controller is used in a feedback control loop, taking into
account the dynamics of the actuator and the blades themselves.
Power Electronic Converters
The doubly fed induction generator uses power electronic converters to control
currents and voltages in the generator and to control the interface with the grid. The
main task of the back-to-back converters in the rotor circuit is to regulate the active
and reactive power of the induction machine. The converters use pulse width
modulation (PWM) to inject the desired voltages into the rotor circuit.
The generator stator is directly coupled to the grid and this circuit carries most of the
power, typically around 90%. The converter closest to the rotor can inject voltages
to the rotor circuit to control the speed (or slip) and reactive power of the machine.
The converter closest to the grid can act like a STATCOM, controlling reactive
power exchange with the grid. The converters are bi-directional so power can flow
both into and out of the rotor circuit, depending on the speed of the turbine.
The rotor-side converter of a doubly fed induction generator acts as a voltage source
in the rotor circuit. Most publications use the rotor currents as intermediate
variables, which are converted to voltages for injection into the rotor circuit. In some
models, the desired rotor currents may be used directly in the electrical model of the
machine. It has been found that reactive power is directly dependent on the direct
axis component of rotor current and that electromagnetic torque is directly dependent
on the quadrature axis component of rotor current.
Fluctuations in the torque from the wind turbine can exert significant mechanical
stresses on the turbine shaft. Adjusting the electromagnetic torque of the generator
to follow the changes in torque from the turbine can reduce these. The twisting
torque on the shaft is then reduced. However, varying the electromagnetic torque
results in variations in the output power from the generator. Thus, the converters can
reduce the mechanical stresses on the wind turbine or reduce the fluctuations in the
power delivered but there is some conflict between these objectives.
As described in the section on pitch angle control, for a given wind speed, there is an
optimum rotating speed for the wind turbine. The generator’s electromagnetic torque
can be adjusted to bring the turbine to that optimum speed. Thus, turbine speed can
be controlled through two separate means – pitch angle and electromagnetic torque –
and these must be co-ordinated within the control system.
Most publications on the doubly fed induction generator note that electromagnetic
torque is directly dependent on the quadrature axis component of rotor current.
Slootweg et al [9.8] present the following equation, Equation 9.44, as the relationship
between rotor quadrature current and electromagnetic torque.
Te is the electromagnetic torque from the generator
Lm et Lm is the mutual inductance
Te = − iqr
Ls + Lm
Ls is the stator leakage inductance
Equation 9.44 et is the terminal voltage
iqr is the quadrature component of the rotor current
Figure 9.5 shows the resultant electromagnetic torque for changes in VQR and VDR,
representing control action by the rotor-side converter. VDR was held constant at
zero while VQR was varied, and vice-versa. Other parameters were held constant
throughout: VDS=0, VQS=0.99, RS=RR=0.01, LS=LR=0.1, LM=3.0, SLIP=-0.005.
A linear approximation is shown to TELECR as a function of VQR.
This analysis suggests that it should be possible to use VQR directly as the control
variable for electromagnetic torque, rather than using IQR as an intermediate
y = 96.252x + 0.7771
-0.1 -0.08 -0.06 -0.04 -0.02 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1
VQR or VDR (pu)
The use of controllers in determining IQR and VQR varies across publications. In
some [9.8, 9.15], IQR is determined using an algebraic or numerical function of rotor
speed, reflecting the non-linear turbine characteristic. A dynamic component, in the
form of a PI controller, may be introduced in the conversion of rotor current to rotor
voltage. Alternatively [9.9, 9.16], the rotor currents can be the outputs of PI
controllers with rotor speed as inputs. These may then be transformed algebraically
to rotor voltages or passed through another PI dynamic block to produce the rotor
voltages for injection to the machine. Another alternative [9.10] is to use a PI
controller with rotor speed error as the input and electromagnetic torque as the output
then determine rotor quadrature current as a proportional function of electromagnetic
torque. Yet another alternative [9.17] is to use Proportional-Integral-Derivative
controllers with power and reactive power as inputs and the rotor currents as outputs.
Depending on its design, the control system may require inputs of actual and desired
rotor speed, actual and desired electromagnetic torque, and actual and desired rotor
currents and voltages. Speed, voltages and currents can be measured but in real
machines, electromechanical torque must be calculated from other parameters, as it
cannot be measured directly.
desired rotor
rotor + + quadrature
- Controller - Controller
speed current
rotor electromagnetic
speed torque
Rostoen et al [9.16] note that fast control of electric torque (with a small time
constant in the torque control loop) results in oscillations in the torque transmitted
through the shaft when there is a step change in the input torque from the turbine. If
there are mechanical reasons to avoid oscillations in shaft torque then a larger time
constant will help reduce those oscillations. To avoid unnecessary oscillations, the
gain at the resonance frequency of the shaft system should be small.
Torque pulsations from the turbine, perhaps from tower vortex interaction, can be
damped with a large proportional gain constant in the speed control loop. This
makes the electromagnetic torque vary more, thereby tracking the pulsations from
the turbine and reducing the pulsations transmitted in the shaft. However, the
pulsations in electromagnetic torque will also appear in the output power. Thus, in
setting the gain constant in the speed control loop, there is a trade off between
pulsations in the shaft torque and pulsations in the output power.
Most publications on the doubly fed induction generator note that reactive power is
directly dependent on the direct axis component of rotor current. Slootweg et al [9.8]
present the following equation, Equation 9.45, as the relationship between rotor
direct current and reactive power.
Thus, in Slootweg’s model, the rotor direct current is used to control reactive power
in the machine. The direct component of the rotor current is split into two parts:
et2 Equation
idr , mag = − ,
ω s Lm 9.46
The relationship between reactive power and the direct component of rotor voltage,
VDR, can be investigated using the standard equations for induction machines – see
Figure 9.7 shows the resultant real and reactive power for changes in VDR,
representing control action by the rotor-side converter. Other parameters were held
constant: VDS=0, VQS=0.99, VQR=0, RS=RR=0.01, LS=LR=0.1, LM=3.0, SLIP=-
0.005. It can be seen that reactive power varies linearly with VDR.
This analysis suggests that it should be possible to use VDR directly as the control
variable for reactive power, rather than using IDR as an intermediate variable.
Figure 9.7 – Response of power and reactive power to changes in direct axis rotor voltage
P Q Linear (Q)
y = 95.771x - 0.3308
pu P and Q
-0.1 -0.08 -0.06 -0.04 -0.02 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1
As with the IQR/VQR controllers for electromagnetic torque and speed, there are a
variety of controllers for IDR/VDR presented in publications. This covers different
combinations of algebraic and dynamic functions for determining IDR and VDR.
Rostoen et al [9.16] present a very simple PI control system for control of reactive
power; see Figure 9.8. A single PI controller is used to determine IDR, which could
then be transformed, either algebraically or with another PI controller, to VDR for
application to the rotor side converter.
Figure 9.8 – Simple PI control system for reactive power
desired rotor
reactive + quadrature
- Controller
power current
actual reactive
An alternative approach to reactive power and voltage control is to use the grid side
converter like a STATCOM device [9.18]. The rotor side converter can be used to
provide reactive power for magnetisation of the generator. The grid side converter
can then have sole control over reactive power exchange with the grid. In
publications on doubly fed induction generators, this approach is less common than
using only the rotor side converter.
The power electronics have limitations and their reactive power capabilities vary
depending on conditions. Meeting the reactive power requirements may affect other
aspects of the machine’s operation. For example, it has been claimed that operating
at low power factors results in an increase in flicker. This may be because the
voltages and currents required in the converters to produce the desired reactive
power reduce the scope to mitigate fluctuations in torque from the turbine.
Despite efforts by network operators and others over a number of years to have
information made available, wind turbine manufacturers are reluctant to release
details of their controllers, seeing them as valuable intellectual property. This
missing information presented one of the main challenges in modelling wind farms.
The only controller models available were those proposed by university researchers
in publications. For a DNO wishing to develop models and perform studies, the
work done and presented here should prove useful.
particularly to control speed where there can be cascaded control loops for blade
pitch angle, rotor speed and electromagnetic torque.
For example, Tapia et al [9.19] describe a control structure with two cascaded control
loops. Numerous transformations are required between the three-phase
measurements from the machine, the two-phase representations used in the
controllers, and the three-phase voltages injected into the rotor. The details of how
the desired rotor currents are specified for desired values of P and Q are not given.
PI controllers are used to convert the rotor current errors to desired rotor voltages.
Heier [9.2] identifies a number of advanced control methods that may be applied to
wind turbines including fuzzy controllers, self-tuning control systems, system-
oriented controller design, and neural networks. The non-linear nature of a wind
turbine means that parameters can cover a very broad range of values depending on
the status of the turbine [9.20]. It is argued that non-linear control systems are
required to improve control behaviour.
The models developed allow the direct and quadrature components of the rotor
voltage to be varied independently. The models have been set up such that external
controller models can control the rotor voltages. This is possible with the PSS/E
modelling framework, which allows the separate specification of generator,
governor/prime mover, and exciter/automatic voltage regulator (AVR) models. It is
also possible to specify power system stabilisers and other components. These
separate models facilitate the testing of different control strategies with the same,
generic generator model.
The ancillary systems associated with wind farms will affect the dynamic response to
varying degrees. Ancillary systems may influence when machines are tripped off
during disturbances. For example, uninterruptible power supplies may be required to
keep control systems operating. Features such as compensating capacitors will also
affect the dynamic response. Many wind turbines use thyristor soft-start systems to
reduce the impact of induction machine start-up. In general, the modelling
requirements for ancillary systems are likely to vary on a case-by-case basis and are
not dealt with further here.
9.3.7. Protection
At the interface between a wind farm and the wider power network, protection
systems should be designed to comply with the relevant standards. However, the
introduction of very large wind farms may necessitate changes in the approach to
protection. Dynamic simulations with accurate wind turbine models will be required
to determine the most appropriate protection settings. There is scope to incorporate
protection models in dynamic simulations but the action of protection devices may
also be simulated through manually enacting switching events. Network operators
and wind farm operators will work together so that settings grade with network
New requirements for the connection of large wind farms to electricity networks
have been developed. These build on existing, long-standing recommendations for
connecting DG in the UK; Engineering Recommendation G59/1 requires that the
protection systems must be able to detect the following conditions:
• Over and under voltage
• Over and under frequency
• Loss of mains
• Neutral voltage displacement
• Over current
• Earth current
• Reverse power
to determine whether any were appropriate to wind farm protection modelling.
However, it was found necessary to write additional code to provide the functionality
required. A user-developed model of a reverse power relay was produced. It uses
the PSS/E function LINTRP to trip a line when the appropriate reverse power
conditions are met.
Large wind farms cover large areas of land resulting in a significant electrical
network within the wind farm site itself. This may necessitate modelling of the wind
farm electrical network in power systems analysis performed by the operator of the
public system. If the wind farm electrical network is a conventional design then this
should not pose any great challenges, except obtaining data from wind farm
operators. However, large wind farms of the future may utilise unconventional
electrical networks, such as direct current networks. Such designs would have to be
carefully assessed.
To accurately determine the effect of wind farms on the network, and vice-versa, the
electricity network must be represented accurately. Network operators would use
their own data to model portions of their network as necessary.
The network representation used in PSS/E is greatly simplified because the program
is designed to simulate very large networks. This restricts the interaction between
the network and machines and influences the approach to machine modelling.
9.4. Model Validation or Verification
The dynamic models developed in this work were tested and used in a number of
different studies. The sections below present highlights from two case studies.
Fuller results from the studies are presented in Appendix B and Appendix C. The
first examined the equivalence of multiple wind turbine models and a single model to
represent a complete wind farm. The second examined the impact of a high
penetration of wind farms on a distribution network.
The modular approach to modelling a single wind turbine provides flexibility but
from the system operator’s perspective, the response of each individual turbine
matters less than the response of complete wind farms. Thus, aggregate models of
complete wind farms would be preferable. However, there are a number of issues to
be considered, including:
• The presence of multiple, independently-controlled machines
• A non-uniform wind speed pattern across a wind farm
• A substantial electrical network within a large wind farm
The scope for aggregate wind farm models was explored with tests conducted to
study whether a single machine could be used in power system simulation to
represent the multiple machines in a wind farm. The results suggest that from a
wider network perspective, a wind farm with multiple machines may be equally well
represented by a single machine as with multiple machines as long as the wind farm
electrical network is not too large and so places a much higher impedance between
the network and the generators.
This is illustrated in Figure 9.9, which shows an example of the very similar
responses obtained for three different studies using three different representations of
a wind farm:
• Category A studies used a single generator of rating 20MVA
• Category B studies used ten 2MVA generators connected at a single bus
• Category C studies used ten 2MVA generators connected to separate buses in an
electrical network with low impedance lines
Figure 9.9 – Real power in branch 102-103 for the three categories of study set one
a1 b1 c1
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
Differences in response emerged when the impedance of the lines in the wind farm
network itself were increased, i.e. if the wind farm network is bigger and spread over
a larger area. Figure 9.10 shows that bus angle responses A and B behave quite
differently to response C. In A and B, bus angle drops and settles at a new value. In
C, bus angle starts rising but is restored to its initial value when the fault is cleared.
This is due to greater line impedances in the wind farm network. This higher
impedance alters the dynamic relationship between the network and the wind turbine
models. The result is that the turbines are more stable and the bus angle at bus 103
rises then returns to its original value in response C but changes rapidly and shifts to
a new steady state value in responses A and B.
Figure 9.10 – Bus angle at bus 103 for the three categories of study set three
a3 b3 c3
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
Full details of the study and all the results can be found in Appendix B.
In the second case study, tests were conducted to examine the effect of a high
penetration of wind farms on a distribution network. A modified version of a
standard IEEE test network was used and a single model of a doubly fed induction
generator was used to represent each wind farm. Studies were conducted under three
different load conditions and six different wind farm conditions. Two main types of
study were performed: the dynamic response to a line fault; and the dynamic
response to changes in wind power.
The results in Appendix C illustrate some of the possible effects of a high penetration
of wind farms on a distribution network. These include variations in system stability
depending on wind farm output, and voltage fluctuations as a result of changes in
wind power. Some areas for possible further investigation were identified.
The results for the line fault disturbance tests suggest that a high penetration of wind
farms may cause network instability. The example in Figure 9.11 shows how the
smoothness of post-fault recovery worsens as the wind farm outputs are increased.
Ultimately, wind farm outputs of 20MW result in post-fault instability.
Figure 9.11 – Bus 1 voltage for medium load condition and different wind farm conditions
The system only became unstable following a line fault when the wind farms were
operating at full output and all tripped off due to the fault disturbance. The results
illustrate why fault ride-through capabilities were of great interest to network
operators at the beginning of the decade as large numbers of wind farms were
installed. In the simulations performed in this study, the wind farms do little to
support the network and have inadequate fault ride-through performance. In the last
few years the fault ride-through performance of modern turbines has been improved
with changes to the control systems used. The models developed here could be
revised to implement these new control systems as information on their behaviour
becomes available.
The results for the varying input power tests suggest that changes in input power will
result in changes and oscillations in the power output from wind farms, which will
cause shifts and oscillations in network voltages. The grid in-feed to a network with
a high penetration of wind farms must be able to compensate for the variations in
power that result from changes in wind speed.
For example, Figure 9.12 shows how the voltage at bus 30 – far from the swing bus
and with a wind farm connected – varies for the different wind farm scenarios in the
low load condition. The variations in wind farm power are reflected in the bus
voltage. The base level of the voltage at this bus is different for the different wind
farm scenarios; higher wind farm outputs result in higher bus voltages.
Figure 9.12 – Bus 30 voltage for low load condition and different wind farm scenarios (different
MW base levels)
Furthermore, it was shown that the oscillations caused by changes in input power
interfere with one another. The timing of such changes lead to constructive or
destructive interference. A brief supplementary study revealed that unfortunate
timing of changes in input power could lead to significant constructive interference
of waveforms and the exceeding of protection limits. For example, Figure 9.13
shows that with the final ramp in input power delayed by three seconds, there is
constructive rather than destructive interference of the power output waveforms
resulting in oscillations of much greater amplitude. In fact, the additive effects are
enough in scenario d to drive the machine power and rotor current magnitude high
enough that the protection is operated and the machine trips. This issue could be
investigated further. In particular, the damping of the oscillations must be improved,
perhaps through improvements in the control systems.
Figure 9.13 – Bus 30 wind farm output for low load condition and different wind farm scenarios
(different MW base levels) and the adjusted pattern of input power
The results of these simulations, which are presented in full in Appendix C, illustrate
effects that may be experienced on distribution networks with a high penetration of
wind farms. However, as noted above, the models used have not been validated
against real-life systems.
9.6. Review of Chapter
This chapter explained the need for dynamic models of modern wind farms and
described the development of a dynamic model for power system simulation in
PSS/E. The various options available and the associated assumptions and
simplifications were explored to provide a comprehensive statement of the problem.
Models were developed and shown to work effectively in PSS/E. It was
acknowledged that the models require validation to be applied more fully and this
was identified as one of the areas for further work. The principal barrier to model
development was, and remains, the lack of publicly available detailed information on
the behaviour of modern wind turbines, particularly their control systems.
From the experience described in this Chapter, it can be concluded that the
development of models of new technologies is an onerous task. It requires an
understanding of the simulation software being used as well as the physical
characteristics of the device being modelled. Information is likely to be lacking
because new technologies are subject to intellectual property protection. For
example, the control systems on the model were designed rather than representing an
actual piece of plant. There are very many design decisions that can influence the
model in different ways and each decision normally reduces the scope or
applicability of the model. A formal design process was not used in the work
described here. The application of more formal and rigorous methods may lead to
more robust models but is also likely to incur additional costs in time and effort.
Thus, it can be concluded that while new models must be developed to support
analysis of new technologies in future distribution networks, this presents a very
considerable challenge to DNOs. In providing a comprehensive review of the task
and offering a non-proprietary model for others to use in their work, this research
contributes to the general understanding of the dynamic modelling of wind farms.
While the models described here are limited in their scope, being designed for
assessment of power system stability at electromechanical frequencies, and have not
been validated with experimental data, they can still be of value to system planners
as they endeavour to meet the challenges facing them.
The study of aggregate wind farm models suggested that for normal power system
simulation, a single machine could be used to represent a wind farm with multiple
turbines as long as the wind farm electrical network did not place high impedances
between turbines and the grid. This would greatly simplify the modelling
requirements and is in line with the perspective of system operators, who will wish to
view wind farms as single entities.
The study of the effect of a high penetration of wind farms on distribution networks
revealed that the response depended on the wind farm operating conditions. The
wind farms rode through faults when at medium and low power output levels but
became unstable when at full power output. Thus, the results indicated that it was
possible, although unlikely, for large amounts of wind power to trip off under certain
fault conditions and so highlighted the importance of fault ride-through capabilities.
The studies of varying input power highlighted the resultant variations in network
power flows and voltages and suggested that unfortunate timing of input changes
might cause constructive interference of oscillations and lead to instability.
It is understood that modern wind turbines have more advanced control systems and
have addressed some of the potential problems highlighted in this report. However,
while the control systems and detailed information on performance remain a closely
guarded secret, it is difficult for researchers and network operators without access to
this information to perform realistic studies. When information on the actual control
systems is made available, they can be modelled within the PSS/E model framework
established in this research.
9.7. Chapter References
M.Donnelly, S.Papathanassiou, J.A.Pecas Lopes, M.Takasaki, H.Chao,
J.Usaola, R.Lasseter, A.Efthymiadis, K.Karoui, S.Arabi
9.12. Efthymiadis,A.E.; “Report on the Status of Steady State and Transient
Modelling of Double Fed Induction Generators (DFIG)”; British Isles Wind
Technical Panel; November 2001
9.13. Saenz,J.R., Tapia,G., Ostolaza,X., Tapia,A., Criado,R., Berasategui,J.L.;
“Simulation of a wind farm performance under wind speed changes”; 16th
International Conference and Exhibition on Electricity Distribution, CIRED
2001, Amsterdam, The Netherlands; 18 - 21 June 2001
9.14. SP Power Systems Limited, (Dallachy,J.L.); “Transmission Connection
Requirements for Wind Farms – DRAFT”; Issue No.1.8, 04/02/02
9.15. Holdsworth,L., Ekanayake,J., Jenkins,N.; “Steady State and Transient
Behaviour of Induction Generators Connected to Distribution Networks”; IEE-
UMIST Tutorial on Principles and Modelling of Distributed Generators, 4 July
2002, Manchester, UK
9.16. Rostoen,H.O., Undeland,T.M., Gjengedal,T.; “Doubly Fed Induction
Generator in a Wind Turbine”; IEEE Norway Section Workshop on Wind
Power, Oslo, Norway, 17-18 June 2002
9.17. Atkinson,D.J., Lakin,R.A., Jones,R.; “A vector-controlled doubly-fed
induction generator for a variable-speed wind turbine application”;
Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control, vol.19, no.1, 1997,
9.18. Naess,B.I., Undeland,T.M., Gjengedal,T.; “Methods for Reduction of Voltage
Unbalance in weak Grids Connected to Wind Plants”; IEEE Norway Section
Workshop on Wind Power, Oslo, Norway, 17-18 June 2002
9.19. Tapia,A., Tapia,G., Ostolaza,J.X., Saenz,J.R., Criado,R., Berasategui,J.L.;
“Reactive Power Control of a Wind Farm made up with Doubly Fed Induction
Generators (I and II)”; 2001 IEEE Porto Power Tech Conference, 10-13
September 2001, Porto, Portugal
9.20. Chedid,R., Mrad,F., Basma,M.; “Intelligent Control of a Class of Wind Energy
Conversion Systems”; IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, vol.14, no.4,
December 1999, p.1597-1604
10. Conclusions
In the research reported here, it has been shown that there are new challenges in
electricity distribution network planning that mean the conventional approach must
be reviewed and updated to address a number of shortcomings. The expansion of
distributed generation (DG) presents the greatest challenge and must be addressed by
enhancing planners’ capabilities in dealing with it. It has been demonstrated that the
application of methods from other domains can help identify the shortcomings in the
conventional approach and help improve it. This research produced examples using
methods drawn from the domains of engineering design theory, multiple criteria
decision making (MCDM), information management and scenario analysis. In
conjunction with these new methods, the development of dynamic models of wind
farms demonstrated how modelling resources must be expanded to incorporate new
technologies. This is necessary if network planners are to properly understand the
impact on their networks and so design them to accommodate new technologies.
Thus, the thesis of the work has been proven.
In constructing the new model of the conventional approach, engineering design
theory was applied and this helped to identify particular shortcomings in the growing
burden of power system simulation and analysis, limited effectiveness in information
and knowledge management, and a failure to incorporate new technologies as
options in network planning and design.
The conventional approach must change to improve the recording of the rationale
behind decisions and provide more effective management of knowledge. This is
necessary to enhance the productivity of planners and may be accomplished by the
introduction of structured decision making techniques, pre-defined justifications that
planners can re-use, and ex-post use of knowledge modelling methods.
The adoption of structured decision making through the use of a framework such as
that outlined in Chapter 6 would offer benefits to electricity distribution network
planning in the incorporation of new technologies and the recording of rationale.
The formalised collection of information facilitates solution-neutral identification of
issues and options, as is recommended in engineering design theory for the
incorporation of new technologies and development of novel ideas. This would mark
a significant change from the conventional approach, which assumes the use of
conventional solutions. The explicit identification of issues, options and the analysis
used to make decisions supports the recording of rationale, which is important in
enhancing planner productivity and in meeting the need for tractable and transparent
The calculation of alternative cost-benefit ratios, where the benefit or “cost” need not
be expressed in purely financial terms but as a score or some measure that still allows
objective comparison of different options, offers a new perspective on planning
decisions, including a means of evaluating the relative environmental cost of
different options. This is of value to decision makers in a regulatory and social
environment that places ever more emphasis on protection of the environment.
Regulators may wish to enforce the calculation and presentation of such ratios to
ensure that issues that are sometimes peripheral to planning decisions are properly
taken account of.
The analysis of alternative options for expanding the supply to a remote industrial
facility found that grid reinforcement had the highest overall desirability score. It
also presented the best value in terms of the environmental cost / benefit ratio
(defined using non-financial measures). This confirms that despite the excitement
over DG and its growth, conventional grid reinforcement is still an attractive option.
However, the option with the lowest net present cost was found to be the single gas
turbine and the option with the highest benefit / cost ratio was the multiple gas
turbine option. This shows that DG options are valid alternatives that may be the
best option depending on the specific decision criteria being applied in a given
The fair evaluation of DG is subject to the regulatory framework, which may forbid
network operators from owning DG and require complex commercial agreements to
be reached between parties, thereby obscuring the opportunities to find and
implement the least cost or best value solution. This complexity in commercial
agreements presents another new challenge for network operators but it is one that
they should face up to because it will facilitate the exploitation of new resources like
Scenario analysis was identified as the premier method for managing uncertainty and
risk in network planning and handling DG and its growing impact. While driven by
parties separate from the network operator, DG presents particular challenges
because its expansion, in terms of size, location and timing, is very different from
load growth, which is what the conventional approach is focused upon. Of the
methods described for managing uncertainty and risk, scenario analysis was
highlighted as fitting within an MCDM framework and facilitating the flexible
assessment of a range of issues and options. It also supports risk-based analysis
rather than relying on the law of large numbers necessary to validate probabilistic
The top-down forecasts used in the study suggest overall levels of DG that are quite
low but in reality some LV grids will contain much more DG than others. The
penetration level will depend on the suitability of local conditions to DG deployment,
particularly in terms of the weather, the capability of the existing grid, and the nature
of the load customers. It will also depend on the regulatory framework and the
sophistication of commercial agreements between network operators and owners of
DG. The more complexity required in commercial agreements, the greater the
barrier to DG expansion, so vertically integrated utilities, who may have more
flexibility in defining the commercial framework, are in a better position to exploit
the benefits of DG in their networks more quickly.
The expansion of renewables and DG requires new models to support planning and
design of the network. The development of dynamic models of wind farms is one
example of the extensions required in power system simulation to manage the
changes in the electricity system. Models such as these are essential to system
planners as they endeavour to meet the challenges facing them.
The study of aggregate wind farm models suggested that for normal power system
simulation, a single machine could be used to represent a wind farm with multiple
turbines. This would greatly simplify the modelling requirements and is in line with
the perspective of system operators, who will wish to view wind farms as single
entities. The results start to diverge as the wind farm electrical network becomes
large and its high impedance reduces the coupling between the network and
individual machines. This indicates that wind farms spread over very large areas
may not be accurately represented with an aggregate model, although the studies do
not support firm conclusions on the exact size of networks affected. This could be an
area for further work.
The study of the effect of a high penetration of wind farms on distribution networks
revealed that the wind farms rode through faults when at medium and low power
output levels but became unstable when at full power output. Thus, the results
indicated that it was possible for large amounts of wind power to trip off under fault
conditions. This illustrates why fault ride-through capabilities on wind turbines are
so important to system operators wishing to maintain system stability. However, the
probability of instability problems caused by wind power dropping off during a
disturbance is low due to the low probability that the wind farms will actually be
producing close to their maximum output. The studies of varying input power
highlighted the resultant variations in network power flows and voltages and
suggested that unfortunate timing of input changes might cause constructive
interference of oscillations and lead to instability.
It is understood that modern wind turbines have more advanced control systems and
have addressed some of the potential problems highlighted in this report. However,
while the control systems and detailed information on performance remain a closely
guarded secret, it is difficult for researchers and network operators without access to
this information to perform realistic studies. When information on the actual control
systems is made available, they can be modelled within the PSS/E model framework
established in this research.
It was concluded that while new models must be developed to support analysis of
new technologies in future distribution networks, this presents a very considerable
challenge to DNOs. It requires an understanding of the physical characteristics of
the device being modelled, which is obviously difficult for new technologies.
Information is likely to be lacking and there are very many design decisions that can
influence the model in different ways. It also requires a deep understanding of the
simulation software being used. The expertise in modelling and simulation will vary
from DNO to DNO but some of them are likely to require external assistance. This
provides another example of the organisational shortcomings highlighted in Chapter
Appendix A. DG Penetration Survey Results
This appendix details the results of the survey used in the bottom-up assessment of
DG penetration described in section 8.2.3. For each of the LV grid scenarios,
respondents to the questionnaire ranked the DG technologies in terms of which are
most likely to be installed in the scenario conditions by 2010 and by 2020. A
ranking of “1” indicates the technology is most likely to be installed in the associated
grid conditions. Rankings of “2”, “3”, “4”, etc. indicate decreasing likelihood of
technologies being installed. The rankings from different respondents were
combined to calculate average rankings or scores for 2010 and 2020 for each
scenario. These scores, which give an indication of which technologies are
considered most suited to each grid scenario and are most likely to be installed, are
shown in the tables below. Respondents also provided comments to support their
rankings. The comments are summarised in the results shown below.
A.1. Scenario 1. Residential Ring, Germany
Photovoltaics are clearly considered the most likely technology in this scenario.
Reciprocating engines, in CHP or backup power applications, are in second place in
2010 but fuel cells are predicted to catch up by 2020. Domestic CHP systems with
Stirling Engines are considered the next most likely technology to be installed in this
A.2. Scenario 2. Commercial Mesh, Germany
Photovoltaics are clearly considered the most likely technology in this scenario.
Reciprocating engines, in CHP or backup power applications, are in second place.
Small-scale CHP systems with Stirling Engines or fuel cells are considered the next
most likely technology to be installed in this scenario.
A.3. Scenario 3. Mixed Radial, Germany
Photovoltaics are clearly considered the most likely technology in this scenario.
Reciprocating engines, in CHP or backup power applications, are in second place in
2010 but fall behind micro gas turbines and fuel cells in 2020.
A.4. Scenario 4. Urban Meshed, UK
A.5. Scenario 5. Rural, Poland
The renewable power sources – photovoltaics, wind turbines and micro hydro – score
most highly in this scenario although none of them are favoured particularly strongly.
Biogas engines are the next most likely technology to be installed.
A.6. Scenario 6. Urban Link, Poland
A.7. Scenario 7. Urban Radial, France
Photovoltaics are the clear winner in this scenario because of the high solar
irradiation, far ahead of other technologies in both 2010 and 2020. Reciprocating
engines are in second place in 2010, most likely in backup power applications, but
are expected to fall behind micro gas turbines and fuel cells by 2020.
A.8. Scenario 8. Rural, Italy
Photovoltaics again emerge as the clear winner in this scenario. The second highest
ranking in 2010 goes to No DG with reciprocating engines for backup power in third
place. By 2020, it is thought that reciprocating engines and biogas engines will be as
likely as No DG.
A.9. Scenario 9. Urban Radial, Italy
Photovoltaics are ranked most highly in this scenario for both 2010 and 2020.
Reciprocating engines come second in 2010 but are replaced by micro gas turbines in
2020. In both 2010 and 2020, the third ranked option is No DG.
A.10. Scenario 10. Urban Link, Greece
Photovoltaics are ranked highest in 2010 and 2020. In 2010, reciprocating engines
are thought next most likely to be installed. Other technologies all come behind No
DG, which is ranked third. However, by 2020 micro gas turbines are ranked second
and fuel cells third.
A.11. Scenario 11. Rural South Coast, Spain
Photovoltaics are ranked highest in this scenario but are closely followed by wind
turbines. The next highest ranked technology is biogas engines. These rankings
apply in both 2010 and 2020.
A.12. Scenario 12. Rural Link, Netherlands
Wind turbines are the highest ranked technology in this scenario, in both 2010 and
2020. Photovoltaics come second and are closer to wind in 2020 than in 2010.
Biogas engines are ranked third most likely to be installed in both time horizons.
A.13. Scenario 13. Rural Ring, Belgium
This scenario produces exactly the same predictions as scenario 12. Wind turbines
are the highest ranked technology, in both 2010 and 2020. Photovoltaics come
second and are closer to wind in 2020 than in 2010. Biogas engines are ranked third
most likely to be installed in both time horizons.
A.14. Scenario 14. Urban Ring, Denmark
These rankings are based on the general scenario description but it is accepted that
Denmark already has large amounts of what may be considered DG, with many wind
farms and district CHP schemes. In 2010, reciprocating engines are ranked highest
followed by micro gas turbines and photovoltaics. In 2020, micro gas turbines move
into first place, photovoltaics into second, and reciprocating engines drop to be level
with fuel cells.
A.15. Scenario 15. Rural Ring, Austria
Photovoltaics are ranked most highly in this scenario, micro hydro comes second and
biogas engines third. These rankings apply to both 2010 and 2020.
Appendix B. Aggregate Models of a Wind Farm
The models were tested on a simple four-bus network, which was extended to
represent a wind farm network in some studies. The studies were split into three
• Category A studies used a single 20 MVA generator connected at bus 103 as
shown in Figure B.1.
• Category B studies used ten 2 MVA generators connected at bus 103 as shown in
Figure B.2.
• Category C studies included ten additional buses and lines to represent the
electrical network of a wind farm with one 2 MVA generator at each of the extra
buses, as shown in Figure B.3.
As indicated in the figures, the base voltage at all buses was 33kV and all of the main
branches had resistance 0.01pu and reactance 0.05pu. In most category C studies,
the extra lines representing the wind farm network had resistance 0.001pu and
reactance 0.005pu but this was varied in one study, as explained below. System base
was 100 MVA. The load at bus 104 was 50 MW, 20 MVAr in all studies but the
generator outputs were varied in the different studies as explained below.
Figure B.1 – Test network for category A studies
Figure B.3 – Test network for category C studies
Parameter Value
LM 4.0 pu
LS 0.1 pu
LR 0.1 pu
RS 0.005 pu
RR 0.005 pu
HROTOR 3.0 sec
HGEN 0.5 sec
DAMP 0.01
Parameter Value
KDI 0.1
VMRLIM 0.01 pu
IMRLIM 100 pu
In the studies, the machines were given different base MVA values depending on
whether there were multiple machines or a single machine. In studies with ten
machines, each machine was assigned a base of 2MVA. In studies with a single
machine, the machine was assigned a base of 20MVA. However, the same model
parameter values were used in all studies.
In all studies, the generator at bus 101 was modelled using the GENCLS model from
the PSS/E library with zero inertia and zero damping to emulate the response of an
infinite bus.
The simulations were run with a time step of 10ms. All studies involved the same
basic procedure:
• The simulation was run up to 1 second.
• A fault was applied on circuit 2 between buses 102 and 104.
• The simulation was run up to 1.2 seconds.
• Circuit 2 between buses 102 and 104 was tripped.
• The simulation was run up to 10 seconds.
A wide variety of simulation variables were recorded during simulation but the post-
simulation analysis focused on the real and reactive power flowing from bus 103 to
102 and the bus voltage and bus angle at bus 103. These variables were thought to
give the most effective means of comparing the different wind farm representations
from the perspective of the network.
Four sets of three studies were performed; each of the three categories (A, B and C)
being studied under four different conditions.
In study set one, the total output from the wind farm representation at bus 103 was
set to 15 MW and 0 MVAr. In categories B and C the real and reactive power was
divided evenly between the ten machines.
Figure B.4 shows that the three real power responses are very similar. A and B are
exactly the same as one another. Response C shows slight differences in the time
steps immediately following fault clearance.
Figure B.4 – Real power in branch 102-103 for the three categories of study set one
a1 b1 c1
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
Figure B.5 shows that the three reactive power responses are very similar. There are
slight differences in the short-term transient response when the fault is cleared. All
three categories show an oscillation as the controllers try to restore reactive power to
its initial value.
Figure B.5 – Reactive power in branch 102-103 for the three categories of study set one
a1 b1 c1
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
Figure B.6 shows that the three bus voltage responses are very similar. Response C
is slightly different to responses A and B at the point where the fault is cleared and
voltage is restored.
Figure B.6 – Bus voltage at bus 103 for the three categories of study set one
a1 b1 c1
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
Figure B.7 shows that the three bus angle responses are very similar. However, all
three categories display an undesirable shift in bus voltage angle.
Figure B.7 – Bus angle at bus 103 for the three categories of study set one
a1 b1 c1
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
B.2.2. Study Set Two
In study set two, the total output from the wind farm representation at bus 103 was
set to 10 MW and -5 MVAr. In categories B and C the real and reactive power was
divided evenly between the ten machines.
Figure B.8 shows that the three real power responses are very similar.
Figure B.8 – Real power in branch 102-103 for the three categories of study set two
a2 b2 c2
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
Figure B.9 shows that the three reactive power responses are very similar. There are
slight differences in the short-term transient response when the fault is cleared.
Figure B.9 – Reactive power in branch 102-103 for the three categories of study set two
a2 b2 c2
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
Figure B.10 shows that the three bus voltage responses are very similar. Response C
is slightly different to responses A and B at the point where the fault is cleared and
voltage is restored.
Figure B.10 – Bus voltage at bus 103 for the three categories of study set two
a2 b2 c2
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
Figure B.11 shows that the three bus angle responses are very similar. However, all
three categories display an undesirable shift in bus voltage angle.
Figure B.11 – Bus angle at bus 103 for the three categories of study set two
a2 b2 c2
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
In study set three, the total output from the wind farm representation at bus 103 was
set to 15 MW and 5 MVAr. In categories B and C the real and reactive power was
divided evenly between the ten machines. In this study, the line impedances within
the wind farm network in category C were made the same as in the main network, i.e.
R=0.01pu and X=0.05pu.
Figure B.12 shows that the three real power responses are very similar. A and B are
exactly the same as one another. Response C is slightly different in the period
immediately following fault clearance.
Figure B.12 – Real power in branch 102-103 for the three categories of study set three
a3 b3 c3
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
Figure B.13 shows that the three reactive power responses are very similar. There
are slight differences in the short-term transient response when the fault is cleared.
Figure B.13 – Reactive power in branch 102-103 for the three categories of study set three
a3 b3 c3
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
Figure B.14 shows that the three bus voltage responses are very similar. Response C
is slightly different to responses A and B at the point where the fault is cleared and
voltage is restored.
Figure B.14 – Bus voltage at bus 103 for the three categories of study set three
a3 b3 c3
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
Figure B.15 shows that bus angle responses A and B behave quite differently to
response C. In A and B, bus angle drops and settles at a new value. In C, bus angle
starts rising but is restored to its initial value when the fault is cleared. This is due to
the greater line impedances in the wind farm network: R=0.01pu and X=0.05pu
rather than R=0.001pu and X=0.005pu as in the other studies. This higher
impedance alters the dynamic relationship between the network and the wind turbine
models. The result is that the turbines are more stable and the bus angle at bus 103
rises then returns to its original value in response C but changes rapidly and shifts to
a new steady state value in responses A and B.
Figure B.15 – Bus angle at bus 103 for the three categories of study set three
a3 b3 c3
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
In study set four, the total output from the wind farm representation at bus 103 was
set to 10 MW and -5 MVAr as in study set two. However, in categories B and C the
real and reactive power was divided between the ten machines according to the
pattern shown in Table B.3.
Figure B.16 shows that the three real power responses are very similar.
Figure B.16 – Real power in branch 102-103 for the three categories of study set four
a4 b4 c4
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
Figure B.17 shows that the three reactive power responses are very similar. There
are slight differences in the short-term transient response when the fault is cleared.
Figure B.17 – Reactive power in branch 102-103 for the three categories of study set four
a4 b4 c4
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
Figure B.18 shows that the three bus voltage responses are very similar. Response C
is slightly different to responses A and B at the point where the fault is cleared and
voltage is restored.
Figure B.18 – Bus voltage at bus 103 for the three categories of study set four
a4 b4 c4
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
Figure B.19 shows that the three bus angle responses are very similar. However, all
three categories display an undesirable shift in bus voltage.
Figure B.19 – Bus angle at bus 103 for the three categories of study set four
a4 b4 c4
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
Appendix C. The Effects of a High Penetration of Wind Farms
C.1. Methodology for Study of the Effects of a High Penetration of Wind Farms
The tests were conducted using a modified version of the IEEE 30-bus test network.
The network has buses at 132kV and 33kV; there are 21 loads and four conventional
generators. Fifteen wind farms were added, spread across the network. Some
capacitors were also added to provide power factor correction. A diagram of the
network is shown in Figure C.1. Information on network loads is given below.
C.1.2. Test Models
The wind farms were each represented by a model of a doubly fed induction
generator: a second-order electrical machine model with a first-order turbine shaft
model. The equivalence of single and multiple turbine models was demonstrated in
other studies. The machine rotor voltages were controlled by simple PI controllers
with target values of voltage and rotor speed set equal to their initial values.
The tests were conducted using the versions of the different model components
described in Table C.1. Four separate model components allow the different
components to be updated on their own. The four models all sit within the PSS/E
modelling environment and communicate with each other using PSS/E variables.
Table C.1 – Models used in the study of high penetration of wind farms
Model Description
DFIGBB-16 Second-order model of the doubly fed induction generator and
wind turbine shaft
DFIGVC-15 Rotor voltage controllers for the DFIG
DFIGIN-03 Power input controller for the DFIG
DFIGPR-01 Protection system for the DFIG
The doubly fed induction generators and rotor voltage controllers were modelled
with parameters shown in Table C.2 and Table C.3 respectively.
Parameter Value
LM 4.0 pu
LS 0.1 pu
LR 0.1 pu
RS 0.005 pu
RR 0.005 pu
HROTOR 3.0 sec
HGEN 0.5 sec
DAMP 0.01
Table C.3 – Rotor voltage controller parameters
Parameter Value
KDI 0.1
VMRLIM 0.01 pu
IMRLIM 100 pu
For the fault disturbance tests, no power input model was used so power input to the
wind farms was held constant through each simulation. For the power variation tests,
a version of the DFIGIN power input model was used with a pattern of power input
variations as described in Table C.4. This pattern of input power variations was
adjusted for a supplementary set of studies, as explained below.
A protection system model was introduced to model the effect of wind farms tripping
under disturbance conditions. This first version of the protection model only
monitors one condition. If the rotor current magnitude rises too high then the
machine is tripped. After some preliminary studies, the rotor current protection was
set to trip if the magnitude reached 1.5pu. This level was chosen because it results in
some of the wind farms tripping and some of them riding through the line fault
disturbance for most of the wind farm scenarios.
The rotor current protection setting was adjusted to 50pu for a supplementary set of
studies to examine the effect of all wind farms staying connected, as explained
The conventional generator at bus 2, the swing bus, was modelled using the classic
generator model from the PSS/E library (GENCLS). Inertia and damping values
were set to 10 to simulate large grid inertia with considerable damping. The
parameters for the other conventional generators were extracted from typical and
recommended values provided in the PSS/E user manuals. The conventional
generator at bus 1 was modelled using the salient pole generator model from the
PSS/E library (GENSAL), with parameters as shown in Table C.5.
The conventional generators at buses 5 and 8 were modelled using the round rotor
generator model from the PSS/E library (GENROU), with parameters as shown in
Table C.6.
Table C.6 – Round rotor generator parameters
The conventional generators at buses 1, 5 and 8 were modelled with the same
governor and excitation systems. The steam turbine governor, TGOV1, model and
simple excitation system, SEXS, model were used at all three machines with
parameters as shown in Table C.7 in Table C.8.
C.1.3. Test Scenarios
Tests were conducted under three different load conditions and six different wind
farm conditions. The load and wind farm conditions were combined to produce
eighteen test scenarios for each of the test procedures.
Load conditions were varied on the network to produce three scenarios: low (“lo”),
medium (“md”) and high (“hi”). In the low load scenario, all loads were assigned
values 50% of the values on the medium load scenario, for both real and reactive
power. In the high load scenario, all loads were assigned values 150% of the
medium load scenario. The load values for the three load scenarios are shown in
Table C.9.
Bus Low Load Scenario Medium Load Scenario High Load Scenario
P (MW) Q (MVAr) P (MW) Q (MVAr) P (MW) Q (MVAr)
2 10.85 6.35 21.7 12.7 32.55 19.05
3 1.2 0.6 2.4 1.2 3.6 1.8
4 3.8 0.8 7.6 1.6 11.4 2.4
5 47.1 9.5 94.2 19 141.3 28.5
7 11.4 5.45 22.8 10.9 34.2 16.35
8 15 15 30 30 45 45
9 2.9 1 5.8 2 8.7 3
10 5.6 3.75 11.2 7.5 16.8 11.25
11 3.1 0.8 6.2 1.6 9.3 2.4
12 4.1 1.25 8.2 2.5 12.3 3.75
13 1.75 0.9 3.5 1.8 5.25 2.7
14 4.5 2.9 9 5.8 13.5 8.7
15 1.6 0.45 3.2 0.9 4.8 1.35
16 4.75 1.7 9.5 3.4 14.25 5.1
17 1.1 0.35 2.2 0.7 3.3 1.05
18 8.75 5.6 17.5 11.2 26.25 16.8
20 1.6 0.8 3.2 1.6 4.8 2.4
21 4.35 3.35 8.7 6.7 13.05 10.05
23 1.75 1.15 3.5 2.3 5.25 3.45
26 1.2 0.45 2.4 0.9 3.6 1.35
27 5.3 0.95 10.6 1.9 15.9 2.85
Totals 141.7 63.1 283.4 126.2 425.1 189.3
C.1.3.2. Wind Farm Conditions
The wind farm conditions were varied by changing the status and power output of
each wind farm. All fifteen wind farms were set to the same condition. In all
scenarios, the wind farms were specified to operate at unity power factor with
reactive power of zero. The wind farm scenarios were as described in Table C.10.
The output of the conventional generators at buses 1,5 and 8 were set to 100MW in
each simulation. The swing bus made up the balance depending on the loads, wind
farm outputs and network losses. Reactive power varied at each generator depending
on voltage control requirements in each scenario. Reactive power limits for the four
conventional generators were set to ±240MVAr.
For each of the eighteen scenarios (combining three load conditions with six
generator conditions), two separate tests were performed: a line fault disturbance test
and a varying power input test.
The line fault disturbance test was designed to study the effect on network voltages
of the response of a high penetration of wind farms to a significant fault disturbance.
The line fault disturbance test involved:
• running the simulation to one second;
• applying a line fault on line 1-2;
• running the simulation for 200ms with the fault applied;
• tripping the faulted line; and
• running the simulation on to 5 seconds
The simulation was run with a time step of 0.01seconds. Bus voltages were
monitored at every time step.
The varying power input test was designed to assess the effect on the network of a
varying power output from wind farms. Variation in wind farm power was achieved
using the DFIGIN-03 model, as described above. The test involved running a
simulation for 60 seconds.
The simulation was run with a time step of 0.01 seconds. Given the nature of the
test, bus voltages and machine powers were monitored at every ten time steps.
C.2. Results for Study of the Effects of a High Penetration of Wind Farms
For each of the two test procedures, results are presented using plots with some
comments attached. Each plot compares the results for a single load condition and
multiple wind farm outputs or a single wind farm output and multiple load
C.2.1.1. Line Fault Disturbance Test
Figure C.2 – Bus 1 voltage for no wind farms and different load conditions
This plot demonstrates how the network recovers after the line fault under all three
load conditions when there are no wind farms connected.
Figure C.3 – Bus 30 voltage for no wind farms and different load conditions
This plot shows how the voltage at bus 30, far from the fault on line 1-2, does not dip
as low as the voltage at buses closer to the fault and has a satisfactory post-fault
C. 0MW Wind Farm Outputs and Different Load Conditions
Figure C.4 – Bus 1 voltage for 0MW wind farm outputs and different load conditions
This plot demonstrates how the network recovers after the line fault under all three
load conditions when the wind farms are connected. Comparison with Figure C.2
shows that the presence of wind farms does not prevent the voltage at bus 1 dropping
to zero during the fault. Although not evident in the plot, the wind farm at bus 3 trips
as a result of the fault for all three load conditions.
Figure C.5 – Bus 30 voltage for 0MW wind farm outputs and different load conditions
This plot shows how the voltage at bus 30 is maintained close to its target level
throughout the line-fault simulation. Comparison with Figure C.3 shows that the
presence of the wind farms has helped to maintain the voltage at bus 30.
C. 5MW Wind Farm Outputs and Different Load Conditions
Figure C.6 – Bus 1 voltage for 5MW wind farm outputs and different load conditions
This plot demonstrates how the network recovers after the line fault under all three
load conditions when the wind farms are connected and are producing 5MW each.
Comparison with Figure C.2 and Figure C.4 shows that the presence of wind farms
does not prevent the voltage at bus 1 dropping to zero during the fault, even if they
are producing power. Although not evident in the plot, the wind farm at bus 3 trips
as a result of the fault for all three load conditions.
Figure C.7 – Bus 30 voltage for 5MW wind farm outputs and different load conditions
This plot shows how the voltage at bus 30 is maintained close to its target level
throughout the line-fault simulation. Comparison with Figure C.5 shows greater
variation in the bus 30 voltage under the different load conditions when the wind
farms are producing power.
C. 10MW Wind Farm Outputs and Different Load Conditions
Figure C.8 – Bus 1 voltage for 10MW wind farm outputs and different load conditions
This plot demonstrates how the network recovers after the line fault with the wind
farms producing 10MW. Greater power output from the wind farms does not
prevent the voltage at bus 1 dropping to zero during the fault. Comparisons with
previous plots of the bus voltage show more obvious differences between the traces
for the three load conditions. Under the low and medium load conditions, wind
farms at buses 3, 7 and 28 trip as a result of the fault. Under the high load condition,
only the wind farm at bus 3 trips.
Figure C.9 – Bus 30 voltage for 10MW wind farm outputs and different load conditions
This plot shows how the voltage at bus 30 is maintained close to its target level
through the line-fault but then settles slightly below its original value.
C. 15MW Wind Farm Outputs and Different Load Conditions
Figure C.10 – Bus 1 voltage for 15MW wind farm outputs and different load conditions
This plot demonstrates how the network recovers after the line fault with the wind
farms producing 15MW. The post-fault recovery is less smooth than in previous
simulations. The voltage at bus 1 still drops to zero during the fault. Under all three
load conditions, wind farms at buses 3, 7 and 28 trip as a result on the fault.
Figure C.11 – Bus 30 voltage for 15MW wind farm outputs and different load conditions
This plot shows how the voltage at bus 30 is maintained close to its target level
through the line-fault but then settles slightly below its original value.
C. 20MW Wind Farm Outputs and Different Load Conditions
Figure C.12 – Bus 1 voltage for 20MW wind farm outputs and different load conditions
This plot shows how the line fault leads to instability when the wind farms are each
producing 20MW at the time of the fault. With the wind farm machine models
operating at a higher power output level, the line fault causes the rotor current
magnitudes to exceed the limit specified for protection. All 15 wind farms trip for all
three load conditions.
Figure C.13 – Bus 30 voltage for 20MW wind farm outputs and different load conditions
This plot shows how the voltage collapses at bus 30, with small oscillations
established due to the unstable swings of the conventional generators.
C. 20MW Wind Farm Outputs and Different Load Conditions and High
Protection Setting
A further study was performed for wind farm scenario d (20MW) with the protection
setting raised to a level (50pu) that avoids all wind farm trips. This produced a
different set of results, as shown below.
Figure C.14 – Bus 1 voltage for 20MW wind farm outputs and different load conditions with
high protection setting
This plot shows the voltage at bus 1 recovering after the line fault under the high
load condition. Through comparison with Figure C.12 it is clear that it is the tripping
of the wind farms and the loss of their power output that causes instability.
Figure C.15 – Bus 30 voltage for 20MW wind farm outputs and different load conditions with
high protection setting
This plot shows that if the wind farms remain connected through the fault
disturbance then the voltage at buses deep in the network, such as bus 30 shown here,
can be maintained through a fault disturbance.
C. Low Load Condition and Different Wind Farm Conditions
Figure C.16 – Bus 1 voltage for low load condition and different wind farm conditions
This plot shows how the smoothness of post-fault recovery worsens as the wind farm
outputs are increased. Ultimately, wind farm outputs of 20MW result in post-fault
Figure C.17 – Bus 30 voltage for low load condition and different wind farm conditions
This plot shows firstly how the pre-fault voltage at bus 30 is different for each of the
wind farm conditions. The voltage drop during the fault depends on whether wind
farms are connected (no wind farms in scenario x) and whether they stay connected
(all wind farms trip in scenario d). The voltage recovers post-fault for all scenarios
except for scenario d.
C. Medium Load Condition and Different Wind Farm Conditions
Figure C.18 – Bus 1 voltage for medium load condition and different wind farm conditions
This plot shows how the smoothness of post-fault recovery worsens as the wind farm
outputs are increased. Ultimately, wind farm outputs of 20MW result in post-fault
Figure C.19 – Bus 30 voltage for medium load condition and different wind farm conditions
This plot shows firstly how the pre-fault voltage at bus 30 is different for each of the
wind farm conditions. The voltage drop during the fault depends on whether wind
farms are connected (no wind farms in scenario x) and whether they stay connected
(all wind farms trip in scenario d). The voltage recovers post-fault for all scenarios
except for scenario d.
C. High Load Condition and Different Wind Farm Conditions
Figure C.20 – Bus 1 voltage for high load condition and different wind farm conditions
This plot shows how the smoothness of post-fault recovery worsens as the wind farm
outputs are increased. Ultimately, wind farm outputs of 20MW result in post-fault
instability. Comparison with Figure C.16 and Figure C.18 show how in this case, the
response for scenario b is grouped with those of scenarios 0 and a, whereas in the
low and medium load conditions, scenario b is distinct. For all three load conditions,
only the wind farm at bus 3 trips for scenarios 0 and a; scenario c results in trips at
buses 3, 7 and 28; and scenario d results in all the wind farms tripping. For scenario
b, under low and medium load conditions, the wind farms at buses 3, 7 and 28 trip;
but under high load conditions, only the wind farm at bus 3 trips.
Figure C.21 – Bus 30 voltage for high load condition and different wind farm conditions
This plot shows firstly how the pre-fault voltage at bus 30 is different for each of the
wind farm conditions. The voltage drop during the fault depends on whether wind
farms are connected (no wind farms in scenario x) and whether they stay connected
(all wind farms trip in scenario d). The voltage recovers post-fault for all scenarios
except for scenario d.
C.2.1.2. Varying Power Input Test
C. Wind Farm Scenario 0 (0MW Base Level) and Different Load
Figure C.22 – Bus 30 wind farm output for wind farm scenario 0 (0MW base level) and different
load conditions
This plot shows how the output from a wind farm varies over the 60-second
simulation. The abrupt changes in input power defined in the model code become
overshoots and oscillations in the output power from the wind farm.
Figure C.23 – Bus 2 generator output for wind farm scenario 0 (0MW base level) and different
load conditions
This plot shows the output from the generator at the swing bus. Its base level is
different for the different load conditions and the output changes in response to the
changing outputs from the wind farms.
Figure C.24 – Bus 30 voltage for wind farm scenario 0 (0MW base level) and different load
This plot shows how the voltage at bus 30 – far from the swing bus and with a wind
farm connected – varies as the power from the wind farms vary. The variations in
wind farm power are reflected in the bus voltage. The base level of the voltage at
this bus is the same for the low and medium load conditions and different for the
high load condition.
Figure C.25 – Bus 2 voltage for wind farm scenario 0 (0MW base level) and different load
This plot shows how the voltage at bus 2 – the swing bus – varies as the power from
the wind farms vary. The base level of the voltage at this bus is the same for the
different load conditions.
C. Wind Farm Scenario A (5MW Base Level) and Different Load
Figure C.26 – Bus 30 wind farm output for wind farm scenario A (5MW base level) and
different load conditions
This plot shows how the output from the wind farm varies over the 60-second
simulation. The abrupt changes in input power defined in the model code become
overshoots and oscillations in the output power from the wind farm. It is apparent
that the final oscillations at the end of the simulation are slightly less for the lower
load conditions.
Figure C.27 – Bus 2 generator output for wind farm scenario A (5MW base level) and different
load conditions
This plot shows the output from the generator at the swing bus. Its base level is
different for the different load conditions and the output changes in response to the
changing outputs from the wind farms.
Figure C.28 – Bus 30 voltage for wind farm scenario A (5MW base level) and different load
This plot shows how the voltage at bus 30 – far from the swing bus and with a wind
farm connected – varies as the power from the wind farms vary. The variations in
wind farm power are reflected in the bus voltage. The base level of the voltage at
this bus is different for the different load conditions.
Figure C.29 – Bus 2 voltage for wind farm scenario A (5MW base level) and different load
This plot shows how the voltage at bus 2 – the swing bus – varies as the power from
the wind farms vary. The base level of the voltage at this bus is the same for the
different load conditions.
C. Wind Farm Scenario B (10MW Base Level) and Different Load
Figure C.30 – Bus 30 wind farm output for wind farm scenario B (10MW base level) and
different load conditions
This plot shows how the output from the wind farm varies over the 60-second
simulation. The abrupt changes in input power defined in the model code become
overshoots and oscillations in the output power from the wind farm. It is apparent
that the final oscillations at the end of the simulation are slightly less for the lower
load conditions.
Figure C.31 – Bus 2 generator output for wind farm scenario B (10MW base level) and different
load conditions
This plot shows the output from the generator at the swing bus. Its base level is
different for the different load conditions and the output changes in response to the
changing outputs from the wind farms.
Figure C.32 – Bus 30 voltage for wind farm scenario B (10MW base level) and different load
This plot shows how the voltage at bus 30 – far from the swing bus and with a wind
farm connected – varies as the power from the wind farms vary. The variations in
wind farm power are reflected in the bus voltage. The base level of the voltage at
this bus is different for the different load conditions. The voltage varies most for the
high load condition and stays within the narrowest band for the low load condition.
Figure C.33 – Bus 2 voltage for wind farm scenario B (10MW base level) and different load
This plot shows how the voltage at bus 2 – the swing bus – varies as the power from
the wind farms vary. The variations in power from the wind farms and conventional
generators are reflected in the bus voltage. The base level of the voltage at this bus is
the same for the different load conditions.
C. Wind Farm Scenario C (15MW Base Level) and Different Load
Figure C.34 – Bus 30 wind farm output for wind farm scenario C (15MW base level) and
different load conditions
This plot shows how the output from the wind farm varies over the 60-second
simulation. The abrupt changes in input power defined in the model code become
overshoots and oscillations in the output power from the wind farm. It is apparent
that the final oscillations at the end of the simulation are slightly less for the lower
load conditions.
Figure C.35 – Bus 2 generator output for wind farm scenario C (15MW base level) and different
load conditions
This plot shows the output from the generator at the swing bus. Its base level is
different for the different load conditions and the output changes in response to the
changing outputs from the wind farms.
Figure C.36 – Bus 30 voltage for wind farm scenario C (15MW base level) and different load
This plot shows how the voltage at bus 30 – far from the swing bus and with a wind
farm connected – varies as the power from the wind farms vary. The variations in
wind farm power are reflected in the bus voltage. The base level of the voltage at
this bus is different for the different load conditions. The voltage varies most for the
high load condition and stays within the narrowest band for the low load condition.
Figure C.37 – Bus 2 voltage for wind farm scenario C (15MW base level) and different load
This plot shows how the voltage at bus 2 – the swing bus – varies as the power from
the wind farms vary. The variations in power from the wind farms and conventional
generators are reflected in the bus voltage. The base level of the voltage at this bus is
the same for the different load conditions.
C. Wind Farm Scenario D (20MW Base Level) and Different Load
Figure C.38 – Bus 30 wind farm output for wind farm scenario D (20MW base level) and
different load conditions
This plot shows how the output from the wind farm varies over the 60-second
simulation. The abrupt changes in input power defined in the model code become
overshoots and oscillations in the output power from the wind farm. It is apparent
that the final oscillations at the end of the simulation are slightly less for the lower
load conditions.
Wind Farm output starts at 20MW but input is actually higher due to losses in the
machine. Thus, moving the power input to 20MW actually reduces the power
slightly, as can be seen at the start of this simulation.
Figure C.39 – Bus 2 generator output for wind farm scenario D (20MW base level) and different
load conditions
This plot shows the output from the generator at the swing bus. Its base level is
different for the different load conditions and the output changes in response to the
changing outputs from the wind farms.
Figure C.40 – Bus 30 voltage for wind farm scenario D (20MW base level) and different load
This plot shows how the voltage at bus 30 – far from the swing bus and with a wind
farm connected – varies as the power from the wind farms vary. The variations in
wind farm power are reflected in the bus voltage. The base level of the voltage at
this bus is different for the different load conditions. The voltage varies most for the
high load condition and stays within the narrowest band for the low load condition.
Figure C.41 – Bus 2 voltage for wind farm scenario D (20MW base level) and different load
This plot shows how the voltage at bus 2 – the swing bus – varies as the power from
the wind farms vary. The variations in power from the wind farms and conventional
generators are reflected in the bus voltage. The base level of the voltage at this bus is
the same for the different load conditions. The voltage variation is greatest for the
low load condition.
C. Low Load Condition and Different Wind Farm Scenarios
Figure C.42 – Bus 30 wind farm output for low load condition and different wind farm scenarios
(different MW base levels)
This plot shows how the different outputs from the wind farm at bus 30 vary over the
60-second simulations for the low load condition. The abrupt changes in input
power defined in the model code become overshoots and oscillations in the output
power from the wind farm. At the end of the simulation, the oscillations are smallest
for the scenario B wind farm output (10MW).
Figure C.43 – Bus 2 generator output for low load condition and different wind farm scenarios
(different MW base levels)
This plot shows the output from the generator at the swing bus. Its base level is
different for the different wind farm scenarios (different wind farm output base
levels). The output changes in response to the changing outputs from the wind
Figure C.44 – Bus 30 voltage for low load condition and different wind farm scenarios (different
MW base levels)
This plot shows how the voltage at bus 30 – far from the swing bus and with a wind
farm connected – varies for the different wind farm scenarios in the low load
condition. The variations in wind farm power are reflected in the bus voltage. The
base level of the voltage at this bus is different for the different wind farm scenarios;
higher wind farm outputs result in higher bus voltages.
Figure C.45 – Bus 2 voltage for low load condition and different wind farm scenarios (different
MW base levels)
This plot shows how the voltage at bus 2 – the swing bus – varies for the different
wind farm scenarios in the low load condition. The variations in power from the
wind farms and conventional generators are reflected in the bus voltage. The base
level of the voltage at this bus is the same for the different wind farm scenarios.
C. Low Load Condition and Different Wind Farm Scenarios with
Different Power Input Pattern
In the previous section it was noted that the power from a wind farm displayed
oscillations of different amplitudes for different wind farm scenarios. These
differences were thought to be because of interference between the different
oscillations instigated by the different changes in input power. To test this
hypothesis, a further set of studies was conducted for the low load condition with a
slightly different pattern of wind power input changes.
The oscillations appear to have a period of approximately six seconds so the power
input pattern was altered by delaying the final ramp up by three seconds. Thus, the
new power input pattern was as shown in Table C.11.
Figure C.46 – Bus 30 wind farm output for low load condition and different wind farm scenarios
(different MW base levels) and the adjusted pattern of input power
This plot shows that with the final ramp in input power delayed by three seconds,
there is constructive rather than destructive interference of the power output
waveforms resulting in oscillations of much greater amplitude. In fact, the additive
effects are enough in scenario d to drive the machine power and rotor current
magnitude high enough that the protection is operated and the machine trips.
Figure C.47 – Bus 2 generator output for low load condition and different wind farm scenarios
(different MW base levels) and the adjusted pattern of input power
This plot shows how the generator at the swing bus responds to the varying power
from the wind farms and adjusts when wind farms trip in scenario d.
Figure C.48 – Bus 30 voltage for low load condition and different wind farm scenarios (different
MW base levels) and the adjusted pattern of input power
This plot shows how the voltage at bus 30 collapses in scenario d when the wind
farm trips due to excessive rotor current magnitude, which itself is due to
constructive interference between the oscillations instigated by changes in the input
Figure C.49 – Bus 2 voltage for low load condition and different wind farm scenarios (different
MW base levels) and the adjusted pattern of input power
This plot shows how the voltage at bus 2 is affected by the loss of wind farms caused
by the constructive interference of oscillations in power.
C. Medium Load Condition and Different Wind Farm Scenarios
Figure C.50 – Bus 30 wind farm output for medium load condition and different wind farm
scenarios (different MW base levels)
This plot shows how the different outputs from the wind farm at bus 30 vary over the
60-second simulations for the medium load condition. The abrupt changes in input
power defined in the model code become overshoots and oscillations in the output
power from the wind farm. At the end of the simulation, the oscillations are smallest
for the scenario B wind farm output (10MW). This is thought to be because the
oscillations instigated by upward and downward changes in input power cancel each
other out; and scenario B has the best balance of upward and downward changes.
Figure C.51 – Bus 2 generator output for medium load condition and different wind farm
scenarios (different MW base levels)
This plot shows the output from the generator at the swing bus. Its base level is
different for the different wind farm scenarios (different wind farm output base
levels). The output changes in response to the changing outputs from the wind
Figure C.52 – Bus 30 voltage for medium load condition and different wind farm scenarios
(different MW base levels)
This plot shows how the voltage at bus 30 – far from the swing bus and with a wind
farm connected – varies for the different wind farm scenarios in the medium load
condition. The variations in wind farm power are reflected in the bus voltage. The
base level of the voltage at this bus is different for the different wind farm scenarios;
higher wind farm outputs result in higher bus voltages.
Figure C.53 – Bus 2 voltage for medium load condition and different wind farm scenarios
(different MW base levels)
This plot shows how the voltage at bus 2 – the swing bus – varies for the different
wind farm scenarios in the medium load condition. The variations in power from the
wind farms and conventional generators are reflected in the bus voltage. The base
level of the voltage at this bus is the same for the different wind farm scenarios.
C. High Load Condition and Different Wind Farm Scenarios
Figure C.54 – Bus 30 wind farm output for high load condition and different wind farm
scenarios (different MW base levels)
This plot shows how the different outputs from the wind farm at bus 30 vary over the
60-second simulations for the high load condition. The abrupt changes in input
power defined in the model code become overshoots and oscillations in the output
power from the wind farm.
Figure C.55 – Bus 2 generator output for high load condition and different wind farm scenarios
(different MW base levels)
This plot shows the output from the generator at the swing bus. Its base level is
different for the different wind farm scenarios (different wind farm output base
levels). The output changes in response to the changing outputs from the wind
Figure C.56 – Bus 30 voltage for high load condition and different wind farm scenarios
(different MW base levels)
This plot shows how the voltage at bus 30 – far from the swing bus and with a wind
farm connected – varies for the different wind farm scenarios in the high load
condition. The variations in wind farm power are reflected in the bus voltage. The
base level of the voltage at this bus is different for the different wind farm scenarios;
higher wind farm outputs result in higher bus voltages.
Figure C.57 – Bus 2 voltage for high load condition and different wind farm scenarios (different
MW base levels)
This plot shows how the voltage at bus 2 – the swing bus – varies for the different
wind farm scenarios in the high load condition. The variations in power from the
wind farms and conventional generators are reflected in the bus voltage. The base
level of the voltage at this bus is the same for the different wind farm scenarios.