Working Students: Their Benefits, Challenges and Coping Mechanisms
Working Students: Their Benefits, Challenges and Coping Mechanisms
Working Students: Their Benefits, Challenges and Coping Mechanisms
Knowledge necessitates to be obtainable in reliable All of a student's education expenses won’t cover
settings — environment and situations which will working through college. More than 75% of college
generally involve learning. Societal collaboration students for the past 26 years, have worked while
and teamwork are necessary mechanisms of situated joining school, according from the finding of the
learning — students become involved in a new study of Georgetown University's Center on
―community of practice‖ which represents certain Education and the Workforce [7]. The increase of
behaviors and beliefs to be attained. college enrollment and tuition is the primary reason
for the rise of working students.
Collins and Brown highlight the impression of
mental preparation [4]: ―Cognitive apprenticeship Contrary to other study, Wirtz (2013) found out that
maintains learning in a field by enabling students to there is only little evidence in support of students
acquire, advance and practice cognitive tools in working for money than in some social and
authentic domain activity. Learning, both inside and situational factors [8]. Social and situational factors
outside school, advances through collective social were found to be significantly related reasons for
interaction and the social building of knowledge.‖ working. Grades and academic programs were also
significant to working for future education than
Situated learning is correlated to Vygotsky’s idea of gaining experience and workplace skills. Working
education through communal growth. One basis of for money is only one of the many reasons, and not
constructivism is this theory. It proclaims three the main reason.
main subjects regarding, the zone of proximal
development, the more knowledgeable other & The National Center for Education Statistics
social interaction [5]. presented a data which shows that the growth of
college enrollment to 41% is attributed to students
Interaction with the society shows an essential part who ages over 26 from 2012 to 2014 [9]. Students
in the course of intellectual progress. Vygotsky now are nontraditional. There is a handful of
sensed social learning precedes progress. By this secondary pupils who directly go to college." said
trend of thought the researcher finds this theory Oppelt Kim, education specialist.
supportive for working student in the sense that
working students have more social interaction According to Carnevale, Anthony, many college
outside compared to full time college students. students work, but even then they have to take out
debts and loans because of the high expense of
The theory of Vygotsky encourages education college [10]. However, work experience can add to
settings that learners show participation in progress.
4.5. Significant difference in the dominant challenges of the working students for their type of part-
time job.
Table 5. Comparison of the difference in the dominant challenges of the working students for their type of
part-time job.
Sum of df Mean F Sig. Interpretation
Squares Square